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Study of cutting quality for TFT-LCD glass substrateLiu, Chi-sheng 24 August 2006 (has links)
This study is the method of using the mechanical type to cut the substrate of the glass , under the circumstances that the glass surface is cut directly, probably produced 10¡ã20% of the depth of crack that is the thickness of glass, and then pulled the glass and split by mechanical stress , use the ANSYS and finite element method carry on relevant research and compare, survey the perfect cutting parameter to increase the yield in the future.
This study is in order to find out the surface fracture stress distribution status after cutting and take advantage with the finite element method ,and compare with the result of median crack when glass substrate after cutting .It discuss with change parameter of the cutting pressure and Cutting depth ,than to compare with finite element method, it regard as discussing the quality after cutting to reduce the risk of surface defect.
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Development of guidelines for the aesthetic surface treatment of safety-shaped median barriersNess, Jacob Raymond 15 November 2004 (has links)
Safety-shaped median barriers have long been employed to keep misguided vehicles on the roadway. In recent years there has been a growing national desire for more aesthetically pleasing roadside safety systems. Adding surface texture is one of the most popular ways to make a more aesthetically pleasing barrier. This practice of adding surface texture can potentially reduce the safety performance of the barrier.
The purpose of this research was to develop guidelines for the aesthetic surface treatment of safety-shaped median barriers. Numerical simulation was utilized to develop these guidelines. This was done by first validating the vehicle model that was used in this research, which was the National Crash Analysis Center (NCAC) 2000P Detailed Pickup Truck model. The validity of the vehicle model could be determined by comparing the vehicle dynamics of the simulation to the actual crash test data for the smooth surfaced Single Slope and New Jersey Safety-Shaped barriers. Crash tests involving concrete median barriers most commonly fail crash testing criteria given by the National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Report 350 by excessive Occupant Compartment Deformation (OCD). OCD is excessive deformation of the occupant compartment that would cause severe harm to the occupant. Current simulation vehicle models do not give reliable direct measurement of OCD. To take the place of direct measurement, several parameters were measured to find the best surrogate measure of OCD. The internal energy of the floorboard in the NCAC 2000P Detailed Pickup Truck model gave the best correlation to OCD. By simulating several different past crash tests with passing and failing OCD, limits of internal energy in the floorboard could determine if a simulation had passing, marginal, or failing amounts of OCD.
Using the surrogate measure of OCD a parametric study was then evaluated by NCHRP Report 350 standards. The parametric study of 29 simulations varied width and depth of recess between asperities for two different angles of asperities. Guidelines were determined for the 45? and 90? angles of asperities as a curve on depth vs. width of recess between asperities from the results of this parametric study.
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The Strategies of Campaign Literature in Single-Member Districts¡X¡X The Case Study of the 7th Legislator Election in Kaohsiung CityTsai, Ching-hsuan 04 February 2010 (has links)
In this paper we discuss the electoral behavior of the 7th Legislator Election in single-member districts. The system impacted the election essentially. According to Median Voter Theorem by Anthony Downs, the candidates become imperious to look for support from the median voters rather than the partisans. And the candidates manipulate the elections with moderate campaign strategies. Base on Downs¡¦ theory, in this paper we extended the analysis by considering conditions such as the properties of electoral districts and candidates¡¦ status to clarify the electoral behavior in the election.
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Priesagų morfonologinė struktūra / The morphonological structure of suffixesJaskūnaitė, Neringa 20 June 2005 (has links)
The objective of the thesis is to synchronically analyze the morphological structure of noun suffixes: analyze phonemes distribution and demonstrate their joining possibilities and limits in noun suffixes.
The structure of morphemes is the least analyzed part of morphology. Linguists have mostly analyzed morphologic alteration of phonemes (vowel alteration, metathesis, consonant alteration). More comprehensive analyses of the phonetic structure of the root of the word of modern Lithuanian have not been performed till today. Affixes have not been analyzed at all.
This is the first attempt aiming to show the structural peculiarities of Lithuanian noun suffixes. The thesis sets the following tasks:
a) To identify and define the noun suffixes phonemic component parts and their relations.
b) To identify structural models and productivity of noun suffixes.
c) To calculate statistic characteristics of phonemes used in noun suffixes.
The noun suffix nr. 571 has been selected to serve as an empiric material from “Lithuanian Grammar” volume 1 (LKG, 1965, p.251-423) by Vincas Urbutis chapters on composition of the noun. The thesis follows the defined limits of suffixes in V. Urbutis grammar. International words have been completely disregarded.
While analyzing the structure of noun suffix, the analyzed suffixes are divided into 3 groups for convenience and clarity: monosyllabic, polysyllabic and non-syllabic suffixes. Each group is analyzed separately. The following components are... [to full text]
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Histogram and median queries in wireless sensor networksAmmar, Khaled A. Unknown Date
No description available.
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Optimization of maintenance systemAndersson, Matilda, Wandfelt, Fredrik January 2013 (has links)
This report presents an optimization of the allocation of maintenance resources for Air Navigation Service (ANS) equipment of which LFV is responsible for the maintenance. The purpose the authors have worked after is to research ways of minimizing travelling time linked to maintenance visits for ANS equipment, this report includes the suggestions where the maintenance facilities should be placed in order to minimize the total travelling time. The report describes the problem background and presents the customer, LFV. It includes a chapter on some of the theories used for facility location and routing, and also presents methods for reducing the total travelling time used for maintenance visits annually. The authors have worked with a given set of airports in Sweden. Information about the general work with maintenance as well as the annual demand of maintenance, including the frequency of visits, for each airport included in this project was received by Pär Oberger, the task expert and contact at LFV for this report. A model for facility location based on the p-median model have been created and used when solving the problem, it was written in AMPL and solved with the CPLEX solver. The model was modified with two additional constraints regulating the minimum annual working time and the maximum distance for one-way travelling. The authors deems that a solution with five facilities is better since the benefit of additional facilities, in term of lower total distance, do not compensate for the assumed cost of establishing them.
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Development of a decision support tool for evaluation of road assistance vehicle locations / Utveckling av ett beslutstödsverktyg för utvärdering av VägAssistansfordonsplaceringarAndersson, Erica, Håkansson, Emelie January 2015 (has links)
Förväntningarna på en väl fungerande trafiksituation med få stopp på vägarna är idag höga i Sverige. Befolkningsmängden i Stockholm ökar ständigt vilket innebär en ökad reseefterfrågan som bidrar till ett högt belastat vägnät. Vägar i storstadsmiljö med hårt belastad trafik är känsliga för minsta störning eftersom det kan innebära en stor påverkan på hela nätverket och på så sätt beröra ett stort antal trafikanter. För att minimera störningar i vägnätet bedriver Trafik Stockholm som en del av deras arbete verksamheten VägAssistans. VägAssistans är ett användbart verktyg för att snabbt lösa störningar i vägnätet och behålla en god trafikmiljö på vägarna. Ur ett samhällsekonomiskt perspektiv är det viktigt att VägAssistansfordonen placeras så att fordonet är snabbt på plats vid en händelse för att minimera störningar i nätverket. För detta krävs korta inställelsetider till områden där hög frekvens av händelser förekommer. Dessutom är det även viktigt att fordonen placera så att samtliga vägar i nätverket kan nås inom en rimlig körtid. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att utveckla ett beslutstödsverktyg för utvärdering av VägAssistansfordonsplaceringar. Syftet innefattar även att för beslutstödsverktyget utveckla en efterfrågemodell för prognostisering av framtida händelser, en körtidsmodell för att generera körtider i nätverket samt att ta fram intressanta effektivitetsmått för utvärdering och jämförelse av olika fordonplaceringar. Beslutstödsverktyget som utvecklas i detta projekt anses vara till stor nytta för Trafik Stockholm vid utvärdering av Vägassistansfordonsplaceringar i Stockholm. Dessa utvärderingar kan användas som stöd för att strategiskt placera VägAssistansfordonen så att händelser servas snabbt för att minimera störningen i nätverket som händelsen ger upphov till. En snabbare servad händelse innebär att antalet berörda trafikanter minimeras vilket leder till en minskad samhällskostnad.
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Monotonicity and Manipulability of Ordinal and Cardinal Social Choice FunctionsJanuary 2010 (has links)
abstract: Borda's social choice method and Condorcet's social choice method are shown to satisfy different monotonicities and it is shown that it is impossible for any social choice method to satisfy them both. Results of a Monte Carlo simulation are presented which estimate the probability of each of the following social choice methods being manipulable: plurality (first past the post), Borda count, instant runoff, Kemeny-Young, Schulze, and majority Borda. The Kemeny-Young and Schulze methods exhibit the strongest resistance to random manipulability. Two variations of the majority judgment method, with different tie-breaking rules, are compared for continuity. A new variation is proposed which minimizes discontinuity. A framework for social choice methods based on grades is presented. It is based on the Balinski-Laraki framework, but doesn't require aggregation functions to be strictly monotone. By relaxing this restriction, strategy-proof aggregation functions can better handle a polarized electorate, can give a societal grade closer to the input grades, and can partially avoid certain voting paradoxes. A new cardinal voting method, called the linear median is presented, and is shown to have several very valuable properties. Range voting, the majority judgment, and the linear median are also simulated to compare their manipulability against that of the ordinal methods. / Dissertation/Thesis / Ph.D. Mathematics 2010
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Geocomputational Approaches to Improve Problem Solution in Spatial Optimization: A Case Study of the p-Median ProblemMu, Wangshu, Mu, Wangshu January 2018 (has links)
The p-Median problem (PMP) is one of the most widely applied location problems in urban and regional planning to support spatial decision-making. As an NP-hard problem, the PMP remains challenging to solve optimally, especially for large-sized problems. This research focuses on developing geocomputational approaches to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of solving the PMP. This research also examines existing PMP methods applied to choropleth mapping and proposes a new approach to address issues associated with uncertainty.
Chapter 2 introduces a new algorithm that solves the PMP more effectively. In this chapter, a method called the spatial-knowledge enhanced Teitz and Bart heuristic (STB) is proposed to improve the classic Teitz and Bart (TB) heuristic.. The STB heuristic prioritizes candidate facility sites to be examined in the solution set based on the spatial distribution of demand and candidate facility sites. Tests based on a range of PMPs demonstrate the effectiveness of the STB heuristic.
Chapter 3 provides a high performance computing (HPC) based heuristic, Random Sampling and Spatial Voting (RSSV), to solve large PMPs. Instead of solving a large-sized PMP directly, RSSV solves multiple sub-PMPs with each sub-PMP containing a subset of facility and demand sites. Combining all the sub-PMP solutions, a spatial voting strategy is introduced to select candidate facility sites to construct a PMP for obtaining the final problem solution. The RSSV algorithm is well-suited to the parallel structure of the HPC platform. Tests with the BIRCH dataset show that RSSV provides high-quality solutions and reduces computing time significantly. Tests also demonstrate the dynamic scalability of the algorithm; it can start with a small amount of computing resources and scale up or down when the availability of computing resources changes.
Chapter 4 provides a new classification scheme to draw choropleth maps when data contain uncertainty. Considering that units in the same class on a choropleth map are assigned the same color or pattern, the new approach assumes the existence of a representative value for each class. A maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) based approach is developed to determine class breaks so that the overall within-class deviation is minimized while considering uncertainty. Different methods, including mixed integer programming, dynamic programming, and an interchange heuristic, are developed to solve the new classification problem. The proposed mapping approach is then applied to map two American Community Survey datasets. The effectiveness of the new approach is demonstrated, and the linkage of the approach with the PMP method and the Jenks Natural Breaks is discussed.
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Using OpenCL to Implement Median Filtering and RSA Algorithms : Two GPGPU Application Case Studies / Att använda OpenCL för att implementera median filtrering och RSA algoritmer : Två tekniska fallstudier inom GPGPUGillsjö, Lukas January 2015 (has links)
Graphics Processing Units (GPU) and their development tools have advanced recently, and industry has become more interested in using them. Among several development frameworks for GPU(s), OpenCL provides a programming environment to write portable code that can run in parallel. This report describes two case studies of algorithm implementations in OpenCL. The first algorithm is Median Filtering which is a widely used image processing algorithm. The other algorithm is RSA which is a popular algorithm used in encryption. The CPU and GPU implementations of these algorithms are compared in method and speed. The GPU implementations are also evaluated by efficiency, stability, scalability and portability. We find that the GPU implementations perform better overall with some exceptions. We see that a pure GPU solution is not always the best and that a hybrid solution with both CPU and GPU may be to prefer in some cases.
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