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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modellierung - Simulation des Plasma-Schweißens zur Entwicklung innovativer Schweißbrenner / Modeling and simulation of plasma welding for the development of innovative welding torches

Alaluss, Khaled, Mayr, Peter 06 June 2017 (has links) (PDF)
- An Plasmaschweißbrennern treten starke thermomechanische Beanspruchungen aufgrund der ablaufenden thermophysikalischen Teilprozesse auf. Diese können durch funktionsgerechte werkstoffliche, konstruktive und fertigungstechnische Brennergestaltung bewerkstelligt und die Thermobilanz und Lebensdauer der Brenner verbessert werden. - Anhand des entwickelten strömungs-thermomechanischen/magneto-hydro-dynamischen Simulationsmodells wurden werkstofflich-konstruktive Lösungsansätze für Entwicklung von physikalischen Prozesswirkprinzipien der betrachteten Plasma-Schweißprozessvarianten erarbeitet. - Differente Einflussgrößen des Plasmaschweißprozesses wurden erfasst, analysiert und ihre Wirkung auf Prozessverhalten und Brennerkonstruktion ermittelt. - Die damit gewonnenen Erkenntnisse wurden für werkstoffliche, technisch-konstruktive Brennerentwicklung bzgl. der Ausführungsgeometrien, Prozessgaszuführung und Brennerkühlung genutzt.

"The War Comes First": Lt. Col. Francis Carroll Grevemberg and the Development of a World War II Antiaircraft Artillery Officer

Janous, Robert 14 May 2010 (has links)
This thesis deals with the life and career and intimate life of Francis Carroll Grevemberg, an antiaircraft World War II officer from New Orleans, Louisiana. Grevemberg joined the Louisiana National Guard in 1932 and began his military career in the midst of the Great Depression. In the reorganization of the U.S. Army before World War II, the War Department transformed Grevemberg's cavalry regiment into a coastal artillery battalion with antiaircraft capability. During World War II, Grevemberg saw continuous action in the North Africa, Italy and Southern France. He regularly wrote letters from battlefields to his wife Dorothy. These letters provide a important window into a young officer's feelings, thoughts and affection in the unfolding of World War II. They are documents of a soldier's emotional release during times of crises. Lt. Col. Grevemberg is a rare, World War II antiaircraft artillery officer who took part and survived five amphibious landings in the Mediterranean.

A detector for charged particle identification in the forward region of SuperB / Un détecteur pour l’identification des particules chargées dans la région avant de SuperB

Burmistrov, Leonid 09 December 2011 (has links)
Dans cette thèse nous présentons la conception, l'étude des performances et les premiers tests, effectues au Cosmic Muon Telescope situe au SLAC, d'un nouveau détecteur d'identification des particules émises dans la région ''avant'' du détecteur SuperB.Ce détecteur est base une technique de temps de vol (TOF). Pour identifier les particules avec une impulsion jusqu'à 3GeV/c et une distance de vol de l'ordre de deux mètres nous avons besoin d'un détecteur TOF capable de mesurer le temps avec une précision typique de 30 ps. Pour atteindre cet objectif nous avons conçu un composant pour lequel le passage d'une particule chargée produit de la lumière Cherenkov dans un ''fused silica'' (quartz) radiator qui est ensuite détectée par des photodétecteurs tres rapides et une électronique rapide dédiée. Nous l'appelons détecteur DIRC-like TOF.Les photodétecteurs HAMAMATSU SL-10 MCP-PMT ont été caractérises sur faisceau de test au LAL et la résolution en temps d'environ 37 ps a été mesurée. La nouvelle électronique 16-canaux USB WaveCatcher développée au LAL(CNRS/IN2P3) et CEA/IRFU montre un jitter de moins de 10 ps. La géometrie du détecteur a quartz a été étudiée avec une attention particulière a l'aide d'une simulation Geant4. Celle-ci montre que la meilleure géométrie permet d'atteindre une résolution en temps d'environ 90 ps par photoélectron avec au moins 10 photoélectrons détectés, donnant en moyenne la résolution totale désirée de 30 ps.Nous avons construit un prototype d'un tel composant, utilisant les barres de quartz utilisées pour l'expérience Babar et nous l'avons installe dans le Cosmic Ray Telescope au SLAC. Une résolution en temps d'environ 70~ps par photoélectron a été obtenue, en accord avec la simulation.Cette preuve de principe a convaincu la Collaboration SuperB d'adopter un tel composant comme solution de base pour l'identification des particules émises vers l'avant dans SuperB. Le point délicat, encore ouvert, est celui de la résistance de ce détecteur aux bruits de fond de la machine.Dans cette thèse nous présentons aussi les études préliminaires de différents types de bruit de fond et leur effet sur les performances du détecteur DIRC-like TOF. Le processus Bhabha radiatif est de loin la source dominante de bruit de fond. Le taux de photoélectrons de bruit de fond principalement du aux gammas d'énergie d'environ 1.4 MeV est estimée a ~480 kHz/cm^2 ce qui correspond a 2 C/cm^2 de charge d'anode integrée sur 5 ans. Le flux de neutrons traversant l'électronique de front end du détecteur DIRC-like TOF est estimée a ~10^11/cm^2/year. Ces résultats préliminaires sont rassurants. / In this thesis, we present the conception, the performances studies and the first tests in the Cosmic Muon Telescope situated at SLAC of a new detector for the particle identification in the forward region of the SuperB detector.This detector is based on time-of-flight (TOF) technique. To identify the particles with momentum up to 3 GeV/c and flight base around two meters we need a TOF detector able to measure the time with a precision of about 30 ps. To achieve this goal we have conceived a device producing Cherenkov light in a fused silica (quartz) radiator, by a charged particle, which then detected with very fast photodetectors and dedicated ultrafast electronics. We call it, the DIRC-like TOF detector.For what concern the photodetectors, the HAMAMATSU SL-10 MCP-PMT has been characterized at LAL test bunch and the time resolution of about 37 ps has been measured. The new 16-channel USB WaveCatcher electronics developed by LAL (CNRS/IN2P3) and CEA/IRFU has shown to have a jitter of less than 10 ps. The geometry of the quartz detector has been then carefully studied with Geant4 simulation. Which shows that the best detector geometry allow to reach the time resolution of about 90 ps per photoelectron with at least 10 photoelectrons detected, giving in average the desired 30 ps total time resolution.We have constructed a prototype of such device, using the quartz bars available from the Babar experiment, and we have installed it, in the SLAC Cosmic Ray Telescope. A time resolution of about 70 ps per photoelectron was obtained, in agreement with simulation.This proof-of-principle has convinced the SuperB Collaboration to adopt such a device as the baseline for the SuperB particle identification detector in the forward region. The delicate point which is still opened is the resistance of this detector to the machine background.In this thesis we also present preliminary studies of different types of background and their effect on the performances of the DIRC-like TOF detector. Radiative Bhabha process is by far the dominant source of background. The rate of the background photoelectrons caused mainly by the gammas with energy around 1.4 MeV is estimated to be ~480 kHz/cm^2 which corresponds to 2 C/cm^2 of integrated anode charge in 5 years. The neutron flux thought the DIRC-like TOF front end electronics is ~10^11/cm^2/year. These preliminary results are reassuring.

Estudo do comportamento do escoamento em tochas de plasma térmico através de simulação numérica. / Study of the flow behavior in thermal plasma torches through numerical simulation.

Felipini, Celso Luiz 24 February 2015 (has links)
Esta tese apresenta um modelo matemático para simulação numérica do escoamento com turbilhonamento (swirl) em tochas de plasma térmico de arco não transferido que operam em corrente contínua, assim como os resultados obtidos com as simulações para estudo de casos. O modelo magneto-hidrodinâmico (modelo MHD) bidimensional permitiu simular a interação entre o escoamento e o arco elétrico usando uma configuração axissimétrica, que abrange as seguintes regiões: entrada do gás; interior da tocha; jato de plasma livre no ambiente. O modelo foi implementado num código numérico baseado no Método dos Volumes Finitos para a solução numérica das equações governantes. Para os estudos foram simulados casos com diferentes condições operacionais (vazão de gás; intensidade de corrente elétrica; gases plasmogênicos: ar e argônio; intensidade de turbilhonamento). A fim de verificar a qualidade do modelo, alguns resultados foram comparados com a literatura e apresentaram boa concordância: a maior diferença obtida entre valores de temperatura experimentais e valores calculados foi -10%, e a média das diferenças obtidas nas comparações foi de aproximadamente ±3,2%. Os perfis de temperatura e de velocidade obtidos para a região do arco e para o jato de plasma resultante permitiram o estudo do comportamento do escoamento na tocha de plasma em diferentes condições. Conclui-se que o modelo desenvolvido é apto à realização de investigações numéricas do escoamento em tochas de plasma e dos efeitos do turbilhonamento na interação arco/escoamento. / This thesis presents a mathematical model for numerical simulation of swirling flow in DC non-transferred arc thermal plasma torches, as well as the results obtained from simulations to case studies. The two-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic model (MHD model) allowed simulate the interaction between the flow and the electric arc using an axisymmetric configuration, covering the following areas: gas inlet; inside the torch; free jet of plasma in the environment. The model was implemented in a computer code based on the Finite Volume Method (FVM) to enable the numerical solution of the governing equations. For the study, cases were simulated with different operating conditions (gas flow rate; electric current intensity; plasmogenic gases: air and argon; swirl intensity). In order to verify the quality of the model, some results were compared with the literature and showed good agreement: the biggest difference between experimental temperature values and calculated values was 10%, and the average of the differences obtained in the comparisons was approximately ±3.2%. The resulting profiles of temperature and velocity obtained for the region of the arc and the plasma jet allowed the study of the flow behavior in the plasma torch in different conditions. It is concluded that the model developed is able to carry out numerical investigations of the flow in plasma torches and the effects of swirl in the interaction arc/flow.

"Jetzt kann ich diesem nur sagen, daβ ich schweige": Über die dramatische Gestaltung des Schweigens in Karl Kraus' Drama Die letzten Tage der Menschheit

Flicker, André 30 August 2018 (has links)
English: In this thesis I examine the concept of satirical silence as the compositional principle of Karl Kraus’s drama Die letzten Tage der Menschheit to demonstrate the ways in which the features of modern satire introduce the recipient to the construction of its critique. In Kraus’s drama, silence manifests itself twofold: as a reaction to the First World War and as the only remaining form of satire in the context of public war-euphoria and the widespread use of the press and war-coverage as propaganda tools. From the interruption of Kraus’s periodical Die Fackel at the beginning of the war to the satirical treatment of the homefront in his drama, Kraus’s silence represents a performance of imposed powerlessness. By approaching Kraus’s drama with Walter Benjamin’s concept of storytelling, I analyze satirical silence as an appropriate aesthetic response to the prevailing social conditions and thus to the changing character of the public sphere in modern society. Benjamin’s concept of storytelling and his description of incommunicability as a characteristic of post-war society are at the center of my analysis of modern satire as a reception-based literary practice. Given that satire is a social conversation practice between satirist and recipient, I argue that Kraus’s use of drama as a medium for reprocessing the First World War is built upon the ability of the dramatic form to show how silence emerges as the result of a break between the conversation partners of satire. German: In dieser Arbeit beschreibe ich das Konzept des satirischen Schweigens als Gestaltungsform von Karl Kraus’ Drama Die letzten Tage der Menschheit, um hierin die Züge der modernen Satire in der Hinwendung zum Rezipienten zur Formulierung der satirischen Kritik zu erweisen. Das Schweigen manifestiert sich in Kraus’ Drama sowohl als Reaktion gegenüber dem Ausbruch des Ersten Weltkrieges, wie auch als die einzig verbleibende Gestaltungsform der Satire angesichts des Verlusts ihres Publikums an den Kriegsenthusiasmus und die propagandistisch gestimmte mediale Berichterstattung. Von der Unterbrechung der Publikation seiner Zeitschrift Die Fackel zu Beginn des Krieges hin zur Dokumentation der Heimatfront in seinem Drama bekundet das Schweigen des Satirikers eine Ausdruckskraft in der erzwungenen Ausdruckslosigkeit. Mit Walter Benjamins Konzept des Erzählens analysiere ich das satirische Schweigen als angemessene ästhetische Reaktion auf die gesellschaftlichen Gegebenheiten und somit veränderten Umstände der öffentlichen Rezeption in der modernen Gesellschaft. Benjamins Konzept des Erzählens sowie seine Beschreibung der Unmitteilbarkeit der Nachkriegsgesellschaft bilden die theoretische Fundierung meiner Analyse der modernen Satire als rezeptionsästhetische Kategorie. Ausgehend von dem Verständnis der Satire als ein soziales Gespräch zwischen Satiriker und Rezipient, sehe ich Kraus’ Zuwendung zum Drama als Medium der Aufarbeitung des Ersten Weltkrieges in dem dramatischen Vermögen begründet, das Schweigen als Bruch der Gesprächsteilnehmer, als Bruch der Beziehung von Satire und Öffentlichkeit zu dialogisieren. / Graduate / 2020-09-25

Etude de la projection plasma sous très faible pression - torches et procédé de dépôt / Study of thermal spray for plasma torch under cery low pressure

Zhu, Lin 06 December 2011 (has links)
Au cours de la dernière décennie, la technologie de projection à la torche à plasmasous très faible pression (VLPPS) (inférieure à 10 mbar) a attiré l’attention denombreux chercheurs car ce procédé permet d’envisager la possibilité de réaliser desdépôts de structure voisine de celle des dépôts en phase vapeur avec une cinétiqueproche de celle de la projection thermique classique. Cette technologie vise donc àévaporer totalement ou partiellement des poudres afin de déposer des revêtementsdenses avec une structure colonnaire ou mixte.Le travail effectué dans cette étude à consisté à étudier et à développer des moyenspour assurer la fusion et l’évaporation de matériaux céramiques en vue d’élaborer desrevêtements de haute qualité et à caractériser les propriétés de ces revêtements.Dans une première approche des dépôts denses et homogènes de zircone stabilisée àl’yttrine (YSZ) ont été obtenus sur un substrat « inox » en utilisant des torches àplasma « classiques » de type F100 et F4 sous très faible pression (1 mbar) en utilisantde façon originale un principe d’injection axiale via l’alimentation en gazplasmagènes. Un spectromètre d’émission optique a été utilisé pour analyser lespropriétés du jet de plasma et notamment apprécier le taux d’évaporation du matériau.La composition et la microstructure des dépôts ont été caractérisées par diffraction desrayons X et microscopie électronique à balayage. Les résultats ont montré que lapoudre YSZ a été partiellement évaporée et que les dépôts obtenus disposent d’unemicrostructure hybride composée de « splats » formés par des particules fondues etune « matrice » (en faible quantité) résultant de la condensation de vapeurs provenantde l’évaporation des particules surchauffées.Afin de tenter d’augmenter le taux de vaporisation, l’anode de la torche F100 a étéallongée et un dispositif d’arc transféré complémentaire a été réalisé afin d’éleverl’énergie du jet de plasma et de favoriser l’échange thermique. Les effets de cedispositif sur les propriétés du jet de plasma ont été évalués par spectrométried’émission optique et calcul de la température électronique. Des dépôts de YSZ etd’alumine (Al2O3) ont été élaborés à la pression de 1 mbar. Les dépôts de YSZ ontaffiché une microstructure hybride similaire à celle obtenue précédemment alors quepour les dépôts d’alumine, seul un dépôt lamellaire « classique » a été observé. Lacapacité d’évaporation est donc restée limitée. La microstructure, les propriétésmécaniques et les propriétés de résistance aux chocs thermiques des dépôts de YSZont été étudiées plus en détail et comparées avec celle de dépôts réalisés dans desconditions plus classiques. Une tenue améliorée en termes de résistance aux cyclagesthermiques a notamment été observée.Afin de répondre aux attentes en matière de niveau de densité de puissance du jet lelaboratoire s’est équipé d’une une nouvelle torche à plasma tri-cathode expérimentaleélaborée par la société AMT. Cette torche a été modélisée et testée dans un premiertemps en conditions atmosphériques, révélant une limitation importante du rendementde projection. A partir de ces premiers résultats expérimentaux une nouvellegéométrie de buse a été proposée afin d’améliorer le rendement de projection. Il aalors été constaté que le rendement de la projection avait été considérablementaugmenté par cette modification et que la microstructure du dépôt était également plusfavorable. Ce travail devra maintenant se poursuivre par l’intégration de cette torche dans l’enceinte sous pression réduite. / During the last decade, very low pressure plasma spraying (VLPPS) technology(below 10 mbar) attracted attention because it could allow to produce coatings with astructure similar to that of vapor deposited materials (PVD) with kinetics close to thatof thermal spray. This technology aims to fully or partially evaporate the feedstockmaterials in order to build rapidly dense, thin, and columnar coatings.The work during this thesis preparation was thus devoted to the study anddevelopment of tools and techniques allowing fusion and evaporation of ceramicmaterials in order to obtain high quality deposits with new performance and then tocharacterize the properties of those deposits. In a first approach dense and homogeneous yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ) coatingswere deposited successfully on a stainless steel substrate using “classical” plasmaspray torches such as F100 and F4 under very low pressure (1 mbar) by means ofusing an original way of introducing the feedstock material in the core of the plasmajet via the plasma gas port. Optical emission spectroscopy was used to analyze theproperties of the plasma jet and especially to observe the feedstock materialevaporation rate. The phase composition and the microstructure of the coatings werecharacterized by X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. Results showedthat the YSZ powder was partially evaporated and that the coatings possessed aduplex microstructure which was composed of splats formed by the impingement ofmelted particles and a little amount of a matrix formed by the condensation of thevapor emitted by overheated particles.In order to try and increase the evaporation rate, a home-made transferred arc nozzlewas made and mounted on a F100 plasma torch in order to enhance the energy levelof the plasma jet and then to increase thermal exchanges. The effects of thetransferred arc nozzle on the plasma jet properties were evaluated by optical emissionspectroscopy and electron temperature calculation. YSZ and alumina (Al2O3) coatingsWere elaborated using such a nozzle below 1 mbar. It was found that the YSZ coatingsdisplayed a duplex microstructure similar to that obtained in the previous experiments.However, no vapor condensation could be observed in the case of the Al2O3 coatingsindicating that the evaporation capacity of the system remained limited.The microstructure, the mechanical properties and the thermal shock resistance of theYSZ coatings were studied in more details and compared to that of deposits madeusing classical thermal spray routes. An enhanced resistance to thermal shock couldthus be observed for the coatings with a duplex structure.In order to find a solution for a substantial increase in the energy density of theplasma jet, the laboratory commissioned a novel experimental tri-cathode plasmatorch made to the AMT Company. This new torch was modeled and first testedunder atmospheric conditions, which revealed a poor spray yield. Following thosefirst experimental results, a modified nozzle was designed. As a result, the sprayefficiency was considerably increased and the coating fabricated by the tri-cathodetorch displayed a better microstructure. Now this work has to be pursued with theintegration of this torch in the low pressure spray tank.

Neue Methoden und Anwendungen des Thermischen Spritzens

Rupprecht, Christian 14 January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Die Habilitation befasst sich mit neuen Verfahren und Anwendungen des Thermischen Spritzens, beleuchtet anhand einer internationalen Umfrage den Forschungsbedarf der Branche und liefert zahlreiche Lösungen, die im Rahmen von grundlagenorientierten und industrienahen Forschungsvorhaben erarbeitet wurden. Der Fokus der Arbeit liegt auf der Verbesserung individueller Arbeitsschritte der Prozesskette des Thermischen Spritzens, wobei Ergebnisse aus den Bereichen Werkstoffentwicklung, Prozessoptimierung, Qualitätssicherung und Nachbearbeitung zusammengeführt und durch konkrete Anwendungsbeispiele hinterlegt werden. Im Detail werden die Aspekte Herstellung leistungsfähiger und preiswerter Spritzzusätze (Wasserverdüsung von Metallpulvern, Hochenergiekugelmahlen, Agglomerieren und Sintern sowie Fülldrahtherstellung), die Verbesserung der Prozessführung (numerisch optimierte Spritzbrenner und automatisierbare Online-Prozessdiagnostikmethoden) und die Steigerung der Leistungsfähigkeit der Beschichtungen durch mechanische Nachbearbeitung sowie Versieglung behandelt. Anwendungsbezogen werden das Beschichten von Hochleistungspolymeren und CFC-Leichtbaustrukturen untersucht. Um Anknüpfungspunkte für weiterführende Forschungsarbeiten zu schaffen, schließt die Arbeit mit der Darstellung von Entwicklungstrends und zeigt Arbeitsgebiete auf, die perspektivisch von thermisch gespritzten Schichten profitieren können.

Modeling Of Helically Applied Current To The Inductively Coupled Radio Frequency Plasma Torch In Two Dimensions

Canturk, Mehmet 01 January 2004 (has links) (PDF)
The electrodeless plasma discharge is typically driven by radio frequency (RF) power supply within the range (0.2 &iexcl / 40 MHz). The applied power is coupled into the plasma inductively called inductively coupled plasma (ICP). RF ICP technique has achieved significance importance in a diversity of research and industrial applications for over the last threes decades. It is still required to undertake both theoretical and experimental research. In this work, RF ICP technique is applied on the torch modeling in 2D. Based on extended electromagnetic vector potential representation, an axisymmetric model in 2D is proposed for the calculations of the electromagnetic fields in an RF ICP torch. The influence of axial vector potential is included to the vector potential formulations. This is achieved by imposing a helical current carrying wire configuration. The corresponding governing equations are solved numerically by applying finite element method (FEM) using commercial partial differential equation solver (Flex PDE3). Based on this model, the plasma behavior and properties are examined in terms of plasma parameters. Besides, a comparative iii analysis is made between proposed model called helical configuration and the one currently available in the literature called circular configuration. This study shows relatively little difference between temperature fields predicted by two models. However, significant difference is observed between corresponding flows and electromagnetic fields. Especially, tangential flow which is observed in helical configuration vanishes in circular configuration. The proposed model offers an effective means of accounting for the variations of the helical coil geometry on the flow and temperature fields and achieving a better representation of the electromagnetic fields in the discharge. Finally, it is concluded that minimum number of turns (n = 2) yields significant difference between two models whereas, maximum allowable number of turns yield no distinctions on the results of two models in terms of azimuthally applied current. However, axial effect of current still exists but very small with respect to the result obtained with minimum number of turns.

Revestimentos a base de Ta/Al2O3 produzidos por aspers?o t?rmica sobre substrato met?lico / Ta/Al2O3 coatings produced by thermal spray on metallic substrate

Mendes, Marcio Willians Duarte 17 September 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:07:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MarcioWDM_TESE.pdf: 5811012 bytes, checksum: feda974076398f5c8fbcb84ae56af460 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-09-17 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / Metal substrates were coated by thermal spraying plasma torch, they were positioned at a distance of 4 and 5 cm from the nozzle exit of the plasma jet. The starting materials were used for deposition of tantalum oxide powder and aluminium. These two materials were mixed and ground into high-energy mill, then immersed in the torch for the production of alumina coating infused with particles of tantalum with nano and micrometric size. The spraying equipment used is a plasma torch arc not transferred, which operating in the range of 250 A and 80 V, was able to produce enough heat to ignite aluminothermic between Ta2O5 and aluminum. Upon reaching the plasma jet, the mixing powders react with the heat of the blaze, which provides sufficient energy for melting aluminum particles. This energy is transferred through mechanisms of self-propagating to the oxide, beginning a reduction reaction, which then hits on the surface of the substrate and forms a coating on which a composite is formed by a junction metal - ceramic (Ta +Al2O3). The phases and quantification of each were obtained respectively by X-ray diffraction and the Rietveld method. Morphology by scanning electron microscopy and chemical analysis by energy dispersive spectroscopy EDS. It was also performed measurements of the substrate roughness, Vickers microhardness measurements in sprays and determination of the electron temperature of the plasma jet by optical emission spectroscopy EEO. The results confirmed the expectation generated around the end product of spraying the mixture Ta2O5 + Al, both in the formation of nano-sized particles and in their final form. The electron excitation temperature was consistent with the purpose of work, in addition, the thermodynamic temperature was efficient for the reduction process of Ta2O5. The electron excitation temperature showed values of 3000, 4500 and 8000 K for flows10, 20 and 30 l / min respectively, these values were taken at the nozzle exit of the plasma jet. The thermodynamic temperature around 1200 ? C, was effective in the reduction process of Ta2O5 / Substratos met?licos de a?o inox 416 foram revestidos por aspers?o t?rmica em tocha de plasma. Eles foram posicionados a uma dist?ncia de 4 e 5 cm em rela??o ao bocal de sa?da do jato de plasma. Os materiais de partida utilizados para as deposi??es foram p?s de ?xido de t?ntalo e alum?nio. Esses dois p?s foram misturados e mo?dos em moinho de alta energia, em seguida, imersos na tocha para produ??o de revestimento de alumina impregnada com part?culas de t?ntalo com tamanho nano e microm?tricos. O equipamento de aspers?o utilizado foi uma tocha de plasma de arco n?o transferido que opera na faixa de 250 A e 30 V. Ao atingirem o jato de plasma, os p?s da mistura aquecem at? a temperatura de igni??o da rea??o aluminot?rmica. O calor gerado fornece energia suficiente para a fus?o do produto da rea??o. Esse produto fundido ao chocar-se na superf?cie do substrato forma um revestimento composto por uma jun??o metal cer?mica (Ta + Al2O3). A identifica??o das fases e sua quantifica??o foram obtidas respectivamente por difra??o de raios X e pelo m?todo de Rietveld. Para determina??o da morfologia e composi??o das part?culas foram utilizados microscopia eletr?nica de varredura e an?lise qu?mica por espectroscopia de energia dispersiva EDS, respectivamente. Tamb?m foram executadas medidas de rugosidades no substrato, medi??es de microdureza Vickers nas aspers?es e determina??o da temperatura eletr?nica do jato de plasma por espectroscopia de emiss?o ?tica EEO. Os resultados obtidos confirmaram a expectativa gerada em torno do produto final da aspers?o da mistura Ta2O5 + Al, tanto na forma??o de part?culas nanom?tricas de t?ntalo quanto no formato final delas. A temperatura de excita??o dos el?trons apresentou valores de 3000, 4500 e 8000 K para fluxos de 10, 20 e 30 l/min respectivamente, esses valores foram tomados na sa?da do bocal do jato de plasma. A temperatura termodin?mica, em torno de 1200 ?C mostrou-se eficiente para o processo de redu??o do Ta2O5

Redu??o aluminot?rmica do ?xido de t?ntalo usando uma tocha de plasma como ignitor

Santos, Antonio Carlos Pereira 23 March 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:07:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 AntonioCPS.pdf: 2085220 bytes, checksum: 8e64ae2c2f5ffe8a64dd3420c9c87327 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-03-23 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico / In this work was used a plasma torch of non transferred arc with argon as work gas, using a power supply with maximum DC current of 250 A and voltage of 30 V to activate the plasma and keep it switched on. The flame temperature was characterized by optical emission spectroscopy, through Boltzmann-plot-method. The torch has been used like igniter in the aluminothermic reduction of the mixture tantalum oxide and aluminum, seeking to obtain metallic tantalum. In heating of the reagents only one particle will be considered to study interactions between plasma-particle, seeking to determinate its fusion and residence time. The early powders were characterized by laser granulometry, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction analysis. The final product of this reaction was characterized by SEM and X-ray diffraction. Crystallite size was calculated by the Scherrer equation and microdeformation was determined using Willamsom-Hall graph. With Rietveld method was possible to quantify the percentile in weight of the products obtained in the aluminothermic reaction. Semi-quantitative chemical analysis (EDS) confirmed the presence of metallic tantalum and Al2O3 as products of the reduction. As was waited the particle size of the metallic tantalum produced, presents values in nanometric scale due the short cooling time of those particles during the process / Neste trabalho foi utilizada uma tocha de plasma de arco n?o transferido com arg?nio como g?s de trabalho, utilizando uma fonte de pot?ncia com corrente m?xima de 250 A e tens?o m?xima de sa?da de 30 V fornecida pelo fabricante. A temperatura da tocha foi caracterizada atrav?s da espectroscopia de emiss?o ?ptica, utilizando a curva de Boltzmann. A tocha foi usada como ignitor para a rea??o de redu??o aluminot?rmica do ?xido de t?ntalo mais alum?nio para a produ??o de t?ntalo met?lico. No aquecimento dos reagentes apenas uma part?cula ser? considerada para o estudo da intera??o tocha-part?cula, com o objetivo de determinar seu tempo de fus?o e resid?ncia. Os p?s de partida foram caracterizados atrav?s da granulometria a laser, microscopa eletr?nica de varredura (MEV) e difra??o de raios X. O produto final desta rea??o foi caracterizado por MEV e difra??o de raios X. O tamanho de cristalito foi calculado atrav?s da equa??o de Scherrer e a microdeforma??o foi determinada utilizando o gr?fico de Willamsom-Hall. Com o m?todo de Rietveld foi poss?vel quantificar o percentual em peso do produto da rea??o aluminot?rmica. An?lise qu?mica semiquantitativa (EDS) confirmou a presen?a do Ta met?lico e Al2O3 como produtos da redu??o. Como era de se esperar, o tamanho das part?culas do t?ntalo met?lico produzida apresenta valores na faixa de nan?metro devido pequeno tempo de resfriamento durante o processo

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