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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Efeito da dieta com restrição de lactose em pacientes com síndrome do intestino irritável / Effects of a lactose-free diet on irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) patients with and without lactose maldigestion

Marília Pinheiro César 17 April 2013 (has links)
Introdução: A má digestão de lactose detectada por testes respiratórios é bastante comum em pacientes com síndrome do intestino irritável (SII), e alguns pacientes com SII referem exacerbar seus sintomas após a ingestão de leite e produtos lácteos. A fim de uma melhor percepção sobre este tema, este trabalho investigou os efeitos da dieta isenta de lactose em pacientes com SII e teste respiratório de hidrogênio para avaliação da digestão de lactose normal ou anormal. Objetivo: Avaliar os efeitos de uma dieta isenta de lactose em pacientes de SII com ou sem teste positivo para má digestão de lactose (teste respiratório). Métodos: 80 pacientes atendidos no Ambulatório de Doenças Funcionais Intestinais do Serviço de Gastroenterologia Clínica do HCFMUSP foram recrutados para o estudo prospectivo. Os pacientes preencheram os critérios de Roma III para SII. Durante o ensaio do teste respiratório de hidrogênio todos os sintomas desencadeados pela ingestão de lactose foram anotados. Ambos os grupos de pacientes com e sem má digestão de lactose, foram submetidos a uma dieta isenta de lactose durante 4 semanas. A história prévia de intolerância ao leite e derivados também foi documentada. No final de cada semana, os pacientes foram solicitados a informar a respeito dos seus sintomas, e os resultados, foram devidamente marcados de acordo com a sua intensidade (Escore Global). Além disso, foi também obtida a Avaliação Global do Paciente no final do tratamento (AFG). Resultados: 33/80 (41,25%) pacientes com SII tiveram um teste respiratório anormal para a má digestão de lactose, e 47/80 dos pacientes (58,75%) com SII tiveram um teste respiratório normal (ns). Não houve diferença significativa na freqüência de queixas de intolerância prévia ao leite e derivados em ambos os grupos. No entanto, mais pacientes no grupo com má digestão de lactose referiram sintomas durante o teste respiratório com 25 g de lactose do que o grupo com digestão normal a lactose (p <0,001). Ambos os grupos igualmente melhoraram após uma dieta isenta de lactose, quando avaliados pelo escore geral e pelo AFG. Conclusões: Ambos os grupos de pacientes com SII, com e sem má digestão de lactose, melhoraram após 4 semanas de dieta isenta de lactose. Os nossos resultados sugerem que outros mecanismos, além da intolerância à lactose, devem ser levados em conta para explicar a melhora com uma dieta isenta de lactose em pacientes com SII / Introduction: Lactose intolerance detected by respiratory tests is rather common in patients with irritable bowel syndrome(IBS); also, some IBS patients refer their symptoms exacerbate after ingestion of milk and dairy products. In order to gain some insight into this topic we investigated the effects of a lactose-free diet in IBS patients with and without lactose intolerance diagnosed by means of the hydrogen respiratory test. Objective: To evaluate the effects of a lactose-free diet in IBS patients with and without lactose intolerance. Methodos: 80 patients who attended the outpatient clinic at the University of São Paulo School of Medicine Hospital, Brazil, were recruited for this prospective study. Patient met the Rome III criteria for IBS. During the hydrogen respiratory test all the symptoms triggered by lactose ingestion were taken down. Both groups of patients, with and without lactose intolerance, were submitted to a lactose-free diet for 4 weeks. Previous history of milk/dairy products intolerance was documented. At the end of each week, patients were asked to inform about their symptoms and the results were duly scored according to their intensity (Global Score). Also, the Patient Final Global Evaluation of the Treatment (PFGET) was obtained as well. Results: 33/80 (41.25%) IBS patients had an abnormal respiratory test for lactose intolerance; 47/80 (58.75%) IBS patients had a normal respiratory test (n.s.). There was no significant difference in the frequency of previous complaints after milk/dairy products ingestion in both groups. However, more patients in the lactose intolerant group referred symptoms during the respiratory test with 25 g of lactose than the lactose tolerant group (p<0,001). Both groups similarly improved after a lactose-free diet when evaluated by both the Global Score and the PFGET. Conclusions: Both groups of IBS patients, with and without lactose intolerance, improved after a 4-week lactose-free diet. Our results suggest that other mechanisms, in addition to lactose intolerance, should be taken into account to explain why IBS patients improve with a lactose-free diet

ß-galactosidase production by Kluyveromyces lactis in batch and continuous culture

Ram, Elaine C. January 2011 (has links)
Submitted in fulfilment of the requirements of the Degree of Master of Technology: Biotechnology, Durban University of Technology, 2001. / Kluyveromyces sp. have adapted to existence in milk due to the evolution of permeabilisation and hydrolytic systems that allow the utilisation of lactose, the sugar most abundant in milk. Lactose hydrolysis, to equimolar units of glucose and galactose, is facilitated by a glycoside hydrolase, i.e., β-galactosidase (EC The versatility of this enzyme allows its application in numerous industrial processes, amongst the most significant of which, is its role in the alleviation of lactose intolerance, one of the most prevalent digestive ailments, globally. In this study, β-galactosidase production by Kluyveromyces lactis UOFS y-0939 was initially optimised in shake flask culture with lactose as the sole carbon source, and thereafter, production was scaled up to batch, fedbatch and continuous culture. Shake flask studies revealed optimum conditions of 30°C, pH 7 and a 10% inoculum ratio, to be most favourable for β-galactosidase synthesis, producing a maximum of 0.35 ± 0.05 U.ml-1 when cell lysates were prepared by ultrasonication with glass beads. Batch cultivation in 28.2 and 40 g.L-1 lactose revealed that elevated levels of the carbon source was not inhibitory to β-galactosidase production, as maximum enzyme activities of 1.58 and 4.08 U.ml-1, respectively, were achieved. Cell lysates prepared by ultrasonication and homogenisation were compared and homogenised cell lysates were more than 3.5 fold higher that those prepared by ultrasonication, proving homogenisation to be the superior method for cell disruption. The lactose feed rate of 4 g.L-1.h-1 in fed-batch culture operated at ± 20.4% DO, appeared to be inhibitory to biomass production, as indicated by the lower biomass productivity in fed-batch (0.82 g.L-1.h-1) than batch culture (1.27 g.L-1.h-1). Enzyme titres, however, were favoured by the low DO levels as a maximum of 8.7 U.ml-1, 5.5 fold more than that obtained in batch culture, was achieved, and would be expected to increase proportionally with the biomass. Continuous culture operated at a dilution rate of 0.2 h-1, under strictly aerobic conditions, revealed these conditions to be inhibitory to the lactose consumption rate, however, the non-limiting lactose and high DO environment was favourable for β-galactosidase synthesis, achieving an average of 8 ± 0.9 U.ml-1 in steady state.

Covalent immobilisation of β-Galactosidase from Escherichia coli to commercially available magnetic nanoparticles for the removal of lactose from milk

Pretorius, Chantelle 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: ß-Galactosidase of Escherichia coli is the equivalent of lactase in humans and has the ability to bind and hydrolyse lactose. Lactase de ciency is a common phenomenon present in almost 70% of the world's population. This has resulted in greater than before demands on the food processing industry to develop a method that will allow for the hydrolysis of the disaccharide lactose in milk but will also allow for the removal of the remaining active enzyme. In this thesis, a new method, that is bio-speci c and well characterized for the removal of lactose from a lactose containing solution, is described. The E537D mutated version of ß-Galactosidase, which has a much lower activity compared to the wildtype and is able to bio-speci cally bind lactose for longer periods, was covalently immobilised to commercially available magnetic nanoparticles (fl uidMAG-Amine) via two coupling strategies. Glutaraldehyde is a cross-linking agent that reacts with amine groups, while N- (3-Dimethylaminopropyl)-N'-ethylcarbodiimide hydrochloride (EDC) is a coupling agent that activates carboxylic groups. These agents are widely used for the coupling of biomolecules to solid supports. The covalently coupled fluidMAG-E537D ß-Galactosidase particles were characterized regarding retained enzymatic activity and ability to bind and physically remove lactose from a lactose containing solution by applying an external magnetic eld, after lactose binding, to the enzyme-particle complex in solution. Each component aimed at yielding this functionally immobilised enzyme complex was studied and optimized to contribute to the development of this novel technique, which is a ordable and simple, for the removal of lactose from solution for the ultimate production of lactose free milk. Results indicated the glutaraldehyde method of ß-Gal cross-linking to fluidMAG-Amine to be the preferred strategy since it allowed an increased carrier capacity of protein to the particles. The glutaraldehyde cross-linked protein also exhibited a two-fold higher activity than the EDC coupled protein. Furthermore, the glutaraldehyde cross-linked fluidMAG-E537D ß-Gal was able to physically remove 34 % of the lactose from a 0.2 nmol/L lactose in solution. This, therefore, con rmed the potential use of this novel technique in the food processing industry. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: ß-Galaktosidase vanaf Escherichia coli is dieselfde as laktase in mense en beskik oor die vermoë om laktose te bind en te hidroliseer. 'n Gebrek aan laktase kom algemeen voor en ongeveer 70 % van die wêreldbevolking ly hieraan. Laasgenoemde het daartoe gelei dat daar meer druk as vantevore op die voedselproduksie industrie is om 'n metode te ontwikkel waarmee die hidrolise van die disakkaried laktose in melk moontlik sal wees asook die verwydering van die oorblywende aktiewe ensiem. In hierdie tesis word 'n nuwe metode beskryf wat biospesi ek en goed gekarakteriseer is vir die verwydering van laktose vanuit 'n laktose bevattende oplossing. Die E537D gemuteerde weergawe van ß-Galaktosidase, wat beskik oor 'n baie laer aktiwiteit as die wildetipe asook die vermoë om laktose biospesi ek vir langer periodes te bind, is kovalent geïmmobiliseer op kommersieel beskikbare magnetiese nanopartikels (fluidMAG-Amine) via twee koppelingsstrategieë. Glutaraldehied is 'n kruisbindingsagent wat met amino groepe reageer, terwyl EDC 'n koppelingsagent is wat karboksie groepe aktiveer. Hierdie agente word algemeen gebruik vir die binding van biomolekules aan soliede matrikse. Die kovalent gekoppelde fluidMAG-E537D ß-Galaktosidase partikels is gekarakteriseer met betrekking tot behoue ensimatiese aktiwiteit en vermoë om laktose te bind en sies te verwyder vanuit 'n oplossing wat laktose bevat deur 'n eksterne magneetveld op die ensiem-partikel kompleks in oplossing toe te pas, nadat die binding van laktose plaasgevind het. Elke komponent van hierdie funksioneel geïmmobiliseerde ensiemkomplekse is ondersoek en geoptimaliseer met die doel om by te dra tot die ontwikkeling van 'n nuwe tegniek wat bekostigbaar en eenvoudig is vir die verwydering van laktose vanuit 'n oplossing vir die uiteindelike gebruik in die produksie van laktose-vrye melk. Resultate het getoon dat die glutaraldehied metode van ß-Gal kruisbinding op fluidMAG-Amine verkies word aangesien dit 'n verhoogde draerkapasiteit van proteïene op die partikels moontlik maak. Die glutaraldehied gekoppelde proteïene beskik ook oor twee keer meer aktiwiteit as die EDC gekoppelde proteïene. Die glutaraldehied gekoppelde fluidMAG-E537D ß -Gal kon 34 % van die laktose teenwoordig in 'n 0.2 nmol/L laktose oplossing sies verwyder. Hierdie het dus die potensiële gebruik van hierdie nuwe metode in die voedselproduksie industrie bevestig.

The effect of applied fields on crystallisation

Miller, Marina Maria January 2000 (has links)
The thesis provides a background on crystallisation, the effects of applied fields and summarises the techniques used for characterisation and analysis. The study of applied magnetic fields was carried out on three crystallising systems (a) sucrose, (b) lactose and (c) cocoa butter. Both sucrose and lactose were crystallised from aqueous solutions in incubators at 50°C in applied magnetic fields and the resulting crystals compared to the those obtained under zero field conditions. The results for the sucrose study where the magnetic treatment was carried out under static, dynamic pumped and dynamic syphoned conditions domonstrated that changes in phase, crystallinity, morphology and microcrystallinity were a result of the applied magnetic fields and additional strongly bound water was found to be present within the sucrose crystals most likely to be sucrose hydrates. The resulting sucrose crystals were dependant on the type of field applied, the purity of the sucrose solution and the residence time within the applied field. The lactose study under static conditions provided similar results concluding that applied fields resulted in a more controlled crystallisation resulting in increased crystal size, increased crystallinity and changes in morphology. Crystallisation of cocoa butter from the melt, under normal production conditions in applied fields, resulted in changes in morphology and the time taken to reach optimum tempering which were dependant on the type of applied field and the residence time in the applied field.

Untersuchungen zur Wirkungsweise und über den Nutzen von Prämixen beim Einsatz von Fließregulierungsmitteln / Investigation of the mode of action and the benefits of premixes of flow regulators

Leutner, Dirk January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde der Einfluss hochdisperser, nanoskaliger Materialien auf die Fließregulierung eines speziell ausgesuchten Trägermaterials mit einer unregelmäßigen Partikelform und einer breiten Partikelgrößenverteilung untersucht. Als Modellsubstanz diente gemahlenes, kristallines Laktosemonohydrat im Vergleich zu Maisstärke mit gleichmäßiger Partikelform. Es wurde nachgewiesen, dass die Wirkung von Fließregulierungsmitteln auch bei kantigen Partikeln mit rauer Oberfläche wie gemahlener Laktose auf der Adsorption kleiner Agglomerate des nanoskaligen Fließregulierungsmittels beruht. Zur Charakterisierung der Fließeigenschaften von Pulvern verschiedener Morphologie stellt der Zugspannungstester eine alternative Methode dar. Anhand von Vergleichsmessungen mit der Scherzelle nach Jenike wurde gezeigt, dass der Zugspannungstester eine geeignete Methode ist. Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt der Arbeit lag auf der Entwicklung eines geeigneten Prämixes für den Einsatz von Fließregulierungsmitteln. Als Basis eines Prämixes sind grundsätzlich beide Trägermaterialien geeignet, Maisstärke ist der Laktose aber überlegen. In Prämixen mit Anteilen von 10 % Nanomaterial ist der Träger in der Lage das Fließregulierungsmittel zu zerteilen und zu adsorbieren. Diese Adsorbate werden in einer Endmischung schnell an die neu hinzugekommenen Partikel übertragen. Bei Einsatz eines Prämixes sinkt die Zugspannung mit steigender Mischzeit schneller als bei einer Direktmischung der Komponenten. Auch die Handhabung eines Prämixes hat sich als erheblich einfacher als die des reinen Nanomaterials herausgestellt. Die untersuchten Vormischungen sind sehr gut fließfähig und stauben kaum. Prämixe sind eine gute Option, Fließregulierungsmittel vorteilhaft in Pulvermischungen einzubringen. Eine Zugabe von zwei oder auch fünf Prozent eines Prämixes aus 10 % (m/m) Fließregulierungsmittel und Maisstärke statt der direkten Zugabe von 0,2 % bis 0,5 % Nanomaterial stellt eine verfahrenstechnische Verbesserung beim industriellen Einsatz von Fließregulierungsmitteln dar. / In the present thesis the influence of highly dispersed, nanoscaled materials on the flow regulation of host materials with uneven particle shape and a broad spectrum of particle sizes was analysed. Ground crystalline lactose monohydrate was chosen as a model substance in contrast to corn starch with its round to cubic shape. This thesis proved that glidants have an effect on edged particles with rough surface by adsorption of small agglomerates on the surface as well. As a second finding the tensile strength tester was found as an appropriate device to characterise flow properties of dry powders of different morphology. Comparative measurements with a Jenike shear cell showed good negative correlation of tensile strength and flow factor defined by Jenike. Another emphasis of this thesis was to develop an appropriate premix for the use of glidants. In a first step, a capable host had to be found. This host should be able to destroy and adsorb the glidant in an effective way. In a second step these adsorbates must be interchanged quickly with newly added components of the powder. The examined fillers were appropriate host materials for flow regulators. For corn starch as host of the premix, significantly lower tensile strengths were obtained compared with those observed with lactose as host. Within premixes containing 10 % of the glidant the host material was able to fragmentate and adsorb the flow regulator appropriately. These adsorbates were transferred quickly to newly added particles. Premixes of corn starch and glidant were able to reduce the tensile strength of newly added particles to the minimum tensile strength faster compared to the direct mixture. The handling of a premix had shown to be much easier compared with the pure glidant. The analysed premixes were free-flowing and raised less dust in comparison with the flow regulator on its own. A premix of filler and flow additive is an interesting option for processing of pharmaceutical dosage forms. The addition of two or even five percent of a premix consisting of corn starch and 10% (w/w) silica to the final formulation is a real improvement to the industrial standard of adding 0.2 to 1 % of pure flow regulator.

Active sites, agglomerates or increased cohesion? : investigations into the mechanism of how lactose fines improve dry powder inhaler performance

Kinnunen, Hanne January 2012 (has links)
Dry powder inhalers (DPIs) are used for delivering drugs to the airways. In addition to the drug, the formulations often contain a coarse carrier, most commonly alpha lactose monohydrate. The presence of fine lactose particles in the formulation is known to improve the formulation performance. The active site, drug-fines agglomeration and increased cohesion theories have been suggested to explain improved DPI performance upon addition of fine excipient particles. This project aimed to investigate the validity of those theories. The viability of the active sites theory in explaining the improved DPI performance was investigated by studying the impact of loaded drug dose on the in vitro performance for formulation series prepared with coarse carriers with different surface characteristics. The formulations prepared with the rougher lactose carrier were seen to outperform the formulations prepared with the smoother carrier at all drug concentrations. These findings were concluded to be non-compatible with the active sites theory. The impact of addition of lactose fines with different size distributions on powder flow and fluidisation properties and in vitro performance was studied. Powder cohesion increased independent of size distribution of the fines, but did not necessarily correspond to improved performance. Therefore, the increased cohesion theory was concluded not to be the sole explanation for the improvement in DPI performance in the presence of lactose fines. Instead, the increase in performance could be preliminarily attributed to the formation of agglomerated systems. The formation and co-deposition of drug-fines agglomerates, and consequential improvement in the DPI performance was proved using morphologically directed Raman spectroscopy. The project also aimed to develop a universal model for predicting DPI performance based on the lactose properties for a wide range of carriers with different properties. No simple linear correlations between any the lactose properties and the final DPI performance were found. Therefore no single parameter can be used as a universal predictor for DPI performance. To establish more complex relationships, artificial neural networks were used for modelling the importance of different lactose properties in determining DPI performance. The proportion of fine lactose particles (<4.5 μm) was identified as the most important parameter. However, this parameter was capable of explaining only approximately half of the variation seen in the formulation performance. The current study showed that to obtain more accurate predictions for the purposes of quality-by-design approach, also other lactose properties need to be characterised.

Avaliação do potencial da levedura Kluyveromyces Spp. para biotransformação da lactose do soro de ricota e permeado de soro de queijo em etanol

Burlani, Elvio Leandro 28 March 2014 (has links)
Submitted by FERNANDA DA SILVA VON PORSTER (fdsvporster@univates.br) on 2014-09-22T17:50:15Z No. of bitstreams: 3 license_text: 22228 bytes, checksum: 65eccae6ba48e4ed6b2a75cb6a5f37bb (MD5) license_rdf: 21686 bytes, checksum: f60c8e7b7ea9f3ba141b21b00747aece (MD5) 2014ElvioLeandroBurlani.pdf: 2196003 bytes, checksum: d505b809756057eda4fc0e9260181cf5 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ana Paula Lisboa Monteiro (monteiro@univates.br) on 2014-09-29T13:14:40Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 3 license_text: 22228 bytes, checksum: 65eccae6ba48e4ed6b2a75cb6a5f37bb (MD5) license_rdf: 21686 bytes, checksum: f60c8e7b7ea9f3ba141b21b00747aece (MD5) 2014ElvioLeandroBurlani.pdf: 2196003 bytes, checksum: d505b809756057eda4fc0e9260181cf5 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-09-29T13:14:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 3 license_text: 22228 bytes, checksum: 65eccae6ba48e4ed6b2a75cb6a5f37bb (MD5) license_rdf: 21686 bytes, checksum: f60c8e7b7ea9f3ba141b21b00747aece (MD5) 2014ElvioLeandroBurlani.pdf: 2196003 bytes, checksum: d505b809756057eda4fc0e9260181cf5 (MD5) / No setor industrial muitos resíduos gerados são tratados e posteriormente descartados nos cursos hídricos. Na indústria láctea para produção de um quilo de queijo são gerados nove litros de soro de queijo, resíduo de elevada carga orgânica, rico em aminoácidos essenciais e vitaminas de importância nutricional. Algumas formas de aproveitamento do soro de queijo são a produção de ricota e de concentrado proteico de soro. Porém esses processos geram outros dois resíduos, respectivamente, o soro de ricota e o permeado de soro de queijo, que são importantes contaminantes ambientais devido à sua elevada carga orgânica. O principal constituinte desses resíduos é a lactose, açúcar que pode ser transformado através de processos fermentativos com auxílio de leveduras, em etanol. Este trabalho teve como objetivo utilizar o soro de ricota e o permeado de soro de queijo para a produção de bioetanol, através do emprego de diferentes cepas da levedura Kluyveromyces spp. Inicialmente foi selecionada entre cinco cepas de leveduras, quatro Kluyveromyces marxianus e uma Kluyveromyces lactis, a que apresentava maior produção de etanol a partir do soro de ricota e permeado de soro de queijo. Nessa etapa foi avaliado também o emprego dos subprodutos, soro de ricota e permeado de soro, nas formas autoclavado e não autoclavado. Posteriormente, empregando a cepa selecionada e a metodologia de planejamento experimental, foram estudados os efeitos do pH inicial, temperatura de incubação e concentração inicial de lactose sobre a produção de etanol, tanto para o soro de ricota e permeado de soro de queijo. Após, avaliou-se em biorreator de 3 L a conversão da lactose em etanol pela cepa selecionada para ambos os subprodutos. Como última etapa do trabalho realizou-se a estimativa de investimento em uma estação de tratamento de efluentes (ETE) e em uma usina de biotransformação de soro de ricota e permeado de soro de queijo. A melhor produção de etanol foi com soro de ricota e permeado de soro de queijo autoclavados utilizando a cepa da levedura Kluyveromyces marxianus ATCC 46537, que produziu 15,75 e 10,40 g/L de etanol, respectivamente. No planejamento experimental foi observada que a fermentação da lactose presente no soro de ricota e permeado de soro de queijo foi mais eficiente com temperaturas entre 35 e 45º C e pHs entre 4 e 5. Com esse estudo foi possível estimar que o investimento de uma usina pode ser viável ao longo de 10 anos, mesmo com um custo elevado de investimento. Além disso, a usina gera lucro, já na ETE o investimento para a instalação é alto e não gera lucro. Os resultados obtidos indicam que é possível obter etanol a partir da lactose presente no soro de ricota e no permeado de soro de queijo empregando a levedura Kluyveromyces marxianus ATCC 46537.

Imobilização de β-galactosidase para obtenção de produtos lácteos com baixo teor de lactose / Imobilization of β-galactosidase to obtain dairy products with low teor of lactose

Klein, Manuela Poletto January 2010 (has links)
A β-galactosidase (E.C é uma das enzimas mais empregadas na indústria de alimentos sendo utilizada na hidrólise da lactose. Neste trabalho foram utilizadas duas metodologias para imobilização desta enzima. Na primeira delas foi empregado como suporte um material híbrido à base de sílica que possui um grupo orgânico catiônico covalentemente ligado. A adsorção da enzima a este material apresentou eficiência que variou de 74 a 53% com o aumento da quantidade de enzima aplicada ao suporte. A baixa estabilidade térmica da enzima imobilizada obtida e as prováveis fracas interações envolvidas na sua adsorção a este suporte podem explicar o decréscimo de atividade observada durante as sucessivas bateladas de hidrólise da lactose. Na primeira batelada o grau de hidrólise foi de 90,9% e no final da última batelada (4ª), a enzima foi capaz de converter apenas 13% do substrato. A segunda metodologia utilizada foi imobilização covalente da enzima em um filme de celulose/líquido iônico modificado com uma poliamina e ativado com glutaraldeído. A presença da poliamina foi confirmada por análises de infravermelho. Após a imobilização, a enzima reteve 60% de sua atividade inicial. Bons resultados de hidrólise da lactose em batelada foram obtidos tanto a 7ºC como a 35ºC e foi possível reutilizar a enzima imobilizada por 16 ciclos consecutivos, a 7ºC, sem mudanças significativas na atividade enzimática. O valor de Km para a enzima imobilizada no material híbrido à base de sílica foi de 9,17 mM e para a enzima imobilizada nos filmes de celulose foi de 11,22 mM, ambos apresentaram um acréscimo quando comparados ao Km enzima livre (1,25 mM), devido à dificuldade de acesso do substrato ao sítio ativo da enzima. Não houve mudança no pH e temperatura ótimos da enzima imobilizada em relação à enzima livre em nenhum dos métodos testados. / β-galactosidase (E.C is the most widely used enzymes in the food industry and its employed in the lactose hydrolysis process. In this study, two methodologies were used to test their immobilization. In the first, the enzyme was immobilized by adsorption in one silica based hybrid material that contains a cationic organic group covalently linked. The efficiency of immobilization showed a decrease of 74 to 53% by increasing the protein load applied to the support. The low thermo stability of the immobilized enzyme and the probable weak interactions involved in their adsorption, could explain the decrease in enzyme activity observed in the successive batch hydrolysis of lactose. In the first run, the degree of lactose hydrolysis was 90.9% and, at the end of the last run (4th), the enzyme was able to convert only 13% of the substrate. The second methodology used was the covalent immobilization of the enzyme on a cellulose/ionic liquid film, modified with a polyamine and activated using glutaraldehyde. The presence of a polyamine was confirmed by infrared analysis. After immobilization, the enzyme retained 60% of its initial activity. Highly efficient lactose conversion was achieved in a batch process at 7ºC and 35ºC and was possible to reuse the immobilized enzyme in 16 repeated cycles, at 7ºC, without any drastic decrease in enzyme activity. Km value for the immobilized enzyme in silica based hybrid material was 9.17 mM and for the enzyme immobilized in the film of cellulose/ionic liquid was 11.22 mM, both showing an increase compared with the Km value for free enzyme (1.25 mM), due to the difficulty of access of the substrate to the active sites of the enzyme. The immobilized enzyme did not show any changes in the optimal pH and temperature when compared to the free enzyme in both methods tested.

Análise molecular dos polimorfismos associados à hipolactasia primária do tipo adulto em dispépticos funcionais e controles assintomáticos

Wortmann, André Castagna January 2014 (has links)
Dispepsia funcional e hipolactasia primária do tipo adulto (HPTA) são duas condições altamente prevalentes na prática clínica. Ambas podem coexistir ou até mesmo serem confundidas devido à sobreposição de alguns dos seus sintomas, principalmente a sensação de distensão abdominal. No entanto, a literatura é escassa em relação a estudos que tenham avaliado a associação entre a dispepsia funcional e a HPTA. O presente trabalho tem o objetivo investigar a associação entre a HPTA e a dispepsia funcional, através da análise molecular da HPTA em pacientes dispépticos funcionais e controles assintomáticos. Pacientes dispépticos funcionais (conforme os critérios de Roma III) e voluntários assintomáticos foram convidados para participar do estudo. Indivíduos com genótipo CC do polimorfismo de nucleotídeo único -13910C/T eram considerados portadores de HPTA. Os sintomas dispépticos (dor em abdômen superior, náuseas, vômitos, sensação de distensão abdominal e saciedade precoce) foram avaliados através de um questionário validado (Porto Alegre Dyspeptic Symptoms Questionnaire). Foram incluídos 408 indivíduos no estudo (197 dispépticos funcionais e 211 controles). HPTA foi identificada em 88 (44,7%) dispépticos funcionais e 107 controles (50,7%) (P=0,468). No grupo dos dispépticos funcionais, os escores dos sintomas dispépticos foram comparados entre os pacientes classificados como portadores de HPTA e aqueles classificados como “não portadores de HPTA”. Foi observado maior escore da sensação de distensão abdominal em dispépticos funcionais com HPTA do que em dispépticos sem HPTA (P=0,014). Não foram observadas diferenças entre os grupos em relação aos escores dos demais sintomas. Em conclusão, a ausência de diferença na frequência de HPTA entre todos os dispépticos funcionais e o grupo de indivíduos assintomáticos indica que não há uma associação entre a HPTA e a dispepsia funcional como um todo. No entanto, o maior escore da sensação de distensão abdominal entre os dispépticos funcionais com HPTA sugere um papel da HPTA em uma parcela dos pacientes com dispepsia funcional. / Functional dyspepsia and Adult Type Hypolactasia (ATH) are frequent conditions that may coexist or even be confounded. There may be some overlap between their symptoms, especially abdominal bloating. Studies on this association are scarce. The aim of the study is to investigate the association between functional dyspepsia and ATH, through molecular analysis of ATH in functional dyspeptics and asymptomatic individuals. Patients with functional dyspepsia according to Rome III criteria and volunteers for blood donation were invited to participate in the study. A CC genotype por -13910C/T SNP was diagnostic of ATH. Five symptoms of functional dyspepsia (upper abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, abdominal bloating and early satiety) were evaluated using a validated questionnaire (Porto Alegre Dyspeptic Symptoms Questionnaire). A total of 408 subjects were included in the study (197 functional dyspeptics and 211 controls). Eighty-eight dyspeptic patients (44.7%) had ATH, compared to 107 individuals (50.7%) in the control group (P=0.468). In the group of dyspeptic patients, mean scores of symptoms were compared between those classified as ATH and non-ATH. Dyspeptic patients with ATH had higher scores for abdominal bloating, compared to non-ATH patients (P=0.014). The scores of the other dyspeptic symptoms were not statistically different between those two groups. In conclusion, the similar frequency of ATH in patients with functional dyspepsia and asymptomatic individuals indicate an absence of association between functional dyspepsia and ATH. However, our data of higher bloating scores among functional dyspeptics with ATH suggest a possible role of ATH in a subset of patients with functional dyspepsia.

Produção de leite ovino em pastagem e confinamento /

Queiroz, Edicarlos Oliveira, 1984- January 2008 (has links)
Orientador: Edson Ramos de Siqueira / Banca: Sarita Bonagurio Gallo / Banca: Sirlei Aparecida Maestá / Resumo: Como em toda produção leiteira, temos que otimizar o sistema produtivo, visando obter os maiores rendimentos financeiros com o menor dispêndio de recursos, sem contanto, perder a qualidade do produto e prejudicar a saúde e bem-estar dos animais. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do sistema de alimentação sobre a produção de leite, dinâmica do peso e condição corporal, infecção parasitária e análise econômica entre os sistemas. No grupo 1 (P), 14 ovelhas da raça Bergamácia foram mantidas em pasto de Panicum maximum cv. Tanzânia e no grupo 2 (C), 17 ovelhas da mesma raça foram confinadas, alimentados com silagem de milho e concentrado na proporção 85:15% no terço final da gestação e 65:35%, durante a lactação. Os cordeiros foram separados das mães 48h00 pós-parto, e as ovelhas foram ordenhadas mecanicamente duas vezes ao dia, às 4h00 e 14h00, e a produção de leite mensurada diariamente, por sessenta dias. Não houve diferença entre os tratamentos quanto à produção de leite, as ovelhas do confinamento apresentaram-se mais pesadas que as mantidas em pasto por todo o período da lactação, não houve diferença para condição corporal ao parto e o número de ovos por grama de fezes das ovelhas mantidas em pasto foi maior que das ovelhas confinadas durante o periparto, ao parto, lactação e fim de lactação. / Abstract: As on every milk farm, it is necessary to optimize the production system, aiming to obtain the highest financial revenues with the lowest cost, provided that quality of products, as well as animal health and welfare are maintained. Two groups of Bergamasca sheep were used. 14 animals were grazed and 17 were penned during the final end of pregnancy, and 60 days period of lactation. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of feeding on milk production, body weight and corporal condition dynamics, parasitic infection and economic analysis between production systems. Group 1 (P): animals grazed on Panicum maximum var. Tanzania; and Group 2 (C): penned animals fed with corn silage and concentrate diet at 85:15% ratio at the third end of gestation an 65:35% ratio during lactation. Lambs were separated from mothers 48 hours after parturition. Sheep were mechanical milked and milk production was measured twice a day, at 4:00 and 14:00 hours. There was no difference between treatments for milk production and feedlot ewes presented higher live weight than that kept at pasture during the whole lactation. It was not observed difference for body condition at lambing. Ewes kept at pasture presented higher values of eggs per gram of faeces than feedlot ewes from pre-lambing to end lantation. / Mestre

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