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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lake sediments as climate and tectonic archives in the Indian summer monsoon domain

Ambili, Anoop January 2012 (has links)
The Indian summer monsoon (ISM) is one of the largest climate systems on earth and impacts the livelihood of nearly 40% of the world’s population. Despite dedicated efforts, a comprehensive picture of monsoon variability has proved elusive largely due to the absence of long term high resolution records, spatial inhomogeneity of the monsoon precipitation, and the complex forcing mechanisms (solar insolation, internal teleconnections for e.g., El Niño-Southern Oscillation, tropical-midlatitude interactions). My work aims to improve the understanding of monsoon variability through generation of long term high resolution palaeoclimate data from climatically sensitive regions in the ISM and westerlies domain. To achieve this aim I have (i) identified proxies (sedimentological, geochemical, isotopic, and mineralogical) that are sensitive to environmental changes; (ii) used the identified proxies to generate long term palaeoclimate data from two climatically sensitive regions, one in NW Himalayas (transitional westerlies and ISM domain in the Spiti valley and one in the core monsoon zone (Lonar lake) in central India); (iii) undertaken a regional overview to generate “snapshots” of selected time slices; and (iv) interpreted the spatial precipitation anomalies in terms of those caused by modern teleconnections. This approach must be considered only as the first step towards identifying the past teleconnections as the boundary conditions in the past were significantly different from today and would have impacted the precipitation anomalies. As the Spiti valley is located in the in the active tectonic orogen of Himalayas, it was essential to understand the role of regional tectonics to make valid interpretations of catchment erosion and detrital influx into the lake. My approach of using integrated structural/morphometric and geomorphic signatures provided clear evidence for active tectonics in this area and demonstrated the suitability of these lacustrine sediments as palaleoseismic archives. The investigations on the lacustrine outcrops in Spiti valley also provided information on changes in seasonality of precipitation and occurrence of frequent and intense periods (ca. 6.8-6.1 cal ka BP) of detrital influx indicating extreme hydrological events in the past. Regional comparison for this time slice indicates a possible extended “break-monsoon like” mode for the monsoon that favors enhanced precipitation over the Tibetan plateau, Himalayas and their foothills. My studies on surface sediments from Lonar lake helped to identify environmentally sensitive proxies which could also be used to interpret palaeodata obtained from a ca. 10m long core raised from the lake in 2008. The core encompasses the entire Holocene and is the first well dated (by 14C) archive from the core monsoon zone of central India. My identification of authigenic evaporite gaylussite crystals within the core sediments provided evidence of exceptionally drier conditions during 4.7-3.9 and 2.0-0.5 cal ka BP. Additionally, isotopic investigations on these crystals provided information on eutrophication, stratification, and carbon cycling processes in the lake. / Der Indische Sommer Monsun (ISM) ist eines der bedeutendsten Klimaphänomene auf der Erde und hat großen Einfluss auf die Lebensbedingungen und -grundlagen von nahezu 40% der Weltbevölkerung. Trotz großer Bemühungen ist es bisher nicht gelungen ein genaues und umfassendes Verständnis der Monsun-Variabilität zu gewinnen. Hauptgründe dafür sind das Fehlen von langjährigen und hochaufgelösten Klimazeitreihen, räumlichen Inhomogenitäten in den Niederschlagsverteilungen und die Komplexität der treibenden klimatischen Mechanismen (Sonneneinstrahlung, interne Wechselwirkungen des Klimasystems, wie z.B. zwischen Tropen und mittleren Breiten oder die Auswirkungen der El Niño Oszillation). Die Zielsetzung der hier vorgestellten Arbeit ist ein verbessertes Verständnis der Monsun-Variabilität zu entwickeln, auf Basis von hochaufgelösten und weit reichenden Paläoklimazeitreihen aus klimasensitiven Regionen des ISM und der Westwindzone. Um die Zielsetzung umzusetzen habe ich: (i) Proxys identifiziert (sedimentologische, geochemische, isotopische, und mineralogische), die empfindlich auf Umweltveränderungen reagieren; (ii) die identifizierten Proxys zur Erzeugung von langjährigen Paläoklima-Daten für zwei klimasensible Regionen verwendet, eine im NW des Himalaja (Übergangs-Westwindzone und ISM Gebiet von Spity Valley) und eine in der Kernzone des Monsun (Lonar-See) in Zentralindien; (iii) Übersichts-"Momentaufnahmen" der regionalen klimatischen Bedingungen für ausgewählte Zeitpunkte der Vergangenheit erzeugt; und (iv) räumliche Niederschlagsanomalien in Hinblick auf heutige Wechselbeziehungen im Klimasystem interpretiert. Dieser Ansatz stellt allerdings nur einen ersten Schritt zur Identifizierung von paläoklimatischen Wechselbeziehungen im Monsunsystem dar, da sich die Randbedingungen in der Vergangenheit deutlich von den heutigen unterscheiden und diese einen signifikanten Einfluss auf die Niederschlagsanomalien haben. Da das Spity Valley im tektonisch aktiven Himalaja-Orogen lokalisiert ist, ist es von entscheidender Bedeutung die regionalen tektonischen Prozesse zu verstehen, um Erosionsvorgänge des Einzugsgebiets und die Einfuhr von Detritus in den See korrekt interpretieren zu können. Mein Ansatz der Nutzung kombinierter strukturell/morphometrischer und geomorphologischer Charakteristiken lieferte klare Beweise für aktive Tektonik im untersuchten Gebiet und demonstrierte damit die Eignung dieser lakustrinen Sedimente als paläoseismisches Archiv. Die Untersuchung lakustriner Aufschlüsse in Spity Valley lieferte auch Informationen saisonale Änderung der Niederschlagsverteilung sowie das Auftreten von häufigen und intensiven Perioden (ca. 6,8-6,1 cal ka BP) detritischer Einfuhr, welche auf extreme hydrologische Ereignisse in der Vergangenheit schließen lässt. Ein regionaler Vergleich dieser Periode deutet auf einen möglicherweise erweiterten „break-monsoon-like“ Modus für den Monsun hin, welcher hohe Niederschläge über dem Tibetischen Plateau, dem Himalaja und seinen Gebirgsausläufern begünstigt. Meine Studien an den Oberflächensedimenten des Lonar-Sees haben dazu beigetragen umweltsensitive Proxys zu identifizieren, die auch zur Interpretation von Paläodaten von einem ca. 10 m langen Sedimentkern genutzt wurden, der 2008 erbohrt wurde. Der Kern umfasst das gesamte Holozän und stellt das erste gut 14C-datierte Archiv aus der Kernmonsunzone Zentralindiens dar. Die Identifizierung von authigenen Evaporit-Kristallen (Gaylussite) innerhalb der Sedimente liefert einen Beweis für ungewöhnlich trockene Bedingungen in den Perioden zwischen 4,7-3,9 und 2,0-0,5 cal ka BP. Darüber hinaus lieferten Isotopen-Untersuchungen dieser Kristalle Informationen zur Eutrophierung, Stratifikation und zum Kohlenstoff-Kreislauf des Sees.

Environmental records of carbonaceous fly-ash particles from fossil-fuel combustion

Wik, Maria January 1992 (has links)
Fossil fuel combustion produces fly-ash particles that are released into the atmosphere and deposited in the environment. A particularly characteristic kind of fly-ash is spheroidal carbonaceous particles. They are composed of an amorphous carbon matrix in which other elements are dispersed. The elemental carbon content makes them very resistant to chemical degradation and these particles can be relatively easily extracted from sediment and soil samples using a method described in this thesis. The distribution of spheroidal carbonaceous particles in lake sediment profiles, surface sediments and forest soils has been studied. Cores from several Swedish lakes have been analysed and, although the lakes are from different parts of the country, consistent trends in the deposition of the carbonaceous particles have been found. The analyses of dated cores show that the carbonaceous particle deposition in the sediments follows the same general pattern as statistics for Swedish coal and oil combustion over the last two centuries. This indicates that the sediment records reflect the history of the atmospheric deposition of particulate pollutants from fossil fuel combustion. Analysis of surface sediment samples provides an integrated picture of the deposition over the preceding few years and can be used to indicate the contemporary geographical pattern of deposition from the atmosphere. Two sets of surface sediment samples (0-1 cm) were analysed. One comprised samples from 66 lakes around Sweden's second largest city, Gothenburg, and showed very high carbonaceous particle concentrations within a distance of 50 to 100 km from the city. The second set comprised surface sediment samples from 114 lakes distributed all over Sweden. This survey of Sweden demonstrated a geographical north-south gradient with more than a hundred times higher particle concentrations in the south than in the north. This distribution is similar to the distribution of other air pollutants (data obtained from a moss survey and an air monitoring program) and suggests that carbonaceous particles in palaeolimnological investigations of air pollution, can be used as tracers for pollutants that are otherwise difficult to determine in lake sediments. Spheroidal carbonaceous particles also accumulate in soils, and forest soil samples can be used for geographical surveys of particle deposition. In Swedish podzol soils the particles mainly accumulate in the thin organic horizon and concentrations in this layer reflect the total deposition since industrialisation, although most will have been deposited during the last few decades. Since the spheroidal carbonaceous particle record in Swedish lake sediments has a characteristic temporal pattern, carbonaceous particle profiles can be used for indirect dating of recent sediment cores. Analyses of multiple sediment cores from three lakes demonstrate that carbonaceous particles can also be used for studies of sediment distribution in lake basins. Results from Gårdsjön indicate that the acidification of the lake changed sediment distribution processes from a normal sediment focusing regime to a more even distribution of sediments over the lake bottom. Liming of the lake seems to have restored normal sedimentation processes. / <p>Diss. (sammanfattning) Umeå : Umeå universitet, 1992, Härtill 8 uppsatser</p> / digitalisering@umu

Variability and trends in the tropical Pacific and the El Niño-Southern Oscillation inferred from coral and lake archives

Thompson, Diane Marie January 2013 (has links)
The background state and changes associated with the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) in the tropical Pacific Ocean influence climate patterns all over the world. Understanding how the tropical Pacific will be impacted by climate change is therefore critical to accurate regional climate projections. However, sparse historical data coverage and strong natural variability in the basin make it difficult to assess the response of the tropical Pacific to anthropogenic climate change. Further, climate models disagree regarding the response of the basin to continued anthropogenic forcing into the future. Building off of the limited instrumental record, high-resolution records from coral and lake sediment archives can be used to assess the response of the tropical Pacific to past climate changes and to compare and assess climate model projections. In the present study, I use high-resolution coral and lake records from the equatorial Pacific to assess climate model projections and the response of the coupled ocean-atmospheric climate system in the basin (ocean temperature, salinity, winds, precipitation) to natural and anthropogenic forcing. Using a simple model of how climate is recorded by corals, we compare historical climate data and climate model simulations with coral paleoclimate records to assess climate model projections and address uncertainties in the historical data, models and paleoclimate records. We demonstrate that this simple model is able to capture variability and trend observed in the coral records, and show that the both sea surface temperature and salinity contribute to the observed coral trend. However, we find major discrepancies in the observed and climate model simulated trends in the tropical Pacific that may be attributed to uncertainties in model simulated salinity. We then assess 20th-century variability and trends in SST and salinity in the central tropical Pacific using replicated coral δ¹⁸O and Sr/Ca records from the Republic of Kiribati and the central Line Islands. We find that the coral records from these sites display a warming and freshening trend superimposed on strong interannual and low-frequency variability. Further, we demonstrate an apparent strengthening of the E-W SST gradient across the dateline (between 173°E and 160°W) and a slight weakening of the N-S SST gradient due to enhanced warming along the equator and west of the dateline relative to other sites. However, we find no evidence of increased variability in the central Pacific, suggesting that there has not been an increase in central Pacific style ENSO events. Finally, we show that the salinity response to climate change may be very patchy within the basin. Using a new ~90 year coral Mn/Ca record from the central Pacific, we investigate variability and trends in tropical Pacific trade winds. First, we demonstrate a strong association between westerly wind anomalies and coral skeletal Mn/Ca, which recorded all of the major historical El Niño events of the 20th century. In this new long Mn/Ca record, we find a reduction in the amplitude and frequency of Mn/Ca pulses between 1893 and 1982, suggesting a decrease in westerly wind anomalies in the western equatorial Pacific Ocean. Finally, we use a sediment record from Bainbridge Crater Lake, Galápagos Archipelago to assess variability in the eastern tropical Pacific over the past ~6 thousand years. Based on results from long-term monitoring of the lake, we propose a new climate interpretation of the sediment record and find further evidence reduced mid-Holocene ENSO variability and a ramp up of ENSO variability starting around 1775 cal. years BP.

Holocene sediment yield and geomorphic sensitivity in alpine landscapes, Cathedral Lakes, British Columbia

Evans, Martin 11 1900 (has links)
Holocene patterns of sediment yield reconstructed from sediments in four lakes are used to assess the geomorphic sensitivity of four alpine-subalpine basins in Cathedral Provincial Park, British Columbia. A three stage process was used to assess basin sensitivity. Stage one involved appraisal of the potential generalisability over the landscape of the results to be derived from the lake basins. The four lakes, Quiniscoe , Glacier, Pyramid and Lake of the Woods lie at or just below treeline. Glacier, Pyramid and Quiniscoe lakes lie in cirque basins. Slope frequency analyses show that whilst slopes in these basins are representative of those in the cirques of Cathedral park they differ significantly from the wider landscape. Stage two of the process involved identification of Holocene variability in the sediment yield record. Cores from each of the lakes were correlated using magnetic susceptibility measurements and lithostratigraphy to define chronostratigraphic units. The mass of allochthonous mineral sediment deposited in each of these units was estimated using measured sediment density, carbonate content, loss on ignition, and biogenic silica. Sediment yield to the lake for each unit was calculated based on dating of zone boundaries, estimates of trap efficiency, and the mineral mass estimate. In order to identify significant variations in the record, a new method was developed for estimating error associated sediment yield estimates derived from lake sediments. Sediment yield estimates were compared with the published Holocene climate record to make an initial assessment of sensitivity. Stage three involved discriminating between true sensitivity to climate change in the record and coincidental correlation. The approach was to identify process linkages between the observed changes in sediment yield and the climate change record. Two methods of inferring process were used. Firstly process change was inferred directly from the sedimentology of the lake sediments. Secondly magnetic and mineralogical characterisations of lake and catchment sediments were used to identify changing sediment sources. The results show considerable variability in the patterns of Holocene sediment yield amongst the study basins. In particular, Glacier and Quiniscoe Lakes show a marked increase in sediment yield under cooler conditions ca. 3390 BP, which is not apparent at Pyramid and Lake of the Woods. The increase is driven by increased surface erosion in the two higher basins under cooler conditions, and with retreating treeline. The results suggest that the sensitivity of alpine and subalpine basins is both temporally and spatially contingent. The links between climate change, process change and variation in sediment yield are not simple, rather they is mediated by a series of 'resistances'. The variability in sediment yield was compared with the variable nature of the catchments and four important controls were identified: Sediment production, vegetation, relief, and the extent of fluvial development in the catchment. Maximum sensitivity was observed in steep ecotonal sites with a well developed fluvial system.

The relationship between sediment nutrients and aquatic macrophyte biomass in situ /

Anderson, Robin, 1956- January 1985 (has links)
No description available.

Boreal Lake Sediments as Sources and Sinks of Carbon

Gudasz, Cristian January 2011 (has links)
Inland waters process large amounts of organic carbon, contributing to CO2 and CH4 emissions, as well as storing organic carbon (OC) over geological timescales. Recently, it has been shown that the magnitude of these processes is of global significance. It is therefore important to understand what regulates OC cycling in inland waters and how is that affected by climate change. This thesis investigates the constraints on microbial processing of sediment OC, as a key factor of the carbon cycling in boreal lakes. Sediment bacterial metabolism was primarily controlled by temperature but also regulated by OC quality/origin. Temperature sensitivity of sediment OC mineralization was similar in contrasting lakes and over long-term. Allochthonous OC had a strong constraining effect on sediment bacterial metabolism and biomass, with increasingly allochthonous sediments supporting decreasing bacterial metabolism and biomass. The bacterial biomass followed the same pattern as bacterial activity and was largely regulated by similar factors. The rapid turnover of bacterial biomass as well as the positive correlation between sediment mineralization and bacterial biomass suggest a limited effect of bacterial grazing. Regardless of the OC source, the sediment microbial community was more similar within season than within lakes. A comparison of data from numerous soils as well as sediments on the temperature response of OC mineralization showed higher temperature sensitivity of the sediment mineralization. Furthermore, the low rates of areal OC mineralization in sediments compared to soils suggest that lakes sediments are hotspots of OC sequestration. Increased sediment mineralization due to increase in temperature in epilimnetic sediments can significantly reduce OC burial in boreal lakes. An increase of temperature, as predicted for Northern latitudes, under different climate warming scenarios by the end of the twenty-first century, resulted in 4–27% decrease in lake sediment OC burial for the entire boreal zone.

Late glacial to Holocene climate and vegetation changes on the Tibetan Plateau inferred from fossil pollen records in lacustrine sediments

Wang, Yongbo January 2011 (has links)
The past climate in central Asia, and especially on the Tibetan Plateau (TP), is of great importance for an understanding of global climate processes and for predicting the future climate. As a major influence on the climate in this region, the Asian Summer Monsoon (ASM) and its evolutionary history are of vital importance for accurate predictions. However, neither the evolutionary pattern of the summer monsoon nor the driving mechanisms behind it are yet clearly understood. For this research, I first synthesized previously published Late Glacial to Holocene climatic records from monsoonal central Asia in order to extract the general climate signals and the associated summer monsoon intensities. New climate and vegetation sequences were then established using improved quantitative methods, focusing on fossil pollen records recovered from Tibetan lakes and also incorporating new modern datasets. The pollen-vegetation and vegetation-climate relationships on the TP were also evaluated in order to achieve a better understanding of fossil pollen records. The synthesis of previously published moisture-related palaeoclimate records in monsoonal central Asia revealed generally different temporal patterns for the two monsoonal subsystems, i.e. the Indian Summer Monsoon (ISM) and East Asian Summer Monsoon (EASM). The ISM appears to have experienced maximum wet conditions during the early Holocene, while many records from the area affected by the EASM indicate relatively dry conditions at that time, particularly in north-central China where the maximum moisture levels occurred during the middle Holocene. A detailed consideration of possible driving factors affecting the summer monsoon, including summer solar insolation and sea surface temperatures, revealed that the ISM was primarily driven by variations in northern hemisphere solar insolation, and that the EASM may have been constrained by the ISM resulting in asynchronous patterns of evolution for these two subsystems. This hypothesis is further supported by modern monsoon indices estimated using the NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis data from the last 50 years, which indicate a significant negative correlation between the two summer monsoon subsystems. By analogy with the early Holocene, intensification of the ISM during coming decades could lead to increased aridification elsewhere as a result of the asynchronous nature of the monsoon subsystems, as can already be observed in the meteorological data from the last 15 years. A quantitative climate reconstruction using fossil pollen records was achieved through analysis of sediment core recovered from Lake Donggi Cona (in the north-eastern part of the TP) which has been dated back to the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). A new data-set of modern pollen collected from large lakes in arid to semi-arid regions of central Asia is also presented herein. The concept of "pollen source area" was introduced to modern climate calibration based on pollen from large lakes, and was applied to the fossil pollen sequence from Lake Donggi Cona. Extremely dry conditions were found to have dominated the LGM, and a subsequent gradually increasing trend in moisture during the Late Glacial period was terminated by an abrupt reversion to a dry phase that lasted for about 1000 years and coincided with the first Heinrich Event of the northern Atlantic region. Subsequent periods corresponding to the warm Bølling-Allerød period and the Younger Dryas cold event were followed by moist conditions during the early Holocene, with annual precipitation of up to about 400 mm. A slightly drier trend after 9 cal ka BP was then followed by a second wet phase during the middle Holocene that lasted until 4.5 cal ka BP. Relatively steady conditions with only slight fluctuations then dominated the late Holocene, resulting in the present climatic conditions. In order to investigate the relationship between vegetation and climate, temporal variations in the possible driving factors for vegetation change on the northern TP were examined using a high resolution late Holocene pollen record from Lake Kusai. Moving-window Redundancy Analyses (RDAs) were used to evaluate the correlations between pollen assemblages and individual sedimentary proxies. These analyses have revealed frequent fluctuations in the relative abundances of alpine steppe and alpine desert components, and in particular a decrease in the total vegetation cover at around 1500 cal a BP. The climate was found to have had an important influence on vegetation changes when conditions were relatively wet and stable. However, after the 1500 cal a BP threshold in vegetation cover was crossed the vegetation appears to have been affected more by extreme events such as dust storms or fluvial erosion than by the general climatic trends. In addition, pollen spectra over the last 600 years have been revealed by Procrustes analysis to be significantly different from those recovered from older samples, which is attributed to an increased human impact that resulted in unprecedented changes to the composition of the vegetation. Theoretical models that have been developed and widely applied to the European area (i.e. the Extended R-Value (ERV) model and the Regional Estimates of Vegetation Abundance from Large Sites (REVEALS) model) have been applied to the high alpine TP ecosystems in order to investigate the pollen-vegetation relationships, as well as for quantitative reconstructions of vegetation abundance. The modern pollen–vegetation relationships for four common pollen species on the TP have been investigated using Poaceae as the reference taxa. The ERV Submodel 2 yielded relatively high PPEs for the steppe and desert taxa (Artemisia Chenopodiaceae), and low PPEs for the Cyperaceae that are characteristic of the alpine Kobresia meadows. The plant abundances on the central and north-eastern TP were quantified by applying these PPEs to four post-Late Glacial fossil pollen sequences. The reconstructed vegetation assemblages for the four pollen sequences always yielded smaller compositional species turnovers than suggested by the pollen spectra, indicating that the strength of the previously-reported vegetation changes may therefore have been overestimated. In summary, the key findings of this thesis are that (a) the two ASM subsystems show asynchronous patterns during both the Holocene and modern time periods, (b) fossil pollen records from large lakes reflect regional signals for which the pollen source areas need to be taken into account, (c) climate is not always the main driver for vegetation change, and (d) previously reported vegetation changes on the TP may have been overestimated because they ignored inter-species variations in pollen productivity. / Das Paläoklima in Zentralasien, besonders in der Hochebene von Tibet (HT), ist von großer Bedeutung um globale Klimaprozesse zu verstehen und mögliche Voraussagung für die zukunft zu treffen. Als wichtigstes Klimaphänomen nehmen der asiatische Sommermonsun (ASM) und seine Entwicklungsgeschichte eine Schlüsselposition ein. Dennoch sind derzeit weder das Entwicklungsschema noch der antreibende Vorgang ausreichend verstanden. Dies gilt insbesondere für das Holozän, für welches große Kimaschwankungen und regionale Diskrepanzen weithin belegt sind. Deshalb habe ich zuerst holozäne Klimadaten zusammengefasst. Bereits veröffentlichte Publikationen aus den Monsungebieten Zentralasiens dienten als Grundlage, um die wichtigsten Klimasignale und die zugehörigen Intensitäten des Sommermonsuns heraus zu arbeiten. Anhand von Pollensequenzen aus tibetischen Seen erzeugte ich neue Klima- und Vegetationssequenzen, welche auf verbesserten quantitativen Methoden und rezenten Datensätzen beruhen. Außerdem wurden die Verhältnisse Pollen-Vegetation und Vegetation-Klima bewertet, um Schlussfolgerungen fossiler Pollensequenzen zu verbessern. Die Zusammenfassung der zuvor veröffentlichten, niederschlagsbezogenen Paläoklimadaten im Monsungebiet Zentralasiens ergab generell unterschiedliche Muster für die zwei Teilsysteme des ASMs, den Indischen Sommermonsun (ISM) und den Ostasiatischen Sommermonsun (OASM). Der ISM weist maximale feuchte Bedingungen während des frühen Holozöns auf, während viele Datensätze aus dem Gebiet des OASMs einen relativ trockenen Zustand anzeigen, besonders im nördlichen Zentralchina, wo maximale Niederschläge während des mittleren Holozäns registriert wurden. Genaue Betrachtungen der Antriebsfaktoren des Sommermonsuns ergaben, dass der ISM hauptsächlich durch Veränderungen der Sonneneinstrahlung auf der Nordhemisphäre angetrieben wird, während der OASM potentiell durch den ISM beherrscht wird - dies führt zu asynchronen Entwicklungen. Diese Hypothese wird durch rezente Monsunindizes gestützt. Sie weisen eine signifikant negative Korrelation zwischen den beiden Sommermonsun-Teilsystemen auf. Für die quantitative Klimarekonstruktion von Pollensequenzen wurde ein Sedimentkern aus dem See Donggi Cona im Nordosten der HT analysiert, der bis zum letzten glazialen Maximum (LGM) zurückdatiert wurde. Aufgrund der Tatsache, dass Donggi Cona ein relativ großer See ist, wird hiermit ein neuer Pollen-Klima-Kalibrierungsdatensatz auf Grundlage großer Seen in ariden und semiariden Regionen Zentralasiens vorgelegt. Das Konzept des Pollenherkunftsgebietes wurde in diese rezente, pollenbasierte Klimakalibrierung eingebracht und auf die Pollensequenz von Donggi Cona angewendet. Die Auswertung ergab, dass extrem trockene Bedingungen während des LGM (ca. 100 mm/yr) vorherrschten. Ein ansteigender Trend von Niederschlägen während des späten Glazials wurde durch einen abrupten Rückgang zu einer etwa 1000-jährigen Trockenphase beendet, welche mit Heinrich-Ereignis 1 in der Nordatlantik-Region übereinstimmt. Danach entsprechen die Klimaperioden dem warmen Bølling/Allerød und dem Kälteereignis der Jüngeren Dryas. Anschließend herrschten feuchte Bedingungen im frühen Holozän (bis zu 400 mm/yr). Ein etwas trockenerer Trend nach dem Holozänen Klimaoptimum wurde dann von einer zweiten Feuchtphase abgelöst, welche bis 4,5 cal. ka vor heute andauerte. Relativ gleichmäßige Bedingungen dominierten das späte Holozän bis heute. Die Klimadynamik seit dem LGM wurde vor allem durch Entgletscherung und Intensitätsschwankungen des ASM bestimmt. Bei der Betrachtung des Vegetation-Klima-Verhältnisses habe ich die zeitlichen Variationen der bestimmenden Faktoren hinsichtlich der Vegetationsdynamik auf der nördlichen HT untersucht. Dabei wurden hochauflösende holozäne Pollendaten des Kusai-Sees verwendet. Eine Redundanzanalyse (RDA) wurde angewendet um die Korrelation zwischen Pollenvergesellschaftungen und individuellen sedimentären Klimaanzeigern als auch die damit verbundene Signifikanz zu bewerten. Es stellte sich heraus, dass das Klima einen wichtigen Einfluss auf den Veränderungen in der Vegetation besaß, wenn die Bedingungen relativ warm und feucht waren. Trotzdem scheint es, dass, dass die Vegetation bei zu geringer Bedeckung stärker durch Extremereignisse wie Staubstürme oder fluviale Erosion beeinflusst wurde. Pollenspektren der vergangen 600 Jahre erwiesen sich als signifikant unterschiedlich verglichen mit den älterer Proben, was auf verstärkten anthropogenen Einfluss hindeutet. Dieser resultierte in einem beispiellosen Wandel in der Zusammensetzung der Vegetation. In Hinsicht auf das Pollen-Vegetation-Verhältnis und der quantitativen Rekonstruktion der Vegetationshäufigkeit habe ich theoretische Modelle, welche für europäische Regionen entwickelt und weithin angewendet wurden, respektive die Modelle "Extended R-Value" (ERV) sowie "Regional Estimates of Vegetation Abundance from Large Sites" (REVEALS), auf die hochalpinen Ökosysteme der HT überführt. Dafür wurden rezente Pollen-Vegetations-Verhältnisse von vier weit verbreiteten Pollen-Arten der HT überprüft. Poaceae wurden als Referenztaxa verwendet. Bei der Anwendung dieser Verhältnisse auf vier Pollensequenzen, welche die Paläoumweltbedingungen seit dem letzten Glazial widerspiegeln, wurden die Häufigkeiten von Pflanzen auf der zentralen und nordöstlichen HT quantifiziert. Anteile von Artimisia und Chenopodiaceae waren dabei im Vergleich zu ihren ursprünglichen Pollenprozenten deutlich verringert. Cyperaceae hingegen wies eine relative Zunahme in dieser Vegetationsrekonstruktion auf. Die rekonstruierten Vegetationsvergesellschaftungen an den Standorten der vier Pollensequenzen ergaben stets geringere Umwälzungen in der Artenzusammensetzung, als durch die Pollenspektren zu vermuten gewesen wäre. Dies kann ein Hinweis darauf sein, dass die Intensität der bislang angenommenen Vegetationsveränderungen überschätzt worden ist. Zusammengefasst sind die Hauptresultate dieser Dissertation, dass (a) die zwei ASM Teilsysteme asynchrone Muster während des Holozäns und heute aufweisen, dass (b) fossile Pollensequenzen großer Seen regionale Klimasignale widerspiegeln sofern die Herkunftsgebiete der Pollen berücksichtigt werden, dass (c) Klima nicht immer der Haupteinflussfaktor für Vegetationswandel ist und dass (d) das Ausmaß von Vegetationsveränderungen in zuvor veröffentlichten Studien auf der Hochebene von Tibet überschätzt worden sein kann, weil Diskrepanzen der Pollenproduktivität zwischen den Arten nicht einbezogen wurden.

Réponses sédimentaires et moléculaires des remplissages lacustres groenlandais aux changements climatiques holocènes et à l'évolution des pratiques agropastorales / Sedimentological and molecular responses of Greenlandic lakes to Holocene climate changes and pastoral activities

Guillemot, Typhaine 04 December 2015 (has links)
Dans le cadre du changement climatique global, mieux comprendre les interactions Hommes/Environnement/Climat au sud-ouest du Groenland est aujourd’hui un enjeu majeur pour développer des stratégies d’adaptation tout en préservant au mieux les écosystèmes. Pour cela, une approche rétrospective a été réalisée sur trois séquences lacustres retraçant l’histoire paléo-environnementale sur les 5000 derniers millénaires. Le lac d’Igaliku (N61°00’22’’, O45°26’28’’), situé à 2 km de la capitale épiscopale médiévale au cœur de la région agricole groenlandaise, a une sédimentation principalement influencée par les activités anthropiques. Un inventaire moléculaire complet a été réalisé sur cette séquence pour caractériser les dynamiques agropastorales passées et leurs impacts sur les écosystèmes. Les biomarqueurs fécaux identifié ont notamment permis de mettre en évidence deux phases agropastorales majeures (la période d’occupation viking et la période récente) séparées par le Petit Âge Glaciaire (PAG), pratiquant un élevage prédominant d’ovins. Les biomarqueurs moléculaires de végétation (n-alcanes, acétates de triterpényles) couplées à des données palynologiques montrent une réduction du couvert arbustif au cours de ces deux phases. Par ailleurs, les biomarqueurs d’érosion des sols (TTHCs) couplées aux données sédimentaires indiquent une érosion drastique qu’autour des années 1980 lors de la création de parcelles de fourrage par labour mécanisé. De même, ce n’est que sur le dernier siècle qu’une altération de l’état trophique du lac d’Igaliku associée à des pratiques de fertilisation des parcelles de fourrage est observée avec une augmentation des chaines courtes d’n-alcanes et plus particulièrement des diatomées mésotrophes. Les lacs de Qallimiut (N60°43’27’’, O45°23’12’’) et de Little Kangerluluup (N60°38’32’’, O45°38’11’’), situés en contexte faiblement anthropisé, sont alimentés par des tributaires à forte variabilité hydrologique. Ils correspondent à des systèmes sédimentaires dominés par des apports clastiques sous contrôle climatique dominant. Afin d’améliorer la résolution spatiale et temporelle des changements climatiques holocènes dans cette région, une étude sédimentaire multi-paramètre a été réalisée sur ces deux sites. Des analyses pétrophysiques, granulométriques, minéralogiques et géochimiques ont mis en évidence des niveaux de crues fréquents au cours des épisodes froids et humides comme la transition Milieu/Fin de l’Holocène (ca. 2500 BC), la transition Sub-boréal/Sub-atlantique (ca. 700 BC) et le PAG (entre ca. 1300 AD et ca. 1900 AD), synchrones à des périodes de minimas solaires. Ces épisodes de détériorations climatiques ont particulièrement influencé les sociétés humaines successives installées dès ca. 2500 BC au Groenland. Un maximum de fréquence de crues et une baisse drastique des températures sont notamment enregistrés pendant le PAG, indiquant qu’il s’agit de l’épisode le plus froid enregistré au sud du Groenland au cours de la seconde moitié de l’Holocène, responsable en grande partie de l’abandon de ces terres par les agriculteurs vikings au milieu du XVème siècle. / In the current context of global change, understanding the interactions between Human/Environment/Climate is necessary to develop adaptive strategies and preserve ecosystems. A retrospective approach is therefore realized in three lacustrine cores to reconstruct the paleo-environmental history during the last five millennia. Lake Igaliku (N61°00’22’’, W45°26’28’’), located at 2km from the medieval episcopal cathedral in the historical farming center, has a sedimentation mainly driven by anthropogenic activities. A complete molecular inventory has been made on this sequence to characterize past agropastoral dynamics and their impacts on south Greenlandic ecosystems. The identified fecal biomarkers revealed two agropastoral phases, during the Norse settlement and recently, separated by the Little Ice Age (LIA) and mainly characterized by sheep breeding. Vegetation molecular biomarkers (n-alkanes, triterpenyl acetates) and palynological data showed a reduction of trees and shrubs cover during these two periods especially. Erosion biomarkers (TTHCs) and sedimentological data identified only one drastic erosion in the 1980s synchronous with the mechanized creation of fodder parcels. Moreover, an eutrophication of the lake waters was recorded with short chain length n-alkanes and mesotrophic diatoms. Lake Qallimiut (N60°43’27’’, W45°23’12’’) and Little Kangerluluup (N60°38’32’’, W45°38’11’’), less impacted by anthropogenic activities, are fed by major streams influenced by hydrological variations. Their sedimentation is therefore mainly driven by climate changes. To improve the temporal and spatial resolution of climate changes during the Holocene, a multi-proxy sedimentological study was made on these two sites. Petrophysical, mineralogical and geochemical analyses have identified flood events especially occurring during cooler and wetter periods such as the Middle to Late Holocene transition (ca. 2500 BC), the Sub-boreal/Sub-atlantic transition (ca. 700 BC) and the LIA (between ca. AD 1300 et ca. AD 1900). These climate pejorations have impacted local human societies. For example, during the LIA, a maximum of flood events and drop of temperatures are recorded, partly responsible of the Norse demise.

Acidification trends in Swedish lakes : an assessment of past water chemistry conditions using lake sediments

Korsman, Tom January 1993 (has links)
This thesis presents temporal perspectives of lake acidification in Sweden. Sediment records have been used to study timing, trends and causes of acidification, and two different techniques for assessing past lake-water acidity are presented. A new technique for pH prediction, based on near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy of surface sediments, is developed. This study shows that there is a pH related fraction of lake sediments that can be recorded by NIR analysis. Relationships between NIR spectra of surface sediment samples and measured lake-water pH values, and between NIR spectra of sediment cores and historical pH values inferred by diatom analysis, are modelled by partial least squares regression. The prediction errors of the models are comparable to those obtained by modelling of diatom and lake-water pH data. By further development NIR spectroscopy can become useful for inferring past pH, as well as several other lake-water parameters, from sediment cores. Diatom-based predictive models, using multivariate calibration methods, are developed for inferences of lake-water pH, alkalinity and colour. These models are used to provide a regional assessment of recent lake acidification in the provinces of Västerbotten and Norrbotten, northern Sweden. The study shows that a pH decline has occurred in some southeastern lakes, but that most of the lakes have not faced significant changes in lake-water pH, alkalinity and colour. The inferred water chemistiy changes are discussed in relation to atmospheric deposition and land-use. In a study of eight acid-sensitive Swedish boreal-forest lakes a past-analogue approach is used to test whether contemporary expansion of conifers could cause lake acidification. Water chemistry changes associated with the natural pre-historic colonization and expansion of spruce in Sweden (≈3000 years B.P.), at times of background atmospheric acidity, are inferred to evaluate the acidification ability of spruce per se on surface waters. This study shows that under natural, unpolluted conditions spruce colonization and expansion did not cause lake acidification. In a synthesis of palaeolimnological acidification research in Sweden a general model for pH- development for acid clear-water lakes in southern Sweden is presented. The pH-development from the last deglaciation to present time can be divided into four different periods; (i) a natural long-term acidification period (12000 B.P. - 2300 B.P., or later), with a gradual decrease in pH resulting from declining fluxes of base cations from catchment soils; (ii) a human induced alkalization period (2300 B.P. - 1900 A.D.), with a pH increase due to human activities in the catchments; (iii) the recent acidification period (about 1900 A.D. - present), when pH decreased towards 4.5 due to acid deposition and possibly ceased land-use; and (iv) the liming period (1970s - present), when pH often increases to values above 7 following lime treatment to counteract acidification. The implications of these past pH changes for the concept of contemporary lake acidification and for liming policy are outlined. / digitalisering@umu

The biostratigraphy, palaeoecology and geochemistry of a long lacustrine sequence from NW Greece

Frogley, Michael Reginald January 1998 (has links)
Examination of an important new 319m core of lake sediment recovered from Ioannina in NW Greece has attempted to relate changes in the lake to variations in the regional climate of south-central Europe over the last 600,000 years. The site is known to have been extremely sensitive to past climatic change for three reasons: (i) temperate vegetation persisted throughout glacial stages (albeit at low frequencies), so the vegetational response to climatic change would therefore have been almost immediate; (ii) the extreme thickness of the sediments suggests that accumulation rates were high (at times, &gt; 1m per thousand years), which has enabled high-resolution palaeoclimatic reconstructions; and (iii) precipitation of authigenic carbonate has preserved a remarkably sensitive proxy record of productivity variations for most of the lake's history. Well-defined shifts from glacial - interglacial mode have been correlated with vegetational changes identified in a core previously analysed from the same basin (using magnetic susceptibility profiles), enabling tentative correlations to be suggested with other European terrestrial sequences and with the marine oxygen isotope record, back to marine isotope stage 16. Twelve AMS radiocarbon determinations from the upper part of the core, together with the identification of a series of reversed palaeomagnetic events within the Brunhes chron, support the proposed age model for the sequence. The sediments at Ioannina, unlike most of the other long terrestrial European sequences, are calcareous and contain mollusc and ostracod assemblages. Part of this project has involved a comprehensive review of Quaternary and modem aquatic faunas from the lake, as well as the description, illustration and critical assessment of several poorly-known endemic taxa. Faunal assemblage data have been used to provide valuable information concerning the variable response of lake-level to climatic change over time. Convincing new mollusc an evidence indicates low lake-levels at the Last Glacial Maximum, agreeing with regional pollen data, but conflicting with geomorphological evidence derived from Kastritsa, a well-documented nearby Palaeolithic cave site. It is suggested that this discrepancy may be a result of subsequent tectonic uplift of the rockshelter. In addition, stable isotopic analyses of both the ostracods and the bulk carbonate within the sediments have contributed towards deriving a comprehensive palaeoenvironmental history for the site. Although the study analysed physical, biological and geochemical aspects of the entire core, two distinct parts of the record were selected for more detailed investigation. High-resolution analysis over the last interglacial (the Eemian) has revealed evidence for a clear, two-step deglaciation at the beginning of the period, known from elsewhere as the Zeifen-Kattegat Oscillation. Climatic instability has also been detected within the full interglacial. Comparisons are drawn with a range of other Eemian records from across Europe, as well as the Greenland ice cores. High-resolution analysis of the period from the end of the last glacial to the present day has also revealed evidence for climatic instability. A cool and arid oscillation is demonstrated by several climatic proxies that may constitute the first recognition of the Younger Dryas stadial from Greece. A shorter, but more subdued cooling event has also been detected during the first half of the Holocene, which may correspond with a widespread climatic oscillation from high-resolution terrestrial, marine and ice core records that has been dated to between 7,500 and 8,000 years BP.

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