Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ana"" "subject:"cana""
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Výpočty jeřábových lan / Calculation of crane ropesFiala, Lukáš January 2019 (has links)
This master thesis deals with calculation of steel wire ropes for cranes. Concretely is acted about calculation of wire ropes overhead crane manufactured by KRÁLOVOPOLSKÁ a.s. designed for load capacities up to 25 000 kg, which is situated at hall of steelworks. Further, the calculation of wire ropes different overhead crane was made to compare the results. The solution includes calculation made using valid standards ČSN 27 0100, DIN 15020-1, FEM 1.001 and ČSN EN 13001-3-2. Finally, the procedures are evaluated and compared with each other.
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Las élites de poder en Caravaca en la segunda mitad del siglo XVIII: patrimonio, poder político y actitudes ante la muertePelegrín Abellón, Juan Antonio 26 November 1999 (has links)
En esta tesis se hace un estudio de las élites de poder en Caravaca durante la Segunda Mitad del Siglo XVIII, tanto a nivel familiar, como a nivel de poder político y de la relación de este con su poder patrimonial. Se parte del análisis de las principales familias que configuran el poder local, y a partir de él, se procede a establecer los lazos de parentesco y matrimonios que se dan entre dichas élites. Pero el centro de la tesis lo constituye el estudio de los comerciantes desde dos vertientes: La primera como instrumento económico que va a favorecer el tráfico y comercio de la zona introduciéndola en las principales rutas interiores del comercio de la lana, mientras que la segunda vertiente hace referencia, a su influencia como poder político, a su introducción paulatina en los cargos del concejo y la ocupación de los puestos de mayor relevancia. / This thesis is intended as a study of power elites in Caravaca during the second half of the 18th century from the perspective of the families involved and the relationship between their political and patrimonial powers. The main families that shaped local power have been analysed and the bonds and marriages between their members have been brought to light. The core of the thesis, however, is the study of local merchants from a double perspective: (i) their role as economic agents that encouraged traffic and commerce in the area by introducing it in the main inland routes of wool trade; and (ii) the gradual increase of their political power, as shown by the fact that they tended to hold the most relevant posts in the local council.
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L'emploi des jeunes : vecteur de recomposition des économies salariales de services : étude sur la précarisation et la segmentation des relations salariales en Rhône-Alpes / Young employement as a recomposition vector of wage economies of services : study about precarisation and segmentation of wage relations in Rhône-AlpesZubiri-Rey, Jon Bernat 30 November 2016 (has links)
En Rhône-Alpes l’économie se spécialise de plus en plus dans différentes activités de services – notamment de consultance et d'assistance, santé-action sociale, commerce, hôtellerie-restauration et services opérationnels– et dans la construction. La précarisation de l’emploi – comprise comme la combinaison persistante des bas salaires et de l'instabilité du poste– touche, aussi bien en France qu'en Rhône-Alpes, spécialement les jeunes salarié-e-s. Loin de se limiter à une période transitoire, cette précarisation se développe dans la vie sociale et professionnelle de segments importants de la population laborieuse. À partir des Déclarations Annuelles de Données Sociales (DADS), nous avons analysé la recomposition des rapports entre les groupes d’âge et de sexe, ce qui évidence les tendances générales de la région et les particularités sectorielles de la segmentation des relations salariales. Trois éléments – l’âge, le sexe et le secteur économique– sont les éléments structurants de cette thèse sur la précarisation de l’emploi des jeunes et le renforcement de la segmentation par l’âge et par le sexe. Ces éléments opèrent comme vecteur de recomposition intégrale des économies salariales de services, en combinant le renouvellement sectoriel et la substitution générationnelle des relations d’emploi. Dans une période de stagnation d'une partie importante des rémunérations salariales, l'emploi des jeunes se précarise par la multiplication des bas salaires, l'instabilité des postes et la faible perspective de carrière interne au secteur. Cette précarisation de l'emploi des jeunes est aussi bien conséquence que moteur de la recomposition sectorielle de l'emploi. La concentration des jeunes dans les activités émergentes reproduit la segmentation sexuée des emplois. Cette recomposition sectorielle et générationnelle de l'emploi renforce les processus de segmentation par l'âge : des secteurs traditionnels vieillissants – aux conditions plus décentes–, des zones de précarisation – concernant notamment des jeunes– en expansion, et des secteurs stratégiques un peu moins jeunes et fortement inégalitaires. Enfin, certain-e-s salarié-e-s – bien souvent des femmes– restent après la jeunesse durablement enfermé-e-s dans des bas salaires et l'instabilité de l'emploi. C'est la précarité-horizon tout au long de leur (absence de) carrière. / The Rhône-Alpes economy is increasingly specializing in diverse service activities, such as consulting and assistance services, health and social action, commerce sector, hotels and restaurants, and operational services, along with the building sector. Employment precarization – defined as the persistent combination of low wages and job insecurity– especially affects young employees, both in Rhône-Alpes and France. Far from being limited to a transition period, this precarization persists throughout the social and professional lives of important segments of the working class. Relying on the Déclarations Annuelles de Données Sociales (DADS), we have underlined the restructuring by age and sex groups and showed regional trends as well as the distinctive sector features of employment relationship precarization. These three elements – age, sex and economic sector– are the key elements of this thesis on the precarization of youth employment and its increasing segmentation. In such a process, the sectoral and generational renewal of employment relationships combine to drive a full recomposition of service-sector wage-economies. In a period of near-general wage stagnation, youth employment is becoming increasingly precarious due to the rise of low wages, job insecurity and low career prospects in the same sector. This precarization of youth employment is both a consequence and a driving factor of the sector recomposition of employment. The concentration of young people in emerging branches reproduces the sexual segmentation of employment. This sector and generational recomposition of employment reinforces age segmentation : traditional sectors, with more decent conditions, dominated by an ageing labour force ; expanding areas of precarization, notably concerning young people; whereas strategic sectors, where employees are not so young, showing high internal inequalities. Finally, some employees – mostly women– remain locked up in low wages and job insecurity even after ageing out of the younger period cohorts. It is the precariousness as horizon throughout their (absence of) career. / La economía de Rhône-Alpes tiende a especializarse en la construcción y en diversas actividades de servicios – consultoría y asesoría, salud y la acción social, comercio, hoteles y restaurantes, y servicios operativos o auxiliares, principalmente. Además, la precarización del empleo – entendida como combinación persistente de bajos salarios e inestabilidad de los puestos– afecta, tanto en Francia como en Rhône-Alpes, sobre todo a los y las jóvenes empleadas. Lejos de limitarse a un período transitorio, esta precarización se expande en la vida social y profesional de partes importantes de la población trabajadora. Mediante la observación de las Déclarations Annuelles de Données Sociales (DADS) hemos analizado la recomposición de las relaciones entres los grupos de edad y los sexos, evidenciando las tendencias generales de la región y las particularidades sectoriales de las relaciones salariales segmentadas. Estos tres elementos – edad, sexo y sector económico– estructuran esta tesis sobre la precarización del empleo juvenil y la creciente segmentación por edad y por sexo. En este proceso se combinan la renovación sectorial y la substitución generacional de las relaciones de empleo, que operan como vector de recomposición integral de las economías salariales de servicios.En un periodo de estancamiento de una parte importante de las remuneraciones salariales, el empleo juvenil se precariza por la proliferación de bajos salarios, puestos inestables y de baja perspectiva de trayectoria laboral ascendente interna al sector. Esta precarización del empleo juvenil es a la vez consecuencia y motor de la reestructuración sectorial del empleo. La concentración de jóvenes en actividades emergentes reproduce opciones de empleo altamente segmentadas por sexo. La recomposición sectorial y generacional del empleo fortalece el proceso de segmentación por la edad : por un lado se observan sectores tradicionales – con condiciones más decentes– en proceso de envejecimiento; por otro, se consolidan zonas de precarización, especialmente juveniles, en expansión; y, así mismo, constatamos la existencia de una serie de sectores estratégicos, con empleados y empleadas no tan jóvenes, y con desigualdades internas fuertes. Por último, señalar que algunos empleados – y, sobre todo, empleadas– permanecen tras el periodo juvenil atrapadas en bajos salarios e inestabilidad contractual. Es la precariedad-horizonte a lo largo de su (ausencia de) carrera. / Rhône-Alpeetako ekonomiak eraikuntzan eta zenbait zerbitzu jardueratan espezializatzeko joera hartu du azken hamarkadetan – aholkularitza eta laguntza zerbitzuak, osasun eta gizarte ekintza, merkataritza, ostatuak eta jatetxeak, eta zerbitzu osagarriak dira nagusiak. Era berean, enpleguaren prekarizazioak – soldata baxuen eta lanpostu ezegonkorren luzaroko egoeren konbinazioa – gazte langileei eragiten die bereziki, bai Frantzian, eta bai Rhône-Alpeetan ere. Enpleguaren prekarizazioa behin-behineko trantsizio egoera izan beharrean, langileriaren adar anitzen bizi baldintzetan hedatzen da. Déclarations Annuelles de Données Sociales (DADS) datu basearen bidez, adin eta sexu taldeen arteko berrosaketa aztertu dugu, eskualdeko joera orokorrak eta soldatapeko hainbat sektoreren lan harreman segmentatuen berezitasunak nabarmentzeko. Hiru elementu hauek dira – adina, sexua eta sektore ekonomikoa– gazte enpleguaren prekarizazioa eta handitzen doan adin eta sexuaren araberako lan harremanen segmentazioari buruzko tesi honen egiturazko osagaiak , soldatapeko zerbitzu ekonomien berrosaketa integralaren ardatz direnak, sektoreen berrikuntza eta belaunaldien arteko ordezkapenaren bidez gauzatzen dena.Soldatapeko langileentzako errenta igoera nabarmenik egon ez den epean, gazteen enpleguak prekarizatu dira, soldata baxuko lanpostu ezegonkorren ugaltzearen bidez eta sektore barruko ibilbidea egiteko aukerak murriztuta. Gazteen enpleguaren prekarizazioa sektore berrosaketaren abiapuntua zein motorra da. Gazteen kontzentrazioak jarduera nagusi berrietan sexuaren araberako segmentatutako enplegu aukerak birsortzen ditu. Era berean, enpleguaren sektore eta belaunaldien arteko berrosaketak adinaren araberako segmentazioa indartzen du : baldintza hobeak dituzten sektore tradizionalen zaharkitzea, prekarizazio guneen hedapena – bereziki gazteentzat–, eta, azkenik, ez hain gazteek osatutako sektore estrategikoak, non barne desorekak diren nagusi. Bukatzeko, zenbait langile, batez ere emakumeak, gazte garaiaren ondoren soldata baxuko enplegu ezegonkorretan gatibu geratzen direla egiaztatu da, eta prekarizazio-etorkizuna duen karrera (eza) sortzen du.
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Visutá lávka pro pěší / Suspension footbridgeČerný, Jan January 2013 (has links)
The objective of this master's thesis is a design of suspension footbridge. The footbridge is suspended construction of stress ribbon by one span. The brick deck is supported on the edges and it is kept in a parabolic arc. The suspension cables are kept at two inclined levels. The model lengthways is implemented in the program ANSYS, by non-linear solution. The model crosswise is implemented in the program SCIA ENGINEER 2011. The design is according to relevant current standart.
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Obloukový most přes rychlostní komunikaci / Arch bridge across the expresswayVaněk, Štěpán January 2013 (has links)
The objective of this theses is arch bridge design over the expressway. Bridge is consist of bridge deck, which has three pillars and composite arc. The Bridge deck is on the edges fixed into the foundations and in the middle adherent on overhead cables. The bridge is carried by combination of strands and aerial cables mounted on reinforced concrete arch. Overhead cables are slant due to the transverse direction of the bridge in the longitudinal direction is in the direction of the arc. Model of the construction was made in a calculated program SCIA ENGINEER 2011. The designe is in accordance with applicable standards.
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Střecha plaveckého stadionu / Roof of the swimming poolPelikán, Adam January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis is about designing the structure of roof of swimming stadium. Three solutions are created - concrete arc with tie, steel truss slab and concrete pretensioned membrane. One choosed solution - concrete pretensioned membrane - is afterwards developed. In the beginning there are several designs of geometry fulfilling the requirements for given type of structure being created. In part of static calculation, the parametrical mathematical model in form of macro in APDL language for Ansys software has been created. Afterwards all the parameters (initial state of cables, level of pretension, dimensions of membrane and peripheral frame, etc.) has been optimized in order to the membrane be fulfilling criterias for ultimate limit state and serviceability limit state. Afterwards other selected parts of structure has been checked. On basis of designed geometry and design checks in static calculation the drawings of conctruction and designed parts has been created. In the end, the 3D model of the structure has been created in graphical software Rhinoceros. Then visualizations of structure in concstruction stages and after completion has been rendered.
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Visutá lávka přes Labe / Suspension footbridge across the Elbe RiverGregor, Petr January 2012 (has links)
The objective of this master´s thesis is a design of suspension footbridge across the Elbe river. The footbridge is suspended construction by three spans. The brick deck is supported on the outer edges and it is kept in a parabolic arc. The suspension cables are kept at two inclined levels. The model is implemented in the program ANSYS. The solution is non-linear. The designe is according to the europien standart.
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Projekt zastřešení výstavní haly / Design of exhibition hall roofNěmec, Petr January 2013 (has links)
The Diploma’s thesis is focused on the design of selected parts of reinforced concrete exhibition hall (prestressed concrete purlin, prestressed concrete girder, reinforced concrete column, reinforced concrete footing, post-tensioned concrete girders). The load calculation (the self weight, the permanent load, the wind load, the snow load and imposed load), the design and the review of selected reinforced concrete items and the drawing documentation are included in this thesis.
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Návrh předpjaté nádrže / Design of reinforced tankŠtramberský, Martin January 2014 (has links)
The matter of this diploma thesis is a static storage tank for petroleum substances, the study of a solution for appropriate shape of shell and its effort to dihedral for roofing, and the study of effect of the storage of inner roofs walls of the tank to the size of the internal forces. The internal walls are carried out by the method of finite elements in the engineering program Scia Engineering 2013 and on the basis of it, designing of the framing sections of the tank. There is a calculation part of the lower horizontal bias wreaths of the shell and internal supporting wall. All the components are assessed on the 1st limit state of the load-bearing capacity and the 2nd limit state of the application (emergence cracks, limiting voltage in the concrete and a prestressing steel). The existing external wall is assessed only on the marginal status load of carrying capacity. The part of diploma thesis is also drawing documentation, accompanying report and technical report. The goal of the diploma thesis was to design the tank without an occurrence of the cracks in the concrete so as the vertical wall was prestressing only in the horizontal direction and the optimal proposal roof tanks as an addition.
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