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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Langa community needs assessment study

Mpetsheni, Yandiswa D. 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Reliable and valid methods of studying needs of communities are an essential tool in the development of those communities. This study looks at different ways in which community needs could be assessed and uses two of those methods in assessing needs of the Langa community. The findings are that for a successful needs assessment, the key is, to identify a method or a combination of methods appropriate to the issues and to one's goals and resources, and implementing it well. Queeney (1995) states that one must always choose a technique that will give accurate results of the community being studied, and resources used should be cost-effective. Langa was chosen as a case study because of its diverse socia-economic structure. The type of housing that one occupies is indicative of the socioeconomic background of that person. The housing types found in Langa are shacks, hostels, public houses and private houses. The methods used in the Langa area for this study were the key informant approach and the survey approach. The key informant approach was used with community leaders in Langa while a survey was conducted with sampled dwelling units in the area. The reason for using the two methods was to get a more comprehensive picture of community needs in the area. Key informant approach Representatives of 10 of the 15 community organisations operating in the Langa area were interviewed. Priority needs for the community differed according to the organisation that key informants represented. Survey approach The total number of people interviewed using the survey approach was 425. Of the total number respondents living shacks, approximately 40% were in full time employment. In public housing, it was approximately 47% of the respondents. The private houses had by far the highest number of respondents in full time employment (73%) followed by hostels at 59%. The high number for private housing was not surprising considering that the occupants were mostly government employees. People in shacks did not have access to basic services. However, their first priority was housing. This was the same as the priority in the overcrowded migrant labour hostels. In public housing the priority need was jobs. Private housing dwellers mentioned housing for shack dwellers as their first priority. The close proximity of shack dwellers to private housing made private housing private housing dwellers aware of the conditions under which people in shacks live. Recommendations Most of the community organisation in the Langa area existed because of a need that was identified by the community. The priority needs cited by representatives of the various organisations were needed by the Langa community. In the survey approach housing and jobs were the main priorities. Priority needs raised by key informants as well as survey respondents need to be addressed urgently to ensure the development of the Langa community. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Betroubare en geldige tegnieke vir die bestudering van die behoeftes van gemeenskappe vorm In essensiële deel van die ontwikkeling van gemeenskappe. Hierdie studie ondersoek die verskillende wyses waarop gemeenskap behoeftes gemeet kan word en gebruik twee van hierdie metodes om behoeftes van die Langa gemeenskap te bepaal. Die bevindinge toon dat die belangrikste komponent vir In suksesvolle behoefte opname, die identififsering van In metode of kombinasie van metodes geskik vir die situasie is, as ook die suksesvolle implementering daarvan. Queeney (1995) stel dat die navorser altyd In tegniek moet kies wat akkurate bevindinge sal voortbring en ook koste-effektief is. Langa is gekies as In gevallestudie vanweë die diverse sosio-ekonomiese struktuur. Die tipe behuising van In okkupant is In indikator van die sosioekonomiese agtergrond van die individu. Die behuising tipes in Langa is tydelike wonings, hostelle, losieshuise as ook privaat wonings. Die metodes wat in Langa gebruik is vir hierdie studie is die sleutel informant metode as ook In opname. Die sleutel informant metode is gebruik met die gemeenskapsleiers terwyl In opname uitgevoer is in geselekteerde areas van Langa. In Kombinasie van metodes is gebruik om In meer omvattende beskrywing van die gemeenskapsbehoeftes in die omgewing te verskaf. Sleutel informant tegniek Daar is onderhoude gevoer met 10 verteenwoordigers van die 15 gemeenskapsorganisasies in Langa. Die prioritisering van behoeftes het gewissel afhangende van die organsisasie. Opname Daar is onderhoude gevoer met 425 persone tydens die opname. Naastenby 40% van die respondente woonagtig in tydelike behuising, het In voltydse betrekking. Vir respondente woonagtig in losieshuise was dit naastenby 47% van die respondente. Respondente in privaat wonings toon die hoogste persentasie respondente met 'n voltydse betrekking (73%) gevolg deur die hostel inwoners teen 59%. Die hoë persentasie vir privaat wonings is nie verbasend aangesien die inwoners meestal regerings amptenare is. Die inwoners van tydelike behuising het nie toegang tot basiese dienste nie. Hulle eerste prioriteit is dus behuising. Behuising is ook 'n prioriteit vir die inwoners van die oorbevolkte hostelle. In die publieke woning sector was die prioriteit behoefte werksgeleenthede. Die respondente in hierdie sector het ook aangetoon dat behuising vir die inwoners van tydelike behuising 'n prioriteit vir hulle is. Die nabyheid van die tydelike behusing het die inwoners van privaat wonings meer bewus gemaak van hulle omstandighede. Aanbevelings Die grootste gedeelte van die gemeenskapsorganisasie in Langa het ontwikkel uit 'n behoefte wat die gemeenskap geïdentifiseer is. Die bevindinge van die opname het getoon dat behuising en werksgeleenthede die hoofprioriteite is. Die belangrikste behoeftes wat in hierdie studie geïdentifiseer word moet dringend aangespreek word.

Aspects of the social and political history of Langa Township, Cape Town, 1927-1948

Musemwa, Muchaparara January 1993 (has links)
Bibliography: pages 198-213. / This study focuses on the social and political history of Africans in Langa Township from 1927 to 1948. Langa conveniently and justifiably serves as a good case study of the urban African experience because it is the area in Greater Cape Town, during this period, where there was the largest concentration of a relatively organised, stabilised and permanent African working class community. It is also the oldest township with the deepest roots and longest evolution in Cape Town. Langa also makes an interesting area of study because the politics surrounding its evolution as an urban African segregated residential township presents it not only as an arena of social conflict between the ruler and the ruled, but also stands out as a veritable testimony of the African struggle to become an integral part of the city. The thesis traces what, initially, began as an "externalised" struggle by Africans against the forced removals from the city and Ndabeni Location to Langa and attempts to establish the continuities of this struggle within the township - i.e."internalised" struggle. African popular struggles in Langa predominantly centred around such issues as rents, railway fares, living conditions, restrictions on beer brewing and trading activities, the demand for direct municipal representation and the freedom of movement. The study explores the nature of the relationship that subsisted between the Langa residents and the Cape Town City Council and the internal social and political relations in the Langa community, paying particular attention to conflicting tendencies and the forms of resolution implemented. The thesis aims to highlight the fact that protest and resistance were the only weapons that empowered the Langa residents to fight against unilateral unpopular decisions by the local authority or central government. Flowing from these findings is an attempt to discover how the lived experiences of the Langa people, their frustrations, disillusionment, crises of expectations, translated into political consciousness and how these help us to explain the people's role in nationalist politics. Alternatively, this will help us to explain how political parties, the African National Congress (ANC), the Communist Party of South Africa (CPS A), and the National Liberation League (NLL) exploited the crises in civic matters to enhance or strengthen their support bases and with what results.

Building on strengths : poverty alleviation through cultural tourism towards a business strategy for a cultural tourism project in the Langa Township

Muller-Lierheim, Hendrik 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / ENGLISH SUMMARY: The study looks at the different elements of a business strategy developed for a cultural tourism project in the township of Langa, located in the city of Cape Town. Its unique nature lies in the fact that the operators of the enterprise are volunteering young residents of the area, who will benefit through support provided by the community-based organisation in their subsequent training. Thus, the venture is at the same time a tourism enterprise, a generator of development funds and a community organisation. In line with a systematic approach to business strategising the study consists of four major sections. The first section (chapter 2) provides a broad background to the cultural-tourism industry, incorporating lessons to be learned from Cyprus, Papua New Guinea and Botswana as well as other parts of South Africa. It also reviews tools available to segment the cultural tourism market and estimate its size. With the focus on skills shortages in township environments, the third chapter outlines some of the challenges likely to confront the project. It also indicates the skills-development needs and expectations which are likely to motivate the project participants. As a further background for the preparation of the business strategy, chapter 4 summarises the relevant core elements of the business environment around cultural tourism in township areas. It also covers critical elements of the tourism industry’s competitive environment and relevant stakeholders. The fourth key chapter covers (with respect to the particular Langa-focused community-based cultural-tourism venture) all conventional topics, including vision, mission and goal statements, envisaged product offerings and marketing plans, value-chain characteristics and an assessment of the (expected) competitive situation. The final chapter briefly touches on the appropriateness of this township project or business as a tool for the social and economic transformation of the township youth. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die studie ondersoek die verskillende elemente van 'n besigheidsstrategie vir ‘n projek binne die gebied van kulturele toerisme, met besondere klem op die Langa woongebied in Kaapstad. Die besondere karakter van die projek word bepaal deur die feit dat die projekdeelnemers vrywillige jeugdiges is, wat hoop om deur hul samewerking hul verdere opleidingsgeleenthede te verbeter. Die projek is dus terselfdertyd ‘n toerisme onderneming, ‘n skepper van ontwikkelingsfondse en ‘n gemeenskapsorganisasie. In ooreenstemming met ‘n gestruktureerde sakestrategie bestaan die studie uit vier hoofdele. Die eerste afdeling (hoofstuk 2) verskaf ‘n breë agtergrond tot kulturele toerisme, met besondere verwysings tot Ciprus, Papoea-Nieu Guinee en Botswana asook ander dele van Suid-Afrika. Dit behandel ook konsepte wat gebruik kan word om die mark van kulturele toerisme in segmente op te breek en sy grootte te beraam. Met die klem op vaardigheidstekorte in townships gee die derde hoofstuk ‘n oorsig van enkele uitdagings wat die projek sal tref. Terselfdertyd gee dit ‘n aanduiding van die opleidingsbehoeftes en verwagtings wat die jeugdiges betrokke by die projek mag koester. As ‘n verdere agtergrond vir die voorbereiding van ‘n sakestrategie skets hoofstuk 4 sekere van die kernelemente van die sakeomgewing rondom kulturele toerisme in gebiede soos Langa. Dit dek ook kritiese aspekte van mededinging in die toerismebedryf asook van die betrokke belangegroepe. Met die fokus op Langa en gemeenskapstoerisme behandel die vierde deel alle relevante aspekte van ‘n sakemodel: Dit sluit in doelstellings en mikpunte, die beoogde dienstespektrum en bemarkingsplanne asook die mededingingsdinamiek. Die laaste hoofstuk besin oor die toepaslikheid van hierdie projek of sakemodel as ‘n instrument vir die sosiale en ekonomiese transformasie van die “township”-jeugdiges.

Perceptions and preferences on high density residential development in low-cost housing : a case study of Langa

Madikane, Thulani 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MS en S)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The provision of low-cost housing constitutes one of South Africa's biggest challenges. As a result, high density residential development, amid an ever increasing urban population in South Africa, is seen as the answer to address the housing problems by the authorities. The concept of densification presupposes, upon its implementation, the advantages of promoting an integrated urban system, more economical use of land, a better quality of life for the recipients, containing urban sprawl and the protection of the agricultural and natural resources. However, the application of the concept of high density development in low-cost housing has been criticised for failing to fulfil its main objectives which are intended to better the lives of the people. The hypothesis is that the concept of densification may impact negatively on the quality of family living. As a result, the main objective of this study is to seek statistical data which is related to quality of family living and to uncover the views and experiences of household members. To achieve this objective, a questionnaire, interviews and literature-based research method was adopted in this study. In addition, built housing models complemented the questionnaire. Since part of the government's high density development strategy is to expand the existing townships, the Langa township in the Western Province was chosen to conduct the study. The findings of this study revealed that the application of the concept of high density development in Langa has resulted in situations of overcrowding and noise, a lack of privacy, smaller housing structures and erven, a lack of space for children to play and adults to socialise and regular clashes between the residents and the authorities regarding these issues. Therefore, the hypothesis that although densification may have resulted in more housing units being built whilst at the same time impacting negatively on the quality of family living has been proven to be true by this study. However, this study has revealed the fact that although there is nothing inherently wrong with the concept of densification, the problem lies with the manner in which the concept is applied in South Africa. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die voorsiening van laekostebehuising vorm deel van Suid-Afrika se grootste uitdagings. Die resultaat is dat die ontwikkeling van woongebiede met hoë digthede deur die owerhede gesien word as een van die oplossings vir behuisingsprobleme van 'n steeds snelgroeiende stedelike bevolking. Met die toepassing van die konsep van verdigting word daar veronderstel dat die voordele van 'n geintegreerde stedelike stelsel, die ekonomiese gebruik van grond, beter lewensgehalte vir burgers, die beperking van stedelike uitgestrektheid en die beskerming van landbou- en natuurlike hulpbronne, verwesenlik sal word. Die toepassing van die konsep van verdigting in laekostebehuising word egter gekritiseer omdat dit tekortskiet in die primere doelwit wat daarop gemik is om die lewensgehalte van burgers te bevorder. Die hipotese is dat die konsep van verdigting gesinslewe en daarby die lewenskwaliteit van persone negatief kan beinvloed. Die doel van die studie is dus om statistiese data wat verband hou met die gehalte van gesinslewe , in te win ten einde sienswyses en ervarings van gesinne in laekoste woonbuurte te verwoord. Om hierdie doelwit te bereik, is 'n vraelys, onderhoude en 'n literatuurgebaseerde navorsingsmetode gevolg. Bykomende behuisingsmodelle het die vraelys gekomplementeer. Aangesien die regering se verdigtingstrategie vir ontwikkeling ten doel het om bestaande townships uit te brei, is Langa in die Wes-Kaap gekies as studiegebied. Die bevindinge van die studie toon aan dat die implementering van die konsep van die ontwikkeling van hoë digte, laekostebehuising oorbevolking en geraas, 'n gebrek aan privaatheid, kleiner huisstrukture en erwe, 'n gebrek aan speelplek vir kinders en onvoldoende plek vir volwassenes om te sosialiseer, teweeg gebring het - die toestande het tot gereelde botsings tussen die inwoners en owerhede gelei. Die studie bewys dus die hipotese dat hoewel verdigting tot die bou van meer behuisingseenhede gelei het, dit ook 'n negatiewe impak op die gehalte van gesinslewe meegebring het. Die studie bewys dat hoewel daar niks inherent met die konsep van verdigting verkeerd is nie, die probleem Iê in die manier waarop die konsep binne Suid-Afrika toegepas word.

An evaluation of selected steps to achieve successful community development projects with specific reference to crime and housing in Langa Township within Cape Town

Kakaza, Luvuyo January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (MTech (Public Management)) --Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2009 / There is mounting dissatisfaction among South African communities concerning the state of housing and safety and security in South Africa. This, coupled with intentions of government, which have not always been as successful as anticipated, has led to situations where communities that were promised development, embark on uprisings against poor service delivery, which they receive. This study investigates involvement of all stakeholders, specifically the community, in community development projects, in order to determine what effect this has on the end result of community development projects. The main focus of this study comprises involvement of the community and the impact that it could have on the initiation and planning steps of the project management process. The study uses both a qualitative and quantitative approach. The quantitative survey was administered through use of two closed ended questionnaires; one was directed at residents of the N2 Gateway, as the beneficiaries of the N2 Gateway Housing Project, and the other at residents of Langa on four subdivisions of Langa, namely northern, southern, eastern and western Langa. The qualitative survey was administered in the form of interviews that were held with managers in the Provincial Government of the Western Cape who are responsible for implementation of the Bambanani Against Crime Project and the N2 Gateway Housing Project. The study reveals that both projects made little use of community engagement during the initiation and implementation stages, which had a visible effect on results of the project, as confirmed by results of the survey. However, the project had a different approach owing to the nature of the project. The Bambanani Against Crime Project solely relied on volunteers from the community for implementation and this aspect had a big impact on the end result of the project. The N2 Gateway Housing Project did not accommodate community involvement at any stage of the project, which ultimately led to dissatisfactory results in respect of views of the community, and the department that implemented the project.

The construction of public history and tourist destinations in Cape Town's townships: a study of routes, sites and heritage

Dondolo, Luvuyo January 2002 (has links)
Magister Artium - MA / This paper seeks to explore a number of issues in relation to tourism, particularly cultural tours, in Cape Town from the apartheid era to the new political dispensation in South Africa. Cultural tourism is not merely about commerial activities. It is an ideological framing of history of people, nature, and culture, a framing that has power to reshape culture and nature for its own needs. In the South African context, this can be seen from the early decades of the twentieth century, but for the purposes of this study it will focus from the 1950s onwards to the present political period. The dominant ideology and political conditions at a given time shape cultural tourism. / South Africa

Assessing contributions of tourism development to poverty alleviation programmes in Langa, Western Cape Province

Mzamo, Nokuzola Assunta January 2013 (has links)
Thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree Master of Technology: Public Management in the Faculty of business at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2013 / The study, which deals with Assessing Contributions of Tourism Development to Poverty Alleviation Programmes in Langa, Western Cape Province, was conducted against the background that Langa Township has all that it takes to be considered as a well developed tourist destination. Despite the great potential of tourism economic clusters in Langa Township, which covers its rich historical contribution in the history making of new the South Africa, cultural tourism and township tourism, the township faces a challenge of unemployment whilst there are few community members that perceive tourism as an escape industry that would create job opportunities for them, and hence contribute to a better life. Conversely, this study locates the tourism industry as key in efforts to uplift the poor standard of living that the Langa township community faces. In South Africa, generally, the tourism industry is recognised as one of the key economic sectors that has great potential to contribute towards eradicating community-based poverty challenges. The central focus of the study involves the viability of tourism business segments in Langa Township, community participation, community understanding and awareness of the tourism industry in the area, as well as basic infrastructure to support tourism industry. The study employed both quantitative and qualitative methodology. The quantitative survey was administered by using Likert Scale questionnaires, which were distributed to community members who have stayed in Langa for more than five years. The quantitative survey was distributed to the Langa Local Economic Development Forum, tour operators based in Langa, and those who make use of Langa as a visiting destination, and community leaders. The main findings of the study revealed that there are few tour operators who conduct business based in Langa township, whilst those tourism establishments that exist are not widely marketed and properly planned to both lead and benefit from the potential of tourism economic segments in order to keep these operators highly viable and sustainable. Community understanding and awareness of the tourism industry in the area is at a fair level of understanding and awareness, but with little in-depth knowledge on how these communities can use it for the improvement of their living conditions. However, basic infrastructure to support the tourism industry in Langa is not at a high standard to attract tourist use. For example, the indoor sport centres, playing fields, and cultural yards are of a poor quality. This situation makes it difficult to currently position the tourism industry in Langa township, and drive it as a leading economic sector for poverty alleviation. Nonetheless, the study presents recommendation on how best to improve the current exploration on the tourism industry in Langa township for a positive impact on programmes towards poverty alleviation.

Community participation in low-cost housing projects : the case of Langa (Joe Slovo) community in the N2 gateway housing project in Cape Town.

Juta, Lusanda Beauty. 28 January 2015 (has links)
M. Tech. Public Management / Community participation is intended to promote the values of good governance and human right. While the ultimate decisions in local government are made by elected local councillors, residents are consulted as much as possible in order to create democratic spaces. All the residents affected should participate in the decision-making with designated representatives who decide on their behalf. In South Africa pre 1994, government made decisions on behalf of communities and government legislation described the extent of community participation and how participation should be applied. The current South African government still lacks an effective mechanism or plan to apply and involve communities to participation in projects such as N2 Gateway housing development project The main focus of this study is to determine the extent to which the Langa (Joe Slovo) community participated in the planning and implementation of the N2 Gateway housing project.

The Langa enrichment programme : a study of students' perceptions of the performance of the programme, undertaken to improve its functioning

Ismail, Salma January 1993 (has links)
Bibliography: p. 104-111. / This study focuses on the Langa Enrichment Programme an educational support programme for black students studying under the Department of Education and Training in the Cape Peninsula. The study aimed to determine students' reasons for attending the programme, their perceptions of its strengths and weaknesses and their recommendations for improvements. Student expectations of the programme and reasons for the high dropout rate especially amongst Standard Nine and female students were explored. To contextualise the study and to give further insights into student views a brief summary of the apartheid education crisis is given. Educational support programmes are reviewed as is liberalism's response to the crisis in education and the history and culture of the South African Institute of Race Relations. The methodology used was two-fold: self-administered questionnaires to 126 Standard 10 Mathematics students and a series of focus group interviews with small groups of students. The findings may be summed up as follows. Students were generally positive towards the teachers, teaching methods and administration of the programme. They requested that teachers should teach and complete the syllabus, emphasizing exam questions, revision and scientific experiments, and explore alternative small group teaching with critical discussions. Students also requested a comprehensive career guidance programme, bursary information and increased financial assistance. Students expressed a reluctance to pay fees and this, coupled with increasing requests for financial and educational supp01t, raises the issue of welfarism on the programme. Reasons for the high dropout rate amongst Standard Nines included that they write an internal examination. Social pressures from boyfriends and peer groups and regarding clothes were given as reasons for female students dropping out of the programme. The students appear to determine the direction of the school in that as a result of their demands the programme has changed from an enrichment programme to a compensatory one. Recommendations in the concluding chapter of this study are that the Enrichment Programme should draw up clearer policy guidelines in conjunction with staff and students; liaison with DET secondary schools, tertiary institutions and other enrichment programmes should be improved; career guidance programmes linked to bursary information should be implemented; bursaries and other incentives should be linked to attendance and academic performance on the programme; a full time co-ordinator should be employed.

Perceptions of school climate: a comparative study of a former white and a black South African high school

Mokhele, Reitumetse 11 February 2021 (has links)
School climate is a determinant of academic performance, as supported by evidence in developed countries. However, there are limited studies from developing countries to test this hypothesis. The few studies that have attempted to explore this topic are often limited to educators. Studies in South Africa show this limitation, hence the motivation to explore school climate from the students' perspective. This study is focused on students' perception of school climate and how it impacts their academic lives. Two schools from the Western Cape Province were used as case studies. They were Pinelands and Langa High Schools, institutions that are distinct in terms of their history, location, resources, demographics and academic performance. The results of the study revealed that most students do not feel safe physically and emotionally in the school environment. In a multiracial school, the main concern is around interpersonal relationship, particularly the level of social support received from teachers; while in a black and disadvantaged school, the concerns are around institutional environment relating to the physical environment and facilities in school. Additionally, students from the privileged school had more emotional concerns, and did not believe that teachers supported them socially, while those from the disadvantaged school had physical safety concerns but believed that their teachers are supportive both academically and socially. The study concludes with a recommendation for future studies to consider more than two schools, expand the geographical scope, employ rigorous data collection, and assess multi-stakeholder perceptions of school climate and the link it has to academic performance so as to improve reliability and generalisability of the findings.

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