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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L'Azilien pyrénéen parmi les sociétés du tardiglaciaire ouest-européen : apport de l'étude des industries lithiques / The Pyrenean Azilian among Western Europe societies during the late glacial : the lithic contribution

Fat Cheung, Célia 19 November 2015 (has links)
L’Azilien pyrénéen tient un rôle princeps dans la construction et la reconnaissance des sociétés de la fin du Paléolithique supérieur. Cette référence s’est peu à peu éloignée des définitions actuelles, enrichies par d’autres découvertes. Les vestiges lithiques sont étudiés dans cette thèse pour interroger la caractérisation régionale par rapport aux autres données chronoculturelles. Pour cela, l’étude est fondée sur les gisements de Rhodes II (Ariège), Troubat (Hautes-Pyrénées), La Tourasse (Haute-Garonne), Le Poeymaü (Pyrénées-Atlantiques), Gouërris (Haute-Garonne) et l’abri Pagès (Lot). Ces analyses permettent d’aborder les questions liées aux évolutions dynamiques, notamment la mise en place de l’Azilien puis sa fin et le développement du Laborien. Elles mettent aussi en avant la particularité des pratiques pyrénéennes par rapport à ce que l’on connaît de l’Azilien plus septentrional. Un point de vue plus général est ensuite entrepris par rapport aux autres cas de figures de l’ouest européen. Le développement de l’Azilien dans les Pyrénées (14 200 à 12 500 cal BP) est différent des données plus septentrionales dans la phase d’azilianisation, avec un Magdalénien tardif (jusqu’à 14 200 cal BP) et l’absence de phase de transition. Par la suite, la phase récente trouve des points communs à l’ensemble des données françaises, pyrénéennes et cantabriques par une simplification technique marquée, mais tout de même agrémentée de caractères régionaux propres aux Pyrénées. Le Laborien, parfois présent, pourrait témoigner d’un retour à une normalisation technique dans les sites attribuables à cette phase. Il confirme la généralisation de ce renouveau dans l’ensemble de l’Ouest européen à partir de 12 300 cal BP. / Since its discovery in the French Pyrenees at the end of 19th century, the Azilien has an important role in construction and reconnaissance of the last Palaeolithic societies. It was characterized by its specific lithic industry (baked points), osseous artefacts (harpoons) and artistic remains (painted pebbles). However, new discoveries shed some new light on the character and dynamics of Azilian. This work deals with lithic industry in order to question its regional character and its relation other chrono-cultural data. Six lithic assemblages were examined in this work: Rhodes II (Ariège), Troubat (Hautes-Pyrénées), La Tourasse (Haute-Garonne), Le Poeymaü (Pyrénées-Atlantiques), Gouërris (Haute-Garonne) and Pagès (Lot). Primary, this study allows questioning the evolution of Azilian culture and its relation to the development of Laborien. Further, we question the character of Pyrenean Azilian, its status and particularity by comparing it with its northern counterparts. Finally, we’re observing the Azilian phenomenon in larger perspective by comparing the French facies with those of Western Europe. The development of Azilian in the Pyrenees differs from the situation observed in the “azilianisation phase” of the northern sites as the Magdalenian persist until 14 200 cal. BP and the transitional phase is actually lacking. However, during the younger phase some common traits are identified on the larger territory (France, Pyrenees, Cantabria) marked in particularly by a technological simplification. Still, the Pyrenean Azilian (between 14 200 and 12 500 cal BP) preserves its regional particularity as seen in its lithic industry characterized by double backed points, little scrapers and use of anvil in percussion. The Laborian, sporadically present in the Pyrenees, might indicate the retour of “technological normalisation” characterized by more regular and straight production. This “technical renewal” will soon characterize the whole Western Europe around 12 300 cal. BP.

La saisonnalité des occupations humaines au Tardiglaciaire dans les Alpes occidentales / The season of human occupations during the Late Glacial in Western Alps

Gay, Ingrid 23 October 2015 (has links)
Au Tardiglaciaire, pendant les périodes les plus froides, le développement en altitude de vastes colonies de marmottes est à mettre en relation avec l’évolution de la limite supérieure de la forêt. Des groupes humains (Magdalénien, Azilien et Laborien) se sont focalisés sur l’exploitation préférentielle de ce petit gibier. À partir de plusieurs collections actuelles de marmottes, nous avons pu établir deux référentiels permettant de déterminer l’âge et la saison d’abattage. Ces outils méthodologiques ont ensuite été appliqués à sept séries archéologiques : Colomb et la Passagère (Méaudre), l’Olette (Lans-en-Vercors), les Freydières (Saint-Agnan-en-Vercors), Bobache (La Chapelle-en-Vercors), Jean-Pierre 1 (Saint-Thibaud-de-Couz), la Chênelaz (Hostiaz). Des analyses cémentochronologiques et squelettochronologique sur un échantillon du matériel archéologique ont permis de confirmer les résultats obtenus à partir des référentiels. Ce travail a permis de mettre en évidence la saison préférentielle de la chasse à la marmotte. Pour l’ensemble des séries archéologiques, cette saison d’abattage intervient avant l’hibernation (de la fin août à début octobre). Ainsi les marmottes ont été abattues pendant la période où elles possèdent en termes de ressources le plus fort potentiel qualitatif et quantitatif, à la fois pour les produits techniques (fourrure et graisse) et pour les produits alimentaires (graisse et viande). De plus l’étude archéozoologique confirme une intense activité de boucherie, dans une perspective de récupération de ces différents produits en vue d’une consommation différée et d’une exportation vers les sites de plaine. / During the coldest periods of the Late Glacial, in alitude the development of vast colonies of marmots is to be linked with the evolution of the upper limit of the forest. Human groups (Magdalenian, Azilian and Laborien) have focused on the preferential use of this small game.From several current collections marmots, we have established two referentials for determining the age and slaughtering season. Then, the methodological tools were applied to seven archaeological series: Colomb and the Passagère (Méaudre), Olette (Lans-en-Vercors), the Freydières (Saint-Agnan-en-Vercors), Bobache (La Chapelle-en-Vercors), Jean-Pierre 1 (SaintThibaud-de-Couz), La Chênelaz (Hostiaz). Skeletochronology analysis on a sample of archaeological material has confirmed the results obtained from the referentials. This work has highlighted the preferred hunting season to the groundhog. For all archaeological series, the season of death occurs before hibernation (from late August to early October). Thus marmots were shot during the time they have in terms of the highest quality and quantity of potential resources, for both technical products (fur and fat) and for foods (fat and meat). Moreover zooarchaeological study confirms intense butchery, with a view to recovering these different products for a deferred consumption and export to lower altitude sites.

Laurentide Ice Sheet Retreat during the Younger Dryas: Central Upper Peninsula of Michigan, USA

Walters, Kent A. 15 October 2013 (has links)
No description available.

A Late Glacial family at Trollesgave. Denmark

Donahue, Randolph E., Fischer, Anders 02 January 2015 (has links)
Yes / Microwear analysis is applied to reconstruct the function and social organisation at the Late Glacial site of Trollesgave, Denmark. As with Bromme Culture sites in general, the lithic assemblage consists of primarily three types of tools. There is a strong association between these types and their use: end scrapers for dry hide scraping; burins for working hard material, primarily bone; and tanged points primarily for projectile tips. Nearly all divergence from this pattern can be referred to as the activities of children, the products and workshops of which have previously been identified. Based on the combined information from microwear analysis, flint knapping and spatial distribution of artefacts, the assemblage is inferred as the traces of a single family hunting (and fishing) occupation. / Danish Council for Independent Research (FKK ref. no. 273-08-0424)

Kvartérní paleoekologická analýza NPR Soos / The Quaternary Paleoecological Analysis of the Soos National Nature Reserve

Rajdlová, Hana January 2011 (has links)
The Quaternary Paleoecological Analysis of the Soos National Nature Reserve The aim of this proposed diploma thesis is to describe the structure of diatom communities in the diatomite deposits of the Soos National Nature Reserve and compare the finding of this thesis with those of older publications. Another aim was to reconstruct the history of the basin trough with the outputs of diatom analysis accomplished in the 3,4 m long sediment profile. The similarity of diatom communites in individual diatomite types was also tested. Key words: subfossil diatoms, Soos National Nature Reserve, paleolimnology, Late Glacial, Holocene

Palaeoenvironmental changes in southern Patagonia during the Late-glacial and the Holocene : implications for forest establishment and climate reconstructions

Mansilla, Claudia A. January 2015 (has links)
Three continuous terrestrial high-resolution palaeoenvironmental records for the Late-glacial and the Holocene have been reconstructed for different ecosystems in Fuego-Patagonia on a longitudinal transect at latitude 53°S. The records describe the nature and extent of environmental and climatic changes inferred from palynological evidence supported by lithostratigraphy, tephrochronology and radiocarbon dating. The environmental changes recorded at the three sites displays a significant degree of synchrony in response to similar large-scale climatic changes. Clear stratigraphical evidence alongside the pollen record indicates a shift to warmer interstadial conditions between c. 14,800 Cal yr BP and 14,400 Cal yrs BP. During the period coeval with ACR the vegetation was dominated by cold resistant dry land herbs such as Poaceae, Asteraceae (Suf. Asteroideae) and Acaena, by c. 13,200 Cal yr BP the vegetation changed from the dominance of cold resistant dry land herbs towards more mesic conditions and the expansion of steppe dominated by Poaceae with patches of Nothofagus forest. The establishment of the forest and an eastward shift of the forest-steppe ecotone by c. 12,500 Cal yr BP from which a gradual shift from colder to warmer conditions and the relatively stronger influences of the SSWs is inferred. The sequence of Late-glacial environmental changes places Fuego-Patagonia within the new palaeoecological data provided by this study includes “the earliest” evidence for the establishment of subantarctic Nothofagus forest during the LGIT in Fuego-Patagonia. During the Early-Holocene two major phases of Nothofagus forest expansion were registered between c. 11,700 - 10,500 Cal yr BP and c. 9,500 - 8,200 Cal yr BP. These intervals of expansion of Nothofagus forest are separated by an interval of forest contraction in response to lower effective moisture between c. 10,500 - 9,500 Cal yr BP. An intense arid phase is inferred between c. 8,250 Cal yr BP and 6,800 Cal yr BP and probably leading to an increase in the amount of dry fuel available during the mid-Holocene in Fuego-Patagonia leading to the highest fire activity promoted by very weak SSWs at this time. The later Holocene was characterised by an increase in humidity and an inferred intensification of the SSWs.

Historie vegetace Chebské pánve ze sedimentárního záznamu lokality SOOS / History of vegetational development in the Cheb basin from sedimentary record of the SOOS National Nature Reserve

Suda, Tomáš January 2012 (has links)
Vegetation development in the Cheb basin ( W Czech Republic) recorded in the sediments of the SOOS ational ature Reserve This thesis focuses on palaeoecological research of quaternary sediments in the Soos National Nature Reserve (Cheb basin, NW Czech Republic). Quaternary history of this locality is poorly known, despite it is a valuable and protected area with high natural qualities. The Soos basin is also known for its unique geological record, which is expected to cover information on landscape dynamics at least during the Holocene. A lake existed in the Soos basin enabling accumulation of diatomite and peat sediments of a broad palaeoecological potential. Records were analysed with method of pollen analysis and were dated using 14C. The results of this study bring information about vegetation development in the area of Cheb basin as well as development of lake ecosystem. It also gives a new insight on lake's origin and its age. The accumulation of peat sediments started in the Preboreal period and was continuous at least until the Atlantic following with a hiatus, therefore further detection of vegetation development is impossible. The beginning of diatomite accumulation, as well as the existence of the lake goes back to the Bølling interstadial, according to radiocarbon dating. However, this...

Trajectoires des écosystèmes lacustres alpins depuis 13 500 ans dans les Alpes méditerranéennes (massif du Mercantour, France) : entre forçage climatique et pression anthropique plurimillénaire / Long-term ecological trajectories of alpine lakes since 13 500 years in the mediterranean Alps (Mercantour national park, France) : between climate forcing and plurimillenial human pressure

Cartier, Rosine 14 October 2016 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse a permis de reconstituer la dynamique à long terme de deux écosystèmes lacustres alpins dans les Alpes du sud grâce à l’étude (1) de la variabilité tardi-holocène des paramètres physico-chimiques de l’eau, des niveaux lacustres et des dynamiques de communautés aquatiques, et (2) des types de réponse de ces environnements à des perturbations externes en lien avec les changements du bassin versant et du climat. Les deux séquences sédimentaires prélevées par carottage au lac d’Allos et au lac Petit (Massif du Mercantour, 2200 m) ont permis de reconstituer en détail l’évolution des écosystèmes lacustres depuis les derniers 13,500 cal. BP grâce à trois grands volets : (1) l’étude de fossiles d’espèces aquatiques indicatrices des conditions de vie dans le milieu lacustre (les diatomées et les ostracodes) ; (2) l’analyse des isotopes de l’oxygène contenus dans ces mêmes fossiles afin de reconstituer un signal paléohydrologique ; (3) une comparaison multi-proxy permettant de mettre en lien les changements de l’écosystème lacustre avec les dynamiques du bassin versant. Les résultats obtenus et leur confrontation à un cadre multidisciplinaire très documenté ont permis d’évaluer l’importance première des processus érosifs et des modifications du couvert végétal sur la dynamique lacustre, au travers de changements majeurs dans les communautés aquatiques et les niveaux trophiques. Enfin, les données isotopiques mesurées sur les fossiles de diatomées et d’ostracodes ont mis en évidence des variations paléohydrologiques inédites pour la région : cette approche, novatrice ouvre la perspective d’une reconstitution paléoclimatique de référence pour les Alpes du sud. / The thesis is devoted to the reconstruction of long-term changes in two lacustrine ecosystems in the Southern Alps. This study aims at assessing (1) the lateglacial-holocene variability of water physico-chemistry, lake levels and aquatic species dynamics; and (2) the environmental responses of the lacustrine ecosystem to external forcing (watershed and climate changes), with the study of Lake Allos and the Lake Petit (Mercantour National Park, 2200 m a.s.l). The two sedimentary cored profiles provided a detailed record of the past lacustrine dynamics since 13.500 cal. BP. An integrative approach was carried out including (1) the study of fossils of aquatic bioindicators species (diatoms and ostracods) informing about changes in lacustrine living conditions ; (2) the analysis of oxygen isotopes recorded by these aquatic fossils tracing a palaeohydrological signal ; (3) a multiproxy comparison linking the aquatic environment with changes in watershed dynamics. These results integrated into a rich multidisciplinary framework evidenced the major role of erosion processes and changes in vegetation cover as factors triggering lake responses to disturbance, with concomitant changes in aquatic communities and trophic levels at several timescales. The different geological settings and lake morphologies have also played a significant role, modulating changes in benthic and planktonic aquatic communities over long time periods. Finally, oxygen isotopes records allow to trace for the first time palaeohydrological changes in the region: this innovative approach represents an original outcome for reconstructing a reference past climate for the Southern Alps.

Analyse géographique des changements climatiques des surfaces continentales de l'espace Nord-Atlantique pendant le Tardiglaciaire würmien / Geographical analysis of the Northern Atlantic continental climate changes during the Weichselian Late-Glacial

Soto, Didier 03 December 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse propose une analyse multicritères de 686 sites d’étude, à partir de laquelle sont géovisualisées les caractéristiques bioclimatiques des stades et interstades du Tardiglaciaire. La cartographie des données obtenues, principalement grâce au croisement de trois méthodes de quantification, permet d’opposer plusieurs domaines paléoclimatiques distincts au sein de l’aire d’étude. Le synchronisme relatif des géochronologies étudiées met en avant la position centrale de l’Océan Atlantique Nord dans la détermination des changements climatiques abrupts de la période. Toutefois, le réexamen des principaux scénarii de forçage océanique révèle certaines de leurs limites en ce qui concerne le déclenchement, l’auto-entretien et la téléconnexion du signal climatique. En revanche, l’exploration d’autres mécanismes physiques permet de valider l’hypothèse selon laquelle la dynamique des masses d’air est une composante essentielle dans le forçage des changements climatiques du Tardiglaciaire. Cependant, le modèle théorique usuel de circulation atmosphérique ne permet pas de reconstituer avec précision la dynamique paléoclimatique. Une des principales innovations de cette thèse est donc de proposer l’expérimentation d’un modèle de circulation générale, celui de l’Anticyclone Mobile Polaire (AMP), qui permet une explication globale des changements climatiques par la détermination de deux modes distincts de circulation aérologique (rapide et semi-rapide). L’avantage de ce modèle réside dans sa capacité à analyser de manière pertinente la diversité des évolutions paléoenvironnementales sur l’aire d’étude. / This thesis proposes a multi-criterion analysis, from which have been displayed the bioclimatic characteristics of the Late-Glacial stadials and interstadials. Mapping data, mainly obtained through crossing three quantification methods, lead to the opposition of distinct paleoclimatic domains in the study area. The relative synchronism of the studied geochronologies highlights the central position of the Northern Atlantic Ocean in the determination of Late-Glacial abrupt climatic changes. However, a review of the main scenarios of oceanographic forcing identifies some of their limitations in the triggering, self-maintenance as well as the teleconnection of the climatic signal. The exploration of other physical mechanisms allows validating the hypothesis by which the air masses’dynamic is an essential component in the forcing of abrupt climatic events. However, the usual theoretical model of atmospheric circulation can not accurately reconstruct the paleoclimatic dynamic of Late-Glacial events. One of the main innovations of this thesis is therefore to experiment a general circulation model, the Mobile Polar High’s one, which provides a comprehensive explanation of climate changes by determining two distinct modes of aerologic circulation (fast and semi-fast). The advantage of this model lies in its ability to analyze a relevant diversity of paleoenvironmental changes in North America and Eurasia during the study period

Paleoekologická rekonstrukce prostředí Komořanského jezera v pozdním glaciálu na základě analýzy rozsivek / Palaeoecological reconstruction of Komořany Lake in Late Glacial based on diatom analysis

Poštulková, Anna January 2016 (has links)
Diatom analysis of basal part of profile PK-1-L contributes to multi-proxy research of former Lake Komořany. At this part of profile radiocarbon dating (dates sediments into Late Glacial and Early Holocene) and LOI (loss on ignition) had been conducted before, of which results have been utilized to more accurate interpretation of diatom analysis conclusions. Apart from diatom valves, presence of stomatocysts of Chrysophyceae has been observed. Having separated diatom valves from 32 sediment samples in intervals 0,4-0,6 cm, permanent preparates have been created. Concentration of valves in a gramme of dry sediment and relative abundance of diatom taxons in each sample have been investigated using light microscopy. In a half of samples subdominants and rare taxons have been observed separately to eliminate the interference from dominant taxons. Cluster analysis based on relative abundances of diatom taxons have been calculated and on its results have been subsequently determined three diatom accumulation zones (DAZ). Moreover trophic and saprobic indices have been calculated and levels of pH, conductivity and concentration of total phosphorus (TP) have been estimated by transfer functions. Even before beginning of Holocene the major shift in composition of diatom communities have happened, to the...

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