Spelling suggestions: "subject:"latinamerica"" "subject:"latinamerican""
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COMMUNITY EMPOWERMENT : Urban Strategies to Overcome Floods Linked to Climate ChangeValdivia, Rossana January 2012 (has links)
Almost half of the major natural disasters happening in the world have to do with flooding. The number of such events has been increasing over the years due to climate change combined with an accelerated and uncontrolled urban growth. My thesis adresses vulnerability in Latin-American cities affected by floods. Adapting to the temporary floods and strengthening the community social and economically to reduce vulnerability and promote a more integrated development .
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Some reflections on Chiovenda and his legacy for Latin America: Lauditio / Algunas reflexiones sobre Chiovenda y su legado para Latinoamérica: LaudatioPérez Ragone, Álvaro 12 April 2018 (has links)
Chiovenda was born in Premosello on February 2, 1872. He studied law at the University of Rome between 1899 and 1893, Vittorio Scialoja was a important influence pursuing that Italian procedural science was in a state of abandonment that needed attention and urged in that sense.From positive law, history, contact with overwhelming German science and aware of the lethargic Spanish and French doctrine encouraged Chiovenda to a comparative and integral formation from the dogmatic and historical. / Chiovenda nació en Premosello el 2 de febrero de 1872. Cursó la carrera de Derecho en la Universidad de Roma entre 1899 y 1893; se atribuye a Vittorio Scialoja opinar que la ciencia procesal italiana se encontraba en un estado de abandono que necesitaba atención, e instó en ese sentido(1).Desde el derecho positivo, la historia, el contacto con la avasalladora ciencia alemana y consciente de la aletargada doctrina española y francesa se animó Chiovenda a una formación comparada e integral desde lo dogmático e histórico.
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Stereotypes in political rhetoric: “Other-Self” in electoral campaigns : a case study about the 2016 US presidential campaignMarquisio Carbajal, Victoria, Sosa Melendez, Andrea January 2017 (has links)
This thesis aims to analyse the use of stereotypes about the Latin-American minority in the rhetoric of presidential candidates, using the single case of the 2016 US Presidential Campaign. The primary focus is the binary relation Self-Other established by the candidates through the use of stereotypes about the minority group and themselves. The analysis is performed in a framework that combines representation theory, constructivism and post colonial theory. The speeches and debates of the candidates, which served as data, demonstrate that stereotypes are present and help represent the Latin-American group as a negative Other, a threat or victimized burden. At the same time, through the representation of this specific Other, the candidates are creating their Self political persona, which in this case is a hero who will protect the American society from the threat, or a hero who will rescue the poor from their own victimized situation. Both candidates show similarities in the use of generalized stereotypes to mention LatinAmericans or in the context in which they refer to them. While they differ in the way that they create the Other, their position to confront the problem yields a similar political persona, as both want to be rescuers. Trump portrays LatinAmericans as a threat to security or as a poor victim, while Clinton also refers to the group as a victim, but also as an asset to economy. The intention of this thesis is to contribute to the field of stereotypes in political discourse in relation to the establishment of binary oppositions.
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El Miedo - La sangre en la anatomía dictatorial : Un análisis del miedo en El Señor Presidente / The Fear - The blood in the dictatorial anatomy : An analysis of the fear en El Señor PresidenteKajsajuntti, Sven January 2021 (has links)
This essay is a study of the novel El Señor Presidente, written by Miguel Ángel Asturias andpubliced 1946. It falls under the subgenre the novel of the dictator. My intentions of this studie iscentered arround the concept of fear, which I metaforically link to the human anatomy. I intend toanalyze how this fictive dictatorial system effects its citizen, how they behave affected by anconstant and sometimes instant fear. And how it is used by ambicious people within the system, fortheir own means, and that in some sense is a living organism, a closed circuit where the true ruler isnot the president, but the fear which is constantly reproduced and put in orbit.Further on my intencion is to analyze how Asturias use literary resources, en particularyintertextuality, onomatopoeia and surrealism to create this atmosphere of horror and fear. / Este ensayo es un estudio de la novela El Señor Presidente, escrita por Miguel Ángel Asturias ypublicada en 1946. Se engloba en el subgénero de la novela del dictador. Mis intenciones de esteestudio se centran en torno al concepto de miedo, que relaciono metafóricamente con la anatomíahumana. Me propongo analizar cómo este sistema dictatorial ficticio afecta a sus ciudadanos, cómose comportan afectados por un miedo constante ya veces instantáneo. Y cómo lo utilizan personasambiciosas dentro del sistema, para sus propios objetivos, y que en cierto sentido es un organismovivo, un circuito cerrado donde el verdadero gobernante no es el presidente, sino el miedo queconstantemente se reproduce y pone en órbita. Más adelante mi intención es analizar cómo Asturiasutiliza los recursos literarios, en particular la intertextualidad, la onomatopeya y el surrealismo paracrear esta atmósfera de horror y miedo.
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Performing embodiment: when Life and Art meetGaetano-Adi, Paula G. 27 September 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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ALADI, da libertação de nossos povos às leis do mercado / ALADI, of the liberation of our people to the laws of the marketBuitrago Trujillo, Juan Camilo 13 April 2017 (has links)
Em Bogotá, Colômbia, delegações de nove países latino-americanos, fundaram ALADI (Associação Latino-americana de Designers). Acima de um nítido discurso de reivindicação cultural, os fundadores da ALADI conceitualizaram o Design dentro do campo da tecnologia, como a ferramenta mais adequada para a conquista da autonomia industrial, econômica e cultural dos \'nossos povos\'. O discurso fundacional lutou por prevalecer durante os anos 1980, enquanto a associação iniciava o seu fortalecimento em meio das complicações da chamada \"década perdida\". Com determinados sucessos e problemas o esquema inicial da associação chega aos anos 1990, quando vai mudar de sentido e poder de convocação, exatamente no momento em que América Latina conhece a face mais crua do neoliberalismo. A partir do estudo de fontes documentais e entrevistas com os atores do processo, esta pesquisa pretende determinar as condições sociais que explicam a criação, o funcionamento e a mudança da ALADI entre 1978 e1995, sendo a pegada de uma epistemologia do design particular -até o momento não levada em conta- que é pensada na América Latina, para a América Latina. / In Bogota, Colombia, delegations from nine Latin American countries, founded ALADI (Latin American Design Association). Above all, the founders of ALADI conceptualized Design within the field of technology as the most appropriate tool for the conquest of the industrial, economic and cultural autonomy of \'our peoples\'. The foundational discourse struggled to prevail during the 1980s, while the association began its strengthening amid the complications of the so-called \"lost decade.\" With certain successes and problems the initial scheme of the association comes to the 1990s, when it will change its meaning and power of convocation, just at a time when Latin America knows the cruder face of neoliberalism. From the study of documentary sources and interviews with the actors of the process, this research intends to determine the social conditions that explain the creation, operation and the change of ALADI between 1978 and 1995,being the footprint of a epistemology of a particular way of see design -until not taken into account- that is thought in Latin America, for Latin America.
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