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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Latin as a Threatened Language in the Linguistic World of Early Fifteenth Century Florence

O'Rourke, Cara Siobhan January 2006 (has links)
This thesis examines the situation of the Latin language in the unique linguistic environment of early fifteenth century Florence. Florence, at this time, offers an interesting study because of the vernacular language's growing status in the wake of the literary success of vernacular authors Dante, Petrarch and Boccaccio, and the humanist study of Greek language. Joshua Fishman's theories on threatened languages and Reversing Language Shift are used to examine Latin's position in this environment. Chapter I describes Fishman's theories and applies them to the special situation of Florence, giving a context for the following three chapters. Chapter II offers an original interpretation of Leonardo Bruni's Dialogus ad Petrum Histrum, emphasising the significance of the speaker, Coluccio Salutati, and his apparent message in favour of reviving spoken Latin. Chapter III describes a debate that began in 1435, after the papal Curia moved to Florence and Bruni was drawn into the discussions of the papal humanists. The debate examined whether the Ancient Romans actually spoke Latin in their daily lives, or whether Latin was primarily a written, literary language, and there was a separate, spoken language for domestic environments, as in Florence in the fifteenth century. A number of humanists commented in response to this question. I examine Flavio Biondo's treatise dedicated to Leonardo Bruni, Bruni's letter in response to Biondo, Poggio Bracciolini in the the Tertiae Convivialis Historiae Disceptatio, and finally, Leon Battista Alberti's comment in the preface to the third book of the Della Famiglia. In Chapter IV, Bruni's vernacular writing, the Vita di Dante,is used to establish Bruni's own attitude to language choice as flexible and dependant on the subject matter, genre and intended audience for the work.

Nationalisme et cosmopolitisme chez Alfredo Casella (1883-1947)

Comtois, Justine 04 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse a été réalisée en cotutelle entre l'Université de Montréal et l'École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales de Paris, sous la direction de Michel Duchesneau (UdeM) et Esteban Buch (EHESS). La version intégrale de cette thèse est disponible uniquement pour consultation individuelle à la Bibliothèque de musique de l'Université de Montréal (http://www.bib.umontreal.ca/MU). / Cette thèse a pour objectif d’approfondir les notions de nationalisme et de cosmopolitisme ainsi que les liens qui peuvent exister entre elles à travers l’œuvre et la carrière de Casella. Le pianiste et compositeur italien Alfredo Casella est né à Turin en 1883. Les conservatoires italiens de l’époque ne pouvant lui offrir une formation musicale adéquate et complémentaire à celle reçue auprès de sa famille, Casella gagne la France. Il fait ses études au Conservatoire de Paris jusqu’en 1902, auprès de Gabriel Fauré et Louis Diémer. Au cours de ces années passées en France (1896-1915), Casella prend une part active dans la vie musicale parisienne. Il se produit dans plusieurs salons, dans de nombreux concerts organisés par des sociétés françaises (à la fois comme pianiste et comme compositeur). À travers son activité journalistique très riche, Casella s’implique activement dans les débats et les polémiques ayant cours à l’époque dans le milieu musical français. Lors de ces dix-neuf années françaises, Casella est exposé aux courants nationalistes qui habitent les milieux artistiques français. Parallèlement à ces tendances, Casella baignera dans les diverses influences étrangères (russes, allemandes, espagnoles, hongroises) qui convergent vers cette véritable plaque tournante qu’est le Paris du début du XXe siècle. Ces multiples influences (celles de Stravinsky, Bartók, De Falla, entre autres) se retrouvent toutes intégrées dans ses œuvres musicales. À tel point que l’on surnommera Casella le « caméléon ». Le déclenchement de la Première Guerre mondiale force Casella à retourner en Italie. La péninsule est alors dominée par la musique d’opéra et la production de musique instrumentale y est presque inexistante. Casella se donne la mission de « rénover » la musique instrumentale et de combattre activement le courant conservateur associé à la musique d’opéra italienne. Un tel renouveau musical sera possible, selon Casella, si les compositeurs italiens de la nouvelle génération parviennent à renoncer aux excès sentimentaux du romantisme. C’est ce que Casella s’efforcera de faire dans ses propres œuvres. Mais ce ne sera pas suffisant. Les jeunes compositeurs devront étudier les œuvres des grands maîtres italiens des XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles, tout en intégrant les innovations techniques des musiques contemporaines européennes. Casella proposera un programme d’éducation s’adressant autant aux jeunes compositeurs qu’au public italien. La pédagogie sera la clé qui permettra d’accéder au renouveau musical. Professeur de piano à l’Accademia Santa Cecilia, puis au Conservatoire de Rome et finalement à l’Accademia Chigiana de Sienne, Casella se servira de ces positions pour initier le mouvement dont il se veut le porte-parole. Il mettra également sur pied deux sociétés de concerts, la Società Italiana di Musica Moderna (1916-1918) et la Corporazione delle Nuove Musiche (1924-1928). Avec ces deux sociétés de concerts destinées à faire reconnaître les musiques contemporaines en Italie, Casella parvient à se forger un impressionnant réseau international qui contribuera à son vaste plan de développement de la musique italienne dans un contexte mondial. L’objectif de Casella est de redonner sa dignité à l’art musical italien. Dans les années 1930, sa volonté de rénover la musique de la péninsule concorde avec plusieurs traits de la politique culturelle du régime fasciste de Benito Mussolini. Le nom de Casella sera donc souvent associé aux réalisations culturelles du régime fasciste, ce qui semble contradictoire avec les intentions universalisantes du compositeur. / This dissertation seeks to study the notions of nationalism and cosmopolitanism as well as the possible links between them, through the work and career of Casella. The Italian pianist and composer Alfredo Casella was born in Turin in 1883. Being unable to obtain in the Italian conservatories of the time an adequate musical formation, that would have been complementary to the one received through his family, Casella reaches France. He studies at the Paris Conservatory until 1902, as a pupil of Gabriel Fauré and Louis Diémer. During the years spent in Paris (1896-1915), Casella takes an active part in the Parisian musical life. He performs in many salons, in many concerts organized by French societies (both as a pianist and as a composer). Through his very rich journalistic activity, Casella implicates himself actively in the current debates and polemics of the French musical environment. During these nineteen French years, Casella is exposed to the nationalist currents that inhabit the French artistic milieux. Simultaneously to the very strong expression of this nationalism, Casella will literally be imbued in the various foreign influences (Russian, German, Spanish, Hungarian) than present in this center that is the Paris of the beginning of the XXth century. These multiple influences (those of Stravinsky, Bartók, De Falla) are all integrated in his compositional work, to such an extent that one calls Casella the « chameleon ». The First World War forces Casella to return to Italy. The peninsula is than dominated by operatic music and the instrumental music production is almost inexistent. Casella gives himself the mission of reforming the instrumental music and of fighting actively against Italian operatic music. Such a musical revival will be possible, according to Casella, if Italian composers manage to give up sentimental excesses of the romanticism. This is what Casella will endeavor to do in his own works. But it will not be sufficient. The young composers will have to study the works of Italian great master of the XVIIth and XVIIIth centuries, while integrating technical innovations of European contemporary musics. Casella suggests a reeducation program for the young composers, but also for the Italian public. The pedagogy is, according to Casella, the key which will give access to this musical revival. He will be piano teacher at the Accademia Santa Cecilia, tan at the Rome Conservatory and, finally at the Accademia Chigiana in Sienne. These teaching positions will give him the opportunity to initiate his protégés into Italian classical musics, but also into foreign contemporary musics. He will also set up two concert societies, the Società Italiana di Musica Moderna (1916-1918) and the Corporazione delle Nuove Musiche (1924-1928). With these two concert societies dedicated to make recognize contemporary music in Italy, Casella succeeds in building up an impressive international network which will contribute to his vast plan of the Italian music’s development in a world context. Casella’s first intention is to give back its dignity to the Italian musical art. During the 1930’s, his wish to renovate the music of the peninsula corresponds to several facets of the cultural politic of Benito Mussolini’s fascist regime. Thus, Casella’s name will often be associated to the cultural achievements of the Regime, which seems in contradiction with the composer’s universalizing intentions. / Questa tesi cerca di approfondire le nozioni di nazionalismo e di cosmopolitismo come pure i legami che possono esistere tra di esse attraverso l'opera e la carriera di Casella. Il pianista e compositore italiano Alfredo Casella nacque a Torino in 1883. I conservatori italiani dell’epoca non potendo offrirgli un’adeguata formazione musicale, complementare a quella ricevuta presso la sua famiglia, Casella raggiunge la Francia. Studia al Conservatorio di Parigi fino a 1902, presso Gabriel Fauré e Louis Diémer. Nel corso di questi anni passati in Francia (1896-1915), Casella prende una parte attiva nella vita musicale parigina. Si produce in molti salotti, in molti concerti organizzati da società francesi (allo stesso tempo come pianista e come compositore). A traverso la sua ricchissima attività giornalistica, Casella s’impegna attivamente nei dibattiti e nelle polemiche in corso all’epoca nell’ambiente musicale francese. Durante questi diciannove anni francesi, Casella è esposto ai correnti nazionalisti che abitano i mezzi artistici francesi. Parallelamente alla fortissima espressione di questo nazionalismo, Casella sarà letteralmente bagnato nelle diverse influenze straniere (russi, tedesche, spagnole, ungheresi) allora presenti in questo vero punto di convergenza ch’è la Parigi del primo novecento. Queste numerose influenze (quelle di Stravinsky, Bartók, De Falla) si ritrovano tutte integrate nella sua opera, a tal punto che si chiama Casella il « camaleonte ». L’avvio della prima guerra mondiale forza Casella a tornare in Italia. La penisola è allora dominata dal melodramma e la produzione di musica strumentale è quasi inesistente. Casella si da la missione di rinnovare la musica strumentale e di combattere attivamente il melodramma italiani. Un tale rinnovamento musicale sarà possibile, secondo Casella, se i compositori italiani della nuova generazione giungono a rinunciare agli eccessi sentimentali del romanticismo. È ciò che Casella si sforzerà di fare nelle sue opere proprie. Ma non sarà sufficiente. I giovani compositori dovranno studiare le opere dei grandi maestri italiani del seicento e del settecento, integrando anche le innovazioni tecniche delle musiche contemporanee europee. Casella propone una rieducazione dei giovani compositori, ma anche del pubblico italiano. La pedagogia è, per Casella, la chiave che permetterà l’accesso al rinnovamento musicale. Primo, sarà professore di pianoforte all’Accademia Santa Cecilia, poi al Conservatorio di Roma e, finalmente all’Accademia Chigiana di Siena. Queste posizione di professore gli daranno l’occasione d’iniziare i suoi protetti alle musiche classiche italiane, ma anche alle musiche contemporanee straniere. Metterà anche in piedi due società di concerti, la Società Italiana di Musica Moderna (1916-1918) e la Corporazione delle Nuove Musiche (1924-1928). Con queste due società di concerti destinate a fare riconoscere le musiche contemporanee in Italia, Casella riesce a fabbricarsi un'impressionante rete internazionale che contribuirà al suo vasto piano di sviluppo della musica italiana in un ambiente mondiale. Lo scopo primo di Casella è di ridare la sua dignità all'arte musicale italiana. Negli anni 1930, la sua volontà di rinnovare la musica della penisola conviene con molti aspetti della politica culturale del regime fascista di Benito Mussolini. Così, il nome di Casella sarà spesso associato alle realizzazioni culturali portate dal regime, ciò che sembra contraddittorio con le intenzioni universalizzanti del compositore.

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