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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Civilinės teisės principų turinio atskleidimas Lietuvos Respublikos teismų praktikoje / Elaboration of the content of civil law principles in the case-law of the republic of lithuania

Apolevič, Jolanta 09 July 2011 (has links)
Lietuvos Respublikos civilinis kodeksas 1.2 straipsnyje įtvirtina civilinių teisinių santykių reglametavimo principus. Šiame straipsnyje pateikiami tik principų pavadinimai, o jų turinys atskleidžiamas per kitus Civilinio kodekso straipsnius ar teismų praktiką. Principų vaidmuo vis auga, nes jie yra tam tikros gairės, kuriomis turi sekti tiek įstatymų leidėjas, tiek teisėjas, spręsdamas bylą, tiek patys civilinių teisinių santykių subjektai. Todėl šiame darbe civilinės teisės principai atskleidžiami per teismų praktiką, tai yra kokį jų turinį ir supratimą savo priimamuose sprendimuose nustato teismai. Pirmoje darbo dalyje pateikiama bendra civilinės teisės principų interpretacija - kas yra teisės principas, kartu pateikiant civilinės teisės principo sąvoką. Taip pat analizuojamos civilinės teisės principų funkcijos, kurios yra svarbios aiškinant pačių principų turinį. Tame pačiame skyriuje aptariamas santykis tarp civilinės teisės santykių reglamentavimo ir įgyvendinimo principų, nuosekliai pereinant prie kelių Europos Sąjungos principų, kurie padarė didžiausią įtaką Lietuvos civilinei teisei, kadangi buvo perkelti harmonizuojant mūsų teisės normas. Antroje darbo dalyje kiekvienas civilinės teisės principas analizuojamas atskirai, jo analizė pateikiama remiantis mokslininkų nuomone bei teismų suformuluotomis taisyklėmis. Paskutinėje darbo dalyje nurodomos civilinės teisės principų ribojimo galimybės ir būdai, kaip tai galima padaryti. Pabrėžtina, kad negalima piktnaudžiauti... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The 1.2 article of the Lithuanian Civil Code establishes the principles of the regulation of legal civil relations. Only the bare names of these principles are being presented in this article, while their content is revealed through the other articles of the Civil Code or through the judicial practice. The importance of the principles keeps growing, since these seem to constitute certain basis which is equally to be relied upon as by legislation, so by judges (that deal with the case) or by the subjects of legal civil relations themselves. It follows that in the present work the principles of civil law are revealed through the judicial practice (i.m. what content and interpretation of the mentioned principles the court establishes in its litigations and judgments). In the first part of the present work, general interpretation of the principles of civil law is presented, and, at the same time, in respect of that, the definition of a principle is clarified. There are analyzed as well the functions of the principles of civil law, these are essential in future while explaining the content of the principles themselves. The correlation between the regulation principles of civil law and enforcement principles of civil law is analyzed in the same part of the work; afterwards the author consequently passes on to some principles of European Union that caused enormous impact on the Lithuanian civil law, as they have been extrapolated within the harmonization of our provisions. Each of... [to full text]

Recent case law on the influence of the Constitution on the enforceability of restraint of trade agreements

Naidoo, Annaloshni 30 November 2012 (has links)
No abstract available. / Dissertation (LLM)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / Mercantile Law / unrestricted

Šeimos teisės socialinis veiksmingumas / Family law social performance

Ringelevičienė, Violeta 28 December 2006 (has links)
Šio darbo tikslas – remiantis mokslinės literatūros, teisės aktų ir teismų praktikos analize atskleisti šeimos santykių teisinio reguliavimo socialinį veiksmingumą. Darbą sudaro trys dalys. Pirma dalis – Šeimos teisės socialinio veiksmingumo samprata. Joje išanalizuota mokslinė literatūra, siekiant atskleisti šeimos, šeimos teisės ir socialinio veiksmingumo sampratas. Antra dalis – Šeimos santykių teisinis reglamentavimas. Atlikta Lietuvos ir tarptautinių teisės aktų, reglamentuojančių santuokos sudarymo ir nutraukimo, asmeninius ir turtinius sutuoktinių bei asmeninius ir turtinius tėvų ir vaikų santykius, analizė. Trečioje dalyje – Šeimos teisės įgyvendinimo socialinės ir teisinės problemos - išanalizuoti teismų praktikos, Statistikos departamento ir Centrinės hipotekos įstaigos pateikiami duomenys, atskleistos socialinės ir teisinės problemos, mažinančios šeimos teisės socialinį veiksmingumą. Pateikta šeimos pokyčių per pastaruosius penkiolika metų analizė. Daugiausiai dėmesio skirta santuokos sudarymo ir nutraukimo, sutuoktinių turtinių santykių reguliavimo bei tėvų ir vaikų tarpusavio išlaikymo santykių socialinių ir teisinių problemų tyrimui. Darbo pabaigoje pateikiamos gautos tyrimo išvados ir rekomendacijos, kaip gerinti šeimos teisės socialinį veiksmingumą. / The aim of the present research is to find out the legal proceedings of family relations social performance on the grounds of science literature, legislative acts and the analysis of case-law. The research paper consists of three parts. In the first part, based on the anglysis of various scientific literature, the conceptions of family, family law and social performance are presented. The second part is about legal regulation of family relations. The background for that research has been Lithuanian and International legislative acts of entering into marriage and dissolution of marriage, property personal rights of spouses, property personal rights between parents and children. The social and legal problems of implemintation of family law are defined in the third part of the research paper. The problems which diminish family law social performance were revealed on the basis of material taken from Deparmanent of Statistics, Central Mortage Office and case-law. At the end of the research paper there are conclusions made and recomendations on how to improve family law social performance. Keywords: family, family law, family law principles, family law social performance, legal regulation of family relations.

Právní aspekty poskytování peněžních prostředků z rozpočtu Evropské unie a finančních mechanismů v České republice / Legal Aspects of EU Funding and Financial Mechanisms in the Czech Republic

Válková, Irena January 2020 (has links)
1 Legal Aspects of EU Funding and Financial Mechanisms in the Czech Republic Abstract This dissertation examines legal aspects of EU funding and the financial contributions from the EFTA countries (financial mechanisms) in the Czech Republic. The main goal of the paper is divided into several objectives. First one is to provide an overall overview of taxonomy of legal aspects of financial relationships between recipients of financial law. Secondly, I strive to evaluate these aspects from the perspective of legal principles with the help of methods of interpretation such as linguistic meaning, historical or teological interpretation. Thirdly, the reflection of the real life needs in law is a subject to examination. Finally, I propose solutions of problematic areas. To be able to meet this goal I needed to find something which would make a link among legal entities and units directly or indirectly involved into the process of EU funding and financial contributions from the EFTA countries. Therefore, for the purpose of my dissertation, I define financial information as information about rights, powers and obligations of recipients of financial law established while budgeting and providing funds and information about secondary subject of the legal relationships which are funds. I compared the financial rules...

The General Anti-Avoidance Rules in International Tax Law and the Rule of Law – The Issue of Predictability and Taxpayers’ Rights

Senyon, Rufus Bloh January 2022 (has links)
This paper addresses a principle in international taxation that has long been a subject of controversy in many countries regarding the countering of abusive maneuverings in tax matters and had engendered debates amongst academic scholars concerning its predictibility. This anti-abuse principle, doctrine or clause in international tax matters had over the years received many names according to variant applied in each country. It is mentioned sometimes or refer to in many jurisdictions as: the principle of economic reality, the doctrine of economic substance, theory of valid economic motives, the principle of substance over form, abuse of the law, theory of the new realism etc. However, inspite of its variation in countries, it is internationally known as the ‘’General Anti-Avoidance Rule’’ (or GAAR), generally covering abusive arrangements, and it is distinguished from the SAAR (‘’Specific Anti-Avoidance Rule’’), insofar as these latter rule apply to specific status in dealing with specific tax issues. The long time perspective regarding the principle that is expounded in this discussion paper contain some of the most relevant and important contexts in international tax law. It is interesting that this paper seeks to catapult vis-à-vis the GAARs along side the rule of law regarding its conformity.

Administracinės teisės principų įgyvendinimas Valstybinės mokesčių inspekcijos veikloje: Šiaulių apskrities valstybinės mokesčių inspekcijos atvejis / Implementation of the Administrative Law Principles within the Activities of the State Tax Inspectorate: Šiauliai County State Tax Inspectorate Case

Urlakienė, Laima 03 July 2012 (has links)
Bakalauro baigiamajame darbe nagrinėjamas administracinės teisės principų įgyvendinimas Valstybinės mokesčių inspekcijos veikloje, išanalizuojant administracinės teisės principų sampratą, rūšis, funkcijas bei realizavimą viešajame administravime ir ištiriant šių principų įgyvendinimą Šiaulių apskrities valstybinės mokesčių inspekcijos atveju. / The present Bachelor Thesis deals with implementation of administrative law principles within the activities of State Tax Inspectorate by analysing the conception, types, functions of administrative law as well as realisation thereof in public administration and by studying implementation of these principles in case of Šiauliai County State Tax Inspectorate.

Pontos de convergência entre as teses doutrinárias brasileiras quanto ao princípio da supremacia do interesse público sobre o particular / Points of convergence within Brazilian doutrinary theses related to the principle of supremacy of the public over private interest.

Ferro, Murilo Ruiz 14 April 2014 (has links)
Dissertação voltada à investigação do debate doutrinário acerca do princípio da supremacia do interesse público sobre o particular no direito administrativo brasileiro. Busca identificar pontos de convergência entre as teses doutrinárias brasileiras que discutem este princípio para então, a partir de tais pontos, verificar a existência de algum substrato teórico evolutivo decorrente dos consensos identificados. Examina o debate mencionado através do estabelecimento de três dimensões de análise: a primeira, investigando as divergências teóricas que dizem respeito à noção jurídica de interesse público; a segunda, investigando as divergências teóricas que problematizam o caráter principiológico da supremacia do interesse público sobre o particular; e a terceira, investigando as divergências teóricas existentes quanto à centralidade do princípio da supremacia do interesse público sobre o particular no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro em potencial situação de compatibilidade ou incompatibilidade com o princípio da dignidade da pessoa humana e, consequentemente, com os direitos fundamentais do homem e com a teleologia democrática, promanada da constituição federal de 1988. Precede a mencionada investigação, sem embargo, alguns apontamentos acerca de questões correlatas ao debate, sobretudo, a importância do papel desempenhado pela doutrina administrativista tanto no processo evolutivo do princípio da supremacia do interesse público sobre o particular quanto no desenvolvimento histórico do direito administrativo brasileiro como um todo. / The present dissertation aims at investigating the doutrinary debate about the principle of supremacy of the public over private interest concerning Brazilian administrative law. The study focuses on identifying points of convergence within Brazilian doutrinary theses that discuss this principle to then from those points on verify the existence of any theoretical evolutionary substrate emerging from the consensus identified. It examines the above-mentioned debate by establishing three dimensions of analysis: the first, investigating the theoretical divergences regarding the juridical concept of public interest; the second, investigating the theoretical divergences that problematize the law principle character of the supremacy of the public over private interest; and the third, investigating the theoretical divergences within the centrality of the principle of supremacy of the public over private interest concerning the Brazilian juridical system in potential situation of compatibility or incompatibility with the principle of dignity of the human being and, consequently, with the fundamental human rights and with the democratic teleology, which arises from the federal constitution of 1988. However, a few issues regarding questions related to the debate precede the above-mentioned investigation, especially the importance of the role of administrative doctrine not only in the evolutionary process of the principle of supremacy of the public over private interest but also in the historical development of Brazilian administrative law as a whole.

Pontos de convergência entre as teses doutrinárias brasileiras quanto ao princípio da supremacia do interesse público sobre o particular / Points of convergence within Brazilian doutrinary theses related to the principle of supremacy of the public over private interest.

Murilo Ruiz Ferro 14 April 2014 (has links)
Dissertação voltada à investigação do debate doutrinário acerca do princípio da supremacia do interesse público sobre o particular no direito administrativo brasileiro. Busca identificar pontos de convergência entre as teses doutrinárias brasileiras que discutem este princípio para então, a partir de tais pontos, verificar a existência de algum substrato teórico evolutivo decorrente dos consensos identificados. Examina o debate mencionado através do estabelecimento de três dimensões de análise: a primeira, investigando as divergências teóricas que dizem respeito à noção jurídica de interesse público; a segunda, investigando as divergências teóricas que problematizam o caráter principiológico da supremacia do interesse público sobre o particular; e a terceira, investigando as divergências teóricas existentes quanto à centralidade do princípio da supremacia do interesse público sobre o particular no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro em potencial situação de compatibilidade ou incompatibilidade com o princípio da dignidade da pessoa humana e, consequentemente, com os direitos fundamentais do homem e com a teleologia democrática, promanada da constituição federal de 1988. Precede a mencionada investigação, sem embargo, alguns apontamentos acerca de questões correlatas ao debate, sobretudo, a importância do papel desempenhado pela doutrina administrativista tanto no processo evolutivo do princípio da supremacia do interesse público sobre o particular quanto no desenvolvimento histórico do direito administrativo brasileiro como um todo. / The present dissertation aims at investigating the doutrinary debate about the principle of supremacy of the public over private interest concerning Brazilian administrative law. The study focuses on identifying points of convergence within Brazilian doutrinary theses that discuss this principle to then from those points on verify the existence of any theoretical evolutionary substrate emerging from the consensus identified. It examines the above-mentioned debate by establishing three dimensions of analysis: the first, investigating the theoretical divergences regarding the juridical concept of public interest; the second, investigating the theoretical divergences that problematize the law principle character of the supremacy of the public over private interest; and the third, investigating the theoretical divergences within the centrality of the principle of supremacy of the public over private interest concerning the Brazilian juridical system in potential situation of compatibility or incompatibility with the principle of dignity of the human being and, consequently, with the fundamental human rights and with the democratic teleology, which arises from the federal constitution of 1988. However, a few issues regarding questions related to the debate precede the above-mentioned investigation, especially the importance of the role of administrative doctrine not only in the evolutionary process of the principle of supremacy of the public over private interest but also in the historical development of Brazilian administrative law as a whole.

Determining matrimonial property rights on divorce : an appraisal of the legal regimes in Botswana

Quansah, E. K. 06 1900 (has links)
The bulk of the matrimonial property regimes operating in Botswana were inherited from the country's colonial past. Since independence there ha'> not been any realistic attempt to reform them. The thesis set out to appraisal the legal regimes governing the determination of matrimonial property on divorce to ascertain their efficacy in realising the legitimate aspiration of married couples. Comparisons were made with similar countries to determine how these have tackled problems relating to determination of matrimonial property on divorce. The study found that where there is a dispute about matrimonial property in marriages out of community, the courts have no discretion to readjust the rights of the parties. This situation adversely affect nonworking wives who spent most of their time looking after their husbands and children without being able to acquire capital assets. Recognition is not given to such domestic contribution to the welfare of the family. It was also found that the exercise of the marital power by husbands of marriages in community of property deprives wives of those marriages the right to administer the joint estate. The patriarchal nature of customary law, which governs the majority of disputes about matrimonial property, discriminates against women. Consequently, the following, inter alia, are suggested as reform measures. (a) The courts should be g1ven a wide discretionary power, circumscribed by statutory guidelines, to reallocate matrimonial property on divorce irrespective of the matrimonial property regime that governs the marriage. TI1e underlying principle should be equality of sharing but this may be departed from where the circumstances of the particular case warrant it (b) A spouse's domestic contribution towards the welfare of the family should be recognised. (c) The marital power of husbands should be abolished. (d) The provisions of the Matrimonial Causes Act should be made applicable to customary marriages. / Private Law / LL.D.

Determining matrimonial property rights on divorce : an appraisal of the legal regimes in Botswana

Quansah, E. K. 06 1900 (has links)
The bulk of the matrimonial property regimes operating in Botswana were inherited from the country's colonial past. Since independence there ha'> not been any realistic attempt to reform them. The thesis set out to appraisal the legal regimes governing the determination of matrimonial property on divorce to ascertain their efficacy in realising the legitimate aspiration of married couples. Comparisons were made with similar countries to determine how these have tackled problems relating to determination of matrimonial property on divorce. The study found that where there is a dispute about matrimonial property in marriages out of community, the courts have no discretion to readjust the rights of the parties. This situation adversely affect nonworking wives who spent most of their time looking after their husbands and children without being able to acquire capital assets. Recognition is not given to such domestic contribution to the welfare of the family. It was also found that the exercise of the marital power by husbands of marriages in community of property deprives wives of those marriages the right to administer the joint estate. The patriarchal nature of customary law, which governs the majority of disputes about matrimonial property, discriminates against women. Consequently, the following, inter alia, are suggested as reform measures. (a) The courts should be g1ven a wide discretionary power, circumscribed by statutory guidelines, to reallocate matrimonial property on divorce irrespective of the matrimonial property regime that governs the marriage. TI1e underlying principle should be equality of sharing but this may be departed from where the circumstances of the particular case warrant it (b) A spouse's domestic contribution towards the welfare of the family should be recognised. (c) The marital power of husbands should be abolished. (d) The provisions of the Matrimonial Causes Act should be made applicable to customary marriages. / Private Law / LL.D.

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