Spelling suggestions: "subject:"lead acid"" "subject:"head acid""
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A High Frequency Alternating Current Battery Heater for Military VehiclesBloomfield, Aaron Paul 20 May 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Comparative life cycle assessment of different lithium-ion battery chemistries and lead-acid batteries for grid storage applicationYudhistira, Ryutaka January 2021 (has links)
With the rapid increase of renewable energy in the electricity grids, the need for energy storage continues to grow. One of the technologies that are gaining interest for utility-scale energy storage is lithium-ion battery energy storage systems. However, their environmental impact is inevitably put into question against lead-acid battery storage systems. Therefore, this study aims to conduct a comparative life cycle assessment (LCA) to contrast the environmental impact of utilizing lithium-ion batteries and lead-acid batteries for stationary applications, specifically grid storage. The main tools in this study include Microsoft Excel for the life cycle inventory and OpenLCA for life cycle modelling and sensitivity analysis. In this research, a cradle-to-grave LCA for three lithium-ion battery chemistries (i.e. lithium iron phosphate, nickel cobalt manganese, and nickel cobalt aluminium) is conducted. The impact categories are aligned with the Environmental Footprint impact assessment methodology described by the European Commission. The standby grid operation scenario is considered for estimating the environmental impacts, where the batteries would deliver 4,800 kWh of electric energy throughout 20 years. Consequently, the functional unit will be in per kWh energy delivered. The lead-acid battery system has the following environmental impact values (in per kWh energy delivered): 2 kg CO2-eq. for climate change, 33 MJ for fossil resource use, 0.02 mol H+-eq. for acidification, 10-7 disease incidence for particulate emission, and 8x10-4 kg Sb-eq. for minerals resource use. Going back to the lithium-ion batteries systems, for the climate change and fossil resource use impact categories, the best performer is found to be the nickel cobalt aluminium (NCA) lithium-ion battery, with 46% and 45% less impact than lead-acid for the respective categories. On the other hand, the nickel manganese cobalt (NMC) was the best for the acidification and particulate emission impact categories with respective 65% and 51% better performance compared to lead-acid batteries. Finally, for the minerals and metals resource use category, the lithium iron phosphate battery (LFP) is estimated to be the best performer, which is 94% less than lead-acid. To conclude, the life cycle stage determined to have the largest contribution for most of the impact categories was the use stage, which then becomes the subject to a sensitivity analysis. The sensitivity analysis was done by varying the renewable contribution of the electricity grids in the use phase. Overall, the lithium-ion batteries systems have less environmental impact than lead-acid batteries systems, for the observed impact categories. The findings of this thesis can be used as a reference to decide whether to replace lead-acid batteries with lithium-ion batteries for grid energy storage from an environmental impact perspective. / Med den snabba ökningen av förnybar energi i elnäten, fortsätter behovet av energilagring att växa. En av de tekniker som växer intresse för energilagring på nyttan är litiumjon batteriets energilagringssystem. Emellertid, deras miljöpåverkan ifrågasätts oundvikligen mot blysyrabatteri lagringssystem. Därför syftar denna studie till att göra en komparativ livscykelanalys (LCA) för att komparera miljöpåverkan av att använda litiumjonbatterier och blybatterier för stationära applikationer, särskilt för nätlagring. I denna forskning genomfördes en vagga-till-grav-LCA (eller cradle-to-grave i engelska) för tre litiumjonbatterikemi (litium järn fosfat, nickel kobolt mangan, och nickel cobalt aluminium). Effektkategorier anpassades till miljökonsekvensbedömning metoden som beskrivs av Europeiska kommissionen. Det användningsfall scenariot för batterierna var standby läget, där batterierna leverera 4800 kWh elektrisk energi för 20 år. Följaktligen den funktionella unit är i ‘per kWh levererad energi’. Blysyrabatteriet hade följande ungefärliga miljöpåverkansvärden (i per kWh levererad energi): 2 kg CO2-eq. för climate change, 33 MJ för fossil resource use, 0.02 mol H+-eq. för acidification, 10-7 disease incidence för particulate emission, and 8x10-4 kg Sb-eq. för minerals resource use. Tillbaka till litiumjonbatterierna, för climate change och fossil resource use resursanvändnings kategorier, den bäst presterande var litiumjonbatteriet nickel kobolt aluminium (NCA). Det hade 46% och 45% mindre påverkan än blysyrabatteriet för respektive kategori. Å andra sidan, var nickel mangan kobolt (NMC) bäst för acidifcation och particulate emission kategorier. De är 65% och 51% bättre än blysyra för kategorierna. Slutligen, litium järn fosfat batteriet (LFP) är det bäst presterande för resource use of minerals and metals kategoriet, vilket det är 94% mindre än blysyra. Avslutningsvis, det livscykelstadier som var bestämt att ha det största bidraget för de flesta av påverkningskategorierna är användningsstadiet, som sedan blir föremål för en känslighetsanalys. I slutändan, litiumjonbatterierna ha mindre miljöpåverkan än blybatterier i detta projekt, för de observerade slagkategorierna. Resultaten av denna avhandling kan sedan användas som referens för att avgöra om bly-syrabatterier ska ersättas med litiumjonbatterier för energilagring ur ett miljöeffektperspektiv.
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Energy Storage for Stationary Applications – A Comparative, Techno-Economical Investigation / Energilager för stationära applikationer – En komparativ tekno-ekonomisk studiePersson, Fredrik January 2020 (has links)
Power outages, electric-grid deficiencies and renewable energies are all examples where stationary energy storages are useful. In this master thesis, two types of stationary electrochemical energy storages are examined; vent-regulated lead-acid batteries (VRLA) and lithium iron phosphate batteries (LFP), to find out the more beneficial one in stationary uses. The techniques are examined for a large range of electric-grid services in a techno-economical investigation. The cost per delivered kWh of the energy storage is the basis of comparison which is calculated using battery degradation data with respect to C-rate, SoC, DoD, temperature, storage time and cycle frequency to estimate calendar and cyclic aging. Modelling presents neither alternative as superior although LFP is the more versatile alternative. VRLA-batteries can be a more cost-beneficial alternative for applications demanding less than 1 cycle/day, at temperatures lower than 30C, short project lifetimes and when utilizing storages beyond 80% EoL. The investment cost is lower for VRLA at equal C-rates. Cost items neglected will decrease the chances of VRLA being the cheapest technique. From a sustainability point of view, LFP is under almost all circumstances the less energy and CO2-intense technology, however recyclability is in clear favor for VRLA. / Strömavbrott, underdimensionerade elnät och förnybar energi är tre exempel där ett stationärt energilager kan tillämpas. I den här masteruppsatsen undersöks två typer av stationära elektrokemiska energilager; ventilreglerade bly-syra-batterier och litium-järnfosfat-batterier (LFP), för att finna det mer fördelaktiga alternativet i stationära applikationer. De två teknikerna analyseras i ett stort antal elnätsapplikationer i en tekno-ekonomisk studie. Kostnaden per levererad kWh av energilagret används som jämförelsebas vilken beräknas utifrån batteridegraderingsdata med avseende på C-rate, SoC, DoD, temperatur, lagringstid och cykelfrekvens för att estimera kalender- och cyklisk åldring. Modellering visar att inget av batterialternativen är överlägset i alla situationer men LFP är det mångsidigare alternativet. Bly-syra-batterier kan vara mer kostnadseffektiva för applikationer som kräver mindre än 1 (full-ekvivalent) cykel/dag vid temperaturer lägre än 30C, korta projektlivstider samt när batterilagren används bortom 80% EoL. Investeringskostnaden är lägre för bly-syra-batterier när likadan C-rate appliceras. Negligerade kostnadsposter kommer minska chanserna att bly-syra-batterier är det billigaste alternativet. Från ett hållbarhetsperspektiv är LFP nästan uteslutande den mindre energikrävande och mindre CO2-intensiva tekniken. Bly-syra-batterier har dock en klar fördel när det kommer till återvinningsbarhet.
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Vliv vodivých keramik na životnost olověných akumulátorů / Influence of conductive ceramics on the life of lead acid batteriesTobolák, Jakub January 2014 (has links)
This thesis is focused on lead-acid batteries used in hybrid electric vehicles. These cells work in specific conditions, particularly under partial charge referred to as PSOC. This fact is responsible for the premature loss of capacity cell lead-acid batteries and their short lifetime. The task of this thesis is to examine the effect of conductive ceramics as possible additives to the negative electrode active materials of lead-acid battery cells operating in a PSOC, in order to prolong their life.
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Étude et élaboration d’un système de surveillance et de maintenance prédictive pour les condensateurs et les batteries utilisés dans les Alimentations Sans Interruptions (ASI) / Study and elaboration of a monitoring and predictive maintenance system for capacitors and batteries used in Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS)Abdennadher, Mohamed Karim 25 June 2010 (has links)
Pour assurer une énergie électrique de qualité et de façon permanente, il existe des systèmes électroniques d’alimentation spécifiques. Il s’agit des Alimentations Sans Interruptions (ASI). Une ASI comme tout autre système peut tomber en panne ce qui peut entrainer une perte de redondance. Cette perte induit une maintenance corrective donc une forme d’indisponibilité ce qui représente un coût. Nous proposons dans cette thèse de travailler sur deux composants parmi les plus sensibles dans les ASI à savoir les condensateurs électrolytiques et les batteries au plomb. Dans une première phase, nous présentons, les systèmes de surveillance existants pour ces deux composants en soulignant leurs principaux inconvénients. Ceci nous permet de proposer le cahier des charges à mettre en œuvre. Pour les condensateurs électrolytiques, nous détaillons les différentes étapes de caractérisation et de vieillissement ainsi que la procédure expérimentale de vieillissement standard accéléré et les résultats associés. D’autre part, nous présentons les résultats de simulation du système de surveillance et de prédiction de pannes retenu. Nous abordons la validation expérimentale en décrivant le système développé. Nous détaillons les cartes électroniques conçues, les algorithmes mis en œuvre et leurs contraintes d’implémentation respectifs pour une réalisation temps réel. Enfin, pour les batteries au plomb étanches, nous présentons les résultats de simulation du système de surveillance retenu permettant d’obtenir le SOC et le SOH. Nous détaillons la procédure expérimentale de vieillissement en cycles de charge et décharge de la batterie nécessaire pour avoir un modèle électrique simple et précis. Nous expliquons les résultats expérimentaux de vieillissement pour finir avec des propositions d’amélioration de notre système afin d’obtenir un SOH plus précis. / To ensure power quality and permanently, some electronic system supplies exist. These supplies are the Uninterrupted Power Supplies (UPS). An UPS like any other system may have some failures. This can be a cause of redundancy loss. This load loss causes a maintenance downtime which may represent a high cost. We propose in this thesis to work on two of the most sensitive components in the UPS namely electrolytic capacitors and lead acid batteries. In a first phase, we present the existing surveillance systems for these two components, highlighting their main drawbacks. This allows us to propose the specifications which have to be implemented for this system. For electrolytic capacitors, we detail different stages of characterization ; the aging accelerated standard experimental procedure and their associated results. On the other hand, we present the simulation results of monitoring and failure prediction system retained. We discuss the experimental validation, describing the developed system. We detail the electronic boards designed, implemented algorithms and their respective constraints for a real time implementation. Finally, for lead acid batteries, we present the simulation results of the monitoring system adopted to obtain the SOC and SOH. We describe the aging experimental procedure of charging and discharging cycles of the batteries needed to find a simple and accurate electric models. We explain the aging experimental results and in the end we give suggestions for improving our system to get a more accurate SOH.
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Sistema de gerenciamento para a integração em CC de fontes alternativas de energia e armazenadores híbridos conectados a rede de distribuição via conversores eletrônicos / Energy management for integration of alternative sources and composite storage system connected to the gridBastos, Renan Fernandes 27 October 2016 (has links)
Esta tese de doutorado visa o estudo e o desenvolvimento de topologias e técnicas de controle para a integração de fontes alternativas tais como, solar e eólica acopladas a um barramento comum em corrente continua (CC) e conectá-las à rede de distribuição. O sistema contará também com elementos armazenadores como bancos de baterias e ultracapacitores, formando assim uma estrutura híbrida de armazenamento. Algoritmos de gerenciamento de energia serão implementados para que o perfil de injeção de potência na rede seja suave, eliminando as oscilações que são criadas, naturalmente, por fontes dependentes de fatores climáticos. Como consequência, os sistemas formados por fontes alternativas podem se tornar confiáveis e previsíveis, melhorando a capacidade de planejamento em um cenário cujos sistemas apresentem uma participação elevada na matriz energética. Duas metodologias de gerenciamento de energia são executadas neste trabalho, na primeira o ultracapacitor é gerenciado de modo a permitir a transferência de potência constante para a rede de distribuição em intervalos da ordem de minutos. A segunda estratégia se baseia no uso de banco de baterias combinado com ultracapacitores, formando uma estrutura híbrida de armazenamento. Nessa estrutura de gerenciamento, os armazenadores se comunicam entre si de forma a realizar um compartilhamento e filtragem de energia, fazendo com que transitórios de potência não sejam transmitidos para a rede de distribuição. Nesta estratégia, as baterias são responsáveis pelo fornecimento/absorção da potência média enquanto os ultracapacitores se encarregam dos transitórios. No segundo instante outras duas metodologias de divisão de carga são propostas para microrredes híbridas, contudo são baseadas em estratégias descentralizadas, ou seja, os armazenadores não se comunicam entre si para realizar o compartilhamento. Resultados experimentais e simulações irão comprovar a efetividade das metodologias de gerenciamento propostas. / This Ph.D. dissertation aims the study and development of topologies and control techniques to integrate various alternative sources such as solar and wind, coupled to a direct current (DC) common bus and connect them to the distribution grid. Storage devices such as battery banks and ultracapacitors will form a hybrid storage structure that is responsible for the power supplying in periods in which the sources are unable (times of the day in which the light incidence is low or when the wind amount is scarce). Power management algorithms will be implemented so the alternative sources and storage devices exchange energy, in order to make smoother the power injection profile in the grid, eliminating the fluctuations that are created naturally by alternative sources. With a smooth power profile, energy management systems based on alternative sources may become more reliable and predictable, improving planning capacity in a scenario in which the renewable energy sources have a high penetration in the energy matrix. To obtain such a result, two power management methodologies are executed; the first one is based on ultracapacitors and aims to deliver constant power to the distribution network, even when the power production is zero. However, this technique allows constant power just for a few minutes, once the ultracapacitor capacity is limited. The second strategy is based on the bank of batteries combined with ultracapacitors, forming the hybrid storage system. In this management structure, the storage devices communicate with each other in order to perform a power sharing, resulting in a filtrated power profile delivered to the distribution network. In this strategy, the batteries are responsible to providing average power while ultracapacitors are in-charge of the transient power, sparing the batteries from supplying power peaks. In a second moment, two other load sharing methodologies are proposed for hybrid systems, but are based on decentralized techniques, i.e. storage devices do not communicate with each other to make the power sharing. Experimental and simulated results will prove the effectiveness of the control strategies and management methodologies.
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Sistema de gerenciamento para carga e descarga de baterias (chumbo-ácido) e para busca do ponto de máxima potência gerada em painéis fotovoltaicos empregados em sistemas de geração distribuída / Management system for charging and discharging of batteries (lead acid) and search for the maximum power point generated on photovoltaic panels employed in distributed generation systemsBastos, Renan Fernandes 24 January 2013 (has links)
O presente trabalho visa o desenvolvimento de um sistema de carga e descarga de baterias de chumbo-ácido para sistemas de geração distribuída acoplada a um conjunto de painéis fotovoltaicos e conectada à rede elétrica. O conjunto de painéis opera de forma a maximizar a energia gerada através de um algoritmo MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracking) e a rede elétrica opera como rota para o excedente produzido pelos painéis. Para que a bateria possa ser carregada e descarregada com eficiência evitando sobrecargas e descarregamentos profundos, uma metodologia de estimação do estado de carga da bateria é implementada visando um controle mais eficiente (maximizando a vida útil da bateria) e um melhor aproveitamento da energia armazenada. Para o gerenciamento da carga e descarga do banco de baterias é utilizada uma topologia bidirecional (Boost-Buck) com controlador fuzzy P+I para estabilização de corrente ou tensão. Em relação à técnica de controle para o sistema PV, um controlador PI clássico é utilizado para regular a tensão terminal e ponto de máxima potência que é definido por um algoritmo de perturbação e observação (P&O). Para validar os controladores e os modelos teóricos desenvolvidos é construído um protótipo do sistema. São analisados, também, o comportamento do sistema de carga das baterias e painel fotovoltaico sob condições extremas como queda abrupta de irradiação solar, desconexão inesperada dos painéis e mudanças no ponto ótimo de funcionamento dos mesmos. / The present work aims to develop a system of charging and discharging lead-acid batteries for distributed generation connected to a set of photovoltaic panels, and used in grid connected applications. The set of panels operates to maximize the energy produced by means of an MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracking) algorithm and the power grid absorbs the extra power produced by the panels. For charging and discharging the battery pack and to prevent overload and deep discharge, a methodology for estimating the state of charge is implemented in order to obtain an efficient control technique (maximizing battery life), and more efficient use of the stored energy. To manage the charging and discharging of the battery bank a bidirectional topology (Boost-Buck) with fuzzy P+I controller for stabilization of current or voltage is used. To regards the PV control technique, a classical PI controller is employed to regulate the PV terminal voltage, and the maximum power point is determined by a perturb and observe (P&O) algorithm. To validate the controllers and the theoretical models developed is built a prototype system, and analyzed the behavior of the batteries charger and photovoltaic panel under extreme environmental conditions such as abrupt decrease of solar irradiation, unexpected panels disconnection and changes of the maximum power point of the panels.
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Sistema de gerenciamento para carga e descarga de baterias (chumbo-ácido) e para busca do ponto de máxima potência gerada em painéis fotovoltaicos empregados em sistemas de geração distribuída / Management system for charging and discharging of batteries (lead acid) and search for the maximum power point generated on photovoltaic panels employed in distributed generation systemsRenan Fernandes Bastos 24 January 2013 (has links)
O presente trabalho visa o desenvolvimento de um sistema de carga e descarga de baterias de chumbo-ácido para sistemas de geração distribuída acoplada a um conjunto de painéis fotovoltaicos e conectada à rede elétrica. O conjunto de painéis opera de forma a maximizar a energia gerada através de um algoritmo MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracking) e a rede elétrica opera como rota para o excedente produzido pelos painéis. Para que a bateria possa ser carregada e descarregada com eficiência evitando sobrecargas e descarregamentos profundos, uma metodologia de estimação do estado de carga da bateria é implementada visando um controle mais eficiente (maximizando a vida útil da bateria) e um melhor aproveitamento da energia armazenada. Para o gerenciamento da carga e descarga do banco de baterias é utilizada uma topologia bidirecional (Boost-Buck) com controlador fuzzy P+I para estabilização de corrente ou tensão. Em relação à técnica de controle para o sistema PV, um controlador PI clássico é utilizado para regular a tensão terminal e ponto de máxima potência que é definido por um algoritmo de perturbação e observação (P&O). Para validar os controladores e os modelos teóricos desenvolvidos é construído um protótipo do sistema. São analisados, também, o comportamento do sistema de carga das baterias e painel fotovoltaico sob condições extremas como queda abrupta de irradiação solar, desconexão inesperada dos painéis e mudanças no ponto ótimo de funcionamento dos mesmos. / The present work aims to develop a system of charging and discharging lead-acid batteries for distributed generation connected to a set of photovoltaic panels, and used in grid connected applications. The set of panels operates to maximize the energy produced by means of an MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracking) algorithm and the power grid absorbs the extra power produced by the panels. For charging and discharging the battery pack and to prevent overload and deep discharge, a methodology for estimating the state of charge is implemented in order to obtain an efficient control technique (maximizing battery life), and more efficient use of the stored energy. To manage the charging and discharging of the battery bank a bidirectional topology (Boost-Buck) with fuzzy P+I controller for stabilization of current or voltage is used. To regards the PV control technique, a classical PI controller is employed to regulate the PV terminal voltage, and the maximum power point is determined by a perturb and observe (P&O) algorithm. To validate the controllers and the theoretical models developed is built a prototype system, and analyzed the behavior of the batteries charger and photovoltaic panel under extreme environmental conditions such as abrupt decrease of solar irradiation, unexpected panels disconnection and changes of the maximum power point of the panels.
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Sistema de gerenciamento para a integração em CC de fontes alternativas de energia e armazenadores híbridos conectados a rede de distribuição via conversores eletrônicos / Energy management for integration of alternative sources and composite storage system connected to the gridRenan Fernandes Bastos 27 October 2016 (has links)
Esta tese de doutorado visa o estudo e o desenvolvimento de topologias e técnicas de controle para a integração de fontes alternativas tais como, solar e eólica acopladas a um barramento comum em corrente continua (CC) e conectá-las à rede de distribuição. O sistema contará também com elementos armazenadores como bancos de baterias e ultracapacitores, formando assim uma estrutura híbrida de armazenamento. Algoritmos de gerenciamento de energia serão implementados para que o perfil de injeção de potência na rede seja suave, eliminando as oscilações que são criadas, naturalmente, por fontes dependentes de fatores climáticos. Como consequência, os sistemas formados por fontes alternativas podem se tornar confiáveis e previsíveis, melhorando a capacidade de planejamento em um cenário cujos sistemas apresentem uma participação elevada na matriz energética. Duas metodologias de gerenciamento de energia são executadas neste trabalho, na primeira o ultracapacitor é gerenciado de modo a permitir a transferência de potência constante para a rede de distribuição em intervalos da ordem de minutos. A segunda estratégia se baseia no uso de banco de baterias combinado com ultracapacitores, formando uma estrutura híbrida de armazenamento. Nessa estrutura de gerenciamento, os armazenadores se comunicam entre si de forma a realizar um compartilhamento e filtragem de energia, fazendo com que transitórios de potência não sejam transmitidos para a rede de distribuição. Nesta estratégia, as baterias são responsáveis pelo fornecimento/absorção da potência média enquanto os ultracapacitores se encarregam dos transitórios. No segundo instante outras duas metodologias de divisão de carga são propostas para microrredes híbridas, contudo são baseadas em estratégias descentralizadas, ou seja, os armazenadores não se comunicam entre si para realizar o compartilhamento. Resultados experimentais e simulações irão comprovar a efetividade das metodologias de gerenciamento propostas. / This Ph.D. dissertation aims the study and development of topologies and control techniques to integrate various alternative sources such as solar and wind, coupled to a direct current (DC) common bus and connect them to the distribution grid. Storage devices such as battery banks and ultracapacitors will form a hybrid storage structure that is responsible for the power supplying in periods in which the sources are unable (times of the day in which the light incidence is low or when the wind amount is scarce). Power management algorithms will be implemented so the alternative sources and storage devices exchange energy, in order to make smoother the power injection profile in the grid, eliminating the fluctuations that are created naturally by alternative sources. With a smooth power profile, energy management systems based on alternative sources may become more reliable and predictable, improving planning capacity in a scenario in which the renewable energy sources have a high penetration in the energy matrix. To obtain such a result, two power management methodologies are executed; the first one is based on ultracapacitors and aims to deliver constant power to the distribution network, even when the power production is zero. However, this technique allows constant power just for a few minutes, once the ultracapacitor capacity is limited. The second strategy is based on the bank of batteries combined with ultracapacitors, forming the hybrid storage system. In this management structure, the storage devices communicate with each other in order to perform a power sharing, resulting in a filtrated power profile delivered to the distribution network. In this strategy, the batteries are responsible to providing average power while ultracapacitors are in-charge of the transient power, sparing the batteries from supplying power peaks. In a second moment, two other load sharing methodologies are proposed for hybrid systems, but are based on decentralized techniques, i.e. storage devices do not communicate with each other to make the power sharing. Experimental and simulated results will prove the effectiveness of the control strategies and management methodologies.
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Solcellssystem i kombination med batterilager : En fallstudie av Uppsalas nya stadsbussdepå / PV system together with battery storage : A case study of Uppsala's new city bus depotWennberg, Emma January 2017 (has links)
In this thesis the potential benefits of combining a photovoltaic (PV) system with a battery storage are investigated. The thesis is conducted at the company WSP in Uppsala and the aim is to design a PV system for the new city bus depot that is planned to be built in Uppsala, estimate the PV system capacity and investigate whether a battery storage can increase the self-consumption of the system. The results of this study are that the most appropriate installation of the PV modules is to place them horizontally on the roof and by that one can achieve an installed power of 715 kWp and a total annual electricity production of 871 MWh. This corresponds to a self-sufficiency of 29 % and a self-consumption of 92 %, which indicate that overproduction of electricity sometimes occurs. How different battery storages, based on both lead-acid and lithium-ion batteries, affect the system is evaluated by developing a battery model in MATLAB. From the results of the battery model it is concluded that battery storages with a capacity of 0.3–0.8 kWh/kWp are most suitable to combine with the PV system and this applies to both lead-acid and lithium-ion batteries. The interval 0.3–0.8 kWh/kWp corresponds to battery capacities of 200–600 kWh and the self-consumption increases to 93–94 % for the lead-acid battery storages and to 93–95 % for the lithium-ion battery storages. The economic analysis show that it is generally more profitable to increase self-consumption of self-produced PV power than to sell it to the grid. However, the high costs that are associated with the battery storages eliminates the economic benefits of the increased self-consumption of PV power. Therefore, it is not considered possible to justify the installation of a battery storage at the bus depot.
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