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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The influence of integrity and ethical leadership on trust and employee work engagement

Heine, Gardielle 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study investigated the emerging concept of work engagement and how organisational leaders can exert influence on it. It was therefore important to obtain understanding of and deeper insight into the impact of these key stakeholders on the employee’s work engagement and related concepts. The aim of the study was to investigate existing relationships between constructs that play a significant role in the relationship between leader and follower in the organisation. These constructs include integrity, ethical leadership and trust in the leader, and the effect these constructs have on employee work engagement. The study thus was undertaken to obtain more clarity about these aspects. Based on research on the existing literature, a theoretical model depicting how the different constructs are related to one another was developed and various hypotheses were formulated. Data for the purpose of the quantitative study were collected by means of an electronic web-based questionnaire. A total of 204 completed questionnaires were returned. The final questionnaire comprised four subscales, namely the 17-item Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES), the 14-item Leader Trust Scale (LTS), the 17-item Leadership of Ethics Scale (LES), and the 9-item Behavioural Integrity Survey (BIS). The postulated relationships and the conceptual model were empirically tested using various statistical methods. Reliability analysis was done on all the measurement scales and adequate reliability was found. The content and structure of the measured constructs were investigated by means of confirmatory and exploratory factor analyses. The results indicated that good fit was achieved for all the refined measurement models. Subsequently, Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) was used to determine the extent to which the conceptual model fitted the data obtained from the sample and to test the relationships between the constructs. The results indicated positive relationships between trust in the leader and work engagement; ethical leadership and work engagement; ethical leadership and trust in the leader; integrity and ethical leadership; and integrity and trust in the leader. The present study contributes to existing literature on work engagement and ethical leadership by providing insights into the nature of the relationships among these constructs. The study also identifies practical implications to be considered in management practices in order to enhance and encourage these constructs, as well as the relationships between these constructs in the workplace. The limitations and recommendations present additional insights and possibilities that could be explored through future research studies. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die huidige studie is gebaseer op die belangrikheid van werkstoewyding in die werkplek en op hoe leiers in die organisasie dit beïnvloed. Dit was dus belangrik om insig te verwerf rakende die invloed van hierdie belangrike rolspelers op die werknemer se werkstoewyding. Die studie het ten doel gehad om die verwantskappe tussen konstrukte wat binne die organisasie ‘n beduidende rol in die verhouding tussen die leier en ondergeskikte speel, te ondersoek. Hierdie konstrukte omvat integriteit en etiese leierskap, asook die vertroue tussen leier en ondergeskikte, en die graad van invloed wat die veranderlikes op die werknemer se werkstoewyding uitoefen. Die studie is dus uitgevoer om meer duidelikheid oor hierdie aspekte te verkry. ‘n Teoretiese model wat voorstel hoe die verskillende konstrukte aan mekaar verwant is, is op grond van die navorsing oor die bestaande literatuur ontwikkel. Verskeie hipoteses is geformuleer. Data vir die doel van die kwantitatiewe studie is deur middel van ‘n elektroniese web-gebaseerde vraelys ingesamel. ‘n Totaal van 204 voltooide vraelyste is terugontvang. Die finale vraelys is uit vier subvraelyste saamgestel, te wete die 17-item Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES), die 14-item Leader Trust Scale (LTS), die 17-item Leadership of Ethics Scale (LES), en die 9-item Behavioural Integrity Survey (BIS). Die gepostuleerde verwantskappe en die konseptuele model is empiries met behulp van verskeie statistiese metodes getoets. Betroubaarheidsanalise is met behulp van die betrokke meetinstrumente uitgevoer en voldoende betroubaarheid is gevind. Die inhoud en die struktuur van die konstrukte wat deur die instrumente gemeet is, is verder deur middel van verkennende en bevestigende faktorontledings ondersoek. Die resultate het goeie passings vir al die hersiene metingsmodelle getoon. Daarna is struktuurvergelykings-modellering (SVM), gebruik om te bepaal tot watter mate die konseptuele model die data pas, en om die verwantskappe tussen die verskillende konstrukte te toets. Die resultate het positiewe verwantskappe tussen vertroue in die leier en werkstoewyding; etiese leierskap en werkstoewyding; etiese leierskap en vertroue; integriteit en etiese leierskap; en integriteit en vertroue in die leier aangedui. Hierdie studie dra by tot die bestaande literatuur aangaande beide werkstoewyding en etiese leierskap deurdat dit insig bied in die aard van verhoudings tussen hierdie konstrukte. Die studie identifiseer ook praktiese implikasies om in bestuurspraktyke in aanmerking geneem te word om die betrokke konstrukte, asook die verwantskappe tussen die veranderlikes, te versterk en aan te moedig. Die beperkings en aanbevelings van die studie dui op verdere insig en moontlikhede wat in toekomstige navorsing ondersoek kan word.

The effect of core ethical values on ethical leadership, organisational justice, ethical climate and leader effectiveness

Wolmarans, Janneke 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study arose from a high need to determine the factors contributing to leader effectiveness in South African organisations by identifying the determinants thereof. The purpose of the study furthermore was to identify the determinants of unethical and counterproductive behaviours in the workplace. There is a belief that leaders should set aside ethical standards to succeed in the rough-and-tumble world of business. In contrast, evidence has revealed that ethical leaders can frequently be seen as more effective in organisations. Since the purpose of this study was to examine factors contributing to perceived leader effectiveness within South African organisations, the relationship between perceived effective leadership, ethical climate, organisational justice, ethical leadership and core ethical values was investigated. The aim was to provide further theoretical and empirical evidence that effective ethical leadership can be realised through instilling an ethical organisational climate in which integrity, altruism and fairness are exhibited and encouraged. A theoretical model was developed to explain the structural relationships between the latent variables and effective leadership within organisations. Substantive hypotheses were formulated in order to determine the validity of the propositions made in the literature review, with the objective of testing the proposed ethical climate structural model. The sample was selected from of employees of a large retail company mainly situated in the Western Cape but with branches all over South Africa and in the rest of Africa. The selection consisted of 224 first-line and middle management employees. Each of the respondents completed the Leader Effectiveness Questionnaire (LEQ), the Ethical Climate Scale (ECS), the Justice Scale, the Leadership of Ethics Scale (LES), the Revised Behavioural Integrity Scale (BIS-R) and Langley’s Value Scale. The hypotheses and the structural model were empirically tested using various statistical methods. Reliability analysis was completed on all the measurement scales and satisfactory reliability was found. The content and structure of the measured constructs were examined by means of confirmatory factor analysis and the results indicated that good fit was achieved for all the refined measurement models. Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) was subsequently used to determine the extent to which the conceptual model fitted the data obtained from the sample and to test the relationships between the constructs. The results revealed that integrity and altruism have a direct and positive influence on ethical leadership. Support furthermore was found for the influence of ethical climate on leader effectiveness. The results however indicated that support could not be found for the relationship between organisational justice and leader effectiveness. Conversely, it was found that ethical leadership has a direct and positive influence on leader effectiveness. In addition, organisational justice also exhibited a positive influence on ethical climate. On the other hand, ethical leadership did not have a positive influence on ethical climate. Finally, support was found for the influence of ethical leadership on organisational justice. Final conclusions were drawn from the results obtained and recommendations for future research are made. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie het ontstaan uit ‘n dringende behoefte om die faktore wat bydra tot leier-doeltreffendheid in Suid-Afrikaanse organisasies te bepaal, deur die determinante daarvan te identifiseer. Verder was die doel van die studie om die determinante van onetiese en teenproduktiewe gedrag in die werkplek te identifiseer. Daar is ʼn bewering dat leiers hul etiese standaarde eenkant toe moet skuif om in die hedendaagse besigheidswêreld suksesvol te wees. In teendeel is dit egter bewys dat etiese leiers in organisasies dikwels as meer effektief beskou kan word. Met die doel van hierdie studie om die faktore te bestudeer wat bydra tot waargenome leier doeltreffendheid in Suid-Afrikaanse organisasies, is die verwantskap tussen waargenome leier doeltreffendheid, etiese klimaat, organisatoriese geregtigheid, etiese leierskap en kern etiese waardes in hierdie studie ondersoek. Die studie het gepoog om addisionele teoretiese en empiriese bewyse te lewer dat etiese leiers die persepsie van doeltreffende leierskap indirek kan beïnvloed deur die skep van ‘n etiese organisasieklimaat waarin integriteit, altruisme en billikheid ten toon gestel en bevorder word. ‘n Teoretiese model is ontwikkel om die strukturele verwantskappe tussen die latente veranderlikes en doeltreffende leierskap in organisasies te verklaar. Substantiewe hypotheses is geformuleer om sodoende die geldigheid van die voorspellings uit die literatuurstudie te bepaal. Die doel hiervan was om die voorgestelde etiese klimaat strukturele model te toets. Die steekproef het bestaan uit werknemers van ‘n groot kleinhandel maatskappy wat hoofsaaklik in die Wes-Kaap geleë is, maar takke regoor Suid-Afrika en in die res van Afrika het. Die steekproef is saamgestel uit 224 eerste-vlak en middel-bestuur werknemers. Elke respondent het die Leader Effectiveness Questionnaire (LEQ), die Ethical Climate Scale (ECS), die Organisational Justice Scale, die Leader of Ethics Scale (LES), die Revised Behavioural Integrity Survey (BIS-R) en die Altruism Scale ingevul. Die hipoteses en die strukturele model is empiries getoets met behulp van verskeie statistiese metodes. Betroubaarheidanalise is op al die metingskale uitgevoer en bevredigende betroubaarheid is gevind. Die inhoud en struktuur van die gemete konstrukte is deur middel van bevestigende faktor-ontledings ondersoek en die resultate het aangedui dat integriteit en altruisme ‘n direkte en positiewe invloed op etiese leierskap het. Ondersteuning is ook gevind vir die invloed van etiese klimaat op leier doeltreffendheid. Die resultate het egter aangedui dat ondersteuning nie vir die verband tussen organisatoriese geregtigheid en leier doeltreffendheid nie gevind kon word. Daarteenoor is daar gevind dat etiese leierskap ‘n direkte en positiewe invloed op leier doeltreffendheid het. Boonop het organisatoriese geregtigheid ook ‘n positiewe invloed op etiese klimaat getoon. Daarteenoor het etiese leierskap nie ‘n positiewe invloed op etiese klimaat gehad nie. Laastens is ondersteuning gevind vir die invloed wat etiese leierskap op organisatoriese geregtigheid het. Finale gevolgtrekkings is afgelei van die resultate wat verkry is en aanbevelings is vir toekomstige navorsing gemaak.

The influence of leader integrity on ethical leadership, interactional justice, leader trust and counterproductive work behaviour

du Toit, Marelise 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MCom)--Stellenbosch University, 2015 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT :This study arose due to the costly and harmful effect that negative behaviours have on organisations and society alike. This study is therefore undertaken to understand the determinants of these negative behaviours as well as to identify constructs that can defer these types of behaviour. The aim of the study was to study the constructs that is expected to significantly affect the occurrence of counterproductive workplace behaviours (CWB) in South African organisations. Therefore the purpose was to investigate the relationship between leader integrity, ethical leadership, interactional justice, leader trust and CWB. A theoretical model was subsequently developed to explain the structural relationships between the latent variables and counterproductive behaviours. Propositions were formulated regarding the postulated relationships found between these variables in the literature study. These hypotheses were tested to determine the validity of these propositions to subsequently test the proposed structural model. The sample encompassed employees from four organisations in the Western Cape. The respondents completed the Leader Trust Scale (LTS), the Justice Scale, Leadership of Ethics Scale (LES), Ethical Integrity Test (EIT) and the Deviance Scale. The proposed hypotheses and structural model were empirically tested by means of Partial Least Squares Analysis (PLS). These analyses included reliability analysis to determine the reliability of all the measurement scales. Satisfactorily reliability were found for all measurement scales. The structural model and the hypothesised relationships were analysed by means of the PLS path coefficients, R Square values and Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient. The results indicated that support could be found for the relationship between leader integrity and ethical leadership, leader integrity and interactional justice, leader integrity and leader trust, ethical leadership and interactional justice, and leader trust and interactional justice. Only partial support was found for the relationship between ethical leadership and leader trust, leader trust and CWB, interactional justice and CWB, ethical leadership and CWB and leader integrity and CWB. Subsequently conclusions were made from the results as well as recommendations made for future research. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Hierdie studie het ontstaan as gevolg van die duur en skadelike effek wat negatiewe gedrag op beide organisasies en die samelewing het. Die studie is dus uitgevoer om die oorsake van hierdie negatiewe gedrag te begryp sowel as om konstrukte te identifiseer om hierdie tipes gedrag uit te skakel. Die doel van die studie was om konstrukte te ondersoek wat waarskynlik ‘n substansiële invloed op die verskynsel van teenproduktiewe gedrag in organisasies in Suid-Afrika kan hê. Die doel was dus om die verband tussen leier-integriteit, etiese leierskap, interaksionele geregtigheid, leier-vertroue en teenproduktiewe gedrag te ondersoek. ‘n Teoretiese model is ontwikkel om die strukturele verband tussen die latente veranderlikes en teenproduktiewe gedrag te verduidelik. Hipoteses is geformuleer rakende die gepostuleerde verwantskappe tussen hierdie veranderlikes soos in die literatuurstudie geïdentifiseer. Hierdie hipoteses is getoets om die geldigheid van hierdie proposisies te bepaal om uiteindelik die voorgestelde strukturele model te toets. Die steekproef is saamgestel uit werknemers van vier organisasies in die Wes-Kaap. Die proefpersone het die Leader Trust Scale (LTS), die Justice Scale, die Leadership of Ethics Scale (LES), die Ethical Integrity Test (EIT) en die Deviance Scale voltooi. Die voorgestelde hipoteses en strukturele model is empiries getoets deur middel van Partial Least Squares (PLS) ontleding. Hierdie analises sluit in ‘n betroubaarheidsanalise om die betroubaarheid van die metingskale te bepaal. Bevredigende betroubaarheid is vir al die metingskale gevind. Die strukturele model en die gepostuleerde hipoteses is ontleed deur middel van PLS path coefficients, R Square values en Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient. Die resultate het aangedui dat ondersteuning gevind is vir die verband tussen leier-integriteit en etiese leierskap, leier-integriteit en interaksionele geregtigheid, leier-integriteit en leier-vertroue, etiese leierskap en interaksionele geregtigheid, en leier-vertroue en interaksionele geregtigheid. Slegs gedeeltelike ondersteuning is gevind vir die verband tussen etiese leierskap en leier-vertroue, leier-vertroue en teenproduktiewe gedrag, interaksionele geregtigheid en teenproduktiewe gedrag, etiese leierskap en teenproduktiewe gedrag, en leier-integriteit en teenproduktiewe gedrag. Daarna is afleidings gemaak op grond van die resultate, sowel as aanbevelings gemaak vir toekomstige navorsing.

The impact of senior management on middle management's experience of integrity

Van Niekerk, Annelize 02 1900 (has links)
A rise in the number of high-profile cases of management failure and leadership misconduct increased the awareness of one of the core challenges of management, namely to lead responsibly and with integrity. The environment which senior managers create and within which middle managers need to function seems to have a direct bearing on the moral behaviour and integrity of the middle manager. The aim of this research was therefore to gain a better understanding of how middle managers view the impact of senior managers on their experience of integrity. There is an increasing need in organisations for responsible leadership, leadership with integrity and leadership towards developing the integrity of the follower. This study was conducted within the interpretive research paradigm. Sampling was directed by criterion-based guidelines, focusing on current middle managers from different industries in the private sector. In-depth interviews were conducted and the data was analysed using a grounded theory method. The main findings indicated that senior managers should engage in two debates with middle managers in the organisation. Firstly, integrity is not something that is demonstrated but rather means that leaders can be differentiated from other leaders when they lead with integrity. Secondly, defining integrity and linking it to personal standards and values, as well as aligning these standards and values to the organisational strategy, vision and mission, are important. The findings of this study can assist senior managers with decreasing unethical behaviour and increasing integrity in the organisation. The research provided a basic framework that can assist in creating a positive context for the viii relationship between senior managers and middle managers within which to function, in order to decrease unethical employee activity and increase integrity. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M.A. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

Developing a conceptual model for transformation at the South African Military Academy : the Ubuntu approach

Theletsane, Kula Ishmael 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MMil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The initial conceptual framework for transformation proposes the context (why), the content (what), and the process (how) as three dimensions of transformation that are always present. A distinction is made between external and internal triggers of transformation, and information is provided on the challenges posed by, among others, the knowledge society, globalisation, and changing market conditions that require companies to become learning organisations staffed by empowered knowledge workers. Literature study on transformation clearly shows that transformation brings about change. There are different models on transformation and this shows that there are different approaches to transformation. Ubuntu should be introduced as a way forward for the South African Military Academy (SAMA) to deal with transformation issues. Ubuntu is more concern about the wellbeing of the people and their morale during and after transformation has been implemented. Subsequently, a conceptual model for transformation is proposed in which generic elements of the “why”, “what”, and “how” dimensions are included. The SAMA model is developed to fit the scope of a conceptual model, and to be in line with what is generally proposed in the literature for organisations that want to transform in order to become market leaders and enhance long-term goals. Conclusions drawn from the ongoing SAMA transformation process are that its aims and principles are not in line with what appears to be required in creating an innovative learning organisation. With regard to the “how” of transformation, it is found that improvement is still needed to the processes to change attitudes, mindsets, and styles on the part of managers as well as employees that might inhibit empowerment and stifle creativity and innovation. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die aanvanklike konseptuele raamwerk vir transformasie stel die konteks (waarom), die inhoud (wat) en die proses (hoe) voor as drie dimensies van transformasie wat altyd teenwoordig is. Daar word ‘n onderskeid getref tussen eksterne en interne aanleidende oorsake van transformasie, en inligting word voorsien oor die uitdagings wat voortspruit uit, onder andere, die kennissamelewing, globalisering, en veranderende marktoestande wat vereis dat maatskappye leerorganisasies word met ‘n personeel van bemagtigde kenniswerkers. Uit ‘n literatuurstudie oor transformasie is dit duidelik dat transformasie verandering teweegbring. Daar is verskillende modelle van transformasie en dit toon dat daar uiteenlopende benaderings tot transformasie bestaan. Ubuntu moet ingestel word as ‘n manier waarop die Suid-Afrikaanse Militêre Akademie (SAMA) voortaan transformasie kan hanteer. Ubuntu is meer besorg oor die welstand van die mense en hulle moreel terwyl en nadat transformasie geïmplementeer is. Daar word dus ‘n transformasiemodel voorgestel waarin generiese elemente van die “waarom”-, “wat”- en “hoe”-dimensie ingesluit word. Die SAMA-model word ontwikkel om dieselfde omvang te hê as ‘n konseptuele model, en om ooreen te stem met wat algemeen in die literatuur voorgestel word vir organisasies wat wil transformeer om sodoende markleiers te word en langtermyndoelwitte te bevorder. Gevolgtrekkings wat voortspruit uit die voortgesette SAMA-transformasieproses is dat die doelwitte en beginsels nie ooreenstem met wat skynbaar vereis word om ‘n vernuwende leerorganisasie te skep nie. Ten opsigte van die “hoe” van transformasie, word bevind dat verbetering nodig is voor die prosesse verandering gaan meebring aan houdings, ingesteldhede en styl, by bestuurders sowel as werknemers, wat tans nog bemagtiging beperk en kreatiwiteit en vernuwing onderdruk.

Leadership and productive school culture at selected secondary schools in Limpopo province

Ramovha, Ndivhuwo M. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Education Policy Studies))--University of Stellenbosch,2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study explores leadership and productive school culture, and focuses on school leadership at selected schools in the Nzhelele West Circuit in the Limpopo Province. Leadership plays a pivotal role in the functioning of any organisation, be it in business or in education, and the concept of leadership has become more prominent over the last decade, and there are various debates around its meaning and what it entails. In order to develop a better understanding of leadership, a literature review is conducted. This review highlights the differences between leadership and management, and explores different leadership styles. With regards to productive school culture, this study indicates that schools may look alike in terms of their physical structure, composition of staff members and purpose of their existence, but may differ drastically on how they operate. This kind of culture represents the common shared values, rituals, ceremonies, stories and an internal cultural network that values heroes, such as an extraordinary teacher. I conclude that school culture and school leadership are inseparable issues because cultural management remains the responsibility of the school leadership This study finds that leadership is of vital importance in all organisations, and that the meanings of the concept of leadership have changed over years. Further, administering schools in a democratic fashion still pose tremendous challenges to the school leadership as a whole. It seems as if the schools which are part of this investigation still struggle to adjust to a democratic dispensation. This research therefore concludes that school leaders need to ensure that they are both good managers and effective leaders. They must also ensure that the culture at their schools is conducive for teaching and learning. Keywords: leadership, management, schools, leadership styles, productive school culture. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die studie behels leierskap en produktiewe skool kultuur, en ondersoek skool leierskap by verskeie skole in die Nzhehele-Wes kring in die Limpopo Provinsie. Leierskap speel „n belangrike rol in die funksionering van enige organisasie, en die konsep het meer prominent geword oor die afgelope dekade. Daar is ook verskeie debate rondom die betekenis van die konsep. Met die doel om „n beter begrip van leierskap te verkry, is „n literatuur studie voltooi. Die literatuur studie dui op die verskille tussen leierskap en bestuur, en verskeie leierskap style word ondersoek. Met betrekking tot produktiewe skool kultuur toon die navorsing dat skole dieselfde mag lyk ten opsigte van hul fisiese struktuur, personeel samestelling, en die doel van hul bestaan, maar mag drasties verskil in hulle funkionering. Dié tipe kultuur verwys na gemeenskaplike waardes, rituele, seremonies, stories en „n interne netwerk wat helde, soos buitengewone leiers, vereer. My gevolgtrekking is dat skool kultuur en skool leierskap onskeibaar is omdat die kulturele bestuur nog steeds the verantwoordelikheid van die skool leierskap is. Die studie bevind dat leierskap van kardinale belang in alle organisasies is, en dat die betekenis van die konsep “leierskap” oor jare baie verander het. Verder bied demokratiese skool administrasie nog steeds baie uitdagings aan skool leiers. Dit wil voorkom asof skole in die ondersoek ook probleme ondervind om aan te pas by „n demokratiese bedeling. Hierdie ondersoek kom tot die gevolgtrekking dat skool leiers moet poog om beide goeie bestuurders en effektiewe leiers te wees. Hulle moet ook verseker dat die kultuur by hul skole leer en onderrig ondersteun. Sleutelwoorde: leierskap, bestuur, skole, leierskap style, skool kultuur.

The impact of senior management on middle management's experience of integrity

Van Niekerk, Annelize 02 1900 (has links)
A rise in the number of high-profile cases of management failure and leadership misconduct increased the awareness of one of the core challenges of management, namely to lead responsibly and with integrity. The environment which senior managers create and within which middle managers need to function seems to have a direct bearing on the moral behaviour and integrity of the middle manager. The aim of this research was therefore to gain a better understanding of how middle managers view the impact of senior managers on their experience of integrity. There is an increasing need in organisations for responsible leadership, leadership with integrity and leadership towards developing the integrity of the follower. This study was conducted within the interpretive research paradigm. Sampling was directed by criterion-based guidelines, focusing on current middle managers from different industries in the private sector. In-depth interviews were conducted and the data was analysed using a grounded theory method. The main findings indicated that senior managers should engage in two debates with middle managers in the organisation. Firstly, integrity is not something that is demonstrated but rather means that leaders can be differentiated from other leaders when they lead with integrity. Secondly, defining integrity and linking it to personal standards and values, as well as aligning these standards and values to the organisational strategy, vision and mission, are important. The findings of this study can assist senior managers with decreasing unethical behaviour and increasing integrity in the organisation. The research provided a basic framework that can assist in creating a positive context for the viii relationship between senior managers and middle managers within which to function, in order to decrease unethical employee activity and increase integrity. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M.A. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

The effects of ethical context and behaviour on job retention and performance-related factors

Mitonga-Monga, Jeremy 06 1900 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to develop an ethical context and behaviour model by investigating the relationship between individuals’ ethical context and behaviour variables and their job retention and performance related-factors, which has been under-researched in the Democratic Republic of Congo’s working environment. A quantitative cross-sectional survey approach was followed in this study. The population consisted predominantly of a non–probability sample of (N=839) permanently employed employees in an organisation in this country. The results revealed significant relationships between the construct variables. Structural equation modelling indicated a good fit of the data with the canonical correlations-derived measurement model. The main findings are reported and interpreted in terms of an empirically-based ethical context and behaviour model. These findings may provide new knowledge for the design of retention and performance practices which add to the body of knowledge in relation to ethical context and behaviour, job retention and performance / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / D. Admin. (Industrial & Organisational Psychology)

Fostering collective teacher efficacy through values-based leadership in Ethiopian institutions for higher education

Terefe Feyera Bulti 08 1900 (has links)
This thesis is entitled “Fostering collective teacher efficacy through values-based leadership in Ethiopian institutions of higher education”, which is delimited to the private universities. The main question was “What constitutes/determines the institutionalisation of values-based leadership (VBL) to foster collective teacher efficacy (CTE) in the context of Ethiopian private universities (EPrUs)?” The sub-questions were: 1) what does the current state of CTE and its perceived outcomes look like in EPrUs? 2) What sets of behaviours are desired to institutionalise VBL so as to foster CTE in EPrUs? 3) What are the institutional contexts required to institutionalise VBL so as to foster CTE in EPrUs? In addressing these issues, academic leaders, students and teachers from EPrUs participated in the study. As methods of data gathering both the survey method and interviews were used. Results revealed that CTE is not high enough in EPrUs and hence it needs to be fostered so as to bring the desired change in students’ learning. To foster this, institutionalisation of VBL is required that involves two inter-related aspects. The first one is about institutionalising desired values (behaviours), which are linked to the academic leaders’ yearning for positive sets of values and the teachers’ moral contract to their professional values. To this effect, the positive sets of values that academic leaders should yearn for and the sets of values that teachers should espouse as their professional values are explored. The commonalities between these values are also described and how these would be institutionalised is suggested. The values include integrity and trustworthiness, humility/selflessness, compassion and sense of gratitude, accountability and self-discipline, sense of collaboration and teamwork, and envisioning in leadership as the driving force. The second aspect is about institutionalising the contexts conducive to foster CTE and VBL support behaviours. The need to institutionalise those behaviours and contexts arise out of the perceived leadership gap (between what the teachers believe are the leadership priorities of the leaders and the behaviours they actually see in the leaders). This gap has been linked to CTE, and hence a model has been developed that would foster this efficacy. / Educational Leadership and Management / D. Ed. (Educational Management)

Motion leadership towards sustainable development in Canadian secondary schools in Alberta province

Du Preez, Marika 10 1900 (has links)
The United Nations works towards sustainable development for present and future generations and therefore set their target for 2030 to attain seventeen goals, not only to help future generations meet their own needs, but also to help this present generation to be sustainable. In view of all that, one realizes that world leaders released a new, holistic paradigm shift known as systemic thinking. The new paradigm falls back to the ancient old tension between parts and the whole. Nowadays, 21st leaders reject the emphasis on the parts with its linear, rational and competitive edge. At this time in history, the new paradigm embraces a nonlinear, integrative, intuitive and holistic view of life with a moral vision at the tail end. As a result, a strong emphasis on the earth as a living being called world leaders to emphasize the moral calling of humans towards the planet. At it's heart, the calling is spiritual in order to keep the planet sustaining itself at all costs. Therefore, leaders tune themselves in to sense the future- that's to say they continuously solve complex problems fast and secure with simple solutions. Forecasts of the future is derived from sensing, experience and observation of best future possibilities. Presencing means leaders envision the future and then act on what they sense. Sources of leadership vision are foresight that leads to insight and action. Before any of the above will be effective, some preparation has to be done. Preparing the mind, heart and will to open and to resist judgementalism, cynicism and fear lays the groundwork for implementing sustainable development principles. Sensing requires stillness or mindfulness; becoming quiet to wait for the right moment to act. Strong and impulsive reactions to promote the egoistic self should be quenched by asking oneself “Who am I?”, “What is my task?” .This study examined the role of motion leadership towards sustainable development in Canadian secondary schools in Alberta Province. A qualitative investigation at three independent schools in the province of Alberta near the greater Calgary area was done. Data were gathered by means of face-to-face, in-depth interviews. Each interview lasted thirty minutes. Each school’s principal, assistant-principal and a teacher have been interviewed. Data were also gathered through document analysis from the Alberta education websites. The findings revealed that, to a greater or lesser extent, motion leadership is present throughout. Findings showed that openness in the schools are present and that leaders do try to get rid of their blind spots. Participants were in favour of mindfulness sessions at their schools and work towards a borderless migration to spread the sustainable development principles. The study, in the light of the new paragdigm, recommends that firstly, motion leaders need to remain clear on their moral vision, namely to serve the planetary wellbeing through sustainable development principles. Secondly, the study recommends that every motion leader has to help to turn the beam of observation on themselves in order to see that they are part of a holistic system and part of the problem the system might encounter. Thirdly, both parents and the wider community should be intricately involved in learning to become system citizens. / Educational Leadership and Management / M. Ed. (Educational Leadership and Management)

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