Spelling suggestions: "subject:"1earning diary"" "subject:"1earning biary""
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Erfassung und Förderung metakognitiver und motivationaler Fähigkeiten : ein halbstandardisiertes Lerntagebuch für Schülerinnen und Schüler mit Migrationshintergrund / Assessing and fostering metacognitive and motivational skills : a semi-standardized learning diary for students with a migrational backgroundEhmann, Tanja January 2009 (has links)
Das folgende Forschungsprojekt beschäftigt sich mit metakognitiven und motivationalen Fähigkeiten als Teilbereiche des selbstgesteuerten Lernens. Es untersucht den Nutzen und die Grenzen von Lerntagebüchern, die zugeschnitten wurden auf Grundschülerinnen und Grundschüler mit Migrationshintergrund. Das Ziel der Studie war es herauszufinden, ob und wie selbststeurungsbezogene Lernprozesse durch den Einsatz von Lerntagebüchern gemessen und verändert werden können. Hierzu führten 28 Grundschülerinnen und Grundschüler 14 Wochen lang während des Unterrichts ein halbstandardisiertes Lerntagebuch in Anlehnung an Wohland/Spinath (2004). Zur Messung von Veränderungen in metakognitiven und motivationalen Fähigkeiten füllten 43 Schülerinnen und Schüler zweier Experimentalgruppen und einer Kontrollgruppe vor und nach der Lerntagebuch-Intervention standardisierte Fragebögen aus. Weiterhin wurden die 28 Lerntagebücher der Experimentalgruppen inhalts- und prozessanalytisch ausgewertet. Außerdem wurden Interviews mit den Lehrkräften über ihre Unterrichtspraxis geführt und einige Schülerinnen und Schüler zu ihrer Wahrnehmung der Lerntagebucharbeit befragt.
Die Ergebnisse der Analyse der Lerntagebuchdaten zeigen, dass die 28 Schülerinnen und Schüler mit Migrationshintergrund erfolgreich ihren Lernprozess bei der Bearbeitung einer Aufgabe verbalisierten. Sie haben weiterhin erfolgreich Vorhersagen über ihre Vorgehensweisen zur Lösung einer Aufgabe getroffen. Die Lerntagebücher unterstützten sie darin, ihre metakognitiven Erfahrungen (Efklides/Petkaki 2005) zu kalibrieren (Desoete/Roeyers 2006). Den Lernenden ist es gelungen, ihre Repräsentationen über das Lösen einer Aufgabe aufeinander (fein-) abzustimmen, während sie daran arbeiteten.
Mit Hilfe von Zeitreihenanalysen konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Schülerinnen und Schüler die Fragen im Lerntagebuch gegen Ende der Intervention oberflächlicher beantworteten und die Lerntagebücher tendenziell weniger häufig ausgefüllt wurden (negative Trends). Eine Erklärung für die geringere Antworthäufigkeit, die zu negativen Verlaufskurven über die Zeit führten, könnte sein, dass die Instruktionsdichte durch den Mix an offenen und geschlossenen Fragen im Lerntagebuch zu hoch war. Die Lernenden haben sich möglicherweise so an die Fragen bzw. Antwortformate gewöhnt, dass die Motivation, in das Lerntagebuch zu schreiben, geringer wurde. / The following research project focuses on metacognitive and motivational skills as aspects of self-regulated learning. It studies the usability and the limitations of learning diaries that are designed to foster those skills for elementary school students with a migrational background. The goal of the study is to know whether and how self-regulated learning processes can be measured and changed through the use of learning diaries. Therefore 28 students of an elementary school in Berlin worked for 14 weeks with a semi-standardized learning diary which was designed in accordance to Wohland/Spinath (2004) and which was integrated in classroom teaching. To measure the changes in metacognitive and motivational skills 43 students in two experimental groups and one control group had to fill in self-report questionnaires before and after the diary-intervention. The 28 learning diaries of the two experimental groups were content and process analyzed. Furthermore interviews were conducted with teachers about their classroom teaching and with students about their perception of working with a diary.
The questionnaire data showed that the learning diary could be useful for fostering metacognitive but not motivational skills. The results of the diary data showed that the 28 students with a migrational background were able to verbalize their learning process when working on a specific task. They were also able to make predictions about their own approach towards solving a task. The learning diaries supported the calibration (Desoete/Roeyers 2006) of their metacognitive experiences (Efklides/Petkaki 2005). Students were able to fine-tune their representations about solving a task as they went on with task processing.
Time-series-analysis showed that towards the end of the intervention there was a tendency to answer with superficial and lower frequency responses (negative trends). One explanation for the lower frequency of responses, which led to negative curves over time, could be that too much instructional support was elicited through the learning diary's mix of open and closed questions. The learners may have adjusted to the prompts and answer formats leading to a decrease in motivation to write.
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O diário de aprendizagem como instrumento revelador do processo de construção identitária de futuros sargentos enquanto leitores e produtores de textos em sua formação inicialEmília Maria da Silva Pereira de Andrea 29 April 2013 (has links)
Esta dissertação, realizada com trinta alunos da primeira série de 2012 do Curso de Formação de Sargentos de uma escola militar, objetiva analisar seus diários de aprendizagem, produzidos ao longo das práticas letradas do Curso de Redação, a fim de investigar em que medida os relatos dos diários são reveladores do processo de construção identitária desses futuros sargentos em formação inicial. Para tanto, foi realizada uma pesquisa-ação, cujo instrumento foi o diário de aprendizagem, que forneceu os objetos de análise, que propiciaram observar quais marcas linguístico-enunciativo-discursivas presentes nos relatos permitiram identificar a tomada de consciência dos alunos em relação ao uso da língua padrão. Com os resultados, queríamos saber também a que conclusão era possível se chegar sobre o uso do diário para favorecer a aprendizagem dos alunos nesse contexto de formação técnico-militar. A análise foi realizada seguindo-se o exposto na teoria sobre identidade, aprendizagem, metacognição e meta-afetividade, posicionamento, interação e mediação. Os resultados mostraram que a inserção no mundo figurado militar aconteceu de forma diferenciada para os sujeitos. Uma das dificuldades apontadas por eles diz respeito à produção de textos na língua padrão, atividade para a qual muitos dizem não ter competência, por crerem que só sabe escrever quem domina regras gramaticais, talvez baseados em crenças (vozes) vindas de vivências anteriores. A mediação e a interação foram apresentadas como elementos importantes para minimizar as dificuldades. Quanto ao posicionamento dos sujeitos frente à professora-interlocutora, evidenciou-se que, de uma forma geral, a proximidade veio com o tempo de convivência, influenciando a escolha das palavras e dos gêneros discursivos usados nos relatos. A prática diarista mostrou-se útil para os sujeitos, propiciando-lhes o espaço-tempo necessário para as reflexões sobre si e sua formação, e para a professora-pesquisadora, possibilitando-lhe conhecer o que expressam seus alunos, o que gerou nela reflexões sobre seu pensar e agir enquanto professora de uma escola técnico-militar. / This dissertation, performed with thirty students from the first grade in 2012, at Curso de Formação de Sargentos (Sergeants Education Course) in a military school, intends to analyze theirComposition Course, in order to investigate how the reports in the diaries tell us about the identity construction process of these future sergeants in their initial stage. Therefore, it was conducted an action research, whose was the learning diary, which provided the objects of analysis so as to observe which evidences found in the linguistic-discursive reports allow us to identify the awareness of the research subject regarding the use of the standard language. With the results, we would like to know what conclusion could be reached on the use of the diary so as to improve the students learning in this context of technical-military education. The analysis was performed according to the theory of identity, learning, meta-cognition, meta-affectivity, positioning, interaction and mediation. The results showed that the insertion in the military figured world occurred differently for each research subject. One of the difficulties mentioned by the subjects concerns about the production of texts in the standard language. They claim that they are not competent enough to develop that kind of activity because they believe that you can only write well if you master the grammatical rules, perhaps based on beliefs (voices) originated from previous experiences. The mediation and the interaction were presented as important elements to minimize the difficulties. With regard to the students positioning in relation to the teacher-interlocutress, it became evident, on the whole, that the close proximity came with the coexistence time, having influence in the choice of the words and of the discursive genre used in the reports. The diary practice was useful for the students, providing them the necessary space-time for reflection about themselves and their education, and for the teacher-researcher, enabling her to know her students thoughts, producing reflection about her thinking and her acting as a teacher at a military-technical school.
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Forest science field education at the University of Helsinki: A case study analysing learning diaries from the forest ecology field courseRekola, Mika 21 June 2019 (has links)
A Helsinki University field course 'Forest and peatland ecology', organised in June 2017, was studied using qualitative text analysis of students' learning diaries as a main source of data. Students' self-regulative knowledge was explored and found rather limited which is in line with some earlier literature. Teaching methods during the course were evaluated very positively by students. One of the main results was that the more activating teaching methods were perceived more positively. Learning diaries included a few negative evaluations and these can be seen as a valuable source of feedback. lt is concluded that the field course is an extremely relevant method in order to achieve professional knowledge in forest sciences. The recommendations for future teaching planning are that more emphasis should be put on communicating learning aims, modern learning technology, and finally, critical self-regulation knowledge.
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