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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

ES Grundtvig programos suaugusiųjų švietėjų profesinio tobulinimosi kursų nauda besimokančiųjų vertinimu / The Benefits of the EU Grundtvig In-Service Training Courses Rated by Learners

Pundziūtė, Kamilė 07 June 2011 (has links)
Suaugusiųjų švietimas laikomas pagrindine sritimi įgyvendinant ES mokymosi visą gyvenimą (MVG) politiką. Grundtvig programa, Mokymosi visą gyvenimą programos sektorinė dalis, yra Europos Komisijos instrumentas, orientuotas į suaugusiųjų švietimo sektoriaus gerinimą, tačiau Grundtvig programos veiklų efektyvumas nėra nuodugniai ištyrinėtas. Šiame darbe tiriama vienos iš Grundtvig programos suaugusiųjų švietėjų profesionalizacijai skirtų veiklų - profesinio tobulinimosi kursų (IST) – mokymosi nauda asmeniniame, organizacijos, suaugusiųjų švietimo sektorių bei politiniame lygmenyje besimokančiųjų, t.y. suaugusiųjų švietėjų, vertinimu. Siekiant identifikuoti Grundtvig programos profesinio tobulinimosi kursų dalyvių mokymosi naudą ES MVG politikos kontekste, atlikta skerspjūvio tipo elektroninė apklausa 31 Europos Sąjungos šalyje. Apklausus 737 Grundtvig IST kursų dalyvius gauti rezultatai rodo, kad kursai andragogams yra naudingi kaupiant identiteto, žmogiškąjį ir socialinį kapitalą, taip pat prisideda prie jų organizacijų strategijų ir mokymo turinio tobulinimo, tarptautinio bendradarbiavimo. Mokymosi naudos mastas siekia net sektoriaus ir politinį lygmenį. Toks Grundtvig IST kursų poveikis liudija kursų naudingumą, įgyvendinant ES MVG politiką. Tai, kad mokymosi pasėkoje yra gerinama švietimo sistemų kokybė ir efektyvumas (tobulinant suaugusiųjų švietėjų kompetencijas, mokymo turinį, organizacijų strategijas), plėtojamas švietimo sistemų atvirumas, (stiprėjant tarptautiniam... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Adult education is considered to be the core area of the EU lifelong learning policy. Grundtvig Programme, a sectoral part of the Lifelong Learning Programme is a European Commission instrument aimed at the development of adult education sector. However, the effects of its actions haven’t been thoroughly examined. The learning benefits of Grundtvig in-service training (IST) courses are analysed in this article measuring the learning benefits at individual, organisation, sector and political level by the course beneficiaries - adult educators. A cross-sectional online survey has been conducted in 31 countries of the EU. The results show that the courses make the identity, human and social capital of the adult educators grow by strengthening the identity, self confidence and social interactions, strongly developing the professional competence and consciousness, widening the social network and inspiring to take action in individual, national or international level, yet the reported socioeconomic advantages at individual level are low. At organizational level the courses stimulate the development of curriculum, management strategies and international cooperation. Besides, one fifth of Grundtvig IST course beneficiaries report changes in adult education sector level as a result of the participation in the course and more than half of beneficiaries get involved in political processes. These effects of Grundtvig in-service training courses are in line with European strategic... [to full text]

An evaluation of the influence of e-learning in adult education with special reference to the employees of Parliament RSA

Mbuli, Fikile 10 1900 (has links)
This study was devoted to researching the effectiveness of e-learning, in terms of the reported experiences of the Language Services section employees in Parliament RSA. At present, the internet is seen as a successful and influential educational tool in both academic and corporate institutions. Academically, it has been adopted for e-learning methods of teaching and learning. It is perceived as a cost-effective method of providing lifelong education. It is important to know about the pros and cons of e-learning in adult education and compare them with the experiences of the people who are and have been engaged in adult education. To create an adult education skills development framework that can be used successfully in e-learning, it is important to get information about and from the people concerned regarding their learning experiences. To understand more about the influence of e-learning, this study administered a questionnaire to the employees of the Language Services Section of Parliament who participated in the pilot learning programmes offered by Parliament. The questionnaire was designed to gather structured responses from the participants in the inquiry. The results were studied and applied to draw recommendations for what can be improved in the programme to promote and endorse continuing learning experiences as is the aim of the in-house programme offered by Parliament. The study also has relevance in terms of a discussion of issues that arise in the literature on adult education, which were located as part of the study. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Adult Education)

The value and benefits of learning a foreign language in community settings in the UK : older adults' perceptions of what this does and means for them

Hooker, Rebecca January 2011 (has links)
This is a qualitative and context-specific study into the meaning and value attributed by older people to learning a foreign language in their own time and for reasons mainly unconnected to attainment and qualifications. There appear to be two common misconceptions of the British as language learners. The first is that they are ‘language barbarians’ (Tomlinson, 2004), ever ready to rely on the global dominance of English as a lingua franca and unwilling to learn other languages. The second is that learning a language voluntarily and for leisure purposes (‘leisure language learning’) is regarded as essentially frivolous and of little value. Equally much scholarly research, especially concerning second language acquisition (SLA), implies that language learning is a relatively unsuccessful and difficult endeavour for adults. This study challenges these views. Far from being reluctant ‘language barbarians’, who find learning another language onerous and unrewarding, the findings suggest otherwise. The older (aged 45+) adult learners in this enquiry are not only resoundingly positive about ‘leisure language learning’ but they derive significant benefits in many areas of their lives from learning, of their own volition, and seemingly against the odds. These benefits include but extend beyond functional transactions, such as ordering food when abroad. Participants’ perceptions of the personal value of ‘leisure language learning’ include its role in providing and facilitating: mental stimulus and wellbeing; improved communication; fewer risks when travelling; a repositioning of the self; a purposeful pastime; cultural enrichment; awareness of the ‘other’, as well as the various benefits of social interaction. Wider advantages for society in general are also implied. Empirical data were collected by means of in-depth, conversational interviews, exploring participants’ personal histories of encounters with and learning foreign languages. A hermeneutic ‘fusion of horizons’ (Gadamer, 2001) has then allowed for a more comprehensive and multi-faceted interpretation and understanding of the experience of adult ‘leisure language learning’ in community settings. The resulting text describes the nature and essence of the phenomenon of ‘leisure language learning’ embracing its meaning for, and impact upon, older adults. This incorporates a way of thinking regarding language pedagogy which goes beyond the usual ‘commonplaces’ and ‘discourses of performance, competency and skills’ (Phipps, 2007:2), common to much SLA and linguistic research. At the same time a deeper appreciation of the adult language learning experience is more likely to engender a ‘tactful’ and ‘action-sensitive pedagogy’ (van Manen, 1997:168-169): responsive to learners’ expectations and motivation, and taking their backgrounds and routes to learning into account.

Posouzení technických, ekonomických a personálních aspektů e-vzdělávání v LS SAP v ČSOB / Evaluation of technical, economical, and personal aspects of e-learning in the SAP LS system in ČSOB, a. s.

Kubeš, Tomáš January 2008 (has links)
This book focuses on an evaluation of technical, economical, and personal aspects of e-learning deployment in a theoretical plane and in the specific environment of the bank ČSOB, a. s. The thesis begins by an introduction of the term e-learning and a brief description of main properties and characteristics of this new trend in a field of not only corporate education. Special attention is devoted to an assessment of business benefits and cots of education; every aspect is analyzed and compared both for the classical brick and mortar classroom instructor led education and for the e-learning. The thesis introduces two mathematical models for assessing an effectiveness of e-learning deployment. Theoretical concepts are applied to data from a real course which was run in one of the main Czech banks ČSOB, a. s. Last part briefly examines the concepts and benefits of SCORM standard package and its support in the SAP LS 600 system.

An evaluation of the influence of e-learning in adult education with special reference to the employees of Parliament RSA

Mbuli, Fikile 10 1900 (has links)
This study was devoted to researching the effectiveness of e-learning, in terms of the reported experiences of the Language Services section employees in Parliament RSA. At present, the internet is seen as a successful and influential educational tool in both academic and corporate institutions. Academically, it has been adopted for e-learning methods of teaching and learning. It is perceived as a cost-effective method of providing lifelong education. It is important to know about the pros and cons of e-learning in adult education and compare them with the experiences of the people who are and have been engaged in adult education. To create an adult education skills development framework that can be used successfully in e-learning, it is important to get information about and from the people concerned regarding their learning experiences. To understand more about the influence of e-learning, this study administered a questionnaire to the employees of the Language Services Section of Parliament who participated in the pilot learning programmes offered by Parliament. The questionnaire was designed to gather structured responses from the participants in the inquiry. The results were studied and applied to draw recommendations for what can be improved in the programme to promote and endorse continuing learning experiences as is the aim of the in-house programme offered by Parliament. The study also has relevance in terms of a discussion of issues that arise in the literature on adult education, which were located as part of the study. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Adult Education)

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