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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


LENISE TEIXEIRA DE SOUSA 15 May 2020 (has links)
[pt] Esta tese tem por finalidade compreender o sentido do Pacto Nacional pela Alfabetização na Idade Certa (PNAIC) para o desenvolvimento profissional dos professores alfabetizadores em dois municípios de Minas Gerais de pequeno e grande porte: Matias Barbosa e Juiz de Fora. Ademais, procuramos entender que ações gestoras foram realizadas para que o PNAIC fosse implementado e chegasse até aos professores e às salas de aula de contextos tão diferentes. Nesse sentido, investigamos o PNAIC a partir das vozes não silenciadas dos professores alfabetizadores, procurando identificar as suas concepções e ações, no que tange à alfabetização, à formação continuada e à própria docência. O procedimento adotado foi a pesquisa qualitativa. Os instrumentos utilizados para a obtenção dos dados foram a aplicação de questionários com perguntas fechadas e abertas, assim como a realização de entrevistas semiestruturadas com diferentes atores (coordenadores locais, orientadores de ensino, professores-alfabetizadores, secretárias de educação e professores-formadores) que participaram do PNAIC em Matias Barbosa e Juiz de Fora, no período de 2013 a 2015. Além disso, recorremos aos documentos oficiais orientadores do PNAIC como fonte de dados sobre o desenho estrutural desse programa de formação. A análise dos dados da pesquisa mantém diálogo com pesquisadores dos campos da alfabetização (Mortatti, Carvalho, Soares); da formação e do desenvolvimento profissional (Tardif, Nóvoa, Gatti, André, Formosinho, García, Day). Os professores-alfabetizadores entrevistados apontam que a experiência com o PNAIC possibilitou o desenvolvimento profissional pelos fatores: troca de experiência, material rico para estudo e pesquisa, presença de atividades práticas e inovadoras. Pudemos constatar, através dos relatos, que a mudança da prática docente não afetou todos os professores que participaram da formação e que existem diferenças nos encaminhamentos das ações gestoras locais para que o PNAIC chegasse até ao professor e nas salas de aula. A diferença entre o processo de implantação do PNAIC nos dois municípios investigados foi percebida, principalmente, em relação à forma de adesão dos professores-alfabetizadores e orientadores de estudos e ao acompanhamento feito pelos orientadores de estudo e coordenadores pedagógicos das práticas alfabetizadoras no contexto escolar. Além disso, os professores apontam a relevância do acompanhamento das suas ações docentes, para o seu desenvolvimento profissional, pois permite a troca de experiência, o trabalho coletivo na busca da melhoria da prática docente e de soluções dos problemas da aprendizagem dos alunos. Através da pesquisa, ressaltamos a importância de programas de formação continuada construída na e com a escola, como o PNAIC, para a promoção do desenvolvimento profissional dos professores alfabetizadores. Conclui-se que o desenvolvimento profissional docente pode ser compreendido a partir da valorização profissional, da capacidade de aquisição e de veiculação de novos saberes e das competências para a prática alfabetizadora. Além disso, pode contribuir para o incentivo à inovação da prática, ao aperfeiçoamento, à troca de experiências, com vistas à melhoria do ensino e da escola em sua totalidade com reflexos na aprendizagem dos alunos. / [en] This thesis aims to understand the PNAIC, a program directed to the professional development of the literacy teachers and to the students’ education. To do so, there were analyzed two cities from Minas Gerais, a state in Brazil. Those are: Matias Barbosa e Juiz de Fora. Besides, this research tries to understand which management actions were made to implement PNAIC. So, the program was investigated through the non-silenced voices of the literacy teachers. This methodology was chosen, so that it could be possible to identify their conceptions and actions related to literacy, continuous formation and teaching itself. The adopted procedure was the qualitative research. The used instruments to collect data were: inquiries application with open and closed questions and semi structured interview with different actors, such as local coordinators; teaching advisors; literacy teachers; educational secretaries; and formation professors. All of them participated of PNAIC in Matias Barbosa and Juiz de Fora from 2013 to 2015. Besides, there were studied the official documents of the program and other sources of data. The data analysis was then crossed with researches from the field of literacy (Mortatti, Carvalo, Soares); and professional formation and development (Tardif, Nóvoa, Gatti, André, Formosinho, García, Day). The interviewed literacy teachers point out that the experience with PNAIC allowed the professional development. Through it, it was possible to exchange experience; have access to rich material for study and research; and to understand new activities and innovational practices. Those experiences show that teachers could change their teaching practice. Besides, the research also showed that there are differences on the local management practices related with PNAIC. Those dissimilarities of the program s implementation process on the two investigated cities were noticed mainly on the adhesion and follow up of the literacy professors and study advisors. Besides, the professors point out the relevancy of the follow up process to their teaching practices and professional development. Through it, is possible to improve educational methods, especially when finding new practices and solutions to the educational problems. The research shows the importance of continuous formation programs, as PNAIC, to the promotion of the professional development of literacy teachers. It is possible to conclude that the teaching professional development happen through the professional valuing and through the skills of acquiring new knowledges and competences to the literacy practice. Those kinds of programs also help to develop innovative practices, the experience exchange and its improvement. Besides, they also help to improve the educational practice as a whole. / [fr] Cette thèse a comme objectif comprendre le sens du Pacte National pour l Alphabétisation à l Âge Idéal (PNAIC, en portugais) pour le développement professionnel du professeur alphabétiseur et pour l enseignement des élèves dans deux municipalités de Minas Gerais, une petite et l autre grande: Matias Barbosa et Juiz de Fora. De plus, on cherche comprendre que des actions de gestion ont été réalisées pour que le PNAIC ait été mis en oeuvre et afin qu il soit arrivé jusqu aux professeures et aux salles de classe, qui existent dans des différents contextes. De cette manière, on vérifie le PNAIC à partir des voix expressives des professeurs alphabétiseurs, en cherchant identifier ses conceptions et ses actions en ce qui concerne l’alphabétisation, la formation continue et le propre enseignement. La procédure utilisée a été celle de la recherche qualitative. Les instruments employés, pour l acquisition des données, ont été l application de questionnaires avec des questions fermées et ouvertes, ainsi que la réalisation d interviews semi-structurés avec plusieurs subjects (coordinateurs locaux, conseillers pédagogiques, professeurs-alphabétiseurs, secrétaires d’éducation et professeurs-formateurs) qui ont participé du PNAIC à Juiz de Fora et à Matias Barbosa, pendant la période entre 2013 et 2015. En outre, nous avons recours aux documents d’orientation officiels du PNAIC comme source de données à propos de la conception structurale de ce programme de formation. L analyse des données de la recherche dialoguent avec les chercheurs du domaine de l’alphabétisation (Mortatti, Carvalho, Soares) et de la formation et du développement professionnel (Tardif, Nóvoa, Gatti, André, Formosinho, García, Day). Les professeurs alphabétiseurs interrogés indiquent que l’expérience avec le PNAIC a possibilité une évolution à cause des éléments suivants: échange de pratiques, riche matériel pour l’étude et la recherche, ainsi que la présence d activités pratiques et innovatrices. On a pu constater, parmi des rapports, que le changement de la pratique d’enseignement n’a pas affecté tous les professeurs qui ont participé de la formation et, aussi, qu il y a des différences, dans les manières employés par les actions de gestion locales, pour que le PNAIC soit arrivé jusqu’au professeur et aux salles de classe. La différence entre le processus d’implantation do PNAIC des deux municipalités recherchées a été aperçue, principalement, vis-à-vis la manière d adhésion des professeurs-alphabétiseurs et des conseillers d’orientation des études, et aussi par rapport à l accompagnement des pratiques d alphabétisation dans le cadre scolaire, réalisé par les conseillers d orientation et les coordinateurs pédagogiques. Par ailleurs, les professeurs indiquent la pertinence de l accompagnement de leurs enseignements pour leurs évolutions professionnelles, puisque cela permet l échange de pratiques et le travail collectif en quête de l amélioration de l enseignement et d’un dénouement des problèmes d apprentissage des élèves. Parmis l étude, nous soulignons l importance des programmes de formation continue construite à (et avec) l école, comme le PNAIC, pour l encouragement de l évolution professionnelle des professeurs alphabétiseurs. On y conclut que le développement professionnel d enseignement peut être compris à partir de la valorisation professionnelle, de la capacité d obtention et de propagation des nouveaux savoirs et des compétences pour la pratique d alphabétisation. En plus de cela, il peut contribuer pour l encouragement de l innovation de la pratique, au perfectionnement, à l échange d’expériences, à des fins d améliorer l enseignement et l école dans son intégralité, réfléchissant sur l apprentissage des élèves.


ALESSANDRA RIBEIRO BAPTISTA 28 January 2020 (has links)
[pt] Este estudo analisa criticamente as atribuições do orientador pedagógico no ciclo de alfabetização em escolas públicas do município de Duque de Caxias - RJ. A pesquisa busca responder as seguintes questões: Qual é a natureza da função do orientador pedagógico nas escolas públicas da Secretaria Municipal de Educação de Duque de Caxias (SME/DC)? Que desafios são apontados pelos orientadores pedagógicos em termos da sua atuação no ciclo de alfabetização? Para responder essas questões analisam-se atribuições e percepções de orientadores pedagógicos sobre seus percursos de formação (ALARCÃO, 1996; NÓVOA, 2007; SHULMAN, 2014; TARDIF, 2000) e suas formas de inserção na dinâmica da organização do trabalho escolar na escola pública brasileira (ALMEIDA, SOUZA, PLACCO, 2015; 2016; PARO, 2000; RANGEL, 2003). Do ponto de vista metodológico, inspirando-se numa abordagem qualitativa de pesquisa, adotam-se como procedimentos de produção dos dados: a observação de reuniões da Coordenadoria de Supervisão e Orientação Educacional, encontros/eventos com os orientadores pedagógicos propostos pela SME/DC e entrevistas semiestruturadas com dez orientadores pedagógicos que atuam no ciclo de alfabetização (BOGDAN e BIKLEN, 1994; LUDKE e ANDRÉ, 1986). As categorias que emergiram dos dados são: características da prática do orientador pedagógico com os professores alfabetizadores; percursos de formação e atribuições do orientador pedagógico na alfabetização: interfaces; formas de interação entre os orientadores pedagógicos e a equipe da SME/DC: singularidades e implicações da gestão democrática para a prática do orientador pedagógico. Os resultados revelam: as orientadoras entrevistadas, tomando como base as tarefas burocrático-administrativas que executam, consideram o volume das suas atribuições excessivo em relação ao número de horas que dispõem para o cumprimento da função; destacam, curiosamente, como foco do seu trabalho, o acompanhamento e a intervenção pedagógica direta aos alunos que apresentam dificuldades de aprendizagem; enfatizam a participação em eventos de diferentes modalidades destinados para a alfabetização e demonstram uma preocupação com a manutenção, no âmbito da escola, dos espaços de formação; relatam a questão do distanciamento entre as equipes da SME/DC e a escola, mesmo com o uso dos recursos tecnológicos que nem sempre é efetiva; evidenciam a participação como desafio para o exercício de uma prática na perspectiva de gestão democrática. Como considerações finais da pesquisa, ratificam-se como desafios para a escola pública brasileira, a alfabetização, a necessidade de se repensar os modelos de formação do pedagogo que desempenha a função de orientador pedagógico e a busca por estratégias de consolidação da gestão democrática na escola. / [en] This study critically analyzes the attributions of the pedagogical advisor in the literacy cycle in public schools of the municipality of Duque de Caxias - RJ. The research study seeks to answer the following questions: What is the nature of the role of the pedagogical advisor in the public schools of the Duque de Caxias Municipal Secretariat of Education (SME/DC)? What challenges are the pedagogical leaders pointing out in terms of their performance in the literacy cycle? In order to answer these questions, we analyze the attributions and perceptions of pedagogical advisors about their training pathways (ALARCÃO, 1996; NÓVOA, 2007; SHULMAN, 2014; TARDIF, 2000) and their forms of insertion in the dynamics of school work organization in public schools Brazil (ALMEIDA, SOUZA, PLACCO, 2015, 2016, PARO, 2000 and RANGEL, 2003). From the methodological point of view, based on a research qualitative approach, data production procedures are adopted: observation of meetings of the Coordination of Educational Supervision and Guidance, events with the pedagogical counselors proposed by SME/DC and semi-structured interviews with ten pedagogical leaders working in the literacy cycle (BOGDAN and BIKLEN, 1994; LUDKE and ANDRÉ, 1986). The categories that emerged from data indicate: characteristics of the practice of the pedagogical advisor with the literacy teachers; training paths and attributions of the pedagogical leader in literacy: interfaces; forms of interaction between the pedagogical advisors and the SME/DC team: singularities and implications of the democratic management for the practice of the pedagogical advisor. The results show that the interviewed supervisors, based on the bureaucratic-administrative tasks they perform, consider the volume of their assignments to be excessive in relation to the number of hours they have to perform the job; emphasize, curiously, as the focus of their work, the follow-up and direct pedagogical intervention to students who present learning difficulties; emphasize the participation in events of different modalities destined for literacy and demonstrate a preoccupation with the maintenance, in the scope of the school, of the spaces of formation; report the issue of distance between the SME/DC teams and the school, even with the use of technological resources that are not always effective and the evidence the participation as a challenge for the practice of a practice in the perspective of democratic management. As final considerations, results show the challenges for the Brazilian public school, literacy, the need to rethink the training models of the pedagogue who plays the role of pedagogical advisor and the search for strategies to consolidate democratic management in school.


KELLY MAIA CORDEIRO 24 January 2022 (has links)
[pt] A presente tese tem como objetivo identificar e analisar práticas pedagógicas voltadas para o desenvolvimento da consciência fonológica e consciência morfológica na alfabetização. O procedimento de produção dos dados ocorreu por meio de questionário on-line, com relato das professoras de suas práticas pedagógicas na alfabetização e respondentes que se prontificaram a participar da entrevista semiestruturada. Para análise qualitativa dos dados foi utilizado o software ATLAS.ti, organizando as produções em categorias, subcategorias e eixos de análise. Com isso, foi possível estabelecer dois estudos: no primeiro investigou-se a percepção das professoras sobre as dificuldades dos estudantes quando começam a aprender a escrever e as habilidades a serem desenvolvidas durante este processo. Os resultados indicam uma centralidade dirigida ao meio sociocultural, com apontamento para práticas de letramento no ambiente doméstico e escolar; os conhecimentos específicos, próprios do processo de ensino-aprendizagem, com destaque para a consciência fonológica e aspectos relacionados às emoções, no que tange ao medo e insegurança quando ocorre o erro do estudante no momento da escrita. O segundo estudo evidenciou a organização das práticas pedagógicas relatadas em um inventário que as caracteriza em cinco tipologias: práticas em consciência fonológica; práticas de ampliação de repertório cultural; práticas em leitura e escrita; práticas envolvendo diferentes áreas; e práticas em outros contextos. Não foram identificadas práticas para o desenvolvimento da consciência morfológica, o que pode ser um indicativo de lacuna na formação docente e, desse modo, o desconhecimento que essa habilidade contribui para a leitura e para a escrita de palavras mais complexas ortograficamente. A prática em consciência fonológica foi relatada por onze professoras, sendo a maior concentração em atividades voltadas para a subárea da consciência fonêmica e nenhuma dirigida para rima e aliteração. Os resultados deste estudo indicam que as professoras têm um conhecimento sobre a consciência fonológica e utilizam como estratégia no ensino de atividades lúdicas, principalmente, o jogo criado ou adaptado para o contexto específico da turma. Mas, apesar disso, foram poucos os relatos que indicaram o ensino estruturado, no sentido de uma sequência pela qual seja possível identificar as intencionalidades de onde partem e onde querem chegar com as atividades propostas. Tal constatação levanta a necessidade de mais investimento para a formação docente nesta área. A pesquisa também identificou que poucas professoras recorrem às tecnologias digitais para o ensino, algo diretamente ligado à baixa infraestrutura nas escolas. / [en] This thesis aims to identify and analyze pedagogical practices aimed at the development of phonological awareness and morphological awareness in literacy. The procedure of data production took place through an online questionnaire, with teachers reporting their teaching practices in literacy and respondents who volunteered to participate in the semi-structured interview. For qualitative data analysis, the ATLAS.ti software was used, organizing the productions into categories, subcategories and analysis axes. Thus, it was possible to establish two studies: in the first, the perception of teachers about the difficulties of students when they begin to learn to write and the skills to be developed during this process was investigated. The results indicate a centrality directed to the sociocultural environment, pointing to literacy practices in the home and school environment; specific knowledge, typical of the teachinglearning process, with emphasis on phonological awareness and aspects related to emotions, regarding fear and insecurity when the student makes a mistake at the time of writing. The second study evidenced the organization of pedagogical practices reported in an inventory that characterizes them in five typologies: practices in phonological awareness; cultural repertoire expansion practices; reading and writing practices; practices involving different areas; and practices in other contexts. Practices for the development of morphological awareness were not identified, which may indicate a gap in teacher education and, thus, the lack of knowledge that this skill contributes to reading and writing more complex words in terms of spelling. The practice in phonological awareness was reported by eleven teachers, with the greatest concentration in activities aimed at the phonemic awareness sub-area and none directed at rhyme and alliteration. The results of this study indicate that the teachers have knowledge about phonological awareness, using as a strategy in the teaching of recreational activities, mainly, the game created or adapted to the specific context of the class. But, despite this, there were few reports that indicated structured teaching, in the sense of a sequence through which it is possible to identify the intentions from where they start and where they want to go with the proposed activities. This finding raises the need for more investment in teacher training in this area. The survey also identified that few teachers resort to digital technologies for teaching, something directly linked to the low infrastructure in schools.


ALDA SIQUEIRA LAGE DE OLIVEIRA 13 July 2021 (has links)
[pt] O estudo O nó da rede: percepções dos agentes formuladores e implementadores sobre a política de correção de fluxo da/na alfabetização busca compreender as percepções que os agentes implementadores de nível da rua e de médio escalão possuem sobre as políticas de correção de fluxo e, principalmente, sobre o Projeto Carioquinha, implementado pela Secretaria Municipal de Educação do Rio de Janeiro no ano de 2019. Como referencial teórico este trabalho apoia-se nos estudos da burocracia de nível da rua, inaugurados por Lipsky. Numa perspectiva interdisciplinar, aproxima-se da Sociologia da Educação, olhando para os efeitos do fracasso escolar e da desigualdade educacional. A investigação, realizada por meio de uma abordagem qualitativa, se concentra na análise dos documentos pertinentes à política. Em seguida, examinou-se as bases de dados do Censo Escolar das escolas selecionadas. Finalmente, foram coletadas as percepções dos professores, coordenadores e gestores vinculados ao Projeto Carioquinha das escolas analisadas através de entrevistas semiestruturadas. Estas entrevistas foram realizadas no ambiente virtual em decorrência do distanciamento social imposto pela pandemia. A pesquisa confirma resultados anteriores de outros estudos da influência de variáveis como cor, origem social, participação familiar sobre o processo de ensino e aprendizagem. Além disso, em 2020, o acesso ao aparato tecnológico e a tecnologia despontam como fatores limitantes e desafiantes ao trabalho com os alunos matriculados no Projeto Carioquinha. Discute-se ainda a percepção dos agentes implementadores sobre suas expectativas na recuperação e/ou alfabetização dos estudantes do 3º. ano do Ensino fundamental dos Anos Iniciais inscritos no Programa de Correção de fluxo bem como suas potencialidades. / [en] The network node: perceptions of the formulating and implementing agents on the flow correction policy of/in literacy study seeks to understand the perceptions that street-level and middle-level implementing agents have on the flow correction policies and, mainly, about the Carioquinha Program, implemented by the Municipal Education Secretary of Rio de Janeiro in 2019. As a theoretical reference, this work is based on the studies of street-level bureaucracy, inaugurated by Michael Lipsky (1980). In an interdisciplinary perspective, it approaches the Sociology of Education, looking at the effects of school failure and educational inequality. The investigation, using a qualitative approach, concentrates on the analysis of the relevant policy documents. Next, the databases of the School Census of the selected schools were examined. Finally, the perceptions of the teachers, coordinators and managers linked to the Carioquinha Program were collected from the analyzed schools using semi-structured interviews. These interviews were conducted virtually due to the social distancing imposed by the pandemic. The research confirms previous results by other studies of the influence of variables such as color, social origin and family participation on the teaching and learning process. Furthermore, in 2020, access to the technological apparatus and the technology emerged as limiting and challenging factors in the work with students registered in the Carioquinha Program. It also discusses the perception of the implementing agents about their expectations in the recovery and/or literacy of the students from the 3rd year of the Elementary Education in the Early Years enrolled in the Flow Correction Program, as well as its potential.

Exploration de la relation entre l’évaluation à l’aide d’examens à la fin du primaire et l’apprentissage par la lecture d’élèves en difficulté d’apprentissage

Savoie, Marie-Josée 02 1900 (has links)
De nos jours, il ne suffit pas de décoder pour être considéré comme alphabétisé, il faut aussi être capable de comprendre différents types de textes et d'utiliser avec efficience les informations qu'ils présentent (MELS, 2006). Le redoublement et le retard scolaire au primaire étant le plus souvent attribuables aux difficultés en lecture et en écriture et ces faiblesses se répercutant sur la réussite des élèves dans toutes les matières (Stetson et Williams, 1992), l'importance de présenter aux élèves des situations d'apprentissage complexes qui les soutiendront dans leur apprentissage par la lecture est sans équivoque. Surtout que Horton et Lovitt (1994) mentionnent que les échecs scolaires seraient étroitement liés aux difficultés que ces élèves éprouvent lorsqu'ils apprennent en lisant. Cette étude a été réalisée à partir des données collectées dans la recherche menée en 2003-2004 par Chouinard, Bowen, Cartier, Desbiens, Laurier, Plante (2005) intitulée: «L'effet de différentes approches évaluatives sur l'engagement et la persévérance scolaire dans le contexte du passage du primaire au secondaire» (Chouinard et coll., 2005). L’objectif de la présente étude était d’explorer la relation entre l’évaluation à l’aide d’examens d'enseignants de la fin du primaire et l’apprentissage par la lecture d'élèves en difficulté d'apprentissage. Pour ce faire, deux sous-objectifs ont été retenus : (1) Comparer la relation entre les deux types d’élèves (élèves ordinaires et élèves en difficulté d’apprentissage) et le processus d’apprentissage par la lecture et (2) Comparer la relation entre les niveaux d’identification d’évaluation à l’aide d’examens des enseignants et le processus d’apprentissage par la lecture. Les trois principaux concepts de la question de recherche sont la difficulté d'apprentissage, l'apprentissage par la lecture et les pratiques évaluatives, dont l’évaluation à l’aide d’examens. Une analyse des caractéristiques des 22 recherches répertoriées a permis constater que très peu de recherche traitent de la relation entre les pratiques évaluatives et le processus d'apprentissage des élèves du primaire et encore moins impliquent des élèves en difficulté d'apprentissage. ii Afin de répondre à l'objectif de la présente étude, une recherche de type exploratoire dans une approche quantitative a été retenue. Des analyses descriptives (moyennes et écart-type), suivie par une analyse multivariée de la variance (MANOVA) à deux niveaux (2x2) ont été effectuées. Ensuite, des analyses univariées ont été conduites sur les variables qui présentaient des relations significatives afin de mieux cibler ces relations. Cent six enseignants et leurs 1864 élèves ont accepté de répondre à deux questionnaires auto-déclarés : Le questionnaire sur les pratiques évaluatives (Chouinard et coll., 2005) a été utilisé auprès des enseignants. Le questionnaire sur l'apprentissage par la lecture: Lire pour apprendre de Cartier et Butler (version 2004) a été utilisé auprès des élèves. Les résultats en lien avec les objectifs de cette étude indiquent un effet d'interaction significatif entre l’identification des enseignants à l’évaluation à l’aide d’examens (forte ou faible) et les types d'élèves (élèves en difficulté d’apprentissage et élèves ordinaires). Les élèves en difficulté d’apprentissage interprètent davantage les exigences de l’activité que les élèves ordinaires lorsqu’ils sont dans ce contexte. On remarque aussi que les élèves en difficulté d’apprentissage rapportent recourir davantage aux stratégies d’encodage et de rappel que les élèves ordinaires et ce, peu importe l’identification des enseignants à l’évaluation à l’aide d’examens. Les résultats en lien avec le premier sous-objectif ont montré une relation significative entre les types d’élèves (élèves en difficulté d’apprentissage et élèves ordinaires) et le processus d’apprentissage par la lecture. Cette relation significative se situe sur l’engagement périphérique et les stratégies cognitives. Aussi, les résultats en lien avec le deuxième sous-objectif ont révélé une relation significative entre l’évaluation à l’aide d’examens et le processus d’apprentissage par la lecture. / Nowadays, it is not enough to decode to be considered as taught to read and write (alphabetized), it is also necessary to be capable of understanding various types of texts and of using with efficiency the information which they present (MELS, 2006). The redoubling and the educational underachievement in the primary school being mostly attributable to the difficulties in reading and in writing and these weaknesses echoing on the success of the pupils in all subjects (Stetson and William, 1992), the importance to present to the pupils of the situations of learning and evaluation which will support them in the learning by the reading is without ambiguity. Especially that Horton and Lovitt (1994) mentions that the academic failures would strictly be connected to the difficulties which these pupils feel when they learn by reading. This study joined within the framework of a research which was led in 2003-2004 by Chouinard, Bowen, Cartier, Desbiens, Laurier, Plante ( 2005 ) and whose title is: « The effect of various evaluative approaches on the commitment and the school perseverance in the context of the passage of the primary sector in the secondary sector» (Chouinard and coll., 2005). The present study was realized from the collection of datum of this research. The objective of research for this study was to investigate the link between teacher’s evaluative practices (tests) of the end of the primary school and the learning by reading of underachieving students. The three main concepts of the research question are the learning difficulties, learning by reading and evaluation practices. An analysis of the characteristics listed 22 research has found that very little research dealt with the link between evaluation practices and the learning process of elementary students and even fewer involve students with learning difficulties. To meet the objective of this study, an exploratory type of research in a quantitative approach was chosen. Descriptive analyses (mean and standard deviation) followed by a multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) with two levels (2x2) were performed for the iv evaluation practice. A hundred and six teachers and 1864 students agreed to meet two self-reported questionnaires: Le questionnaire sur les pratiques évaluatives (Chouinard and coll., 2005) was used with teachers. Le questionnaire sur l'apprentissage par la lecture: Lire pour apprendre from Cartier and Butler (2004 version) was used with students. The results of this study indicate a significant effect of interaction bet ween thes tests (strong or low) and the type of students (learning disabilities students and regular students). The students with learning disabilities interpet more the requirements of the activity than the regular students when they are in the same context. We also notice that the students with learning disabilities report to turn more to the cognitives strategies than the regular students.

L’apprentissage par la lecture d’élèves d’une classe ordinaire de 3e année du primaire dans une école en milieu défavorisé

Guertin-Baril, Thaïs 05 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Entrée au secondaire d’élèves ayant des difficultés d’apprentissage intégrés en classe ordinaire: expérience vécue particulièrement dans une situation d’apprentissage par la lecture

Mourad, Éliane 06 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Exploration de la relation entre l’évaluation à l’aide d’examens à la fin du primaire et l’apprentissage par la lecture d’élèves en difficulté d’apprentissage

Savoie, Marie-Josée 02 1900 (has links)
De nos jours, il ne suffit pas de décoder pour être considéré comme alphabétisé, il faut aussi être capable de comprendre différents types de textes et d'utiliser avec efficience les informations qu'ils présentent (MELS, 2006). Le redoublement et le retard scolaire au primaire étant le plus souvent attribuables aux difficultés en lecture et en écriture et ces faiblesses se répercutant sur la réussite des élèves dans toutes les matières (Stetson et Williams, 1992), l'importance de présenter aux élèves des situations d'apprentissage complexes qui les soutiendront dans leur apprentissage par la lecture est sans équivoque. Surtout que Horton et Lovitt (1994) mentionnent que les échecs scolaires seraient étroitement liés aux difficultés que ces élèves éprouvent lorsqu'ils apprennent en lisant. Cette étude a été réalisée à partir des données collectées dans la recherche menée en 2003-2004 par Chouinard, Bowen, Cartier, Desbiens, Laurier, Plante (2005) intitulée: «L'effet de différentes approches évaluatives sur l'engagement et la persévérance scolaire dans le contexte du passage du primaire au secondaire» (Chouinard et coll., 2005). L’objectif de la présente étude était d’explorer la relation entre l’évaluation à l’aide d’examens d'enseignants de la fin du primaire et l’apprentissage par la lecture d'élèves en difficulté d'apprentissage. Pour ce faire, deux sous-objectifs ont été retenus : (1) Comparer la relation entre les deux types d’élèves (élèves ordinaires et élèves en difficulté d’apprentissage) et le processus d’apprentissage par la lecture et (2) Comparer la relation entre les niveaux d’identification d’évaluation à l’aide d’examens des enseignants et le processus d’apprentissage par la lecture. Les trois principaux concepts de la question de recherche sont la difficulté d'apprentissage, l'apprentissage par la lecture et les pratiques évaluatives, dont l’évaluation à l’aide d’examens. Une analyse des caractéristiques des 22 recherches répertoriées a permis constater que très peu de recherche traitent de la relation entre les pratiques évaluatives et le processus d'apprentissage des élèves du primaire et encore moins impliquent des élèves en difficulté d'apprentissage. ii Afin de répondre à l'objectif de la présente étude, une recherche de type exploratoire dans une approche quantitative a été retenue. Des analyses descriptives (moyennes et écart-type), suivie par une analyse multivariée de la variance (MANOVA) à deux niveaux (2x2) ont été effectuées. Ensuite, des analyses univariées ont été conduites sur les variables qui présentaient des relations significatives afin de mieux cibler ces relations. Cent six enseignants et leurs 1864 élèves ont accepté de répondre à deux questionnaires auto-déclarés : Le questionnaire sur les pratiques évaluatives (Chouinard et coll., 2005) a été utilisé auprès des enseignants. Le questionnaire sur l'apprentissage par la lecture: Lire pour apprendre de Cartier et Butler (version 2004) a été utilisé auprès des élèves. Les résultats en lien avec les objectifs de cette étude indiquent un effet d'interaction significatif entre l’identification des enseignants à l’évaluation à l’aide d’examens (forte ou faible) et les types d'élèves (élèves en difficulté d’apprentissage et élèves ordinaires). Les élèves en difficulté d’apprentissage interprètent davantage les exigences de l’activité que les élèves ordinaires lorsqu’ils sont dans ce contexte. On remarque aussi que les élèves en difficulté d’apprentissage rapportent recourir davantage aux stratégies d’encodage et de rappel que les élèves ordinaires et ce, peu importe l’identification des enseignants à l’évaluation à l’aide d’examens. Les résultats en lien avec le premier sous-objectif ont montré une relation significative entre les types d’élèves (élèves en difficulté d’apprentissage et élèves ordinaires) et le processus d’apprentissage par la lecture. Cette relation significative se situe sur l’engagement périphérique et les stratégies cognitives. Aussi, les résultats en lien avec le deuxième sous-objectif ont révélé une relation significative entre l’évaluation à l’aide d’examens et le processus d’apprentissage par la lecture. / Nowadays, it is not enough to decode to be considered as taught to read and write (alphabetized), it is also necessary to be capable of understanding various types of texts and of using with efficiency the information which they present (MELS, 2006). The redoubling and the educational underachievement in the primary school being mostly attributable to the difficulties in reading and in writing and these weaknesses echoing on the success of the pupils in all subjects (Stetson and William, 1992), the importance to present to the pupils of the situations of learning and evaluation which will support them in the learning by the reading is without ambiguity. Especially that Horton and Lovitt (1994) mentions that the academic failures would strictly be connected to the difficulties which these pupils feel when they learn by reading. This study joined within the framework of a research which was led in 2003-2004 by Chouinard, Bowen, Cartier, Desbiens, Laurier, Plante ( 2005 ) and whose title is: « The effect of various evaluative approaches on the commitment and the school perseverance in the context of the passage of the primary sector in the secondary sector» (Chouinard and coll., 2005). The present study was realized from the collection of datum of this research. The objective of research for this study was to investigate the link between teacher’s evaluative practices (tests) of the end of the primary school and the learning by reading of underachieving students. The three main concepts of the research question are the learning difficulties, learning by reading and evaluation practices. An analysis of the characteristics listed 22 research has found that very little research dealt with the link between evaluation practices and the learning process of elementary students and even fewer involve students with learning difficulties. To meet the objective of this study, an exploratory type of research in a quantitative approach was chosen. Descriptive analyses (mean and standard deviation) followed by a multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) with two levels (2x2) were performed for the iv evaluation practice. A hundred and six teachers and 1864 students agreed to meet two self-reported questionnaires: Le questionnaire sur les pratiques évaluatives (Chouinard and coll., 2005) was used with teachers. Le questionnaire sur l'apprentissage par la lecture: Lire pour apprendre from Cartier and Butler (2004 version) was used with students. The results of this study indicate a significant effect of interaction bet ween thes tests (strong or low) and the type of students (learning disabilities students and regular students). The students with learning disabilities interpet more the requirements of the activity than the regular students when they are in the same context. We also notice that the students with learning disabilities report to turn more to the cognitives strategies than the regular students.

Čtení adolescentů se specifickými poruchami učení / Reading of adolescents with specific learning disabilities

Břečková Chalupová, Eva January 2012 (has links)
The thesis investigates reading problems among adolescents with specific learning disabilities. The theoretical part of the paper outlines theoretical fundamentals of reading problems, different approaches to specific learning disabilities, reading particularities and reading related skills among adolescents and adults. The research part of the paper comprises the analysis and interpretation of data obtained via a comparison of the reading performance of students with specific disabilities and the performance of intact student population. The main goal of the thesis is to detect basic reading characteristics among adolescents with specific learning disabilities.

Rozumí neslyšící žáci učebním textům? / Do deaf pupils understand learning texts?

Makovská, Lenka January 2013 (has links)
This thesis is focused on learning texts reading comprehension of pupils in primary schools for hearing impairment pupils in comparison with primary schools pupils of mainstream education, in connection with the textbooks. The whole issue is put into the theoretical framework of reading literacy and teaching texts information. Specifically, there is a reading literacy in the concept of international studies, and also a brief overview of the findings drawn from the textbooks, their functions, research, evaluation and comparison. The comparison of the concept of primary school textbooks for the hearing impaired with textbooks for mainstream schools through standardized assessment tools is included too. In this thesis, there is a research of learning texts comprehension for pupils from 3rd to 9th (or 10th) years of primary schools for the hearing impaired and analogous grades of primary school pupils of mainstream education. The research design is based on Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS), one part of this research is translated into Czech sign language.

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