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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Leaf structure in southern African species of Salsola L. (Chenopodiaceae)

Klopper, Ronell Renett 26 May 2006 (has links)
Salsola L. is one of the largest genera within the Chenopodiaceae. It has been suggested that almost 90 species occur in southern Africa where the plants are most conspicuous in karroid areas. Members of Salsola are of considerable importance as pasture plants in the Karoo, especially during winter and periods of prolonged drought. Some species also have medicinal and other valuable properties. However, not all Salsola species are beneficial; some may cause diseases and deficiencies in livestock, leading to high mortalities and severe financial loss. Because of the occurrence of harmful and beneficial species within the same area, correct identification of the different species is of extreme importance. Correct identification is, however, rendered problematic by the great morphological similarity of almost all southern African Salsola species and uncertainties concerning the infrageneric classification of the group. There is a great need for a system of easy identification that can be used in the herbarium as well as in the field. This is especially so since available keys to the group cannot be used to identify sterile specimens. There also exists great uncertainty as to the exact identity of most of the 69 new species described by V.P. Botschantzev (Komarov Botanical Institute, St Petersburg) between 1972 and 1983. For this reason many of the names have hardly been taken up and used by South African botanists. A clear delimitation of the different character states within the genus would greatly facilitate and enhance the process of solving the systematic problems that exist within the genus. A comparative anatomical study of the leaves of southern African Salsola species was conducted using LM and SEM techniques. Leaf anatomy proved to be very useful for delimiting groups within the genus. Of particular importance is the structure of the leaf in transverse section and the type of the indumentum. The investigated species can be primarily divided into two main leaf types, according to the presence or absence of a uniseriate hypodermis underlying the adaxial epidermis. A secondary division can be made by indumentum types. Four main indumentum types have been identified based on the appearance of the abaxial leaf surface. One of these indumentum types can be further subdivided according to the area of the leaf covered by trichomes and the number of elongated cells in the trichomes. There is a weak association between leaf type and subsection, as well as between leaf type and indumentum type. No obvious association could be found between leaf or indumentum type and fruit type or any other macromorphological character. Further investigation in this respect is required. In general the species possessing an adaxial hypodermis tend to have a denser covering of trichomes than those species lacking one. This denser indumentum probably provides the plants with better insulation to help prevent excessive water loss and to protect subtending tissues from extreme heat in their arid environment. When studied in combination with other anatomical and ecological evidence these characteristics might prove to be very useful to help establish a classification system whereby Salsola species can be more easily identified. / Dissertation (MSc (Botany))--University of Pretoria, 2000. / Plant Science / unrestricted

Caracterização anatômica foliar de 16 genótios de Eucalyptus de alta produtividade do Brasil /

Nogueira, Raoni Ikuma, 1988. January 2014
Orientador: José Luiz Stape / Coorientador: Tatiane Maria Rodrigues / Banca: Magali Ribeiro da Silva / Banca: Aline Redondo Martins / Mestre

Contribuição ao conhecimento da anatomia, micromorfologia e ultraestrutura foliar de Amaranthaceae do Cerrado / Contribution to the knowledge of the anatomy, micromorphology and ultrastructure of the leaves of the Cerrado's Amaranthaceae

Fank-de-Carvalho, Suzane Margaret 17 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Sonia Nair Bao / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Biologia / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-17T17:33:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Fank-de-Carvalho_SuzaneMargaret_D.pdf: 16381065 bytes, checksum: 37dffed971377c79c257dea1b955e34c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011 / Resumo: A família Amaranthaceae no sensu lato, incluindo Chenopodiaceae, é formada por cerca de 2.360 espécies, 145 delas encontradas no Brasil; 94 espécies subsistem em diversas fitofisionomias do Bioma Cerrado, 71 são endêmicas de diferentes regiões e biomas brasileiros e 27 aparecem em listas regionais de espécies ameaçadas de extinção. Visando contribuir para o conhecimento das espécies dessa família, foram estudados aspectos ecológicos, micromorfológicos, anatômicos e ultraestruturais de folhas de Amaranthaceae nativas do Brasil, com ênfase nos gêneros Alternanthera, Gomphrena, Froelichiella, Hebanthe e Pfaffia. As espécies nativas de regiões abertas de cerrado apresentam adaptações que favorecem a sobrevivência em condições adversas (seca e fogo), tais como raízes tuberosas ou lenhosas e xilopódios, hábito herbáceo e/ou subarbustivo, pilosidade densa nas porções aéreas, senescência de ramos aéreos durante as fases mais secas, dependência de fogo ou chuva para rebrotação e/ou floração, frutificação rápida seguida de dispersão anemocórica, epidermes com cutículas bem desenvolvidas e metabolismo fotossintético C4. O comportamento pirofítico das espécies favorece o estabelecimento pioneiro das mesmas, principalmente nas áreas abertas do Cerrado. As superfícies foliares de algumas espécies do gênero Gomphrena apresentam cristais de cera epicuticular do tipo plaquetas, orientadas paralelamente, aspecto anteriormente descrito apenas em espécies de Chenopodiaceae. Em duas espécies foram encontrados fungos Ascomyceto colonizando folhas, cujos aspectos ultraestruturais foram descritos. A anatomia Kranz foi caracterizada em seis espécies do gênero Gomphrena, que também possuem cloroplastos dimórficos, demonstrando estrutura foliar compatível com o metabolismo fotossintético C4. Na análise das duas espécies do gênero Alternanthera (uma C3 e outra intermediária C3-C4) verificou-se que a posição das organelas nas células da bainha pode ser um elemento chave na determinação do tipo metabólico. As espécies de Froelichiella, Hebanthe e Pfaffia possuem anatomia e ultraestrutura compatíveis com o metabolismo C3. A anatomia foliar e a ultraestrutura das espécies estudadas apresentam um padrão já descrito para outras espécies da família Amaranthaceae, exceto para os gêneros Hebanthe e Froelichiella, cuja descrição anatômica e ultraestrutural foi realizada pela primeira vez. A evolução do metabolismo C4 pode estar relacionada, pelo menos em parte, ao desenvolvimento da anfiestomia associada à maior espessura do limbo foliar em espécies herbáceas. Plastoglóbulos bem desenvolvido foram encontrados em cloroplastos de algumas das espécies do Cerrado e parecem associados aos mecanismos de defesa, além do metabolismo de lipídios. A família Amaranthaceae pode ser um bom marcador da biodiversidade de dicotiledôneas de pequeno porte e da capacidade de regeneração das áreas de campos rupestres, campos úmidos e outros tipos de vegetação aberta dos cerrados. A riqueza de informações obtidas durante o estudo de espécies dessa família ilustram a importância da ampliação das pesquisas básicas e aplicadas em suas espécies, especialmente as que ocorrem naturalmente no Cerrado. A ampliação do conhecimento relativo à anatomia e à especialização das organelas de diferentes gêneros para o metabolismo fotossintético pode contribuir para o entendimento da evolução da via C4 e do ambiente onde as plantas se especializaram. O estudo do Bioma Cerrado pretende ampliar as justificativas para esforços de preservação de sua biodiversidade. / Abstract: The Amaranthaceae family sensu lato, including Chenopodiaceae, is comprised of approximately 2,360 species, 145 of them found in Brazil. 94 species exist in various vegetation types of the Cerrado, 71 are endemic to different regions and Brazilian biomes, and 27 appear in regional lists of endangered species. To contribute to the knowledge of this family species the ecological aspects, micromorphology, anatomy and ultrastructure of leaves of brazilian Amaranthaceae were studied, with emphasis on the genera Alternanthera, Gomphrena, Froelichiella, Hebanthe and Pfaffia. The native species of open areas of Cerrado (a savannah-like vegetation) exhibit adaptations that promote survival in adverse conditions (drought and fire), such as tuberous or woody roots, xylopodium, herbaceous or subshrub habit, dense pubescence in aerial portions, senescence of shoots and leaves during the driest season, dependence on rain or fire to resprout and/or flowering, fruiting followed by rapid wind dispersion, tick cuticle on epidermis and C4 photosynthetic metabolism. The species' fire behavior favors their establishment as pioneers, especially in open areas of the Cerrado. Leaf surfaces of some species of the genus Gomphrena present epicuticular wax crystals in platelet form, oriented in parallel, an aspect previously described only in Chenopodiaceae species. In two of the species studied Ascomycete fungi were found colonizing its leaves, and ultrastructural aspects were described. Kranz anatomy was found in six species of the genus Gomphrena, which also have dimorphic chloroplasts, showing leaf structure compatible with the C4 photosynthetic metabolism. In the analysis of two species of Alternanthera (a C3 and a C3-C4 intermediate) showed that besides the Kranz anatomy, the position of organelles in bundle sheath cells can be a key element in determining the metabolic type. The Froelichiella, Hebanthe and Pfaffia species have leaf anatomy and ultrastructure consistent with C3 metabolism. The leaf anatomy and ultrastructure have a pattern already described for other species of the Amaranthaceae family, except for the genera Hebanthe and Froelichiella, whose anatomical and ultrastructural aspects were described for the first time. The evolution of C4 metabolism may be related, at least in part, to the development of amphystomy associated with increased leaf thickness in herbaceous species. Large plastoglobuli were found in chloroplasts of some Cerrado species and appear associated with defense mechanisms, and lipid metabolism. The Amaranthaceae family can be a good marker of the biodiversity of nonwoody Eudicotyledons with ability to regenerate areas of rocky fields, wet grasslands and other open vegetation of the cerrado. These results illustrate the importance of expansion of basic and applied research in Amaranthaceae species, especially those that occur naturally in Brazilian cerrados. The expansion of knowledge concerning the anatomy and the specialization of organelles of different genera to perform its photosynthetic metabolism may contribute to understanding of the evolution of C4 pathway and the environment where plants specialize. The study of Cerrado Biome aims to broaden the justification for efforts to preserve its biodiversity. / Doutorado / Biologia Celular / Doutor em Biologia Celular e Estrutural

Estudos anatomicos em especies de Forsteronia G.Mey. (Apocynaceae) de cerrado / Anatomical studies of Forsteronia G.Mey. (Apocynaceae) species of cerrado

Rio, Maria Carolina Scatolin do 15 May 2006 (has links)
Orientadores: Marilia de Moraes Castro, Luiza Sumiko Kinoshita / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Biologia / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-06T16:16:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Rio_MariaCarolinaScatolindo_D.pdf: 12559404 bytes, checksum: b84a7169102130253e06c4af6c968547 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006 / Resumo: A anatomia foliar de quatro espécies de Forsteronia que ocorrem em cerrados paulistas foi investigada com o objetivo de identificar caracteres morfo-anatômicos úteis para a identificação das espécies semelhantes em estádio vegetativo. Onze caracteres foliares foram levantados, dois macromorfológicos e nove anatômicos, permitindo diferenciar F. australis de F. glabrescens e F. pubescens de F. thyrsoidea. A anatomia das domácias e os coléteres sésseis e ramificados foram descritos pela primeira vez para órgãos vegetativos de Apocynaceae. A detecção de mucilagem na secreção dos coléteres foliares das quatro espécies confirma a identificação dessas estruturas. Os coléteres são marginais ou axilares, de acordo com a região em que se originam no primórdio foliar. Em ramos completamente desenvolvidos, os marginais são caducos e suas cicatrizes ocupam posição interpeciolar; os axilares são persistentes e posicionam-se sobre a nervura mediana na base da lâmina foliar. Em todos os tipos estruturais (padrão, séssil e ramificado), a secreção é produzida por uma epiderme em paliçada que reveste o eixo central parenquimático. Os coléteres marginais de F. glabrescens produzem inicialmente mucilagem, passando a secretar compostos fenólicos em uma segunda fase de secreção. O estudo histoquímico de ápices caulinares vegetativos de F. glabrescens indicou que as células da hipoderme secretora produzem uma mistura heterogênea de ácidos graxos e compostos fenólicos, enquanto o látex é uma emulsão de substâncias lipofílicas, incluindo lipídios neutros, ácidos graxos, compostos fenólicos e alcalóides. Provavelmente, a hipoderme e os laticíferos atuam em conjunto, protegendo o ápice vegetativo de radiação UV e do ataque de herbívoros no cerrado. As estruturas secretoras florais encontradas em F. australis, F. glabrescens, F. pubescens e F. velloziana foram: idioblastos; hipoderme e epiderme, laticíferos; apêndices apicais e epiderme da cabeça do estilete; coléteres calicinais, coléteres bracteolares (apenas em F. pubescens); e nectários. Em F. glabrescens, os idioblastos secretores, as células que constituem os apêndices da cabeça do estilete, a hipoderme de diferentes órgãos (anteras, lacínias da corola e do cálice, e ovário) e a epiderme do nectário produzem ácidos graxos e compostos fenólicos. Três tipos estruturais de coléteres (padrão, séssil ou ramificado) ocorrem indefinidamente distribuídos pela base do cálice. Os cinco nectários podem ser livres ou unidos dois a dois na base (e o quinto livre), ou uma estrutura anelar, dividida em cinco lobos apicais. O ginostégio é formado pela união dos estames com a cabeça do estilete, que é revestida por uma epiderme secretora em paliçada. Em F. glabrescens, a secreção é composta por polissacarídeos. A cabeça do estilete, 5-lobada, apresenta cinco projeções laterais adnatas ao conectivo pela cimentação das paredes das células epidérmicas de ambas as estruturas. A zona de adesão é dividida em duas partes, uma envolvida com a produção e acúmulo de secreção, e outra com o processo de adnação. Essas características do ginostégio, associadas à ocorrência de coléteres calicinais sésseis em Forsteronia, corroboram a exclusão do gênero da tribo Apocyneae e o seu reposicionamento em Mesechiteae. / Abstract: The leaf anatomy of four cerrado species of Forsteronia was investigated in order to determine characters that could help to identify individuals collected in vegetative stage. Eleven characters, two macromorphological and nine anatomical, were surveyed and are useful to differ F. australis from F. glabrescens and F. pubescens from F. thyrsoidea. Domatia and sessile and branched colleters were described for the first time in vegetative organs of species of Apocynaceae. The mucilage detection in the secretion of foliar colleters confirms the identification of these structures on the four species. The colleters are marginal or axilar, in agreement with the region of leaf primordia that they originate. In completely developed branches, the marginal colleters are deciduous and their traces are interpetiolar placed; the axilar colleters are persistent and they are placed upon the midrib, on the base of leaf blade. In all structural types (standard, sessile and branched), the secretion is produced by a secretory epidermis that surrounds the central core of parenchyma. The marginal colleters of F. glabrescens produce mucilage initially and become secretory of phenolic compounds on a second phase of secretion. The shoot apex histochemical analysis of F. glabrescents indicated that the secretory hypodermis produces a heterogeneous secretion containing fatty acids and phenolic compounds, while the latex is an emulsion of lipophilic substances including neutral lipids, fatty acids, phenolic compounds and alkaloids. Probably both the hypodermis and the laticifers protect the shoot apex from UV radiation and from herbivorous in the cerrado vegetation. The floral secretory structures found in F. australis, F. glabrescens, F. pubescens e F. velloziana were: idioblasts, hypodermis and epidermis, laticifers, style-head apical appendages and secretory epidermis; calycine colleters, bracteole colleters (only in F. pubescens); and nectaries. In F. glabrescens, the secretory idioblasts, the cells that constitute the style-head apical appendages, the hypodermis of several organs (anthers, corolla and calyx lobes, and ovary) and the nectary epidermis produce fatty acids and phenolic compouds. Three structural types of colleters (standard, sessile and branched) occur indefinitely distributed on the calyx base. The five nectaries may be free each other or united two and two (the fifth free), or an annular structure divided in five apical lobes. The gynostegium is a structure formed by the union of stamens and style-head; the last is surrounded by a palisade secretory epidermis. In F. glabrescens, the secretion is constituted by polysaccharides. The 5-lobed style-head has the five projecting ribs adnated to the connective by the cementation of the both structures epidermal cells walls. The glue zone is divided in two functional and structural parts, one of them involved in production and storage of secretion, and other involved with the adnation process. These gynostegium characters, associated to occurrence of sessile calycine colleters, support the exclusion of the genus from the tribe Apocyneae and their inclusion in Mesechiteae. / Doutorado / Biologia Vegetal / Doutor em Biologia Vegetal

On Modeling Spatial Time-to-Event Data with Missing Censoring Type

Lu, Diane January 2024 (has links)
Time-to-event data, a common occurrence in medical research, is also pertinent in the ecological context, exemplified by leaf desiccation studies using innovative optical vulnerability techniques. Such data can unveil valuable insights into the influence of various factors on the event of interest. Leveraging both spatial and temporal information, spatial survival modeling can unravel the intricate spatiotemporal dynamics governing event occurrences. Existing spatial survival models often assume the availability of the censoring type for censored cases. Various approaches have been employed to address scenarios where a "subset" of cases lacks a known "censoring indicator" (i.e., whether they are right-censored or uncensored). This uncertainty in the subset pertains to missing information regarding the censoring status. However, our study specifically centers on situations where the missing information extends to "all" censored cases, rendering them devoid of a known censoring "type" indicator (i.e., whether they are right-censored or left-censored). The genesis of this challenge emerged from leaf hydraulic data, specifically embolism data, where the observation of embolism events is limited to instances when leaf veins transition from water-filled to air-filled during the observation period. Although it is known that all veins eventually embolize when the entire plant dries up, the critical information of whether a censored leaf vein embolized before or after the observation period is absent. In other words, the censoring type indicator is missing. To address this challenge, we developed a Gibbs sampler for a Bayesian spatial survival model, aiming to recover the missing censoring type indicator. This model incorporates the essential embolism formation mechanism theory, accounting for dynamic patterns observed in the embolism data. The model assumes spatial smoothness between connected leaf veins and incorporates vein thickness information. Our Gibbs sampler effectively infers the missing censoring type indicator, as demonstrated on both simulated and real-world embolism data. In applying our model to real data, we not only confirm patterns aligning with existing phytological literature but also unveil novel insights previously unexplored due to limitations in available statistical tools. Additionally, our results suggest the potential for building hierarchical models with species-level parameters focusing solely on the temporal component. Overall, our study illustrates that the proposed Gibbs sampler for the spatial survival model successfully addresses the challenge of missing censoring type indicators, offering valuable insights into the underlying spatiotemporal dynamics.

Inflluência do microrrelevo em caracteres foliares de espécies do sobosque de Floresta Ombrofila Densa Submontana, no Núcleo Piciguaba, Ubatuba / Influence of micro-relief onleaf of species in Atlantic Ombrophilous Dense Forest, in Nucleo Picinguaba, Ubatuba

Uehara, Luciana Yukari 17 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Sandra Maria Carmello-Guerreiro, Fernando Roberto Martins / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Biologia / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-17T07:29:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Uehara_LucianaYukari_M.pdf: 4862542 bytes, checksum: ad70cd04421ec86d5f001965c62d9a94 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010 / Resumo: Características morfológicas e anatômicas da folha de espécies vegetais são importantes indicadores de sua ecologia e dos habitats que ocupam. A variação das características anatômicas das folhas relacionadas às diferentes condições ambientais como deficiência hídrica, luminosidade, tipo de solo e disponibilidade de nutrientes é interpretada como resposta ecofisiológica da planta às diferenças microclimáticas. Dentre as características morfo-anatômicas, a área foliar, a área foliar específica (AFE), a densidade estomática, a espessura total da lâmina, a espessura do parênquima paliçádico, a espessura da epiderme, a quantidade de tecido esclerenquimático e a razão entre o tecido paliçádico e lacunoso, são alguns caracteres que podem ser utilizados para avaliar o grau de escleromorfismo de uma vegetação. Características edáficas, como disponibilidade de água e de nutrientes, pH, textura, podem sofrer variações devido a condições do relevo, como declividade. As variações do relevo estão intrinsecamente relacionadas com a disponibilidade hídrica e nutricional, exercendo grande influência em características da vegetação local. O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever e analisar características da morfológicas e anatômicas de folhas de espécies em diferentes microrrelevos, em um fragmento de Floresta Ombrófila Densa Submontana, na região da Serra do Mar, Estado de São Paulo. / Abstract: Plant species morphological and anatomical leaf traits are important indicators of their ecology and habitats. The variation of leaf anatomical traits, in relation to different environmental conditions, such as water stress, light, soil type, nutrient availability, is interpreted as ecophysiological response of plants to microclimatic differences. Among the morpho-anatomical traits, leaf area, specific leaf area (SLA), stomatal density, total thickness of leaf blade, the thickness of palisade parenchyma, thickness of epidermis, the amount of sclerenchyma, the ratio of palisade and spongy tissue, are some traits that can be used to assess the degree of scleromorphy of vegetation. Soil characteristics, such as availability of water and nutrients, pH, texture, may vary due to relief conditions, such as slope. Relief variations are intrinsically related to water and nutrient availability, exercising great influence on the characteristics of local vegetation. The aim of this study was to describe and analyze morphological and anatomical characteristics of leaves of herbaceous species on different micro-relief in a fragment Lower Montane Rain Forest in the Serra do Mar, State of Sao Paulo. / Mestrado / Biologia Vegetal / Mestre em Biologia Vegetal

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