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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

French royal acts printed before 1601 : a bibliographical study /

Kim, Lauren Jee-Su. January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.) - University of St Andrews, April 2008.

Die Fehde des Sichar : die Geschichte einer Erzählung in der deutschsprachigen und frankophonen rechtshistorischen und historischen Literatur unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Auseinandersetzungen des 19. Jahrhunderts /

Bernoth, Carsten. January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (doctoral)--Universität, Bonn, 2008. / Includes bibliographical references.

Die Fehde des Sichar die Geschichte einer Erzählung in der deutschsprachigen und frankophonen rechtshistorischen und historischen Literatur unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Auseinandersetzungen des 19. Jahrhunderts /

Bernoth, Carsten. January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (doctoral)--Universität, Bonn, 2008. / Includes bibliographical references.

Os decisionistas portugueses entre o direito comum e o direito pátrio / Portuguese decisionistas in the early modern age

Cabral, Gustavo César Machado 08 November 2013 (has links)
O objetivo desta tese é determinar se é possível considerar as obras de decisiones como um gênero específico da literatura jurídica portuguesa no Antigo regime, para, em seguida, tentar traçar um perfil das características e dos elementos que as diferenciem dos demais gêneros doutrinários, especialmente dos consilia. O trabalho foi dividido em três partes. A primeira será dedicada aos pressupostos da discussão, que envolvem a opinio communis e a pluralidade de contribuições doutrinárias, característica fundamental do ius commune, e o desenvolvimento da alta jurisdição na Europa do final do Medievo e no começo da Modernidade, focando na tensão entre a indeterminação do direito certo e a existência de tribunais com poderes de decidir em última instância. Em seguida, serão apresentadas as principais características das decisiones no contexto europeu, partindo da comparação entre as obras dos autores mais importantes, como Matthaeus De Afflictis, Guido Papa, Octavianus Cacherano dOsasco, etc, e diferenciando essas obras de gêneros próximos. A segunda parte consistirá na análise aprofundada das obras dos seis mais importantes autores de decisiones em Portugal entre os séculos XVI e XVII (António da Gama, Álvaro Valasco, Jorge de Cabedo, Belchior Febo, Gabriel Pereira de Castro e António de Sousa de Macedo). De cada uma das obras se falará sobre a biografia do autor, os aspectos gerais da obra (quantidade de edições e locais de impressão, por exemplo), a estrutura formal dos textos, o uso dos fundamentos para a construção da argumentação (precedentes, legislação e doutrina) e as matérias abordadas nas decisiones. Por fim, a terceira parte tentará estabelecer as relações entre as decisiones portuguesas do período e o Brasil colonial. / The main purpose of this thesis is to determine whether or not are the decisiones a specific genre in Portuguese legal literature during the Ancient Régime, and then try to describe the most important characteristics and elements that differentiate them from other doctrinal genres. This work is divided into three parts. The first one will deal with the premises of this text, the opinion communis and its plurality of doctrinal works, which was a key feature of ius commune, and the development of high jurisdiction in Europe at the end of Middle Ages and Early Modernity; the focus will be the tension between indeterminacy of ius certum and the existence of certain courts with powers to decide ultimately. Then the main features of European decisiones will be presented from the comparison among the works of the most importante authors such as Matthaeus De Afflictis, Guido Papa, Octavianus Cacherano dOsasco, etc, and later distinguishing these works from some similar genres. The second part will consist in an analysis of the six most important Portuguese works on decisiones during 16th and 17th centuries (António da Gama, Álvaro Valasco, Jorge de Cabedo, Belchior Febo, Gabriel Pereira de Castro and António de Sousa de Macedo); each analyse will approach the following points: authors biography, general aspects of the book (amount of editions and place of the printings, for exemple), the formal strucute of the texts, the arguments in which the decisiones are grounded (Case Law, Statutes/Statutory Law and legal literature) and the subject of the decisio (Public Law, Civil Procedure, Private Law and Criminal Law). Finally, the third part will try to establish the relationship between the Portuguese decisiones and Colonial Brazil.

Making meaning of women and violence: echoes of the past in the present

Mikhailovich, Katja, Katja.Mikhailovich@canberra.edu.au January 1998 (has links)
This thesis presents a feminist genealogy of ideas concerned with male violence against women from the late nineteenth to the late twentieth century. The thesis has two components: the first examines feminist, psychotherapeutic and socio-legal literature, examining how knowledge about female victims of male violence has been constituted; the second analyses memory work conducted with two groups of women exploring personal meanings about victims and violence. Each chapter describes pivotal moments in the history of women and violence showing how seemingly disparate ideas emerged to become precursors of contemporary knowledge which have given rise to a range of institutional responses to violence. Late nineteenth-century feminists created new ways of speaking about violence against women, however, their ideas were incongruent with prevailing discourses of the era. The advent of Freudian thought also brought about a new language with which to talk about violence placing the victim of violence firmly under the therapeutic gaze. During the 1930s and 1940s the founders of victimology utilised Freud's work as evidence for their proposition that female victims were often complicit in their own victimisation. In the1970s feminists challenged victim blaming ideology and redefined violence as a social and political issue. Twentieth century psychotherapeutic discourses tended to position victims of violence within discourses of psychopathology. However, more recently survivors have been defined in terms of traumatisation, constituting alternative possibilities for subjectivity following victimisation. The memory work used in this study enabled a consideration of the relationship between discourse and women's understandings of violence. Although remnants of all the discourses could be found in the women's narratives, some resonating with more authority than others, no one discourse operated deterministically to totalise subjectivity. Rather, it is evident that identities associated with survival are complex, dynamic and fluid. The legacy of the discourses described in this thesis continues to be apparent in community attitudes, institutional responses to violence and survivors' concepts of self. This thesis considers the potential implications of these discourses for women's subjectivity.

Os decisionistas portugueses entre o direito comum e o direito pátrio / Portuguese decisionistas in the early modern age

Gustavo César Machado Cabral 08 November 2013 (has links)
O objetivo desta tese é determinar se é possível considerar as obras de decisiones como um gênero específico da literatura jurídica portuguesa no Antigo regime, para, em seguida, tentar traçar um perfil das características e dos elementos que as diferenciem dos demais gêneros doutrinários, especialmente dos consilia. O trabalho foi dividido em três partes. A primeira será dedicada aos pressupostos da discussão, que envolvem a opinio communis e a pluralidade de contribuições doutrinárias, característica fundamental do ius commune, e o desenvolvimento da alta jurisdição na Europa do final do Medievo e no começo da Modernidade, focando na tensão entre a indeterminação do direito certo e a existência de tribunais com poderes de decidir em última instância. Em seguida, serão apresentadas as principais características das decisiones no contexto europeu, partindo da comparação entre as obras dos autores mais importantes, como Matthaeus De Afflictis, Guido Papa, Octavianus Cacherano dOsasco, etc, e diferenciando essas obras de gêneros próximos. A segunda parte consistirá na análise aprofundada das obras dos seis mais importantes autores de decisiones em Portugal entre os séculos XVI e XVII (António da Gama, Álvaro Valasco, Jorge de Cabedo, Belchior Febo, Gabriel Pereira de Castro e António de Sousa de Macedo). De cada uma das obras se falará sobre a biografia do autor, os aspectos gerais da obra (quantidade de edições e locais de impressão, por exemplo), a estrutura formal dos textos, o uso dos fundamentos para a construção da argumentação (precedentes, legislação e doutrina) e as matérias abordadas nas decisiones. Por fim, a terceira parte tentará estabelecer as relações entre as decisiones portuguesas do período e o Brasil colonial. / The main purpose of this thesis is to determine whether or not are the decisiones a specific genre in Portuguese legal literature during the Ancient Régime, and then try to describe the most important characteristics and elements that differentiate them from other doctrinal genres. This work is divided into three parts. The first one will deal with the premises of this text, the opinion communis and its plurality of doctrinal works, which was a key feature of ius commune, and the development of high jurisdiction in Europe at the end of Middle Ages and Early Modernity; the focus will be the tension between indeterminacy of ius certum and the existence of certain courts with powers to decide ultimately. Then the main features of European decisiones will be presented from the comparison among the works of the most importante authors such as Matthaeus De Afflictis, Guido Papa, Octavianus Cacherano dOsasco, etc, and later distinguishing these works from some similar genres. The second part will consist in an analysis of the six most important Portuguese works on decisiones during 16th and 17th centuries (António da Gama, Álvaro Valasco, Jorge de Cabedo, Belchior Febo, Gabriel Pereira de Castro and António de Sousa de Macedo); each analyse will approach the following points: authors biography, general aspects of the book (amount of editions and place of the printings, for exemple), the formal strucute of the texts, the arguments in which the decisiones are grounded (Case Law, Statutes/Statutory Law and legal literature) and the subject of the decisio (Public Law, Civil Procedure, Private Law and Criminal Law). Finally, the third part will try to establish the relationship between the Portuguese decisiones and Colonial Brazil.

Entre théorie et pratique : les recueils de jurisprudence, miroirs de la pensée juridique française (1789 - 1914) / Between theory and practice : casebooks, mirrors of French legal thought (1789-1914)

Barenot, Pierre-Nicolas 07 November 2014 (has links)
Pionniers des études jurisprudentielles contemporaines, fondateurs des plus célèbres maisons d'éditionjuridique française, inventeurs de nouveaux genres littéraires et doctrinaux, les arrêtistes du XIXe siècledemeurent néanmoins encore largement méconnus. Au sein de leurs recueils de jurisprudence, Jean-BaptisteSirey, Désiré Dalloz et leurs nombreux collaborateurs, concurrents et successeurs, ont pourtant été des acteursà part entière d'une pensée juridique française trop souvent réduite aux seuls auteurs de la doctrine. Entrethéorie et pratique, l' « arrêtisme » contemporain a ainsi formé, de la Révolution jusqu'aux années 1870, unmouvement majeur de la littérature et de la pensée juridiques. Sur cette période, arrêtistes et commentateursde la doctrine se sont en effet âprement affrontés sur le terrain épistémique et éditorial, opposant travaux etdiscours sur la jurisprudence, et luttant pour le monopole des études jurisprudentielles. A partir des années 1880toutefois, l'arrivée massive des universitaires au sein des recueils de jurisprudence va marquer la fin del'arrêtisme des praticiens. A la Belle Epoque, les auteurs de l' « Ecole scientifique » qui entendent renouvelerl'étude et la science du droit s'emparent à leur tour activement de la jurisprudence ; présenté comme unrapprochement salvateur entre l'Ecole et le Palais, le « projet jurisprudentiel » des professeurs va toutefoiscontribuer à détacher les recueils d'arrêts de la culture praticienne dont ils étaient originellement issus. Il ressortde cette étude une relecture de l’histoire intellectuelle des recueils d’arrêts et des arrêtistes, dontl’historiographie classique en a dressé un portrait partiel, sinon partial. / Pioneers of contemporary case law studies, founders of the most famous French legal publishing companies,inventors of new literary and doctrinal genres, the arrêtistes of the nineteenth century still remain largelyunknown. In their casebooks, Jean-Baptiste Sirey, Désiré Dalloz and their many collaborators, competitors andsuccessors, were actors in their own right on the stage of French legal thinking, a stage too often reduced to theonly authors of the doctrine. Between theory and practice, the contemporary "arrêtisme" formed, from theRevolution to the 1870s, a major movement of literature and legal thought. Over this period, the arrêtistes andthe authors of legal doctrine clashed on epistemic and editorial grounds, opposing work and discourses on caselaw, and fighting for the monopoly of judicial analyses. However, from the 1880s onwards, the influx of universityprofessors in casebooks marked the end of the practitioners’ arrêtisme. During the Belle Epoque, the authors ofthe "Ecole scientifique", who intended to renew the study and science of law, took possession of case law;presented as a salutory reconciliation between the School and the Court, the professors’ "jurisprudential project"nevertheless contributed to separate case law reports from the culture of practitioners they were originallyderived from. What emerges from this study is a re-reading of the intellectual history of casebooks and arrêtistes,of which classical historiography gave a partial –if not biased -picture.

French royal acts printed before 1601

Kim, Lauren J. January 2008 (has links)
This thesis is a study of royal acts printed in French before 1601. The kingdom of France is a natural place to begin a study of royal acts. It possessed one of the oldest judicial systems in Europe, which had been established during the reign of St Louis (1226-1270). By the sixteenth century, French kings were able to issue royal acts without any concern as to the distribution of their decrees. In addition, France was one of the leading printing centres in Europe. This research provides the first detailed analysis of this neglected category of texts, and examines the acts’ significance in French legal, political and printing culture. The analysis of royal acts reveals three key historical practices regarding the role of printing in judiciary matters and public affairs. The first is how the French crown communicated to the public. Chapters one and two discuss the royal process of dissemination of edicts and the language of royal acts. The second is how printers and publishers manoeuvred between the large number of royal promulgations and public demand. An overview of the printing industry of royal acts is provided in chapter three and the printers of these official documents are covered in chapter four. The study of royal acts also indicates which edicts were published frequently. The last two chapters examine the content of royal decrees and discuss the most reprinted acts. Chapter five explores the period before 1561 and the final chapter discusses the last forty years of the century. An appendix of all royal acts printed before 1601, which is the basis of my research for this study, is included. It is the first comprehensive catalogue of its kind and contains nearly six thousand entries of surviving royal acts printed before 1601.

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