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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Stasek, David Jon 13 June 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Habitat Type and Ecotone Effects on Biodiversity of Hymenoptera, Diptera, and Lepidoptera

Wayne, Heather January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Fluid rise in C-shaped conduits of separated butterfly mouthparts

Lash, Ashley L. 13 May 2016 (has links)
No description available.

A revision of the North American species of the genus Scopula (lepidoptera, geometridae)

Covell, Charles V. January 1965 (has links)
The North American representatives of the large, worldwide Geometrid moth genus Scopula Schrank are redefined, redescribed, and illustrated. Of 69 names applied to the North American fauna, 22 are considered valid species, and two subspecies are defined here for the first time. Complete synonymy and references are given. Over 5,400 specimens were borrowed for critical examination, and the types for all species were, if known to exist, examined by the author, or for him by a colleague. Redescriptions were made stressing the individual variability within each species. Features of male and female genitalia were used as well as external characters in assessing relationships. Lectotypes were designated when necessary. A neotype for Phalaena limboundata Haworth was created. A key to the males of North American Scopula is included, as well as drawings of male and female genitalia, photographs of the moths, and a check list to species, subspecies, and junior synonyms. The following nomenclatural changes were made: tawneata Cassino synonymized to aemulata Hulst; responsaria Walker, atomaria Warren, approbata Warren, trias Warren, and trias ab. tincta Warren synonymized to apparitaria Walker; canthema Schaus and hieronyma Prout synonymized to plantagenaria Hulst; umbilicata ab. cugia Schaus and umbilicata var. peruviana Prout synonymized to umbilicata Fabricius; quinqueliniaria Packard and johnstonaria McDunnough (justified emendation of johnsonaria) made subspecies ot junctaria Walker; impunctata Warren and vestalialis Barnes and McDunnough synonymized to junctaria quinquelinearia Packard; quadrilineata Packard resurrected from synonymy, and persimilis Hulst made a junior synonym of it once more; arcticaria Walker removed from synonymy of frigidaria Möschler, and placed in species incertae sedis; supressaria Walker removed from synonymy of inductata Guenée and placed in species incertae sedis; delicata Cassino and oliveata Cassino made junior synonyms of inductata Guenée; subfuscata Taylor placed in synonymy of luteolata Hulst; californiaria Packard and chretieni Barnes and Benjamin placed in synonymy of sideraria Guenée; nigrodiscalis Hulst and quaesitata Hulst placed in species incertae sedis. Apparitaria Walker is applied to the North American fauna for the first time. Siccata McDunnough and septentrionicola McDunnough are recorded for the first time from the United States. / Ph. D.

Abordagem comparativa sobre a estrutura e a histologia do órgão de vom Rath em ninfalídeos (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) / Comparative Approach on the Structure and Histology of the Vom Rath\'s Organ in Nymphalids (Lepdoptera: Nymphalidae)

Valdés, Joel Lastra 15 August 2018 (has links)
O órgão de vom Rath localiza-se na extremidade distal do terceiro artículo do palpo labial e é uma das sinapormorfias reconhecidas para os lepidópteros (Insecta: Lepidoptera). O conhecimento sobre a morfologia estrutural e histológica desse órgão é ainda bastante escasso. Descreve-se a estrutura com auxílio de microscopia eletrônica de varredura e a histologia do órgão de vom Rath para quatro espécies de Nymphalidae, três frugívoras: Fountainea ryphea (Charaxinae: Anaeini), Morpho helenor achillaena (Satyrinae: Morphini) e Hamadryas epinome (Biblidinae: Ageroniini), além da espécie nectarívora Aeria olena (Danainae: Ithomiini). Documentaram-se diferenças significativas entre as espécies com relação ao formato da cavidade, morfologia e disposição das cerdas, forma e localização da abertura, organização dos grupos celulares associados, tipo de axônio e grau de desenvolvimento. Tais diferenças não parecem estar relacionadas aos hábitos alimentares. Por sua vez, não foram encontrados grupos celulares em Actinote thalia (Heliconiinae: Acraeini) e Heliconius erato phyllis (Heliconiinae: Heliconiini), sendo que a ausência do órgão de vom Rath é documentada pela primeira vez no clado Ditrysia. É proposta uma terminologia para melhorar o entendimento da morfologia do órgão de vom Rath, com análise crítica das descrições realizadas por outros autores. / The vom Rath\'s organ is located at the distal end of the third joint of labial palpi and is one of the recognized synapomorphies of Lepidoptera (Insecta). The knowledge about the structural and histological morphology of this organ is scarce. The structure is described using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and histology for four species of Nymphalidae, three frugivorous: Fountainea ryphea (Charaxinae: Anaeini), Morpho helenor achillaena (Satyrinae: Morphini) and Hamadryas epinome (Biblidinae: Ageroniini), besides the nectarivorous species Aeria olena (Danainae: Ithomiini). Significant differences were recorded among species in relation to the shape of the cavity, morphology and arrangement of the setae, shape and location of the opening, organization of the associated cell groups, type of axon and degree of development. Such differences do not seem to be related to eating habits. No cell groups were found in Actinote thalia (Heliconiinae: Acraeini) and Heliconius erato phyllis (Heliconiinae: Heliconiini), and the absence of the vom Rath\'s organ is documented for the first time in the Ditrysia clade. A terminology is proposed for a better understanding of the morphology of the organ, with a critical analysis of the previous descriptions.

Proteínas envolvidas na secreção microapócrina na lagarta de Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera) / Proteins involved in microapocrine secretion in Spodoptera frugiperda caterpillar (Lepidoptera)

Silva, Walciane da 23 November 2012 (has links)
A região anterior do intestino médio de Lepidoptera apresenta uma secreção microapócrina de enzimas digestivas com vesículas migrando pelo interior das microvilosidades. Essas vesículas brotam das microvilosidades intestinais como vesículas de membrana dupla e são descarregadas dentro do lúmen. O objetivo desse trabalho foi identificar as proteínas secretadas e aquelas envolvidas na maquinaria secretória microapócrina em Spodoptera frugiperda. Para isso, vesículas microapócrinas foram preparadas e usadas para a produção de anticorpo policlonal. Esse anticorpo foi utilizado para varrer uma biblioteca de expressão de cDNA do intestino médio de S. frugiperda. Também obtivemos um transcriptoma por pirosequenciamento de uma biblioteca de cDNA proveniente dos transcritos do intestino médio do mesmo inseto. Os clones positivos da varredura foram sequenciados, montados e submetidos a um BLASTN contra as sequências obtidas pelo pirosequenciamento, o que resultou na extensão dessas sequências. Usamos ainda as sequências geradas pelo pirosequenciamento para reanalisar sequências de proteínas presentes nas membranas microvilares, que tinham sido obtidas anteriormente em nosso laboratório (Ferreira et al., 2007). A reanálise das sequências de proteínas microvilares gerou 66 proteínas preditas. Dessas, 18 foram consideradas contaminantes de outros compartimentos celulares e 48 associadas às membranas microvilares. A análise das sequências obtidas das vesículas microapócrinas gerou 50 proteínas preditas que podem ser secretadas por essa rota. As sequências encontradas tanto em membrana microvilar quanto em vesículas microapócrinas podem ser classificadas em 8 grupos, de acordo com sua função: (1) enzimas digestivas; (2) proteínas da membrana peritrófica; (3) envolvidas com proteção; (4) transportadores; (5) receptores; (6) proteínas da maquinaria secretória; (7) proteínas de citoesqueleto; (8) com função desconhecida nesse local. Em ambas as preparações existem uma predominância de sequências de enzimas digestivas. Nas membranas microvilares a maioria das sequências são aminopeptidases, enquanto nas vesículas microapócrinas a maioria são lipases. Os cDNAs correspondentes as proteínas que poderiam estar envolvidas na maquinaria secretória foram clonados e sequenciados. São elas: fimbrina, cofilina, gelsolina-1 e miosina I. RT-PCRs semi-quantitativas dessas proteínas em diferentes tecidos do inseto (intestino, túbulos de Malpighi, corpo gorduroso e carcaça) mostraram que somente gelsolina-1 está presente exclusivamente no intestino. Os domínios G1-G3 da gelsolina característica do intestino (gelsolina-1) foram expressos e usados para produzir anticorpos em coelhos. Esses anticorpos reconhecem a proteína recombinante e uma proteína presente no epitélio intestinal com massa molecular compatível com a massa predita para gelsolina-1. Foi possível diminuir a expressão de gelsolina-1 utilizando RNA interferente. / Lepidoptera anterior midgut presents a microapocrine secretion of digestive enzymes with secretory vesicles migrating inside the microvilli. These vesicles bud from the midgut microvilli as double membrane vesicles and are discharged into the lumen. The aim of this work was to identify the proteins secreted and those involved in the microapocrine secretory machinery in Spodoptera frugiperda larvae. For this, microapocrine vesicles were prepared and used for polyclonal antibody production. This antibody was used to screen a cDNA expression library of S. frugiperda midgut. We also obtained a transcriptome by pyrosequencing a cDNA library derived from transcripts of the midgut. Positive clones from the screening were sequenced, assembled and N-blasted against S. frugiperda sequences obtained by pyrosequencing. This procedure led to the extension of the sequences previously obtained. We also used the sequences generated by pyrosequencing to reanalyze the sequences of microvillar membrane proteins obtained previously by Ferreira et al. (2007). This reanalysis generated 66 predicted proteins that are present in the microvillar membranes. Eighteen were considered to be contaminants from other compartments and 48 associated with the microvillar membranes. Analysing the sequences from microapocrine vesicles we found 50 predicted proteins that should be secreted by microapocrine vesicles. The sequences found in both microvillar membrane and microapocrine vesicles may be classified into 8 groups, according to their function: (1) digestive enzymes; (2) peritrophic membrane proteins; (3) protection; (4) transporters; (5) receptors; (6) secretory machinery; (7) cytoskeleton; (8) with unknown function. In both preparations there is a predominance of sequences of digestive enzymes. In microvillar membranes, there is a remarkable amount of aminopeptidases, while in microapocrine vesicles this is true for lipases. cDNAs coding for proteins that could be involved in the microapocrine secretory machinery were cloned and sequenced. They are: fimbrin, cofilin, gelsolin-1 and myosin I. Using RT-PCR, we showed that mRNAs coding for gelsolin-1 and myosin I are present only in the intestinal tissue. The mRNAs coding for other proteins were found in all tissues. The domains G1-G3 from gelsolin specific from intestinal midgut (gelsolin 1) were expressed and used to raise antibodies in rabbit. These antibodies were able to recognize the recombinant protein and a protein from the midgut epithelium that has a molecular weight similar to the one predicted from gelsolin-1 sequence. We succeed in decreasing the expression of gelsolin-1 by using interfering RNA

Proteínas envolvidas na secreção microapócrina na lagarta de Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera) / Proteins involved in microapocrine secretion in Spodoptera frugiperda caterpillar (Lepidoptera)

Walciane da Silva 23 November 2012 (has links)
A região anterior do intestino médio de Lepidoptera apresenta uma secreção microapócrina de enzimas digestivas com vesículas migrando pelo interior das microvilosidades. Essas vesículas brotam das microvilosidades intestinais como vesículas de membrana dupla e são descarregadas dentro do lúmen. O objetivo desse trabalho foi identificar as proteínas secretadas e aquelas envolvidas na maquinaria secretória microapócrina em Spodoptera frugiperda. Para isso, vesículas microapócrinas foram preparadas e usadas para a produção de anticorpo policlonal. Esse anticorpo foi utilizado para varrer uma biblioteca de expressão de cDNA do intestino médio de S. frugiperda. Também obtivemos um transcriptoma por pirosequenciamento de uma biblioteca de cDNA proveniente dos transcritos do intestino médio do mesmo inseto. Os clones positivos da varredura foram sequenciados, montados e submetidos a um BLASTN contra as sequências obtidas pelo pirosequenciamento, o que resultou na extensão dessas sequências. Usamos ainda as sequências geradas pelo pirosequenciamento para reanalisar sequências de proteínas presentes nas membranas microvilares, que tinham sido obtidas anteriormente em nosso laboratório (Ferreira et al., 2007). A reanálise das sequências de proteínas microvilares gerou 66 proteínas preditas. Dessas, 18 foram consideradas contaminantes de outros compartimentos celulares e 48 associadas às membranas microvilares. A análise das sequências obtidas das vesículas microapócrinas gerou 50 proteínas preditas que podem ser secretadas por essa rota. As sequências encontradas tanto em membrana microvilar quanto em vesículas microapócrinas podem ser classificadas em 8 grupos, de acordo com sua função: (1) enzimas digestivas; (2) proteínas da membrana peritrófica; (3) envolvidas com proteção; (4) transportadores; (5) receptores; (6) proteínas da maquinaria secretória; (7) proteínas de citoesqueleto; (8) com função desconhecida nesse local. Em ambas as preparações existem uma predominância de sequências de enzimas digestivas. Nas membranas microvilares a maioria das sequências são aminopeptidases, enquanto nas vesículas microapócrinas a maioria são lipases. Os cDNAs correspondentes as proteínas que poderiam estar envolvidas na maquinaria secretória foram clonados e sequenciados. São elas: fimbrina, cofilina, gelsolina-1 e miosina I. RT-PCRs semi-quantitativas dessas proteínas em diferentes tecidos do inseto (intestino, túbulos de Malpighi, corpo gorduroso e carcaça) mostraram que somente gelsolina-1 está presente exclusivamente no intestino. Os domínios G1-G3 da gelsolina característica do intestino (gelsolina-1) foram expressos e usados para produzir anticorpos em coelhos. Esses anticorpos reconhecem a proteína recombinante e uma proteína presente no epitélio intestinal com massa molecular compatível com a massa predita para gelsolina-1. Foi possível diminuir a expressão de gelsolina-1 utilizando RNA interferente. / Lepidoptera anterior midgut presents a microapocrine secretion of digestive enzymes with secretory vesicles migrating inside the microvilli. These vesicles bud from the midgut microvilli as double membrane vesicles and are discharged into the lumen. The aim of this work was to identify the proteins secreted and those involved in the microapocrine secretory machinery in Spodoptera frugiperda larvae. For this, microapocrine vesicles were prepared and used for polyclonal antibody production. This antibody was used to screen a cDNA expression library of S. frugiperda midgut. We also obtained a transcriptome by pyrosequencing a cDNA library derived from transcripts of the midgut. Positive clones from the screening were sequenced, assembled and N-blasted against S. frugiperda sequences obtained by pyrosequencing. This procedure led to the extension of the sequences previously obtained. We also used the sequences generated by pyrosequencing to reanalyze the sequences of microvillar membrane proteins obtained previously by Ferreira et al. (2007). This reanalysis generated 66 predicted proteins that are present in the microvillar membranes. Eighteen were considered to be contaminants from other compartments and 48 associated with the microvillar membranes. Analysing the sequences from microapocrine vesicles we found 50 predicted proteins that should be secreted by microapocrine vesicles. The sequences found in both microvillar membrane and microapocrine vesicles may be classified into 8 groups, according to their function: (1) digestive enzymes; (2) peritrophic membrane proteins; (3) protection; (4) transporters; (5) receptors; (6) secretory machinery; (7) cytoskeleton; (8) with unknown function. In both preparations there is a predominance of sequences of digestive enzymes. In microvillar membranes, there is a remarkable amount of aminopeptidases, while in microapocrine vesicles this is true for lipases. cDNAs coding for proteins that could be involved in the microapocrine secretory machinery were cloned and sequenced. They are: fimbrin, cofilin, gelsolin-1 and myosin I. Using RT-PCR, we showed that mRNAs coding for gelsolin-1 and myosin I are present only in the intestinal tissue. The mRNAs coding for other proteins were found in all tissues. The domains G1-G3 from gelsolin specific from intestinal midgut (gelsolin 1) were expressed and used to raise antibodies in rabbit. These antibodies were able to recognize the recombinant protein and a protein from the midgut epithelium that has a molecular weight similar to the one predicted from gelsolin-1 sequence. We succeed in decreasing the expression of gelsolin-1 by using interfering RNA

Larvas de Geometridae (Lepidoptera) e seus parasitoides em sub-bosque nativo na Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Campus São Carlos, Estado de São Paulo

Geraldo, Mariana 10 November 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:31:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 3954.pdf: 3597563 bytes, checksum: dc8511477ab741615577d2c14e4a008b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-11-10 / Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / Geometridae larvae and their parasitoids were surveyed in a understory at Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Campus São Carlos, SP. Larvae were colected among April 2009 to April 2010, with an entomological umbrella in 18 native species plants. It obtained 863 larvae including 46 species and 24 genera belong to majority the Ennominae. The Larentiinae and Sterrhinae subfamilies were also represented for Eois and Cyclophora, respectively. The Ennominae genus obtained were: Certima, Glena, Herbita, Hymenomima, Iridopsis, Ischnopteris, Isochromodes, Lomographa, Macaria, Melanolophia, Microgonia, Microxydia, Nematocampa, Oxydia, Patalene, Pero, Phyllodonta, Physocleora, Prochoerodes, Sabulodes, Thyrinteina and Trotopera. Macaria rigidata was the more abundant species which represented 31%. It recorded 174 parasitized larvae from which 337 parasitoids emerged. They are distributed among Braconidae, Ichneumonidae, Eulophidae (Hymenoptera) and Diptera, with Hymenoptera predominance. The obtained parasitoids were: Diolcogaster, Protapanteles, Glyptapanteles, Aleiodes, (Braconidae), Casinaria, Charops, Cryptophion, Diradops, Dusona, Jomine, Neotheronia, Podogaster, Polycyrtus, Mesochorinae (Ichneumonidae), Euplectrus (Eulophidae) and Tachinidae (Diptera). It recorded new parasitoids species of the genus: Diradops, Jomine and Neotheronia (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae). Geometridae larvae were present throughout the collection period and had increased occurrence at the end of rainy season. / Foi realizado um levantamento de larvas de Geometridae e de seus parasitoides em um subbosque localizado na Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Campus São Carlos, SP. As larvas foram coletadas, no período de abril de 2009 a abril de 2010, por meio de guarda-chuva entomológico em 18 espécies de plantas nativas. Foram coletadas 863 larvas incluindo 46 espécies e 24 gêneros pertencentes na maioria aos Ennominae. As subfamílias Larentiinae e Sterrhinae foram também representadas, respectivamente com os gêneros Eois e Cyclophora. Os gêneros de Ennominae obtidos foram: Certima, Glena, Herbita, Hymenomima, Iridopsis, Ischnopteris, Isochromodes, Lomographa, Macaria, Melanolophia, Microgonia, Microxydia, Nematocampa, Oxydia, Patalene, Pero, Phyllodonta, Physocleora, Prochoerodes, Sabulodes, Thyrinteina e Trotopera. A espécie mais abundante foi Macaria rigidata que representou 31%. Foram registradas 174 larvas parasitadas das quais emergiram 337 parasitoides distribuídos em Braconidae, Ichneumonidae, Eulophidae (Hymenoptera) e Diptera, com a predominância de Hymenoptera. Os parasitoides obtidos foram: Diolcogaster, Protapanteles, Glyptapanteles, Aleiodes, (Braconidae), Casinaria, Charops, Cryptophion, Diradops, Dusona, Jomine, Neotheronia, Podogaster, Polycyrtus, Mesochorinae (Ichneumonidae), Euplectrus (Eulophidae) e Tachinidae (Diptera). Foram registradas novas espécies de parasitoides dos gêneros: Diradops, Jomine e Neotheronia (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae). As larvas de Geometridae estiveram presentes em todo o período de coleta e apresentaram maior ocorrência no final do período chuvoso.

Distribuição espaço-temporal e flutuação populacional de lagartas desfolhadoras da soja / Spatial-temporal distribution and populational fluctuation of soybean defoliating caterpillars

Stecca, Cristiane dos Santos 17 February 2011 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This work aimed to analyze the spatial-temporal distribution and population fluctuation of soybean defoliating caterpillars, during the development cycle of the crop. Thus, this will be presented in two chapters. Chapter one, presents a geostatistical characterization of the caterpillars spatial distribution in soybeans and chapter two describes the main species of soybean caterpillars and their behavior during the crop cycle. Study was carried out in the experimental area of the Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, Brasil, at 2008/09 and 2009/10 growing seasons. In the area of 6,6 ha of soybean a grid sampling of 25x25m was established. A total of 105 points were marked on the field with GPS navigation. The samplings were performed in two ways: 1) from pre-emergence until V3, direct counting; 2) from V4 until harvest, with beating cloth, performing two evaluations per point. Caterpillars were placed into plastic cups and sent to the Entomology Laboratory of UFSM for species identification and quantification. To study the populational distribution was considered the total populational density and species of each sample point was obtained by analysis of spatial variability using semivariograms. Maps were generated with the software ArcGIS 9.3 and spatial dependence estimated by classification of Cambardella et al. (1994). To study the population dynamics of soybean caterpillars species, results were submetted to statistical analysis, using Microsoft Excel software. Pearson correlation was with 5% mistake probability was used for establishing correlations between the number of caterpillars species and meteorological variables, precipitation and temperature. Adjusted models are different for every species and phenological stage of culture, the grid of sample used is appropriate to characterize accurately the spatial distribution of soybean larvae. The main species of soybean caterpillars in Santa Maria are Anticarsia gemmatalis, Pseudoplusia includens and Spodoptera eridania; the occurrence of defoliating caterpillars is higher in the reproductive phase of soybean. / Este trabalho teve por objetivo analisar a distribuição espaço-temporal e a flutuação populacional de lagartas desfolhadoras da soja, ao longo do ciclo de desenvolvimento da cultura. Sendo assim, este será apresentado em dois capítulos: o primeiro capítulo apresenta a caracterização geoestatística da distribuição espacial das lagartas da soja e no segundo capítulo, descreve as principais espécies de lagartas da soja e seu comportamento ao longo do ciclo da cultura. Para isso foi realizado um estudo na área experimental da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS, Brasil, na safra agrícola 2008/09 e 2009/10, em 6,6 ha de soja, estabelecendo-se um gride de amostragem de 25 x 25 m, no total de 105 pontos, demarcados em campo com GPS de navegação. As amostragens foram realizadas de duas formas: 1) da pré-emergencia a V3 contagem direta; 2) de V4 até a colheita, com pano-decoleta, realizando duas avaliações por ponto. As lagartas foram colocadas em frascos plásticos e encaminhadas ao Laboratório de Entomologia da UFSM, para identificação e quantificação das espécies. Para o estudo da distribuição populacional foi considerado a densidade populacional total e por espécie de cada ponto amostral, foi obtida a análise da variabilidade espacial por meio dos semivariogramas, os mapas foram gerados com o programa computacional ArcGis 9.3 e a dependência espacial estimada pela classificação de Cambardella et al. (1994). Para o estudo da flutuação populacional das espécies de lagartas da soja os resultados foram submetidos à analise estatística, com o auxilio do programa Office Excel, efetuando-se correlação de Pearson, com probabilidade de 5% de erro, entre o número de espécies de lagartas e as variáveis meteorologicas, precipitação e temperatura. Os modelos ajustados são diferentes para as espécies e estagio fenológico da cultura; o gride de amostragem utilizado foi apropriado para caracterizar de forma precisa a distribuição espacial das lagartas da soja. As principais espécies de lagartas da soja em Santa Maria são Anticarsia gemmatalis, Pseudoplusia includens e Spodoptera eridania; a ocorrência das lagartas desfolhadoras da cultura da soja é maior na fase reprodutiva.

Phylogeny, character evolution and species diversity in Crambinae, Heliothelinae and Scopariinae

Léger, Théo 30 November 2020 (has links)
Mit 15.515 beschriebenen Arten sind die Zünslerfalter (Pyraloidea) eine der artenreichsten Gruppen der Lepidoptera. Die Monophylie der Gruppe wurde durch das Vorhandensein eines gepaarten Tympanalorgans in den ersten zwei abdominalen Segmenten begründet und durch molekulargenetische Analysen bestätigt. Pyraloidea sind unterteilt in Pyralidae (5.408 Arten in fünf Unterfamilien) und Crambidae (10.107 Arten in 14 Unterfamilien). Die hier vorgelegte Arbeit liefert neue Kenntnisse über die Phylogenie und Evolution morphologischer und ökologischer Merkmale der Crambinae und Scopariinae sowie zur larvalen Morphologie und Ernährungsweise, Phylogenie und Taxonomie der Heliothelinae. In stammesverwandtschaftlichen Untersuchungen der vergangenen Jahre stellte sich heraus, dass die Crambinae (2.047 Arten) und die Scopariinae (577 Arten) Schwestergruppen sind. Die Heliothelinae hingegen waren bisher nie Gegenstand phylogenetischer Untersuchungen. Morphologisch sind die Scopariinae in 24 Gattungen und die Crambinae in 176 Gattungen, verteilt auf neun Triben, klassifiziert, während die Heliothelinae zwei Triben beinhalten: Heliothelini und Hoploscopini. Unsere phylogenetischen Maximum Likelihood – und Bayes-Analysen, basierend auf einem sechs Gene umfassenden Datensatz für 110 Taxa, bestätigen die Monophylie sowohl der Crambinae als auch der Scopariinae, während die Heliothelinae nicht als Monophylum gestützt sind. Einige Gattungen der Scopariinae wurden in der Vergangenheit in zu viele Untergruppen aufgeteilt. So enthalten zum Beispiel die beiden artenreichen Gattungen Eudonia und Scoparia fünf ehemalige Gattungen, die inzwischen synonymisiert wurden. Anarpia, die als Schwester zu allen anderen Scopariinae gefunden wurde, kommt in der Mittelmeerregion vor, während alle anderen Scopariinae vorwiegend in gemäßigten Zonen und tropischen Bergwäldern verbreitet sind. Die Triben-Klassifikation der Crambinae wird im Licht unserer Ergebnisse revidiert, wobei wir zwei Triben synonymisieren, eine Tribus wieder etablieren und eine neue Tribus beschreiben. Mehrere Crambinae-Gattungen werden zum ersten Mal einer Tribus zugewiesen. In der Analyse 27 morphologischer Merkmale fanden wir neue Synapomorphien für einige Kladen. Eine der Schlüsselerkenntnisse ist, dass innerhalb der Crambinae die Entstehung nicht-klebender Eier mit einigen Modifikationen des weiblichen Oviskapts sowie mit einem Wechsel der Nahrungspflanzen hin zu Pooideae einherging. Die phylogenetische Analyse eines größeren, zehn Gene umfassenden Datensatzes mit Vertretern aller Crambidae-Unterfamilien zeigt auf, dass die Heliothelinae ein Polyphylum darstellen: Heliothelini s. str. sind Schwester zu den Scopariinae, während Hoploscopini eine völlig eigene Entwicklungslinie ist, die als eigenständige Unterfamilie angesehen werden sollte. Heliothelinae s. str. kommen in xerothermen Zonen vor, und ihre Larven fressen an Violaceae. Hoploscopinae hingegen sind in den tropischen Bergwäldern Südostasiens und Australasiens verbreitet. Feldarbeit und anschließende Laboranalysen erbringen den ersten Nachweis der Nahrungspflanzen – Farne – für die Gattung Hoploscopa und deuten auf eine große unbeschriebene Artendiversität in dieser Gattung hin. Sechsundzwanzig Hoploscopa-Arten – davon acht vom Mount Kinabalu – werden anschließend anhand morphologischer Befunde und dann Barcoding als neu beschrieben. Weitere 15 Arten werden wiederbeschrieben. Die hohe genetische Divergenz zwischen morphologisch ähnlichen Arten auf verschiedenen Inseln sowie dreißig weitere in Museumssammlungen auf ihre wissenschaftliche Beschreibung wartende Arten sind Anlass für zukünftige Untersuchungen. Die Arten der Gattung Hoploscopa erweisen sich durch ihre Diversität und ihre geographisch enge Verbreitung als eine geeignete Objekte für weitergehende phylogeographische Studien.:1. Phylogeny, tribal classification and character evolution in Crambinae and Scopariinae (Lepidoptera: Pyraloidea). 17 2. Refining the phylogeny of Crambidae with complete sampling of subfamilies (Lepidoptera, Pyraloidea). 39 3. Discovery of another fern-feeding group of moths: the larvae of Hoploscopini (Insecta: Lepidoptera: Pyraloidea) from Borneo. 59 4. Twenty-six new species of Hoploscopa (Lepidoptera, Crambidae) from SouthEast Asia revealed by morphology and DNA barcoding. 69 5. Conclusion and outlook 167 Appendix A. Phylogeny, tribal classification and character evolution in Crambinae and Scopariinae (Lepidoptera: Pyraloidea). 175 Appendix B. Refining the phylogeny of Crambidae with complete sampling of subfamilies (Lepidoptera, Pyraloidea). 229 Appendix C. Twenty-six new species of Hoploscopa (Lepidoptera, Crambidae) from South-East Asian revealed by morphology and DNA barcoding. 239 / Pyraloidea is one of the largest superfamilies of Lepidoptera comprising 15 955 described species. The monophyly of the group was suggested by the presence of a tympanal organ in the first abdominal segment; it has been confirmed later by molecular data. This group is divided into Pyralidae (5750 species in 5 subfamilies) and Crambidae (10 205 species in 14 subfamilies). The work presented here provides new insights on the phylogeny and evolution of morphological and ecological characters of the Crambinae and Scopariinae, as well as the first phylogenetic placement, host plant record, and taxonomic work on the Heliothelinae. Crambinae (2,047 species) and Scopariinae (577 species) were previously recovered as sister groups in a molecular phylogenetic analysis of three and two species respectively, while Heliothelinae (50 species) have never been investigated in a phylogenetic framework. The morphology-based classification divided Scopariinae into 24 genera and Crambinae into 9 tribes and 176 genera, while Heliothelinae comprised the two tribes Heliothelini and Hoploscopini. Analyses of a six-gene dataset including 110 taxa with Maximum Likelihood and Bayesian Inference confirm the monophyly of Crambinae as well as Scopariinae, while no support was found for the position of Heliothelinae. Phylogenetic results demonstrate that Scopariinae were oversplit at the generic level by traditional classification, with five genera found nested within, and consequently synonymized with the two species-rich genera Eudonia and Scoparia. Anarpia, recovered as the basal-most lineage of Scopariinae, occurs in the Mediterranean region, in contrast to the remaining Scopariinae found in temperate regions and wet tropical montane forests. In Crambinae, our revision of the tribal classification leads to two synonymizations, one reinstatement as well as the description of a new tribe. Furthermore, several genera are confidently assigned to a tribe for the first time and two are synonymized with Microcrambus. Ancestral character reconstructions for 27 morphological characters provide new apomorphies for several clades and reveal several modifications of the female oviscapt associated with the behavior of laying adhesive or non-adhesive eggs, the latter being associated with the use of Pooidae as host plants. Inclusion of a greater number of taxa and genes comprising all subfamilies of Crambidae supports the polyphyly of Heliothelinae. Heliothelinae s. str. are sister to Scopariinae, while Hoploscopinae are sister to (Heliothelinae+Scopariinae)+Crambinae. Heliothelinae s. str. occur in xerothermic habitats and larvae of Heliothela wulfeniana are recorded as miners in Violaceae. In contrast, Hoploscopinae occur in montane rainforests of the Oriental and Austral-Asian regions. Field observations on Mount Kinabalu and subsequent studies of the material collected provided the first host plant record for Hoploscopa and highlighted a high proportion of undescribed species in this genus. Following an iterative approach combining morphology and DNA barcoding from museum specimens, twenty-six new species of Hoploscopa – among which eight from Mount Kinabalu – are described here, and re-descriptions are provided for the 15 hitherto described species. Genetic diversity among different islands highlighted by the species delimitation analysis and the estimated thirty further undescribed species from museum collections make Hoploscopa an example of the largely unexplored pyraloid fauna in the tropics. The confined distribution and the high species diversity in Hoploscopa makes it an ideal model-group for phylogeographical investigations.:1. Phylogeny, tribal classification and character evolution in Crambinae and Scopariinae (Lepidoptera: Pyraloidea). 17 2. Refining the phylogeny of Crambidae with complete sampling of subfamilies (Lepidoptera, Pyraloidea). 39 3. Discovery of another fern-feeding group of moths: the larvae of Hoploscopini (Insecta: Lepidoptera: Pyraloidea) from Borneo. 59 4. Twenty-six new species of Hoploscopa (Lepidoptera, Crambidae) from SouthEast Asia revealed by morphology and DNA barcoding. 69 5. Conclusion and outlook 167 Appendix A. Phylogeny, tribal classification and character evolution in Crambinae and Scopariinae (Lepidoptera: Pyraloidea). 175 Appendix B. Refining the phylogeny of Crambidae with complete sampling of subfamilies (Lepidoptera, Pyraloidea). 229 Appendix C. Twenty-six new species of Hoploscopa (Lepidoptera, Crambidae) from South-East Asian revealed by morphology and DNA barcoding. 239

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