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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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The influence of market-driven strategies and access to finance on competitive growth of small and medium-sized enterprises in selected districts of Lesotho

Amadasun, Donald Edes Osakpamwan 06 1900 (has links)
Abstracts in English, Afrikaans and Zulu / Small and medium enterprises play a significant role in the economic growth of Lesotho, however, they face low survival rates and competitive growth drawbacks. Market-driven strategies and access to finance have been identified as the major constraints hindering their survival, growth and effective operation in Lesotho. The purpose of the study was to investigate the influence of market-driven strategies and access to finance on the competitive growth of small and medium-sized enterprises in selected districts of Lesotho. A quantitative descriptive-correlation survey approach was followed in the data collection and the analysis phases of the research study. The target population consisted of a probability sample of (N = 400) entrepreneurs in the four selected districts of Lesotho. The data was captured and analysed for descriptive statistics, convergent and discriminant validity, composite and internal reliability and correlation in order to inform the structural equation modelling (SEM). SEM was used to test the research model and hypotheses to answer the research questions. The correlation analysis revealed a positive significant relationship between the market-driven strategies and access to finance constructs and related to the competitive growth of SMEs. The regression results showed a positive and significant influence of market-driven strategies (technological dynamic and competitive intensity) and access to finance (collateral requirement and financial information access) on the competitive growth of SMEs. The structural equation modelling analysis further indicated that the equation model derived from the covariance estimates of all explanatory factors of market-driven strategies and access to finance on competitive growth were within the goodness-of-fit threshold. The study was specific to small and medium enterprises, and the findings suggest that to address their challenges in Lesotho (i) enterprises need to be equipped with market-driven strategic (competitive intensity and technological dynamic) resources to deliver superior value to customers; and (ii) adequate policy initiatives are needed to improve enterprises’ access to finance, and such should (a) focus on improving access to financial information through awareness programmes, (b) consider adequate information on policy initiatives, support programmes and financial schemes geared to support Basotho small and medium-sized enterprises access to finance, and (c) harmonise the collateral requirements by banks to ease Basotho SMEs access to adequate credit funds. In sum, the results suggest the joint implementation of market-driven strategies and access to finance as enabling resources to assist enterprises to achieve and stay competitive in the current dynamic business environment. / Klein en medium ondernemings (KMO’s) speel ʼn beduidende rol in die ekonomiese groei van Lesotho. Hulle ervaar egter lae oorlewingstempo’s en mededingendegroei-nadele. Markgedrewe strategieë en toegang tot finansiering is geïdentifiseer as die vernaamste beperkings in die voortbestaan, groei en doeltreffende bedryf van hierdie ondernemings in Lesotho. Die doel van die studie was om die invloed van markgedrewe strategieë en toegang tot finansiering op die mededingende groei van KMO’s in bepaalde distrikte van Lesotho, te ondersoek. ʼn Kwantitatiewe beskrywende-korrelasie-opname-benadering is in die data-insameling en -ontledingsfases van die navorsingsondersoek gevolg. Die teikenpopulasie het bestaan uit ʼn waarskynlikheidsmonster van (N = 400) entrepreneurs in die vier gekose distrikte van Lesotho. Die data is vasgelê en ontleed vir beskrywende statistiek, konvergente en diskriminantgeldigheid, saamgestelde en interne betroubaarheid en korrelasie, as deel van strukturele vergelykingsmodellering, wat gebruik is om die navorsingsmodel en hipoteses te toets ten einde die navorsingsvrae te beantwoord. Die korrelasie-ontleding het ʼn positiewe beduidende verwantskap tussen die volgende konsepte getoon: markgedrewe strategieë, toegang tot finansiering en die mededingende groei van KMO’s. Die regressieresultate het daarop gedui dat markgedrewe strategieë (tegnologies dinamiese en mededingende intensiteit) en toegang tot finansiering (kollaterale vereiste en toegang tot finansiële inligting) ʼn positiewe en beduidende invloed op die mededingende groei van KMO’s het. Die strukturele vergelykingsmodelleringontleding het verder getoon dat die vergelykingsmodel afkomstig van die kovariansie-skattings van alle verduidelikende faktore van markgedrewe strategieë en toegang tot finansiering rakende mededingende groei, binne die geskiktheidsdrumpel val. Die studie was spesifiek oor KMO’s, en die bevindinge toon dat om die struikelblokke wat in Lesotho ervaar word te bowe te kom, (i) hierdie ondernemings toegerus moet word met markgedrewe strategiese (mededingende-intensiteit en tegnologies dinamiese) hulpbronne sodat hulle voortreflike waarde aan hul klante kan bied; en (ii) voldoende beleidsinisiatiewe nodig is om die ondernemings se toegang tot finansiering te verbeter; hierdie beleidsinisiatiewe moet (a) fokus op verbetering van toegang tot finansiële inligting deur bewustheidsprogramme (b) voldoende inligting voorsien oor beleid, ondersteuningsprogramme en finansiële skemas gerig op beter toegang vir KOMO’s tot finansiering, en (c) die kollaterale vereistes deur banke harmonieer om toegang deur KMO’s tot toereikende kredietfondse te fasiliteer. Kortom stel die resultate die gesamentlike implementering van markgedrewe strategieë en toegang tot finansiering as instaatstellingshulpbronne voor om ondernemings te help om mededingendheid te bewerkstellig en te behou in die huidige dinamiese sakeomgewing. / Amabhizinisi amancane nasafufusa (SME) adlala indima esemqoka ekuhlumiseni umnotho wasezweni laseLesotho. Yize-kunjalo, lincane kakhulu inani lamabhizinisi asindayo futhi lincane kakhulu inani lalawo ahlumayo kwizimakethe zamabhizinisi ezincintisanayo. Amasu aqhutshwa yizimakethe kanye nokutholakala kwezimali kubonwe njengezihibhe ezinkulu ezivimba ukuphumelela, ukuhluma kanye nokusebenza kahle kwamabhizinisi eLesotho. Injongo yalesi sifundo socwaningo bekukuphenya umthelela wamasu aqhutshwa yizimakethe kanye nokutholakala kwezimali zokuhlunyiswa komnotho wama-SME ngendlela ekhonyayo kwizifunda zaseLesotho. Indlela yesaveyi ebizwa nge-quantitative descriptive-correlation survey iye yalandelwa ekuqoqweni kwedatha kanye nakwizigaba zokuhlaziya kwisifundo socwaningo. Inani eliphelele labantu eliqondiwe linamasampuli wethuba lokwenzeka (probability sample of (N = 400) losomabhizinisi abakwizifunda ezine ezikhethiwe zaseLesotho. Idatha iqoqiwe yahlaziywa ukwenzela amanani achazayo, i-convergent and discriminant validity, i-composite kanye ne-internal reliability and correlation ngenhloso yokuhlomisa uhlelo lwe-structural equation modelling ngolwazi, ulwazi olusetshenziswe ukuhlola imodeli yocwaningo kanye nehayipothesisi ukuze kuphenduleke imibuzo yocwaningo. Uhlaziyo lwe_correlation analysis luveze ubudlelwano obubonakalayo phakathi kwezinhlaka zamasu aqhutshwa yizimakethe, ukutholakala kwezimali kanye nokuhluma ngamandla kwezomnotho kwamabhizinisi amancane nasafufusa (SMEs). Imiphumela yohlelo lwe-regression ikhombe amasu aqhutshwa yizimakethe (technological dynamic and competitive intensity) kanye nokutholakala kwezimali (collateral requirement and financial information access) njengezinhlaka ezinomthelela omuhle nobalulekile phezu kokuhluma ngamandla komnotho wamabhizinisi asafufusayo (SMEs). Uhlelo lokuhlaziya imodeli elibizwa nge-structural equation modelling liqhubeke nokuveza uhlelo lwe- equation model olususelwe kwisilinganiso se-covariance sezinhlaka zonke ezichazayo zamasu aqhutshwa yizimakethe kanye nokutholakala kwezimali kumnotho ohluma ngamandla wamabhizinisi amancane nasafufusa ukuthi kube ngaphakathi kohlelo lwe-goodness-of-fit threshold. Ucwaningo belugxile ikakhulu kumabhizinisi aamancane nasafufusa, , kanti ulwazi olufunyenwe luphakamisa ukuthi ukuze kuqedwe izinkinga okuhlangabezanwa nazo eLesotho, (i) la mabhizinisi adinga ukuba ahlonyiswe ngamasu aqhutshwa yimithombo yezimakethe (competitive intensity and technological dynamic) ngenhloso yokuletha izinga eliphezulu lomkhiqizo kumakhasimende; kanti (ii) kudinga imizamo yemigomo eyanele ukuthuthukisa izinga lokutholakala kwezimali ngamabhizinisi; le mizamo yomgomo kufanele (a) igxile ekuthuthukiseni izinga lokutholakala kolwazi lwezimali ngokusebenzisa izinhlelo zokwexwayisa, (b) ukunikeza ulwazi olwanele olumayelana nezomgomo, nezinhlelo zokuxhasa kanye nezikhwama zezimali ezihlelelwe ukuthuthukisa ukuthuthukisa uhlelo lizinga lokutholakala kwezimali ngamabhizinisi amancane nasafufusa, kanti futhi (c) ukuhlanganisa ndawonye izimfuno ezifanayo ngamabhange ukwenzela ukulungisa uhlelo olusiza ukunikezwa kwamabhizinisi amancane nasafufusa izikweletu zemali eyanele. Sekukonke nje, imiphumela iphakamisa ukuthi kube nohlelo oluhlanganyelwe lokusetshenziswa kwamasu aqhutshwa yizimakethe kanye nokutholakala kwezimali ezinceda imithombo ukuthi incede amabhizinisi ekufinyeleleni izinhloso kanye nokugcina ummoya wokuncintisana kwisizinda samanje sezebhizinisi. / Business Management / D. Phil. (Management Studies)

Property regulation in South Africa : paving the way for regulation in Lesotho / Mpho Tsepiso Tlale

Tlale, Mpho Tsepiso January 2014 (has links)
Rapid growth of cities has become a trend in most countries, this is caused by urbanisation wherein people move from the rural areas to the urban areas in search of employment. It goes without saying that such population needs housing. However, it is unusual to find land for housing in an already crowded place. Therefore, to curb this shortage in housing, countries like South Africa have resorted to adoption of fragmented property holding in and around the cities. Thus, in an attempt to curtail housing shortages in the urban area as well as land shortage, communal property schemes were adopted together with their governing legislation namely, Sectional Titles Act 95 of 1986, Share Blocks Act 59 of 1980 and Property Time-sharing Control Act 75 of 1983 to name a few. Likewise, Maseru, the capital city of Lesotho is also experiencing rapid growth in population. Hence, with the introduction of Lesotho’s Sectional Titles Bill 2013 came a ray of hope that the land and housing shortage in Maseru would be addressed. With this in mind, this suggested that the Government of Lesotho together with all concerned stakeholders thought it necessary to address this problem through the 2013 Bill which, for the most part follows the South African Sectional Titles Act of 1986. It is for this reason that this study was embarked on to show other forms of property holding akin to sectional titles as well as their regulation, which can all be used to eliminate housing shortages in Lesotho. / LLM (Estate Law), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

Property regulation in South Africa : paving the way for regulation in Lesotho / Mpho Tsepiso Tlale

Tlale, Mpho Tsepiso January 2014 (has links)
Rapid growth of cities has become a trend in most countries, this is caused by urbanisation wherein people move from the rural areas to the urban areas in search of employment. It goes without saying that such population needs housing. However, it is unusual to find land for housing in an already crowded place. Therefore, to curb this shortage in housing, countries like South Africa have resorted to adoption of fragmented property holding in and around the cities. Thus, in an attempt to curtail housing shortages in the urban area as well as land shortage, communal property schemes were adopted together with their governing legislation namely, Sectional Titles Act 95 of 1986, Share Blocks Act 59 of 1980 and Property Time-sharing Control Act 75 of 1983 to name a few. Likewise, Maseru, the capital city of Lesotho is also experiencing rapid growth in population. Hence, with the introduction of Lesotho’s Sectional Titles Bill 2013 came a ray of hope that the land and housing shortage in Maseru would be addressed. With this in mind, this suggested that the Government of Lesotho together with all concerned stakeholders thought it necessary to address this problem through the 2013 Bill which, for the most part follows the South African Sectional Titles Act of 1986. It is for this reason that this study was embarked on to show other forms of property holding akin to sectional titles as well as their regulation, which can all be used to eliminate housing shortages in Lesotho. / LLM (Estate Law), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

Marketing information needs of smallholder livestock farmers in the Moretele area in the Bojanala Platinum District Municipality of the North West Province

Ntshephe, Lulama 27 March 2013 (has links)
The smallholder livestock farmer in South Africa is in a difficult position, not only grappling with a changing global environment, but at the local front, without access to domestic markets. This is due to very limited knowledge of buyer requirements emanating from lack of marketing information. This limits adequate access to livestock markets by smallholder farmers in South Africa and more specifically in the Moretele area of the North West Province, resulting in limited growth and less disposable income. Some of the problems facing the smallholder livestock farmer are a lack of understanding of buyer requirements regarding livestock product characteristics, industry price determination processes, alternative marketing channels and how to promote livestock. Empowerment and equitable access to markets by these farmers can only be realised when knowledge is disseminated and training and capacity building is enhanced. It is especially an understanding of what the market requires, how price determination occurs and how marketing channels and promotional tools are used in the livestock industry that is lacking. / Business Management / M. Com. (Business Management)

Marketing information needs of smallholder livestock farmers in the Moretele area in the Bojanala Platinum District Municipality of the North West Province

Ntshephe, Lulama 27 March 2013 (has links)
The smallholder livestock farmer in South Africa is in a difficult position, not only grappling with a changing global environment, but at the local front, without access to domestic markets. This is due to very limited knowledge of buyer requirements emanating from lack of marketing information. This limits adequate access to livestock markets by smallholder farmers in South Africa and more specifically in the Moretele area of the North West Province, resulting in limited growth and less disposable income. Some of the problems facing the smallholder livestock farmer are a lack of understanding of buyer requirements regarding livestock product characteristics, industry price determination processes, alternative marketing channels and how to promote livestock. Empowerment and equitable access to markets by these farmers can only be realised when knowledge is disseminated and training and capacity building is enhanced. It is especially an understanding of what the market requires, how price determination occurs and how marketing channels and promotional tools are used in the livestock industry that is lacking. / Business Management / M. Com. (Business Management)

Implementing Educational Innovations: The case of the Secondary School Curriculum Diversification Programme in Lesotho

Mgijima-Msindwana, Mirriam Miranda Nomso January 1991 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / Between 1974 and 1982 the MOE introduced in two phases the diversification programme [SSCDP] which sought to establish practical subjects in the secondary school curriculum. This study examines the sustainability of implementation efforts beyond project expiry. It was hypothesised that SSCDP is not working as originally intended. The broad research problem was framed thus: What implementation response arises from an open-ended innovation policy? Subsidiary questions are: 1. How far have the policy-makers communicated the meaning of SSCDP and what factors account for mismatches between policy intentions and innovation practice? 2. What is the response of Project schools and what factors explain variation in response? 3. What is their significance for the sustainability of SSCDP? The analysis draws key concepts from the innovation literature on models and strategies of planned change; relationships in the implementation hierarchy; determinants of and orientations to the implementation process. Centred around qualitative research methods, the investigation utilises data from project documents, semi-structured interviews and from observations during school visits. Findings show an overall low level of implementation that varies among project schools. This is attributed to: Poor interpretation of SSCDP goals; Deficiencies in the implementation management; Idiosyncratic school behaviours. The study concludes that the 'practitioner-policy-maker' discrepancy is significant, hence the gap between policy intents and innovation practice. The gap is not regarded so much as an ultimate failure of the programme but as a necessary condition that allows for mutual adaptation between the innovation and its setting. This is reflected in the varied patterns of implementation response, classified as the: faithful; negotiators; selective adaptors; expansionists; and reductionist. As a policy-oriented study aiming at providing an 'improvement value', the findings lead to a proposal of improvements in the strategies of managing change in three areas: shifting focus from an adoption to an implementation perspective. Recognising implementation as a process dependent on a mutual linkage relationship among participants. Recognising schools as important bearers of change. These three are crucial factors in the implementation-sustainability relationship.

The airborne concept in the South African military, 1960-2000 : strategy versus tactics in small wars

Alexander, Edward George McGill January 2016 (has links)
Text in English / Restricted files have not been uploaded / The thesis commences by elaborating on the concept of vertical envelopment as a form of military manoeuvre and defining airborne operations as comprising parachute, helicopter and air-landed actions. It goes on to describe strategy and tactics as they apply to the discussion before briefly tracing the development internationally of vertical envelopment and the thinking of the South African military about airborne operations during the Second World War. Events leading up to the decision by the South African military to acquire helicopters and to train paratroopers in 1960 are examined and the early operational employment of helicopters is analysed. The establishment of 1 Parachute Battalion is discussed in the light of the absence of a clear understanding of how it should be employed. Moving on to the commencement of the conflict known as the Southern African Thirty Year War, the issue of strategic versus tactical application of an airborne capability during operations in Namibia, Angola and Rhodesia is defined. Strategic application is then illustrated by specific independent airborne strikes, and the requirement for an airborne brigade to plan and conduct such operations is highlighted. The establishment of 44 Parachute Brigade and the difficulties experienced in its development are reviewed before scrutinising the tactical use of airborne forces in support of other ground forces. The high point in organisation and capability of the airborne forces of the South African Defence Force at the time of the ending of the Thirty Year War is appraised and the unfulfilled potential of the capability is elucidated. Faced with change and uncertainty, the employment of the paratroopers in urban operations during the height of the civil unrest is examined. This is followed by probing the response of the paratrooper organisation to severe budget cuts, enforced reorganisation and relocation, the ending of conscription and integration into the new South African National Defence Force following the country’s first democratic elections in 1994. The thesis concludes with an evaluation of the airborne actions during the incursion by South Africa into Lesotho in 1998 and an assessment of the implications of the loss of a strategic airborne capability. / History / D. Litt. et Phil. (History)

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