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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Walter Benjamins Konzept des Eingedenkens: Über Genese, Stellung und Bedeutung eines ungebräuchlichen Begriffs in Benjamins Schriften

Marchesoni, Stefano January 2013 (has links)
Si tratta di un'indagine approfondita circa il concetto di Eingedenken" che Walter Benjamin utilizza nei suoi scritti dal 1927 fino alla morte (nel 1940)."

Francisci Porti Cretensis Commentaria in Aeschyli Tragoedias

Tavonatti, Paolo January 2010 (has links)
La tesi contiene l'editio princeps dei Commentaria dell'umanista cretese Francesco Porto (1511-1581) alle tragedie superstiti di Eschilo, primo commentario della tradizione occidentale all'intero corpus dell'Eleusino. L'edizione critica è preceduta da un'introduzione storico-biografica, in cui si indagano i contesti culturali in cui ha operato l'autore e che hanno influito sulla sua attività intellettuale. Segue un capitolo più generale sull'esegesi eschilea di Porto e sulla contestualizzazione dei Commentaria nel genere del commentario umanistico. L'edizione è accompagnata da un commento dei Commentaria, analizzati da un punto di vista non solo strettamente filologico, ma anche storico, retorico e stilistico.

L'intertextualité comme procédé dramaturgique dans Hécube et Les Troyennes d'Euripide

Wach, Aurelie January 2012 (has links)
This study investigates the question of how intertextuality is used as a dramaturgical device in Euripides’ Hecuba and Troades. The intertexts considered here are the Homeric epics and Aeschylus’ Agamemnon. After a presentation of the problems raised by the use of the notion of “intertextuality” in the field of ancient Greek literature, and more specifically Greek theatre, the two dramas are each studied in depth. Chapters I to IV are concerned with the stasima of these plays and raise the question of the specific manner in which intertextuality is inscribed in the lyrical language of the chorus. The stasima are considered from a global perspective in order to highlight their function as a guiding thread running through each drama. The following chapters deal with extended portions of Hecuba and Troades. The use of intertextuality in the representation of the sacrifice of Polyxena is studied in Chapter V, whereas Chapter VI deals with the double intertextual allusion (both to the Odyssey and to the Agamemnon) engaged in by Euripides in his representation of Hecuba’s revenge (in Hecuba). Chapters VII and VIII are about the Troades, focusing firstly on the Cassandra scene, which is compared with the Cassandra scene in Aeschylus’ Agamemnon, reworked here by Euripides. Secondly there is the scene involving Helen, where Euripides builds up the tensions of the agôn by basing it on a precise passage of Iliad III – which, in the light of the positions taken by the two characters, he purposely renders even more problematic than it is in Homer. The conclusion presents the results of this inquiry into the functioning and possible purposes of intertextuality in Greek tragedy.

Tra parola e silenzio: Sprachreflexion in Christa Wolf e Kurt Drawert

Rota, Andrea January 2009 (has links)
La tesi intende soffermarsi sulla correlazione tra la scomparsa della RDT e la riflessione sulla lingua che importanti autori dell’Est tedesco tematizzano durante e dopo la Wende. Sebbene l’autunno 1989 sia stato spesso inscritto nei contorni di un’irripetibile Sprachrevolte [rivolta della lingua], nel “nuovo” contesto unitario scrittori orientali di diverse generazioni registrano ripetutamente l’inadeguatezza e l’impossibilità delle proprie parole a rapportarsi con la realtà orientale post-socialista. Riflettendo sul proprio vissuto, sulle proprie opere e sul linguaggio che articola l’esperienza esistenziale e sociale quotidiana, gli intellettuali formatisi nella RDT cercano di orientarsi tra i frammenti di una realtà divenuta improvvisamente estranea - quando non apertamente ostile. La difficile transizione da uno ieri familiare - per quanto controverso - a un domani riunificato e ancora sconosciuto costituisce lo sfondo sul quale importanti autori orientali testualizzano, sotto forma di Sprachreflexion [riflessione sulla lingua], le incertezze e gli interrogativi sul proprio ruolo sociale e culturale all’interno della Germania unita. Di fronte alla controversa dissoluzione della RDT e al conseguente, radicale dissesto del suo mondo culturale, negli anni Novanta gli scrittori dell’Est tracciano i difficili bilanci letterari delle proprie esperienze di vita. Si tratta di resoconti esistenziali tutt’altro che semplici, dai quali emergono le pesanti ripercussioni che la Wende e la riunificazione nazionale hanno avuto, nel giro di brevissimo tempo, sul ruolo sociale e culturale della dissidenza politico-letteraria. Come già avvenuto in altri momenti cruciali della storia tedesca contemporanea, la Selbstreflexion letteraria stimolata dalla riunificazione tocca in primis lo strumento per eccellenza dell’agire intellettuale, artistico e sociale: la lingua. La crisi che nel blocco orientale segna la fine del cosiddetto “secolo breve” si rivela infatti prolifico motore di una poliedrica riflessione metalinguistica e metaletteraria, al cui interno le parole (tanto quelle apparentemente semplici della quotidianità, quanto quelle “elaborate” dell’ars scribendi) assurgono a precipuo oggetto di discorso. Le riflessioni sulla lingua e sul suo prodotto più elevato, la letteratura, si inseriscono dunque all’interno dell’approfondita disamina letteraria ed esistenziale di chi, soffermandosi sui codici della propria storia, indaga se stesso e al contempo il mondo circostante. Inscindibile dallo Zeitgeist ad essa contingente, la Sprachreflexion degli autori tedesco-orientali collima inevitabilmente con la Geschichts- e la Gesellschaftsreflexion, con la riflessione sulla storia, sulle sue cesure e sulla società che le ha prodotte. Schwerpunkt der Dissertation ist die Korrelation zwischen dem Zusammenbruch der DDR und der erzählerischen Sprachreflexion, die das Werk einiger in der DDR aufgewachsener u. dort schon tätiger Autoren nach der Wende thematisieren. Ab 1990 wird die literarische Beziehung zwischen Wörtern, Begriffen und Alltagswahrnehmungen problematischer als sonst: Bei manchen Ost-Schriftstellern verschiedener Generationen scheint die Sprache des wiedervereinigten Deutschlands, keine Adhärenz mehr in Bezug auf ihre Lebenserfahrungen und -auffassungen zu besitzen. Am Beispiel von Christa Wolfs u. Kurt Drawerts Sprachreflexion wird die Problematisierung des Wort- und Erzählvermögens als eine Phase vom literarischen Aufarbeitungsprozess der DDR-Auflösung interpretiert.

L'eroe satirico di Luciano tra Aristofane e Platone

Deriu, Morena January 2013 (has links)
Tra le caratteristiche costitutive della produzione di Luciano di Samosata, la mixis è una dimensione fondamentale, attiva a vari livelli. Fra questi rientra anche la caratterizzazione dei protagonisti dei dialoghi e, in particolar modo, dei personaggi satirici, portavoce del messaggio autoriale e, per ciò stesso, in parte ma non totalmente identificabili con Luciano. L'analisi di queste figure mostra come gli archetipi comico, platonico e menippeo (identificati come tali dall'autore in Bis acc. 33) intervengano nella creazione del personaggio satirico, non senza una certa continuità. Allo stesso tempo, questa non si piega, però, a facili categorizzazioni, in linea con l'intera produzione lucianea.

Commento testuale ai frammenti di Epicarmo

Tosetti, Sara January 2018 (has links)
Questo lavoro di tesi contribuisce allo studio della commedia dorica di V secolo a.C. attraverso l’analisi dei testi del suo maggior esponente, Epicarmo di Siracusa. Vengono presi in esame i frammenti autentici che è possibile attribuire con certezza ad un determinato dramma e, per ciascun brano, si provvede ad un commento dettagliato delle peculiarità linguistiche, drammaturgiche e contenutistiche. Il proposito della ricerca è stato capire come Epicarmo si collocasse nel panorama culturale siciliano in cui visse, indagare l’uso della variazione linguistica e ricercare le peculiarità dei suoi drammi. Per trovare risposta a questi interrogativi, è stato necessario adottare un approccio di tipo interdisciplinare, poiché non è possibile racchiudere tali tematiche nella sola letteratura greca di V secolo. Un contributo fondamentale proviene dagli studi di storia della lingua greca e dalla dialettologia, che hanno permesso di definire le peculiarità linguistiche del dorico in uso a Siracusa e di evidenziare eventuali discrepanze presenti nei testi del commediografo. Nel commento ai brani, infatti, è costante il confronto tra la forma linguistica adottata da Epicarmo e quella corrispondente nello ionico-attico. Importante si rivela anche il contributo della sociolinguistica, una teoria che dà importanza al condizionamento esercitato dai parlanti su una lingua. Lo studio dei testi epicarmei indaga anche se esistano elementi linguistici tali da caratterizzare un determinato personaggio in base al suo status sociale, alla sua provenienza e al suo genere sessuale. I risultati ottenuti dallo studio linguistico e testuale sono notevoli. Innanzitutto, Epicarmo porta in scena argomenti mitologici, storici e scene riprese dalla vita quotidiana, mescolandovi parodia e travestimento. Due personaggi in particolare, Eracle ed Odisseo, compaiono frequentemente nelle opere del commediografo e diventano protagonisti delle azioni più diverse. Rilevante è anche la quantità e la lunghezza dei cataloghi che caratterizzano i frammenti epicarmei e che rispondono a determinati scopi comici. La forma ad elenco, ripresa probabilmente dalla letteratura epica, sembra essere stata particolarmente cara ad Epicarmo, che la impiega in molti testi. Inoltre, è probabile che, almeno in alcuni drammi, fosse previsto un coro comico, anche se non è chiaro quanti individui lo componessero e quale fosse la sua funzione. Dal punto di vista linguistico, i testi del commediografo sono composti nel dialetto dorico di Siracusa, anche se compaiono talvolta alcune espressioni peculiari di altri dialetti. In qualche occasione, inoltre, i frammenti sembrano testimoniare la variazione sincronica in atto nella lingua parlata. In conclusione, la produzione comica di Epicarmo mostra un forte carattere regionale, evidente sia dalla scelta di scrivere in dorico sia dai numerosi riferimenti a prodotti tradizionali e ad argomenti locali. Tuttavia, la lingua e i contenuti del poeta risentono in larga misura anche dell’ambiente culturale e politico della Sicilia di V secolo a.C. e attestano relazioni tra il commediografo siracusano e gli intellettuali contemporanei, fra i quali spicca Eschilo.

Thomas Stanley, editore di Eschilo

Tedeschi, Chiara January 2011 (has links)
A survey on Thomas Stanley's Aeschylus edition, his sources and his philological work.

Docmi κατά σχέσιν in Eschilo

Andreatta, Luisa January 2010 (has links)
The first part of this survey analyzes theories: the ancient doctrine and modern interpretations about dochmiac; the evidence on poems in responsion, the treatment by scholars, from 19th century on, of free responsions and other recent interpretations of this apparent licence; the problem of hiatus and brevis longo in dochmiacs. In the second part I analyzed strophic dochmiacs in the Persians, the Seven against Thebes, the Supplicants, Agamemnon, Coephores, Eumenides, Prometheus and the astrophic dochmiac of Pr. 425 ff. and Cho. 961-964. Finally I made up two Appendixes (index of responsions and index of the keywords). As far as colometry is concerned, I checked on microfilms or by means of digitally photographic reproductions the main manuscripts of the Oresteia: the Mediceus, the so-called prototriclinians and Demetrius Tricliniusâ s autograph (T), which is the ultimate achievement of the recensio made by this scholar on the text of Aeschylus. The Suppliants and the Coephores are trasmitted by a codex unicus. The Byzantine triad is handed down by more than one hundred of manuscripts: I saw the most important (MTGFVIRaQLK) for the Seven; I checked the Persians on MTGF, whereas for Prometheus I controlled the colometry of the Mediceus, but I extended my collation as to include other manuscripts in some cases, since dochmiacs are generally organized in compact structures (â systemsâ ), so that we can quite confidently rely on vulgate colometry, which often goes back to G. Hermann.

Ovidio in Germania. Le metamorfosi di Narciso e Penteo nella riscrittura protomoderna di Jörg Wickram

Roffi, Cristiana 20 July 2023 (has links)
This dissertation investigates the rescript of Narcissus and Pentheus episodes in Ovid’s "Metamorphoses" as published in 1545 by German author Jörg Wickram (met. III, 339-510 / W. III, 840-1239; met. III, 511-733 / W. III, 1240-1416). The text is a remake of Albrecht von Halberstadt’s corrupted work dating back to the late 12th and early 13th centuries, of which only five fragments survived. While there is an established interest among Classics scholars in Ovid’s reception in the U.K., France, and Italy, there is a paucity of research in Germany. Indeed, there are currently no translations, even in contemporary German, of Wickram’s poem, which has thus been largely ignored. Motivated by this gap in the literature, I translate and analyze Wickram’s transcript to discredit the alleged decline of classical humanism in 16th-century Germany and to examine the role of antiquity in the genesis of modern cultural identities. Additionally, I examine the commentary on Wickram’s "Metamorphoses" written by Gerhard Lorichius, a 16th-century priest of the city of Hadamar (Hessen), which provides meaningful insights into the first German example of moralization of the "Metamorphoses". Lorichius’s commentary, published in Roloff’s modern edition (1990), which includes the 1545 editio princeps of the text (A) and the 1551 edition (B) in apparatus, explains the Latin fabulae from a Christian perspective. The commentator illustrates pagan mythology, omitting and defusing Ovid’s representation of ‘indecencies.’ In the conclusive chapter, I highlight how this work contributes to the literature on the Ovidian reception during the Reformation in Germany and, more broadly, across Europe.

La costruzione dell’altro. Corrispondenti fra Italia e Germania dal Deutsches Reich alla Prima guerra mondiale (1871-1915)

Lombardi, Pia Carmela 01 July 2024 (has links)
The research project analyses the articles and ego-documents published by Italian correspondents in Germany and German journalists in Italy between 1871 and 1915 in order to investigate the transformation of the image of the Other through stereotypes and clichés in a period that was central to bilateral relations. The aim of the study is therefore to reconstruct the way in which Italian and German correspondents describe the Other. The category of news correspondents was chosen for a specific reason: these journalists contributed with their articles not only to the expansion of the public sphere in their respective countries, but also to the development of certain images of the Other in Italy and Germany. The research focuses on two main aspects. Firstly, the representation of the Other developed significantly between 1871 and 1915 and the stereotypes used by journalists are by no means fixed but have changed over time. Secondly, the long period studied makes it possible to describe the different phases of certain standardised images and their spread in public opinion. The research focuses on the following sources: newspaper articles and ego-documents, i.e. diaries and memoirs of correspondents (where available). The articles analysed come from some of the best-known newspapers of the period examined: for Italy, Gazzetta Piemontese (later La Stampa), Corriere della Sera and Il Secolo; for Germany, Allgemeine Zeitung, Kölnische Zeitung and Berliner Tageblatt. The selected correspondence covers the following period: the 1870s after the foundation of the Empire; the 1890s to observe how the news correspondents portrayed the other country at a time when the two nations were very close; finally, the period before the First World War with Italy’s supposed “betrayal” of Germany and Austria-Hungary. The research project begins with Ferdinando Fontana (Gazzetta Piemontese), in Berlin between 1878 and 1880, and his memoirs; the study continues with the articles by Umberto Coccoluto Ferrigni/Yorickson (Corriere della Sera, 1893-1903) and Mario Mariani (Il Secolo, 1907-1915) in order to cover the entire period studied. The research shows a development in the representation of the Other by the Italian correspondents that is not only due to the central events in German-Italian relations, but also to the political tendencies of the newspapers. The latter is observed mainly between the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the First World War. While a certain mistrust of Germany’s great military commitment can be observed in the articles and ego-documents following the foundation of the Empire, the last years of the century are characterised by a greater openness of Italy towards Germany. The Germans are often portrayed as a model to be emulated or mocked sympathetically through new stereotypes and consolidated standardised images. The role of Italian correspondents in Germany between 1914 and 1915 is also interesting: they were not war correspondents but journalists who remained in Germany (for as long as possible) not only to follow German military developments, but also to observe the changing mood towards Italy. Mario Mariani not only wrote articles for Il Secolo, but also memoirs and diaries, which today are important sources for understanding the development of the image of the Other from Italy’s declaration of neutrality to the “betrayal” of 1915. The selected correspondence can be categorised into different types in Italy and Germany. The articles by Italian journalists deal with German politics in only a few cases: in Ferdinando Fontana’s 118 articles, almost half report on current political events, while the rest describe the correspondent’s life in Germany and the relationships he tries to build with the local population. In Yorickson, this particular tendency to deal with various aspects of everyday life in Germany can be found in all 173 articles selected for research: instead of Reichstag sessions, the journalist prefers theatre performances, walks through the capital and observations of the behaviour of Germans on various occasions, especially in their relations with Italians. In addition to the articles, there are also ego-documents, as in the case of Mario Mariani. Although it is difficult to analyse the correspondence of the journalist from Il Secolo due to the lack of source, the memoirs are an important document because they reflect the author’s opinion. Moreover, most first-person documents from the war period are intended for publication, as in this case. Mariani’s memoirs therefore fulfil the same task as the correspondence studied: they are intended to influence public opinion by spreading a certain image of the Other, in this case the enemy. The German sources were selected from the following newspapers: Allgemeine Zeitung with 70 articles, Kölnische Zeitung with 100 articles and Berliner Tageblatt with 50 articles. Before the unification of Italy, the German correspondents mainly wrote about artistic and cultural topics, while it was only from the 1870s that more attention was paid to the Italian political, economic, and social context. One particularity is the gender of the first correspondent examined: it is possible that it was a woman who used the female gender symbol instead of the signature with her first name and surname. The use of signs and symbols can also be observed in other German newspapers. The KZ-journalist, for example, uses the cloverleaf symbol and his articles alternate strongly clichéd representations of Italy with analyses of political, economic, and social events in the Kingdom. However, there are cases in which the journalist not only uses a particular symbol for articles, but also signs his own first and last name. This is the case of Hans Barth (Berliner Tageblatt), in Rom from the years before World War I until 1915. Barth’s articles are particularly interesting because they show the perspective of a German journalist who continued to write articles from Italy after the proclamation of neutrality, despite living in an atmosphere full of unrest and contrasts. The research project aims to show how different representations of the Other influenced public opinion. It also shows attempts to “update” the already established view of the Other according to different political events. Finally, this study aims to be a first step towards a deeper investigation of the role that Italian and German correspondents played in the representation of the Other and the attempts of journalists and newspapers to influence public opinion through certain stereotypical images. / Das Forschungsprojekt analysiert die zwischen 1871 und 1915 veröffentlichten Artikel und Ego-Dokumenten der italienischen Korrespondenten in Deutschland und der deutschen Journalisten in Italien, um den Wandel des Bildes des Anderen durch Stereotypen und Klischees in einem für die bilateralen Beziehungen zentralen Zeitraum zu untersuchen. Ziel der Studie ist es daher, die Art und Weise, in der italienische und deutsche Korrespondenten den Anderen beschreiben, zu rekonstruieren. Die Kategorie der Auslandskorrespondenten wurde aus einem bestimmten Grund ausgewählt: Diese Journalisten trugen mit ihren Artikeln nicht nur zur Erweiterung der Öffentlichkeit in ihren jeweiligen Ländern bei, sondern auch zur Entwicklung bestimmter Bilder des Anderen in Italien und Deutschland. Die Forschung dreht sich um zwei Hauptthemen. Erstens hat sich die Vorstellung des Anderen zwischen 1871 und 1915 deutlich weiterentwickelt und die von den Journalisten verwendeten Stereotypen sind keineswegs fixiert, sondern veränderten sich im Laufe der Zeit. Zweitens ermöglicht es der lange untersuchte Zeitraum die verschiedenen genetischen Stadien bestimmter standardisierter Bilder und ihr relatives Überleben in der öffentlichen Meinung zu beschreiben. Die Forschung konzentriert sich auf folgende Quellen: Zeitungsartikel und Ego-Dokumente, d. h. Tagebücher und Memoiren von Korrespondenten (soweit vorhanden). Die analysierten Artikel kommen aus einigen der bekanntesten Zeitungen des untersuchten Zeitraums: Für Italien Gazzetta Piemontese (später La Stampa), Corriere della Sera und Il Secolo; für Deutschland die Allgemeine Zeitung, die Kölnische Zeitung und das Berliner Tageblatt. Die ausgewählten Korrespondenzen umfassen den folgenden Zeitraum: Die 1870er Jahre nach der Gründung des Kaiserreichs; die 1890er Jahre, um zu beobachten, wie die Korrespondenten das andere Land in einer Zeit, in der sich die beiden Länder sehr nahestanden, darstellten; schließlich die Zeit vor dem Ersten Weltkrieg mit dem angeblichen „Verrat“ Italiens an Deutschland und Österreich-Ungarn. Die Auswahl der von italienischen Journalisten verfassten Artikel beginnt mit Ferdinando Fontana, Korrespondent für Gazzetta Piemontese zwischen 1878 und 1880 in Berlin, und seinen Memoiren; anschließend werden die Artikel von Umberto Coccoluto Ferrigni/Yorickson (Corriere della Sera, 1893-1903) und von Mario Mariani (Il Secolo, 1907-1915) berücksichtigt, um so den gesamten untersuchten Zeitraum zu erfassen. Die Studie zeigt eine Entwicklung in der Vorstellung des Anderen durch die italienischen Korrespondenten, die nicht nur auf die zentralen Ereignisse in den deutsch-italienischen Beziehungen, sondern auch auf die politischen Tendenzen der Zeitungen zurückzuführen ist. Das letztgenannte Phänomen lässt sich zwischen dem Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts und dem Beginn des Ersten Weltkriegs beobachten. Ist in den Artikeln und den Ego-Dokumenten nach der Kaiserreichsgründung ein gewisses Misstrauen gegenüber dem großen militärischen Engagement Deutschlands festzustellen, so sind die letzten Jahre des Jahrhunderts durch eine größere Offenheit Italiens gegenüber dem Kaiserreich gekennzeichnet. Die Deutschen werden oft als nachahmenswertes Vorbild dargestellt oder durch neue Stereotypen und konsolidierte standardisierte Bilder sympathisch verspottet. Interessant ist auch die Rolle der italienischen Korrespondenten in Deutschland zwischen 1914 und 1915: Sie waren keine Kriegsberichterstatter, sondern Journalisten, die sich (so lange wie möglich) in Deutschland aufhielten, nicht nur um die deutschen militärischen Entwicklungen zu verfolgen, sondern auch um den Wandel der Stimmung gegenüber Italien zu beobachten. Mario Mariani schrieb nicht nur Artikel für Il Secolo, sondern auch Memoiren und Tagebücher, die heute wichtige Quellen sind, um die Entwicklung des Bildes des Anderen von der Neutralitätserklärung Italiens bis zum „Verrat“ von 1915 zu verstehen. Die ausgewählten Korrespondenzen sind unterschiedlichen Genres in Italien und Deutschland zuzuordnen. Die Artikel italienischer Journalisten befassen sich nur in wenigen Fällen mit der deutschen Politik. Von den 118 Artikeln Fontanas betrifft fast die Hälfte das politische Zeitgeschehen. Der andere Teil beschreibt das Leben des Korrespondenten in Deutschland und die Beziehungen, die er zur Bevölkerung aufzubauen versucht. Bei Yorickson findet sich diese besondere Tendenz, sich mit verschiedenen Aspekten des Alltagslebens in Deutschland zu befassen, in allen 173 für die Forschung ausgewählten Artikeln: Anstelle der Reichstagssitzungen bevorzugt der Journalist Theateraufführungen, Spaziergänge durch die Hauptstadt und Beobachtungen des Verhaltens der Deutschen bei verschiedenen Anlässen, besonders in ihren Beziehungen zu Italienern. Außer den Artikeln gibt es auch Ego-Dokumente, wie im Fall von Mario Mariani. Trotz der Schwierigkeit einer Analyse der Korrespondenzen des Journalisten von Il Secolo aufgrund des Fehlens von Quellen, stellen die Memoiren ein wichtiges Dokument dar, weil sie die Meinung des Autors widerspiegeln. Außerdem sind die meisten Ego-Dokumente aus der Kriegszeit für die Veröffentlichung bestimmt. Marianis Memoiren erfüllen daher dieselbe Aufgabe wie die untersuchten Korrespondenzen: Sie sollen die öffentliche Meinung beeinflussen, indem sie ein bestimmtes Bild des Anderen, in diesem Fall des Feindes, verbreiten. Die deutschen Quellen wurden aus der Allgemeinen Zeitung mit 70 Artikeln, der Kölnischen Zeitung mit 100 Artikeln und dem Berliner Tageblatt mit 50 Artikeln ausgewählt. Vor der Einigung Italiens schrieben die deutschen Korrespondenten hauptsächlich über künstlerische und kulturelle Themen, während erst ab den 1870er Jahren dem politischen, wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Kontext Italiens mehr Aufmerksamkeit geschenkt wurde. Eine Besonderheit ist das Geschlecht des Korrespondenten der Allgemeinen Zeitung: Es ist möglich, dass es sich um eine Frau handelte, die anstelle der Unterschrift mit ihrem Vor- und Nachnamen das weibliche Geschlechtssymbol benutzte. Die Verwendung von Zeichen und Symbolen ist auch in anderen deutschen Zeitungen wie der Kölnischen Zeitung und dem Berliner Tageblatt zu beobachten. Der KZ-Journalist verwendet beispielsweise das Kleeblatt-Symbol und in seinen Artikeln wechseln sich stark klischeehafte Vorstellungen Italiens mit Analysen der politischen, wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Ereignisse im Königreich ab. Es gibt jedoch Fälle, in denen der Journalist nicht nur ein bestimmtes Symbol für Artikel verwendet, sondern auch seinen eigenen Vor- und Nachnamen unterschreibt. Dies ist der Fall von Hans Barth, Korrespondent des Berliner Tageblatts von den Jahren vor dem Ersten Weltkrieg bis 1915. Barths Artikel sind besonders interessant, weil sie die Perspektive eines deutschen Journalisten zeigen, der nach der Proklamation der Neutralität weiterhin Artikel aus Italien schrieb, obwohl er in einer Atmosphäre voller Unruhen und Kontraste lebte. Das Forschungsprojekt soll hervorheben, wie unterschiedliche Vorstellungen des Anderen die öffentliche Meinung beeinflussten. Es zeigt auch Versuche auf, die bereits etablierte Sichtweise des Anderen entsprechend den verschiedenen politischen Ereignissen zu „aktualisieren“. Schließlich ist diese Studie ein erster Schritt zu einer tieferen Untersuchung der Rolle, die italienische und deutsche Korrespondenten bei der Vorstellung des Anderen spielten, und der Versuche von Journalisten und Zeitungen, die öffentliche Meinung durch bestimmte stereotype Bilder zu beeinflussen.

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