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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Compatibilização de dados, em diferentes referenciais, para atualização cartográfica: estudo de caso na SABESP. / Data transformation for cartographic updating: study of case in SABESP.

Oliveira, Marcos Almir de 27 November 2006 (has links)
Um dos propósitos deste trabalho foi apresentar a metodologia envolvida na estimação de parâmetros de transformação entre dois Sistemas Geodésicos, em função da implantação do Sistema de Informações Geográficas no Saneamento (SIGNOS) pela SABESP. Este estudo foi desenvolvido no Município de São Paulo, onde foram calculados parâmetros de transformação entre os Sistemas SAD-69 (South American Datum 1969) e Córrego Alegre. Os parâmetros obtidos neste estudo foram comparados com os parâmetros disponíveis atualmente. Outro estudo, deste trabalho, é a proposta para compatibilização do sistema altimétrico da SABESP. O sistema atual é formado por diversas redes altimétricas (IBGE, SABESP, EMPLASA e IGG) que são divergentes entre si. O objetivo final é verificar as diferenças regionais e estabelecer a unificação do sistema altimétrico da SABESP na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo (RMSP). / One of the purposes of this work was introduce the methodology involved in the estimate of the transformation parameters between two Geodetic Systems, in function of the implantation of the Geographical Information System by SABESP. This work has been developed in São Paulo City, where transformation parameters were calculated between systems SAD-69 (South American Datum 1969) and Córrego Alegre. The estimated parameters at this work had been compared with the available parameters nowadays. Another study, of this work, is the proposal for compatibility of the altimetric system of SABESP. The current system is formed by diverse altimetric nets (IBGE, SABESP, EMPLASA and IGG) that are divergent between themselves. The final objective is to verify the regional differences and to establish the unification of the altimetric system in São Paulo Metropolitan Region (RMSP).

Is the 0.018-inch or the 0.022-inch bracket slot system more effective for the levelling and alignment stage of orthodontic treatment?

El-Angbawi, Ahmed M. F. January 2013 (has links)
Aim: To compare the 0.018-inch and 0.022-inch conventional pre-adjusted orthodontic bracket slot systems in terms of the effectiveness of levelling and alignment stage of orthodontic treatment. Design: Prospective, multi-centre randomised clinical trial. Setting: This was undertaken in the secondary care hospital environment in Tayside NHS in the United Kingdom. Subjects and methods: One hundred and five orthodontic patients were randomly allocated to treatment with either the 0.018-inch bracket slot (n= 52) and 0.022-inch bracket slot (n=53) Victory conventional pre-adjusted bracket systems (3M Unitek). The patients were treated in three centres in secondary care hospitals Tayside NHS, United Kingdom. The levelling and alignment stage of treatment was assessed from the start of treatment until the ligation of the working archwire for each bracket slot system (0.016x0.022 stainless steel for the 0.018-inch group and 0.019x0.025 stainless steel for the 0.022-inch group). Periapical radiographs were taken before the start of treatment and after 9 months in treatment for the maxillary central incisors to assess orthodontically-induced inflammatory root resorption (OIIRR). The “Smiles better” questionnaire was completed by the participants at 6 months from the start of treatment. Primary outcome measures: The duration of the levelling and alignment stage of orthodontic treatment in the maxillary and mandibular arches. Secondary outcome measures: The number of scheduled appointments for the levelling and alignment stage of orthodontic treatment in the maxillary and mandibular arches, OIIRR at 9 months from the start of treatment using periapical radiographs and patient perception of wearing orthodontic appliances. Results: The data from 92 patients (mean age 19.55 years) were analysed after the completion of their levelling and alignment stage of orthodontic treatment. An ANOVA test showed no statistically significant difference in the duration or number of scheduled appointments for the levelling and alignment stage in the maxillary and mandibular arches between the two appliance groups. Non-parametric statistical test showed no statistically significant difference in the severity of OIIRR and patient perception of wearing orthodontic appliances between the two study groups except for the soreness of teeth, where more patients in the 0.022-inch group experienced significant teeth soreness than the 0.018-inch group. Multiple regression analysis determined that 49.6% of the variance in the duration of levelling and alignment duration for the maxillary arch can be explained by five factors: alignment of ectopic tooth, scheduled appointment intervals, gender, bracket slot size system and the number of failed scheduled visits. For the mandibular arch, 50.8% of the variance in the levelling and duration of alignment can be explained by three factors: scheduled appointment intervals, arch irregularity and the number of debonded brackets. Conclusions: There is no difference in the effectiveness of the levelling and alignment stage of orthodontic treatment between the 0.018-inch or 0.022-inch conventional bracket slot systems except for the soreness of teeth.

Modelo de relacionamento entre causas e estratégias associadas à variação na utilização da capacidade de recursos produtivos em ambientes de empresas enxutas / A relationship model between causes and strategies associated to production capacity variation on lean enterprise environment

Araujo, Cesar Augusto Campos de 05 July 2010 (has links)
Podemos perceber muitos avanços e progressos na sistemática de gestão e controle de sistemas produtivos. Estes avanços têm sido reportados tanto por especialistas acadêmicos quanto por gestores e formadores de opinião. Técnicas inovadoras de administração e gestão em diversas áreas e processos de negócio (tais como desenvolvimento de produtos, logística integrada e cadeias de suprimentos, gestão da qualidade, estratégias de vendas diferenciadas, etc.) têm impulsionado melhores resultados de forma cada vez mais dinâmica. Fazem parte deste contexto, em especial, os conceitos da Produção Enxuta, que não se limitam aos aspectos técnicos e podem permear os diversos níveis e áreas de uma organização. No entanto, podem ser relatados diversos problemas (e, portanto, oportunidades) relacionados à falta de um tratamento sistêmico para lidar com a variação (ou desnivelamento) na utilização da capacidade produtiva, dentre os quais podemos destacar: vendas desbalanceadas em relação à capacidade do sistema produtivo (em termos de volume e/ou variedade), desnivelamento de vendas ao longo de determinados períodos (ao longo do mês, por exemplo), sistemas de premiação e desempenho que desencorajam a adoção de comportamentos nivelados, etc. Este trabalho explora referências bibliográficas acerca das principais fontes causadoras deste tipo de comportamento desnivelado e, em seguida, será apresentado um modelo simplificado para representação das entidades envolvidas e seus relacionamentos associados à geração de variabilidade. As principais causas e problemas serão relacionados neste modelo e, por fim, são apresentadas as principais soluções, ferramentas e dicas identificadas na literatura e em aplicações práticas na busca pela eliminação destes problemas. / Several advances and progress may be noticed regarding management and control issues of productive systems. These advances have been reported both by managers and by academic experts and opinion formers. Innovative techniques of administration and management in various areas and business processes (such as product development, integrated logistics and supply chain, quality management, sales strategies, differentiated, etc.) have driven to increasingly better results. Included in this context, are the Lean Production Principles, which are not limited to technical aspects and can permeate several areas and business processes of an organization with significant gains. However, they may be reported several problems (and opportunities) related to the lack of a systemic treatment to deal with the variability (or unevenness) of the demand for productive resources, among which we highlight: sales unbalanced in relation to the capacity of the production system (in terms of volume and/or variety of products mix), great variation of total sales among certain periods (during the month, for example), performance and reward systems that discourage the adoption of leveled behaviors. This paper explores bibliographical references on the variation of demand for productive resources and then will be presented a simplified model for representing the involved entities and their relationships associated with the generation of demand variation. The main causes and problems related to the creation of variability of demand will be related to this model. Finally, we present some solutions, tips and tools identified in the literature and practical applications in the quest to eliminate these problems.

A Branch And Bound Algorithm For Resource Leveling Problem

Mutlu, Mustafa Cagdas 01 August 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Resource Leveling Problem (RLP) aims to minimize undesired fluctuations in resource distribution curves which cause several practical problems. Many studies conclude that commercial project management software packages can not effectively deal with RLP. In this study a branch and bound algorithm is presented for solving RLP for single and multi resource, small size networks. The algorithm adopts a depth-first strategy and stores start times of non-critical activities in the nodes of the search tree. Optimal resource distributions for 4 different types of resource leveling metrics can be obtained via the developed procedure. To prune more of the search tree and thereby reduce the computation time, several lower bound calculation methods are employed. Experiment results from 20 problems showed that the suggested algorithm can successfully locate optimal solutions for networks with up to 20 activities. The algorithm presented in this study contributes to the literature in two points. First, the new lower bound improvement method (maximum allowable daily resources method) introduced in this study reduces computation time required for achieving the optimal solution for the RLP. Second, optimal solutions of several small sized problems have been obtained by the algorithm for some traditional and recently suggested leveling metrics. Among these metrics, Resource Idle Day (RID) has been utilized in an exact method for the first time. All these solutions may form a basis for performance evaluation of heuristic and metaheuristic procedures for the RLP. Limitations of the developed branch and bound procedure are discussed and possible further improvements are suggested.

The differences between SSD and HDD technology regarding forensic investigations

Geier, Florian January 2015 (has links)
In the past years solid state disks have developed drastically and are now gaining increased popularity compared to conventional hard drives. While hard disk drives work predictable, transparent SSD routines work in the background without the user’s knowledge. This work describes the changes to the everyday life for forensic specialists; a forensic investigation includes data recovery and the gathering of a digital image of each acquired memory that provides proof of integrity through a checksum. Due to the internal routines, which cannot be stopped, checksums are falsified. Therefore the images cannot prove integrity of evidence anymore. The report proves the inconsistence of checksums of SSD and shows the differences in data recovery through high recovery rates on hard disk drives while SSD drives scored no recovery or very poor rates.

Žemės plutos judesių įvertinimo sudarant geodezinius tinklus tyrimas / Research of the earth crust movement evaluation creating geodetic networks

Kirklytė, Giedrė 05 June 2012 (has links)
Dabartiniai geodinaminiai procesai žemės paviršiuje pasireiškia vertikaliaisiais ir horiznotaliaisiais žemės plutos judesiais. Dėl vykstančių žemės plutos judesių keičiasi geodezinių ženklų padėtis, o dėl šios priežasties matavimų rezultatai bėgant laikui netenka reikalaujamo tikslumo. Darbo tikslas – ištirti vertikaliųjų žemės plutos judesių įtaką vertikaliesiems geodeziniams tinklams (Lietuvos vertikaliojo geodezinio tinklo pirmojo poligono pavyzdžiu). Tyrimo uždaviniai – atlikti literatūros šaltinių apžvalgą ir išnagrinėti dabartinių žemės plutos judesių vertinimo metodikas, atlikti vertikaliųjų žemės plutos judesių įtakos vertikaliajam geodeziniam tinklui tyrimą ekperimentiniame objekte, apibendrinti tyrimo rezultatus bei pateikti išvadas ir rekomendacijas. Tyrimo metodas – ekpserimentiniai ir analitiniai tyrimai. Iš atliktų tyrimų nustatyta, kad dėl vykstančių geodinaminių procesų apskaičiuotų pataisų reikšmė geodeziniams matavimams yra ne mažesnė už normalinių pataisų reikšmę. Įvertinant žemės plutos judesius, geodezinių ženklų aukščiai eksperimentiniame poligone kinta iki 18 mm, o geodinaminės pataisos yra nuo 3 iki 5 kartų didesnės už leistinas paklaidas. Daroma išvada, kad būtina įvertinti dabartinius žemės plutos judesius. / Recent geodynamic processes in the earth's surface appears by horizontal and vertical movements of the earth's crust. Because of these movements, geodetic marks change their position. Geodetic networks and geodetic measurements lose the required accuracy over the time. It is influenced by vertical movements of the earth's crust. Masters thesis aim - to investigate the vertical movements of the earth's crust affect for the vertical geodetic networks (the first polygon of Lithuanian geodetic vertical network). Masters thesis tasks – to make a literature review, examine the earth's crust movements evaluation methodologies, find out how vertical earth’s crust movement influence geodetic measurements, summarize the results and present conclusions and recommendations. Master thesis method – experimental and analytical investigation. Considering the earth's crust movements, the heights of the experimental character of geodesic polygon varies up to 18 mm, and the geodynamic corrections from 3 to 5 times are higher than the allowable correction. To sum up, the vertical earth’s crust movement impact must be evaluated. Structure: introduction, four chapters, conclusions and suggestions, six appendixes.

Niveliavimo skaitmeniniais nivelyrais tikslumo įvertinimas / The evaluation of the accuracy of leveling with the digital levels

Lopušanskij, Vladimir 17 June 2014 (has links)
Magistrantūros studijų baigiamajame darbe tiriamas trijų skaitmeninių nivelyrų tikslumas ir gauti tikslumo rezultatai lyginami tarpusavyje. Tyrimui atlikti panaudoti Leica Wild NA3003, Leica SPRINTER 200m ir Trimble DiNi skaitmeniniai nivelyrai. Tyrimo atlikimo vieta pasirinkta Mastaičių miestelio apylinkių teritorija ir Aleksandro Stulginskio universiteto teritorija. Šio darbo tikslas – atlikti Leica Wild NA3003, Leica SPRINTER 200M ir Trimble DiNi skaitmeninių nivelyrų matavimo metu atsirandančių paklaidų analizę. Skaitmeninių nivelyrų tikslumui įvertinti atliktas skaitmeninių nivelyrų atskaitymo sistemos tikslumo įvertinimas ir skaitmeninių nivelyrų atstumo iki matuoklių įtakos skaitmeninio niveliavimo tikslumui tyrimas. Atlikus skaitmeninių nivelyrų atskaitymo sistemos tikslumo įvertinimą, nustatyta, kad didžiausio tikslumo (0,520 mm) pasiekta matuojant su skaitmeniniu nivelyru Trimble DiNi, mažiau tikslus (0,967 mm) buvo Leica SPRINTER 200M skaitmeninis nivelyras ir didžiausios paklaidos (1,467 mm) gautos matuojant su Leica Wild NA3003 skaitmeniniu nivelyru. Atlikus atstumo iki matuoklių įtakos skaitmeninio niveliavimo tikslumui tyrimą, tiksliausi rezultatai (+0,0493 mm) gauti matuojant su skaitmeniniu nivelyru Leica Wild NA3003, neženkliai didesnės paklaidos (+0,0524 mm) gautos niveliuojant su skaitmeniniu nivelyru Trimble DiNi ir mažiausio tikslumo (+0,0707 mm) pasiekta matuojant su Leica SPRINTER 200M skaitmeniniu nivelyru. / In the master thesis the accuracy of the three digital levels is researched and received results of the accuracy are compared with each other. The digital levels Leica Wild NA3003, Leica SPRINTER 200m and Trimble DiNi were used to do the research. The research was performed in the territory of Mastaičiai town outskirts and the Aleksandras Stulginskis University. The aim of this thesis is to perform the analysis of the errors when doing precise leveling of the digital levels Leica Wild NA3003, Leica SPRINTER 200m and Trimble DiNi. In order to estimate the accuracy of the digitals levels the estimation of the accuracy of the measurement system of the digital levels and the research of the impact on the accuracy of digital leveling of the range to the meter of the digital levels was performed. After the estimation of the accuracy of the measurement system of the digital levels was performed, it was assessed that greatest accuracy (0.520 mm) mistake was made when measuring with the digital level Trimble DiNi, less accurate (0.967 mm) was Leica SPRINTER 200M Digital level and the greatest error (1.467 mm) mistake was made when measuring with Leica Wild NA3003 digital level. After the estimation of the impact of the distance to the meter on the accuracy of the digital levels was performed, the most accurate result (+0.0493 mm) was gained when measuring with the digital level Leica Wild NA3003, the slightly bigger error (+0.0524 mm) mistake was made when leveling with the... [to full text]

Compatibilização de dados, em diferentes referenciais, para atualização cartográfica: estudo de caso na SABESP. / Data transformation for cartographic updating: study of case in SABESP.

Marcos Almir de Oliveira 27 November 2006 (has links)
Um dos propósitos deste trabalho foi apresentar a metodologia envolvida na estimação de parâmetros de transformação entre dois Sistemas Geodésicos, em função da implantação do Sistema de Informações Geográficas no Saneamento (SIGNOS) pela SABESP. Este estudo foi desenvolvido no Município de São Paulo, onde foram calculados parâmetros de transformação entre os Sistemas SAD-69 (South American Datum 1969) e Córrego Alegre. Os parâmetros obtidos neste estudo foram comparados com os parâmetros disponíveis atualmente. Outro estudo, deste trabalho, é a proposta para compatibilização do sistema altimétrico da SABESP. O sistema atual é formado por diversas redes altimétricas (IBGE, SABESP, EMPLASA e IGG) que são divergentes entre si. O objetivo final é verificar as diferenças regionais e estabelecer a unificação do sistema altimétrico da SABESP na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo (RMSP). / One of the purposes of this work was introduce the methodology involved in the estimate of the transformation parameters between two Geodetic Systems, in function of the implantation of the Geographical Information System by SABESP. This work has been developed in São Paulo City, where transformation parameters were calculated between systems SAD-69 (South American Datum 1969) and Córrego Alegre. The estimated parameters at this work had been compared with the available parameters nowadays. Another study, of this work, is the proposal for compatibility of the altimetric system of SABESP. The current system is formed by diverse altimetric nets (IBGE, SABESP, EMPLASA and IGG) that are divergent between themselves. The final objective is to verify the regional differences and to establish the unification of the altimetric system in São Paulo Metropolitan Region (RMSP).

Modelo de relacionamento entre causas e estratégias associadas à variação na utilização da capacidade de recursos produtivos em ambientes de empresas enxutas / A relationship model between causes and strategies associated to production capacity variation on lean enterprise environment

Cesar Augusto Campos de Araujo 05 July 2010 (has links)
Podemos perceber muitos avanços e progressos na sistemática de gestão e controle de sistemas produtivos. Estes avanços têm sido reportados tanto por especialistas acadêmicos quanto por gestores e formadores de opinião. Técnicas inovadoras de administração e gestão em diversas áreas e processos de negócio (tais como desenvolvimento de produtos, logística integrada e cadeias de suprimentos, gestão da qualidade, estratégias de vendas diferenciadas, etc.) têm impulsionado melhores resultados de forma cada vez mais dinâmica. Fazem parte deste contexto, em especial, os conceitos da Produção Enxuta, que não se limitam aos aspectos técnicos e podem permear os diversos níveis e áreas de uma organização. No entanto, podem ser relatados diversos problemas (e, portanto, oportunidades) relacionados à falta de um tratamento sistêmico para lidar com a variação (ou desnivelamento) na utilização da capacidade produtiva, dentre os quais podemos destacar: vendas desbalanceadas em relação à capacidade do sistema produtivo (em termos de volume e/ou variedade), desnivelamento de vendas ao longo de determinados períodos (ao longo do mês, por exemplo), sistemas de premiação e desempenho que desencorajam a adoção de comportamentos nivelados, etc. Este trabalho explora referências bibliográficas acerca das principais fontes causadoras deste tipo de comportamento desnivelado e, em seguida, será apresentado um modelo simplificado para representação das entidades envolvidas e seus relacionamentos associados à geração de variabilidade. As principais causas e problemas serão relacionados neste modelo e, por fim, são apresentadas as principais soluções, ferramentas e dicas identificadas na literatura e em aplicações práticas na busca pela eliminação destes problemas. / Several advances and progress may be noticed regarding management and control issues of productive systems. These advances have been reported both by managers and by academic experts and opinion formers. Innovative techniques of administration and management in various areas and business processes (such as product development, integrated logistics and supply chain, quality management, sales strategies, differentiated, etc.) have driven to increasingly better results. Included in this context, are the Lean Production Principles, which are not limited to technical aspects and can permeate several areas and business processes of an organization with significant gains. However, they may be reported several problems (and opportunities) related to the lack of a systemic treatment to deal with the variability (or unevenness) of the demand for productive resources, among which we highlight: sales unbalanced in relation to the capacity of the production system (in terms of volume and/or variety of products mix), great variation of total sales among certain periods (during the month, for example), performance and reward systems that discourage the adoption of leveled behaviors. This paper explores bibliographical references on the variation of demand for productive resources and then will be presented a simplified model for representing the involved entities and their relationships associated with the generation of demand variation. The main causes and problems related to the creation of variability of demand will be related to this model. Finally, we present some solutions, tips and tools identified in the literature and practical applications in the quest to eliminate these problems.

Estudo biomecânico ex vivo da tensão do ligamento patelar à flexão do joelho com as técnicas de avanço da tuberosidade tibial (TTA) e osteotomia niveladora do platô tibial (TPLO), comparadas com tíbias não osteotomizadas / Ex vivo biomechanical evaluation of the tension of the patellar ligament to stifle flexion after tibial tuberosity advancement (TTA) and tibial plateau leveling osteotomy (TPLO), compared with tibia not osteotomized

Daniela Fabiana Izquierdo Caquías 10 May 2013 (has links)
O reparo do ligamento cruzado cranial (LCCr) tem sido motivo de preocupação e pesquisas para desenvolver técnica cirúrgica efetiva. Recentemente novas técnicas tem se proposto a reestabelecer a biomecânica e função do joelho, chamadas de técnicas dinâmicas, entre elas Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy (TPLO) e Tibial Tuberosity Advancement (TTA). Embora efetivas, várias são as complicações relatadas, e uma delas é o espessamento e desmite patelar, mais frequente com a técnica de TPLO, mas recentemente também relatada para a técnica de TTA. Vários foram os mecanismos propostos para explicar este fenômeno, embora a causa continue desconhecida. Baseado nisso é que a nossa pesquisa teve como objetivo avaliar de forma biomecânica ex vivo, as mudanças na tensão do ligamento patelar submetido às técnicas de TPLO e TTA, quando comparadas entre elas e com membros pélvicos sem osteotomia (íntegro e RLCCr). Foram testados de forma biomecânica ex vivo dez pares de membros pélvicos de cães entre dois a sete anos de idade e pesos entre 25 a 35 kg, sem predileção de raça ou sexo. As peças foram submetidas à carga de 30% do peso corporal, e testadas em três situações diferentes: a primeira com a articulação fêmoro-tíbio-patelar íntegra, numa segunda etapa com RLCCr, e por último com as técnicas de osteotomia, respeitando a regra, membros pélvicos direitos com TTA e membros pélvicos esquerdos com TPLO, e cada uma delas foi testada em duas situações de ângulos, a primeira 145 graus na articulação fêmoro-tíbio-patelar e 135 graus na articulação tíbio-társica e uma segunda situação invertendo os valores. Os dados foram submetidos a testes pareados não paramétricos de Friedman e Wilcoxon. Em quanto a força do ligamento patelar os resultados permitiram concluir que não existe diferença significativa entre o grupo íntegro e RLCCr, que existe diferença entre as técnicas de TTA e TPLO, quando comparadas com a situação íntegro e RLCCr e que existe diferença de força do ligamento patelar entre TPLO 145 versus TPLO 135 e entre TTA 145 versus TTA 135. / Cranial cruciate ligament repair (RLCCr) has been the focus of research to develop an effective surgical technique. Currently new dynamic techniques such as Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy (TPLO) and Tibial Tuberosity Advancement (TTA) have been proposed to restore the biomechanical knee function. Several complications have been reported despite of technique effectiveness. Patellar ligament inflammation and desmitis are usually reported as complication for TPLO but it was also reported for TTA. Several mechanisms have been proposed to explain this phenomenon but the cause remains unknown. Based on this complication, our objective was to evaluate the patellar ligament tension changes in the TPLO and TTA using an ex vivo model comparing both techniques one each other and with normal hind limbs. The sample population was ten pairs of cadaveric hind limb from dogs weighing 25 to 35 kg and with two to seven years of age without any predilection for breed or sex. The pieces were axially loaded using a material testing machine with 30% body weight in three different situations. The first test was performed with the CCL intact followed by the second test with the LCC transection and finally with osteotomy techniques for the third test. TPLO and TTA were always performed in the left and right hind limb respectively. The tests were conducted in two variations of angles joints. The first variation maintained a stifle angle of 145 degrees with the tibio-tarsal angle of 135 degrees and the second variation had inverted the values between these joints. Data were analyzed using Friedman and Wilcoxon test with repeated measures. In much the strength of the patellar ligament the results showed that there is no significant difference between the group intact and RLCCr that exists between the different techniques TTA and TPLO, when compared with the situation of integrity and RLCCr and strength that exists apart from the ligament TPLO patellar between 135 and 145 versus TPLO between TTA 145 versus 135.

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