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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

From the novel Fuxi Fuxi to the movie Judou a study of Chinese culture in the eyes of the west = Cong xiao shuo dao dian ying kan xi fang lun shu de Zhongguo wen hua : yi yuan zhu xiao shuo "Fuxi Fuxi" ji dian ying "Judou" wei li /

Wong, King-fai. January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (M. Phil.)--University of Hong Kong, 2005. / Title proper from title frame. Also available in printed format.

Comparison of Some Improved Estimators for Linear Regression Model under Different Conditions

Shah, Smit 24 March 2015 (has links)
Multiple linear regression model plays a key role in statistical inference and it has extensive applications in business, environmental, physical and social sciences. Multicollinearity has been a considerable problem in multiple regression analysis. When the regressor variables are multicollinear, it becomes difficult to make precise statistical inferences about the regression coefficients. There are some statistical methods that can be used, which are discussed in this thesis are ridge regression, Liu, two parameter biased and LASSO estimators. Firstly, an analytical comparison on the basis of risk was made among ridge, Liu and LASSO estimators under orthonormal regression model. I found that LASSO dominates least squares, ridge and Liu estimators over a significant portion of the parameter space for large dimension. Secondly, a simulation study was conducted to compare performance of ridge, Liu and two parameter biased estimator by their mean squared error criterion. I found that two parameter biased estimator performs better than its corresponding ridge regression estimator. Overall, Liu estimator performs better than both ridge and two parameter biased estimator.

Cultural representation in Korean TV drama : Case of "Han Liu"

Zhang, Xiangyi January 2005 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.

劉知幾經學思想研究. / Liu Zhiji jing xue si xiang yan jiu.

January 2014 (has links)
唐劉知幾著有《史通》一書,當中總結歷代史籍的編撰情況,更提出史籍撰著建議予以後世,但見劉知幾學術之重點在於其史學。事實上,後世學者往往著眼於劉知幾「三入東觀」的經歷以及其僅存的史評論著《史通》,即冠以「史學家」之稱謂,討論其史學觀念,子玄之儒學背景及其於論著中如何受儒家經典影響,並未為過往一眾論者廣泛注意,但觀《全唐文》對子玄的評價,稱「子玄博識,誠則純儒」,由此可見,唐時人對於劉知幾的學術焦點並不在史學,恰正在其儒學。 / 晚唐柳璨指摘劉知幾《史通》議駁經典過當,為批評《史通》菲薄經典之始,至近人呂思勉猶稱其「邃於史而疏於經」,雖自梁啟超起意圖匡正歷來學者對劉知幾的誤解,但不論學者採取批評抑或肯定的論說立場,並皆以為劉知幾論說有悖儒家經典,甚至以為劉知幾貶抑經書以求推尊史學。但筆者嘗試蒐集書證,得見一眾論說其實未有深究劉知幾的經學內涵,即論斷其著述意圖,實有偏頗之弊。 / 本文欲從《史通》內外分篇準則的角度切入,析述《史通》內篇辨義、外篇言事之編排體例,且以此理解《史通》出現「詆毀」經書論說,旨在論史事真偽,非關經義,藉以肯定劉知幾殆非「離經叛道」之徒。 / 再以《史通》及相關史籍著述論及儒家經典的條目為研究對象,比對初唐相關經學論說,以歸納劉知幾的經學思想,當中包括了對《尚書》、《春秋》相關經學議題的闡發,以及詮釋三《禮》、《周易》、《詩經》的傾向與特點。 / 最後,將《史通》說經論述置於經學史的發展脈絡下審視,得見《史通》「疑古」「惑經」乃上承王充學說,又因唐初經學治學風氣崇尚自由,得以包容接納有異於《正義》的論見。其次,透過梳理唐以後相關經說,但見作為史書類之《史通》對經學方面的影響,包括《春秋》學派繼承「捨傳求經」之風,而後世經學論述對劉知幾學說之廣泛引用,因之,本文以為劉知幾學識在經學範疇亦有影響力,實需重新考量劉知幾於經學史上的地位。 / As a celebrated scholar in Tang Dynasty, Liu ZhiJi(劉知幾) expressed his thoughts in the works of Shi Tong(史通). Shi Tong, an echo-making significance in the history of Chinese historiography. It does not only make a summary of historical records in the past, but also provide a guideline for the later historiographers. Therefore, the mainstream of research on Liu, is about the historical thoughts. However, we have to realize that, Liu’s thoughts on Classics studies have also been mainly included in Shi Tong. Moreover, Quan Tang Wen(全唐文) said "Liu is a knowledge man, can be called an absolute Confucian scholar." This has shown that the essence of Liu’ study is on Confucian Classic but not on history. / In Shi Tong, Liu points out the advantages and disadvantages of the historical records, even Saint Confucian Classic. Liu Can(柳璨) in later Tang Dynasty, reprimands it as "Absurd accusation of the sages and Saint". There are even more commentaries in Shi Tong in modern time, yet most held biased views. After reviewing the research of previous scholars, we found that, regarding the research of Classic study in Shi Tong still somewhat weak even Tang Dynasty, in the past decades. / This paper starts from discussing the writing system of Shi Tong. Shi Tong is divided into inside and outside parts. According to the research, the inside part is talk about the theory of historical writing, and the outside part focus on the historical fact. The differences between these structures, help us to understand Liu’s concept of Confucian Classic. He did not doubt about the value of Confucian classic, but use the paradigm of the history to seek the fact of history in the Classic writings. / The second part of this paper, is to analyze the thoughts of Classic in Shi Tong. It divides into 5 chapters to talks about Shang Shu, Chun Qiu, Li Ji, Zhou Yi and Shi Jing, These chapters attempt to show the deeply studies on Shi Tong’ explanations and interpretation of Classic. Through the discussion of Liu’s thoughts of Classic study, we can understand more clearly about Liu’s distinct mentality and academic survey. / In the third part of this paper, we re-examine the background of Liu’s world culture. Even some scholars may recognized Liu’s doubt about Classic, and simply labeled or explained this phenomenon, saying Said that Liu’s thought was deviated from authority unifying thought of Classics. Liu didn’t follow or opposed the predecessors blindly. At the same time, Liu created his own views of Classic study. He approved and developed the critical spirit of Wang Chong(王充), who said "Hate bitterly dishonest and absurd gossip." Meanwhile, the atmosphere of Classic study in the early of Tang Dynasty is quiet free comparatively speaking. That is the reason that Liu voiced his doubt on the Classic. / To find out Liu’s basic thoughts, or the reason he doubted about the classic, was pursuing the historical fact. He wouldn’t want to overthrow the authoritative status of Classic, and his inner intension was to renewal the Classic. It is closed to the proposition of new Chun Qiu party. Liu’s viewpoints on Classic issues were approved in Tang Dynasty. Furthermore, the views were also being adopted in the Classic works in the following decades. It shows that, Liu occupied an important position in the history of Classic study. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / 劉璐. / Thesis (M.Phil.) Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2014. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 214-235). / Abstracts in English and Chinese. / Liu Lu.

「英雄」與「罪人」的角色變換: 劉少奇案的剖析. / 英雄與罪人的角色變換: 劉少奇案的剖析 / 劉少奇案的剖析 / "Ying xiong" yu "zui ren" de jiao se bian huan: Liu Shaoqi an de pou xi. / Ying xiong yu zui ren de jiao se bian huan: Liu Shaoqi an de pou xi / Liu Shaoqi an de pou xi

January 2003 (has links)
李名揚. / "2003年7月". / 論文(哲學碩士)--香港中文大學, 2003. / 參考文獻(leaves 118-123). / 附中英文摘要. / "2003 nian 7 yue". / Li Mingyang. / Lun wen (zhe xue shuo shi)--Xianggang Zhong wen da xue, 2003. / Can kao wen xian (leaves 118-123). / Fu Zhong Ying wen zhai yao. / 提要 --- p.i / Chapter 第一章: --- 引言 --- p.1 / Chapter 第二章: --- 「中國共產黨歷史上最大的冤案」 --- p.5 / Chapter (一) --- 「叛徒、內奸、工賊」的指控 --- p.6 / Chapter (二) --- 「走資本主義道路當權派」和「反革命修正主義份子」的指控 --- p.17 / Chapter (三) --- 其他指控 --- p.25 / Chapter 第三章: --- 從「英雄」到「罪人」----劉少奇在文革中角色的反思 --- p.28 / Chapter (一) --- 文革理論的確立與批劉運動的發展 --- p.29 / Chapter (二) --- 毛澤東櫂威與烏托邦藍圖的確立---劉少奇被「定案」的長遠意義 --- p.43 / Chapter 第四章: --- 由「罪人」變回「英雄」---劉少奇案平反的意涵 --- p.54 / Chapter (一) --- 「罪人」形象的否定與「英雄」形象的重現 --- p.55 / Chapter (二) --- 法律與政治的交錯---劉少奇案平反所牽涉的問題 --- p.59 / Chapter (三) --- 翻案浪潮與鄧小平權威的確立 --- p.69 / Chapter (四) --- 劉少奇路線的現實作用 --- p.78 / Chapter 第五章: --- 结论 --- p.87 / 附錄一:中共中央專案審查小組「關於叛徒、內奸、工賊劉少奇罪行的審查報告」 --- p.93 / 附錄二:中共十一屆五中全會〈關於爲劉少奇同志平反的決議〉 --- p.98 / 附錄三:鄧小平在劉少奇追悼會上所致的悼詞 --- p.112 / 參考文獻、書目 --- p.118

世說新語中的副詞及其他一些虛字的硏究. / Shi shuo xin yu zhong de fu ci ji qi ta yi xie xu zi de yan jiu.

January 1974 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--香港中文大學. / Manuscript. / Includes bibliographical references. / Thesis (M.A.)--Xianggang Zhong wen da xue. / 前言 / 世說新語篇名表 / 凡例 / 副詞部分 / Chapter 1 --- 表示程度的 / 殊 / 甚 / 全 / 致 / 差 / 雲 / 既 / 一 / 酷 / 最 / 極 / 重 / 絶 / 雅 / 太 / 特 / 尤 / 更 / 彌 / 益 / 愈 / 轉 / 稍 / 徵 / 殆 / 幾 / 忽 / Chapter 2 --- 表示時間的 / 既 / 已 / 嘗 / 曾 / 方 / 且 / 方 / 方 / 停 / 既 / 動 / 頻 / 常 / 恆 / 寡 / 終 / 素 / 雅 / 竟 / 竟 / 卒 / 終 / 轉 / 益 / 忽 / 突 / 卒 / 暴 / 偶 / 時 / 故 / 今 / 猶 / 尚 / 復 / 始 / 先 / 故 / 頃 / 比 / 適 / 永 / 久 / 先 / 且 / 預 / 適 / 時 / 時 / 一 / Chapter 3 --- 表示頻率的 / 再 / 重 / 復 / 復 / 更 / 又 / 拜 / Chapter 4 --- 表示連續的 / 俄 / 尋 / 便 / 因 / 遂 / 始 / 即 / 一 / 遂 / 乃 / 始 / 即 / 方 / 固 / 方 / Chapter 5 --- 表示範圍的 / 盡 / 畢 / 畧 / 都 / 初 / 共 / 同 / 俱 / 都 / 莫 / 皆 / 了 / 悉 / 一 / 并 / 並 / 都 / 且 / 直 / 唯 / 但 / 止 / 適 / 政 / 致 / 徒 / 独 / 偏 / 方 / 互 / 固 / 曾 / 唯 / 始 / 自 / Chapter 6 --- 表示肯定、或许、否定 / 必 / 固 / 應 / 定 / 容 / 殆 / 一 / 未 / 莫 / 勿 / 弗 / Chapter 7 --- 表示語氣、性態的 / 果 / 實 / 信 / 亦 / 一 / 曾 / 竟 / 定 / 一 / 且 / 定 / 更 / 自 / 復 / 便 / 豈 / 寧 / 那 / 詎 / 那 / 良 / 定 / 信 / 誠 / 固 / 故 / 實 / 直 / 經 / 妄 / 身 / 自 / 自 / 自 / 自 / 苦 / 固 / 強 / 更 / 自 / 一 / 故 / 特 / 更 / 聊 / 本 / 固 / 故 / 其他的一些虛字 / 故 / 忽 / 誠 / 必 / 既 / 差 / 实 / 实 / 自 / 未 / 所 / 既

《劉子》研究. / Study of Liu-zi / 劉子研究 / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / "Liuzi" yan jiu. / Liuzi yan jiu

January 2010 (has links)
Apart from the introductory chapter, this thesis is divided into six parts. Chapter two provides a basic discussion of the authorship of the Liu-zi. This part will incorporate and comment previous opinions, and then compare and contrast the Liu-zi and the Wenxin Diaolong. It begins by exploring the opinion that the Liu-zi was written by an Easten Jin scholar. However, this paper will show that the text was written by Liu Zhou of the Beiqi Period(550-577) during the Southern and the Northern Dynasty. Chapter three analyzes the reference sources of the Liu-zi through parallel readings of the Liu-zi the Huainanzi and the Extant Version of the Wenzi. In addition to study parallel passages found in these titles and to show this extensive reworking, this part expounds on typical examples of the different modifications on the Liu-zi by comparing with the Huainanzi and the Extant version of the Wenzi. The Liu-zi tends to use materials from these two earlier texts to present new interpretation of the books. Furthermore, there will be a discussion of a scholastic idea on the timing of the authorship as well as the textual history of the Huainazi and the Extant version of the Wenzi. Chapter four investigates the absorption and abandonment of the theories of Other Scholars in the Liu-zi. By using such connection, this part aims at examining the relationships between the Liu-zi and the other texts to show the differences and inheritance of the Liu-zi among and from those previous texts of Other Scholars. Chapter five inspects opinions of previous scholars on the development of the Eclectics. The chapter further argues with the general misread that the Eclectics is merely Wang-lao Taoism. Then it shows the importance of the Eclectics in the Hanji and determines the academic status of the Liu-zi in the Eclectics, that is, in the history of Chinese Textual Bibliography. Chapter six provides a basic discussion between the Liu-zi and major extant writings of Metaphysics in Wei-Jin Dynasties. This is to look into a special feature, the mutual dependence of Confucianism and Daoism, of the Liu-zi, thus confirming the academic status of the book in Chinese tradition. By providing textual comparison, this aims to provide the relationship and inheritance between the Liu-zi and other major extant writings of Metaphysics in Wei-Jin Dynasties for further research. Chapter seven is a recapitulation of the main points in this thesis. / For other works compiled in the Pre-Han and Han Dynasties which are also parallel to the Liu-zi, please refer to appendix1. / The Liu-zi was traditionally regarded as a work of the Eclectics during the Wei-Jin and the Six Dynasties. Previous discussions of the Liu-zi focus merely on its authorship, but as the issue is intricate, this problem is unresolved even in current researches. Other than the authorship, the general picture, especially the Philological aspect of the book is only rarely explored. This thesis aims to carry out an in-depth investigation of the Liu-zi, including its authorship and a comparison with other related texts, such as the Lushi Chunqiu and the Huainanzi. By doing so, I want to highlight the features and value of the Liu-zi, and demonstrate how the Liu-zi is influenced and adapted from the above two books. / 梁德華. / Adviser: Che Wah Ho. / Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 73-03, Section: A, page: . / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2010. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 290-318). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Electronic reproduction. [Ann Arbor, MI] : ProQuest Information and Learning, [201-] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstracts in Chinese and English. / Liang Dehua.

論柳宗元詩. / Lun Liu Zongyuan shi.

January 1973 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--香港中文大學. / MS. / Includes bibliographical references (l. 19-30 (3d group)). / Thesis (M.A.)--Xianggang Zhong wen da xue. / Chapter 第一章 --- 緒論 --- p.1-9 / Chapter 第二章 --- 柳宗元的生平 --- p.10-58 / Chapter 第一節 --- 家世 --- p.10-14 / Chapter 第二節 --- 為官 --- p.14-37 / Chapter 第三節 --- 被貶 --- p.37-45 / Chapter 第四節 --- 生命的尽頭 --- p.45-58 / Chapter 第三章 --- 柳宗元的散文  --- p.59-61 / Chapter 第一節 --- 文章淵源  --- p.59-63 / Chapter 第二節 --- 見解精闢的政論文章 --- p.63-80 / Chapter 甲 --- 從文章看柳宗元的政治思想 --- p.63-74 / Chapter 乙 --- 柳宗元辯議文章的特色与成就 --- p.74-80 / Chapter 第三節 --- 清幽蕭疏的山水遊記 --- p.80-96 / Chapter 第四節 --- 寄意深刻的寓言 --- p.97-109 / Chapter 第五節 --- 其他的作品 --- p.20-122 / Chapter 第四章 --- 柳詩的研究 --- p.122-178 / Chapter 第一節 --- 柳詩的特色 --- p.122-136 / Chapter 第二節 --- 模山範水的篇章 --- p.136-152 / Chapter 第三節 --- 題材的多樣化 --- p.152-172 / Chapter 第四節 --- 柳詩的藝術成就 --- p.172-178 / Chapter 第五章 --- 柳宗元和韓愈的比較 --- p.179-242 / Chapter 第一節 --- 韓柳二人思想的不同 --- p.179-197 / Chapter 第二節 --- 韓柳文章的不同 --- p.197-217 / Chapter 第三節 --- 柳詩和韓詩的比較 --- p.217-243 / Chapter 第六章 --- 關於陶淵明和柳宗元 --- p.244-295 / Chapter 第一節 --- 陶詩總論 --- p.244-270 / Chapter 第二節 --- 歷代對陶淵明詩的批評 --- p.270-283 / Chapter 第三節 --- 關於陶淵明与柳宗元  --- p.283-295 / Chapter 第七章 --- 結論 --- p.296-322 / Chapter 第一節 --- 綜合看柳詩的風格 --- p.296-311 / Chapter 甲 --- 風格 --- p.296-303 / Chapter 乙 --- 思想 --- p.303-311 / Chapter 第二節 --- 在文學史上的地位 --- p.311-322 / Chapter 甲 --- 在文壇上的地位 --- p.311-317 / Chapter 乙 --- 詩壇上的地位 --- p.318-322

Fantastic dreams : William Liu and the origins and influence of protest against the White Australia Policy in the 20th century

Greene, Charlotte Jordon January 2005 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / The structure of this study of William Liu will closely reflect his ideas and the major historical influences in his life, and will span the period from 1893 through ninety years spent mainly in Sydney, ending in 1983, the year before the beginning of the attack on multiculturalism launched by the historian Geoffrey Blainey. The memorialisation of Liu in the post-Blainey “immigration debate” period will then be considered. The study will also reflect the changes in protest against racially discriminatory immigration policies in Australia, as Liu moved from a period in which his was an almost isolated critique to one in which he was able to embrace the ever-widening group of people opposed to the ‘White Australia Policy’. This process has not been fully examined, perhaps due to the fact that the protest often appeared to have little impact upon policy. But the way in which Liu and other protestors expressed their view of what Australia should be and how the ‘White Australia Policy’ affected this vision sheds a great deal of light on these periods in Australian history. The structure of this thesis around Liu’s life, beginning with a period in which the ‘White Australia Policy’ was widely accepted, and ending in a period in which multiculturalism was entrenched as official policy, emphasises the cultural shift which was brought about by decades of protest against the Anglo-conformist model of Australian identity

Campusbokhandeln : Investigation of a new Establishement

Henriksson, Björn, Frenzel, Felix January 2008 (has links)
<p>In the majority of cases students are short of money and have problems to finance their low standard subsistence. An additional financial burden for students is purchasing the costly literature for their courses and studies. Universities often support their students by providing a library but a library can never cover all the books that are demanded. Students often do not need or use their purchased books longer than they have to; with the closure of a course or a semester books become useless for the owner. To get back some money after having used a book it is common to resell the book in various ways. Regularly students’ organisations or universities established some sort of platform for example a bill-board in their facilities or on the internet. But the existence of these platforms made trading the used literature not easier because there are no rules and no regulations. The store <em>Campusbokhandeln</em> took this problem and started a business to make it easier for students to sell and buy used books with fair regulations so every participator profits. <em>Campusbokhandeln</em> has a main store at <em>Örebro</em><em> University</em> and one at <em>Karlstad</em><em> University</em>. The purpose of the study is to find out whether <em>Campusbokhandeln</em> is able to expand their actions to another university in Sweden and if yes to which university. The results of the research show that the demand for a platform like <em>Campusbokhandeln</em> if very high and that the owners can take the chance to expand. After a SWOT-analysis we were able to point out chances and give suggestions about the future of the business.</p>

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