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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La pollinisation, un élément central du masting chez les chênes de région tempérée / Pollination, a key component of masting in temperate oak species

Schermer, Éliane 28 June 2019 (has links)
Le « masting » correspond à une dynamique de fructifications, commune chez de nombreuses plantes pérennes, et caractérisée par une production de fruits extrêmement fluctuante d’une année à l’autre et synchronisée à l’échelle populationnelle. Il a un impact important sur la démographie des populations de consommateurs de fruits, et par effet de cascade, sur l’ensemble de la dynamique des écosystèmes forestiers. Notre méconnaissance actuelle des causes proximales du « masting » empêche toute prédiction crédible sur la fréquence et l'intensité des fructifications, et sur leurs conséquences au niveau des écosystèmes forestiers, dans le contexte du changement climatique. Cette thèse vise à tester l’hypothèse selon laquelle le processus de pollinisation pourrait jouer un rôle clé dans le « masting » des chênes de région tempérée (Quercus petraea et Q. robur), ce qui pourrait le rendre extrêmement sensible au changement climatique. En combinant une approche empirique multi-sites à large échelle spatio-temporelle en France et une approche théorique basée sur l’utilisation d’un modèle mécaniste, j’ai montré que (i) la dynamique des fructifications est liée à la disponibilité en pollen pour la reproduction. Le pollen peut être limitant certaines années en raison d’une faible quantité de pollen produite ou de conditions météorologiques défavorables à l’émission et à la diffusion du pollen ; (ii) la phénologie pollinique est un caractère clé du « masting » : l’émission pollinique a lieu au début du printemps, dans des conditions météorologiques souvent défavorables à la pollinisation, ce qui conduit à de fréquents échecs de la fructification et explique le caractère rare et imprévisible des fructifications massives ; (iii) le « masting » deviendrait moins stochastique avec l’augmentation des températures printanières au cours des prochaines décennies, ce qui pourrait avoir des conséquences importantes sur la dynamique des consommateurs de fruits, et par effet de cascade, sur la capacité de régénération des chênaies / “Masting” designates a fruiting dynamics common in many perennial plants and characterized by seed production that is highly variable over the years and strongly synchronized among trees within populations. It is expected to strongly impact the population demography of seed consumers, and by cascade effect, the dynamics of forest ecosystems as a whole. Our lack of knowledge of the proximate causes of “masting” currently prevents any reliable prediction about the frequency and the intensity of fruiting, or about their consequences, under climate change. In this work I aimed to test the hypothesis that the pollination process is playing a key role in “masting” in temperate oak forests (Quercus petraea and Q. robur), which would make masting highly sensitive to climate change. By combining an empirical multi-site approach at large spatio-temporal scale in France and a theoretical approach based on a mechanistic model, I found that (i) fruiting dynamics depends on the annual amount of airborne pollen available for reproduction. This amount could be limited some years due to either low amounts of pollen produced at the population level, or harsh weather conditions affecting pollen release and aerial diffusion; (ii) pollen phenology is a key character of “masting”: pollen release takes place in early spring when weather conditions are typically unfavorable to pollination, which leads to frequent fruiting failure and explains thereby why mast years are rare and unpredictable; (iii) “masting” should become less stochastic in the upcoming decades because of the increase of spring temperatures, which should markedly influence the dynamics of seed consumers, and by cascading effect, oak forest regeneration

Réponses physiologiques et biochimiques à une limitation nutritive en phosphore ou en azote sur la réorientation métabolique des lipides polaires chez différentes espèces de microalgues marines / Physiological and biochemical responses to a phosphorus or nitrogen limitation on the metabolic reorientation of polar lipids in different marine microalgal species

Huang, Bing 28 November 2018 (has links)
Les bétaïne lipides (BL) sont des lipides polaires qui se distinguent des phospholipides (PL)par l’absence de phosphore (P). La réorientation métabolique induite par une limitation en P chez des microalgues produisant des BL (Tisochrysis lutea et Diacronema lutheri, Haptophytes) ou en produisant peu (Phaeodactylum tricornutum, Bacillariophyte) a été comparée à celle induite par une limitation en azote (N). Le devenir et le flux de carbone dans différentes voies de biosynthèse ont été étudiés par une approche pluridisciplinaire.La limitation nutritive en P ou en N affecte différemment le métabolisme du carbone selon les espèces microalgales. La limitation en P réduit fortement l’activité photosynthétique et la respiration chez P. tricornutum et T. lutea. Par conséquent, l’accumulation de carbone est plus élevée que sous limitation en N chez ces deux espèces. Les deux limitations stimulent en particulier la synthèse des lipides neutres et / ou des glucides. Le remplacement des PL par les BL a été observé chez P. tricornutum en condition de limitation en P. Ce résultat est en accord avec une augmentation de la transcription du gène codant la bétaïne lipide synthase. En revanche, cette limitation ne modifie pas les teneurs en BL rapportées au carbone chez T. lutea et D. lutheri. La composition en acides gras des différentes classes lipidiques est modifiée selon l’espèce microalgale et l’élément nutritif limitant. Une attention particulière a été portée aux acides gras de la série oméga-3, notamment l’acide eicosapentaénoïque (EPA, 20:5 ω3) et l’acide docosahexaénoïque (DHA, 22:6 ω3) dont les proportions varient en fonction de l’élément limitant,de l’espèce et de la classe lipidique. L’augmentation de la production des lipides neutres et / ou des lipides polaires, notamment des bétaïne lipides, riches en DHA et/ou EPA induite par un stress nutritif laisse envisager une valorisation de ces molécules d’intérêt dans différents domaines dont la nutrition et la santé. / Betaine lipids (BL) are P-free polar lipids, conversely to phospholipids (PL). The metabolic reorientation induced by phosphorus (P) limitation in microalgae producing BL (Tisochrysis lutea and Diacronema lutheri, Haptophyta) or producing low levels of BL (Phaeodactylum tricornutum, Bacillariophyta) was compared to that induced by nitrogen (N) limitation. The carbon destiny and flow in different biosynthetic pathways were studied with a multidisciplinary approach. P or N limitation differently affected carbon metabolism according to microalgal species. P limitation highly decreased photosynthetic activity and respiration of P. tricornutum and T. lutea. Consequently, carbon accumulation was higher than under N limitation in these two species. Both limitations stimulated the synthesis of neutral lipids and / or carbohydrates. Replacement of PL by BL was observed in P. tricornutum under P limitation. This result is in agreement with a transcription increase of the gene encoding BL synthase. On the other hand, this limitation did not modify BL contents in reference with carbon in T. lutea or D. lutheri. Fatty acid composition of the different lipid classes was modified according to the microalgal species and the limiting nutrient. Particular attention was paid to the fatty acids of the omega-3 series, notably eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, 20:5 ω3) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, 22:6 ω3), the proportions of which vary according to the limiting element, species and lipid class. The increase in the production of neutral lipids and / or polar lipids, especially betaine lipids, rich in DHA and / or EPA induced by nutritive stress suggests a valorization of these molecules of interest in various areas including nutrition and health.

Couches minces supraconductrices sous courant de transport : dissipation et application

PEROZ, Christophe 24 November 2003 (has links) (PDF)
La compréhension de la dissipation dans l'état supraconducteur est l'une des clefs de l'émergence de la technologie supraconductrice. Dans le cadre particulier des couches minces, cette thèse décrit le passage de l'état supraconducteur vers l'état normal sous l'effet d'un courant de transport, et ses possibles implications technologiques. Un régime d'écoulement visqueux de vortex (flux flow) suivi par un brusque saut vers l'état normal est tout d'abord identifié et discuté dans des films de niobium. Il est également montré, dans ces couches minces, l'influence des surfaces sur la dynamique des vortex. La transition vers l'état normal de films d'YBaCuO permet ensuite de vérifier le haut potentiel des supraconducteurs comme limiteurs de courant alternatif ou continu. Il est enfin démontré que de tels systèmes peuvent récupérer leur état supraconducteur sous courant.

Mechanisms structuring the pelagic microbial food web : Importance of resource and predation

Samuelsson, Kristina January 2003 (has links)
<p>Temporal and spatial variations of pelagic microorganisms in the northern Baltic Sea were studied, as well as factors influencing their abundance and growth rates. Three main questions were asked 1) How does increased productivity influence the structure of the microbial food web? 2) Does predation limitation vary between trophic levels? 3) What is the relative importance of resource and predation limitation at different trophic levels?</p><p>A field study in the northern Baltic Sea showed that dominating protozoa, flagellates and ciliates, increased with increasing primary productivity from north to south. Furthermore, relatively small protozoan cells dominated in the low productive north, while larger cells became more dominant in the south. The relationship between plankton size structure and productivity was further studied in an experimental system. In agreement with present theories regarding nutrient status of pelagic food webs, increased productivity caused a lengthening of the food chain as well as a change in plankton size structure. While microplankton dominated in nutrient rich treatments pico- and nanoplankton dominated during nutrient poor treament. The flagellate community was dominated by a potentially mixotroph, <i>Chrysochromulina</i> sp., at low nutrient concentrations. To our knowledge this is the first experimental study showing that <i>Chrysochromulina</i> sp. in resemblance with other mixotrophs is favoured by nutrient poor conditions compared to strict autotrophs and heterotrophs.</p><p>During a stratified summer period autotrophic microorganisms in the northern Baltic Sea did not respond to removal of potential predators, indicating that they were primarily limited by inorganic nutrients. An exception was small eucaryotic picoplankton that showed a large response to predator removal. Among the heterotrophic microorganisms direct effect of predation seemed to increase from ciliates, heterotrophic bacteria, small heterotrophic flagellates, medium flagellates to large flagellates. No quick indirect effect was observed, but after four days trophic cascades were detected.</p><p>The relative importance of resource and predation limitation was studied among heterotrophic bacteria, flagellates and ciliates in the northern Baltic Sea. For all these groups, resource limitation seemed to prevail during the summer period. The results also indicated that the relative importance of predation increased with the productivity of the system. To our knowledge there are no earlier measurements on the relative importance of resource and predation limitation for micoorganisms in the pelagic environment.</p>

Pelagic microorganisms in the northern Baltic Sea : Ecology, diversity and food web dynamics

Berglund, Johnny January 2005 (has links)
<p>Heterotrophic microorganisms are important for the flow of carbon and nutrients in the sea. Bacteria, nanoflagellates and ciliates are relevant components of the pelagic food web. In order to be able to predict the outcome of e.g. eutrophication or climate change we need to know how the different components of the pelagic food web are regulated. With the focus on the northern Baltic Sea food web, this thesis deals with limitation and control of heterotrophic protists, the effect of resource heterogeneity on food web efficiency and diversity of nanoflagellates.</p><p>In-situ microcosm experiments showed that the net growth of heterotrophic flagellates were resource limited throughout the year. Field data confirmed that the abundance of flagellates was bottom-up controlled. Furthermore, field data also showed that the annual average biomass of protists, flagellates and ciliates increased with primary productivity. On a smaller seasonal scale temperature and bacterial biomass were able to explain most of the variation in flagellate biovolume. The temporal variation in ciliate biovolume could not be explained by any bottom-up factors like bacterial biomass, flagellate biomass or chlorophyll a. This and an in-situ microcosm experiment implied that the seasonal dynamics of ciliates were more regulated by predators like mesozooplankton.</p><p>The food web efficiency i.e. how much of production at the resource level is converted to production at the top trophic level, may be affected by specific size or type of resource. Indoor mesocosms revealed that the food web efficiency was 11 times lower when heterotrophic bacteria dominated basal production instead of nano- and micro-sized phytoplankton. This was due to a lengthening of the food web when pico-sized bacteria constituted the main resource.</p><p>The PCR-DGGE molecular biological method was used to study the diversity of heterotrophic or mixotrophic chrysomonads. The focus was set on chrysomonads due to their relatively large contribution to the nanoflagellate community. Group-specific PCR primers were optimized for the target group. A field survey in the northern Baltic Sea showed that a handful of chrysomonad sequences were present throughout the year. Significantly more chrysomonads were recorded in the basin with higher primary productive and salinity. In total 15-16 different chrysomonad sequences were recorded. Most of them matched uncultured chrysomonad clones.</p>

Mechanisms structuring the pelagic microbial food web : Importance of resource and predation

Samuelsson, Kristina January 2003 (has links)
Temporal and spatial variations of pelagic microorganisms in the northern Baltic Sea were studied, as well as factors influencing their abundance and growth rates. Three main questions were asked 1) How does increased productivity influence the structure of the microbial food web? 2) Does predation limitation vary between trophic levels? 3) What is the relative importance of resource and predation limitation at different trophic levels? A field study in the northern Baltic Sea showed that dominating protozoa, flagellates and ciliates, increased with increasing primary productivity from north to south. Furthermore, relatively small protozoan cells dominated in the low productive north, while larger cells became more dominant in the south. The relationship between plankton size structure and productivity was further studied in an experimental system. In agreement with present theories regarding nutrient status of pelagic food webs, increased productivity caused a lengthening of the food chain as well as a change in plankton size structure. While microplankton dominated in nutrient rich treatments pico- and nanoplankton dominated during nutrient poor treament. The flagellate community was dominated by a potentially mixotroph, Chrysochromulina sp., at low nutrient concentrations. To our knowledge this is the first experimental study showing that Chrysochromulina sp. in resemblance with other mixotrophs is favoured by nutrient poor conditions compared to strict autotrophs and heterotrophs. During a stratified summer period autotrophic microorganisms in the northern Baltic Sea did not respond to removal of potential predators, indicating that they were primarily limited by inorganic nutrients. An exception was small eucaryotic picoplankton that showed a large response to predator removal. Among the heterotrophic microorganisms direct effect of predation seemed to increase from ciliates, heterotrophic bacteria, small heterotrophic flagellates, medium flagellates to large flagellates. No quick indirect effect was observed, but after four days trophic cascades were detected. The relative importance of resource and predation limitation was studied among heterotrophic bacteria, flagellates and ciliates in the northern Baltic Sea. For all these groups, resource limitation seemed to prevail during the summer period. The results also indicated that the relative importance of predation increased with the productivity of the system. To our knowledge there are no earlier measurements on the relative importance of resource and predation limitation for micoorganisms in the pelagic environment.

Two-phase flow experiments in a model of the hot leg of a pressurised water reactor

Seidel, T., Beyer, M. 14 March 2012 (has links) (PDF)
In order to investigate the two-phase flow behaviour in a complex reactor-typical geometry and to supply suitable data for CFD code validation, a model of the hot leg of a pressurised water reactor was built at FZD. The hot leg model is operated in the pressure chamber of the TOPFLOW test facility, which is used to perform high-pressure experiments under pressure equilibrium with the inside atmosphere of the chamber. This technique makes it possible to visualise the two-phase flow through large windows, also at reactor-typical pressure levels. In order to optimise the optical observation possibilities, the test section was designed with a rectangular cross-section. Experiments were performed with air and water at 1.5 and 3.0 bar at room temperature as well as with steam and water at 15, 30 and 50 bar and the corresponding saturation temperature (i.e. up to 264°C). The total of 194 runs are divided into 4 types of experiments covering stationary co-current flow, counter-current flow, flow without water circulation and transient counter-current flow limitation (CCFL) experiments. This report provides a detailed documentation of the experiments including information on the experimental setup, experimental procedure, test matrix and on the calibration of the measuring devices. The available data is described and data sheets were arranged for each experiment in order to give an overview of the most important parameters. For the cocurrent flow experiments, water level histograms were arranged and used to characterise the flow in the hot leg. In fact, the form of the probability distribution was found to be sensitive to the boundary conditions and, therefore, is useful for the CFD comparison. Furthermore, the flooding characteristics of the hot leg model plotted in terms of the classical Wallis parameter or Kutateladze number were found to fail to properly correlate the data of the air/water and steam/water series. Therefore, a modified Wallis parameter is proposed, which takes the effect of viscosity into account.

Pelagic microorganisms in the northern Baltic Sea : Ecology, diversity and food web dynamics

Berglund, Johnny January 2005 (has links)
Heterotrophic microorganisms are important for the flow of carbon and nutrients in the sea. Bacteria, nanoflagellates and ciliates are relevant components of the pelagic food web. In order to be able to predict the outcome of e.g. eutrophication or climate change we need to know how the different components of the pelagic food web are regulated. With the focus on the northern Baltic Sea food web, this thesis deals with limitation and control of heterotrophic protists, the effect of resource heterogeneity on food web efficiency and diversity of nanoflagellates. In-situ microcosm experiments showed that the net growth of heterotrophic flagellates were resource limited throughout the year. Field data confirmed that the abundance of flagellates was bottom-up controlled. Furthermore, field data also showed that the annual average biomass of protists, flagellates and ciliates increased with primary productivity. On a smaller seasonal scale temperature and bacterial biomass were able to explain most of the variation in flagellate biovolume. The temporal variation in ciliate biovolume could not be explained by any bottom-up factors like bacterial biomass, flagellate biomass or chlorophyll a. This and an in-situ microcosm experiment implied that the seasonal dynamics of ciliates were more regulated by predators like mesozooplankton. The food web efficiency i.e. how much of production at the resource level is converted to production at the top trophic level, may be affected by specific size or type of resource. Indoor mesocosms revealed that the food web efficiency was 11 times lower when heterotrophic bacteria dominated basal production instead of nano- and micro-sized phytoplankton. This was due to a lengthening of the food web when pico-sized bacteria constituted the main resource. The PCR-DGGE molecular biological method was used to study the diversity of heterotrophic or mixotrophic chrysomonads. The focus was set on chrysomonads due to their relatively large contribution to the nanoflagellate community. Group-specific PCR primers were optimized for the target group. A field survey in the northern Baltic Sea showed that a handful of chrysomonad sequences were present throughout the year. Significantly more chrysomonads were recorded in the basin with higher primary productive and salinity. In total 15-16 different chrysomonad sequences were recorded. Most of them matched uncultured chrysomonad clones.

Microréseaux îlotables : étude et coordination des protections des générateurs et du réseau / Microgrids, study and coordination of protections for the generators and network

Salha, Fouad 16 November 2010 (has links)
L’intégration des énergies renouvelables a conduit à introduire la notion d’utilisation locale de ces nouvelles sources de production. Nous pouvons définir le paradigme de microréseau comme une agrégation de plusieurs sources d'énergie distribuée qui peuvent alimenter leurs charges locales. Ces microréseaux peuvent être îlotables pour garantir la continuité de service et l’alimentation des charges. Pour assurer la fiabilité du réseau, une stratégie de protection des générateurs et du microréseau lui-même a été proposée. Dans ce mémoire, les points communs et les différences entre les générateurs classiques et les générateurs connectés au réseau à l’aide de convertisseur d’ d’électronique de puissance sont présentés. Ensuite, nous présentons la conception d’une source de tension à base d’une micro-turbine à gaz comme source d’énergie primaire contrôlable. Nous étudions les possibilités pour le générateur de demeurer connecté dans les conditions du creux de tension (fault-ride-through) tout en étant protégé contre les surintensités. Nous avons proposé deux solutions différentes permettant de limiter ces courants du générateur. De plus, pour assurer la continuité d’alimentation des charges en deux modes de fonctionnement, nous avons intégré un détecteur de l’ilotage basé sur le relais ROCOF dans le système de commande du générateur. Une validation expérimentale pour ces travaux a été réalisée en utilisant la simulation temps réel PHIL. Finalement, un plan de protection coordonnée valide dans les deux modes de fonctionnement et avec les différents types de source est présenté. Cette stratégie a été testée sur un exemple de microréseau simulé sur le simulateur temps réel / The integration of renewable energy has led to introduce the concept of local use of these new production sources. We can define the Microgrid paradigm as an aggregation of several distributed power sources that can supply their local charges. These microgrids may be islanded to ensure the continuity for supplying the loads in both operation modes. To provide the reliability of the network, a strategy to protect the generators and the Microgrid itself has been proposed. In this thesis, the similarities and differences between conventional generators and the generators connected to the network using the power electronics converter are firstly presented. Then, we present the design of a voltage source connected by a power electronic converter and LC filter, based on gas micro-turbine as the controllable primary energy source. We study the possibilities for the generator to remain connected in case of voltage sags (fault-ride-through) while being protected against the overcurrents. We have proposed two different solutions to limit these generator currents. In addition, to ensure continuity of supply the loads in two operation modes, we integrated an islanding detector based on the ROCOF (Rate Of Change Of Frequency) relay in the control system. An experimental validation for this work was realized using PHIL (Power Hardware in the Loop) real-time simulation. Finally, a coordinated protection plan valid in both operation modes and with different types of sources was presented. This strategy was tested on a simulated example of microgrid on real-time simulator

Étude des phénomènes d'instabilités en présence d'une suspension dans l'écoulement de Taylor-Dean / Study of instability phenomena in the presence of a suspension in the Taylor-Dean flow

Daimallah, Ahmed 21 September 2013 (has links)
La résolution analytique du problème de la stabilité d’une suspension solide (particules rigides de forme sphérique) dans le système de Taylor-Couette cylindrique a été menée. On s’est basé sur les travaux de Ali and Lueptow (2002) pour formuler les équations régissant la stabilité de l’écoulement dans le cadre d’une théorie linéaire. Ces équations sont valables dans l’approximation du faible espace annulaire et ont pour but la prévision de l’instabilité primaire. A cet effet, nous avons utilisé une méthode variationnelle telle que la méthode de Galerkin pour résoudre le problème aux valeurs propres conduisant à établir le diagramme de stabilité liée au nombre d’onde au voisinage de l’état critique du développement de la première instabilité. Tout d’abord, on a cherché à mettre au point les calculs dans le cas de l’écoulement de Taylor-Couette classique en se référant aux travaux de Ali and Lueptow (2002). Ensuite on a procédé à la résolution systématique des équations du mouvement et l’on cherche à déterminer le critère d’apparition des instabilités en présence de particules en suspension et l’on détermine simultanément les paramètres de couplage entre forces d’interaction liquide-solide. L’ensemble des travaux ainsi réalisés permettront de lever la contradiction fondamentale entre la théorie et l’expérience. L’étude expérimentale a permis d’analyser les effets de la concentration des particules en suspension (disques) et du rapport d’aspect radial ’ sur l’apparition des instabilités dans le système de Taylor-Dean. Le dispositif expérimental utilisé est constitué d’un cylindre intérieur tournant et le cylindre extérieur est maintenu fixe. Le comportement rhéologique du fluide utilisé est viscoplastique obéissant au modèle de Herschel Bulkley. L’apparition des instabilités est examinée en utilisant une technique de visualisation. Pour une concentration donnée dans l’intervalle étudié, la nature des structures apparaissant dans le système d’écoulement dépend ’, alors que pour une valeur donnée de ’ dans l’intervalle étudié, la valeur du nombre de Taylor critique Tac dépend de la concentration des particules. Nous avons obtenu que le nombre de Taylor critique Tac correspondant au déclenchement de la première instabilité évolue non linéairement en fonction de ’. De plus, nous avons examiné expérimentalement les effets de limitation axiale (effet de bords) sur le déclenchement des instabilités dans le système de Taylor-Dean. Les résultats obtenus montrent que les bords tournants n’affectent pas le type de structures qui apparaissent dans le système d’écoulement de Taylor-Dean. Cependant, ils influencent le seuil critique d’apparition des instabilités qui est marquée par des valeurs élevées du nombre de Taylor critique pour des bords tournants ce qui indique un effet stabilisant des bords mobiles. / The analytical solution of the stability problem of a solid suspension (rigid spherical particles) in the system of cylindrical Taylor-Couette was conducted. We are based on the work of Ali and Lueptow (2002) to formulate the equations governing the stability of the flow in a linear theory. These equations are valid in the approximation of small gap configuration and aim to predict the primary instability. For this purpose, we used a variational method such as the Galerkin method to solve the eigenvalue problem leading to establish the stability diagram related to the wave number in the vicinity of the critical state of development of the first instability. First, we develop the calculations in the case of Taylor-Couette flow with reference to classic work of Ali and Lueptow (2002). Then, we carried out a systematic solution of the equations of motion and we search to determine the criterion of onset of instabilities in the presence of suspended particles and coupling parameters are simultaneously determined from liquid-solid interaction force. All work carried out and will remove the fundamental contradiction between theory and experiment. The experimental study has analyzed the effect of the concentration of suspended particles (disks) and radial aspect ratio ' on the occurrence of instabilities in the Taylor-Dean flow system. The experimental device used consists of a rotating inner cylinder and the outer cylinder is stationary. The rheological behavior of the fluid is viscoplastic obeying to Herschel Bulkley model. The onset of instability is examined using a visualization technique. For a given concentration in the range studied, the nature of the structure appearing in the flow system depends on ', while for a given value of ' in the range studied, the value of the critical Taylor number Tac depends on the particle concentration. We obtain that the critical Taylor number Tac corresponding to the onset of the first instability evolves nonlinearly versus '. In addition, we examined experimentally the effect of axial limitation (endwall effects) on the onset of instabilities in the Taylor-Dean flow system. The results show that the rotating endwalls do not affect the type of structures that appear in the Taylor-Dean flow system. However, they influence the threshold of appearance of instabilities which is characterized by high values of the critical Taylor number for rotating endwalls indicating a stabilizing effect of the rotating endwalls.

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