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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Une nouvelle méthode d'estimation du nombre minimum d'individus(NMI) par une approche allométrique : le NMI par exclusions. : applications aux séries ostéologiques de la région Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur / A new method of estimation of the Minimum Number of Individuals(MNI) by an allometric approach : mNI by exclusions. : applications to osteological collections of Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur

Parmentier, Sandy 30 November 2010 (has links)
L’estimation du Nombre Minimum d’Individus (NMI) constitue une étape essentielle de l’étude des ensembles osseux, à la fois en contexte funéraire et médico-légal. En anthropologie funéraire, cette estimation va permettre d’affiner les profils paléodémographiques mais aussi de proposer de meilleures hypothèses quant à la gestion et l’utilisation de l’espace funéraire, tandis qu’en anthropologie médico-légale, elle revêt un intérêt majeur en vue de l’identification des victimes et des implications judiciaires qui en résultent.Les méthodes actuellement connues permettant d’estimer le NMI possèdent certaines limites dépendantes de la subjectivité des critères utilisés. Considérant ces limites, nous proposons une nouvelle méthode mise en place via une approche biométrique basée sur le principe de l’allométrie. A partir d’une sélection de 136 mesures ostéométriques, nous avons calculé les paramètres de 18360 équations de régressions linéaires permettant d’obtenir la prédiction d’une mesure biométrique à partir d’une autre ainsi que les bornes de l’intervalle de prédiction individuelle à 99% associé.Nous avons élaboré un outil informatique de tests itératifs permettant d’obtenir, à partir de l’exclusion très hautement probable d’appartenance des os à un même individu, une estimation du NMI.Les résultats du NMI par exclusions obtenus dans diverses applications montrent que ce NMI se révèle être particulièrement performant dans de nombreux cas.Au final, nous proposons une nouvelle méthode, objective et fiable, d’estimation du Nombre Minimum d’Individus - le NMI par exclusions - pouvant être utilisée aussi bien en contexte funéraire que dans un cadre médico-légal. / Estimation of the Minimum Number of Individuals (MNI) constitutes an essential stage of the study of commingled remains, both in physical and forensic anthropology. In physical anthropology, this estimation allow to improve paleodemographic profiles but also to propose better hypotheses as for the management and the use of the funeral space, whereas in forensic anthropology, it takes a major interest in identification procedures of victims and in the judicial involvement which result from it.Nowadays used methods estimating the MNI possess certain limits dependent on the subjectivity of the used criteria. Considering these limits, we propose a new method organized through a biometric approach based on the allometric principle. From a selection of 136 osteometric measures, we calculated the parameters of 18360 equations of linear regressions allowing us to obtain the prediction of a biometric measure from another one as well as the borders of the interval of individual prediction at 99 %.We elaborated a computer tool of iterative tests allowing to obtain, from the very highly likely exclusion from membership of bones in the same individual, an estimation of the MNI.The results of the MNI by exclusions obtained in different applications show that this NMI is particularly successful in numerous cases.In the final, we propose a new method, objective and reliable, of estimation of the Minimum Number of Individuals - the MNI by exclusions - useful as well in archaeological and forensic context.

Uma análise da relação entre violência na escola e proficiência dos alunos

Dalcin, Aline Krüger January 2016 (has links)
O Brasil é um dos países mais violentos do mundo, e essa realidade se reflete no ambiente escolar. O problema da violência na escola induz nos agentes de educação comportamentos que se contrapõem às metas de melhoria da qualidade do ensino. Por isso, a violência na escola é um dos candidatos a determinante da baixa qualidade educacional encontrada no Brasil. Este trabalho investiga se existe relação entre violência na escola e proficiência dos alunos no Brasil nos anos de 2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011 e 2013. Os resultados das regressões lineares e das regressões quantílicas incondicionais indicam que a ocorrência de um tipo de evento violento adicional está associada a uma redução na proficiência. Eles indicam também que há heterogeneidade na resposta dos alunos à violência na escola: a violência na escola parece afetar mais os alunos da quarta série, os alunos que se encontram na mediana da distribuição das notas e os alunos com melhor condição socioeconômica. Além disso, a violência na escola parece afetar mais a proficiência em Matemática em comparação com a proficiência em Língua Portuguesa, e a violência contra o professor tem efeitos tão ou mais deletérios que a violência entre os alunos. / Brazil is one of the most violent countries in the world, and this reality is part of the school environment. The problem of school violence hinders any possible progress in improving the quality of education. Indeed, school violence is a key element in explaining the low educational quality in Brazil. This research investigates the relationship between school violence and student achievement in Brazil in the years of 2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011 and 2013. The results of linear regressions and unconditional quantile regressions analysis show that an occurrence of an additional kind of violent event is associated with a reduction on student achievement. They also show that there is a high degree of heterogeneity in student responses to school violence: the school violence seems to affect more 4th graders, the students that are in the median of the distribution of the grades and the students with the best socioeconomic conditions. Moreover, school violence seems to affect more grades in Math than Portuguese, and the violence against teachers has effects as or more deleterious than the violence between students.

Uma análise da relação entre violência na escola e proficiência dos alunos

Dalcin, Aline Krüger January 2016 (has links)
O Brasil é um dos países mais violentos do mundo, e essa realidade se reflete no ambiente escolar. O problema da violência na escola induz nos agentes de educação comportamentos que se contrapõem às metas de melhoria da qualidade do ensino. Por isso, a violência na escola é um dos candidatos a determinante da baixa qualidade educacional encontrada no Brasil. Este trabalho investiga se existe relação entre violência na escola e proficiência dos alunos no Brasil nos anos de 2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011 e 2013. Os resultados das regressões lineares e das regressões quantílicas incondicionais indicam que a ocorrência de um tipo de evento violento adicional está associada a uma redução na proficiência. Eles indicam também que há heterogeneidade na resposta dos alunos à violência na escola: a violência na escola parece afetar mais os alunos da quarta série, os alunos que se encontram na mediana da distribuição das notas e os alunos com melhor condição socioeconômica. Além disso, a violência na escola parece afetar mais a proficiência em Matemática em comparação com a proficiência em Língua Portuguesa, e a violência contra o professor tem efeitos tão ou mais deletérios que a violência entre os alunos. / Brazil is one of the most violent countries in the world, and this reality is part of the school environment. The problem of school violence hinders any possible progress in improving the quality of education. Indeed, school violence is a key element in explaining the low educational quality in Brazil. This research investigates the relationship between school violence and student achievement in Brazil in the years of 2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011 and 2013. The results of linear regressions and unconditional quantile regressions analysis show that an occurrence of an additional kind of violent event is associated with a reduction on student achievement. They also show that there is a high degree of heterogeneity in student responses to school violence: the school violence seems to affect more 4th graders, the students that are in the median of the distribution of the grades and the students with the best socioeconomic conditions. Moreover, school violence seems to affect more grades in Math than Portuguese, and the violence against teachers has effects as or more deleterious than the violence between students.

Uma análise da relação entre violência na escola e proficiência dos alunos

Dalcin, Aline Krüger January 2016 (has links)
O Brasil é um dos países mais violentos do mundo, e essa realidade se reflete no ambiente escolar. O problema da violência na escola induz nos agentes de educação comportamentos que se contrapõem às metas de melhoria da qualidade do ensino. Por isso, a violência na escola é um dos candidatos a determinante da baixa qualidade educacional encontrada no Brasil. Este trabalho investiga se existe relação entre violência na escola e proficiência dos alunos no Brasil nos anos de 2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011 e 2013. Os resultados das regressões lineares e das regressões quantílicas incondicionais indicam que a ocorrência de um tipo de evento violento adicional está associada a uma redução na proficiência. Eles indicam também que há heterogeneidade na resposta dos alunos à violência na escola: a violência na escola parece afetar mais os alunos da quarta série, os alunos que se encontram na mediana da distribuição das notas e os alunos com melhor condição socioeconômica. Além disso, a violência na escola parece afetar mais a proficiência em Matemática em comparação com a proficiência em Língua Portuguesa, e a violência contra o professor tem efeitos tão ou mais deletérios que a violência entre os alunos. / Brazil is one of the most violent countries in the world, and this reality is part of the school environment. The problem of school violence hinders any possible progress in improving the quality of education. Indeed, school violence is a key element in explaining the low educational quality in Brazil. This research investigates the relationship between school violence and student achievement in Brazil in the years of 2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011 and 2013. The results of linear regressions and unconditional quantile regressions analysis show that an occurrence of an additional kind of violent event is associated with a reduction on student achievement. They also show that there is a high degree of heterogeneity in student responses to school violence: the school violence seems to affect more 4th graders, the students that are in the median of the distribution of the grades and the students with the best socioeconomic conditions. Moreover, school violence seems to affect more grades in Math than Portuguese, and the violence against teachers has effects as or more deleterious than the violence between students.

Caractérisation de l'environnement sonore urbain : Proposition de nouveaux indicateurs de qualité / Characterization of the urban soundscape : with new indicators of quality

Brocolini, Laurent 13 December 2012 (has links)
A l'heure actuelle, les seuls moyens d'informer les usagers de la ville de l'environnement sonore dans lequel ils vivent consistent en des indicateurs de niveaux sonores moyens et annuels obtenus par modélisation acoustique des principales infrastructures de transports. Or, ces indicateurs sont difficilement compris et de ce fait mal interprétés par les usagers de la ville car ils ne reflètent pas la signification des bruits perçus et la diversité des situations que les citadins rencontrent. Le but de ce travail de recherche est donc d'analyser la façon dont les usagers de la ville perçoivent le paysage sonore urbain afin de définir des indicateurs de qualité sonore qui pourront être à terme intégrés dans une représentation territoriale cartographique. Pour ce faire, il a tout d'abord été nécessaire de s'attacher à déterminer un pas temporel et spatial de mesure permettant de caractériser des ambiances urbaines d'un point de vue acoustique. A partir d'enregistrements longue durée (trois mois environs) en six points fixes à Paris, il a été possible de déterminer à travers des classifications ascendantes hiérarchiques de Ward associées à des cartes auto-organisatrices de Kohonen qu'une durée de dix minutes semble dans la plupart des cas être suffisante pour caractériser différentes ambiances sonores. Grâce aux mêmes méthodes de classification, l'analyse du maillage spatial a permis de définir quatre zones homogènes qui correspondent (1) au parc, (2) au boulevard, (3) à la rue piétonne puis (4) une zone que l'on qualifiera de zone de transition. La suite de l'étude s'est attachée à construire des modèles de prédiction de la qualité sonore. A partir d'enquêtes de terrain réalisées à Paris et à Lyon, il a été possible d'établir des modèles à la fois locaux (caractérisant le lieu même où le questionnaire a été évalué) et globaux basés d'une part sur des régressions linéaires multiples et d'autre part sur des réseaux de neurones artificiels. La comparaison de ces deux types de modèles a permis entre autre de mettre en évidence l'apport des réseaux de neurones artificiels devant les régressions linéaires multiples en termes de prédiction. Par ailleurs il est ressorti de ces modèles l'importance de variables telles que le silence, l'agrément visuel ou encore la présence de sources sonores particulières comme les véhicules légers pour expliquer la qualité sonore de l'environnement. / At present, the only ways to inform city dwellers about the sound environment in which they live are annual and average sound level indicators using acoustic modeling of main transport infrastructure. However, these indicators are difficult to understand and therefore misinterpreted by city dwellers because they do not reflect the significance of perceived noise and the diversity of the situations. The aim of this research is therefore to analyze how the city dwellers perceive the urban soundscape in order to characterize sound quality indicators which can be used into mapping. To do this, it was first of all necessary to determine a temporal and spatial resolution to characterize urban environment from an acoustic point of view. From long period recordings (almost three months) at six locations in Paris it was possible to determine through hierarchical ascendant Ward classifications combined with self-organizing Kohonen maps that duration of ten minutes for measurements seems to be enough to characterize in most cases different acoustic environments. Thanks to the same classification methods, spatial study made it possible to define four homogeneous areas which correspond (1) to the park, (2) to the boulevard, (3) to the pedestrian street and (4) to an area which can be considered as a transition one. Then this study focused on building sound quality predictive models. Thanks to field surveys in Paris and Lyon, it was possible to establish local models (characterizing the location where the questionnaire has been evaluated) and overall models based on one hand on multiple linear regressions and on the other hand on artificial neural networks. The comparison of both models highlighted the advantages of artificial neural networks compared to multiple linear regressions in terms of prediction. Moreover, according to these models, variables such as silence, the visual pleasantness or even the presence of specific sound sources as light vehicles explain the sound quality of the environment.

Analyse des effets des pratiques managériales des dirigeants sur la performance à l'export : le cas des PME marocaines / Analysis of effects of management practices of the leaders on the export performance : the case of moroccan SMEs

El Makrini-Roche, Hind 17 October 2014 (has links)
L’objectif de cette recherche est d’analyser l’influence des pratiques managériales des dirigeants sur la performance à l’export des PME marocaines et de vérifier le rôle médiateur de la compétitivité, en se basant sur la théorie des ressources (RBV). L’approche quantitative est principalement utilisée dans cette recherche. Les analyses de régressions linéaires multiples utilisées sur un échantillon de 100 PME marocaines pour confirmer ou infirmer treize hypothèses de recherche, révèlent que seules certaines pratiques managériales sont stratégiques et conditionnent la performance à l’export, en développant des avantages compétitifs durables. L’étude a des implications utiles pour la recherche académique, les dirigeants et les politiques publiques, fournissant des lignes directrices et des repères utiles pour une performance supérieure à l’export. L’étude peut également être proposée dans l’enseignement supérieur afin d’informer le corps enseignant et les étudiants sur le contexte des PME. Cette recherche fait partie de l’une des rares études ayant mis en évidence le rôle médiateur de la compétitivité dans le contexte des pays en développement, en particulier dans les régions du Maghreb, où on note de rares références bibliographiques dans ce domaine.Des mesures aussi bien objectives que subjectives ont été utilisées pour mesurer la performance à l’export. Un certain nombre de limites doivent par ailleurs être prises en considération dans l’évaluation des résultats et leurs implications. Les contributions ne peuvent être généralisées que si les idées supplémentaires proposées résistent à l’épreuve du temps et de l’expérience. Une limite fondamentale est que les données analysées sont transversales plutôt que longitudinales. Le cadre développé dans cette recherche peut servir de point de départ à des recherches ultérieures. Celles-ci pourraient être enrichies en explorant les divers paramètres que nous n’avons pas envisagés tels quel la culture et le cycle de vie des produits et des entreprises. Il va de soi que ces facteurs pourraient revêtir une grande importance. / The purpose of this research is to analyze the impact of the managerial practices of managers on the export performance of Moroccan SMEs and to examine the mediating role of the competitiveness, based on the resource-based view (RBV) of a firmThe quantitative approach is particularly used in this study. The survey was conducted of 100 Moroccan SMEs. The multiple linear regressions employed to confirm or reject the hypotheses revealed that only certain managerial practices are strategic and can affect export performance by developing sustainable competitive advantage. The study has useful managerial implications for academics, practitioners and public policy makers, providing guidelines and interesting recommendations for a better export performance. The study can also be used in teaching. This is one of the few studies which highlighted the mediating role of the competitiveness in the context of a developing country, particularly in Maghreb regions, where the studies on this subject are rare.Both objective and subjective measures were used to measure export performance. However, the results presented in this work should be interpreted with caution, since the results have a number of limitations that should be taken into account when evaluating and generalizing their conclusions. Indeed, it is recommended that longitudinal and replication studies be undertaken, in order to ascertain the effect of the managerial practices on the export performance at different time and spatial frames. Future research should also include other important factors not analyzed in this study.

Extreme temperature regimes during the cool season: recent observed behavior and low frequency mode modulation

Westby, Rebecca Marie 18 November 2011 (has links)
During the boreal cool season, regional climate in the United States is strongly impacted by extreme temperature regimes (ETRs), including both cold air outbreaks (CAOs) and warm waves (WWs), which have significant impacts on energy consumption, agriculture, as well as the human population. Using NCEP/NCAR and MERRA reanalysis data, the statistical characteristics of ETRs over three distinct geographical regions are studied: the Midwest (MW), Northeast Megalopolis (NE), and Deep South (SE). The regional long-term variability in the frequency and amplitude of ETRs is examined, and the modulation of these ETRs by low frequency modes is quantified. ETR behavior is characterized using three different metrics applied to both T and Twc: 1) the number of extreme cold/warm days, 2) a seasonal cumulative "impact factor", and 3) a peak normalized anomaly value. A trend analysis reveals a significant downward trend in SE WW events from 1949-2011. Otherwise, no significant trends are found for ETRs in any of the other regions. Thus, these results indicate that there has not been any significant reduction in either the amplitude or frequency of CAOs over the United States during the period of analysis. In fact, for the SE region, the recent winters of 2009/2010 and 2010/2011 both rank among the top 5 in terms of CAO metrics. In addition, strong interannual variability in ETRs is evident from 1949-2011 in each region. Linear regression analysis is then used to determine the associations between ETR metrics and the seasonal mean state of several low frequency modes, and it is found that ETRs tend to be modulated by certain low frequency modes. For instance, in the SE region, there is a significant association between ETRs and the phase of the North Atlantic (or Arctic) Oscillation (NAO/AO), the Pacific North American (PNA) pattern (for WWs only), the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) and the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (for WWs only). Over the MW region, WWs are modulated by the NAO/AO and PNA patterns, while in the NE region, the AO, NAO (for WWs only) and PDO (for WWs only) are implicated. In addition, it is found that there is an asymmetry between the low frequency mode modulation of CAOs and WWs. Multiple linear regression analysis is then used to quantify the relative roles of the various low frequency modes in explaining interannual variability in ETR metrics, and reveals that various combinations of low frequency modes can explain anywhere between 10% and 50% of the variance in the ETR metrics.

Variabilités climatiques régionales et changement global : cas de l'évolution climatique récente au Maroc, en Mauritanie et sur leur proche océan / Regional climate variability and global change : case of recent global change in Morocco, Mauritania and their near ocean

Amraoui, Laïla 29 November 2013 (has links)
Dans le contexte du changement climatique contemporain, les analyses climatiques à l’échelle régionale présentent un intérêt majeur car elles permettent de rendre compte des hétérogénéités spatiales des évolutions climatiques. Notre étude propose une analyse de l’évolution climatique récente au Maroc et en Mauritanie et leur proche océan. Elle s’intéresse à cette évolution dans les basses couches de l’atmosphère en tenant compte des conditions thermiques (les températures de l’air à 2m), de la dynamique climatique côtière (TSM et upwelling), puis de la dynamique atmosphérique constituée des pressions atmosphériques et des vents de surface. Pour la totalité des paramètres météorologiques étudiés, la variabilité et l’évolution interannuelles sont analysées aux échelles annuelle et mensuelle / saisonnière. Les analyses statistiques basées principalement sur les régressions linéaires et la segmentation d’Hubert ont permis de monter que l’espace maroco-mauritanien a connu au cours des six dernières décennies (1950-2008), des évolutions climatiques contrastées tant à l’échelle spatiale qu’à l’échelle saisonnière. Les résultats les plus marquants se résument dans :•une évolution thermique contrastée avec un réchauffement plus marqué au Maroc et au Sahara qu’en Mauritanie, •augmentation de l’intensité de l’upwelling sur la côte marocaine et diminution de son intensité sur la côte mauritanienne,•une forte et dominante tendance à la hausse de la pression atmosphérique laissant apparaître notamment un renforcement de l’A.A méditerrano-saharienne et un affaiblissement de la dépression thermique saharienne en été,•une tendance générale à la baisse de la vitesse des vents, qui se produit parallèlement à une rotation de la rose des vents du nord au nord-est pour les alizés maritimes et du nord à l’est pour les alizés continentaux.La segmentation d’Hubert a permis de confirmer que les fluctuations climatiques majeures dans l’espace maroco-mauritanien et son proche océan se sont produites pendant les années 1970. Cela se vérifie à l’échelle des températures de l’air, de l’upwelling, et des PNM, tandis que pour les vents, la rupture qui a touché la vitesse et la fréquence des directions principales des alizés s’est produite entre les années 1960 et 1970. Une seconde période de rupture est mise en évidence par la segmentation d’Hubert. Elle concerne les années 1990 dans les séries chronologiques des températures de l’air et des PNM. / In the context of global contemporary climate change, regional climate analyses are of major interest as they allow accounting for spatial heterogeneity of climate change. Our study provides for an analysis of recent climate changes in Morocco and Mauritania and their nearby Ocean. It focuses on the evolution in the lower layers of the atmosphere, taking into account the thermal conditions (air temperature at 2m), the coastal climate dynamics (sst and upwelling), and atmosphere dynamics made of atmospheric pressures and surface winds. For all the studied meteorological parameters, the variability and inter-annual evolution are analyzed on monthly and annual / seasonal scales.Statistical analyzes based primarily on linear regressions and Hubert's segmentation helped show that the Moroccan-Mauritanian zone has experienced over the past six decades (1950-2008), contrasting climate changes both at the spatial and seasonal scales. The most significant results are hereunder summarized :•A contrasted thermal evolution with a more pronounced warming in Morocco and the Sahara than in Mauritania,•Increase the intensity of the upwelling on the Moroccan coast and decrease on the Mauritanian,•A strong and dominant upward trend in atmospheric pressure, resulting, in particular, in a Mediterrano-Saharan AA strengthening and lower Saharan thermal pressure during summer,•A general downward trend in wind speed, in parallel with a rotation of the compass rose from north to northeast for marine trade winds, and from north to east for the continental trade winds.Hubert’ Segmentation confirmed that the major climatic fluctuations in the Moroccan-Mauritanian area and their nearby ocean occurred during the 1970s. This is true at the level of air temperatures, the upwelling, and SLP, while the disruption that affected the wind speed and the frequency of the main directions of the trade winds occurred between 1960 and 1970. A second period of disruption has been demonstrated by Hubert’s segmentation. It relates to the 1990s in air temperature chronological series and SLP.

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