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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Integrering av BIM i byggproduktionen / Integration of BIM in the building production

Svensson, Malin, Larsson, Johanna January 2015 (has links)
BIM is a tool with great potentials within several fields of application, but despite this there are still doubts about the possibilities to take on and integrate the use of BIM, especially in the building production. Lack of interest, complex applications and the need to reorganize processes are complicating the integration. This study discusses BIM as a digital aid in the building production where the ambition is to analyze how a contractor can convert visions about BIM into practical application in the building construction. To achieve the ambition with this examination paper, a case study has been conducted at Peab in Jönköping where data has been collected through interviews, observations and a document analysis. This empirical data is analyzed along with a theoretical framework, which is created through a literature review. Today, BIM is not established at Peab in Jönköping and the company stands in the presence of a change where BIM shall be integrated and become a natural way to work. The visions about BIM are that the company shall gain an improved position in the labor market, produce better documents and establish BIM in the building production. The BIM integration is a line responsibility where the line managers must create a culture for development, take responsibility and show commitment in the transformation. All project participants have to undergo education and the roles and responsibilities in the integrations must be identified. The visions and ambitions about BIM at the office must be transferred to the building production, to succeed with the integrations and create a collaboration that reduces the gap between the office and the construction site. The conclusion is that an integration of BIM in the building production is possible, only when BIM is an established and natural work method in the design phase. To facilitate the integration of BIM in the building production at Peab in Jönköping, the information flow must be more frequent and continuous, the BIM model must be adapted to the users in the building production and a clear strategy must be framed before the projects, that currently are designed with BIM, reaches the construction phase. This examination paper aims towards readers with prior knowledge in BIM and building technique, therefore the result is presented without further explanation about functions in mentioned softwares. Only one case company is selected to gain a profound insight and to clarify the connection between visions and practical application.


Lundgren, Emil, Karmehag, Markus January 2020 (has links)
The 4th phase of the industrial revolution is focused on the relationship between the humans and the machines and how they can collaborate. We are going to look deeper into the relationship between autonomy and IoT-based solutions in a line organization with the help of a case study. In this case study, we discovered that the industry and their workers will benefit from using IoT-solutions to maintain more competitiveness to the market. With the use of IoT- based solutions such as a digital Dashboard, they get more reliable information and better ways of communication within the organization. Our study emphasizes the necessity of improving the autonomy within an industrial workplace. The personnel in an organization will be able to use IoTin a way to get more creative, gain more responsibility, keep a higher level of quality and make the work procedures more efficient.

Hållbar Utveckling på ett rederi med specifikt fokus på färskvattenförbrukning

Vaara, Tanja January 2010 (has links)
Denna studie visar en tolkning av begreppet hållbar utveckling samtidigt som den konkretiseras i den specifika fartygsverksamheten. Detta examensarbete skall fungera som underlag till en utbildning som har som syfte att få befälsnivån att arbeta mot en mer hållbar utveckling. I samband med utbildningen är det viktigt att komma ihåg att målet är att öka medvetenheten hos befälsnivån så att risken minimeras för att de fattar dåliga beslut. Målet är även att befälsnivån skall känna att de har bättre verktyg än före utbildningen för att arbeta mot en mer hållbar utveckling. Det är viktigt att befälsnivån får med sig förståelsen för hur de tre dimensionerna ekologi, ekonomi och sociala aspekter hänger samman. Befälsnivån skall ha förståelse för att hållbar utveckling är uppnådd när förbättringar i en dimension också leder till förbättringar i en annan dimension (SOU 2004:104). Befälsnivån skall ansvarfullt inse att den ekologiska bärkraften är viktigast för allt liv och därmed också inse att om exempelvis ekonomisk tillväxt är baserad på en produktion som är mindre miljöanpassad än tidigare alternativ så är utvecklingen inte hållbar. För att få befälsnivån att arbeta mot en mer hållbar utveckling har alla tre dimensioner sina egna drivkrafter som skall uppmärksammas före beslut om förändring. Det ekologiska är givet, då vi är beroende av vår miljö, det sociala kan vara allt från påtryckningar från ledningen till krav från arbetskamrater och kunder. De ekonomiska drivkrafterna kan i sin tur också vara många där styrmedel är det mest framträdande. Det har dock visat sig att exempelvis miljöåtgärder som innebär ekonomisk vinning inte behöver formell styrning. Denna självreglering leder till att verksamheten själv önskar att initiera åtgärder till förmån för hållbar utveckling. I denna studie framhävs därmed också betydelsen av utbildningen och betydelsen av utbildningens innehåll ur en pedagogisk synvinkel. I rapporten påpekas också vikten av att ledningen är den som skall se till att de anställda har rätta verktygen för att genomföra förändringar och utvecklas. Det bör dock noteras att i samband med färskvattenförbrukningens minskning har inte hänsyn tagits till kundernas beteende. En tydligare kartläggning av de olika kundsegmentens vattenförbrukning är en bra framtida studiemöjlighet. För att upprätthålla arbetet mot en mer hållbar utveckling är det av ytterst vikt att en processmodell där utvärdering anses spela en viktig roll finns att tillgå. För minskning av färskvattenförbrukning presenteras en åtgärdsplan samt andra förslag som utbyte av exempelvis duschmunstycken som på längre sikt kan leda till en större minskning av färskvattenförbrukningen. / This study’s main goal is to help the ship management to work towards a more sustainable development by introducing the concept in, for the shipping business, concrete concept. It is also of importance to remember that the goal with this educational training is not to create a perfect person, but to increase the ship management’s awareness to minimize the risk of bad decisions based on lack of knowledge. It is of importance that the ship management increases their knowledge of the significance of the three dimensions ecology, economics and social aspects. The ship management tools for working towards a more sustainable development is hoped to increase by giving them better understanding for the fact that an improvement of one of the dimensions may lead to an improvement of the others (SOU 2004:104). The ship management is meant to realize that the ecological capacity being the most important for life a development cannot be sustainable if the economic growth is less environmentally adjusted than necessary. In working towards a sustainable development it is of great importance that all the dimensions´ driving forces are given attention before making a decision. The ecological dimension is given, us being depended of the environment, the social aspect is anything between the managements demands and customers inquiry. The economical aspects are many, but the different governments’ mean of control may be the most important, although it has been shown that environmental improvements also giving an economical profit are done without external control. This regulation made by the company indicates that the company is willing to make measures towards are more sustainable development. This study will also highlight the pedagogical aspects when teaching about sustainable development. In conclusion the importance of the managements´ devotion to make sure that the employees have the tools to work towards solutions based on sustainable development is found. The importance of making sustainable development concrete by using freshwater consumption as an example is also stated. Finally, to be able to work towards more sustainable development and to uphold the quality it is of great importance that there is a project plan where follow-up and feedback are essential. This study also introduces a package of measure for the freshwater reduction onboard the ships among other recommended measures such as changing the showers mouthpieces. It is of great importance that the measures made will lead to the long-term sustainable development that will be required.

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