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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Investigating literacy development among learners with a second language as medium of education : the effects of an emergent literacy stimulation program in Grade R

Olivier, Johanna M. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DPhil (General Linguistics))—University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Addressing the low literacy rates in South Africa poses a mountainous challenge. However, identifying children at risk for reading difficulties and providing timely and preventative intervention might be a good starting point to addressing this challenge. This study aimed at making a contribution to the existing body of literature on emergent literacy skills of learners who are educated in a second or additional language. The study investigated English Language Learners’ (ELLs) emergent literacy skills prior to entering Grade 1 and evaluated the effectiveness of an evidence-based stimulation program in the South African context. The main research question this study attempted to answer was: “What is the effect of a stimulation program for emergent literacy skills in Grade R on the development of literacy of English Language Learners in Grade 1?” In a quasiexperimental design, ELLs’ emergent literacy skills were assessed with an adapted version of the Emergent Literacy Assessment battery (Willenberg 2004) and were compared to those of English first language (L1) and of ELL control groups, both prior to and after an 8-week purpose-designed stimulation program. Results indicated that while learners showed significant improvement on six out of the eight subtests, the particular intervention program did not significantly improve ELLs’ emergent literacy skills (those pertaining to alphabet knowledge, phoneme awareness, print awareness and oral language skills, amongst others) when compared to learners in the respective control groups. When controlling for receptive language abilities, English L1 learners did not perform any better than their L2 peers on any of the eight measures of emergent literacy prior to intervention. Furthermore, upon entering Grade 1, there was no statistical significant difference in the performance of the English L1 learners and ELLs on any of the eight subtests after intervention. Possible independent variables contributing to the dearth of intervention effect included socio-economic status, learners’ L1, and teacher and classroom specific characteristics. These variables were addressed, and clinical implications for speech-language therapists with regards to assessment, intervention, service delivery and outcome measures were highlighted. / AFRIKAANS OPSOMMING: Die aanspreek van Suid-Afrika se geletterdheidsvraagstuk is ‘n reuse uitdaging. Die vroeë identifisering van kinders met ‘n hoë risiko vir leesprobleme en die verskaffing van tydige en voorkomende intervensie mag egter ‘n goeie beginpunt wees in die aanspreek van hierdie uitdaging. Hierdie studie het gepoog om ‘n bydrae te lewer tot die bestaande literatuur oor ontluikende geletterdheidsvaardighede van kinders wat in ‘n tweede of addisionele taal onderrig word. Die studie het die ontluikende geletterheidsvaardighede ondersoek van Graad R-leerders wat in Engels onderrig word, maar vir wie Engels nie hul eerste taal is nie, asook die effektiwiteit van ‘n navorsingsgebaseerde stimulasieprogram binne die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks. Die hoof navorsingsvraag van die studie was: “Wat is die effek van ‘n stimulasieprogram vir ontluikende geletterheidsvaardighede in Graad R op die ontwikkeling van geletterdheid van Engels tweede taal (T2)-leerders in Graad 1?” In ‘n kwasieksperimentele ontwerp is Engels T2-leerders se ontluikende geletterheidsvaardighede met ‘n aangepaste weergawe van die Emergent Literacy Assessment Battery (Willenberg 2004) geëvalueer, en voor en na ‘n 8-week doelgerigte stimulasieprogram vergelyk met die vaardighede van kontrolegroepe wat bestaan het uit Engels eerste taal (T1)-leerders en Engels T2-leerders onderskeidelik. Alhoewel leerders ‘n beduidende verbetering in ses van die agt subtoetse getoon het, het die spesifieke intervensieprogram nie T2-leerders in die eksperimentele groepe se ontluikende geletterdheidsvaardighede beduidend verbeter in vergelyking met leerders in die twee kontrole groepe nie (dit sluit in onder andere alfabetkennis, foneembewustheid, drukbewustheid en orale taalvaardighede). Wanneer daar vir reseptiewe taalvaardighede gekontroleer is, het die T1-leerders nie beduidend beter gevaar as hul T2-portuurgroep op enige van die agt subtoetse van ontluikende geletterdheid nie, en met toetrede tot Graad 1 was daar gevolglik geen statisties beduidende verskil tussen die T1- en T2-groepe ten opsigte van enige van die agt subtoetse nie. Moontlike onafhanklike veranderlikes wat tot hierdie gebrek aan intervensie-effek kon bydra, sluit sosio-ekonomiese status, leerders se T1 en onderwyseren klaskamer-spesifieke eienskappe in. Hierdie veranderlikes is aangespreek, en die kliniese implikasies vir spraak-taalterapeute met betrekking tot evaluasie, intervensie, dienslewering en die noukeurige meting van uitkomste is toegelig.

An evaluation of Guided Reading in three primary schools in the Western Cape

Kruizinga, Alide 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEd (Curriculum Studies)--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Given that the South African government intends to improve its literacy rates by implementing Guided Reading in the primary schools, teachers are challenged to give good quality Guided Reading instruction. This study evaluates how teachers understand and implement Guided Reading in Grade 1 and 2 at three public schools in the Western Cape. It discusses how Guided Reading can be a teaching context in which children learn to construct meaning independently from text. In addition, the study gives explanation on how to implement Guided Reading into classrooms. To gather data on teachers’ current understanding and implementation of Guided Reading, a Guided Reading Self-Assessment Inventory was used (Fountas & Pinnell 1996:283-285). Data were also drawn from observations of teachers during their Guided Reading instruction. Analysis of the abovementioned quantitative and qualitative research data, indicate that teachers have a superficial understanding of Guided Reading. The new policy requirements for Guided Reading appear to fail to offer teachers a sufficient explanation of Guided Reading. Without clear explanation of Guided Reading and practical support, it is expected that South African teachers will continue with their traditional reading instruction, because they do not fully understand the concept and value of Guided Reading. This study suggests that South African teachers struggle to implement Guided Reading in their classrooms, because they do not create Guided Reading groups based on ongoing assessment and they do not have access to leveled Guided Reading books. Without addressing these basic requirements, it is unlikely that Guided Reading will be implemented with any success in South African classrooms. An overriding conclusion is that Guided Reading instruction needs further research before it can be implemented correctly on a large scale in the primary schools of South Africa. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Suid Afrikaanse regering se besluit om begeleide lees “Guided Reading” in primêre skole te implimenteer om gelettertheid te bevorder, plaas ‘n groot verantwoordelikheid op onderwysers om hierdie leesbenadering op die juiste manier aan te bied. Hierdie navorsing fokus op Graad 1- en 2- onderwysers se begrip en uitvoering van begeleide lees in drie publieke skole in die Wes-Kaap. Die studie poog om onderwysers bewus te maak dat begeleide lees ‘n raamwerk kan wees waarbinne kinders leer om met begrip te lees asook om hoe hierdie leesbenadering te implementeer. Om data in te samel oor die huidige stand van uitvoering van begeleidelees is gebruik gemaak van ‘n “Guided Reading Self-Assessment Inventory” (Fountas & Pinnell 1996:283-285). Waarnemings is ook gemaak van onderwysers se begeleide lees onderrig. Die analisering van die data dui op Suid Afrikaanse onderwysers se gebrekkige begrip van begeleide lees, tot ‘n mate as gevolg van onduidelike beleidsdokumente. Sonder duidelike instruksie en ondersteuning aan onderwysers is dit te verwagte dat hulle sal terugval op hul tradisionele onderrigmetodes, terwyl die volle waarde van begeleide lees hulle ontgaan. Die studie bevind dat onderwysers die leesbenadering nie korrek tot uitvoering kan bring nie omdat hulle nie hul kinders in groepe plaas aan die hand van deurlopende evaluering nie, maar ook weens ‘n tekort aan geskikte onderrigmateriaal. Die sukses van begeleide lees is onwaarskynlik indien hierdie tekorte nie aangespreek word nie. Die oorheersende slotsom van die studie is dat verdere navorsing in die onderrig van begeleide lees nodig is voordat dit op groot skaal ingestel kan word by alle primêre skole in Suid Afrika.

The post-literacy perceptions of newly literate adult learners at a rural community learning centre

Van Wyk, Jeremy Mark 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Literature suggests that post-literacy (PL) is a seriously under-researched field in most African countries including South Africa. From the literature, it also became evident that, if PL is not viewed as a government priority, a gap will continue to exist between what PL programmes offer, and what the newly literate adults may need. Various authors emphasise the importance of PL to prevent relapsing into illiteracy, the applicability of PL in enhancing everyday private and occupational life, as well as the potential contribution of PL to poverty reduction, social, economic and political development and in sustaining communities. The aim of this study was to identify the PL perceptions of newly literate adults in the PL programme at the Simondium Community Learning Centre (SCLC) in the Western Cape of South Africa. A basic qualitative research approach to collect data was undertaken. During the data production ten semi-structured interviews were conducted, with the individual participant as the unit of analysis. All interviews were recorded digitally (using a tape recorder) and transcribed verbatim. Data analysis was done using the HyperQual computer programme to identify, retrieve, isolate and regroup data. The results and conclusions of data based on the literature studied and findings of the study indicate a learner-centred PL programme is required which focuses mainly on non-formal and vocational programmes for sustaining communities and economic development. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Literatuur dui daarop dat nágeletterdheid (NG) is ’n ernstig onder nagevorsde gebied in die meeste Afrika-lande wat Suid Afrika insluit. Vanuit die literatuur het dit duidelik geblyk dat, as die regering nie NG as 'n prioriteit beskou nie, 'n gaping sal bly voortbestaan tussen dit wat nuutgelettterde volwassenes moontlik kan benodig en dit wat die program bied. Verskeie skrywers benadruk die belangrikheid van NG om 'n terugval na ongeletterdheid te voorkom, die toepaslikheid van NG om alledaagse private en beroepslewe te bevorder, asook NG se potensiële bydrae tot armoedeverligting, maatskaplike, ekonomiese en politieke ontwikkeling en by die volhoubaarheid van gemeenskappe. Die doel van hierdie studie was om die NGpersepsies van nuutgeletterde volwassenes in die NG-program by die Simondium Gemeenskapleersentrum (SGLS) in die Wes-Kaap van Suid-Afrika te identifiseer. ’n Basiese kwalitatiewe navorsingsbenadering is gebruik om data te versamel. Tydens die data versameling is tien semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude gebruik met die individuele deelnemer as die eenheid van analise. Alle onderhoude is digitaal deur 'n bandopnemer opgeneem en verbatim getranskribeer. Data-analise is gedoen deur gebruik te maak van die HyperQual-rekenaarprogram om data te identifiseer, te herroep, te isoleer en te hergroepeer. Die resultate en opsommings van data gabaseer op literatuur wat bestudeer is en die bevindinge van die studie, dui aan dat 'n leerder-gesentreerde NG program wat hoofsaaklik fokus op nie-formele en beroepsgerigte programme vir die volhoubaarheid van gemeenskappe en ekonomiese ontwikkeling, mag nodig wees binne die bestudeerde konteks.

Funksionele bemagtiging van die opvoeder van volwassenes in die Wes-Kaap

Jansen, Edward Henry 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEdPsych (Educational Psychology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / According to the latest available statistics, 9 million people in South Africa are illiterate. A large number of these people did not attend school. This can be attributed to a number of factors, amongst others no entry to any form of schooling, economic realities and a expectation of low quality of life It is especially after 1994 that Adult Basic Education and Training was scrutinized in order to address the backlogs. A more closer investigation has shown that the adult education centres at a convenient sample of 3 secondary schools in the Western Cape (N = 18) are merely an extension of mainstream education, without taking into account the notion of the Andragogy (The Teaching of Adults). This study aims to determine guidelines to assist the educator of adults on the path to empowerment, in order to help to ensure the above scientific accountability

'n Evaluasie van ‘n geletterheidsondersteuningsprogram vir die intermediêre fase

Veldsman, G. C. (Anienie) 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEdPsych )--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Adequate literacy skills form the basis for learning and development. Unfortunately, a lack of adequate literacy skills is a world-wide tendency. Literacy in South Africa is part of this problem. The Department of Basic Education has, since 2000, been using the National Systemic Evaluation (NSE) to determine the level of learners' literacy skills. This evaluation takes place in grades 3 and 6 every alternate year. The latest evaluation indicated that the number of Intermediate Phase learners in South Africa who do not have the required literacy skills has increased over the last few years. The school where this research was undertaken also experiences problems with learners whose literacy skills are not up to standard. The results of the National Systemic Evaluation (NSE) of 2005 indicate that only 30% of the grade 6 learners in the school are able to read and write at the required age level. As a result, a large percentage of the learners' reading and writing skills can be compared to learners in the Foundation Phase. Teachers in the Intermediate Phase have indicated that they do not have sufficient knowledge and self-confidence to support learners whose literacy skills are comparable with those in the Foundation Phase. It is within this frame of reference that I developed a support programme for teachers who teach in the Intermediate Phase. The aim of the research was to evaluate the efficacy of the Literacy Support Programme (GOP) for the Intermediate Phase. The study will determine if the teachers' self-confidence, skills and strategies for literacy support have improved. Transformation of the learners' backlog cannot take place before their teachers' self-confidence to support them has improved dramatically. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Voldoende geletterdheidsvaardighede vorm die basis van leer en ontwikkeling. Ongelukkig is 'n gebrek aan voldoende geletterdheidsvaardighede 'n wêreldwye tendens. Suid-Afrika ondervind ook hierdie probleem. Die Departement van Onderwys gebruik sedert 2000 die Nasionale Sistemiese Evaluering (NSE) om die vlak van leerders se geletterdheidsvaardighede te bepaal. Hierdie evaluering vind al om die ander jaar in graad 3 en 6 plaas. Die evaluering het getoon dat die aantal Intermediêre Fase-leerders in Suid-Afrikaanse skole wat nie oor voldoende geletterdheidsvaardighede beskik nie, die afgelope paar jaar toegeneem het. Die skool waar hierdie navorsing gedoen is ondervind ook probleme met leerders se geletterheidsvaardighede wat nie op standaard is nie. Die sistemiese evalueringsuitslae van 2005 het getoon dat slegs 30% van die Graad 6-leerders in dié skool volgens hul ouderdomsvlak kan lees en skryf. Gevolglik is daar 'n baie groot persentasie leerders wie se lees- en skryfvaardighede met leerders in die Grondslagfase (GF) vergelyk kan word. Die onderwysers in die Intermediêre Fase het aangedui dat hulle nie oor genoeg kennis of selfvertroue beskik om leerders te ondersteun wie se geletterdheidsvaardighede steeds met die van die Grondslagfase vergelyk kan word nie. Dit is binne hierdie verwysingsraamwerk dat ek 'n ondersteuningsprogram vir onderwysers van die Intermediêre Fase ontwikkel het. Die doel van die navorsingstudie was om die effektiwiteit van die Geletterdheidsondersteuningprogram (GOP) vir die Intermediêre Fase te evalueer. Die studie wil bepaal of die onderwysers se selfvertroue en vaardighede/strategieë vir geletterdheidsondersteuning in die Intermediêre Fase verbeter het. Transformasie van leerders se agterstande kan nie plaasvind alvorens die onderwysers nie oor genoeg selfvertroue beskik om hierdie leerders te ondersteun nie.

Community College Collaboration with Business and Industry in Providing Workplace Literacy Programs: a Modified Case Study of Five Corporate Programs in a Metropolitan Area

Kutilek, Janis G. (Janis Gayle) 12 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to provide both businesses and institutions of higher education with a descriptive analysis of the programs of five companies that have utilized community colleges in their basic skills programs. The five companies represented included Texas Instruments Defense Systems Corporation and SGS-Thomson Microelectronics (electronics companies), Abbott Laboratories (a pharmaceutical company), J & E Die Casting (a small die casting firm), and Company X, a semiconductor company that requested anonymity. The community colleges included were Richland College, Brookhaven College, and North Lake College. Modified case studies were used to obtain data collected through individual interviews with representatives from the community colleges and the companies. The syntheses of documentaries provided details of how the five community college-directed workplace literacy programs met, or failed to meet, their literacy challenges. Descriptions of the curriculum and structure of each program were also included. Numerous factors contributed to the success or demise of the programs studied. Elements that served as powerful assets when adequately supported were detrimental when neglected. Factors common to all of the programs were financial support, management philosophical support, confidentiality, adequate testing instruments, class schedule flexibility, instructor capability, physical classroom facilities, and work-related documentation integrated into the curriculum. The findings of this study support previous research concerning successful and detrimental factors found in workplace literacy programs.

A Historical Study of the Impact of the Christian Development on the Contributions of Frank C. Laubach in Literacy Education

Lawson, J. Gregory (James Gregory) 12 1900 (has links)
Frank C. Laubach made substantial contributions both to literacy education and the Christian life. There were between sixty and one hundred million people who learned to read through his literacy campaigns. He traveled to 130 countries developing literacy primers in 312 languages. At the same time, Laubach was a missionary mystic, spiritual experimenter and leader among Protestant Christians. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between two important parts of Laubach's life: his Christian development and literacy education. The study presents an overview of the family and social background of Frank C. Laubach from a chronological framework. Additional chapters examine: the importance of i-he Christian disciplines in Laubach's life, the impact of the missionary call and Laubach's concern for Christian social responsibility. The final chapter summarizes and evaluates the research. Both the Laubach collection, found in the George Arents Research Library at Syracuse University in Syracuse, New York, and the library at Laubach Literacy International in Syracuse, provided the resources for comprehensive research in the life of Frank C. Laubach.

The feminist classroom: women's action in the reinvention of adult learning spaces

Shubane, Letlhabile Monica January 2017 (has links)
Thesis is submitted in partial fulfilment for the degree of Master of Architecture (Professional) to the Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment, School of Architecture and Planning at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2017 / My focus is on working women in post democracy education and training programmes. Due to societal gender roles, rights for women, in both education and opportunity, should materialise in adult education systems. In order for women to be exposed to work opportunities as well as to maintain the domestic and child-rearing roles they play in society, these systems and spaces must be reinvented. I hope to defi ne indigenous feminist theories, and then to manifest these in the creation of learning spaces. Th rough deconstructing the hugely diverse lived experiences of women in their social roles, I will question educational subject matter, women’s representation as learners, workplace roles, domestic and child-rearing roles, and fi nally challenge the idea of the widely accepted school and classroom model as a centralised institution. Alternative practices of learning and knowing possibly have great impact on transformation for women. Th e ties between education and work lead me to choose factories as my site of interest. Th e site of Jeppestown is appropriate because it is where the light industrial practices about which I am talking, continue to exist. With this thesis I aim to propose an alternative model for working- women as students and educators. I aim to reinvent the systems and spaces in which women learn and in which contextualised feminist theories are manifested. / XL2018

Building community and bridging cultures : the role of volunteer tutors in Oregon's Latino serving community-based organizations

Hickman, Troy Vaughn 01 January 2009 (has links)
Literature for and about successful volunteer literacy programs highlight and advocate for practices that inform administrators and trainers of the needs and expectations of volunteer tutors. Applications of this knowledge can affect the type of policies that administrators implement in their programs and the type of support that they provide for their tutors. This project was an opportunity for the researcher to reflect on his experiences as a consultant and trainer with community-based programs and to increase his understanding of the volunteers in order to assist in future administration and training work.

Adult English as A Second Language Literacy Programs in the Non-profit Sector of Multnomah County, Oregon

Binford, Susan Edna 02 May 1994 (has links)
The present study identified and described the general education English as a Second Language (ESL) programs in Multnomah County, Oregon, offered by nonprofit organizations, in order to promote a more coordinated effort to meet the needs of the community. The study asked the following questions: 1) What are the non-profit organizations providing general adult ESL instruction in Multnomah County, Oregon?; 2) What are the nature and characteristics of these adult ESL education programs, including methods of recruiting, assessing, and tracking students?; 3) What are the methods of recruiting, training, and tracking volunteer teachers?; and 4) What, if any, ESL resource services made available would be perceived as most beneficial to this sector of the ESL instructional community? There were three parts to the study: 1) identifying the organizations, conducted by using an exploratory approach; 2) structured telephone interviews; and 3) classroom observations and/or teacher interviews, conducted by using ethnographic techniques with a stratified sample derived from the analysis of the data generated in the second portion of the research. Fourteen organizations qualified for the study, serving approximately 428 students. Methods of student recruitment were most commonly by word of mouth and referral or refugee assignment. Very few formal means of student evaluation and tracking of educational progress were reported. All ESL instruction was found to be performed by approximately 185 volunteers, recruited most frequently by word of mouth. Volunteers were most commonly trained by attending volunteer training seminars and/or receiving prepared handouts, or by no training at all. Tracking was done by telephone, forms, or not at all. The services perceived most valuable, listed from most to least, were: tutor training seminars, instructional material recommendations, grant and funding information, recruitment of volunteer tutors, and recommendations on methods of student evaluation. Student evaluation was the only service rated less than valuable. A mailing list was created from the information generated from the telephone interviews and forwarded to Portland Community College, and The Portland Literacy Council, whose information has been updated accordingly.

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