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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A contribuição das habilidades de letramento emergente para as competências iniciais de leitura e escrita / The contribution of emergent literacy skills to early reading and writing performance

Danielle Andrade Silva de Castro 03 August 2017 (has links)
A análise da literatura científica evidencia intenso esforço para se obter melhor entendimento de como ocorre a aprendizagem da leitura e da escrita e como é possível colaborar para essa aprendizagem, a partir da identificação das habilidades cognitivas e linguísticas subjacentes a ela. A perspectiva do letramento emergente considera a importância de um conjunto de habilidades linguísticas e de conhecimentos sobre a língua escrita, adquiridos pela criança no período compreendido entre o nascimento e o início do processo formal de alfabetização, os quais seriam precursores da aprendizagem da leitura e da escrita, destacando o papel da Educação Infantil no desenvolvimento destas habilidades e conhecimentos. Diante disto, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo principal investigar se e quais habilidades de letramento emergente, apresentadas pelas crianças ao final da Ed. Infantil, contribuem significativamente e de modo independente para a aquisição da leitura e escrita durante o primeiro ano escolar. A metodologia utilizada seguiu um delineamento correlacional de caráter longitudinal. Para tanto, na primeira etapa da pesquisa, foram avaliadas as habilidades de letramento emergente de uma amostra de 41 crianças de duas turmas do último ano da Ed. Infantil (idade média de 5,84 anos). Os instrumentos utilizados foram testes padronizados de consciência fonológica, nomeação (vocabulário) e compreensão oral, além de uma prova de conhecimento de letras. Ao final do primeiro ano do Ensino Fundamental, foram reavaliadas 34 crianças da amostra anterior (idade média de 6,68 anos), através de testes padronizados de leitura de palavras e pseudopalavras, escrita de palavras e compreensão em leitura. Os dados foram analisados através de técnicas correlacionais e de análise de regressão, visando identificar a relação entre as variáveis estudadas e a contribuição das habilidades de letramento emergente para as habilidades de leitura, escrita e compreensão da amostra estudada. Os resultados obtidos indicaram que todas as habilidades de letramento emergente (consciência fonológica, conhecimento de letras, nomeação e compreensão oral) estavam correlacionadas e que estas também estavam correlacionadas com as variáveis dependentes (escrita, leitura de palavras e compreensão em leitura). As análises de regressão mostraram maior contribuição da consciência fonológica e conhecimento de letras para o desempenho em escrita e da consciência fonológica para o desempenho em leitura de palavras e para a compreensão em leitura. Conclui-se que os resultados obtidos permitem dar suporte à hipótese da importância do desenvolvimento das habilidades de letramento emergente na Ed. Infantil, a fim de favorecer a aprendizagem da leitura e da escrita no Ensino Fundamental. / The analysis of the scientific literature shows intense effort to obtain a better understanding of how reading and writing learning occurs and how it is possible to collaborate for this learning by identification of the cognitive and linguistic abilities underlying it. The emergent literacy perspective considers the importance of a set of linguistic skills and knowledges about press acquired by the child in the period between birth and the beginning of the formal literacy process, whose could promote literacy, highlighting the role of Early Childhood Education in the development of these skills and knowledges. In view of this, the main objective of this study was to investigate whether and what emergent literacy skills presented by the children at the end of the kindergarten contribute significantly and independently to the acquisition of reading and writing during the 1st grade of elementary school. The methodology used followed a correlational design of longitudinal features. To do so, in the first stage of the research, the emergent literacy skills were evaluated in a sample of 41 kindergarteners (mean age 5.84 years). The instruments used were standardized tests of phonological awareness, naming (vocabulary) and oral comprehension, as well as a proof of letter knowledge. At the end of the first year of elementary school, 34 children from the previous sample (mean age 6.68 years) were reassessed, through standardized tests of reading of words and pseudowords, writing of words and comprehension in reading. Data were analyzed using correlation and regression analysis techniques to identify the relationship between the variables studied and the contribution of emergent literacy skills to the reading, writing and comprehension performance of the sample studied. The results indicated that all emergent literacy skills (phonological awareness, letter knowledge, naming and oral comprehension) were correlated and that these were also correlated with the dependent variables (writing, reading of words and comprehension in reading). The results of the regression analysis showed a greater contribution of phonological awareness and letter knowledge to the performance of writing. Phonological awareness was also the most important predictor for the performance of reading words and reading comprehension. The obtained results allow us to support the hypothesis of the importance of the development of emergent literacy skills in kindergarten, in order to benefit the reading and writing learning in 1st grade of Elementary School.

Postupy rozvoje čtenářské gramotnosti v podmínkách malotřídní školy / Procedures for the development of literacy in terms of the small school

Chwastková, Iva January 2016 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is the issue of the development of literacy skills of pupils in primary education through conditions offered by small schools. The aim is to analyze the possibility of developing reading literacy among pupils in the first grade of primary school in terms of the small schools; setup and subsequent use of good conditions for the development of reading. The thesis is divided into theoretical and practical part. In the theoretical part are defined the theoretical background related to the above mentioned issues. Custom research was carried out through action research, completed a questionnaire that the children completed at the beginning and end of the period. The main objective was to determine the initial state of literacy in groups of pupils and through changes in education, the creation of good conditions and use innovative methods to monitor the process of the individual activities of students, capturing deficiencies and seek alternative approaches and solutions. In the practical part, I rely on knowledge of the direct teaching. I point out the difficulties that arose in their own activities with children. The result of this work is documented that exploit the specific conditions of the small schools not only allows, but may significantly affect the development of...

Emergent Writing by Bilingual Kindergartners in an Islamic School in The United States

ALWEHAIBI, HALAH S. January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Projekt Bookstart: potenciál dalšího rozvoje v České republice / Project Bookstart: the potential for further development in the Czech Republic

Mizlerová, Kateřina January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the international project Bookstart and its potential for further development in the Czech Republic. The first part is devoted to terminology and definitions of pre-reading literacy, reading literacy and functional literacy. In addition, selected Czech and foreign projects promoting reading literacy are presented. At the end of the theoretical part of the thesis, attention is paid to the introduction of the project Bookstart, the experience with its course abroad, and mapping the pilot year of the project in the Czech Republic. The practical part of the thesis presents qualitative research in the form of two semi-structured interviews, and quantitative research conducted using an online questionnaire. Keywords Bookstart, children's reading, reading literacy, pre-reading literacy, literacy development, libraries

Literalität in der Sexualitätsberatung der Senga in Uganda

Glanz, Christine 13 June 2012 (has links)
Diese explorative, ethnographische Arbeit squizziert die historische Entwicklung der Senga-Rolle und -kommunikation bei den Baganda im 20. Jahrhundert. Die Senga ist bei den Baganda die Tante väterlicherseits, Bezugsperson und Beraterin in allen Lebensphasen ihrer Nichte in Bezug auf Sexualität, Weiblichkeit und heterosexuelle Beziehungen. Die soziale Rolle der Senga ist in diesem Sinne eine Strategie des lebenslangen Lernens. Die Senga-Rolle ist auch in anderen bantusprachigen Gesellschaften Ostafrikas bekannt. Das 20. Jahrhundert stand in Uganda unter dem starken Einfluss der Missionierung und Kolonisierung, für die Schriftsprache ein zentrales Element der Kommunikation war. Die Senga-Rolle hat sich im Zuge dessen stark ausdifferenziert: von einer rein familiären sozialen Rolle zu einem sektorübergreifenden sozialen Feld, insbesondere für Frauen, wobei Schriftsprache eine wichtige Rolle spielt.

Doprava a dopravní výchova jako odraz dopravní gramotnosti účastníka cestovního ruchu / Transportation and traffic ecucation as a reflection of traffic literacy of participant of tourist trade

MARKOVÁ, Pavlína January 2009 (has links)
Graduation thesis is bent on analysis traffic literacy of participants of tourist trade. According to the research only a half of the polled people have heard about a transport education first time in Kindergarten. This is a very bad result because children belong to the most risky group of traffic operations. That is why the analysis was made in Kindergarten, concretely in Kindergarten Bratrská, Dačice, to find out present status of transport education. We set up a project which should obtain an improvement of transport education.

Indikátory GUR: Návrh modelu a sady indikátorů gramotnosti k udržitelnému rozvoji dospělé veřejnosti v ČR / Indicators of LSD: Proposal for a Model and Set of Literacy Indicators for Adult Public Sustainable Development in the Czech Republic

Končinská, Alice January 2011 (has links)
At present, a trend is emerging that shows the increasing application of Education for Sustainable Development in the Czech Republic. This type of education is arriving in various strategic documents and is featuring in pedagogic and andragogical practices. There is a range of indicators, mainly originating from abroad, for the assessment of this type of education and the task ahead for the Czech Republic is to adjust these indicators for the Czech environment, or create its own ones. This thesis deals with result indicators, that is to say indicators of the impact of Education for Sustainable Development on the literacy of the adult public on the local, microregional and regional levels. The thesis analyses selected national and international strategic documents as well as Czech and foreign specialised literature from the perspective of environmental education, bringing-up and further education concepts and Education for Sustainable Development. It then analyses these concepts from the perspective of educational qualities that Literacy for Sustainable Development consists of. Subsequently, it evaluates the identified qualities in an expert way in accordance with the definition of Literacy for Sustainable Development and it sets a coherent Adult Public Literacy Model for Sustainable Development....

Immigration, Literacy, and Mobility: A Critical Ethnographic Study of Well-educated Chinese Immigrants’ Trajectories in Canada

Wang, Lurong 13 June 2011 (has links)
This dissertation interrogates the deficit assumptions about English proficiency of skilled immigrants who were recruited by Canadian governments between the late 1990s and early 2000s. Through the lens of literacy as social practice, the eighteen-month ethnographic qualitative research explores the sequential experiences of settlement and economic integration of seven well-educated Chinese immigrant professionals. The analytical framework is built on sociocultural approaches to literacy and learning, as well as the theories of discourses and language reproduction. Using multiple data sources (observations, conversational interviews, journal and diary entries, photographs, documents, and artifacts collected in everyday lives), I document many different ways that well-educated Chinese immigrants take advantage of their language and literacy skills in English across several social domains of home, school, job market, and workplace. Examining the trans-contextual patterning of the participants’ language and literacy activities reveals that immigrant professionals use literacy as assistance in seeking, negotiating, and taking hold of resources and opportunities within certain social settings. However, my data show that their language and literacy engagements might not always generate positive consequences for social networks, job opportunities, and upward economic mobility. Close analyses of processes and outcomes of the participants’ engagements across these discursive discourses make it very clear that the monolithic assumptions of the dominant language shape and reinforce structural barriers by constraining their social participation, decision making, and learning practice, and thereby make literacy’s consequences unpredictable. The deficit model of language proficiency serves the grounds for linguistic stereotypes and economic marginalization, which produces profoundly consequential effects on immigrants’ pathways as they strive for having access to resources and opportunities in the new society. My analyses illuminate the ways that language and literacy create the complex web of discursive spaces wherein institutional agendas and personal desires are intertwined and collide in complex ways that constitute conditions and processes of social and economic mobility of immigrant populations. Based on these analyses, I argue that immigrants’ successful integration into a host country is not about the mastery of the technical skills in the dominant language. Rather, it is largely about the recognition and acceptance of the value of their language use and literacy practice as they attempt to partake in the globalized new economy.

Immigration, Literacy, and Mobility: A Critical Ethnographic Study of Well-educated Chinese Immigrants’ Trajectories in Canada

Wang, Lurong 13 June 2011 (has links)
This dissertation interrogates the deficit assumptions about English proficiency of skilled immigrants who were recruited by Canadian governments between the late 1990s and early 2000s. Through the lens of literacy as social practice, the eighteen-month ethnographic qualitative research explores the sequential experiences of settlement and economic integration of seven well-educated Chinese immigrant professionals. The analytical framework is built on sociocultural approaches to literacy and learning, as well as the theories of discourses and language reproduction. Using multiple data sources (observations, conversational interviews, journal and diary entries, photographs, documents, and artifacts collected in everyday lives), I document many different ways that well-educated Chinese immigrants take advantage of their language and literacy skills in English across several social domains of home, school, job market, and workplace. Examining the trans-contextual patterning of the participants’ language and literacy activities reveals that immigrant professionals use literacy as assistance in seeking, negotiating, and taking hold of resources and opportunities within certain social settings. However, my data show that their language and literacy engagements might not always generate positive consequences for social networks, job opportunities, and upward economic mobility. Close analyses of processes and outcomes of the participants’ engagements across these discursive discourses make it very clear that the monolithic assumptions of the dominant language shape and reinforce structural barriers by constraining their social participation, decision making, and learning practice, and thereby make literacy’s consequences unpredictable. The deficit model of language proficiency serves the grounds for linguistic stereotypes and economic marginalization, which produces profoundly consequential effects on immigrants’ pathways as they strive for having access to resources and opportunities in the new society. My analyses illuminate the ways that language and literacy create the complex web of discursive spaces wherein institutional agendas and personal desires are intertwined and collide in complex ways that constitute conditions and processes of social and economic mobility of immigrant populations. Based on these analyses, I argue that immigrants’ successful integration into a host country is not about the mastery of the technical skills in the dominant language. Rather, it is largely about the recognition and acceptance of the value of their language use and literacy practice as they attempt to partake in the globalized new economy.

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