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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evolução estrutural e térmica de um batólito sin-cinemático no orógenos Neoproterozóico Araçuaí (leste do Brasil) / Structural and thermal evolution of a synkinematic batholith from the Neoproterozoic Araçuaí hot orogen (eastern Brazil)

Mathieu Mondou 20 October 2010 (has links)
A faixa Araçuaí, de idade neoproterozóica, caracteriza-se por apresentar em seu domínio alóctone, uma grande quantidade de intrusões magmáticas, uma crosta parcialmente fundida e rochas de facies granulítica, características de uma geoterma elevada, configurando trata-se de um orógeno quente. A suíte tonalítica Galiléia, alojada em metassedimentos, deformada no estado magmático, representa um grande batólito que influenciou de maneira significativa o comportamento mecânico desta crosta mediana. A Anisotropia de Suscetibilidade Magnética (ASM) medida nesse batólito e usada para um estudo de petrotrama, combinado com uma investigação detalhada sobre a mineralogia magnética, permitiu caracterizar o comportamento paramagnético da Suíte Galiléia e, adicionalmente, trazer informações sobre uma deformacão complexa em 3D. As estruturas observadas se desenvolveram em um magma viscoso resultado de uma combinação da tectônica tangencial induzidas por compressão e forças gravitacionais devido ao peso da crosta sobrejacente. A cinemática do batólito é compatível com aquela descrita para as rochas dúcteis da faixa. Datações U/PB em zircões e monazitas e 40Ar/39Ar em anfibólios, moscovitas e biotitas permitiram definir a evolução termal do batólito Galiléia e de seus metassedimentos hospedeiros e trazer informações sobre o período deformacional. O batólito Galiléia colocouse durante um importante evento magmático, termal e tectônico a ~ 580 Ma. A temperatura permaneceu alta durante os primeiros ~ 50Ma da evolução termal, promovendo uma deformação quase constante do batólito no estado magmático durante várias dezenas de milhões de anos. Tais condições de alta temperatura e cinemática deformacional, estável durante períodos prolongados de tempo, são característicos de orógenos quentes. A taxa de resfriamento vagarosa de ~ 10°C/Ma sugere que após ~500Ma a taxa de exumação foi muito lenta, provavelmente ocasionada apenas pela erosão. / The allochtonous domain of the Neoproterozoic Araçuaí belt involves large amounts of magma, widespread partial melting, granulitic facies and high geotherm, characterising this belt as a hot orogen. The Galiléia tonalitic suite, emplaced within host metasediments and deformed at magmatic state, represents a huge batholith that strongly influenced the mechanical behaviour of this middle crust. The anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) measured through this batholith and used as a petrofabric proxy, combined to a detailed magnetic mineralogy investigation, permitted to characterize the paramagnetic behaviour of the Galiléia suite and therefore to highlight a complex 3D strain deformation. The observed structures developed within the viscous magma resulted from a combination of tangential tectonics induced by the compression, and gravitational forces arising from the load of the overlying crust. The kinematics of the batholith is compatible with that already described for ductile rocks of hot orogens. U/Pb dating on zircons and monazites together with 40Ar/39Ar dating on amphiboles, muscovites and biotites permitted to define the thermal evolution of the Galiléia batholith and its host metasediments and constrain the timing of the deformation. The Galiléia batholith emplaced during an important magmatic, tectonic and thermal event at ~580 Ma. Temperature remained high during the first ~50 Ma of the thermal evolution, promoting a seemingly constant deformation of the batholith at magmatic state during several tens of millions years. Such high temperature conditions and stable deformation kinematics during protracted periods of time are supposed to be characteristic of hot orogen. The slow cooling rate of ~10°C/Ma evidenced after ~500 Ma probably indicate a very slow exhumation probably only conducted by erosion.

Stabilité et érosion du manteau lithosphérique subcontinental : Relations entre déformation, hydratation et percolation de fluides et magmas sous le craton du Kaapvaal et le Rift Est-Africain / Stability and erosion of the subcontinental lithospheric mantle : Relations between deformation, hydration and percolation of fluids and melts beneath the Kaapvaal craton and the East African Rift

Baptiste, Virginie 14 November 2014 (has links)
Les travaux réalisés durant cette thèse apportent de nouvelles contraintes sur les relations entre déformation, hydratation et percolation de fluides et/ou de magmas dans le manteau subcontinental sous un craton et sous un rift, et leurs implications sur son comportement rhéologique. Il repose sur l'analyse des microstructures, des OPRs et des teneurs en hydrogène de xénolites mantelliques du craton du Kaapvaal, et sur deux séries de xénolites provenant de différentes localités le long du rift Est-Africain (Divergence Nord Tanzanienne et SE de l'Ethiopie). Les microstructures granulaires à gros grains et les OPRs bien définies des péridotites du craton du Kaapvaal sont cohérentes avec un épisode de déformation suivi d'une longue période de quiescence. Les OPRs de l'olivine sont majoritairement à symétrie orthorhombique, mais des symétries axiale-[100] et axiale-[010] sont aussi mesurées. Les péridotites cratoniques enregistrent de multiples épisodes métasomatiques, ayant entraîné une hétérogénéité de compositions à petite échelle ne pouvant être détectée par les études sismiques. Les teneurs en hydrogène mesurées dans l'olivine sont variables, mais ont tendance à augmenter jusqu'à 150 km de profondeur, atteignant alors jusqu'à 50 ppm wt. H2O. En dessous de cette profondeur, les échantillons montrent des teneurs en hydrogène très faibles. Les expériences réalisées en piston-cylindre sur la diffusion de l'hydrogène issue d'un liquide kimberlitique vers de la forstérite suggèrent que la fugacité en eau pourrait fortement être diminuée par la présence de CO2, empêchant l'hydratation de l'olivine durant extraction des xénolites par les kimberlites. Ces résultats expérimentaux suggèrent que les teneurs en hydrogène dans l'olivine des péridotites du craton du Kaapvaal ont été acquises durant un épisode métasomatique en profondeur et non pendant leur extraction par les kimberlites. Ces teneurs n'ont toutefois pas à ce jour entraîné de remobilisation de la racine cratonique. Enfin, le calcul des propriétés sismiques des péridotites cratoniques révèle que les anisotropies générées par les OPRs de ces échantillons sont suffisantes pour expliquer les anisotropies mesurées par les ondes SKS et les ondes de surface.Les xénolites de la Divergence Nord-Tanzanienne, montrent des variations significatives de microstructures et d'OPR de l'olivine entre les péridotites des localités dans l'axe du rift et celles de la chaîne volcanique transverse (Lashaine et Olmani). A Lashaine, les microstructures granulaires à gros grains et les OPRs de type orthorhombique et axial-[010] peuvent être expliquée par une déformation en transpression liée à la formation de la chaîne Mozambique ou par la présence d'une relique d'un domaine cratonique à l'intérieur de la chaîne Mozambique. Dans l'axe du rift, les microstructures porphyroclastiques à mylonitiques suggèrent une déformation plus récente, accompagnée de réactions magma-roche sous des conditions proches du solidus, suivie d'un recuit variable. L'hétérogénéité des microstructures enregistrées par les échantillons du rift suggère de multiples épisodes de déformation localisée, probablement liés à l'injection percolation épisodique de magmas, espacés de périodes d'accalmie. Les OPRs de l'olivine de type axial-[100] et l'orientation des directions de polarisation des ondes SKS suggère que le rift s'est formé en régime de transtension Les péridotites du Sud-Est de l’Éthiopie présentent des microstructures porphyroclastiques à gros grains moins recristallisées qu'en Tanzanie. Les microstructures et les OPRs principalement de type orthorhombique suggèrent une déformation syn- à post-métasomatisme. Les anisotropies de polarisation des ondes S calculées pour ces échantillons sont insuffisantes pour expliquer à elles seules les déphasages des ondes SKS dans cette partie du rift. / This study provides additional constraints on the relations between deformation, hydration and percolation of fluids and melts in the subcontinental lithospheric mantle beneath a craton and a rift, as well as their implication on its geodynamical behaviour. I have analysed the microstructures, the CPOs, and the hydrogen content of mantle xenoliths from the Kaapvaal craton, and two sets of xenoliths from different localities along the East African Rift (North Tanzanian Divergence and SE Ethiopia). The coarse-granular microstructures and the well-defined CPOs in Kaapvaal peridotites suggest a deformation followed by a long quiescence time. Orthorhombic olivine CPOs predominates, but axial-[100] and axial-[010] are also measured. Cratonic peridotites record multiple metasomatic episodes, leading to a significant compositional heterogeneity, which cannot be imaged by seismic studies. Olivine hydrogen contents are variable, but tend to increase until 150 km depth, reaching up to 50 ppm wt. H2O. The deeper samples are almost dry. Piston-cylinder experiments on hydrogen diffusion between a volatile-rich kimberlitic melt and forsterite suggest that the presence of CO2 in the system could significantly decrease water fugacity and thus forsterite hydration. These experimental results indicate that the hydrogen contents measured in olivine were acquired during a metasomatic event rather than during xenolith extraction by kimberlites. However, this metasomatism was not followed by remobilization of the cratonic root. In the North Tanzanian Divergence, localities within the rift axis and the volcanic transverse belt (Lashaine and Olmani) show significant differences in microstructures and olivine CPO patterns. In Lashaine, coarse-granular microstructures and orthorhombic to axial-[100] CPO patterns in olivine can be explained by transpressional deformation during the formation of the Mozambique belt, or by the occurrence of a remnant of a cratonic domain embedded within the Mozambique belt. Within the rift axis, porphyroclastic to mylonitic microstructures suggest a recent rift-related deformation accompanied by syn-kinematic melt-rock reactions, and followed by variable annealing. The strong heterogeneity in microstructures and olivine CPO suggests that this deformation was acquired during multiple tectonic events probably linked to episodic magma percolation, separated by quiescence episodes. The axial-[100] patterns in olivine and the oblique fast directions reported by SKS studies are coherent with transtensional deformation within the lithospheric mantle beneath the rift. The peridotites from SE Ethiopia are less recrystallized than the rift-axis Tanzanian peridotites, displaying coarse-porphyroclastic microstructures. Microstructures and orthorhombic CPOs in olivine suggest syn- to post-metasomatic deformation. S-waves polarization anisotropies calculated for these samples cannot explain alone the delay times reported by SKS studies in this part of the East-African Rift.

Stability of Planetary Rotation

Chan, Ngai Ham 04 June 2016 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the long-term rotational stability of the Earth and terrestrial planets. One important class of perturbation is a reorientation of the solid planet with respect to a rotation pole that remains fixed in an inertial frame. These motions are driven by mass redistribution within or on the surface of the planet (e.g. glaciation, mantle convective flow). Long-term changes in the orientation of the rotation pole are called True Polar Wander (TPW). / Earth and Planetary Sciences

Marine electromagnetic studies of the Pacific Plate and Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand

Chesley, Christine Jessie January 2022 (has links)
Marine electromagnetic (EM) geophysics is an up-and-coming branch of the geosciences that is allowing for the advancement in our understanding of key properties of the oceanic lithosphere and subduction dynamics, particularly in how deformation manifests geophysically and how it evolves through time and under various conditions. This dissertation focuses on two unique marine EM data sets collected at the Hikurangi subduction zone, New Zealand, and on 33 Ma Pacific lithosphere. Analysis of the former, which constitutes the bulk of this dissertation, offers the first kilometer-scale characterization of offshore, margin-wide electrical resistivity variations at a subduction zone and provides an electrical framework for discussing the potential causes of along-strike differences in megathrust slip at the Hikurangi Margin. The latter data set is used to constrain electrical anisotropy of the shallow lithosphere, which enables an interpretation of the deformation history of normal oceanic lithosphere. Chapter 2 of this dissertation gives a brief overview of the physical underpinnings of EM methods with attention given to the marine magnetotelluric (MT) and controlled-source electromagnetic (CSEM) methods. Maxwell's equations are reviewed and the relevant derivations leading to the temporal and spatial behavior of EM waves for the frequencies used in this dissertation (~0.001--0.1 Hz) are presented. Chapter 3 focuses on the tectonic background of the Hikurangi Margin and on processing of the MT and CSEM data. Interest in the Hikurangi Margin has arisen both because of its proximity to the inhabitants of New Zealand and due to the recognition of several properties that vary along the strike of the margin. The most intriguing of those variations, and most concerning from a natural hazard perspective, are the along-strike change in interseismic coupling and slow slip event (SSE) occurrence, with stronger coupling and deeper, infrequent SSEs realized in the southern Hikurangi Margin and weaker coupling and shallower, more frequent SSEs in the north. Several proposed causes of these variations are cited, including differences in sediment thickness and roughness of the incoming plate, changes in the plate interface geometry, and the effect of geological terranes in the forearc on pore pressure. But the degree to which any or all of these factors affect interseismic coupling remains an open question. The remainder of Chapter 3 is devoted to detailing the steps involved in processing the marine MT and CSEM data. A workflow for optimizing MT response function estimation is presented and improvements to the marine CSEM processing scheme are described. In Chapter 4 of this dissertation, inversions of the data collected at the southern Hikurangi Margin are presented, and these resistivity models are compared with co-located seismic data. Individual inversions of the CSEM and MT data along with joint inversion of the two data sets highlights the distinct sensitivities and resolving capabilities of each data type. A thick (4--6 km) sediment package covers the Hikurangi Plateau of the incoming plate. The plateau itself is evident as a dipping resistor (>10 Ω-m) that approximately corresponds with the seismically interpreted depth of the Hikurangi Plateau. Resistors in the shallow forearc are interpreted as free gas or gas hydrate, which is prevalent at the Hikurangi Margin. A resistive anomaly beneath one of two main ridges appears to comprise the footwall of a thrust fault, which potentially implies a high permeability system that allows for preferential dewatering of the footwall. Using available P-wave velocity data for this region, equations relating resistivity to velocity are derived. The resistivity presented in Chapter 4 and Archie's law are used to derive porosity models of the southern Hikurangi profile in Chapter 5. Vertical compaction is shown to dominate trends in porosity. A reference compaction porosity model is approximated and removed from the resistivity-derived porosity model in order to identify porosity trends distinct from compaction. A deepening in the negative porosity anomaly of the shallow incoming plate sediments as they approach the trench suggests these sediments experience compression several kilometers seaward of the main frontal thrust. This could represent the early stages of protothrust zone development. An increasingly positive porosity anomaly observed in the sedimentary unit just above the Hikurangi Plateau as it nears the trench may indicate heightened fluid overpressures in an incipient décollement. In Chapter 6 of this dissertation, inversions of the central Hikurangi Margin are shown and discussed. Compared to resistivity in the southern Hikurangi Margin, the forearc and incoming plate of the central Hikurangi Margin are more complex in their resistivity structure, possibly due to the impact of rougher seafloor. Extensive evidence for free gas or gas hydrates is found as shallow resistive anomalies in these models. Other anomalous resistors may correspond to exhumed terranes in the forearc. Anomalous forearc conductors could indicate sediment underplating or damage zones associated with subducting topography. Chapter 7 shows the resistivity and porosity of the northern Hikurangi Margin and offers the first detailed electrical image of a seamount prior to and during subduction. The seamount on the incoming plate is shown to have a thin, resistive cap that traps a conductive matrix of porous volcaniclastics and altered material over a resistive core. Again applying Archie's law to estimate porosity from resistivity reveals that the seamount will allow ~3.2--4.7x more water than normal, unfaulted oceanic lithosphere to subduct with the seamount. In the forearc, a sharp, resistive peak on the slab is interpreted as the core of a subducting seamount. This cone of high resistivity lies directly beneath a prominent conductive anomaly in the upper plate. Burst-type repeating earthquakes and other seismicity from a recent SSE cluster in and around this conductive anomaly, which seems to implicate the subducting seamount in the generation of fluid-rich damage zones in the forearc. The interaction of the subducting topography with the upper plate will thus alter the effective normal stress at the plate interface by modulating fluid overpressure. The results in this chapter show that subducting topography can transport large volumes of water to the forearc and that such topography is able to severely modify the structure and physical conditions of the upper plate, which may influence the location and timing of SSEs. Finally, Chapter 8 provides a robust constraint on the electrical azimuthal anisotropy of oceanic lithosphere. The data for this chapter were collected in a region of oceanic lithosphere removed from the influence of plate boundaries and intraplate volcanism. The survey design was chosen to maximize azimuthal coverage so as to constrain the directional dependence of resistivity. Inversions of the data resulted in an anisotropic resistivity model wherein the crust is ~18-36x more conductive in the paleo mid-ocean ridge direction than the perpendicular paleo-spreading direction. In the uppermost mantle conductivity is ~29x higher in the paleo-spreading direction. The crustal anisotropy is interpreted to result from sub-vertical porosity created by ridge parallel normal faulting during extension of the young crust and thermal stress-driven cracking from cooling of mature crust. Anisotropy in the uppermost mantle implies that shearing of mantle olivine during plate formation generates a strong electrical signal that is preserved as the plate ages. Reanalysis of EM data collected offshore Nicaragua suggests that the Pacific Plate electrical anisotropy is not a local anomaly but rather may be prevalent throughout oceanic lithosphere.

On the dynamics of subduction and the effect of subduction zones on mantle convection / Sur la dynamique de la subduction et l’effet des zones de subduction sur la convection du manteau

Gerardi, Gianluca 16 November 2018 (has links)
La subduction est une des principales expressions superficielles de la convection mantellique et représente un ingrédient crucial de la géodynamique globale. Cela affecte différents processus de la Terre comme la génération des méga-tremblements de terre et des volcans explosifs sur la surface ou le recyclage des espèces volatiles dans l’intérieur profond. Malgré son importance, plusieurs aspects de la subduction restent à clarifier.Dans ce travail, nous avons étudié la mécanique et l’énergétique du phénomène en adoptant un modèle numérique 2-D de “subduction libre”, basé sur la méthode des éléments frontière. En interprétant systématiquement nos solutions numériques utilisant la théorie des couches minces visqueuses, nous avons déterminé diverses lois d’échelle décrivant les mécanismes physiques sous-jacents aux différents aspects du phénomène. Deux paramètres adimensionnels se distinguent par leur récurrence dans ces lois d’échelle: i) la résistance (adimensionelle) de l’interface de subduction, qui contrôle la contrainte de cisaillement agissant à l’interface entre les deux plaques et ii) la rigidité de la plaque en subduction, qui décrit la résistance mécanique opposée par cette plaque à la flexion. Ce dernier paramètre est particulièrement important, car il met en évidence l’échelle de longueur qui décrit correctement la déformation en flexion de la plaque en subduction (bending length).En ce qui concerne les aspects énergétiques de la subduction, nous avons également étudié l’effet de la dissipation de l’énergie produite dans les zones de subduction sur la convection du manteau à grande échelle. Nos résultats semblent suggérer que la loi d’échelle classique trouvée dans l’étude de la convection de Rayleigh-Bénard en régime permanent d’une couche de fluide isovisqueux reste généralement valable aussi pour la convection du manteau terrestre.Pour conclure, nous avons mis en place une expérience de convection basée sur le séchage d’une suspension colloidale de nanoparticules de silice. Comme les résultats préliminaires ont montré, grâce à sa rhéologie particulière, ce matériau semble être un candidat prometteur pour la modélisation de la convection mantellique en laboratoire. / Subduction is one of the principal surface expressions of mantle convection and it represents a key ingredient of global geodynamics. It affects Earth processes ranging from the generation of mega-earthquakes and explosive volcanoes at thesurface to the recycling of volatile species back into the deep interior. Yet despite its obvious importance, several aspects of subduction remain to be clarified.In this work we endeavored to shed light on the mechanics and the energetics of the phenomenon adopting of a 2-D numerical model of “free subduction” based on the Boundary-Element Method. Systematically interpreting our numerical solutions in the light of thin viscous-sheet theory, we determined various scaling laws describing the physical mechanisms underlying different aspects of the phenomenon. Two dimensionless parameters stand out for their recurrence in suchscaling laws: i) the (dimensionless) strength of the subduction interface, which controls the shear stress acting at the interface between the two plates and ii) the flexural stiffnes of the subducting plate, which describes the mechanical resistance opposed by such plate to bending. This latter parameter is particularly important as it highlights the length scale that properly describes the bending deformation of the subducting plate (bending length).For what concerns the energetics of subduction, we also investigated the effect of the dissipation of energy occurring at subduction zones on large-scale mantleconvection. Our results seem to suggest that the classical scaling law found in the study of the steady-state Rayleigh-Bénard convection of an isoviscous fluid layer remains generally valid also for Earth’s mantle convection.To conclude, we ran a convection experiment based on the drying of a colloidal suspension of silica nanoparticles. As preliminary results have shown, thanksto its particular rheology, this material seems to be a promising candidate for effective laboratory modeling of mantle convection.

Models of Reactive-Brittle Dynamics in the Earth's Lithosphere with Applications to Hydration and Carbonation of Mantle Peridotite

Evans, Owen January 2021 (has links)
Ultramafic rocks – that are usually located deep below the Earth's surface – are occasionally exhumed by the motion of tectonic plates. The massive chemical disequilibrium that exists between these exposed rocks and the surface waters and atmosphere leads to geologically rapid reactions that consume water and CO₂, binding them to form secondary hydrated/carbonated solid minerals that are found extensively in continental exposures (ophiolites) and at the seafloor near mid-ocean ridges. Pervasive fracturing and faulting in oceanic lithosphere generates pathways for fluids to access and react with rocks that are in some cases located down to depths of tens of kilometers. Over time, the large volumes of fluids and volatiles that are bound up in crustal and upper mantle rocks via such reactions are eventually subducted to extreme depths where subsequent fluid release can trigger melting, arc volcanism and seismic activity. In addition to their geophysical importance, these reactions are also considered to be critical for the survival of organisms in deep sea hydrothermal systems, and a potential source in the origin of life hypothesis. The natural transfer of atmospheric CO₂ to stable, solid carbonate minerals has, in recent years, motivated a large research effort towards investigating its potential as a large-scale carbon sequestration alternative. Understanding the geophysical impact and environmental potential of these reactions and their related processes requires knowledge of their basic physical and chemical behavior. Because of the difficulties of observing these processes in real-time, either experimentally or in the field, there has been a heavy reliance on hypothetical arguments that have been driven by observations in natural rocks. The observations paint a very complex picture – involving an interplay between reaction, fluid flow and fracturing – that is not easily explained by simple model descriptions. Although there has been increasing interest in modeling this class of problems in recent years, to date there remains a considerable gap between the theory and computational framework that is required for a consistent model description. A major theme in said models is their omission of poro-mechanical effects and complications arising from clogging of pore space with precipitating minerals. Both of these are necessary ingredients for a consistent model; however, they require a more complex description that is based on coupled multiphase continuum mechanics, reactive transport, and potentially brittle failure. Each of these components is a technical challenge in its own right, requiring development of novel theory and computation that integrates them in a suitable manner. The overall goals and themes of this thesis are aimed at closing this gap. To this end, I develop a modeling framework and computational tools that are capable of describing reactive flow in brittle media, with a specific focus on fluid-mineral reactions in near-surface ultramafic rock environments. The exposition of this framework is split into 3 separate chapters that build on one other in increments of complexity. Specifically, Chapter 1 presents a poromechanics-based description of coupled fluid flow, mass transfer and solid deformation for a simplified hydration reaction. This model is extended in Chapter 2 to incorporate cracking by adopting modern developments in computational fracture mechanics. Finally, in Chapter 3 I extend the set of reactions to support mixed H₂O-CO₂ fluids by leveraging recently developed tools in computational thermodynamics. Along the way I present a number of numerical model simulations that develop intuition and draw comparisons with natural observations, whilst remaining mindful of its limitations and areas for improvement. Overall, this work represents progress towards better understanding of physical and chemical feedbacks of reactive-brittle processes in the Earth's near-surface and the potential for large-scale carbon sequestration.

Seismic studies of interactions between the accretionary, tectonic, fluid flow, and sedimentary processes that impact the evolution of oceanic lithosphere

Boulahanis, Bridgit January 2021 (has links)
The oceanic lithosphere makes up approximately two-thirds of the surface of the earth. Oceanic crust, which is underlain by lithospheric mantle, is formed at mid-ocean ridges and is shaped by a combination of igneous accretionary processes at and near the ridge axis, and post-emplacement tectonic and hydrothermal processes as it evolves. Through time the crust is covered by sediments, sealing it from the overlying ocean, which influences hydrothermal circulation and cooling in the lithosphere below. Finally, oceanic lithosphere is subsumed at subduction zones. In this thesis I utilize seismic data to investigate the oceanic lithosphere from formation to near subduction using seismic datasets from the East Pacific Rise (EPR) and the Juan de Fuca (JdF) plate. In my first chapter I investigate the hypothesis that eustatic sea level fluctuations induced by the glacial cycles of the Pleistocene influence mantle-melting at mid-ocean ridges (MORs) using a unique bathymetry and crustal thickness dataset derived from a 3D multi-channel seismic (MCS) investigation of the East Pacific Rise from 9°42’ to 57’N. The results of this study show variations in crustal thickness and bathymetry at timescales associated with Pleistocene glacial cycles, supporting the inference that mantle melt supply to MOR may be modulated by sea level variations. Further investigations of the hypothesis that sea level variations may influence MOR dynamics are presented in appendices one and two. In appendix one I explore whether variations at the timescales of glacial cycles are apparent in MCS datasets from the intermediate spreading JdF ridge as well as bathymetry data from the fast spreading EPR. In appendix two I present a case study in which I re-examine the crustal thickness and bathymetry data from the northern EPR presented in chapter one in order to assess how fine-scale segmentation of the ridge axis appears in data, and compare different methodological approaches to describing MOR generated topography. In my second chapter I present results from a wide-angle controlled source seismic experiment conducted along a transect crossing the JdF plate from ~20 km east of the axis at the Endeavour segment of the JdF ridge to the Cascadia margin off of Washington state. I utilize a joint refraction-reflection traveltime inversion to generate a two-dimensional tomographic Vp model of the sediments, crust and upper mantle. Analysis of this Vp model, along with characterization of the basement topography along the transect, reveals three intervals (spanning millions of years) of distinct crust and upper mantle properties indicating a spatially heterogeneous JdF plate which is interpreted as inherited from changes in the mode of accretion at the paleo-JdF ridge, differences in plate interior processes, and deformation near the subduction zone. In my third chapter I present results of a MCS study of the sediment section conducted along a transect spanning ~350 km along the Cascadia margin from offshore southern Oregon to offshore Washington state. In this study I utilize prestack depth migrated MCS data to describe the reflectivity of the sediment section and invert for impedance and density. I also present results of amplitude variation with angle of incidence analysis conducted using pre-stack seismic gathers. Results indicate along margin variations in the characteristics of the sediments as well as complex changes in the stress state along the Cascadia margin. Synthesis of these analyses provides an in-depth assessment of patterns of sedimentation and properties of the sediment section as it experiences the effects of the onset of subduction.

Seismic Imaging of the Global Asthenosphere using SS Precursors

Sun, Shuyang 21 September 2023 (has links)
The asthenosphere, a weak layer beneath the rigid lithosphere, plays a fundamental role in the operation of plate tectonics and mantle convection. While this layer is often characterized by low seismic velocity and high seismic attenuation, the global structure of the asthenosphere remains poorly understood. In this dissertation, twelve years of SS precursors reflected off the top and bottom of the asthenosphere, namely, the LAB and the 220-km discontinuity, are processed to investigate the boundaries of the asthenosphere at a global scale. Finite-frequency sensitivities are used in tomography to account for wave diffraction effects that cannot be modeled in global ray-theoretical tomography. Strong SS precursors reflected off the LAB and the 220-km discontinuity are observed across the global oceans and continents. In oceanic regions, the LAB is characterized by a large velocity drop of about 12.5%, which can be explained by 1.5%-2% partial melt in the oceanic asthenosphere. The depth of the Lithosphere Asthenosphere Boundary is about 120 km, and its average depth is independent of seafloor age. This observation supports the existence of a constant-thickness plate in the global oceans. The base of the asthenosphere is imaged at a depth of about 250 km in both oceanic and continental areas, with a velocity jump of about ∼ 7% across the interface. This finding suggests that the asthenosphere in oceanic and continental regions share the same defining mechanism. The depth perturbations of the oceanic 220-km discontinuity roughly follow the seafloor age contours. The 220-km topography is smoother beneath slower-spreading seafloors while it becomes rougher beneath faster-spreading seafloors. In addition, the roughness of the 220-km discontinuity increases rapidly with spreading rate at slow spreading seafloors, whereas the increase in roughness is much slower at fast spreading seafloors. This observation indicates that the thermal and compositional structures of seafloors formed at spreading centers may have a long-lasting impact on asthenospheric convections. In continental regions, a broad correlation is observed between the 220-km discontinuity depth structure and surface tectonics. For example, the 220-km discontinuity depth is shallower along the southern border of the Eurasian plate as well as the Pacific subduction zones. However, there is no apparent correlation between 3-D seismic wavespeed in the upper mantle and the depths of the 220-km discontinuity, indicating that secular cooling has minimum impact on the base of the asthenosphere. / Doctor of Philosophy / In classic plate tectonic theory, the outermost shell of the Earth consists of a small number of rigid plates (lithosphere) moving horizontally on the mechanically weak asthenosphere. In the classic half space cooling (HSC) model, the lithosphere is formed by gradual cooling of the hot mantle. Therefore, the thickness of the plate depends on the age of the seafloor. The problem with the HSC model is that bathymetry and heat flow measurements at old seafloors do not follow its predicted age dependence. A modified theory, called plate cooling model, can better explain those geophysical observations by assuming additional heat at the base of an oceanic plate with a constant thickness of about 125 km. However, such a constant-thickness plate has not been observed in seismology. In this thesis, the asthenosphere boundaries are imaged using a global dataset of seismic waves reflected off the Earth's internal boundaries. Strong reflections from the top of the asthenosphere are observed across all major oceans. The amplitudes of the SS precursors can be explained by 1.5%-2% of partial melt in the asthenosphere. The average boundary depths are independent of seafloor age, and this observation supports the existence of a constant-thickness plate in the global oceans with a complex origin. The 220-km discontinuity, also called the Lehmann Discontinuity, was incorporated in the Preliminary Reference Earth Model in the 1980's to represent the base of the asthenosphere. However, the presence and nature of this boundary have remained controversial, particularly in the oceanic regions. In contrast to many studies which suggest the 220-km discontinuity does not exist in the global oceans, SS precursors reflected from this interface are observed across the oceanic regions in this thesis. Furthermore, there is a positive correlation between the topography of the 220-km discontinuity and seafloor spreading rate. Specifically, the 220-km discontinuity is smoother beneath slower-spreading seafloors and much rougher beneath faster-spreading seafloors. In addition, the roughness increases faster at slowerspreading seafloors while much more gradual at faster-spreading seafloors. This indicates a close connection between seafloor spreading and mantle convections in the asthenosphere, and seafloors have permanent memories of their birth places. Different melting processes at slow and fast spreading centers produce seafloors with different physical and chemical properties, modulating convections in the asthenosphere and ultimately shaping the topography of the 220-km discontinuity. Reflections from the 220-km discontinuity are also observed across the global continental regions. In addition, the 220-km discontinuity beneath the continents is comparable to that under oceanic regions in terms of their average depth (∼ 250 km) and velocity contrast across the discontinuity (∼ 7%). In continental regions, there is a general connection between the 220-km depth structure and plate tectonics. For example, the boundary is shallower along the southern border of the Eurasian plate from the Mediterranean region to East Asia where mountain belts were formed as a result of collision between the Eurasian plate and the Nubian, Arabian and Indian plates. Depth perturbations of the 220-km discontinuity are also observed along the Pacific subduction zones including the Cascadia Subduction Zone, Peru-Chile Trench and Japan-Kuril Kamchatka Trench. In addition, depth anomalies are mapped in the interior of continents, for example, along the foothills of high topography in the interior of the Eurasian plate, which may be controlled by far-field convection associated with the convergent processes at the plate boundaries.

The Topography, Gravity, and Tectonics of the Terrestrial Planets

Ritzer, Jason Andreas 23 July 2010 (has links)
No description available.

A Geodynamic Investigation of Magma-Poor Rifting Processes and Melt Generation: A Case Study of the Malawi Rift and Rungwe Volcanic Province, East Africa

Njinju, Emmanuel A. 12 January 2021 (has links)
Our understanding of how magma-poor rifts accommodate strain remains limited largely due to sparse geophysical observations from these rift systems. To better understand magma-poor rifting processes, chapter 1 of this dissertation is focused on investigating the lithosphere-asthenosphere interactions beneath the Malawi Rift, a segment of the magma-poor Western Branch of the East African Rift (EAR). Chapter 2 and 3 are focused on investigating the sources of melt beneath the Rungwe Volcanic Province (RVP), an anomalous volcanic center located at the northern tip of the Malawi Rift. In chapter 1, we use the lithospheric structure of the Malawi Rift derived from the World Gravity Model 2012 to constrain three-dimensional (3D) numerical models of lithosphere-asthenosphere interactions, which indicate ~3 cm/yr asthenospheric upwelling beneath the thin lithosphere (115-125 km) of the northern Malawi Rift and the RVP from lithospheric modulated convection (LMC) that is decoupling from surface motions. We suggest that the asthenospheric upwelling may generate decompression melts which weakens the lithosphere thereby enabling extension. The source of asthenospheric melt for the RVP is still contentious. Some studies suggest the asthenospheric melt beneath the RVP arises from thermal perturbations in the upper mantle associated with plume head materials, while others propose decompression melting from upwelling asthenosphere due to LMC where the lithosphere is thin. Chapter 2 of this dissertation is focused on testing the hypothesis that asthenospheric melt feeding the RVP can be generated from LMC using realistic constraints on the mantle potential temperature (Tp). We develop a 3D thermomechanical model of LMC beneath the RVP and the entire Malawi Rift that incorporates melt generation. We find decompression melt associated with LMC upwelling (~3 cm/yr) occurs at a maximum depth of ~150 km localized beneath the RVP. Studies of volcanic rock samples from the RVP indicate plume signatures which are enigmatic since the RVP is highly localized, unlike the large igneous provinces in the Eastern Branch of the EAR. In chapter 3, we test the hypothesis that the melt beneath the RVP is generated from plume materials. We investigate melt generation from plume-lithosphere interactions (PLI) beneath the RVP by developing a 3D seismic tomography-based convection (TBC) model beneath the RVP. The seismic constraints indicate excess temperatures of ~250 K in the sublithospheric mantle beneath the RVP suggesting the presence of a plume. We find a relatively fast upwelling (~10 cm/yr) beneath the RVP which we interpret as a rising plume. The TBC upwelling generates decompression melt (~0.25 %) at a maximum depth of ~200 km beneath the RVP where the lithosphere is thinnest (~100 km). Our results demonstrate that an excess heat source from may be plume materials is necessary for melt generation in the sublithospheric mantle beneath the RVP because passive asthenospheric upwelling of ambient mantle will require a higher than normal Tp to generate melt. Studies of volcanic rock samples from the RVP indicate plume signatures which are enigmatic since the RVP is highly localized, unlike the large igneous provinces in the Eastern Branch of the EAR. In chapter 3, we test the hypothesis that the melt beneath the RVP is generated from plume materials. We investigate melt generation from plume-lithosphere interactions (PLI) beneath the RVP by developing a 3D seismic tomography-based convection (TBC) model beneath the RVP. The seismic constraints indicate excess temperatures of ≈ 250K in the sublithospheric mantle beneath the RVP suggesting the presence of a plume. We find a relatively fast upwelling (≈10 cm/yr) beneath the RVP which we interpret as a rising plume. The TBC upwelling generates decompression melt (≈0.25 %) at a maximum depth of ≈200 km beneath the RVP where the lithosphere is thinnest (≈100 km). Our results demonstrate that an excess heat source from may be plume materials is necessary for melt generation in the sublithospheric mantle beneath the RVP because passive asthenospheric upwelling of ambient mantle will require a higher than normal Tp to generate melt. / Doctor of Philosophy / Studies suggest the presence of hot, melted rock deep in the continents makes them weaker and easier to break apart, however, our understanding of how continents with less melted rock break apart remains limited largely due to sparse geophysical observations from these dry areas. To better understand how continents with less melted rock break apart, chapter 1 of this dissertation is focused on investigating the interactions between the rigid part of the Earth, called lithosphere, and the underlying lower viscosity rock layer called asthenosphere beneath the Malawi Rift, a segment of the magma-poor Western Branch of the East African Rift (EAR). Chapter 2 and 3 are focused on investigating the sources of melt beneath the Rungwe Volcanic Province (RVP), an anomalous volcanic center located at the northern tip of the Malawi Rift. In chapter 1, we use the lithospheric structure of the Malawi Rift derived from gravity data to constrain three-dimensional (3-D) numerical models of lithosphere-asthenosphere interactions, which indicate ~3 cm/yr asthenospheric upwelling beneath the thin lithosphere (115-125 km) of the northern Malawi Rift and the RVP that does not seem to drive movements at the surface. We suggest that the asthenospheric upwelling may generate melted rock which weakens the lithosphere thereby enabling extension. However, the source of asthenospheric melt for the RVP is still contentious. Some studies suggest the asthenospheric melt beneath the RVP arises from thermal perturbations in the upper mantle associated with rising mantle rocks or plume head materials, while others propose melting occurs from upwelling asthenosphere due to lithospheric modulated convection (LMC) where the lithosphere is thin. Chapter 2 of this dissertation is focused on testing the hypothesis that asthenospheric melt feeding the RVP can be generated from LMC. We develop a 3D thermomechanical model of LMC beneath the RVP and the entire Malawi Rift that incorporates melt generation. We find decompression melt associated with LMC upwelling (~3 cm/yr) occurs at a maximum depth of ~150 km localized beneath the RVP. Studies of volcanic rock samples from the RVP indicate plume signatures which are enigmatic since the RVP is highly localized, unlike the large igneous provinces in the Eastern Branch of the EAR. In chapter 3, we investigate melt generation from plume-lithosphere interactions (PLI) beneath the RVP. We develop a 3D model of convection using information from seismology we call tomography-based convection (TBC) beneath the RVP. The seismic data indicate excess temperatures of ~250 K beneath the RVP suggesting the presence of a plume. We find a relatively fast upwelling (~10 cm/yr) beneath the RVP which we interpret as a rising plume. The TBC upwelling generates decompression melt at a maximum depth of ~200 km beneath the RVP. Our results demonstrate that an excess heat source from may be plume materials is necessary for melt generation in the sublithospheric mantle beneath the RVP because passive asthenospheric upwelling of ambient mantle will require a higher than normal mantle potential temperatures to generate melt.

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