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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Factors Affecting Survival and Cause-specific Mortality of Saiga Calves (Saiga tatarica mongolica) in Mongolia

Bayarbaatar, Buuveibaatar 01 January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Factors affecting juvenile survival are poorly known in the world’s most northern antelope, the endangered saiga (Saiga tatarica), yet they are fundamental for understanding what drives population change. For saiga neonates monitored in Sharga Nature Reserve, western Mongolia, during 2008–2010, male and single calves were heavier than those of female and twins, respectively. However, there was no significant difference in seasonal and annual survival rate between male and female or singletons and twins. Litter size and birth mass varied among years, and there was a negative relationship between these variables. Multiple regression models suggest that summer precipitation in previous years and spring mean temperature explained inter-annual variations in twinning rate, and mortality was highest during summer. Covariates providing the best model fit included year, litter size, and body weight, suggesting that environmental conditions influence twinning rates and body mass may play a key role in neonate survival rate in the first year. We identified 3 sources of mortality – predation by raptors, foxes (red and corsac, Vulpes vulpes and V. corsac), and lynx (Lynx lynx). Most predation was by raptors, such as golden eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) and cinereous vulture (Aegypius monachus). Our results point to both environmental and biotic factors affecting juvenile survival.

Estimating Age in Mule Deer: Accuracy and Influence on Reproduction

Hinton, Morgan S. 04 August 2022 (has links) (PDF)
Accurate estimates of parameters and demographic rates of wildlife populations are crucial to management and conservation. One parameter of interest is age because it influences multiple demographic rates and behaviors including reproduction, dispersal, migration, and disease transmission. There are a number of methods used to estimate ages of wildlife. One of the most common methods used for mammals is evaluation of patterns in dental eruption and tooth wear. In the first chapter, we evaluate the accuracy associated with estimates of age from dental eruption and patterns of tooth wear for mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus). In the second chapter, we use age estimates validated within the first chapter to explore how age and other maternal factors may influence number of offspring born per litter in mule deer. We further test relative support for two common hypotheses--terminal investment and reproductive restraint--regarding the relationship between age and reproductive investment in this species. Our results will inform conservation, management, and research efforts associated with mule deer.

Selection for ovulation rate in rabbits

Laborda Vidal, Patricia 23 December 2011 (has links)
El objetivo de esta tesis ha sido estudiar la respuesta directa a la selección por tasa de ovulación en conejo y las respuestas correlacionadas en tamaño de camada y tasas de supervivencia. Los animales pertenecían a una línea de conejos seleccionada por tasa de ovulación durante 10 generaciones. La selección se realizó en base al valor fenotípico de la hembra, que se midió el día 12 de la segunda gestación mediante laparoscopia. Se creó una línea control a partir de la recuperación de aproximadamente 470 embriones de 50 hembras donantes de la generación base. Los embriones fueron vitrificados y almacenados en nitrógeno líquido hasta su transferencia al final del experimento de selección (generación 10 de la línea seleccionada). Se midieron los siguientes caracteres: tamaño de camada (LS), estimada como el número total de gazapos al parto en un máximo de 5 partos; tasa de ovulación (OR), estimada como el número de cuerpos lúteos en los dos ovarios; tasa de ovulación derecha y tasa de ovulación izquierda (ROR y LOR); el número de embriones implantados totales (IE), en el lado derecho (RIE) y en el lado izquierdo (LIE); la diferencia ovulatoria (OD), definida como la diferencia entre ROR y LOR, expresada en valor absoluto; la diferencia de implantación (ID), definida como la diferencia entre RIE y LIE, expresada en valor absoluto; la supervivencia embrionaria (ES), calculada como IE/OR; la supervivencia fetal (FS), calculada como LS/IE; la supervivencia prenatal (PS), calculada como LS/OR. Se utilizó metodología bayesiana para analizar los datos. Las estimas de las heredabilidades de OR, LS, ES, FS y PS fueron 0.16, 0.09, 0.09, 0.24 y 0.14, respectivamente. Las estimas de las correlaciones fenotípicas de OR con LS, ES, FS y PS fueron 0.09, -0.07, -0.26 and -0.28, respectivamente. Las estimas de las correlaciones genéticas de OR con LS y ES tuvieron una baja precisión, y no se pudo concretar su signo. Las estimas de las correlaciones genéticas de OR con FS y PS fueron negativas (probabilidad de ser negativa de 1.00 y 0.98, respectivamente). Las correlaciones fenotípicas y genéticas entre LS y las tasas de supervivencias fueron positivas (probabilidad de ser positivas de 1.00). / Laborda Vidal, P. (2011). Selection for ovulation rate in rabbits [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/14121

Environmental and genetic factors driving robustness in reproductive rabbit does

Savietto, Davi 30 April 2014 (has links)
Selection strategies to increase productive traits of farm animals have been effective and highly specialized breeds and strains were obtained. At the same time, the effort made to obtain extremely high producing animals was accompanied by undesired effects, such as a reduced ability to sustain production, reproduction and health; especially under constrained conditions. The perception that selection was degrading robustness, lead to selection strategies aiming to improve the ability of animals to perform in a wider range of environmental constrain. However, at the present moment, the physiological mechanisms allowing farm animals to perform well in a wide range of environments, while others succumb, have not been described. The present thesis intended to address this question by describing the evolution of traits related to fitness, survival and to the adaptability to environmental constraints. Two maternal rabbit lines differing in their ability to face the environmental constraints, i.e. a `specialist¿ and a `generalist¿ maternal rabbit line were available. Additionally, two generations (20 generations apart) of the specialized line were simultaneously available. During the first two consecutive reproductive cycles, female rabbits were simultaneously subjected to three environmental conditions differing in the intensity and in the physiological constrain imposed. Digestive capacity, the acquisition of resources and the partitioning of resources into different function (i.e. litter size, milk yield, growth, body reserves, etc.) was also assessed. Results showed a greater acquisition capacity of `generalist¿ females in constrained conditions with respect to `specialist¿ females. Moreover, the greater acquisition capacity was not accompanied by a reduction in the digestive efficiency, allowing the `generalist¿ females a relative greater acquisition of digestible energy. The maintenance of reproductive performance by having a greater acquisition capacity, together with the avoidance of making an intensive use of body reserves were both related to the capacity of `generalist¿ females to sustain reproduction in a wide range of environmental conditions. Twenty generations of selection exclusively for reproduction (specialized line), was not accompanied by a higher acquisition capacity, but by a change in the relative priority between the litter being nursed (actual) and the litter being gestate (future litter). In this sense, females from the actual generation of selection for litter size at weaning had a greater milk yield in the first week of lactation (period of great importance to kits survival), reducing it by the end of lactation. The present thesis also evidenced the importance of the environment where the animals are being selected in the evolution of the interplay between competing functions. / Savietto, D. (2014). Environmental and genetic factors driving robustness in reproductive rabbit does [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/37198 / Premios Extraordinarios de tesis doctorales

Genomic analysis of divergently selected experimental lines in rabbit

Sosa Madrid, Bolívar Samuel 23 April 2020 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] La selección divergente puede cambiar las frecuencias de los marcadores genéticos en direcciones opuestas, produciéndose frecuencias alélicas intermedias en estos marcadores cuando ambas líneas divergentes son consideradas conjuntamente en los análisis genéticos. Por lo tanto, los experimentos de selección divergente aumentan el poder de detección para estudios de asociación de genoma completo (GWAS) y para estudios de escaneo genómico por medio de métodos de huellas de selección. GWASs bayesianos, utilizando el modelo Bayes B, se implementaron para analizar datos genómicos de los caracteres de tamaño de camada del experimento de capacidad uterina con 181 hembras. Las asociaciones fueron evaluadas calculando los factores de Bayes para cada SNP, y calculando los porcentajes de la varianza genómica para cada ventana no solapada de 1-Mb. Los GWASs descubrieron SNPs asociados con el número total de gazapos al parto y los embriones implantados. Además, se revelaron regiones genómicas relevantes para el número total de gazapos al parto (1 región), el número de nacidos vivos (1 región), los embriones implantados (3 regiones) y la tasa de ovulación (5 regiones). Los porcentajes de varianza genómica que explicaban los anteriores caracteres de tamaño de camada fueron 39,48%, 10,36%, 37,21% y 3,95%, respectivamente, en un modelo que excluye el efecto línea; y 7.36%, 1.27%, 15.87% y 3.95%, respectivamente, en un modelo con el efecto línea. La región genómica localizada en el cromosoma del conejo (OCU) 17 en 70.0 - 73.3 Mb se consideró como un nuevo locus de carácter cuantitativo (QTL) asociado a caracteres reproductivos en conejos, ya que esta región fue encontrada solapada para el número total de gazapos al parto, el número de nacidos vivos y los embriones implantados. El gen de la proteína morfogenética ósea 4, BMP4, es el principal gen candidato prometedor dentro del nuevo QTL. Una combinación de GWASs fueron implementados para analizar los datos genómicos del experimento de la grasa intramuscular con 480 conejos. Los métodos de GWASs incluyeron un método bayesiano, modelo Bayes B; y un método frecuentista, regresiones de marcadores únicos con los datos ajustados por el parentesco genómico. Este estudio reveló cuatro regiones genómicas relevantes en OCU1 (1 región), OCU8 (2 regiones) y OCU13 (1 región) asociadas con la grasa intramuscular. La región asociada más importante estaba en OCU8 en 24.59 - 26.95 Mb, y explicó el 7.34% de la varianza genómica. El bajo porcentaje explicado por las principales regiones genómicas relevantes indica un gran componente poligénico para la grasa intramuscular. Los análisis funcionales recuperaron genes vinculados con las rutas y funciones de los metabolismos de energía, carbohidratos y lípidos. Además, se realizó un estudio de escaneo genómico usando conejos del experimento de selección divergente para grasa intramuscular, y usando tres métodos de firmas de selección: índice de fijación de Wright (Fst), coeficiente de verosimilitud compuesto entre poblaciones (XP-CLR) y extensión de homocigosidad de los haplotipos entre poblaciones (XP-EHH). Los resultados mostraron múltiples huellas de selección en todo el genoma del conejo. Ninguna de estas huellas de selección concuerda con las regiones genómicas asociadas con la grasa intramuscular, provenientes de los resultados de los GWASs. En síntesis, los resultados de ambos experimentos, GWASs y el estudio de escaneo genómico, sugieren que la arquitectura genómica de la grasa intramuscular en el conejo parece ser altamente poligénica y sus variantes causales serían apenas detectables. Este estudio demuestra que la detección de variantes causales y marcadores genéticos asociados depende de las hipotéticas arquitecturas genómicas de los caracteres, independientemente de las exitosas respuestas logradas en los dos experimentos de selección divergente. Hasta la fecha, estos hallaz / [CA] La selecció divergent pot alterar les freqüències dels marcadors genètics en direccions oposades, donant lloc a freqüències al·lèliques intermèdies quan les dos línies divergents es consideren conjuntament en els anàlisis genètics. Per tant, els experiments de selecció divergents augmenten el poder de detecció en estudis d'associació de genoma ampli (GWAS) i en estudis d'exploració genòmica a través de mètodes de signatures de selecció. GWASs bayesians, utilitzant el model Bayes B, es van implementar per a analitzar dades genòmiques de caràcters de grandària de ventrada de l'experiment de capacitat uterina amb 181 conilles femelles. Les associacions es van provar calculant els factors de Bayes per a cada SNP, i calculant els percentatges de la variància genòmica per a cada finestra no superposada d'1-Mb. Els GWASs van descobrir SNPs associats amb el número total de llorigons al part i els embrions implantats. A més, es van revelar regions genòmiques rellevants per al número total de llorigons al part (1 regió), el número de nascuts vius (1 regió), els embrions implantats (3 regions) i la taxa d'ovulació (5 regions). Els percentatges de variància genòmica que explicaven els anteriors caràcters de grandària de ventrada van ser 39,48%, 10,36%, 37,21% i 3,95%, respectivament, sota un model que exclou l'efecte de línia; i 7.36%, 1.27%, 15.87% i 3.95%, respectivament, sota un model amb efecte de línia. La regió genòmica situada en el cromosoma del conill (OCU) 17 en 70.0 - 73.3 Mb es va considerar com un nou locus de caràcters quantitatius (QTL) associat a caràcters reproductius en conills, ja que aquesta regió es va superposar per al número total de llorigons al part, el número de nascuts vius i els embrions implantats. El gen de la proteïna morfogenètica òssia 4, BMP4, és el principal gen candidat prometedor dins del nou QTL. Una combinació de GWASs es van implementar per a analitzar les dades genòmiques de l'experiment del greix intramuscular amb 480 conills. Els mètodes GWASs van incloure un mètode bayesià, model Bayes B; i un mètode frecuentista, regressions de marcadors únics amb les dades ajustades pel parentiu genòmico. Aquest estudi va revelar quatre regions genòmiques rellevants en OCU1 (1 regió), OCU8 (2 regions) i OCU13 (1 regió) associades amb el greix intramuscular. La regió associada més important estava en OCU8 en 24.59 - 26.95 Mb, i va explicar el 7.34% de la variància genòmica. El baix percentatge explicat per les principals regions genòmiques rellevants indica un gran component poligènic per al greix intramuscular. Els anàlisis funcionals van recuperar gens relacionats amb les rutes i la funció d'energia, metabolismes de carbohidrats i lípids. A més, es va realitzar un estudi d'exploració del genoma usant conills de l'experiment de selecció divergent per a greix intramuscular, i usant tres mètodes de signatures de selecció: índex de fixació de Wright (Fst), coeficient de versemblança compost entre poblacions (XP-CLR) i extensió de homocigosidad dels haplotipos entre poblacions (XP-EHH). Els resultats van mostrar múltiples petjades de selecció en tot el genoma del conill. Cap d'aquestes petjades de selecció concorda amb les regions genòmiques associades a partir dels resultats dels GWASs. En síntesi, els resultats dels dos experiments, GWASs i estudi d'exploració del genoma, suggereixen que l'arquitectura genòmica del greix intramuscular en el conill sembla ser altament poligènica i les seues variants causals serien a penes detectables. Aquest estudi demostra que la detecció de variants causals i marcadors genètics associats depèn de les hipotètiques arquitectures genòmiques dels caràcters, independentment de les respostes reeixides en els dos experiments de selecció divergents. Fins ara, aquestes troballes no tindrien implicacions valuoses per als programes de cria de conills. / [EN] Divergent selection can alter frequencies of genetic markers in opposite directions, leading to intermediate allelic frequencies when both divergent lines are jointly considered in the genetic analyses. Therefore, divergent selection experiments increase the detection power for genome wide association studies (GWAS) and for genomic scan studies through methods of selection signatures. Bayesian GWASs using Bayes B model was used to analyse genomic data of litter size traits of the uterine capacity experiment with 181 does. The associations were tested by computing Bayes factors for each SNP, and by computing percentages of the genomic variance for each 1-Mb non-overlapping window. The GWASs uncovered SNPs associated with total number born and implanted embryos. Moreover, relevant genomic regions were revealed for total number born (1 region), number born alive (1 region), implanted embryos (3 regions), and ovulation rate (5 regions). The percentages of genomic variance that accounted for these litter size traits were 39,48%, 10.36%, 37.21%, and 3.95%, respectively, under a model excluding line effect; and 7.36%, 1.27%, 15.87%, and 3.95%, respectively, under a model with line effect. The genomic region located on the rabbit chromosome (OCU) 17 in 70.0 - 73.3 Mb was deemed as a novel quantitative trait locus (QTL) of reproductive traits in rabbits, since this region was found overlapped for total number born, number born alive and implanted embryos. Bone morphogenetic protein 4 gene, BMP4, is the main promising candidate gene within the novel QTL. A combination of GWASs were performed for analysing the genomic data of the intramuscular fat experiment with 480 rabbits. The GWAS methods included a Bayesian method, Bayes B model; and a frequentist method, single marker regressions with the data adjusted by genomic relatedness. This study revealed four relevant genomic regions in OCU1 (1 region), OCU8 (2 regions) and OCU13 (1 region) associated with intramuscular fat. The most important associated region was on OCU8 in 24.59 - 26.95 Mb, and accounted for 7.34% of the genomic variance. The low percentage explained by the main relevant genomic regions indicates a large polygenic component for intramuscular fat. Functional analyses retrieved genes linked to pathways and function of energy, carbohydrate and lipid metabolisms. In addition, a genome scan study was performed using rabbits from the divergent selection experiment for intramuscular fat, and using three methods of selection signatures: Wright's fixation index (Fst), cross population composite likelihood ratio (XP-CLR) and cross population extended haplotype homozygosity (XP-EHH). The results showed multiple selection signatures across the rabbit genome. None of these selection signatures agreed with the associated genomic regions from GWAS findings. In synthesis, the results of both experiments, GWAS and genome scan study, suggest that the genomic architecture of intramuscular fat in rabbit seems to be highly polygenic and their causative variants would be hardly detectable. This study demonstrates that detection of causative variants and associated genetic markers depends on the hypothetical genomic architectures of traits, regardless of the successful responses attained in the two divergent selection experiments. Hitherto, these findings would not have worthwhile implications for the rabbit breeding programs. / Sosa Madrid, BS. (2020). Genomic analysis of divergently selected experimental lines in rabbit [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/141376 / Compendio


Palm, Mathilda Palm January 2019 (has links)
Breeding for a larger litter size has affected the vitality of piglets negatively. The larger litter sizes lead to lower individual birthweight. Smaller pigs have bigger difficulties to keep up their body temperature right after birth because of their lower muscle mass. Other factors that affect the vitality of the piglets are season, how the pigs are cared for and how they are housed. The purpose of the study is to analyze changes in litter size and birthweight over the time period 2013 to 2017. The study also analyses how litter size and birthweight is affected by season. The study performs statistical analyses on data recorded at the pig facilities at Lövsta agriculture research facility, SLU in Uppsala, Sweden, between the years 2013 to 2017. This study includes piglets of the crossbreed Yorkshire x Hampshire. The questions of issue in this study concerns the change in litter size and birthweight over time years 2013 to 2017, the regression between litter size and birthweight and the effect of season on birthweight and litter size. The study showed that the birthweight decreased over the years. Regression showed that the increase of litter size lowers the birthweight. The effect of season was significant indicating lower birthweights in the second compared to the fourth quarter of the year. The effect of season can potentially be explained by weather conditions. Keywords: litter size, birth weight, newborn pigs/piglets, sow, animal welfare.

Reproductive patterns in the domestic dog : a retrospective study, with the Drever breed as model /

Bobic Gavrilovic, Bojana, January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (M.Sc.) Uppsala : Sveriges lantbruksuniv.

Relação entre condição corporal de fêmeas suínas ao primeiro parto e ao desmame e a produção de leitões no segundo parto. / Relation between corporal condition of swine females at the first farrowing and weaning and the piglests productionin the second farrowing

Schenkel, André Cavalheiro January 2007 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a influência do número de leitões paridos e desmamados no primeiro parto, das reservas corporais ao parto e a perda das reservas corporais durante a lactação sobre a produção de leitões no segundo parto. Foram analisadas 1222 fêmeas que chegaram ao segundo parto sem interrupções como retorno ao estro, abortamento ou vazias ao parto. Foram medidos o peso corporal, espessura de toucinho (ET) e escore corporal visual (ECV), no máximo 24 horas pós-parto e no dia do desmame. Foram calculados a gordura e a proteína corporal ao parto e ao desmame para posteriormente serem obtidos os valores com relação às perdas destas reservas. O total de leitões nascidos no primeiro e no segundo partos e o número de leitões desmamados foram analisados de acordo com as características corporais e produtivas das fêmeas no primeiro parto e primeiro desmame. O tamanho de leitegada no primeiro e no segundo partos foram, respectivamente 12,4 leitões e o de 9,7 leitões nascidos totais. Na média as fêmeas apresentaram redução de 18,6 kg (9%) de peso corporal, 3,1mm de ET e 0,8 de ECV durante a lactação. O tamanho da leitegada no segundo parto não diferiu entre as classes das variáveis, peso, ET, ECV, gordura e proteína corporal no primeiro parto (P>0,05). As fêmeas com peso acima de 178kg, ET (≥16), ECV (≥3,0) e gordura corporal (≥21%) ao desmame tiveram maior leitegada no segundo parto e menor diferença no número de nascidos entre o primeiro e segundo parto (P<0,05). Fêmeas com maior percentual de proteína corporal ao desmame (≥15%) tiveram maior número de leitões nascidos na segunda leitegada. Houve maior diminuição no tamanho da segunda leitegada nas fêmeas com perdas de peso corporal acima de 10% (P<0,05). Perdas de proteína ou de gordura corporal acima de 10% e de 23%, respectivamente implicaram na maior diminuição no número de leitões nascidos no segundo parto (P<0,05). A perda de reservas corporais durante a lactação de primíparas influencia a redução do tamanho da leitegada no segundo parto. / The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of body reserves at farrowing and the corporal reserves losses during the first lactation on the second litter size. A number of 1222 females that reached the second parity without interruptions as return to estrus, abortion or failing to farrow were analyzed. Measurements of body weight, backfat thickness (BT) and corporal condition (CC) were taken within 24-hours after farrowing and on the weaning day. Sow body fat and protein mass, at first farrowing and first weaning, were calculated and the values of these reserves losses were estimated. The total piglets at first and second farrowing and the number of weaned piglets were analyzed according to the females corporal and productive characteristics at first farrowing and first weaning.Litter size at first and second farrowing were respectively 12.4 and 9.7 total born piglets. In the average, the females demonstrated a reduction of 18.6 kg (9%) in body weight, 3.1mm BT and 0.8 CC during lactation. Second litter size did not differ between the categories body weight, BT, CC, body fat and body protein at first farrowing (P>0.05). Females with more than 178kg, BT (≥16), ECV (≥3.0) and body fat (≥21%) at weaning had largest second litters and less differences in the number of piglets born between first and second farrowing (P<0.05). Sow body protein mass at weaning (≥15%) had a higher effect on the number of piglets produced in the second litter. Females with weight losses during lactation above 10% showed the greatest reduction in second litter size (P<0.05). Protein or fat mass losses above 10% and 23%, respectively resulted in a high reduction in the number of total born piglets in second litter (P<0.05).Looses of corporal reserves during the first lactation influences the reduction in the second litter size.

Efeito do peso ao nascer e do tamanho da leitegada ao nascimento no desempenho de fêmeas puras Landrace até a puberdade / Effectofbirth weightandlitter size of femalepurelandrace ontheir performanceuntil puberty

Almeida, Mirian de January 2011 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito do tamanho da leitegada na qual as leitoas nasceram e do peso individual ao nascer sobre a mortalidade e descarte até o momento da seleção e sobre a ocorrência da puberdade. Foram avaliadas 1525 leitoas Landrace identificadas e pesadas até 18 h após o nascimento. As fêmeas foram também pesadas ao desmame (n=1379), na saída da creche (n=1198) e na saída da recria (n=940). Foram criadas três classes de tamanho da leitegada: Pequena (7 a 11 leitões); Média (12 a 13 leitões) e Grande (14 a 19 leitões). As leitoas avaliadas foram também analisadas em três classes, de acordo com o peso ao nascimento: Leves (530-1200 g); Médias (1205-1600 g) e Pesadas (1605-2535 g). O risco de morte na maternidade foi maior (P<0,05) nas leitoas Leves de leitegadas Médias e Grandes, em comparação às leitoas Pesadas, mas não nas leitegadas Pequenas. Foi observado aumento de Ganho de Peso Diário (GPD) e de peso (P<0,05), de acordo com o aumento de peso ao nascimento, nas diversas medidas efetuadas do nascimento até a seleção. O risco de morte na maternidade foi maior ou tendeu a ser maior para leitoas Leves de leitegadas Médias (P<0,05) e de leitegadas Grandes (P= 0,079), em comparação às leitoas Leves de leitegadas Pequenas. Não houve efeito (P>0,05) do peso ao nascimento ou do tamanho da leitegada nos percentuais de leitoas que morreram ou foram descartadas nas fases de creche e recria, no percentual de leitoas aprovadas na seleção e no percentual de leitoas em anestro até 30 dias após o estímulo com o macho. O risco de não chegar até a seleção foi maior (P<0,085) nas leitoas Leves do que nas Pesadas, em todos as classes de tamanho da leitegada. Leitoas Leves tiveram maior idade de estímulo com macho (IEM) e menor intervalo macho-puberdade (IMP) do que fêmeas Pesadas (P<0,05), mas não houve efeito do peso ao nascimento na idade à puberdade (P>0,05). Os resultados mostram que o peso ao nascimento é mais importante do que o tamanho da leitegada de origem da leitoa em termos de sobrevivência até o desmame, ganho de peso e retenção no plantel até a fase de seleção. / The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of litter size in which gilts were born and of their individual birth weight on mortality and cullingof these gilts until the moment of selection and on occurrence of puberty. The study evaluated 1525 landrace gilts, identified and weighted until 18 hours after birth. The gilts were also weighed on weaning (n=1379), nursery ending (n=1198) and rearing ending (n=940). Three classes of litter size were created: Small (7-11 piglets), Medium (12-13 piglets) and Large (14-19 piglets). Evaluated giltswere also divided into three other classes according to birth weight: Light (530-1200 g), Medium (1205-1600 g) and Heavy (1605-2535 g). The risk of death in maternity was higher (P<0,05) in Lightweight gilts from Medium and Large litters compared to Heavy ones, but not in gilts from Small litters. It was observed an increasing of ADG (Average Daily Gain) and weight (P<0,05), according to the increasing of birth weight, from birth to selection. The risk of death in maternity was also higher or tended to be higher in Lightweight gilts from Medium (P<0,05) and Large (P=0,079) litters compared to those from Small ones. There was no effect of birth weight or litter size on the percentage of dead or culling gilts at nursery and rearing, on the percentage of selected gilts and on the percentage of gilts in anestrous until 30 days after stimulation with a male. The risk of not reaching the selection was higher (P<0,085) in Lightweight gilts than in Heavy ones, in all litter size classes. Lightweight gilts had higher ASM (Age of Stimulus with a Male) and lower MPI (Male-Puberty Interval) compared to Heavy ones (P<0,05), but there was no effect of birth weight on puberty age (P<0,05). The results show that birth weight is more important than the litter size in which the gilt was born in terms of survival until weaning, weight gain and permanence in the herd until selection.

Efeito do peso ao nascer e do tamanho da leitegada ao nascimento no desempenho de fêmeas puras Landrace até a puberdade / Effectofbirth weightandlitter size of femalepurelandrace ontheir performanceuntil puberty

Almeida, Mirian de January 2011 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito do tamanho da leitegada na qual as leitoas nasceram e do peso individual ao nascer sobre a mortalidade e descarte até o momento da seleção e sobre a ocorrência da puberdade. Foram avaliadas 1525 leitoas Landrace identificadas e pesadas até 18 h após o nascimento. As fêmeas foram também pesadas ao desmame (n=1379), na saída da creche (n=1198) e na saída da recria (n=940). Foram criadas três classes de tamanho da leitegada: Pequena (7 a 11 leitões); Média (12 a 13 leitões) e Grande (14 a 19 leitões). As leitoas avaliadas foram também analisadas em três classes, de acordo com o peso ao nascimento: Leves (530-1200 g); Médias (1205-1600 g) e Pesadas (1605-2535 g). O risco de morte na maternidade foi maior (P<0,05) nas leitoas Leves de leitegadas Médias e Grandes, em comparação às leitoas Pesadas, mas não nas leitegadas Pequenas. Foi observado aumento de Ganho de Peso Diário (GPD) e de peso (P<0,05), de acordo com o aumento de peso ao nascimento, nas diversas medidas efetuadas do nascimento até a seleção. O risco de morte na maternidade foi maior ou tendeu a ser maior para leitoas Leves de leitegadas Médias (P<0,05) e de leitegadas Grandes (P= 0,079), em comparação às leitoas Leves de leitegadas Pequenas. Não houve efeito (P>0,05) do peso ao nascimento ou do tamanho da leitegada nos percentuais de leitoas que morreram ou foram descartadas nas fases de creche e recria, no percentual de leitoas aprovadas na seleção e no percentual de leitoas em anestro até 30 dias após o estímulo com o macho. O risco de não chegar até a seleção foi maior (P<0,085) nas leitoas Leves do que nas Pesadas, em todos as classes de tamanho da leitegada. Leitoas Leves tiveram maior idade de estímulo com macho (IEM) e menor intervalo macho-puberdade (IMP) do que fêmeas Pesadas (P<0,05), mas não houve efeito do peso ao nascimento na idade à puberdade (P>0,05). Os resultados mostram que o peso ao nascimento é mais importante do que o tamanho da leitegada de origem da leitoa em termos de sobrevivência até o desmame, ganho de peso e retenção no plantel até a fase de seleção. / The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of litter size in which gilts were born and of their individual birth weight on mortality and cullingof these gilts until the moment of selection and on occurrence of puberty. The study evaluated 1525 landrace gilts, identified and weighted until 18 hours after birth. The gilts were also weighed on weaning (n=1379), nursery ending (n=1198) and rearing ending (n=940). Three classes of litter size were created: Small (7-11 piglets), Medium (12-13 piglets) and Large (14-19 piglets). Evaluated giltswere also divided into three other classes according to birth weight: Light (530-1200 g), Medium (1205-1600 g) and Heavy (1605-2535 g). The risk of death in maternity was higher (P<0,05) in Lightweight gilts from Medium and Large litters compared to Heavy ones, but not in gilts from Small litters. It was observed an increasing of ADG (Average Daily Gain) and weight (P<0,05), according to the increasing of birth weight, from birth to selection. The risk of death in maternity was also higher or tended to be higher in Lightweight gilts from Medium (P<0,05) and Large (P=0,079) litters compared to those from Small ones. There was no effect of birth weight or litter size on the percentage of dead or culling gilts at nursery and rearing, on the percentage of selected gilts and on the percentage of gilts in anestrous until 30 days after stimulation with a male. The risk of not reaching the selection was higher (P<0,085) in Lightweight gilts than in Heavy ones, in all litter size classes. Lightweight gilts had higher ASM (Age of Stimulus with a Male) and lower MPI (Male-Puberty Interval) compared to Heavy ones (P<0,05), but there was no effect of birth weight on puberty age (P<0,05). The results show that birth weight is more important than the litter size in which the gilt was born in terms of survival until weaning, weight gain and permanence in the herd until selection.

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