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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

People dancing without bodies: A qualitative study of virtual raving in a pandemic

von Rosen, Sally January 2020 (has links)
This thesis revolves around social dance movements in the form of raving and clubbing in Berlin, and how this performative scene is affected by social distancing measures due to the current situation of Covid-19. As an important moment in history, online body performances and virtual spaces aim to complement and substitute social experiences in physical environments. The field of study relating digital technology to club cultures is timely, as virtual raving is changing social bodies’ interactions. Life has gone online for the sake of upholding socialization, as people find themselves in isolation – in a hybrid experience of the digital and material. To assess these changes in social life, this thesis uses an auto ethnographical case study on virtual raving and interviews with rave participants, and deploys Affordance Theory. The affordances accounted for are those of ‘settings’, ‘socialization’, ‘entertainment’, and ‘mobility’. The analysis demonstrates the possibilities and problems of transferring the meditative and social bodily experiences associated with raving, to virtual environments. The resulting discussion addresses issues of global accessibility, virtual raves, and what these mean for a techno raving sub culture, and the people who participate in it.

Liveness Detection on Fingers Using Vein Pattern / Liveness Detection on Fingers Using Vein Pattern

Dohnálek, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
Tato práce se zabývá rozšířením snímače otisků prstů Touchless Biometric Systems 3D-Enroll o jednotku detekce živosti prstu na základě žil. Bylo navrhnuto a zkonstruováno hardwarové řešení s využitím infračervených diod. Navržené softwarové řešení pracuje ve dvou různých režimech: detekce živosti na základě texturních příznaků a verifikace uživatelů na základě porovnávání žilních vzorů. Datový soubor obsahující přes 1100 snímků jak živých prstů tak jejich falsifikátů vznikl jako součást této práce a výkonnost obou zmíněných režimů byla vyhodnocena na tomto datovém souboru. Na závěr byly navrhnuty materiály vhodné k výrobě falsifikátů otisků prstů umožňující oklamání detekce živosti pomocí žilních vzorů.

Detekce živosti prstu pomocí osvětlení různé vlnové délky / Liveness Finger Detection by LEDs with Different Wavelengths

Malý, Tomáš January 2013 (has links)
The goal of this thesis was to study biometrics and focus on liveness detection. Design liveness detection for existing sensor with LEDs using different wavelength.

Biometrické rozpoznání živosti prstu / Biometric fingerprint liveness detection

Jurek, Jakub January 2016 (has links)
This project deals with general biometrics issues focusing on fingerprint biometrics, with description of dermal papillae and principles of fingerprint sensors. Next this work deals with fingerprint liveness detection issues, including description of methods of detection. Next this work describes chosen features for own detection, used database of fingerprints and own algorithm for image pre-processing. Furthermore neural network classifier for liveness detection with chosen features is decribed followed by statistic evaluation of the chosen features and detection results as well as description of the created graphical user interface.

Toward Liveness: The Polytemporality of Performance Objects

Stonestreet, Tracy 01 January 2019 (has links)
In this dissertation, I examine the temporal and material connections between component parts of hybrid artworks, specifically between live events / acts of performance and the long-lasting sculptural elements that those events / performances produce. I propose a re-orientation of the temporal gaze of performance art history, from one oriented to the past to one focused on the continually unfolding present. Such a re-orientation requires a nonlinear approach to art making that complicates set boundaries of past and present, liveness and record, and presence and absence, and disrupts in potentially corrective ways our historically normative systems of looking, categorizing, and archiving art. Through a transfeminist analysis that prioritizes multiplicity rather than categorization, I consider elements of liveness in relation to subjectivity and agency, paying attention to their effect on the works’ ongoing reception and classification in archiving systems. I examine three elements of liveness as maintained through indexicality: action, endurance, and presence. Each of these elements has been historically associated with live art but not with static objects; each has been considered only in the past tense after the initial performance has ended. Using definitions of indexicality, nonlinearity, and agency as starting points, I examine how performance-based artworks connect the performance and subjectivity of the artist across time. This project loosely takes the form of three case studies of hybrid art practices by contemporary artists: Kate Gilmore, Mary Coble, and Cassils.

Recognition of Fine Skin Movements on a Fingertip / Recognition of Fine Skin Movements on a Fingertip

Dragula, Peter Unknown Date (has links)
Heutzutage beeinflusst die Biometrie mehr und mehr unsere Leben. Diese Technologie soll uns Sicherheit und auch Bequemlichkeit erschaffen. Biometrische Systeme ersetzen jeden Tag ältere Sicherheitssysteme und die Firmen versprechen sich mehr Leistung zu bekommen. Aber trotzdem kann man über viele Bereiche der Biometrie sagen, dass sie noch zurückgeblieben sind. In meiner Arbeit analysiere ich den Zustand der ganzen biometrischen Industrie, ich lerne die neuesten Technologien kennen. Die Mängel dieser Industrie sind noch deutlich und es müssen noch viele Innovationen durchgesetzt werden. Ich widme mich meistens der Sicherheit der biometrischen Systeme, konkret orientiere ich mich auf die Fingerabdruckstechnologie. Nach der Analyse der neuesten Angriffe und Sicherheitsvorgänge, werte ich die Technik der Erkennung der feinen Hautbewegungen der Fingerspitzen aus.

The Archaeology of Liveness

Vandorpe, Dries 13 August 2015 (has links)
No description available.


Faria, Daniel C. 24 August 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Unfolding based verification of concurrent infinite-state systems

Trần, Thế Quang 19 June 2009 (has links)
Nous proposons une technique de dépliage pour vérifier les systèmes concurrents infinis bien structurés. Certaines propriétés d'intérêt comme la bornitude, la couverture et la terminaison sont décidables grâce à la bonne structure de ces systèmes. D'autre part, le dépliage réduit efficacement l'explosion combinatoire en exploitant l'ordre partiel entre les événements des systèmes concurrents. Nous proposons une modélisation par structure d'événements pour des systèmes bien structurés élémentaires, tels les compteurs et les files de communication. Le dépliage d'un réseau de structures d'événements étant une structure d'événements, nous proposons ensuite une approche hiérarchique à la modélisation et à la vérification des systèmes, qui préserve la bonne structure. Enfin, nous proposons une technique d'élimination des événements redondants. La mise en œuvre de notre approche dans l'outil ESU nous permet de conclure à son efficacité. / We propose an unfolding technique for verifying concurrent infinite-state systems that are well-structured. Some properties of interest such as boundedness, coverability and termination are decidable thanks to the well-structure of these systems. Moreover, the unfolding effectively reduces the combinatorial explosion by exploiting the partial order between events of concurrent systems. We propose a modelization using event structures for basic well-structured systems, such as counters and communication channels. As the unfolding of a synchronized product of event structures is an event structure, we obtain a hierarchical approach to modeling as well as to verifying systems, which preserves the well-structure. Finally, we propose a technique for eliminating redundant events. The implementation of our approach in the ESU tool allows us to conclude on its efficiency.

Une approche par composants pour l'analyse visuelle interactive de résultats issus de simulations numériques / A component-based approach for interactive visual analysis of numerical simulation results

Ait Wakrime, Abderrahim 10 December 2015 (has links)
Les architectures par composants sont de plus en plus étudiées et utilisées pour le développement efficace des applications en génie logiciel. Elles offrent, d’un côté, une architecture claire aux développeurs, et de l’autre, une séparation des différentes parties fonctionnelles et en particulier dans les applications de visualisation scientifique interactives. La modélisation de ces applications doit permettre la description des comportements de chaque composant et les actions globales du système. De plus, les interactions entre composants s’expriment par des schémas de communication qui peuvent être très complexes avec, par exemple, la possibilité de perdre des messages pour gagner en performance. Cette thèse décrit le modèle ComSA (Component-based approach for Scientific Applications) qui est basé sur une approche par composants dédiée aux applications de visualisation scientifique interactive et dynamique formalisée par les réseaux FIFO colorés stricts (sCFN). Les principales contributions de cette thèse sont dans un premier temps, un ensemble d’outils pour modéliser les différents comportements des composants ainsi que les différentes politiques de communication au sein de l’application. Dans un second temps, la définition de propriétés garantissant un démarrage propre de l’application en analysant et détectant les blocages. Cela permet de garantir la vivacité tout au long de l’exécution de l’application. Finalement l’étude de la reconfiguration dynamique des applications d’analyse visuelle par ajout ou suppression à la volée d’un composant sans arrêter toute l’application. Cette reconfiguration permet de minimiser le nombre de services non disponibles. / Component-based approaches are increasingly studied and used for the effective development of the applications in software engineering. They offer, on the one hand, safe architecture to developers, and on the other one, a separation of the various functional parts and particularly in the interactive scientific visualization applications. Modeling such applications enables the behavior description of each component and the global system’s actions. Moreover, the interactions between components are expressed through a communication schemes sometimes very complex with, for example, the possibility to lose messages to enhance performance. This thesis describes ComSA model (Component-based approach for Scientific Applications) that relies on a component-based approach dedicated to interactive and dynamic scientific visualization applications and its formalization in strict Colored FIFO Nets (sCFN). The main contributions of this thesis are, first, the definition of a set of tools to model the component’s behaviors and the various application communication policies. Second, providing some properties on the application to guarantee it starts properly. It is done by analyzing and detecting deadlocks. This ensures the liveness throughout the application execution. Finally, we present dynamic reconfiguration of visual analytics applications by adding or removing on the fly of a component without stopping the whole application. This reconfiguration minimizes the number of unavailable services.

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