Spelling suggestions: "subject:"oog analysis"" "subject:"gog analysis""
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Mobilní webová analytika - Nástroj pro analýzu návštěvnosti mobilního portálu / Mobile web analytics - tool for analysis of the mobile portal trafficJoha, Miroslav January 2011 (has links)
This thesis analyses tools for mobile web portal logs processing which could be used for reporting of required metrics. The area covers not only web analytics, but also mobile web and mobile handsets capabilities. The objective is to analyze possibilities of existing products which can be used to process web logs and choose appropriate existing or propose proprietary solution. This solution should comply with requirements and limitations given by the portal platform limitations. Theoretical part introduces the web analytics domain and the mobile web environment. Basic concepts and metrics are described as well as the fundamental data collection methods and mobile internet basic specifics. The knowledge of the web analytics and mobile web basics are crucial to be able to eruditely assess the tools capabilities introduced in the second part of this thesis. In the practical part, there are technical details on the mobile portal operating environment described. The requirements for the tool outputs are defined there and the prospective ready-to-use solutions are researched. The final part of the text addresses the final solution for the mobile portal reporting tool including the operational data processing. The secondary output of this thesis comprises of explanation of the mobile web analytics area for the broader audience. The main output of the practical part is analysis and specification of the requirements for mobile portal reporting tool and design of the solution with the supervision of the implementation and deployment within the production environment.
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Enterprise Users and Web Search BehaviorLewis, April Ann 01 May 2010 (has links)
This thesis describes analysis of user web query behavior associated with Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s (ORNL) Enterprise Search System (Hereafter, ORNL Intranet). The ORNL Intranet provides users a means to search all kinds of data stores for relevant business and research information using a single query. The Global Intranet Trends for 2010 Report suggests the biggest current obstacle for corporate intranets is “findability and Siloed content”. Intranets differ from internets in the way they create, control, and share content which can make it often difficult and sometimes impossible for users to find information. Stenmark (2006) first noted studies of corporate internal search behavior is lacking and so appealed for more published research on the subject.
This study employs mature scientific internet web query transaction log analysis (TLA) to examine how corporate intranet users at ORNL search for information. The focus of the study is to better understand general search behaviors and to identify unique trends associated with query composition and vocabulary. The results are compared to published Intranet studies. A literature review suggests only a handful of intranet based web search studies exist and each focus largely on a single aspect of intranet search. This implies that the ORNL study is the first to comprehensively analyze a corporate intranet user web query corpus, providing results to the public.
This study analyzes 65,000 user queries submitted to the ORNL intranet from September 17, 2007 through December 31, 2007. A granular relational data model first introduced by Wang, Berry, and Yang (2003) for Web query analysis was adopted and modified for data mining and analysis of the ORNL query corpus. The ORNL query corpus is characterized using Zipf Distributions, descriptive word statistics, and Mutual Information. User search vocabulary is analyzed using frequency distribution and probability statistics.
The results showed that ORNL users searched for unique types of information. ORNL users are uncertain of how to best formulate queries and don’t use search interface tools to narrow search scope. Special domain language comprised 38% of the queries. The average results returned per query for ORNL were too high and no hits occurred 16.34%.
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Well-log based determination of rock thermal conductivity in the North German BasinFuchs, Sven January 2013 (has links)
In sedimentary basins, rock thermal conductivity can vary both laterally and vertically, thus altering the basin’s thermal structure locally and regionally. Knowledge of the thermal conductivity of geological formations and its spatial variations is essential, not only for quantifying basin evolution and hydrocarbon maturation processes, but also for understanding geothermal conditions in a geological setting. In conjunction with the temperature gradient, thermal conductivity represents the basic input parameter for the determination of the heat-flow density; which, in turn, is applied as a major input parameter in thermal modeling at different scales. Drill-core samples, which are necessary to determine thermal properties by laboratory measurements, are rarely available and often limited to previously explored reservoir formations. Thus, thermal conductivities of Mesozoic rocks in the North German Basin (NGB) are largely unknown. In contrast, geophysical borehole measurements are often available for the entire drilled sequence. Therefore, prediction equations to determine thermal conductivity based on well-log data are desirable. In this study rock thermal conductivity was investigated on different scales by (1) providing thermal-conductivity measurements on Mesozoic rocks, (2) evaluating and improving commonly applied mixing models which were used to estimate matrix and pore-filled rock thermal conductivities, and (3) developing new well-log based equations to predict thermal conductivity in boreholes without core control.
Laboratory measurements are performed on sedimentary rock of major geothermal reservoirs in the Northeast German Basin (NEGB) (Aalenian, Rhaethian-Liassic, Stuttgart Fm., and Middle Buntsandstein). Samples are obtained from eight deep geothermal wells that approach depths of up to 2,500 m. Bulk thermal conductivities of Mesozoic sandstones range between 2.1 and 3.9 W/(m∙K), while matrix thermal conductivity ranges between 3.4 and 7.4 W/(m∙K). Local heat flow for the Stralsund location averages 76 mW/m², which is in good agreement to values reported previously for the NEGB. For the first time, in-situ bulk thermal conductivity is indirectly calculated for entire borehole profiles in the NEGB using the determined surface heat flow and measured temperature data. Average bulk thermal conductivity, derived for geological formations within the Mesozoic section, ranges between 1.5 and 3.1 W/(m∙K).
The measurement of both dry- and water-saturated thermal conductivities allow further evaluation of different two-component mixing models which are often applied in geothermal calculations (e.g., arithmetic mean, geometric mean, harmonic mean, Hashin-Shtrikman mean, and effective-medium theory mean). It is found that the geometric-mean model shows the best correlation between calculated and measured bulk thermal conductivity. However, by applying new model-dependent correction, equations the quality of fit could be significantly improved and the error diffusion of each model reduced. The ‘corrected’ geometric mean provides the most satisfying results and constitutes a universally applicable model for sedimentary rocks. Furthermore, lithotype-specific and model-independent conversion equations are developed permitting a calculation of water-saturated thermal conductivity from dry-measured thermal conductivity and porosity within an error range of 5 to 10%.
The limited availability of core samples and the expensive core-based laboratory measurements make it worthwhile to use petrophysical well logs to determine thermal conductivity for sedimentary rocks. The approach followed in this study is based on the detailed analyses of the relationships between thermal conductivity of rock-forming minerals, which are most abundant in sedimentary rocks, and the properties measured by standard logging tools. By using multivariate statistics separately for clastic, carbonate and evaporite rocks, the findings from these analyses allow the development of prediction equations from large artificial data sets that predict matrix thermal conductivity within an error of 4 to 11%. These equations are validated successfully on a comprehensive subsurface data set from the NGB. In comparison to the application of earlier published approaches formation-dependent developed for certain areas, the new developed equations show a significant error reduction of up to 50%.
These results are used to infer rock thermal conductivity for entire borehole profiles. By inversion of corrected in-situ thermal-conductivity profiles, temperature profiles are calculated and compared to measured high-precision temperature logs. The resulting uncertainty in temperature prediction averages < 5%, which reveals the excellent temperature prediction capabilities using the presented approach.
In conclusion, data and methods are provided to achieve a much more detailed parameterization of thermal models. / Die thermische Modellierung des geologischen Untergrundes ist ein wichtiges Werkzeug bei der Erkundung und Bewertung tiefliegender Ressourcen sedimentärer Becken (e.g., Kohlenwasserstoffe, Wärme). Die laterale und vertikale Temperaturverteilung im Untergrund wird, neben der Wärmestromdichte und der radiogenen Wärmeproduktion, hauptsächlich durch die Wärmeleitfähigkeit (WLF) der abgelagerten Gesteinsschichten bestimmt. Diese Parameter stellen die wesentlichen Eingangsgrößen für thermische Modelle dar. Die vorliegende Dissertation befasst sich mit der Bestimmung der Gesteins-WLF auf verschiedenen Skalen. Dies umfasst (1) laborative WLF-Messungen an mesozoischen Bohrkernproben, (2) die Evaluierung und Verbesserung der Prognosefähigkeit von Mischgesetzten zur Berechnung von Matrix- und Gesamt-WLF sedimentärer Gesteine, sowie (3) die Entwicklung neuer Prognosegleichungen unter Nutzung bohrlochgeophysikalischer Messungen und multivariater Analysemethoden im NGB.
Im Nordostdeutschen Becken (NEGB) wurden für die wichtigsten geothermischen Reservoire des Mesozoikums (Aalen, Rhät-Lias-Komplex, Stuttgart Formation, Mittlerer Buntsandstein) Bohrkerne geothermischer Tiefbohrungen (bis 2.500 m Tiefe) auf Ihre thermischen und petrophysikalischen Eigenschaften hin untersucht. Die WLF mesozoischer Sandsteine schwankt im Mittel zwischen 2,1 und 3,9 W/(m∙K), die WLF der Gesteinsmatrix hingegen im Mittel zwischen 3,4 und 7,4 W/(m∙K). Neu berechnete Werte zur Oberflächenwärmestromdichte (e.g., 76 mW/m², Stralsund) stehen im Einklang mit den Ergebnissen früherer Studien im NEGB. Erstmals im NDB wurde für das mesozoisch/känozoischen Intervall am Standort Stralsund ein in-situ WLF-Profil berechnet. In-situ Formations-WLF, für als potentielle Modelschichten interessante, stratigraphische Intervalle, variieren im Mittel zwischen 1,5 und 3,1 W/(m∙K) und bilden eine gute Grundlage für kleinskalige (lokale) thermische Modelle.
Auf Grund der in aller Regel nur eingeschränkt verfügbaren Bohrkernproben sowie des hohen laborativen Aufwandes zur Bestimmung der WLF waren alternative Methoden gesucht. Die Auswertung petrophysikalischer Bohrlochmessungen mittels mathematischer-statistischer Methoden stellt einen lang genutzten und erprobten Ansatz dar, welcher in seiner Anwendbarkeit jedoch auf die aufgeschlossenen Gesteinsbereiche (Genese, Geologie, Stratigraphie, etc.) beschränkt ist. Daher wurde ein leicht modifizierter Ansatz entwickelt. Die thermophysikalischen Eigenschaften der 15 wichtigsten gesteinsbildenden Minerale (in Sedimentgesteinen) wurden statistisch analysiert und aus variablen Mischungen dieser Basisminerale ein umfangreicher, synthetischer Datensatz generiert. Dieser wurde mittels multivariater Statistik bearbeitet, in dessen Ergebnis Regressionsgleichungen zur Prognose der Matrix-WLF für drei Gesteinsgruppen (klastisch, karbonatisch, evaporitisch) abgeleitet wurden. In einem zweiten Schritt wurden für ein Echtdatenset (laborativ gemessene WLF und Standardbohrlochmessungen) empirische Prognosegleichungen für die Berechnung der Gesamt-WLF entwickelt. Die berechneten WLF zeigen im Vergleich zu gemessenen WLF Fehler zwischen 5% und 11%. Die Anwendung neu entwickelter, sowie in der Literatur publizierter Verfahren auf den NGB-Datensatz zeigt, dass mit den neu aufgestellten Gleichungen stets der geringste Prognosefehler erreicht wird. Die Inversion neu berechneter WLF-Profile erlaubt die Ableitung synthetischer Temperaturprofile, deren Vergleich zu gemessenen Gesteinstemperaturen in einen mittleren Fehler von < 5% resultiert.
Im Rahmen geothermischer Berechnungen werden zur Umrechnung zwischen Matrix- und Gesamt-WLF häufig Zwei-Komponenten-Mischmodelle genutzt (Arithmetisches Mittel, Harmonische Mittel, Geometrisches Mittel, Hashin-Shtrikman Mittel, Effektives-Medium Mittel). Ein umfangreicher Datensatz aus trocken- und gesättigt-gemessenen WLF und Porosität erlaubt die Evaluierung dieser Modelle hinsichtlich Ihrer Prognosefähigkeit. Diese variiert für die untersuchten Modelle stark (Fehler: 5 – 53%), wobei das geometrische Mittel die größte, quantitativ aber weiterhin unbefriedigende Übereinstimmungen zeigt. Die Entwicklung und Anwendung mischmodelspezifischer Korrekturgleichungen führt zu deutlich reduzierten Fehlern. Das korrigierte geometrische Mittel zeigt dabei, bei deutlich reduzierter Fehlerstreubreite, erneut die größte Übereinstimmung zwischen berechneten und gemessenen Werten und scheint ein universell anwendbares Mischmodel für sedimentäre Gesteine zu sein. Die Entwicklung modelunabhängiger, gesteinstypbezogener Konvertierungsgleichungen ermöglicht die Abschätzung der wassergesättigten Gesamt-WLF aus trocken-gemessener WLF und Porosität mit einem mittleren Fehler < 9%.
Die präsentierten Daten und die neu entwickelten Methoden erlauben künftig eine detailliertere und präzisere Parametrisierung thermischer Modelle sedimentärer Becken.
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Inversion-based petrophysical interpretation of logging-while-drilling nuclear and resistivity measurementsIjasan, Olabode 01 October 2013 (has links)
Undulating well trajectories are often drilled to improve length exposure to rock formations, target desirable hydrocarbon-saturated zones, and enhance resolution of borehole measurements. Despite these merits, undulating wells can introduce adverse conditions to the interpretation of borehole measurements which are seldom observed in vertical wells penetrating horizontal layers. Common examples are polarization horns observed across formation bed boundaries in borehole resistivity measurements acquired in highly-deviated wells. Consequently, conventional interpretation practices developed for vertical wells can yield inaccurate results in HA/HZ wells. A reliable approach to account for well trajectory and bed-boundary effects in the petrophysical interpretation of well logs is the application of forward and inverse modeling techniques because of their explicit use of measurement response functions.
The main objective of this dissertation is to develop inversion-based petrophysical interpretation methods that quantitatively integrate logging-while-drilling (LWD) multi-sector nuclear (i.e., density, neutron porosity, photoelectric factor, natural gamma ray) and multi-array propagation resistivity measurements. Under the assumption of a multi-layer formation model, the inversion approach estimates formation properties specific to a given measurement domain by numerically reproducing the available measurements. Subsequently, compositional multi-mineral analysis of inverted layer-by-layer properties is implemented for volumetric estimation of rock and fluid constituents.
The most important prerequisite for efficient petrophysical inversion is fast and accurate forward models that incorporate specific measurement response functions for numerical simulation of LWD measurements. In the nuclear measurement domain, first-order perturbation theory and flux sensitivity functions (FSFs) are reliable and accurate for rapid numerical simulation. Albeit efficient, these first-order approximations can be inaccurate when modeling neutron porosity logs, especially in the presence of borehole environmental effects (tool standoff or/and invasion) and across highly contrasting beds and complex formation geometries. Accordingly, a secondary thrust of this dissertation is the introduction of two new methods for improving the accuracy of rapid numerical simulation of LWD neutron porosity measurements. The two methods include: (1) a neutron-density petrophysical parameterization approach for describing formation macroscopic cross section, and (2) a one-group neutron diffusion flux-difference method for estimating perturbed spatial neutron porosity fluxes. Both methods are validated with full Monte Carlo (MC) calculations of spatial neutron detector FSFs and subsequent simulations of neutron porosity logs in the presence of LWD azimuthal standoff, invasion, and highly dipping beds.
Analysis of field and synthetic verification examples with the combined resistivity-nuclear inversion method confirms that inversion-based estimation of hydrocarbon pore volume in HA/HZ wells is more accurate than conventional well-log analysis. Estimated hydrocarbon pore volume from conventional analysis can give rise to errors as high as 15% in undulating HA/HZ intervals. / text
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手機使用者於電量管理之行為模式分析 / User Behavior Analysis of Power Management from Smart-Phone User Logs張錦生, Chang, Chin Sheng Unknown Date (has links)
資訊科技的進步與智慧型手機的普及,使得人們通訊方式改變,生活也更加依賴智慧型手機。然而,電池技術卻未能支援智慧型手機長時間使用,因此手機使用者在電量管理上的行為就變得相對重要。欲研究探討手機使用者的電量管理行為模式,須建立一個包含軟、硬體及使用者的實驗平台,本研究採用經麻省理工學院驗證的Funf Framework開放性原始碼框架,作為蒐集使用者操作紀錄資料,以情境假設觀察這些資料,定義出各情境行為模式的特徵,並根據實驗數據進行所有資料驗證。根據實驗結果,大致歸納出電量管理行為模式,此結果可提供使用者使用手機在電量管理上參考,或發展智慧型電量管理應用程式,以最佳化電量管理。 / The innovation of information technology and the spread of smart phones are changing the way that people communicate and how their livings rely on smart-phones. However, the technology of battery nowadays is still insufficient to meet the need of heavy smart-phones users; therefore, it be-comes relatively important to observe and analyze the user behavior on power management. This research aims to study the patterns of user be-havior on power management by building an experimental platform with appropriate software, hardware and users. We use the Funf Open Sensing Framework, which is originally developed at the MIT Media Lab, to collect user logs on smart phones. We have observed collected data under contex-tual assumptions, identified characteristics within the context of each be-havior pattern, and validated with the experimental data. With the result of the experiment, several patterns of power management have been classified. The experimental result can be used as a reference for the users to manage battery life, or for developing applications on smart power management that best optimizes energy consumption.
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A busca e o uso da informação em rede : seguindo o trajeto do internauta em revista científica eletrônicaDantas, Geórgia Geogletti Cordeiro January 2008 (has links)
O periódico eletrônico ganha cada vez mais credibilidade no campo da informação científica, e muitas são as iniciativas para a criação de novos periódicos. Contudo, apesar desse crescimento em número, são poucos os estudos que abordam a busca e o uso de informação realizados nas versões eletrônicas destes produtos, assim como o internauta que os acessa. A análise de logs é um método que objetiva identificar as ações dos usuários de um site através da investigação dos arquivos de logs do servidor web. Esse tipo de análise pode auxiliar no levantamento de informações sobre a utilização de um periódico eletrônico, mas poucas foram as pesquisas brasileiras que adotaram este método. Dessa forma, torna-se necessário também avaliar esse método aplicado ao estudo de periódicos. O foco da pesquisa é analisar o comportamento de busca e uso da informação em periódicos científicos eletrônicos por meio da análise de logs da revista Psicologia: reflexão e crítica. Esse trabalho objetiva também levantar as diferentes formas de acesso ao periódico, verificar o número de acessos e sua distribuição pelo território nacional, verificar a freqüência de uso do periódico, verificar os tipos de internauta a visitar o periódico, levantar os padrões de comportamento de busca e uso possíveis. As bases teóricas para essa pesquisa são os conceitos de comportamento de busca e uso da informação, periódico científico eletrônico e visibilidade. A metodologia utilizada é a análise de logs fornecidos pela Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), para a obtenção de dados quantitativos, e entrevistas, para a obtenção de dados qualitativos. Por meio da metodologia aplicada chegou-se a um panorama geral da busca e uso do periódico, onde foram determinadas a freqüência de visitação, quem utiliza, quais suas ações no periódico e a origem desses internautas. Constatou-se também a existência de oito padrões de comportamento informacional, que são as seqüências de ações com maior probabilidade de serem realizadas pelos usuários do periódico. / The electronic journals are increasingly gaining more credibility in the information science field, and there are many initiatives for the creation of new journals. However, despite this growth in quantity, there are only a few studies on the information search and use performed in the electronic version of these products, as well as the user who access them. The log analysis is a method which aims to identify the actions of the users of a site through the investigation of the web server’s log files. This type of analysis can help in obtaining information regarding the use of an electronic journal, but there are only a few Brazilian studies which adopted this method. Hence, it is also necessary to evaluate this methodology applied to the journals study. The focus of this research is to analyze the information search and use behavior in scientific electronic journals through the logs analysis of the journal Psicologia: reflexão e crítica. This work also aims to identify the different forms of accessing the journal, to verify the access number and its distribution in the national territory, to verify the frequency of use of the journal, to verify the types of users that visit the journal, and to identify the patterns of the possible information search and use behavior. The theoretic basis for this research are the concepts of information search and use behavior, scientific electronic journal and visibility. The used methodology is the analysis of the logs provided by the Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), for gathering the quantitative data, and interviews, for gathering the qualitative data. Through the applied methodology we have reached a general view of information search and use behavior in the journal, and in this occasion it was determined the visiting frequency, who uses it, what were his/her actions in the journal and the origin of there users. It was also identified the existence of eight patterns of informational behavior, which are the sequences of actions with the biggest probability of being performed by the users of the journal.
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A busca e o uso da informação em rede : seguindo o trajeto do internauta em revista científica eletrônicaDantas, Geórgia Geogletti Cordeiro January 2008 (has links)
O periódico eletrônico ganha cada vez mais credibilidade no campo da informação científica, e muitas são as iniciativas para a criação de novos periódicos. Contudo, apesar desse crescimento em número, são poucos os estudos que abordam a busca e o uso de informação realizados nas versões eletrônicas destes produtos, assim como o internauta que os acessa. A análise de logs é um método que objetiva identificar as ações dos usuários de um site através da investigação dos arquivos de logs do servidor web. Esse tipo de análise pode auxiliar no levantamento de informações sobre a utilização de um periódico eletrônico, mas poucas foram as pesquisas brasileiras que adotaram este método. Dessa forma, torna-se necessário também avaliar esse método aplicado ao estudo de periódicos. O foco da pesquisa é analisar o comportamento de busca e uso da informação em periódicos científicos eletrônicos por meio da análise de logs da revista Psicologia: reflexão e crítica. Esse trabalho objetiva também levantar as diferentes formas de acesso ao periódico, verificar o número de acessos e sua distribuição pelo território nacional, verificar a freqüência de uso do periódico, verificar os tipos de internauta a visitar o periódico, levantar os padrões de comportamento de busca e uso possíveis. As bases teóricas para essa pesquisa são os conceitos de comportamento de busca e uso da informação, periódico científico eletrônico e visibilidade. A metodologia utilizada é a análise de logs fornecidos pela Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), para a obtenção de dados quantitativos, e entrevistas, para a obtenção de dados qualitativos. Por meio da metodologia aplicada chegou-se a um panorama geral da busca e uso do periódico, onde foram determinadas a freqüência de visitação, quem utiliza, quais suas ações no periódico e a origem desses internautas. Constatou-se também a existência de oito padrões de comportamento informacional, que são as seqüências de ações com maior probabilidade de serem realizadas pelos usuários do periódico. / The electronic journals are increasingly gaining more credibility in the information science field, and there are many initiatives for the creation of new journals. However, despite this growth in quantity, there are only a few studies on the information search and use performed in the electronic version of these products, as well as the user who access them. The log analysis is a method which aims to identify the actions of the users of a site through the investigation of the web server’s log files. This type of analysis can help in obtaining information regarding the use of an electronic journal, but there are only a few Brazilian studies which adopted this method. Hence, it is also necessary to evaluate this methodology applied to the journals study. The focus of this research is to analyze the information search and use behavior in scientific electronic journals through the logs analysis of the journal Psicologia: reflexão e crítica. This work also aims to identify the different forms of accessing the journal, to verify the access number and its distribution in the national territory, to verify the frequency of use of the journal, to verify the types of users that visit the journal, and to identify the patterns of the possible information search and use behavior. The theoretic basis for this research are the concepts of information search and use behavior, scientific electronic journal and visibility. The used methodology is the analysis of the logs provided by the Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), for gathering the quantitative data, and interviews, for gathering the qualitative data. Through the applied methodology we have reached a general view of information search and use behavior in the journal, and in this occasion it was determined the visiting frequency, who uses it, what were his/her actions in the journal and the origin of there users. It was also identified the existence of eight patterns of informational behavior, which are the sequences of actions with the biggest probability of being performed by the users of the journal.
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A busca e o uso da informação em rede : seguindo o trajeto do internauta em revista científica eletrônicaDantas, Geórgia Geogletti Cordeiro January 2008 (has links)
O periódico eletrônico ganha cada vez mais credibilidade no campo da informação científica, e muitas são as iniciativas para a criação de novos periódicos. Contudo, apesar desse crescimento em número, são poucos os estudos que abordam a busca e o uso de informação realizados nas versões eletrônicas destes produtos, assim como o internauta que os acessa. A análise de logs é um método que objetiva identificar as ações dos usuários de um site através da investigação dos arquivos de logs do servidor web. Esse tipo de análise pode auxiliar no levantamento de informações sobre a utilização de um periódico eletrônico, mas poucas foram as pesquisas brasileiras que adotaram este método. Dessa forma, torna-se necessário também avaliar esse método aplicado ao estudo de periódicos. O foco da pesquisa é analisar o comportamento de busca e uso da informação em periódicos científicos eletrônicos por meio da análise de logs da revista Psicologia: reflexão e crítica. Esse trabalho objetiva também levantar as diferentes formas de acesso ao periódico, verificar o número de acessos e sua distribuição pelo território nacional, verificar a freqüência de uso do periódico, verificar os tipos de internauta a visitar o periódico, levantar os padrões de comportamento de busca e uso possíveis. As bases teóricas para essa pesquisa são os conceitos de comportamento de busca e uso da informação, periódico científico eletrônico e visibilidade. A metodologia utilizada é a análise de logs fornecidos pela Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), para a obtenção de dados quantitativos, e entrevistas, para a obtenção de dados qualitativos. Por meio da metodologia aplicada chegou-se a um panorama geral da busca e uso do periódico, onde foram determinadas a freqüência de visitação, quem utiliza, quais suas ações no periódico e a origem desses internautas. Constatou-se também a existência de oito padrões de comportamento informacional, que são as seqüências de ações com maior probabilidade de serem realizadas pelos usuários do periódico. / The electronic journals are increasingly gaining more credibility in the information science field, and there are many initiatives for the creation of new journals. However, despite this growth in quantity, there are only a few studies on the information search and use performed in the electronic version of these products, as well as the user who access them. The log analysis is a method which aims to identify the actions of the users of a site through the investigation of the web server’s log files. This type of analysis can help in obtaining information regarding the use of an electronic journal, but there are only a few Brazilian studies which adopted this method. Hence, it is also necessary to evaluate this methodology applied to the journals study. The focus of this research is to analyze the information search and use behavior in scientific electronic journals through the logs analysis of the journal Psicologia: reflexão e crítica. This work also aims to identify the different forms of accessing the journal, to verify the access number and its distribution in the national territory, to verify the frequency of use of the journal, to verify the types of users that visit the journal, and to identify the patterns of the possible information search and use behavior. The theoretic basis for this research are the concepts of information search and use behavior, scientific electronic journal and visibility. The used methodology is the analysis of the logs provided by the Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), for gathering the quantitative data, and interviews, for gathering the qualitative data. Through the applied methodology we have reached a general view of information search and use behavior in the journal, and in this occasion it was determined the visiting frequency, who uses it, what were his/her actions in the journal and the origin of there users. It was also identified the existence of eight patterns of informational behavior, which are the sequences of actions with the biggest probability of being performed by the users of the journal.
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The ethnobotanical investigation of the Mapulana of Ehlanzeni District Municipality, Mpumalanga Province, South AfricaMashile, Shalom Pabalelo 20 September 2019 (has links)
PhD (Botany) / Department of Botany / Ethnobotanical information still needs documentation as this will assist in the preservation of information for future generation. It becomes most important, particularly when considering the neglected ethnic subgroups. From fourteen villages in the Ehlanzeni district; elders, community adults and youth were selected by means of snow balling technique and a semi-structured questionnaire was used to interview them. Data was analysed by calculating the use value of selected plant species on common ailments. Hundred and forty-eight plants were observed as being utilized by Mapulana as food (fruits and African leafy vegetables), fuelwood, medicine and the making of utensils. The majority of the recorded plant species (54%) were native while 46% were naturalized. The majority of plants (37%) were utilized as medicine only, while food contributed only 19 percent usage, followed by medicine (13%), fuelwood (4%) and utensils (1%). A total of hundred and six plant species were identified as medicine treating 50 different ailments. Roots and leaves were the highly preferred plant and herb parts collected.
The results showed that Sclerocarya birrea subsp. caffra (use value of 0.86) was reported as being used in four different ways; seconded by Cucurbita maxima (use value of 0.58) with two different uses. Numerous medicinal uses were observed from Aloe zebrina (use value 0.38) and Aloe marlothii (use value 0.29). Ailments with Informant Consensus Factor (ICF) were gonorrhea (1.80), stomach cleansing (1.40), chicken and cow diseases (1.19), bad luck (0.88), flu (0.84), and diarrhea (0.80). There were, in addition, many
ailments with low ICF known by the elders and few community adults proving that the elderly are custodians of indigenous knowledge.
Twenty-six line transects of 100m x 10m in size were constructed in determining the population structure of Peltophorum africanum Sond. in Bolla-Tau village. A total of 256 individuals were recorded from the transects. Data was analyzed using IBM Statistical Product and Service solutions (SPSS) statistics version 25 and Microsoft Excel 2013 version. The population structure of P. africanum was found to be bell-shaped. Logarithmic analysis, along with generalized log analysis depicts, that there was significance difference between the plant height and stem circumference. Resprouts of P. africanum individuals were only 18% and a majority of individuals (82%) were harvested. The study revealed that 43.84% of P. africanum individuals had traces of crown damage, as compared to individuals with healthy crowns (35.9%). The rest of the individuals had either light or moderate crown-health status. / NRF
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Problém funkcí katalogu v digitálním prostředí / Problem of Catalog Objectives in digital EnvironmentDrobíková, Barbora January 2011 (has links)
Problem of catalog objectives in digital environment: development and trends in building library catalogs from the bibliographic point of view PhDr. Barbora Drobíková Abstract The aim of the thesis is to explore current trends in building library catalogs from the bibliographic point of view. It focuses on formulation and exploration of trends in bibliography which may influence the library catalogs in near future. The introductory part defines several basic terms. It deals with the catalog objectives and methodological and technological questions in brief. Larger chapters describe the conceptual models FRBR, FRAD and FRSAD and studies which bring these models. These studies show a new view on objectives of bibliographic and authority records, therefore on library catalogs objectives too. This part is closed by an own analysis of these models, their comparison with the object-oriented model FRBRoo including a proposal of FRAD's and FRSAD's implementation into an object-oriented form. Next chapters focus on the relation of bibliography and semantic web and especially on questions connected with a change of bibliographic paradigma and paradigma of the bibliographic control which are to occur with new semantic web technologies. The semantic web can enable new contexts of using of bibliographic data and...
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