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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

VISK 7 – National Funding Mechanism for the digitization and long-term preservation of the newspapers endangered by the degradation of the paper: Looking back over more than 15 years of the cooperation of the Czech libraries

Foltýn, Tomáš 28 September 2017 (has links)
At the beginning of the year 2000 new Czech funding mechanism for the development of the libraries was established by the Czech Government. Probably neither one from past politicians, nor librarians, did expect those days, that this funding program would be still open in 2018 and would be more and more important for many fields of librarianship, including the preservation and digitization of newspapers endangered by the degradation of the paper. Such a long time of more than 15 years is great opportunity to evaluate all the benefits and changes of the supported activities, practices and impacts of the program. The aim of this paper is to provide the information about the more than 15 years history of the VISK 7 funding mechanism, describe achieved results and benefits, and share the reached best practices including the main developed open-source tools.

Analýza výzkumných dat na základě fondu disertačních prací Univerzity Karlovy v Praze s ohledem na dlouhodobé uložení digitálních objektů / Research Data Analysis Based on the Collection of Dissertation Theses of Charles University in Prague with Regard to Long-term Digital Preservation

Pavlásková, Eliška January 2016 (has links)
This dissertation thesis focuses on research data and their use in academics from the point of view of long-term preservation. It maps usage of research data at Charles University in Prague, analyses them and lays the foundation for further research. The first part of the text focuses on the theory of long term preservation and describes the most relevant concepts regarding users, storage and structure of research data. The second part is devoted directly to research data. It consists of definition of research data, the short explanation of their importance and sources, and the model of their lifecycle. The pivotal part of the thesis is the description and the results of the research itself. The research was conducted during the year 2015 and was based on a sample of dissertation theses from the collections of Charles University in Prague. Collected data were analysed by the methods of content analysis and grounded theory. Results are presented in two main parts - content analysis results with regard to differences among science, social science and humanities, and qualitative analysis results. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

The Preservation of Digital Objects in German Repositories / Die Archivierung digitaler Objekte in deutschen Repositorien: Drei Fallstudien

Recker, Astrid 19 May 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Taking its cue from the increasing amount of digital content deposited into institutional and subject repositories as well as the open question of repositories' role in long-term preservation, this study presents case studies of three German institutional and subject repositories all of which are in a different stage of establishing a (cooperative) framework for the long-term preservation of their digital collections. Drawing on different sets of criteria for trustworthy repositories, it is investigated which strategies the selected repositories pursue to preserve the digital assets in their collections, and how these strategies are implemented with the help of both human repository staff and the repository software used. The following repositories are considered: pedocs (Deutsches Institut für Internationale Pädagogische Forschung), JUWEL (Forschungszentrum Jülich), and Qucosa (SLUB Dresden). In that the latter can be regarded as examples for common types of (German) repositories, the results of this study might on the one hand serve as a guideline for repositories that intend, similar to the ones described here, to explore questions of long-term preservation in the near future, or are even taking their first concrete steps in this field. On the other hand, it is hoped that this work can at least give some hints as to the stage and status of long-term preservation in the German repository landscape.

E-arkivering hos stadsarkiv : Mellanarkivslösning i sitt sammanhang / Digital city archives. : Using a transfer archive solution.

Sjöberg, Annika January 2014 (has links)
Digital preservation is a relatively new subject to Swedish archives. Alhough computers have been used for a long time, preservation has been made on paper and stored on shelves. These days a lot of cities in Sweden have investigated how to best secure the digital information for the future through electronic archiving, e-archives. One option is to hand in the information as soon as possible, but to let the producer keep the information ownership yet some time. The idea is to let the producers of the information answer questions and hand out material, since they are more competent on their field. This thesis analyzes how five different cities have organized the submission of information. I have used archiving models and interviews. For comparison the cities creating their e-archives have been set against Stockholm. There archive has been up and running for some time. The conclusion is that the solution using a transfer archive could be useful, if the material has got a lot of secrecy and one needs specific knowledge to handle the questions. The theoretical framework has been the life cycle model versus the records continuum model. Swedish city archives embrace the continuum approach early in the creation of the information, but the archivists believe in the life cycle model where all long term preservation comes to the point where no further changes can be done, to protect the authenticity of the information. Two years master’s thesis in Archive, Library and Museum studies. Archival science.

The effect of light spectral quality on cryopreservation success of potato (<em>Solanum tuberosum</em> L.) shoot tips <em>in vitro</em>

Edesi, J. (Jaanika) 30 April 2018 (has links)
Abstract Cryopreservation enables storage of genetic resources at ultra-low temperatures (&#60;-150&#176;C) while maintaining viability and regeneration capability. The method is especially suitable for long-term preservation of plant materials that cannot be stored as seeds. The genetic resources of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.), one of the most important food crops in the world, are preserved almost entirely by vegetative preservation. Cryopreservation is therefore increasingly applied for securing potato genetic resources in plant genebanks. A major challenge is, however, that recovery percentages can extensively vary among different genotypes. Light spectral quality is among the most important factors affecting plant growth and morphogenesis, but its effect with regard to cryopreservation has not been studied. In the present thesis, I studied the effect of six different light qualities on cryopreservation success of five potato cultivars before and after cryopreservation. I also explored how the different light conditions affect gene transcript abundance of recovering potato shoot tips. The results indicate that light spectral quality significantly affects the cryopreservation success of potato shoot tips in vitro. Prior to cryopreservation, cultivation under blue LEDs resulted in high initial survival, while post-cryopreservation exposure to a combination of red and blue LEDs (90% red, 10% blue) doubled the regeneration percentages. Concurrently, for most cultivars, red LEDs had adverse effects both before and after cryopreservation. The transcriptome analysis of potato shoot tips revealed the complex and extensive effect of cryopreservation on transcript abundance. Moreover, the expression level of stress- and defence-responsive genes was affected by light spectral quality. The positive effect of red-blue LEDs on shoot formation could tentatively be associated with a higher level of morphogenesis-related transcripts and lower level of stress and defence-responsive transcripts. The present thesis reveals that light spectral quality is an additional non-cryogenic factor, which can significantly increase the cryopreservation efficiency of plant germplasm. / Tiivistelmä Syväjäädytys mahdollistaa geenivarojen säilytyksen erittäin alhaisissa lämpötiloissa (&#60;-150&#176;C), siten että niiden elin- ja uusiutumiskyky säilyvät. Menetelmä soveltuu erityisesti sellaisten kasvimateriaalien pitkäaikaissäilytykseen, joita ei voida säilöä siementen avulla. Peruna (Solanum tuberosum L.) on yksi maailman tärkeimmistä ruokakasveista ja sen geenivaroja säilytetään lähes pelkästään vegetatiivisesti. Syväjäädytysmenetelmää käytetäänkin kasvavissa määrin perunan geenivarojen taltioimiseen geenipankeissa. Haasteena on kuitenkin syväjäädytyksen jälkeinen suuri vaihtelu elpymisprosenteissa eri genotyyppien välillä. Valon laatu on yksi tärkeimmistä kasvien kasvuun ja kehitykseen vaikuttavista tekijöistä, mutta sen vaikutusta syväjäädytyksen yhteydessä ei ole tutkittu. Väitöskirjassani tutkin kuuden erilaisen valonlaadun vaikutusta sekä syväjäädytystä edeltävän että sen jälkeisen kasvatuksen aikana viiden perunalajikkeen selviytymiseen. Lisäksi tutkin, miten erilaiset valo-olosuhteet vaikuttivat geenien ilmenemiseen elpyvissä perunan versonkärjissä. Tutkimukseni osoitti, että valon laatu vaikuttaa merkittävästi perunan versonkärkien kykyyn elpyä syväjäädytyksestä in vitro -olosuhteissa. Kun perunan versonkärkiä kasvatettiin sinisten LED-valojen alla ennen syväjäädytystä, niiden elävyysprosentit olivat korkeita, kun taas syväjäädytystä seuraava kasvatus sinipunaisten LED-valojen (90 % punaista, 10 % sinistä) alla kaksinkertaisti uusiutumisprosentit. Samanaikaisesti suurimmalle osalle lajikkeista punaisilla LED-valoilla oli epäsuotuisat vaikutukset selviytymiseen sekä syväjäädytystä edeltävän, että sitä seuraavan kasvatuksen aikana. Perunan kärkisilmujen geeniekspressioanalyysi osoitti, että syväjäädyttäminen aiheuttaa laajoja ja monitahoisia vaikutuksia kasvin geenien toiminnassa. Valon laatu vaikutti erityisesti stressi- ja puolustusgeenien ilmenemiseen. Tulokset viittaavat siihen että sinipunaisten LED-valojen uusiutumista edistävä vaikutus voi liittyä morfogeneesissä toimivien geenituotteiden runsauteen ja toisaalta stressi- ja puolustusgeenituotteiden määrän laskuun. Kaiken kaikkiaan tutkimukseni osoitti, että valon laatu on tärkeä ei-kryogeeninen tekijä, joka voi lisätä kasvien syväjäädytyksen tehokkuutta.

The Preservation of Digital Objects in German Repositories: Die Archivierung digitaler Objekte in deutschenRepositorien: Drei Fallstudien: Three Case Studies

Recker, Astrid 04 November 2009 (has links)
Taking its cue from the increasing amount of digital content deposited into institutional and subject repositories as well as the open question of repositories'' role in long-term preservation, this study presents case studies of three German institutional and subject repositories all of which are in a different stage of establishing a (cooperative) framework for the long-term preservation of their digital collections. Drawing on different sets of criteria for trustworthy repositories, it is investigated which strategies the selected repositories pursue to preserve the digital assets in their collections, and how these strategies are implemented with the help of both human repository staff and the repository software used. The following repositories are considered: pedocs (Deutsches Institut für Internationale Pädagogische Forschung), JUWEL (Forschungszentrum Jülich), and Qucosa (SLUB Dresden). In that the latter can be regarded as examples for common types of (German) repositories, the results of this study might on the one hand serve as a guideline for repositories that intend, similar to the ones described here, to explore questions of long-term preservation in the near future, or are even taking their first concrete steps in this field. On the other hand, it is hoped that this work can at least give some hints as to the stage and status of long-term preservation in the German repository landscape.

Digitale Langzeitarchivierung analoger A/V-Medien – Anforderungen an Digitalisierung, Metadaten und Präsentation aus Sicht einer Bibliothek

Grzondziel, Jürgen, Romeyke, Andreas 16 October 2017 (has links)
Audiovisuelle Medien wie Film, Fernseh- und Radioprogramme, vor allem etwa Nachrichtensendungen, können als primäre historische Quellen des 20. und 21. Jahrhunderts verstanden werden, wie die UNESCO auf ihrer Website zum Welttag des audiovisuellen Erbes schreibt. Strategien und Standards zur Langzeitarchivierung audiovisueller Quellen, ihrer dauerhaften Sicherung und Bereitstellung, haben sich allerdings noch nicht weitreichend etabliert. Im Zusammenhang mit ihrer digitalen Archivierung, Nutzbarmachung und Präsentation stellen A/V-Medien Bibliotheken vor verschieden Aufgaben und Herausforderungen. Die Notwendigkeit einer digitalen Langzeitarchivierung von Filmen, Videos und Tonbändern, aber auch von CDs, DVDs und Blu-rays liegt in der begrenzten Lebens- und Haltbarkeitsdauer der Medien selbst begründet. Anders als analoge sind digitale Medien eher dem Risiko eines Totalausfalls ausgesetzt. Während erstere im Alterungsprozess langsam an Qualität verlieren, können letztere von heute auf morgen, z.B. durch Lesefehler, komplett unbrauchbar werden. Dem gegenüber steht der Vorteil der abnutzungsfreien, perfekten digitalen Kopie. Speziell die Beschaffenheit des analogen Filmmaterials, das Zusammenspiel von Ton und Bild, mehrere Sprachfassungen, die Zusammensetzung eines Produkts aus verschiedenen Ausgangsmaterialien wie auch die häufig komplizierte urheberrechtliche Lage stellen besondere Anforderungen, die im Rahmen der Vorbereitung und Realisierung der Langzeitarchivierung von A/VMedien geeignet berücksichtigt werden müssen: - Vorgaben der Digitalisierung (Inhalt, Umfang und Zielformate, Auflösung, Framerate, etc.) - Metadaten für Langzeitarchivierung und Präsentation (deskriptive, technische, rechtliche und strukturelle Metadaten) - Strukturelle und technische Anforderungen an die Langzeitarchivierung (Nutzungsziele, signifikante Eigenschaften, Rechtekodierung, Speicher- und Bandbreitenbedarf, Validierung, langzeitarchivfähige Dateiformate) - Inhaltliche, technische und rechtliche Anforderungen an die Präsentation Der Vortrag beschreibt die Anforderungen und Problemstellungen, die A/V-Medien hinsichtlich Digitalisierung, Langzeitarchivierung und Präsentation stellen, aus Sicht einer Bibliothek. Sie werden am praktischen Beispiel eines Modellprojekts veranschaulicht.

On Long Term Digital Preservation and Document Maintenance, and the Role of XML and TEI

Bia, Alejandro 04 May 2023 (has links)
Although many believe that digital information is imperishable, or at least much more reliable and durable than paper information, this is nothing more than an illusion, derived perhaps from the calculation efficiency, speed and high performance of modern computers. The digital information, stored in any type of media (optical, magnetic, and electronic), is perishable, and in terms much shorter than imagined; even shorter than the degradation times of printed-paper. This article discusses the problems of digital preservation in the long term, considering both the possibilities offered by current technology and the problems of implementing and maintaining an adequate preservation policy. The structure of the article is as follows: first, we will define the problem of digital preservation. Then we will see the possible solutions at the technological level (digital preservation techniques), including the advantages of using XML-TEI markup concerning long-term preservation and document maintenance. Finally, we will focus on digital preservation as an organizational problem, including digital preservation policies. / Aunque muchos creen que la información digital es imperecedera, o al menos mucho más confiable y duradera que la información en papel, esto no es más que una ilusión, derivada quizás de la eficiencia de cálculo, la velocidad y el alto rendimiento de los ordenadores modernos. La información digital, almacenada en cualquier tipo de medio (óptico, magnético y electrónico), es perecedera, y en términos mucho más cortos de lo imaginado; incluso más cortos que los tiempos de degradación del papel impreso. Este artículo discute los problemas de la preservación digital a largo plazo, considerando tanto las posibilidades que ofrece la tecnología actual como los problemas de implementar y mantener una política de preservación adecuada. La estructura del artículo es la siguiente: primero, definiremos el problema de la preservación digital. Luego veremos las posibles soluciones a nivel tecnológico (técnicas de preservación digital), incluyendo las ventajas de utilizar el marcado XML-TEI en cuanto a preservación a largo plazo y mantenimiento de documentos. Finalmente, nos centraremos en la preservación digital como un problema organizacional, incluidas las políticas de preservación digital.

Dlouhodobé uchování webového obsahu / Long-term Preservation of Web Content

Kvasnica, Jaroslav January 2016 (has links)
This work describes the long term preservation of digital documents, particularly websites. The aim of this work is to give an explanation of the long term preservation, to define the differences between various approaches and to describe long term preservation of web content possibilities such as migration or emulation. It also explains risks and challenges of these strategies. It discusses new problems which the long term preservation aim leads to. It also describes possible solutions as well as it describes the situation in selected significant foreign institutions. The main aim of this work is detailed analysis of long term preservation strategy in theNational Library of the Czech Republic, which is the only institution engaged in the preservation of Czech web. The process of data preparation, metadata creation and data storing in the long term repository of the Czech National Library is thoroughly described, including examples and their explanation. Future actions of long term preservation in the Czech Web Archive are articulated in the conclusion. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Infrastructural funding of digitization and long-term preservation to save the cultural memory of a region

Georgi, Simone, Meyer, Julia, Walzel, Annika-Valeska 28 September 2017 (has links)
To preserve the cultural memory of the Free State of Saxony and to promote the treasures kept in numerous heritage institutions, the government provides additional budget funds to digitize collections of historical importance and outstanding items. The program aims to provide online access to information and objects of cultural and scientific tradition for purposes of research, teaching and for the general public. It is obviously necessary to make historic stocks online available to guarantee the visibility and use in the digital age. The Saxon State and University Library, Dresden (SLUB) has many years of experience in digitization and offers large digital collections of several media, including books, manuscripts, newspapers and photographs. Smaller libraries and archival institutions very often do not have the necessary infrastructure and resources to accomplish extensive digitization projects. The SLUB uses its long experiences to coordinate the state digitization program and to expand its existing infrastructure for digitization and long-term preservation all over the region. The whole workflow of production and presentation is accomplished with the open source software Kitodo which allows flexible processing of different media types and ensures the transfer to the national aggregator Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek (DDB). Also part of the program is the long-term preservation of all digitized material using the existing interface between Kitodo and the SLUBArchiv, which has been expanded to fulfill the growing demands. After two years a first résumé proofs the success of this strategy. Several special collections are online, the program has helped to build up knowledge in participating institutions, to standardize workflows and to ensure constant high quality of the digital objects.

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