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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Respect as a factor influencing the value proposition for low income consumers

Williams, Patricia January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to explore the interaction between respect or disrespect and the customer value proposition, including identifying experiences of respect or disrespect, within the context of low income consumers. The study was conducted by means of exploratory research, applying the critical incident technique, whereby a positive and a negative experience in the marketplace was analysed for each low income participant. The study showed that low income consumers value respect in the marketplace, and are typically prepared to pay a premium for respectful treatment. As regards disrespectful treatment, the study showed that low income consumers have a strong tendency to complain when faced with disrespect, and if this is not remedied, the low income consumer is extremely likely to not purchase from the relevant supplier then or in the future, regardless of price or convenience. This study also highlighted various actions or behavior categories that low income consumers consider respectful or disrespectful within the marketplace. / Dissertation (MBA)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / lmgibs2014 / Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS) / MBA / Unrestricted

Respect as a factor influencing the value proposition for low income consumers

Williams, Elizabeth January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to explore the interaction between respect or disrespect and the customer value proposition, including identifying experiences of respect or disrespect, within the context of low income consumers. The study was conducted by means of exploratory research, applying the critical incident technique, whereby a positive and a negative experience in the marketplace was analysed for each low income participant. The study showed that low income consumers value respect in the marketplace, and are typically prepared to pay a premium for respectful treatment. As regards disrespectful treatment, the study showed that low income consumers have a strong tendency to complain when faced with disrespect, and if this is not remedied, the low income consumer is extremely likely to not purchase from the relevant supplier then or in the future, regardless of price or convenience. This study also highlighted various actions or behaviour categories that low income consumers consider respectful or disrespectful within the marketplace. / Dissertation (MBA)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / lmgibs2014 / Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS) / MBA / Unrestricted

Food label reading habits of low-income women and women from the general population

Michel, Patricia Marie 29 July 2009 (has links)
The National Labeling and Education Act of 1990 (NLEA) mandates that the Food and Drug Administration overhaul existing food labeling regulations and provide the consumer with a standardized, informative food-labeling policy. The intended benefit is the elimination of the confusion currently surrounding food labeling and an improvement in the dietary practices of the American public. The aim of this study was to measure the differences in the food-label reading habits, attitudes, and understanding of low-income women participating in the Supplemental Food Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) and of women from the general population. All subjects were the primary household food shoppers. In both groups, 90% "almost always" or "sometimes" read a food label. The food label influenced a purchase decision "a great deal" for 47% of the WIC group and 56% of the control group. Of the two groups, a significant number of WIC participants found the food label significantly easier to understand yet scored significantly lower on the test of nutrition knowledge and label understanding than the control group, particularly on the subject of dietary fat. In addition to calories, the WIC group looked for iron, vitamins, calcium, and protein information, while the control group was more interested in fat, sodium, and cholesterol. Both groups relied upon the media, doctors and food labels for nutrition information. This study suggests that the education component of the NLEA must address the nutrition needs of low-income WIC participants (who are pregnant or have small children). This nutritionally at-risk population would greatly benefit from the education portion of the forthcoming labeling reform. / Master of Science

Price versus brand : assessing the role of price and brand in low-income consumer decision-making

Allan, Meredith Leigh 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Growing competition, fuelled by globalisation, has increased the number of alternatives across almost all product categories, leaving consumers overloaded with information and overwhelmed for choice. Brand and price represent two cues that have been found to influence consumer decision-making and which can be used in marketing strategies to create value, and differentiate from competitors in this increasingly competitive climate. Responding to the misconceptions surrounding the decision-making of individuals classified in the low-income market segment, and in light of the significance of Bottom of Pyramid (BOP) supported by Prahalad (2002), this study was undertaken to assess the perceived importance of price and brand in low-income consumers’ decision-making process, and thereby examine the effect of different prices and brands on low-income consumers’ product preference. Primary causal research using a choice-based conjoint (CBC) analysis was conducted on a judgement sample of black female adults. A total of 209 questionnaires were completed through fieldwork of personal interviews in informal settlements in Gauteng. The study used a 5 price presentation (R18.99; R24.99; R28.99; R33.99; R42.99) by 5 brand presentation (Ace, Iwisa, White Star, Mnandi, Ritebrand) between-subjects design in the maize meal product category. The hierarchical Bayes procedure and multinomial logit model were used to analyse the primary data. Results of the descriptive and inferential analysis of the CBC showed that brand was perceived as more important, attributing to 65 per cent of low-income consumers’ decision-making process, opposed to the 35 per cent attributed to price, and that prices and brands had varying effects on low-income consumers’ purchase probabilities. Although lower prices did have higher perceived utilities, the price-sensitivity of low-income consumers was found to be less influential at lower price ranges, suggesting the stronger influence of brand and brand associations on their evaluation of alternatives. Familiar brands (White Star, Ace and Iwisa) were seen to positively influence low-income consumers’ purchase probability by reducing perceived risk, further enhanced by brand credibility as found with Iwisa (which indicated consistent quality) resulting in higher purchase probability. Unfamiliar brands (Mnandi and Ritebrand) were perceived as having low levels of utility, attributed to higher levels of perceived risk and unclear quality inferences. The research conclusions, drawing from secondary research, proposed a model of low-income consumer decision-making that is influenced by various factors, including aversion to loss, and the desire to satisfy aspirations. Varying levels of brand knowledge, brand quality and credibility as well as symbolic value attached to different brands as perceived by low-income consumers, are argued to influence both individuals’ aversion to loss, as well as their aspirational desires, and thus influence the decision-making process. Price and price–quality inferences, brand familiarity, brand–quality inferences, psychological factors and those surrounding the purchase context were found to have influence over the decision-making process of individuals within this market segment. Managerial recommendations emphasise the significance of the BOP as a viable market segment, warn marketers of low-cost pricing strategies, and discuss the importance of employing value-based strategies and leveraging brand to attract, satisfy and retain consumers in this market segment. Managers are challenged to find a balance between perceived quality and reliability and affordable price, in order to operate successfully in the low-income market and offer effective value propositions that provide customer satisfaction while allowing for sustained sales and profits for the firm. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Groeiende mededinging, gedryf deur globalisering, het die aantal alternatiewe in byna alle produkkategorieë laat toeneem, wat verbruikers oorlaai met inligting en oorweldig met keuses. Handelsmerk en prys verteenwoordig twee leiseine wat verbruikersbesluitneming beïnvloed en wat gebruik kan word in bemarkingstrategieë om waarde te skep, en 'n produk van sy mededingers te onderskei in hierdie toenemend mededingende klimaat. In reaksie op die wanopvattings omtrent die besluitneming van individue wat in die lae-inkomste-marksegment geklassifiseer word, en in die lig van die betekenisvolheid van die Bodem van die Piramide (BOP) soos ondersteun deur Pralahad (2002), is hierdie studie onderneem om die waargenome belangrikheid van prys en handelsmerk in lae-inkomste-verbruikers se besluitnemingsproses te assesseer, en sodoende die effek van verskillende pryse en handelsmerke op lae-inkomste-verbruikers se produkvoorkeure te ondersoek. Primêre kousale navorsing deur 'n keusegebaseerde saamgevoegde analise ("choice-based conjoint analysis" of CBC) is uitgevoer op 'n oordeelsteekproef van swart, vroulike volwassenes. 'n Totaal van 209 vraelyste is voltooi deur middel van veldwerk in die vorm van uit persoonlike onderhoude in informele nedersettings in Gauteng. Die studie het 'n tussensubjekte-ontwerp gebruik met 'n 5-prys-aanbieding (R18.99; R24.99; R28.99; R33.99; R42.99) teenoor 'n 5-handelsmerk-aanbieding (Ace, Iwisa, White Star, Mnandi, Ritebrand) in die mieliemeel-produkkategorie. Die hiërargiese Bayes-prosedure en multinomiale logitmodel is gebruik om die primêre data te ontleed. Die resultate van die beskrywende en inferensiële analise van die CBC het gewys dat handelsmerk as meer belangrik waargeneem word, met 65 persent van lae-inkomste-verbruikers se besluitnemingsproses wat daaraan toegeskryf kan word, in vergelyking met 35 persent aan prys. Verder het pryse en handelsmerke wisselende effekte op lae-inkomste-verbruikers se aankoopwaarskynlikhede gehad. Alhoewel laer pryse hoër waargenome bruikbaarhede gehad het, is daar gevind dat die pryssensitiwiteit van lae-inkomste-verbruikers minder invloedryk is in laer prysklasse, wat dui op die sterker invloed van handelsmerke en handelsmerkassosiasies op hulle evaluering van die verskillende alternatiewe. Bekende handelsmerke (White Star, Ace en Iwisa) het lae-inkomste-verbruikers se aankoopwaarskynlikheid positief beïnvloed deur waargenome risiko te verlaag. Hierdie verskynsel is verder versterk deur handelsmerkgeloofwaardigheid, soos gesien by Iwisa (wat konsekwente gehalte aangedui het), wat lei tot hoër aankoopwaarskynlikheid. Onbekende handelsmerke (Mnandi en Ritebrand) is waargeneem as laag in terme van bruikbaarheidsvlakke, wat toegeskryf kan word aan hoër vlakke van waargenome risiko en onduidelike afleidings omtrent gehalte. Die navorsingsgevolgtrekking, wat op grond van sekondêre navorsing gemaak is, stel 'n model van lae-inkomste-verbruikersbesluitneming voor wat deur verskeie faktore beïnvloed word, insluitend 'n afkeer van verlies en die begeerte om aspirasies te bevredig. Wisselende vlakke van handelsmerkkennis, handelsmerkgehalte en -geloofwaardigheid, asook die simboliese waarde wat aan verskillende handelsmerke geheg word soos waargeneem deur lae-inkomste-verbruikers, beïnvloed sowel individue se afkeer van verlies as hulle aspirasionele behoeftes, en beïnvloed dus die besluitnemingsproses. Daar is gevind dat afleidings omtrent prys, prys teenoor gehalte en handelsmerk teenoor gehalte, handelsmerkbekendheid, sielkundige faktore en faktore vanuit die aankoopkonteks 'n invloed het op die besluitnemingsproses van individue binne hierdie marksegment. Bestuursaanbevelings beklemtoon die belangrikheid van die BOP as 'n lewensvatbare marksegment, waarsku bemarkers teen laekoste-prysingstrategieë, en bespreek die belang daarvan om waardegebaseerde strategieë te gebruik en handelsmerke te hefboom om verbruikers in hierdie marksegment te lok, te bevredig en te behou. Bestuurders word uitgedaag om 'n balans te vind tussen waargenome gehalte en betroubaarheid en bekostigbare pryse, ten einde suksesvol in die lae-inkomstemark te funksioneer en doeltreffende waardeproposisies te bied wat verbruikersbevrediging verskaf, maar steeds ruimte laat vir volgehoue verkope en winste vir die firma.

Materialism and indebtedness of low income consumers : a survey based on South Africa's leading catalogue retailer

Jacobs, Glenda 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MDevF (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In the realm of consumer behaviour research, discussions regarding materialism – commonly defined as the desire to consume – indebtedness and low-income consumerism have become almost unavoidable. This is to be expected in a society where spending patterns are constantly evolving, levels of indebtedness are steadily increasing and interest in the so-called ‘bottom of the pyramid’ consumers has been heightened. In South Africa, studies have found changes in consumption and credit usage to not only be significant, but also particularly relevant amongst low-income consumers. While this changing culture of consumption has been widely acknowledged, there has been little empirical research on consumer behaviour in South Africa and even less on low-income consumerism. For this reason a study was developed, which sought to explore the relationship between materialism and indebtedness among a sample of low-income, instalment paying consumers of South Africa’s leading catalogue retailer. Through use of a mailed self-completion survey questionnaire, consumers of the targeted retailer were asked to indicate their level of materialism, as measured using a materialism scale, and to report their level of indebtedness, measured as the number of retail store accounts held. In addition, key demographic data, consisting of the respondents’ age, gender and monthly income, was drawn from the retailer’s database. Using this data the study assessed whether (i) the sampled consumers displayed strong characteristics of materialism and (ii) whether materialism is a significant variable in predicting the sampled consumers’ propensity for incurring debt. Data analysis techniques applied in this study included tests to measure the reliability of the materialism scale as well as a variety of descriptive and inferential statistical tools, designed to identify relationships in the collected data. Using these techniques, this study found that sampled low-income consumers are indeed highly materialistic, with levels of materialism observed in this study being significantly higher than in a previous materialism study where a low-income earning consumer sample was used. Regarding levels of indebtedness, regression and correlation analysis performed suggested the presence of statistically significant relationships between consumers’ levels of indebtedness and each of the demographic variables of age and gender. However, materialism and monthly income was not found to be significant variables in determining a consumer’s level of indebtedness. While the decision to delineate this study based on the consumers of one particular retailer limits the extent to which findings can be generalised to the larger South African population, the results do provide a number of important insights, which contributes to the scant body of literature on low-income consumer behaviour in this country. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Op die navorsingsveld oor verbruikersgedrag het die gesprek rondom die voorkoms van materialisme (wat gewoonlik gedefinieer word as die behoefte om te verbruik), verbruikersdruk en die skuldlas onder lae inkomstegroepe byna onvermydelik geword. Dit is te verwagte in ’n samelewing waar bestedingspatrone voortdurend ontwikkel, skuldlasvlakke aan die groei is en die belangstelling in verbruikers op die onderste vlak van die sogenaamde piramide verskerp het. Studies in Suid-Afrika dui aan dat, onder lae inkomste verbruikers, die verskille in verbruikersgedrag en kredietgebruik nie net opvallend nie maar ook besonder ter saaklik is. Hoewel die verandering in verbruikerskultuur rondom besteding reeds wyd beskryf is, is daar nog nie veel empiriese navorsing oor verbruikersgedrag gedoen nie – en nog minder onder lae inkomstegroepe. Dit is om hierdie rede dat ’n studie ontwerp is om die verhouding tussen materialisme en skuldlas te ondersoek onder ’n steekproef van lae inkomste huurkoopverbruikers van Suid-Afrika se grootste kataloguskleinhandelaar. Daar is gebruik gemaak van ’n vraelys vir die opname, wat aan die verbruikers gepos is en deur hulle ingevul is. Verbruikers is gevra om die vlak van hul materialisme aan te dui, soos gemeet volgens die gebruik van ’n skaal of maatstaf vir materialisme; en om hul skuldlas weer te gee, gemeet aan die aantal rekeninge wat hulle by kleinhandelwinkels het. Belangrike demografiese data, soos die respondente se ouderdom, geslag en maandelikse inkomste, is verkry uit die kleinhandelaar se databasis. Hierdie data is gebruik om te bepaal, (i) of die steekproefverbruikers ’n sterk neiging tot materialisme toon, en (ii) of materialisme ’n beduidende rol speel in die voorspelbaarheid van die mate waartoe die steekproefverbruikers hulle aan skuld sal blootstel. Tegnieke wat in die studie gebruik is vir data-analise sluit toetse in wat die betroubaarheid van die maatstawwe vir materialisme meet, asook ’n aantal beskrywende en afleibare statistiese metodes wat ontwerp is om verhoudings in die versamelde data te identifiseer. Deur die gebruik van hierdie tegnieke het die studie gevind dat hierdie steekproef van lae inkomste verbruikers inderdaad hoogs materialisties is, en dat die vlakke van materialisme wat waargeneem is, beduidend hoër is as wat gevind is in ’n vorige studie onder ’n steekproef van lae-inkomste verbruikers. Met betrekking tot skuldlasverpligtinge, het die regressie- en korrelasie-analise wat gedoen is die bestaan van statisties beduidende verhoudinge tussen verbruikers se skuldlasvlakke en die demografiese veranderlikes van ouderdom en geslag aangedui. Daar is egter gevind materialisme en maandelikse inkomste is nie beduidende veranderlikes in die bepaling van ’n verbruiker se skuldlas nie. Hoewel die ontwerp van hierdie studie om verbruikers van slegs ’n enkele kleinhandelaar in te sluit ’n beperking plaas op die toepasbaarheid van die bevindinge op die wyer Suid-Afrikaanse bevolking, het die resultate ’n aantal belangrike insigte verskaf wat bydra tot die klein hoeveelheid bestaande literatuur oor lae inkomste verbruikersgedrag in die land.

The relationship between service delivery to low income customers and sustained growth within Capitec Bank

Van Drimmelen, Govert Cornelis January 2014 (has links)
M. Tech. Business Administration / Review of literature shows that traditional commercial banks in South Africa do not serve low-income earners, micro-entrepreneurs and the poor (collectively referred to as the unbanked population), mostly due to the high cost involved in rendering such services to the poor. South Africa's unbanked population is estimated to be more than 13-million people who have no access to either banking or insurance products. But it appears as if the big four banks have been slow to tap into this potential, preferring to battle for market share among existing customers, competing for a larger slice of an existing cake. At the same time, Capitec Bank is trying its best to fill the gap left open by the big four South African banks. The objective of this research is to explore the innovative banking services and products that have been developed by Capitec Bank with a view to be of service to the unbanked population of South Africa.

The inhibitory activity and sensory properties of kefir, targeting the low-income African consumer market

Van Wyk, Juliette 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc Food Sc )--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The rapid urbanisation of the African population has led to the establishment of large low-income communities in and around almost every major town and city in South Africa. Several factors prevent these people from producing or obtaining their traditional fermented milk drink, Maas (Amasi), often resulting in the occurrence of malnutrition in low-income urban African communities. A product with the potential to satisfy the demand for a fermented milk product is Kefir. Kefir, a self-carbonated fermented milk, is commonly manufactured by fermenting unpasteurised or pasteurised milk with re-usable Kefir grains. These Kefir grains consist of a combination of mainly lactic acid bacteria and yeasts. Neither Kefir, nor Kefir grains are as yet marketed in South Africa, thus creating an excellent opportunity to launch these products locally. It is often difficult for the low-income communities to obtain high quality unpasteurised or pasteurised milk, resulting in a serious health risk. The inhibitory activity of Kefir towards certain spoilage and pathogenic microorganisms was, therefore, studied. Strains of Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus, Usteria monocytogenes and Clostridium tyrobutyricum were inoculated (10 ³ - 10 ⁴ cfu.ml⁻¹ ) into pasteurised milk together with Kefir grains (18 gram per litre) and incubated at 25°C. Uninoculated milk samples and milk samples inoculated only with test organisms served as controls. Growth of all the test organisms were inhibited substantially (>-99.9%) in Kefir over the 30 h incubation period and substantial reductions in microbial log cycles were observed for many of the organisms. This coincided with a steep decrease in pH (6.57 - 4.06) and increase in titratabie acidity (0.20 - 0.72%). If Kefir is eventually marketed to low-income urban African consumers, it will have to compete with Maas and, therefore, comparative sensory testing of Kefir and Maas was conducted. The differences in the sensory properties of Kefir, 'laboratory' Maas (representing traditional Maas) and commercial Maas (containing thickener, colourants and flavourants) were determined by a trained panel. These characteristics were identified as "yeasty" and "cowy" tastes (p < 0.05), "effervescence" (p < 0.01), as well as "sourness," "creaminess" and "smoothness" (p < 0.001). The effect of different incubation temperatures (25°, 30° and 35°C) on the Kefir sensory properties was studied to simulate the effect of the large temperature variations that would be found in the dwellings of low-income African urbanites. The "sourness" and "creaminess" of the Kefir was found to increase with increase in incubation temperature but no strong off-flavours were found to develop. Sensory preference testing was conducted by consumer panels consisting of panellists of different ages and population groups to indicate whether the specific panels significantly prefer Kefir, commercial Maas or laboratory Maas. It was found that commercial Maas was significantly (p < 0.001) preferred to Kefir by young African urbanites. Adult Africans, who presumably still have traditional taste preferences, however, equally (p > 0.05) preferred Kefir and laboratory Maas, identifying this segment of the African population as the appropriate starting target market for Kefir. Kefir and laboratory Maas were also tested for preference by a wider panel consisting of people (aged between 18 and 25) representing the different population groups in South Africa. Kefir and laboratory Maas were preferred equally (p > 0.05) by all the groups. Several arguments supporting Kefir marketing to the low-income urban African population of South Africa have been identified. These include: Kefir's ease of preparation; the re-usability of Kefir grains and subsequent affordability; good packaging, distribution and storage possibilities; Kefir's acceptability by lactoseintolerant individuals; high nutritional value; the inhibitory activity of Kefir against potential spoilage and pathogenic organisms and subsequent enhanced safety and keeping ability; and Kefir's acceptable refreshing taste. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die toenemende verstedeliking van Swart Suid-Afrikaners het gelei tot die vestiging van groot lae-inkomste gemeenskappe in en om die meeste groot dorpe en stede. Verskeie faktore verhoed dat hierdie gemeenskappe hul tradisionele gefermenteerde melk, naamlik Maas (Amasi), self kan maak of koop. Dit lei dikwels tot wanvoeding onder lae-inkomste stedelike Swart verbruikers. Kefir het die potensiaal om te voorsien in die vraag na 'n gefermenteerde melk produk in lae inkomste stedelike Swart gemeenskappe. Kefir is 'n selfgekarboneerde, gefermenteerde melk wat vervaarding word deur die fermentasie van ongepasteuriseerde of gepasteuriseerde melk met herbruikbare Kefirkorrels. Hierdie Kefirkorrels bestaan uit 'n kombinasie van hoofsaaklik melksuurbakterieë en giste. Kefir en Kefirkorrels word glad nie in Suid-Afrika bemark nie, en bied 'n fantastiese geleentheid om hierdie produkte plaaslik bekend te stel. Dit is dikwels moeilik om hoë kwaliteit ongepasteuriseerde of gepasteuriseerde melk in lae-inkomste gemeenskappe te verkry. Die risiko om siektes deur die verbruik van hierdie melk op te doen, bestaan dus. Om hierdie rede is die inhiberende effek van Kefir teenoor spesifieke bederf- en patogeniese bakterieë bestudeer. Rasse van Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus, Usteria monocytogenes en Clostridium tyrobutyricum is geïnokuleer (10 ³ - 10 ⁴ cfu.ml⁻¹) in gepasteuriseerde melk tesame met Kefirkorrels (18 gram per liter) en geïnkubeer by 25°C. Melkmonsters wat slegs geïnokuleer is met die toetsorganismes het as kontroles gedien. Die groei van al die toetsorganismes is substansieël geïnhibeer (>-99.9%) in Kefir gedurende die 30 h inkubasieperiode. Substansiële afnames in logsiklusgetalle is waargeneem vir baie van die organismes. Dit het gepaard gegaan met 'n skerp afname in pH (6.57 - 4.06) en toename in titreerbare suurheid (0.20 - 0.72%) vir die Kefirmonsters gedurende die 30 h inkubasieperiode. lndien Kefir bemark word aan lae-inkomste stedelike Swart verbruikers sal dit moet kompeteer met Maas. Vergelykende sensoriese toetse is dus uitgevoer. Die verskille in die sensoriese eienskappe van Kefir, 'laboratorium' Maas (verteenwoordigend van tradisionele Maas) en kommersiële Maas (wat verdikker, kleur- en geurmiddels bevat) is bepaal deur 'n opgeleide paneel en geïdentifiseer as die" "gis-" en "koeismake" (p < 0.05), die "gasserigheid" (p < 0.01) asook die "suurheid", "romerigheid" en "gladheid" (p < 0.001) van die monsters. Die effek van verskillende inkubasietemperature (25°, 30° en 35°C) op die sensoriese eienskappe van Kefir is bestudeer om die effek van die groot temperatuurvariasies wat in laeinkomste behuising mag voorkom, te simuleer. Daar is bevind dat die "suurheid" en "romerigheid" van Kefir toeneem met verhoging in inkubasietemperatuur terwyl geen afsmake ontwikkel nie. Sensoriese voorkeurtoetse is deur verbruikerspanele van verskillende ouderdomme en bevolkingsgroepe uitgevoer om te bepaal of die spesifieke panele 'n beduidende voorkeur toon vir Kefir, laboratorium Maas of kommersiële Maas. Daar is bevind dat stedelike Swart jongmense kommersiële Maas beduidend (p < 0.001) bo Kefir verkies. Swart volwassenes met verwagte tradisionele smaakvoorkeure het egter Kefir en laboratorium Maas ewe veel verkies (p > 0.05). Hierdie segment van die Swart bevolking is dus die geskikte teikenmark vir die bekendstelling van Kefir. Voorkeur vir Kefir en laboratorium Maas is ook getoets deur 'n paneel (ouderdom 18 - 25 jaar) wat bestaan uit mense van verskillende bevolkingsgroepe. AI die groepe het Kefir en Maas ewe veel verkies (p > 0.05). Verskeie argumente ten gunste van die bemarking van Kefir aan lae-inkomste stedelike Swart gemeenskappe in Suid-Afrika is geïdentifiseer. Dit behels die volgende: die gerief van Kefirvervaardiging; die herbruikbaarheid van Kefirkorrels en gevolglike bekostigbaarheid; goeie verpakkings-, verspreidings- en opbergingsmoontlikhede; Kefir se aanvaarbaarheid vir laktose-intolerante individue; Kefir se hoë voedingswaarde; die inhiberende aktiwiteit wat Kefir teenoor potensiële bederf- en patogeniese organismes het en die gevolglike verhoging in veiligheid en rakleeftyd van melk; en Kefir se aanvaarbare verfrissende smaak.

ContribuiÃÃo da visÃo baseada em recursos para a anÃlise da sustentabilidade e competitividade das estratÃgias de marketing voltadas para o pÃblico de baixa renda: estudo de caso em uma instituiÃÃo financeira. / CONTRIBUTION BASED VISION RESOURCE FOR ANALYSIS OF SUSTAINABILITY AND COMPETITIVENESS MARKETING STRATEGIES forward- PUBLIC LOW INCOME : A CASE STUDY IN AN INSTITUTION FINANCIAL .

Wilson Chagas Gouveia 09 May 2008 (has links)
Esta dissertaÃÃo objetiva identificar a contribuiÃÃo da visÃo baseada em recursos (VBR) para a anÃlise das estratÃgias de marketing voltadas para o pÃblico de baixa renda (BR), tendo como objeto de pesquisa uma instituiÃÃo financeira. A dissertaÃÃo se viabilizou mediante um produto de microcrÃdito chamado Crediamigo, do Banco do Nordeste do Brasil S/A, dirigido ao mercado-alvo da base da pirÃmide. Para se identificar essas contribuiÃÃes da visÃo baseada em recursos, foi construÃda a estrutura de anÃlise VRIO para as estratÃgias de marketing do Crediamigo, evidenciadas por trÃs diferentes grupos de colaboradores: tÃcnicos do programa, tÃcnicos de comunicaÃÃo e assessores de crÃdito. A pesquisa de natureza qualitativa adotou como estratÃgia de pesquisa um estudo de caso exploratÃriodescritivo, que identificou as estratÃgias de marketing utilizadas e as analisou pela Ãtica da visÃo baseada em recursos. Os instrumentos de coleta de dados utilizados foram pesquisa documental, registros em arquivos e entrevistas. Nestas fontes de evidÃncias se constatou que o produto à voltado em sua maioria para a BR. Definido entÃo o pÃblico-alvo, a etapa seguinte foi identificar as principais estratÃgias de marketing utilizadas pelos tÃcnicos do programa, por meio de uma entrevista em grupo, na qual se construiu o mix de marketing, utilizando-se um questionÃrio com perguntas abertas. Para a evidenciaÃÃo dessas estratÃgias junto aos tÃcnicos de comunicaÃÃo, utilizou-se o mesmo processo empregado para os tÃcnicos do programa; jà para a evidenciaÃÃo com os assessores de crÃdito, aplicou-se um questionÃrio com questÃes estruturadas de mÃltipla escolha e resposta Ãnica, em escala ordinal. Finalmente se elaborou a anÃlise VRIO, com a construÃÃo de sua estrutura, mediante questionÃrios dicotÃmicos aplicados aos tÃcnicos do programa. Das trinta e cinco estratÃgias levantadas inicialmente, sete foram evidenciadas pelos trÃs grupos. E a estrutura de anÃlise VRIO dessas sete estratÃgias demonstra que trÃs delas apresentam vantagem competitiva sustentada, performance econÃmica superior à normal e sÃo consideradas pontos fortes e competÃncias distintivas sustentadas e as outras quatro apresentam igualdade competitiva, performance econÃmica normal, porÃm sÃo consideradas pontos fortes porque agregam vendas ou reduzem custos. Concluindo, a VBR, quando utilizada para a anÃlise de competitividade e sustentabilidade, contribui para o fortalecimento das organizaÃÃes, na medida em que possibilita a permanente readequaÃÃo de suas estratÃgias, as mudanÃas internas e externas, com as devidas inovaÃÃes, permanentes e necessÃrias, sobretudo em mercado de margem de lucro pequena, porÃm com alta escala, como à o caso da baixa renda / The dissertationâs objective is to identify the contribution of the resource-based view (RBV) to the analysis of the marketing strategies directed to low-income consumers, having a financial institution as the object of the research. This dissertation has been developed based on a microcredit product titled Crediamigo from Banco do Nordeste do Brasil S/A (BNB), which targets the base of the pyramid market. In order to identify these contributions based on the resource-based view a VRIO framework analysis has been built for the Crediamigoâs marketing strategies, which are evidenced through three different partnering groups: program technicians, communication technicians and credit advisers. The research of qualitative nature has adopted as a research strategy an exploratory-descriptive case study which identified and analyzed the marketing strategies employed through the lenses of the resource-based view. The data collecting instruments used were documentary research, file registries and interviews. Supported by these sources of evidence it was observed that the product is mainly devoted to the low-income consumers. Once defined the target public, the next phase was to identify the main marketing strategies used by the program technicians through group interview, in which a marketing mix was designed using opened questions. To evidence these strategies with the communication technicians the same process employed with the program technicians was applied. On the other hand, for the evidencing with the credit advisers, a multiple-choice structured questions with single answers in ordinal scale was used. Lastly a VRIO framework analysis was performed through dichotomic questions applied to the program technicians. Out of the thirty five strategies identified in the beginning, seven were evidenced by the three groups. And the VRIO framework analysis of these seven strategies shows that three of them present sustained competitive advantages, economic performance above normal and are considered strong points and have sustained distinctive competencies, while the other four present competitive parity, normal economic performance, but are still consider strong points because they either increase sales or reduce costs. Therefore, the use of RBV for the analysis of competitiveness and sustainability contributes to the strengthening of the organizations as it allows the adjustment of their strategies to internal and external changes with the permanent and required innovations, above all, in markets with reduced profit margins but with great scale, as it is the case with low-income consumers.

Modelos de análise integrada para a definição de estratégias de marketing e comunicação de produtos eletroeletrônicos populares / Modelos de análise integrada para a definição de estratégias de marketing e comunicação de produtos eletroeletrônicos populares

Assis, Evange Elias 18 August 2010 (has links)
Desde o plano real, em 1994, com a estabilização da moeda e maior facilidade ao crédito, verifica-se o aumento do consumo da população de baixa renda em vários setores do mercado. Além do preço mais baixo, fator indispensável para atender a essa camada da população, discute-se quais são e como são planejadas as estratégias de marketing e comunicação utilizadas pelas empresas que atuam no mercado popular. Nesse contexto, esta pesquisa tem como objetivo geral desenvolver modelos de análise integrada para a definição de estratégias de marketing e comunicação de produtos eletroeletrônicos populares. Para alcançar o objetivo proposto, o estudo utilizou o método exploratório por meio dos seguintes procedimentos: pesquisa bibliográfica em livros, dissertações, teses, revistas, jornais, sites e pesquisa empírica, que foi conduzida em duas fases combinando as abordagens qualitativa (primeira fase) e quantitativa (segunda fase). A população estudada foi composta por executivos das áreas de marketing e comunicação de empresas do setor eletroeletrônico associadas à ELETROS (Associação Nacional dos Fabricantes de Produtos Eletroeletrônicos). O subsídio teórico da análise da pesquisa consistiu na definição de produto popular e população de baixa renda; na análise do consumidor de baixa renda; no estudo das estratégias de marketing e comunicação; no tema da construção de marca; na abordagem dos modelos de análise BCG, GE e SWOT; por fim, na análise das diversas configurações de negócio que poderiam ser adotadas pelas empresas pesquisadas. Os resultados mostraram que as empresas estudadas utilizam principalmente a análise SWOT e as pesquisas de mercado para elaborar a sua estratégia de marketing e comunicação. Porém esse planejamento não é específico para produtos populares. De forma geral, ele se concentra no produto, e, em segundo lugar, com a mesma relevância, em preço e análise do mercado. A partir disso, foram elaborados modelos de análise integrada para a definição de estratégias de marketing e comunicação de produtos eletroeletrônicos populares. / Since the Real Plan was introduced in 1994, bringing with it a stable currency and easier credit, there has been a noted increase in spending among members of the lower-income population in various market sectors. In addition to lower prices, an indispensable factor when targeting this section of the population, there is discussion of marketing and communication strategies used by companies operating in the lowend market and how they plan such strategies. Within this context, the overall objective of this study is to develop integrated analysis models for defining marketing and communication strategies for low-end household appliances and electronics. An exploratory approach was taken in this study, comprising a study of the literature (books, dissertations, theses, magazines, newspapers, and websites) and two phases of empirical research: first qualitative, then quantitative. The study group comprised marketing and communications executives at companies affiliated with Eletros (National Association of Appliance and Electronic Product Manufacturers). The theoretical component of the study involved defining low-end products and the low-income population, and analysing low-income consumers, marketing and communication strategies, brand building, the use of BCG, GE and SWOT analyses, and different business models that could be adopted by the companies studied. Results showed that companies mostly used SWOT analyses and market surveys when planning marketing and communication strategies. However, this planning isnt specific for low-end products. In general, they concentrate on the product, and in second place (with the same relevance), on price and market analyses. Based on these findings, integrated analysis methods were designed for use when planning marketing and communication strategies for low-end household appliances and electronics.

Afinidade ou aspiração? : grupos de referência valorizados por consumidoras de baixa renda

Forléo, Carolina Araujo January 2017 (has links)
Considerando-se a importância das relações sociais e da influência interpessoal no comportamento dos indivíduos de baixa renda, este estudo apresenta como objetivo identificar e analisar os grupos de referência valorizados pelas consumidoras de baixa renda em seu processo de decisão de compra. Para a coleta de dados, utilizou-se uma abordagem multimétodo fundamentada, primeiro, em entrevistas em profundidade com 12 mulheres e, depois, na técnica de Análise Conjunta com uma amostra de 53 entrevistadas pertencentes a esse segmento. Devido à crise econômica vivida atualmente, mostrou-se necessário delimitar o contexto da pesquisa a um bem que permanecesse atrativo nessas circunstâncias: o batom. Trata-se de uma categoria de produto de alto envolvimento, capaz de representar o segmento de cosméticos como um todo, associando-se à autoestima, à sensação de bem-estar e ao reconhecimento social. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que as consumidoras de baixa renda valorizam a presença de diferentes grupos de referência em seu processo de decisão. Especificamente, identificaram-se dois grupos de respondentes com preferências distintas quanto aos grupos de referência. Diante disso, ressalta-se que as principais contribuições desta pesquisa foram a observação de perfis diferentes dentro do segmento de baixa renda, o desenvolvimento do conhecimento sobre o processo de decisão de compra dessas mulheres e a identificação de apelos de grupos de referência que as empresas podem usar para atrair consumidoras de baixa renda. / Considering the importance of social relations and interpersonal influence on the behavior of low-income individuals, this study aims to identify and analyze the reference groups valued by low-income female consumers in their decision-making process. A multimethod approach was employed. First, the data were collected through in-depth interviews with 12 low-income women. Subsequently, a conjoint analysis technique was applied with a sample of 53 female interviewees belonging to this segment. Due to the current economic crisis, it was necessary to delimit the research context to a product that remained attractive in these circumstances: lipstick. It is a high involvement product category, capable of representing the segment of cosmetics as a whole, being related to self-esteem, a sense of well-being and recognition. Results showed that low-income female consumers value the presence of different reference groups in their decision-making process. Specifically, it was possible to identify two groups of respondents with distinct preferences regarding the reference groups. Therefore, the main contributions of this research were the observation of different profiles within the low-income segment, the development of knowledge about the decision-making process of these women, and the identification of reference group appeals that companies can use to attract low-income female consumers.

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