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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Development of low-temperature protein production systems by using cold-adapted bacteria, Shewanella livingstonensis Ac10 and Pseudoalteromonas nigrifaciens Sq02 / 低温菌 Shewanella livingstonensis Ac10 と Pseudoalteromonas nigrifaciens Sq02 を用いた低温タンパク質生産システムの開発

Kawai, Soichiro 25 May 2020 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(農学) / 甲第22665号 / 農博第2420号 / 新制||農||1080(附属図書館) / 学位論文||R2||N5296(農学部図書室) / 京都大学大学院農学研究科応用生命科学専攻 / (主査)教授 栗原 達夫, 教授 小川 順, 教授 阪井 康能 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Agricultural Science / Kyoto University / DGAM

Temperature Dependence of Photoluminescence Spectra in Polystyrene

Tsagli , Kelvin Xorla 08 July 2021 (has links)
No description available.

A generic framework for continuous energy management at cryogenic air seperation plants

Kruger, Theunis Johannes 27 May 2005 (has links)
Please read the abstract in the section 00front of this document / Dissertation (MSc (Electrical Engineering))--University of Pretoria, 2003. / Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering / unrestricted

Rekombinace iontů s elektrony v nízkoteplotním plazmatu / Electron Ion Recombination in Low Temperature Plasma

Dohnal, Petr January 2013 (has links)
The presented work focuses on study of electron - positive ion recombination in low temperature plasma. The principal method used were Flowing afterglow with Langmuir probe and Stationary afterglow with Cavity Ring-Down Spectrometer. For the first time electron and neutral assisted collisional radiative recombination of Ar+ ions was studied in temperature range of 50 - 200 K. Resulting ternary recombination rate coefficients are in good agreement with theoretical predictions. Recombination of H3 + and D3 + ions with electrons was studied in the temperature range of 50 - 300 K and binary and ternary recombination rate coefficients were obtained. The effect of nuclear spin on recombination of H3 + ions with electrons was studied in the temperature range of 80 - 200 K and state selective recombination rate coefficients were obtained for ortho- and para-H3 + . Results show that at 80 K para-H3 + recombines with electrons substantially faster than ortho-H3 + .


Colin Greene (10725279) 29 April 2021 (has links)
Presently, a critical requirement in electronic assemblies is the reliability of solder joints. Accurate characterization of the mechanical behavior of solder alloys is challenging due to their micro-scale size, microstructural complexity, and complex rate-dependent mechanical behavior. This research presents two mechanical testers designed to acquire accurate mechanical response of the solder alloys. The testers allow using micro-scale test samples that replicate real solder joints in size and soldering pad metallurgy. <div>The first mechanical tester presented in this research is the micro-precision tester. It is capable of monotonic, creep and fatigue test profiles at testing temperatures between 25 and 75◦C. Using a closed-loop control scheme and an external capacitance sensor to minimize measurement of the load train compliance, the tester is capable of precision on the order of 0.1 µm. For load controlled tests, the tester is capable of precision on the order of 0.5 N. The design and construction processes are presented, including rationale for major design choices. Additionally, the development of custom squat-joint samples for use in this tester is presented. These samples allow for increased data reliability while maintaining realistic dimensions. Both validation and test data are presented to demonstrate the capabilities of the micro-precision tester. </div><div>A second mechanical tester, the nano-precision tester, was developed to address the need for increased accuracy as solder geometries shrink. Again, the design choices and limitations are presented, with emphasis on improvements over the micro-precision tester. The load and displacement control are approximately and order of magnitude better than that of the micro-precision tester. Example tests are presented to demonstrate the accuracy and capabilities of the nano-precision tester. </div><div>Finally, the thesis concludes with recommendations on methods to further improve the two testers. Specifically, for the micro-precision tester, thermal expansion during high-temperature testing is a significant concern. For the nano-precision tester, both validation of the tester the capability of multi-temperature testing are future work.<br></div>

Surpassing Fundamental Limits through Time Varying Electromagnetics

Nagulu, Aravind January 2022 (has links)
Surpassing the fundamental limits that govern all electromagnetic structures, such as reciprocity and the delay-bandwidth-size limit, will have a transformative impact on all applications based on electromagnetic circuits and systems. For instance, violating principles of reciprocity enables non-reciprocal components such as isolators and circulators, which find application in full-duplex wireless radios, radar, biomedical imaging, and quantum computing systems. Overcoming the delay-bandwidth-size limit enables ultra-broadband yet extremely-compact devices whose size is not fundamentally related to the wavelength at the operating frequency. The focus of this dissertation is on using time-variance as a new toolbox to overcome these fundamental limits and re-imagine circuit and system design. Traditional non-reciprocal components are realized using ferrite materials that loose their reciprocity under the application of external magnetic bias. However, the sheer volume, cost and weight of these magnet based non-reciprocal components coupled with their inability to be fabricated in conventional semiconductor processes, have limited their application to bulky and large-scale systems. Other approaches such as active-biased and non-linearity based non-reciprocity are compatible with semiconductor processes, however, they suffer from other poor linearity and noise performance. In this dissertation, using passive transistor switch as the modulating element, we have proposed the concept of spatio-temporal conductivity modulation and have demonstrated a gamut of non-reciprocal devices ranging from gyrators to isolators and circulators. Through novel circuit topologies, for the first time, we have demonstrated on-chip circulators with multi-watt input power handling, operation at high millimeter-wave frequencies, and tailor made circulators for emerging technologies such as simultaneous-transmit-and-receive MRI and quantum computing. Delay-bandwidth-size trade-off is another fundamental electromagnetic limit, that constrains the delay imparted by a medium or a device within a fixed footprint to be inversely proportional to the signal bandwidth. It is this limit that governs the size of any microwave passive devices to be inversely proportional to its operating frequency. As a part of this dissertation, through intelligent clocking of switched capacitor networks we overcame the delay-bandwidth-size limit, thus resulting in infinitesimal, yet broadband microwave devices. Here we proposed a new paradigm in wave propagation where the properties such as the propagation delay and characteristic impedance does not depend on the constituent elements/materials of the medium, but rather heavily rely on the user-defined modulation scheme, thereby opening huge opportunities for realizing highly-reconfigurable passives. Leveraging these concepts, we demonstrated wide range of reciprocal an non-reciprocal devices including ultra-compact delay elements, highly-reconfigurable microwave passives, ultra-wideband circulators with infinitesimal form-factors and dispersion-free chip scale floquet topological insulators. Application of these devices have also been evaluated in real-world systems through our demonstrations of wideband, full-duplex receivers leveraging switched capacitors based true-time-delay interference cancelers and floquet topological insulator based antenna interfaces for full-duplex phased-arrays and ultra-wideband beamformers. Furthermore, to cater the growing RF and microwave needs of future, large-scale quantum computing systems, we demonstrated a low-cryogenic, wideband circulator based on time modulation of superconducting devices. This superconducting circulator is expected to operate alongside the superconducting qubits, inside a dilution refrigerator at 10mK-100mK, thus enabling a tightly integrated quantum system. We also presented the design and implementation of a cryogenic-CMOS clock driver chip that will generate the clocks required by the superconducting circulator. Finally, we also demonstrated the design and implementation of a low-noise, low power consumption, 6GHz - 8GHz cryogenic downconversion receiver at 4K for cryogenic qubit readout.

Synthèse et consolidation à basse température de biocéramiques en apatite phosphocalcique carbonatée / Synthesis and consolidation at low temperature of bioceramics in carbonated calcium phosphate apatite

Ortali, Camille 30 November 2017 (has links)
Des poudres de phosphates de calcium carbonatés amorphes ou cristallisés en apatite ont été synthétisées par voie aqueuse. La carbonatation est effectuée de deux manières différentes : pendant la synthèse où la quantité de carbonates introduits dépend du rapport molaire carbone/phosphore des réactifs et de la température de synthèse, ou par post carbonatation de poudres phosphocalciques grâce à des échanges ioniques de surface en solution. Les phosphates de calcium amorphes sont composés de cluster de Posner de formule chimique générale : Ca9-x-y(PO4)6-2x-2y(HPO4)2x(CO3)2y,nH2O. Les poudres d’apatite sont decristallinité variable en fonction des paramètres de synthèse. Composées à coeur de nanocristaux d’apatite de formule chimique générale Ca10-x-y(PO4)6-x-y(HPO4)x(CO3)y(OH)2-x-y-2z(CO3)z, elles peuvent comporter en surface une couche hydratée phosphocalcique et non-apatitique plus ou moins importante. Ces poudres sont consolidées par frittage flash ou Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS) à basse température. Ce frittage, réalisé à 150°C, ne conduit qu'à peu ou pas de consolidation lorsque des poudres cristallisées et sans couche hydratée superficielle sont utilisées. A l’inverse, des poudres amorphes ou nanocristallines avec une importante couche hydratée densifient. La consolidation mène à la formation de joints de grains et à la croissance des cristaux des apatites nanocristallines dans le coeur des particules amorphes. La composition chimique des grains cristallisés est Ca10xy(PO4)6xy(HPO4)x(CO3)y(OH)2-x-y-2z(CO3)z. La consolidation est activée par l’application conjointe d’une charge et d’un courant éléctrique pulsé sans lesquels elle n’est pas possible à aussi basse température. Les céramiques résultantes sontmicroporeuses et très cohésives avec de bonnes propriétés mécaniques (résistance à la flexion = 18 MPa). Ces céramiques miment la composion chimique de la phase minérale de l’os et sont suceptibles de présenter des propriétés biologiques supérieures aux matériaux courament utlisés en tant que substituts osseux. / Carbonated calcium phosphates amorphous or crystallized to apatite powders have been synthesized by aqueous route. Carbonation is carried out in two different ways: during the synthesis in which the amount of carbonates introduced depends on the carbone/phosphor molar ratio of reactant and on the synthesis temperature, or by post carbonation of phosphocalcic powders thanks to surface ion exchange in aqueous solution. Amorphous calcium phosphates carbonated are composed of Posner's cluster of general chemical formula: Ca9-x-y(PO4)6-2x-2y(HPO4)2x(CO3)2y,nH2O. Apatite powders are of varying crystallinity depending on the synthesis parameters. It is composed of nanocrystals consisting of an apatitic core of general chemical formula Ca10-x-y(PO4)6-x-y(HPO4)x(CO3)y(OH)2-x-y-2z(CO3)z and may comprise on the surface a hydrated layer phosphocalcic and non-apatitic more or less important. These powders are consolidated by flash sintering or Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS) at low temperature (150°C). This sintering only led to little or no consolidation when crystallized powders without superficial hydrated layer were used, while amorphous powders densified. Consolidation phenomena, leads to the formaton of grain boundaries and crystal growth in the amorphous particles or crystal growth of apatitic nanocrystals. The chemical composition of the crystallized grains is Ca10-x-y(PO4)6-xy(HPO4)x(CO3)y(OH)2-x-y-2z(CO3)z. Consolidation is activated by the combined application of a load anda pulsed electric current, without which it is not possible at such a low temperature. The resulting ceramics are crystallized into calcium-deficient carbonated apatite, microporous and highly cohesive with good mechanical properties (flexural strength = 18 Pa).These ceramics mimic the chemical composition of the mineral phase of the bone and are susceptible to exhibiting superior biological properties to materials commonly used as bone substitutes.

Studies on Low-temperature De-NoX System over TiO2-based Photocatalysts / 光触媒を用いた低温脱硝システムに関する研究

Yamamoto, Akira 23 July 2015 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第19235号 / 工博第4070号 / 新制||工||1628(附属図書館) / 32234 / 京都大学大学院工学研究科分子工学専攻 / (主査)教授 田中 庸裕, 教授 佐藤 啓文, 教授 阿部 竜 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) / Kyoto University / DFAM

Synthesis and Characterization of Titanium Perovskite Oxyhydrides Prepared by Topochemical Hydride Reduction / 水素化物を用いたトポケミカル還元反応によるチタン系ペロブスカイト型酸水素化物の合成と評価

Sakaguchi, Tatsunori 23 March 2016 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第19735号 / 工博第4190号 / 新制||工||1646(附属図書館) / 32771 / 京都大学大学院工学研究科物質エネルギー化学専攻 / (主査)教授 陰山 洋, 教授 安部 武志, 教授 阿部 竜 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) / Kyoto University / DGAM

Exploration into an Innovative Science of Hydrogen Functional Materials Using Low-temperature Ion Beam Irradiation / 低温での水素イオンビーム照射による水素機能性科学の開拓

Nakayama, Ryo 23 January 2019 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(理学) / 甲第21443号 / 理博第4436号 / 新制||理||1637(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院理学研究科化学専攻 / (主査)教授 北川 宏, 教授 竹腰 清乃理, 教授 吉村 一良 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Science / Kyoto University / DGAM

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