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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Influência do foco atencional nas variáveis cinéticas e cinemáticas da marcha de pessoas com e sem dor lombar crônica

Pozzobon, Daniel January 2013 (has links)
A marcha humana, ou locomoção bípede, pode ser definida como sendo umprocesso contínuo de perda e recuperação o equilíbrio a partir da mudança de posição. Durante a marcha normal, a ativação da musculatura da coluna vertebral e acelerações do tronco resultam em ciclos de cargas aplicadas à coluna. O aumento da velocidade de caminhada aumenta a amplitude de movimento da coluna lombar e os níveis de ativação da musculatura ao redor do tronco. A coordenação postural automática alterada associada com lombalgia pode ser resultado de uma variedade de fatores que vão desde a estratégia de movimento escolhida até a diminuição da força exercida sobre a superfície de apoio, passando por mudanças nos níveis de contração muscular por medo do movimento e/ou dor. O foco atencional do indivíduo, quando dirigido a algum fator externo pode alterar a sua percepção da dor e diminuir as alterações em seus padrões de movimento na marcha. Estudos anteriores mostram que a força de reação do solo apresentou alterações significativas entre grupos de pessoas com e sem dor lombar crônica. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a possível influência do foco atencional no equilíbrio dinâmico de pessoas com dor lombar crônica bem como buscar, na marcha de pessoas com dor lombar crônica clinicamente comprovada, diferentes padrões de movimentos sob diferentes focos atencionais. Além disso, pretendeu-se descrever os efeitos dos diferentes focos atencionais sobre o comportamento das variáveis analisadas na marcha em sujeitos com e sem dor lombar crônica. Fizeram parte do grupo analisado 22 sujeitos que foram orientados, primeiramente, a executar três caminhadas que consistam em, ao menos, três ciclos completos da marcha na velocidade preferida, em linha reta, ao longo da pista de caminhada. Diferentes situações de condução do foco atencional foram utilizadas ao longo das caminhadas que se seguiram. A obtenção dos parâmetros cinemáticos angulares tridimensionais da marcha foi executada através de um sistema de análise de movimentos (Vicon Motion Systems) e os dados cinéticos foram obtidos utilizando-se duas plataformas de força modelo OR6-2000, (Advanced Mechanical Technology, Inc.,Watertown, MA, EUA). Todos os dados foram tabulados em planilhas eletrônicas do Microsoft Excel 2003 (Microsoft Corp., EUA). A análise estatística foi realizada no software SPSS 13.0, por meio de Análises de Variância entre as diferentes situações de condução do foco atencional e as variáveis analisadas, com nível de significância de 5%. A ANOVA entre as diferentes situações de condução do foco atencional e as variáveis analisadas não mostrou diferenças significativas entre cada tarefa executada simultaneamente à marcha dos indivíduos (p> 0,9). Conclui-se, a partir dos resultados encontrados, que as diferentes situações de condução do foco atencional utilizadas nesse estudo, apesar de referendadas pela bibliografia utilizada como base teórica, não podem ser usadas de maneira consistente como forma de diminuir os efeitos da dor lombar crônica sobre o comportamento das variáveis analisadas na marcha dos indivíduos avaliados nesse estudo. / The human gait, or bipedal locomotion, can be defined as the continuous process of losing and regaining balance from the change of a geographic location to another. During normal operation, the activation of the muscles of the spine and trunk accelerations result in load cycles applied to the column and increased walking speed increases the range of motion of the lumbar spine and the activation levels of the muscles around the trunk. Changes in the automatic postural coordination associated with low back pain may result from a variety of factors ranging from the motion strategy chosen to decrease the force exerted on the support surface , through changes in levels of muscular contraction for fear of movement and or pain. The attentional focus of the individual, when directed at some external factor, can change your perception of pain and decrease the changes in their patterns of gait movement. Previous studies show that the ground reaction force significantly changed between groups of people with and without chronic low back pain. The present study aimed to analyze the possible influence of attentional focus on dynamic balance of people with chronic low back pain and seek, in the gait of people with chronic low back pain clinically proven, different movement patterns under different attentional foci. In addition, we intend to describe the effects of different attentional focus on the behavior of the variables in gait in subjects with and without chronic low back pain. Formed the group examined 22 subjects who were asked, first, to run three walks consisting of at least three complete cycles of motion in preferred speed, straight along the hiking trail. Different leading situations of attentional focus were used along the walks that followed. The attainment of the three-dimensional angular kinematic parameters of gait was performed using a motion analysis system ( Vicon Motion Systems) and kinetic data were obtained using two force platforms model OR6 - 2000 ( Advanced Mechanical Technology , Inc. Watertown , MA , USA ) . All data were tabulated in spreadsheets Microsoft Excel 2003 ( Microsoft Corp . , USA ) . Statistical analysis was performed with SPSS 13.0, using analysis of variance between the different leading situations of the attentional focus and the other variables, with a significance level of 5 %. The ANOVA between different leading situations of the attentional focus and the other variables showed no significant differences between each task performed simultaneously with the motion of individuals (p > 0.9). It is concluded from the results that the different leading situations of the focus used in this study, although ratified by the bibliography used as a theoretical basis, can’t be used consistently in order to diminish the effects of chronic low back pain about the behavior of the variables in the gait of the subjects in this study.

Efeitos do fortalecimento dos musculos abdominais em mulheres potadoras de lombalgia / Effects of strengthening abdominal muscles in women with low back pain

Rocha, Camila Pinhata, 1983- 15 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Paulo Henrique Ferreira Caria / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Odontologia de Piracicaba / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-15T20:49:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Rocha_CamilaPinhata_M.pdf: 1973826 bytes, checksum: addb18854a50f7ddac32a6484cdaf31b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010 / Resumo: Diferentes modalidades de tratamento vêm sendo utilizados por fisioterapeutas com a intenção de reverter quadros de disfunção da coluna vertebral, inclusive da região lombar, com intuito de reduzir a sintomatologia. Assim, realizou-se uma revisão da literatura com o objetivo de verificar os efeitos dos tratamentos fisioterapêuticos utilizados no tratamento da dor lombar. O levantamento bibliográfico, de janeiro de 2005 a outubro de 2009, foi feito nas seguintes bases de dados ISI, Pubmed, Bireme e Cochrane. Dois pesquisadores realizaram a busca individualmente, com as palavras chave physical therapy, physiotherapy, rehabilitation e low back pain e selecionaram os artigos relacionados aos recursos e métodos fisioterapêuticos relevantes no tratamento da lombalgia crônica não específica, sendo esses, estudos clínicos. Foram encontrados 22 artigos e selecionados 15, os quais atenderam aos critérios de inclusão desta pesquisa. Os resultados demonstraram que os diferentes métodos de tratamento utilizados pelos fisioterapeutas proporcionam efeitos positivos aos pacientes portadores de lombalgia crônica não específica, no entanto algumas inconsistências foram observadas no que diz respeito ao limiar de dor, pois não se encontraram trabalhos que dessem atenção ao gênero e ao ciclo menstrual, variáveis relevantes no estudo da dor. Esta revisão serviu para subsidiar pesquisas futuras nessa área, beneficiando a população. Além da revisão dois outros estudos experimentais foram realizados, com o objetivo de verificar o efeito do método Pilates e da eletroestimulação neuromuscular (EENM) em mulheres com idade entre 25 a 45 anos, índice de massa corpórea entre 18,5 e 24 Kg/cm2, com história de lombalgia crônica não específica, confirmado pelo Quebec Back Pain Disability Scale (QBPDS). As mulheres eram sedentárias e não deveriam ter recebido intervenção física para lombalgia no último mês antes do estudo. Aquelas que fizessem uso de medicação analgésica foram excluídas. Avaliou-se (1) Escore de Funcionalidade pelo Oswestry Disability Questionnaire (OSD); (2) Intensidade da dor, pela escala visual analógica (EVA); (3) Alinhamento postural pela fotogrametria e (4) Perimetria pela mensuração das circunferências abdominais (cintura e cicatriz onfálica) para o grupo tratado com EENM. Os tratamentos foram constituídos de três sessões semanais, realizadas durante 5 semanas, totalizando 15 sessões. No primeiro estudo, 18 voluntárias com idade média de 32,25±7,75 anos, índice de massa corpórea média de 22,42±1,60 Kg/cm2 receberam o método Pilates como tratamento. Neste grupo os resultados da intensidade da dor obtidos pela EVA foram de 2,82, 1,41 e 0,41 para as sessões 1, 7 e 15, respectivamente, sendo estatisticamente significativas para as sessões 7 e 15 em relação à sessão 1. Os escores dado pelo OSD foram de 28,36, 17,12 e 7,86 para as mesmas sessões da intensidade da dor, com diferenças significativas entre as sessões 1 e 15. Não foi observada diferença significativa nas varáveis da fotogrametria (p=0,9442). No segundo estudo, referente ao tratamento feito com EENM, 19 mulheres com idade média de 36,36±7,30 anos, índice de massa corpórea média de 23,01±1,73 Kg/cm2, foram avaliadas. Os resultados do OSD foram significativamente menores na sessão 15 (7,00) em relação às sessões 1 (19,33) e 7 (11,31). Houve diminuição significativa da intensidade da dor dada pela EVA nas sessões 7 (0,92) e 15 (0,76) em relação à sessão 1 (2,76). Na fotogrametria também foi observada diferença significativa após o tratamento (p<0,0355), indicando melhora no alinhamento corporal. Não foi observada diferença estatisticamente significativa nas medidas das circunferências abdominais. De acordo com os resultados apresentados pelas amostras avaliadas, pode-se concluir que ambos os procedimentos, método Pilates e EENM, foram eficazes no tratamento da dor lombar crônica não específica / Abstract: Treatment modalities have been used by physical therapists with the aim to revert spine dysfunction, including lumbar region, in order to reduce symptoms. A literature review was carried out to verify effects of physiotherapy treatments used in low back pain treatment. The search was made from January 2005 to October 2009, in ISI, Pubmed, Bireme and Cochrane. Two individually researchers conducted the search and selected the relevant articles using the key-words physical therapy, physiotherapy, rehabilitation and low back pain. It was found 22 articles and 15 were selected, according to the inclusion criteria. The results showed that the different treatment methods used by physiotherapists provided positive effects for patients with nonspecific low back pain. However, some inconsistencies were observed in the results of those studies, because gender and the menstrual cycle have not been taken into account for studying pain threshold. This review was important to identify, review and evaluate previous studies about the physiotherapy treatment for nonspecific chronic low back pain and to guide further research in this area, to benefit the population. In this way, two studies were performed with objective to investigate the effects of Pilates method and electrical neuromuscular (NMES) in women aged 25 to 45 years, with nonspecific chronic low back pain, confirmed by Quebec Back Pain Disability Scale (QBPDS). The women were sedentary, presenting body mass index between 18,5 and 24 Kg/cm2 and should not have received physical intervention for low back pain in the last month before the study. Those who made use of analgesic medication were excluded. The following parameter were evaluated (1) score functionality using the Oswestry Disability Questionnaire (OSD), (2) intensity of pain by visual analogical scale (VAS) (3) postural alignment by photogrammetry and (4) Perimetry, measuring the waistcircumferences, for the group treated with NMES. The treatments consisted of three weekly sessions, held for 5 weeks, totaling 15 sessions. In the first study, 18 volunteers with a mean age of 32.25 ± 7.75 years, mean body mass index average of 22.42 ± 1.60 Kg/cm2 received the Pilates method as a treatment. In this group, the results of the intensity of pain obtained by VAS were 2.82, 1.41 and 0.41 for sessions 1, 7 and 15, respectively, being significant statistically for Sessions 7 and 15 in relation the session 1. The scores given by the OSD were 28.36, 17.12 and 7.86 for the same sessions of the intensity of pain, with significant differences between sessions 1 and 15. There was no significant difference in the variables of photogrammetry (p=0.9442). In the second study with the processing done by NMES, 19 women with a mean age of 36.36±7.30 years, mean body mass index of 23.01 ± 1.73 Kg/cm2 were evaluated. The results of functional scores in session 15 (7.00) were significantly lower than sessions 1 (19.33) and 7 (11.31). Significant decrease in pain intensity (VAS) occurred in sessions 7 (0.92) and 15 (0.76) compared to session 1 (2.76). In photogrammetry, there was significant difference after treatment (p <0.0355), indicating an improvement in body alignment. There was no significant statistically difference in measures of waist circumference. In accordance with the results presented by the studied samples, it can be concluded that both treatments, Pilates and NMES, were effective for relief of nonspecific chronic low back pain / Mestrado / Anatomia / Mestre em Biologia Buco-Dental

Avaliação dos efeitos de exercicios de alongamento e uso de faixa suporte em gestantes no 3o. trimestre com lombalgia gestacional / The evaluation of the effects in lenghthening exercises and the use of strip supports in the last gestation quarter with low back pain in the pregnancy

Novaes, Flavia Silva 29 July 2008 (has links)
Orientador: Antonieta Keiko Kakuda Shimo / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciencias Medicas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-11T15:12:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Novaes_FlaviaSilva_M.pdf: 8158671 bytes, checksum: bee6afd553e4ca06a7d59c27370991b7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008 / Resumo: No presente estudo, de abordagem quase experimental, verificou-se a evolução da dor lombar durante o período de três semanas em gestantes no último trimestre de gestação que faziam pré-natal nos Centros de Saúde (Santa Mônica, Barão Geraldo e Village) na cidade de Campinas/SP. Objetivou identificar a eficácia de duas técnicas distintas: um recebendo exercícios de alongamento e retificação da região lombar e, a outra usando faixa suporte que envolvia o quadril e a parte mais baixa do abdômen. Foi feita uma randomização formando os dois grupos. As participantes responderam um questionário que continha variáveis sobre os aspectos sócio demográficos, obstétricos e relacionadas aos hábitos. A avaliação da evolução da lombalgia gestacional com os dois tratamentos foi realizada por meio de duas escalas de dor (¿carinhas¿ e numérica) e do registro de localização da dor. O tamanho amostral foi de 33 mulheres gestantes (16 no grupo alongamento e 17 no grupo uso de faixa), são predominantemente de baixa renda, maioria primigestas, migrantes de outras regiões do Brasil, baixo grau de instrução e capacitação profissional. Os resultados indicaram que o alívio da dor ocorreu nos dois grupos de forma semelhante. O ganho de peso foi significativo para aparecimento da dor lombar, entretanto, as demais variáveis nessa amostra não se mostraram significativas para o agravamento da dor. Sabendo-se das causas fisiológicas e biomecânicas que levam ao surgimento da lombalgia na gestação, os procedimentos preventivos devem ser uma das metas dos profissionais que lidam com essa clientela. Descritores: gravidez, dor lombar, dor. Inserida na linha de pesquisa ¿Processo de Cuidar em Saúde e Enfermagem¿ ¿ área temática: saúde da mulher / Abstract: In the present study, of almost experimental approach, the evolution of the lumbar pain was verified during the period of three weeks in pregnant woman in the last gestation quarter that they did antenatal in the Centers of Health (Santa Mônica, Baron Geraldo and Village) in the city of Campinas/SP. It objectified to identify the effectiveness of two different techniques: one receiving lengthening exercises and rectification of the lumbar area and, the another using strip supports that involved the hip and the part more drop of the abdomen. It was made a randomização forming the two groups. The participants answered a questionnaire that contained variables on the socio demographic, obstetric aspects partner and related to the habits. The evaluation of the evolution of the low back pain in pregnancy with the two treatments was accomplished by means of two pain scales (¿faces¿ and numeric) and of the registration of location of the pain. The size amostral were to 33 pregnant women (16 in the group lengthening and 17 in the group strip use) wich predominantly of the healthy study of low income, majority in the first pregnancy, migrants of another areas of Brazil, low instruction degree and professional training. The results indicated that the relief of the pain happened in the two groups in a similar way. The weight gain was significant for appearence of the lumbar pain, however, the other was varied in this sample they didn't show significant for the worsening of the pain. Being known about the physiologic causes and biomechanics that take to the appearance of the low back pain in the gestation, the preventive procedures should be one of the professionals' goals that work with that clientele. Descritores: pregnancy, lumbar pain, pain. Inserted in the line of research "Process of Taking care in Health and Nursing " - thematic area: the woman's health / Mestrado / Enfermagem e Trabalho / Mestre em Enfermagem

Estudo da prevalência e fatores de risco da lombalgia em caminhoneiros do Estado de São Paulo / Prevalence study of backpain and its risk factors in truckers in São Paulo State.

Silvia Ferreira Andrusaitis 12 August 2004 (has links)
A lombalgia, comum em muitas atividades profissionais acomete principalmente indivíduos que trabalham na condução de veículos motorizados. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar a prevalência da lombalgia em motoristas de caminhão, bem como os fatores de risco relacionados à sua ocorrência. Para isso foi elaborado um questionário que abordou fatores como: idade, prática de atividade física e esportiva, hábitos gerais de saúde e questões relativas ao exercício profissional. Calculou-se também o índice de massa corpórea através da relação entre o peso corporal e o quadrado da estatura. Foram avaliados 489 caminhoneiros do sexo masculino e selecionados 410 para o estudo. Os resultados obtidos foram: a prevalência da lombalgia em 59% dos caminhoneiros; e dentre as variáveis estudadas apenas o número de horas de trabalho mostrou-se estatisticamente significante, sendo que o risco do caminhoneiro ter dor lombar aumenta 7% para cada hora de trabalho. / Low back pain is common in several kinds of professional activities mainly in people who drive a lot in their job. The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of low back pain in truckers and the risk factors related to the occurrence of lumbar pain. For this, a questionnaire was elaborated including such as: age, physical and sports activities, general health habits and aspects related to the job. Besides, the index of corporal mass has been calculated, based on the relation between the truckers weight and his square height. 489 male truckers were evaluated and 410 have been selected for the study. The results showed that 59% of the truckers have suffered from low back pain, and among the different aspects which have been analysed, only the number of working hours has been more significant: for each working hour, the risk of truck driver in having lumbar pain increases 7%.

A study to determine the efficacy of Deep Heat® rub combined with chiropractic adjustments on mechanical low back pain

Van Haute, Dieter Miek Raymond 04 June 2012 (has links)
M. Tech. / This randomised, comparative study was undertaken in order to evaluate whether a menthol-containing gel (Deep Heat® Rub) combined with Chiropractic adjustments on mechanical low back pain, over a three-week period, is more effective than Chiropractic adjustments and aqueous cream only.Thirty participants who conformed to the specified inclusion and exclusion criteria, were accepted to form part of the study. The thirty participants were placed randomly into two groups of fifteen participants each. The Experimental Group received lumbar spine and/or Sacroiliac adjustment(s) over the restricted joint(s) together with the application of Deep Heat® Gel, and the Control Group received lumbar spine and/or Sacroiliac adjustment(s) over the restricted joint(s) together with the application of non-medicated aqueous cream. All participants received a total of six treatments over a three-week period, i.e. two treatments per week. Each participant was requested to come in for a follow-up consultation one day after the last treatment session used for data capturing only. The subjective data was collected by means of the Revised Oswestry Low Back Pain Disability Questionnaire, taken prior to the first, fourth and at the seventh consultations. The objective data, in the form of lumbar range of motion, was obtained by means of a Digital Inclinometer, taken prior to every consultation. Data was statistically analysed by means of the Friedman and Wilcoxon Signed Rank tests for intra-group comparisons and the Mann-Whitney test for inter-group comparisons.The results indicated that the treatment protocols used in the Control and the Experimental Group were equally effective in reducing low back pain and disability as well as increasing the lumbar range of motion. The Control Group did, however, demonstrate statistically significant differences in three out of six ranges of motion, compared to two out of six for the Experimental Group, although no statistically significant differences were found.The results of this study suggest that Chiropractic adjustive therapy (with non-medicated aqueous cream) alone or when administered with Deep Heat® Rub are equally effective in terms of subjective pain perception and objective clinical findings in the treatment of mechanical low back pain. No statistically significant difference could be seen when participants received diversified spinal adjustive therapy and application of aqueous cream, compared to receiving diversified spinal adjustive therapy and application of Deep Heat® Rub.

Traditional Posterior Load Carriage: Ergonomic Assessment and Intervention Efficacy

Muslim, Khoirul 27 August 2013 (has links)
There is a high prevalence of musculoskeletal symptoms (MSS) among manual material handling (MMH) workers. However, limited investigations have been undertaken among one large group of workers using a particular MMH method called traditional posterior load carriage (PLC). Such load carriage is typically done without the use of an assistive device (e.g., backpack) in developing countries, and involves exposure to known risk factors for MSS such as heavy loads, non-neutral postures, and high levels of repetition. The current work was completed to investigate the characteristics of the PLC task and physical effects on workers, and to evaluate a practical intervention that may help improve the task. The first study investigated, through structured interviews with 108 workers, the types, prevalence, and impacts of MSS. PLC workers incur a relatively high MSS burden, primarily in the lower back, but also in the feet, knees, shoulders, and neck. These MSS were reported to interfere with daily activity, but only few workers sought medical treatment. Workers suggested several task improvements including the use of a belt, hook, or backpack/frame, and changes in the carriage method. The second and third study investigated, in a laboratory setting involving nine healthy males, the effects of load mass and size, and the use of a simple intervention, respectively, on factors related to low back pain risks during PLC. Increasing load mass caused increased torso flexion, lumbosacral flexion moment, abdominal muscle activity, and torso movement stability in the frontal plane. Increasing load size also caused higher torso flexion, peak torso angular velocity and acceleration, and abdominal muscle activity. Complex interactive effects of load mass and size were found on paraspinal muscle activity and slip risk. The intervention, involving a simple frame to support a load, and use with a higher load placement was found to be potentially beneficial as indicated by reduced lumbosacral moment and ratings of perceived discomfort in several anatomical regions compared to the traditional PLC. Outcomes of this research can facilitate future ergonomic guidelines and interventions to improve working conditions and occupational health and safety for PLC workers. / Ph. D.

Understanding the Role of Personal, Psychosocial and Occupational Factors and their Interactions on Low Back Pain Severity in Workers

Govindu, Nirathi Keerthi 11 May 2013 (has links)
Low back pain (LBP) is the most prevalent work-related musculoskeletal disorder. Occupational risk factors have been studied for current ergonomic prevention strategies; however, other underlying mechanisms may exist since not all workers performing the same task develop the same severity. Previous research has identified personal and psychosocial risk factors that also contribute to LBP. Research quantifying the interactive effects of the various personal, psychosocial and occupational factors is limited, along with research on the effect of risk factor combinations on LBP severity. The objectives of this study were to: 1) study the various factors that are known to be involved in low back pain and analyze interactions, and 2) develop a model to predict low back pain and validate it. In order to address these objectives, 2 studies were conducted. The first study investigated the effects of various personal, genetic, occupational and psychosocial factors on two subjective LBP severity ratings: Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) and a Visual Analog Scale (VAS), and three physician-based ratings: MRI severity, canal stenosis and nerve impingement. Personal and psychosocial factors, in addition to occupational factors, were found to significantly affect the severity ratings. The second study involved building predictive models of LBP severity for each risk factor category as well as a combined risk factor model. Results showed that the combined risk factor models considering interaction effects both within and across risk factor categories were significantly better in predicting severity ratings than the individual models. However, validation conducted using 5 random samples showed inconsistent accuracies. Results obtained may help to develop a more reliable way to predict and, hence, prevent chronic LBP.

Assessing Physical Function in Low Back Pain

Alnattah, Maysa January 2021 (has links)
Physical function has been identified as a core outcome to be assessed in low back pain (LBP). However, all recommended physical function measures are Patient-Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs). Performance-Based Measures (PBMs) are important measures that are practical and are prone to fewer biases. Two systematic reviews provided evidence on the psychometric properties of PBMs but were not comprehensive. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to identify PBMs developed for or used to assess physical function in LBP and to review studies evaluating the psychometric properties of these PBMs systematically. The first manuscript of the thesis was the systematic review protocol developed using the COSMIN (COnsensus-based Standards for the selection of health status Measurement INstruments) manual 2018. The protocol was also registered on PROSPERO (CRD42020147968). The protocol also outlined the use of the COMINS Risk of Bias (COSMIN-ROB) checklist 2018; standard priory hypotheses and criterions developed to evaluate the results of each psychometric property; as well as a GRADE criterion (Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluations) to assess the level of evidence. Two reviewers independently screened, evaluated, and extracted data. The second manuscript was the systematic review written in the format of a journal for future submission. Our database search identified 47 studies assessing 115 PBMs. In general, findings included five different LBP diagnoses (e.g., non-specific LBP) and different LBP durations (e.g., acute, chronic). The level of evidence of each PBM or psychometric property mainly were generated from single studies. A high risk of bias assessed by the COSMIN-ROB checklist was found for most of the included studies. Overall, the included studies' results often did not meet our priory hypotheses for good psychometric properties. Hence, most PBMs' psychometric properties were found to have a low level of evidence. There was not a single PBM that demonstrated a good level of evidence for all properties. In conclusion, significant heterogeneity was found between studies leading to a limited level of evidence. PBMs need to be used with great caution. High-quality studies that investigate PBMs' psychometric properties are needed. / Thesis / Master of Science Rehabilitation Science (MSc) / Low Back Pain (LBP) care costs the Canadian health care system millions of dollars every year. Most clinicians and researchers use self-report questionnaires filled out by their patients to assess physical function. However, performance measures where patients perform tasks while being observed are also recommended to assess physical function. Performance-based measures can be used alone or in combination with self-report measures. To select the most appropriate performance measures, we need to know how good and trustworthy these measures are. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to collect all possible performance measures that were developed or used to assess physical function in LBP patients; then summarized the available evidence on their psychometric properties (reliability, validity and responsiveness). We searched five scientific databases and found 47 studies that evaluated 115 performance measures. Most included studies were of low quality and evaluated different tests or test properties. We found that most measures were not reliable, accurate or were sensitive to change. Therefore, clinicians and researchers need caution when selecting and interpreting results of these performance measures when evaluating physical function in LBP.

Yoga as a treatment for low back pain a systematic review of randomized controlled trials

Diaz, Alison 01 December 2011 (has links)
Background: Low back pain is very common and has a tremendous economic impact. With the prevalence and incidence of low back pain on the rise, individuals are turning to alternative treatments. Yoga is the most widely used complementary and alternative medicine treatment for low back pain and it is not fully certain how effective this method is for resolving the symptoms. Objectives: The purpose of this manuscript is to systematically review the current literature for randomized controlled trials that assess the outcomes of yoga intervention in individuals with low back pain. Methods: An electronic database search was performed to analyze studies. To be included in the review, the studies were required to be a randomized controlled trial, published in English, present in a peer reviewed journal, identify yoga as the primary treatment focus for low back pain in at least one group, and included participants with at least a 12 week history of low back pain. Results: A search of the databases revealed 177 articles, of which, 8 met the inclusion criteria. Conclusions: Yoga intervention appears to be effective in alleviating symptoms brought on by low back pain. Yoga was either demonstrated to significantly improve quality of life and reduce disability, stress, depression, and medication usage associated with low back pain in 6 of the 8 analyzed trials. More research is necessary to account for the lack of between-group differences in two trials.

Communication and kinesiophobia : Nocebic terms in the language used by healthcare professionals treating patients with low back pain A quantitative survey

Repo, Jimmy, Grønholt Haacker-Mogensen, Thomas January 2022 (has links)
Background: Low back pain is a common muskuloskeletal issue. Kinesiophobia constitutes as excessive fear of movement and has been associated with greater levels of pain. Nocebic terms has been found to influence kinesiophobia. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the participants’ experiences with low back pain and nocebic terms, and if the language use of the healthcare professionals correlated with negative beliefs. Method: A digital survey was sent out to individuals with low back pain who had visited a healthcare professional. The survey included questions from Tampa Scale of Kinesiophobia, and questions about nocebic terms and the understanding of them. Participants were recruited via Luleå University of Technology and Facebook. Results: The study included a total of 51 participants. In the kinesiophobic group, there was 13 participants, and the most occurring terms were injury, disc herniation, and wear and tear. In the non-kinesiophobic group, there was 38 participants, and the most occurring terms were weakness, pinched nerve and bad posture. Conclusion: No strong correlation was found between language use and kinesiophobia, thus challenging the hypothesis that language use has an influence on patients’ beliefs. The most occurring nocebic terms differed between the kinesiophobic group and non-kinesiophobic group.

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