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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vulnérabilité du procédé couplant charbon actif en poudre et ultrafiltration : vieillissement des membranes et rétention de composés organiques polaires / Vulnerability of the process coupling powdered activated carbon and ultrafiltration : Membrane aging and rejection of polar organic compounds

Chokki, Jeannette 02 April 2019 (has links)
La dégradation des ressources en eaux par la présence de matières organiques (MO) et de micropolluants nécessite la mise en œuvre de procédés de production d’eau potable robustes. Dans ce contexte, de nombreuses municipalités françaises comme Saint Cloud et Angers ont décidé d’implanter un procédé d’adsorption sur charbon actif en poudre couplé à l’ultrafiltration (CAP/UF). Le CAP est utilisé en amont des membranes afin d’éliminer les traces de micropolluants tandis que les membranes d’UF assurent une qualité d’eau produite excellente et constante au cours du temps. Cependant, les retours d’expérience montrent une dégradation des performances de séparation liée notamment à un vieillissement des matériaux membranaires ainsi qu’une vulnérabilité du procédé vis-à-vis de certains micropolluants émergents tels que les composés organiques polaires (PMOCs). Les travaux réalisés au cours de cette thèse visent à mieux comprendre les conséquences du vieillissement chimique des membranes utilisées dans ces procédés et d’évaluer l’efficacité d’élimination de micropolluants afin de proposer des voies d’optimisation. Plus particulièrement il a été montré que la cause principale de vieillissement est l’exposition au chlore des membranes durant les phases de lavage modifiant les propriétés des matériaux. En effet, les nombreux outils de caractérisation utilisés ont permis de mettre en évidence une corrélation entre la dégradation de l’agent hydrophile des membranes et l'augmentation de la perméabilité lors de l'exposition au chlore. L’étude des performances membranaires a mis en évidence une altération de la résistance au colmatage vis-à-vis de la MO pour les membranes exposées au chlore. Cependant les résultats obtenus pour évaluer les performances de sélectivité des membranes vis-à-vis de virus n’ont pas souligné d’altérations majeures. Les essais d’adsorption ont démontré l’efficacité limitée du CAP pour la rétention des PMOCs. En effet, parmi les molécules testées, les molécules aromatiques les plus hydrophobes sont efficacement adsorbées par le CAP tandis que les plus polaires sont peu éliminées. Finalement, l’utilisation de la nanofiltration ou l’osmose basse pression, présentant des taux de rétention en moyenne supérieurs à 90%, en font des solutions techniques de choix pour l’élimination des PMOCs. / The degradation of water resources by the presence of organic matter (OM) and micropollutants requires the implementation of robust drinking water production processes. In this context, many French municipalities such as Saint Cloud and Angers have decided to set up a powdered activated carbon adsorption process coupled to ultrafiltration (PAC/UF). PAC is used upstream of membranes to remove traces of micropollutants while UF membranes provide excellent and constant water quality over time. However, the feedback reveals a degradation of the separation performances related in particular to an aging of the membrane materials and a vulnerability of the process towards some emerging micropollutants such as polar organic compounds (PMOCs).The work carried out during this thesis aims to better understand the consequences of the chemical aging of the membranes used in these processes and to evaluate the micropollutants removal efficiency in order to propose optimization ways. More particularly it has been shown that the main cause of aging is the chlorine exposure of the membranes during washing phases modifying the properties of the materials. In fact, the numerous characterization tools used have made it possible to demonstrate a correlation between the degradation of the hydrophilic agent of the membranes and the increase in the permeability during exposure to chlorine. The study of the membrane performances revealed an alteration of the resistance to fouling towards OM for membranes exposed to chlorine. However, the results obtained to evaluate the selectivity performance of the membranes with respect to viruses have not underlined any major alterations. Adsorption tests have demonstrated the limited efficiency of PAC for PMOCs removal. Indeed, among the molecules tested, the most hydrophobic and aromatic molecules are effectively adsorbed on PAC while the more polar ones are slightly adsorbed. Finally, the use of nanofiltration or low-pressure reverse osmosis, with average rejection rates over 90%, makes them the technological solutions of choice for the removal of PMOCs.

Risk Analysis for Intermittent Water Supply Systems / Risk Analysis for Intermittent Water Supply Systems

Alayoubi, Mzayan January 2015 (has links)
Intermitted Water Supply strategy is implemented commonly in some developing countries nowadays in order to minimize the water scarcity problems. Unstable hydraulic conditions in the distribution system, low pressure, high risk of water contamination, wasting water, rising costs paid by consumers and water providers, failures and problems with consumption metering and inconvenience to consumers are some of the consequences. Risk Analysis Methodology is developed to handle with intermittent water supply systems in developing countries conditions that include undesired events identification; risk estimation and risk evaluation and reduction plan, the catalogue list of potential undesired events (UE) which may occur in these types of systems have been also developed using the HAZard and OPerability technique (HAZOP). The developed methodology is implemented and tested in this research on one of the potential undesired events UE _ Low operational pressure

Measurement of Unsteady Characteristics of Endwall Vortices Using Surface-Mounted Hot-Film Sensors

Veley, Emma Michelle 28 August 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Design and Implementation of Periodic Unsteadiness Generator for Turbine Secondary Flow Studies

Fletcher, Nathan James 18 June 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Phase Locked Flow Measurements of Steady and Unsteady Vortex Generator Jets in a Separating Boundary Layer

Hansen, Laura C. 18 March 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Vortex generator jets (VGJs) have been found to be an effective method of active separation control on the suction side of a low pressure turbine (LPT) blade at low Reynolds numbers. The flow mechanisms responsible for this control were studied and documented in order to provide a basis for future improvements in LPT design. Data were collected using a stereo PIV system that enabled all three components of velocity to be measured. Steady VGJs were injected into a laminar boundary layer on a flat plate (non-separating boundary layer) in order to more fully understand the characteristics and behavior of the produced vortices. Both normal (injected normal to the wall) and angled (injected at 30° pitch and 90° skew angles to the freestream) jets were studied. The steady jets were found to create vortices that swept the low momentum fluid up from the boundary layer while transporting high momentum freestream fluid towards the wall, a phenomenon that provides the ingredients for flow control. Pulsed VGJs were then injected on a flat plate with an applied adverse pressure gradient equivalent to that experienced by a commonly tested LPT blade. This configuration was used to study the effectiveness of the flow control exhibited by both normal and angled jets on a separating boundary layer. Time averaged results showed similar boundary layer separation reduction for both normal and angled jets; however, individual characteristics suggested that the control mechanism of the two injection angles is distinct. Steady and pulsed VGJs were then applied to a new aggressive LPT blade design to explore the effect of the jets on a separating boundary layer along the curved blade surface. Steady injection provided flow control through freestream entrainment, while pulsed jets created a two-dimensional, spanwise disturbance that reduced the separated area as it traveled downstream. A detailed fluid analysis of the uncontrolled flow around the blade was performed in order to identify the separation and reattachment points and the area of transition. This information was used as a basis for comparison with the VGJ cases to determine flow control effectiveness.

Reinigung von Abwasserkanälen mittels Niederdruckspülverfahren

Dapoz, Paolo 15 January 2016 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit wird anfangs dargestellt, wie kostenintensiv und problematisch die Kanalreinigung ausfällt. Durch die demographisch bedingt rückläufigen Schmutzwassermengen und gleichzeitig prognostizierten langen Trockenperioden in den Sommermonaten muss allerdings mit einer verstärkten Akkumulation von Ablagerungen in den Kanalsystemen gerechnet werden. Zudem erweist es sich in Voraussicht auf den Klimawandel als notwendig, den gesamten Kanalquerschnitt für Starkregenereignisse von Ablagerungen freizuhalten; ansonsten ist die häufigere Entlastung des Abwassernetzes in den Vorfluter nach Füllung der vorhandenen Regenrückhaltebecken vorprogrammiert. Die Kanalreinigung wird somit in den nächsten Jahren an Bedeutung gewinnen. Vor allem bei der Reinigung von Großprofilen ist jedoch der Stand der Technik noch nicht ausgereift und die jetzigen Reinigungsmethoden erweisen sich wegen des niedrigen Reinigungserfolges sowie der starken Umweltbelastung durch die genutzten Geräte als ungeeignet. Durch die in dieser Arbeit vorgestellte und auf den Stand der Technik gebrachte Reinigungsmethode wird jedoch eine leistungsstarke Alternative geboten. In Zukunft wird es möglich sein, große Kanaldurchmesser fast vollkommen umweltneutral zu reinigen und nur mit Hilfe der Wasserkraft das gesammelte Sediment bis zum nachgeschalteten Sandfang zu mobilisieren. Mit den durchgeführten und hier dargestellten numerischen Versuchen wird in erster Linie eine geometrische Optimierung zur Erreichung der größten Mobilisierungskräfte im Hinblick auf einen ausgewählten Abschnitt der Dresdner Kanalisation vollzogen. In der nachfolgenden physikalischen Modellierung wird der Schwerpunkt auf die optimale Reinigungsgeschwindigkeit gelegt, um ein möglichst großes Volumen an Ablagerungen zu bewegen. Es muss allerdings präzisiert werden, dass während der Modellierung kein Grenzzustand erreicht werden konnte. Dieser wird schließlich durch die folgende analytische Beschreibung des Transportvorganges theoretisch bestimmt. Für das genutzte physikalische Modell wird analytisch ein Grenztransportkörper aus Modellsediment errechnet. Bei einer Übertragung auf den dazugehörigen vorhandenen Abschnitt im Dresdner Kanalnetz durch Ansetzen des Ähnlichkeitsgesetzes wird ein mobilisierbares Grenzvolumen überschlagen. Die hier dargestellten Ergebnisse der theoretischen Untersuchungen bzw. der physikalischen Modellierung wurden mit den Betreibern und den Herstellern des neuen Stauwagens diskutiert und hinsichtlich konstruktiver Schwerpunkte optimiert. Unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Kostenoptimierung und der konstruktiven Realisierung wurde von der Firma 'WKS Technik GmbH' ein Forschungsmuster zur Untersuchung in einer Pilottestphase entwickelt und gebaut. In der nachfolgenden dargestellten Testphase wurde das Ergebnis als Pilotprojekt im Dresdner Kanalnetz in mehreren Testläufen erprobt und untersucht. Nach jedem Testlauf wurden die aufgetretenen Probleme analysiert und durch Umbauten oder Veränderungen behoben. Regelmäßige Reinigungsfahrten sollten wegen der geringeren Ablagerungsmengen ein gleichmäßiges Fahren gewährleisten bzw. die Ablagerungen vollständig mobilisieren und bis zum Sandfang transportieren, um sie dort zu entnehmen. Während der Testphase wurde eine viel höhere Sedimentmenge gesammelt und transportiert als die, welche sich aus der analytischen Berechnung ergab. Dies folgte aus dem beim Naturversuch zugelassenen höheren Aufstauniveau hinter dem Spülwagen, welches ausnahmsweise zugelassen wurde, um auf eine zwischenzeitliche Sedimentabsaugung zu verzichten. / The early pages of this research thesis demonstrate how costly and problematic sewer cleaning is. Due to changing demographics causing declining amounts of wastewater and, at the same time, to predicted long dry spells during the summer months, an increased accumulation of sediments in the sewer systems has to be expected. With respect to climate change it is necessary to keep the entire sewer cross section free of sediments in order to manage heavy rainfall events; otherwise a more frequent relief of the wastewater system into the receiving water is inevitable once the rain retention basins have been filled. Thus sewer cleaning will gain in importance within the next few years. Predominantly the cleaning of large-diameter profiles, however, has not reached a state-of-the-art technology, and the current cleaning methods prove themselves to be inapt due to their very limited success as well as to the environmental burden posed by the equipment they employ. The state-of-the-art cleaning method presented in this research paper constitutes a high-powered alternative. In the future, it will be possible to clean large sewer cross sections almost entirely in an environmentally neutral fashion and to mobilize the accumulated sediment all the way to the downstream sand trap by exclusively harnessing water power. The numerical experiments conducted for this paper primarily effected a geometric optimization to achieve the maximal mobilization forces in a selected section of Dresden's sewer system. In the subsequent physical modeling the emphasis is placed on the optimal cleaning speed in order to move a maximum volume of sediments. It has to be clarified, however, that no limit state could be reached during the modeling procedure. This limit state is determined theoretically only through the following analytical description of the transport process. For the physical model at hand, the maximum transportable sediment volume made of model sediment is calculated analytically. In an extrapolation for the associated existent section in the Dresden sewer system, a mobilizable limit volume is estimated applying the law of similarity. The results of the theoretical analysis and the physical modeling presented in this work were discussed with the operators and manufacturers of the new storage vehicle and were optimized with regard to constructional core aspects. In special consideration of the cost optimization and the constructional realization, the 'WKS Technik GmbH' company developed and constructed a research prototype for a survey in a pilot test phase. During the subsequent test phase, the result was tried out and examined as a pilot project in several trial runs in Dresden's sewer system. After each trial run, the problems which had occurred were analyzed and then eliminated through constructional modifications or other alterations. Regular cleaning runs were intended to guarantee a steady movement of the cleaning vehicle due to a reduced amount of sediments, or to completely mobilize the sediments and transport them to the sand trap in order to remove them there. The sediment volume actually gathered and transported during the test phase was significantly larger than the one derived from the analytical calculation. This increase results from greater storage depths behind the flush car, which were permitted as an exception for the field test in order to go without any interim sediment extractions. / La prima parte della presente tesi di dottorato mette in evidenza le problematicità legate alla pulizia dei canali delle acque reflue, sottolineando in particolare gli enormi costi generati dall 'alta frequenza di depositi e dalla grandezza delle reti di raccolta presenti sui territori. A causa della riduzione demografica e delle condizioni meteorologiche che si stanno alterando, per il prossimo futuro si prevedono lunghi periodi di siccità, interrotti da acquazzoni intensi e brevi. Questo porterà ad un accumulo di depositi nelle reti di raccolta delle acque miste soprattutto nei mesi estivi, che implicherà a sua volta la necessità di tenere le sezioni dei canali presenti libere da depositi per consentire un appropriato deflusso e ritenzione in presenza delle suddette intense precipitazioni. Se in questi casi la ritenzione della rete fognaria non sarebbe data, infatti, si andrebbe a scaricare acque sporche sempre in maggiore quantità e con maggiore frequenza nei corsi d 'acqua di superficie, inquinando in secondo luogo anche le falde acquifere. Da questo quadro, si evince come la pulizia delle canalizzazioni acquisterà in futuro sempre una maggiore importanza. Attualmente, per la pulizia di canali di grandi dimensioni (maggiori di 1000 mm) non esistono metodi efficaci ed ecologici per movimentare i depositi presenti. Il presente lavoro espone una soluzione competitiva ai suddetti problemi. Grazie al lavoro di ricerca e sviluppo svolto, infatti, è stato elaborato un metodo con cui sarà possibile in futuro pulire canali di grosse dimensioni pressoché senza l\'impiego di energia esterna, ma solamente grazie all 'utilizzo dell 'energia dell 'acqua reflua presente nei canali, mobilizzando i depositi fino al prossimo punto presente dove sarà possibile estrarre dalla rete fognaria il materiale raccolto. L 'analisi numerica eseguita e qui rappresentata porta innanzitutto ad un 'ottimizzazione geometrica ed idraulica che consente il raggiungimento delle maggiori forze di mobilizzazione possibili per un segmento scelto della rete fognaria della città di Dresda (Sassonia). Nelle prove in laboratorio correlate si è cercato di ottimizzare la velocità con la quale deve avvenire la pulizia del fondo del canale in modo da poter trasportare il più elevato volume di sedimenti possibile. Si precisa a questo riguardo che in laboratorio non è stato possibile raggiungere il limite volumetrico correlato al modello fisico utilizzato, perché i soli 24 m di lunghezza del banco di prova non hanno consentito il raggiungimento di tale stato limite. Questo limite è stato determinato successivamente attraverso un modello analitico sviluppato appositamente, il quale descrive la mobilizzazione dei sedimenti attraverso la tecnologia di pulizia utilizzata. Attraverso i fattori di conversione che regolano le leggi fisiche presenti tra modello di laboratorio e natura è stato possibile in seguito rapportare il limite volumetrico al segmento reale utilizzato per le prove numeriche. Usando i risultati ottenuti sia dalle analisi numeriche che dalle prove di laboratorio è stato sviluppato e poi realizzato un prototipo assieme al partner commerciale 'WKS Technik GmbH', prestando particolare attenzione all 'ottimizzazione costruttiva e dei costi di produzione. Questo prototipo è stato testato per diverse volte in un tratto di circa quattro chilometri della canalizzazione di Dresda. Dopo ogni corsa sono stati analizzati i punti deboli del metodo di pulizia nonché del prototipo stesso e si è provveduto ad eliminarli. Gli ultimi test hanno confermato il funzionamento di tale prototipo offrendo inoltre una buona validazione del modello analitico sviluppato in precedenza.

Experimental analysis and multidimensional modeling of water condensation due to low-pressure exhaust gas recirculation activation during engine cold starts

Moya Torres, Francisco 17 October 2022 (has links)
[ES] El creciente uso de la recirculación de gases de escape durante los últimos años debido a su impacto en la reducción de las emisiones NOx y a la alta demanda de soluciones por parte de los nuevos ciclos de homologación para reducir emisiones, ha provocado la necesidad de estudiar en profundidad el sistema de recirculación de gases de escape para su uso de forma continua y con independencia de las condiciones ambientales. Debido a esta necesidad y sabiendo que el principal problema de su uso en el ciclo de baja presión es la condensación generada que provoca el desgaste del rodete del compresor. Ha hecho necesaria la investigación en profundidad de esta técnica para conocer, entender y predecir la condensación durante el uso de la recirculación de gases de escape de baja presión. Este trabajo se ha centrado en generar, mejorar y validar los modelos de predicción de condensados, así como de desarrollar técnicas experimentales que validaran y sirivieran para entender mejor el fenómeno de la condensación, con la visión puesta en calcular la condensación en ciclos completos de homologación. Respecto al trabajo experimental de esta tesis, se han centrado los esfuerzos en medir la condensación generada en el intercambiador de calor de la línea de recirculación de gases de escape de baja presión para diferentes condiciones, simulando un arranque en frío de motor. Otro de los puntos que se ha estudiado, ha sido la condensación a la salida de la unión en la que se mezcla la recirculación de gases de escape de baja presión con el aire del ambiente proveniente de la entrada del motor. Desarrollando nuevas metodologías para la medida experimental mediante técnicas ópticas y medidas indirectas de la condensación por mezcla. En cuanto al trabajo de modelado de la condensación, se ha investigado sobre dos grandes líneas. La primera ha sido el desarrollo de modelos 0D para el cálculo de la condensación en el intercambiado de calor de la línea de recirculación de gases de escape y la verificación experimental del modelo de condensación 3D-CFD desarrollado previamente a esta tesis. El segundo punto ha consistido en el desarrollo y aproximación de nuevas metodologías mediante métodos estadísticos de la reducción de la complejidad en el cálculo de la condensación, reduciendo el número de dimensiones necesarias para calcular de forma realista la condensación en un tiempo reducido. Esto ha posibilitado el cálculo de la condensación producida en ciclos de homologación y su posterior estudio mediante análisis de sensibilidad a diferentes condiciones, estimando una duración del rodete del compresor antes de sufrir desgaste debido a la erosión con el agua. / [CA] El creixent ús de la recirculació de gasos d'escapament durant els últims anys a causa del seu impacte en la reducció de les emissions NOx i a l'alta demanda de solucions per part dels nous cicles d'homologació per a reduir emissions, ha provocat la necessitat d'estudiar en profunditat el sistema per al seu ús de manera contínua i amb independència de les condicions ambientals. A causa d'aquesta necessitat i sabent que el principal problema del seu ús és la condensació generada que provoca el desgast del rodet del compressor, ha fet necessària la seua investigació en profunditat per conéixer, entendre i predir la condensació per l'ús de la recirculació de gasos d'escapament de baixa pressió. Aquest treball s'ha centrat en generar i millorar els models de predicció de condensats així com de desenvolupar tècniques experimentals que validaren i serviren per entendre millor el fenomen de la condensació, amb l'objectiu d'estimar la condensació en cicles complets d'homologació. Respecte al treball experimental d'aquesta tesi, s'han centrat els esforços a mesurar la condensació generada a l'intercanviador de calor de la línia de recirculació de gasos d'escapament de baixa pressió per a diferents condicions simulant una arrancada en fred de motor. Un altre dels punts que s'ha estudiat ha sigut la condensació a l'eixida de la unió en la qual es mescla la recirculació de gasos d'escapament de baixa pressió amb l'aire fresc que prové de l'entrada del motor, desenvolupant noves metodologies per a la mesura experimental mitjançant tècniques òptiques i mesures indirectes de la condensació per mescla. Quant al treball de modelatge de la condensació, s'ha investigat sobre dues grans línies. La primera ha sigut el desenvolupament de models 0D per al càlcul de la condensació a l'intercanviat de calor de la línia de recirculació de gasos d'escapament i la verificació experimental del model de condensació 3D-CFD desenvolupat prèviament a aquesta tesi. El segon punt ha consistit en el desenvolupament i aproximació de noves metodologies mitjançant mètodes estadístics de la reducció de la complexitat en el càlcul de la condensació, reduint les dimensions necessàries per a calcular de manera realista la condensació en un temps reduït. Això ha possibilitat el càlcul de la condensació produïda en cicles d'homologació i el seu posterior estudi mitjançant anàlisi de sensibilitat a diferents condicions. / [EN] The increasing use of the exhaust gas recirculation during the last years due to the impact reduction on the NOx emissions and the high demand on solutions to fulfill the homologation restrictions has revealed the need of studying deeply the system to operate continuously and independently of the boundary conditions. As a consequence of this and knowing that the main drawback of employing the low pressure exhaust gas recirculation is the condensation generation that causes erosion on the compressor impeller, research is required to understand and to predict the condensation during the exhaust gas recirculation activation. This work has been focused on generating and improving the modelling condensation prediction; and also, the development of experimental techniques that validates the proposed models for calculating the condensation water at cold warm-up homologation cycles. Concerning the experimental work presented on the thesis, the eorts has been focused on the condensation measurements in two dierent locations. On one hand, on the low pressure exhaust gas recirculation cooler, changing inlet conditions while simulating warm-up conditions on an engine. On the other hand, the condensation has been measured at the three-way junction outlet where the exhaust gas recirculation is mixed with fresh air coming from the ambient. Also, novel methodologies has been developed for measuring with optical techniques and with indirect measurements the mixing condensation. In terms of the condensation modeling, this thesis has been based in two main topics. The first topic regarding modeling was a 0D condensation model for calculating the condensation on heat exchangers and in particular, on low pressure exhaust gas recirculation coolers. Following this topic, it has been a quantitative validation of a 3D-CFD condensation submodel by means of experimental measurements. The second topic has been centered on developing new statistical methodologies for reducing the condensation calculation complexity on multi-dimensional simulations and reducing multi-fidelity parameters with the reduction of the computational cost. These methodologies have allowed to calculate the condensation on homologation cycles and to perform sensitivity analysis with different conditions. / The respondent wishes to acknowledge the financial support received through contract FPI-GVA-ACIF-2019 grant of the Government of Generalitat Valenciana and the European Social Fund. The equipment used in this work and the inter- national stay has been partially supported through the following project: • Project grant number GV/2020/008 of the “Conselleria de Innovación, Uni- versidades, Ciencia y Sociedad Digital de la Generalitat Valenciana” • Grant for the international stay number BEFPI-2020 of the “Conselleria de Innovación, Universidades, Ciencia y Sociedad Digital de la Generalitat Valenciana” and the European Social Fund / Moya Torres, F. (2022). Experimental analysis and multidimensional modeling of water condensation due to low-pressure exhaust gas recirculation activation during engine cold starts [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/187990 / TESIS

The Origin of Certain Granitic Rocks Occurring In Glamorgan Township, Southeastern Ontario / Origin of Certain Granitic Rocks

Chesworth, Ward 05 1900 (has links)
<p> Glamorgan township in southeastern Ontario, is underlain by Precambrian rocks of the Grenville province. Prominent amongst these are migmatite, paragneiss, and granite gneiss, VJhich collectively form a series of rocks (the Glamorgan gneiss aeries). </p> <p> Field work revealed that this series is completely gradational from a geological aspect, and that the geological gradation is complemented by a geochemical gradation. <p> An explanation of these gradational relationships constitutes the main contribution of this study. The conclusions reached are that partial melting of paragneiss produced migmatite and a trondhjemitic melt, which later produced granitic (in the strict sense) derivatives. </p> <p> In developing the main conclusions, a number of subsidiary problems are discussed, chief of which are the possible metavolcanic or metasedimentary o'rigin of the paragneiss and the possible origin of so-called diorite as a differentiate of an alkaline gabbro. Metamorphism was concluded to be of Miyashiro's low pressure intermediate type. </p> <p> By the use of experimentally determined reactions and stability fields a metamorphic grid was devised, which led to the following upper limits of metamorphic conditions: 550 to 650°C and 3 to 6.5 kilobars total pre5sure. These estimates in turn lead to the following limiting geothermal gradients: 25 to 55°C per kilometre. </p> <p> The Glamorgan occurrence was found to share three characteristics with many other Precambrian terrains : 1. migmatisation and emplacement of granite accompanied high grade metamorphism; 2. an early sodium-rich granite was followed by a more potassic one; and 3. the more sodic granite is associated with a small amount of basic igneous rock. These three generalisations were used to formulate a possible model for deep crustal petrogenesis. </p> / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

On the Experimental Evaluation of Loss Production and Reduction in a Highly Loaded Low Pressure Turbine Cascade

Bear, Philip Steven January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Mathematical Modeling and Analysis of a Variable Displacement Hydraulic Bent Axis Pump Linked to High Pressure and Low Pressure Accumulators

Abuhaiba, Mohammad 16 June 2009 (has links)
No description available.

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