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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kalojen kuninkaan tie sukupuuttoon:Kemijoen voimalaitosrakentaminen ja vaelluskalakysymys 1943–1964

Alaniska, K. (Kari) 20 November 2013 (has links)
Abstract The harnessing of Kemijoki-river became topical at the end of 1944 after the second world war when Pohjolan Voima Ltd, founded by industrial representatives, combined the re-building of the destroyed bridges and building of Isohaara power plant. The government eagerly supported the project. Kemijoki-river was the most important salmon river in Europe, and therefore the fishing issue concerned many. The power company and the politicians promised to handle the fishing issue after it had been thoroughly examined. At first fish transfers were attempted, for which the company expropriated the water areas below the dam. The fish transfers were managed by Lapin läänin Kalastuskuntain liitto. The transfers faced a lot of critique from the beginning, but no intervention took place. Most of the salmon were sold to cover the expenses. As the discontent increased, a fish lift was built in summer 1951. As expected, it could not meet the expectations. However, it could be considered to be the fish transfer device required by law. The next step was to focus on the fish farming, which was widely advertised. But unfortunately also those results were meager. A state-run Kemijoki Ltd, founded in 1954, built also the other power plants of the river Kemijoki. The outlook of Kemijoki Ltd to the fishing issue was similar to Pohjolan Voima Ltd; it was simply inessential for the nation. Fish ladders were not considered necessary, and officially not even credited. The politicians and other authorities also agreed with this view. The local fishing spokesmen still insisted on demanding fish roads, or at least proper compensations for the losses of salmon fishermen, but the issue seemed to be delayed indefinitely due to various problems. In 1964 the Isohaara power plant received the final planning permission. Simultaneously, it also defined the compensations, which raised discontent and started a thread of complaints. The main reason for the disappearance of salmon in Kemijoki-river can be concluded to be due to the unofficial alliance of the industry and the politicians; the water power of Kemijoki-river needed to be harnessed quickly to serve the development of the society. It was advertised especially for the advanced well-being of Lapland. Furthermore, this action was supported specifically from the point of view of the local employment. Pohjolan Sanomat, the organ of Maalaisliitto, strongly supported the power plant building of northern waters argumenting the regional policy. This dampened most of the criticism. It can be stated that all the other functions of Kemijoki-river were underestimated. The function of the river was only to produce electricity, which quickly led to the extinction of migratory fish by the 1960s. The salmon in Kemijoki-river had become history. / Tiivistelmä Kemijoen valjastaminen tuli ajankohtaiseksi loppuvuodesta 1944, kun teollisuuden edustajien toimesta perustettu Pohjolan Voima Oy yhdisti tuhoutuneiden siltojen ja Isohaaran voimalaitoksen samanaikaisen rakentamisen. Valtiovalta kannatti hanketta nopeasti. Kemijoki oli Euroopan tärkein lohijoki, joten kalakysymys huolestutti. Voimayhtiö ja poliitikot lupasivat hoitaa asian, kun sitä olisi ensin tutkittu. Aluksi kokeiltiin ylisiirtoja, joiden järjestelyjä varten yhtiö pakkolunasti padon alapuolisen vesialueen. Ylisiirrot sai hoitaakseen Lapin läänin Kalastuskuntain liitto. Toimintaa arvosteltiin alusta pitäen, mutta siihen ei puututtu. Suurin osa lohista myytiinkin kulujen kattamiseksi. Tyytymättömyyden lisääntyessä rakennettiin kalahissi, joka valmistui kesällä 1951. Kuten oli arveltu, se ei kyennyt täyttämään odotuksia, mutta sen voitiin katsoa olevan lain edellyttämä kalansiirtolaite. Seuraavaksi päätettiin tehostaa kalanviljelytoimintaa, jota mainostettiin laajasti. Myös sen tulokset jäivät kehnoksi. Vuonna 1954 perustettu valtiojohtoinen Kemijoki Oy rakensi joen muut vesivoimalaitokset. Kemijoki Oy suhtautui kalakysymykseen kuten Pohjolan Voima; asia oli toisarvoinen. Kalaportaita ei pidetty tarpeellisina, eikä niihin virallisesti edes uskottu. Myös poliitikot ja muut päättäjät asettuivat samalle kannalle. Paikalliset kalastuksen edustajat vaativat yhtä kalateitä tai ainakin kunnollisia korvauksia, mutta asia tuntui erilaisten ongelmien takia aina vain viivästyvän. Vuonna 1964 Isohaaran voimalaitos sai lopullisen rakennuslupansa. Siinä määriteltiin myös korvaukset, jotka herättivät laajaa tyytymättömyyttä ja saivat aikaan valituskierteen. Tärkein syy lohen katoamiseen löytyy teollisuuden ja poliitikkojen epävirallisesta liitosta: Kemijoen vesivoima haluttiin nopeasti valjastaa palvelemaan yhteiskunnan kehittämistä. Hanketta markkinoitiin erityisesti Lapin hyvinvoinnin edistämisellä. Toimintaa kannatettiin nimenomaan työllisyysnäkökulmasta. Myös Maalaisliiton äänenkannattaja Pohjolan Sanomat tuki voimakkaasti pohjoisen vesirakentamista aluepoliittisin perustein. Tämä oli omiaan vaimentamaan kritiikkiä. Voidaan todeta, että Kemijoen kaikkia muita käyttöarvoja aliarvioitiin. Joen tehtäväksi jäi vain ja ainoastaan sähköntuottaminen, joka johti vaelluskalakantojen nopeaan sukupuuttoon 1960-luvulle tultaessa. Kemijoen lohesta oli tullut historiaa.

Konsten att påverka med design : En fallstudie av kampanjen #VÅRTHAV / The art of influencing with design : A case study of the #OURSEA camapign

Quennerstedt, Frida January 2021 (has links)
At a time when changing habits are advocated for both personal and collective goals, knowledge from several scientific disciplines can be used for communication. In order for people to break old habits and create new ones, they may in some cases need a push in the right direction. With nudging one can in different ways help people take decisions more easily and make choices with the goal that it will benefit the individual or the collective, but in some cases there’s a risk that the one who initiates the nudge uses it for their own benefit. Through a case study of the #OURSEA campaign, initiated by Moomin Characters Ltd., in collaboration with the John Nurminen Foundation, this thesis intends to investigate and identify how nudging is used to convey information and change behaviors. The analysis is based on the behavioral science theory nudging. To go in depth, suggestions are given on how the campaign can develop communication based on the theoretical framework in relation to graphic design. Throughout the text, a critical discussion is held about the material and about how and when the graphic designer has a responsibility regarding the use of the theories. The results show how nudging can also be used in graphic design, despite the fact that the subject and the connection between the two disciplines have not previously been thoroughly explored in regards of each other.

Leadership in the context of organisational change with reference to Caltex Refinery's Project Zero-Zero-One

Schreiner, Charles 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Business turnarounds usually involve drastic changes in an organisation. Change involves people and their emotions - positive and negative. Central to change stands a leadership team. Continuous change is a constant in the equation of competitiveness in today's economy. It is inevitable and definitely not an easy process, however, it becomes so much easier with the right people in the right positions together with a leader who mapped the route for the change vehicle. The right people do not need that much motivation to be inspired on the journey of implementing and sustaining change. This study concentrated mainly on the leadership skills observed during the change process at Callex Refinery, Cape Town. The author observed during the initiating and implementation stages of the change process that the leader did not build a coalition team, managers became less available and visible, face-to-face communication fell short of what was needed and a lack of feedback on performance resulted in mediocre performance. This resulted into lacklustre performances of the people. It is the responsibility of the leader to create a sense of urgency among his people. The leader continuously reminds his people where they are in relation to their vision; what is required to achieve the vision; how they will get there through trusting relationships, learning and development, teamwork and collaboration inside and outside the walls of the organisation. Great leaders create a climate of trust that is based on mutual respect and caring; the leader empowers his team in a caring environment. Mediocre results prevail in the absence of effective leadership. Effective leaders remind their people through communication why change is inevitable. They engage in dialogue, reflect, listen actively and lead by example whilst showing a sense of curiosity. Effective leaders grow new leaders. These leaders pay attention to what they will leave behind after they leave. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Besigheidskentering gaan gewoonlik gepaard met drastiese veranderinge in 'n organisasie. Mense en hul emosies - positief of negatief - word gewoonlik by die veranderingsproses betrek. Midde in die verandering is 'n leierskapspan. Voortdurende verandering is 'n gegewe in vandag se mededingende ekonomie. Dit is onvermydelik en beslis nie 'n maklike proses nie, tog raak dlt makliker met die regte mense in die regte posisies saam met 'n leier wat die roetekaart opstel vir die veranderingstuig. Die regte mense het nie soveel motivering nodig om hul te inspireer op hul reis na die implementering en volhouing van verandering nie. Hierdie werkstuk konsentreer hoofsaaklik op die leierskap vermoë waargeneem gedurende die veranderingsproses by Caltex Raffinadery in Kaapstad. Die skrywer het gedurende die begin- en implementeringstadiums van die veranderingsproses opgelet dat die leier nie 'n koalisie span gebou het nie, bestuurders minder sigbaar geword het, van aangesig tot aangesig kommunikasie was nie wat dit moes wees nie en 'n gebrek aan terugvoer oor werkverrigting het uitgeloop op middelmatige werkverrigting. Dit het flou werkverrigting van werknemers tot gevolg gehad. Dit is die verantwoordelikheid van die leier om by sy mense 'n bewuswording van dringendheid te skep. Die leier moet voortdurend sy mense herinner aan waar hulle is in verhouding tot hul visie; wat verwag word om die visie te vol bring; hoe hulle daarby uit gaan kom deur vertrouensverhoudinge, leer en ontwikkeling, spanwerk en samewerking binne en buite die mure van die organisasie. Goeie leiers skep 'n klimaat van vertroue wat gebaseer is op respek en omgee: die leier bemagtig sy span in 'n sorgsame omgewing. Middelmatige resultate seëvier in die afwesigheid van effektiewe leierskap. Effektiewe leiers herinner mense deur kommunkiasie, hoekom verandering onvermydelik is. Hulle neem deel in tweesprake, reflekteer, luister aktief en lei deur hul voorbeeld terwyl hulle ook 'n mate van nuuskierigheid toon. Effektiewe leier kweek nuwe leiers. Hierdie leiers skenk aandag aan watter nalatenskap hulle gaan agterlaat as hulle self moet weggaan.

The development of a high achievement culture at Continental Tyre SA (Pty) Ltd

Zamisa, Sakhiwo Glen 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: As Continental Tyre SA strives to carve a path towards high performance, it is critical that the nine (9) factors of workplace practices, suggested by David Maister, are embraced fully and become integral part of its strategic direction. To be able to achieve as a world-class low cost producer of quality tyres, Continental Tyre SA will not only upgrade its technology and improve processes, but also the development of its employees to their best ability is imperative. As the study findings have shown, there is an unwavering commitment and enthusiasm from employees at Continental Tyre. Senior management must capitalize on these positive results in building and instilling more pride, by ensuring that employees are empowered and capacitated to fulfill their personal ambitions and the goals of the organisation at large. For Continental to deliver high quality and maintain supreme standards of service as expected by its customers, they have to ensure that all employees, as people who are in the front line of customer service, are equipped with appropriate knowledge to understand all their products and the unique needs of customers. Quality Systems have to be strengthened and updated regularly through audits, so as to align with global best performers. Another critical consideration of people management are coaching and mentorship programs, that serve as a guide and support to employees development processes. Employees must be encouraged to discuss the issues that affect their performance within this relationship. This management practice helps to exploit the full potential of individual employees as they strive to contribute by the achievement of high performance within the organisation. The culture of high performance is enhanced by well managed and effective protege - mentor relationships that are practiced throughout the organisation. With coaching, complex and highly intimidating change interventions are handled with great confidence by employees. Fair compensation and incentive schemes have become a critical part of reward systems, and Continental Tyre SA is no exception. However, for this business practice to achieve its intended objective, reward and motivation, it has to be implemented in an equitable and fair manner, consistent with the efforts and contributions of employees, When fair, compensation will tend to have a postive influence on the other factors. High levels of satisfaction will not be guaranteed by fair compensation only, but employees will enjoy their work more when allowed to be creative and when given the freedom to make decisions that determine how they will do their job best. Continental Tyre can derive satisfaction and encouragement from the outcome of the survey. Real satisfaction will come from financial and market performances that confinm the positive results of the high achievement research study. Lastly, the culture survey must be developed as an organisation practice that will ensure regular, reliable feedback of employee opinions. Not only will Continental Tyre SA be able to maintain and gain loyalty from its present employees with progressive high achievement practices, they will gradually attain the status of employer of choice, thereby attracting ta lented high potential employees. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In Continental Tyre SA se strewe na hoë werkverrigting is dit essensieel dat die nege faktore aangaande werkplek-praktyke soos deur David Maisler voorgestel, ten volle aanvaar word om 'n integrale deel van die organisasie se strategie te vorm. Om hul beeld as verskaffers van wereldklas, lae-koste, gehalte bande uit te leef, poog Continental SA nie alleen om tegnologie te verbeter en sodoende prosesse te verhoog nie, maar is die ontwikkeling van die organisasie se werknemers se vermoens van kardinale belang. Bevindinge uit die studie toon 'n intense toewyding en belangstelling onder werknemers by Continental Tyre SA. Dit is dus noodsaaklik dat senior bestuur voortbou op die bevinding deur geleenthede te skep vir die bemagtinging van werknemers om hul persoonlike ambisies en doelwitte uit te leef, wat op die lange duur tot voordeel van die maatskappy kan strek. Om te verseker dat Continental Tyre SA diens van hoë gehalte en net die hoogste standaarde lewer, soos deur hul klienle verwag word, moet daar toegesien word dat alle werknemers, wat gewoonlik in die voorste linies is as dit kom by klientediens, toegerus word met die nodige kennis oor produkte asook oor die unieke behoeftes van kliente. Die voortdurende versterking en opgradering van kwaliteitstelsels deur middel van ouditte sal verseker dat in pas gebly word met globale presteerders. In mensebestuur moet daar ook krities gekyk word na afrigting- en mentorskapprogramme, wat kan dien as gids en wat ondersteuning kan verleen aan die ontwikkelingsproses van werknemers. Werknemers behoort aangemoedig te word om kwessies rakende hul prestasies binne hierdie verband te bespreek. Sodanige bestuurspraktyk moedig werknemers aan om individueel tot volle potensiaal te ontwikkel in hul strewe om deur die lewering van kwaliteit werk ook 'n bydrae tot die organisasie te maak. Effektiewe en goedbestuurde protege/mentor verhoudinge wat toegepas word in die hele organisasie verhoog die kultuur van hoë werkverrigting en prestasie. Gekompliseerde en hoogs intimiderende veranderingsintervensies kan met die hulp van afrigting, met groot selfvertroue deur werknemers hanteer word. Billike kompensasie en aansporingskemas het al 'n kritieke deel van besoldiging geword in organisasies en Continental Tyre SA is geen uitsondering nie. As besigheidspraktyk met motivering en vergoeding as doelwit, moet hierdie doelwit in pas met die bydraes en pogings van werknemers, op 'n billike wyse ge'implimenteer word. Indien vergoeding billik is, sal dit neig om ander faktore positief te be'invloed. Billike vergoeding lei nie noodwendig tot hoë tevredenheidsvlakke by werknemers nie, maar werknemers sal hul werk meer genotvol vind indien hulle toegelaat word om meer kreatief te wees en die vryheid gegun word om besluite te neem oor hoe om optimaal te funksioneer in hul werk. Die uitslag van die opname kan dien as aanmoediging vir Continental Tyre SA, wat met reg tevrede daarmee kan wees. Werklike bevrediging sal uitvloei uit die finansiele- en markaanwysings wat die positiewe resultate van die hoogstaande studie-navorsing weerspieel. Ten slotte moet die kultuuropname ontwikkel word tot 'n gereelde, betroubare terugvoering van die opinies van werknemers. In die lig hiervan sal Continental SA nie slegs die lojaliteit en hoë werkverrigtingspeil van sy huidige werknemers handhaaf en behou nie, maar sal die status van werkgewer volgens keuse behaal gaandeweg bereik word en sodoende talentvolle, hoë profiel werknemers gelok word.

來所廚具店 / Luxl Hardwares Ltd.

張賀翔, Chang, Henry Unknown Date (has links)
In Metro Vancouver, immigrants are moving in at a rapid pace and many of them come from a wealthy background. Many of these wealthy people are looking to either buy a new home or renovate one. In Vancouver, the housing market has been growing exponentially in the past few years. There is a direct correlation with the Kitchen and Furniture Hardware Industry and the Housing Market. Due to the growth opportunity of the housing market, the Kitchen and Furniture Hardware Industries has a lot of potential. Luxl Hardwares Ltd. will be formed as a retail company that specializes in Kitchen and Furniture hardwares for high-end consumers in the Metro Vancouver region. The store will be located in an upscale region in Vancouver and will provide customers a luxurious atmosphere with well-designed interior furnishing. Its founders have extensive experience in the Kitchen and Furniture hardware industry as they have experience on distributing Kitchen and Furniture hardware. The company also provides customers with interior design service. Luxl Hardwares Ltd. allows clients to immerse themselves into the Kitchen and Furniture Hardware industry as well as helping clients build around a network of people within the industry. The business will drive the number of people into purchasing high end products and in addition, this new attraction will bring economic benefits to the industry and the region. Promoting new products is one of the key factors to a successful business model, as it will guarantee long-term growth, profit, and sustainability of the business model as well as the industry.

Alignment between the brand positioning and culture : the case of Santam Ltd

Van der Walt, Maarten 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In service industries, the people are the brand and the brand is the people (Taylor, 2003:136). People are one of the dimensions that differentiate a brand (the others are product, price, place, promotion, process, physical evidence). The realisation of the brand promise depends on how the staff will live the brand in their daily activities. If staff treats customers badly, the effect on the image of the company is negative and the brand promise made to customers is not fulfilled. There are unfortunately many misguided companies that expect that a new name, fancy logo and flashy advertising campaign by themselves are enough to attract customers (Taylor, 2003:3). Culture: Several studies (De Geus, 1997; Fitz-Enz in Barret, 1998) examined the key factors contributing to corporate longevity and identified six characteristics of long-lasting, successful companies. These companies focus on more than just financial results and the identified characteristics show a strong focus on building a positive organisational culture. There are many models of organisational culture. Santam used the model developed by Richard Barret (1998), which links human needs and personal motivations with human consciousness. He consequently identified seven levels of organisational consciousness based on the view that organisations grow and develop in the same way that individuals do, according to seven well-defined developmental stages. Organisations that learn how to master all seven needs operate from a full spectrum consciousness (Barret, 2006:26). Barret (2006:26), showed that these are the most resilient and profitable corporations because they have the ability to respond appropriately to all business needs. Culture is the DNA of the company and can be seen as the driving force for all actions, decisions and belief systems of the organisation, whether at a conscious or unconscious level. Moser (2003:11) notes that, before a company can project a unique, external brand, you must first understand the company’s internal character. This internal identity, defined by values that the company considers integral to its existence, is the source from which all other aspects of the brand will, ideally, flow. Brand: According to Roberts (2005:27), on an average day, a person can expect to have been in touch with around 1 500 trademarked products. In some supermarkets there are up to 35 000 trademarked products. Because the consumer is bombarded by so many products and services, all the marketing and advertising strategies in the world mean nothing unless the consumer defines the product as a brand. Moser (2003:2) distinguishes between the internal and external parts of the organisation. The internal part of the company has to do with the company itself: how well it knows itself, what its values are, how consistently it acts in accordance with its values and what it really believes about the quality of its products and services. The external part of a company’s identity is how well it connects and relates to others. The better it knows itself and what it stands for, the better it connects with everyone who comes in contact with the brand – investors, suppliers, employees, prospects and even competitors. According to Campbell (2003:34), brand positioning is the key to success. Understanding the brand’s “positioning” statement (the blueprint of what it is, what it represents and where it is going) helps designers to interpret the brand’s personality. Positioning helps a company to define who and what it is and what it does. It explains where a company fits into the marketplace, what it has to offer that is unique and why people should care. Santam: In 2005, Santam developed its current strategy, also called the 2010 strategy. The mission and vision were condensed into a purpose statement: To be the best in everything we choose to do. The purpose statement is supported by six strategic thrusts. As part of the 2010 strategy, Santam has gone through a process of repositioning the Santam brand to become a leadership brand. Santam will remain a monolithic brand, with all aspects of the business branded “Santam”. The market in Santam can be divided into personal insurance and commercial insurance. The personal insurance market is segmented, using income and life stage as criteria. This segment can be divided into two sub-segments:  Clients who are active in the insurance market; and  Clients who are entering the insurance market. The commercial insurance market is segmented according to the size of the business (based on the number of employees) and the life stage of the business. To become a leading brand, Santam has to offer something customers want and which competitors do not offer – a unique product in the insurance market. Santam wants to challenge the industry by offering value, providing reassurance and making it easy for customers to do business with them. However, they do not want to lose direct customers (customers not dealing with a broker) and weaken their relationship with brokers Santam’s brand promise includes a proactive approach per segment. The benefit it promises to the client is that Santam will make life safer (risk management), resulting in life being nicer (rewards and other benefits through partnering with stakeholders in the value chain). Santam made use of an extensive process to identify and develop values that will support the brand positioning. Several workshops were held around the company, involving as many employees as possible. The outcome of the workshops and the new brand positioning was announced at a company-wide event, to which all Santam employees were flown from all over South Africa. The values were populated against three philosophies and were communicated at the event. The three philosophies and seven values communicated were the following:  Inspire: Passion and committed  Embrace: Care, integrity and diversity  Think Big: Inventive and excellence. The purpose of the event was to make a bold statement through showing employees that Santam cares and simultaneously communicating the new Santam brand positioning to them. After the event, the culture was measured by populating the values into Barret’s (1998:67) cultural model. The objective of the culture measurement was twofold:  To determine the gap between the current culture and the future culture that will enable the company to achieve the strategy; and  To determine how entrenched the values that were identified are. The culture survey showed the gap between what staff value personally, the current culture and the desired future values. After the measurement, the survey results were work-shopped with all business units to validate the results and to determine when to start, stop and continue actions. All these actions resulted in a values and behaviour framework (appendix 1) that can be used in a culture-transformation framework. The purpose of the framework is to develop the culture that supports the brand.

Strategic leadership, entrepreneurship and organisational change : a case study of Imperial Holdings Ltd.

Walker, Erin 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The main purpose of this research report is to create a case study of the JSE listed company, Imperial Holdings Ltd. around the theme of strategic leadership, entrepreneurship and organisational development. In a nutshell – the development of an entrepreneurial organisation into a professional organisation. The second purpose is to discuss literature around the theme of strategic leadership, entrepreneurship and organisational development. This topic was further broken down into five topics including strategic leadership, organisational strategy, owner start-up dynamics and entrepreneurship, owner transition and succession management, organisational and cultural change and the theory of organisational maturity development. Imperial Holdings Ltd. is a diversified industrial services and retail group with activities spanning logistics, car rental, tourism, financial services, vehicle distribution and retail operating in South Africa, Africa, Europe and Australia. Imperial is listed on the Johannesburg stock exchange and the group is run on a decentralised management structure that actively encourages entrepreneurship, innovation and industry specific best practice. The Imperial story is presented as two chapters. The first chapter covers the period 1948 to 2007 with a specific focus on Bill Lynch. He was CEO from 1990 to 2006 and was with Imperial from inception. Bill Lynch won the prestigious Ernest and Young World Entrepreneur award in 2006 and passed away almost a year later. With his passing came the world financial crisis in 2008 and a low period in Imperial‟s history. The second chapter in the story brings Hubert Brody in as the new CEO of Imperial. He is a more cautious person with a CA (SA) background that brought many changes to Imperial‟s strategy and financial structure. In late 2009 and 2010 Imperial started to recover in terms of profit growth and share price. Specific literature on the development of entrepreneurial organisations into professional organisations is almost nonexistent according to the researcher. Most literature found deals only with organisational development and transition management. All the literature is captured and summarised into a conceptual model that can be used in the development of entrepreneurial organisations into professional organisations. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die hoofdoel van hierdie navorsingsverslag is om 'n gevallestudie op te stel t.o.v. Imperial Holdings Ltd. ('n gelyste maatskapy op die Johannesburgse Effektebeurs) rondom die tema van strategiese leierskap, entrepeneurskap en organisatoriese ontwikkeling. In 'n neutedop saamgevat – die ontwikkeling van 'n organisasie vanaf entrepeneursvlak tot 'n professionele vlak. Die tweede doelwit is om inligting rondom die temas van strategiese leierskap, entrepeneurskap en organisatoriese ontwikkeling te ondersoek en te ontleed. Hierdie onderwerp word verder opgedeel in vyf afdelings wat insluit strategiese leierskap, organisatoriese strategieë, die ontginningsdinamiek en entrepeneurskap van die eienaar, eienaarsoordrag- en opvolgingsbestuur, organisatoriese en kulturele veranderinge en die teorie agter volgehoue organisatoriese groei. Imperial Holdings Ltd. is 'n gediversifiseerde industriële diens- en kleinhandelgroep met aktiwiteite wat logistieke dienste, motorverhuring, toerisme, finansiële dienste en voertuigverspreiding- en verkope in Suid-Afrika, Afrika, Europa en Australië insluit. Imperial is gelys op die Johannesburgse Effektebeurs en die bestuursmodel is gebaseer op 'n desentraliseerde bestuursstruktuur wat entrepeneurskap, vernuwende denke en industrie gekonsentreerde praktyke aanmoedig. Die Imperial verhaal word aangebied as twee hoofstukke. Die eerste hoofstuk dek die periode 1948 tot 2007 met 'n spesifieke fokus op Bill Lynch. Hy was die hoof uitvoerende bestuurder vanaf 1990 tot 2006 en was daar vanaf die begin van Imperial se bestaan. Mnr. Lynch het in 2006 afgesterf, amper 'n jaar nadat hy die gesogte Ernest and Young World Entrepreneur toekennning verwerf het. Na sy afsterwe het onder meer 'n wêreldwye finansiële krisis gevolg wat in 2008 'n lae periode in Imperial se prestasiemodel verteenwoordig. Die tweede hoofstuk fokus op die nuwe uitvoerende besturende direkteur van Imperial, mnr. Hubert Brady, se bydrae tot nuwe groei en veranderinge op strategiese en finansiële vlak in die maatskappy. Hy is 'n meer konserwatiewe bestuurder met 'n CA (SA) agtergrond. Dit was baie moeilik vir hierdie navorser om spesifieke literatuur en inligtingsmateriaal te vind oor die transformasie van entrepeursorganisasies na professionele organisasies. Meeste huidige navorsingsmateriaal fokus slegs op organisatoriese - en oorgangsbestuursmodelle. Al die materiaal in hierdie navorsingsverslag is versamel en saamgevat in 'n konseptuele model wat gebruik kan word in die ontwikkeling van entrepeneursorganisasies na professionele organisasies.

Rescuing an information system : analysis of non-performance and recommendations for success

Van Deventer, Sean 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: DeLone and McLeans information system success model was used to evaluate Psiteks information system. The literature helped establish the required status of a successful information system. The literature helped to identify the current status of Psiteks information system by contributing to a set of questions that would provide answers as to the current status of the information system. The current status of Psiteks information system was compared to the required status of a successful information system. This comparison highlighted gaps and to bridge the gaps in the future certain recommendations were made. The recommendations were as follows: the inclusion of users into information system discussions and decisions, training and documentation, process and procedure implementation and information system technical design review. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: DeLone en McLean se informasie sisteem sukses model was gebruik om Psitek se informasie sisteem te evalueer. Die literatuur het gehelp om vas te stel wat die gewenste status van ‘n suksesvolle informasie sisteem is. Die literatuur het ook gehelp met die identifisering van Psitek se informasie sisteem se huidige status deur aanleiding te gee tot ‘n stel vrae wat gebruik kon word om informasie in te win oor die huidige status van die informasie sisteem. Die huidige status van Psitek se informasie sisteem was vergelyk met die gewenste status van ‘n suksesvolle informasie sisteem. Hierdie vergelyking het sekere gapings uitgelig en om hierdie gapings in die toekoms te oorbrug is sekere aanbevelings gemaak. Die aanbevelings was soos volg: die betrokkenheid van gebruikers in die informasie sisteem besprekings en besluite, opleiding en dokumentasie, implementering van prosesse en prosedures en hersiening van die informasie sisteem se tegniese ontwerp.

The strategy and approach with the use of open-source software in Sanlam Personal Finance (SPF)

Van der Walt, J. C. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2006. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Open-source software (055) refers to software collaboratively developed by developers across the globe, which embraces the philosophy of sharing. The fundamental idea behind open-source is that when programmers can read, redistribute, and modify the source code for a piece of software, the software evolves. The Internet plays an extremely important role in the distribution of the software and today, many 055 products are downloadable free from the Internet. Despite the inherent challenges, the research organisation Gartner predicts that the majority of mainstream IT organisations will successfully adopt formal open-source management strategies as core IT disciplines. What more, IT organisations and technology vendors who ignore the potential threats and opportunities of 055 will increasingly find themselves at a competitive disadvantage. However, organisations are not always clear on the appropriate strategy, direction, and approach to take when deciding on the role of 055 in their organisations. There is so much hype surrounding the use and the risks of open-source that it can be difficult for organisations to know what is real and what is not. Furthermore, organisations are intrigued but also stymied by the myths of the costs, support, and risks of 055. Also in South Africa, organisations and the South African Government are asking themselves how relevant the benefits and risks of the software are to them. Consequently, the aim of the study is to broaden the existing knowledge of 055 in South Africa by investigating a South African organisation's approach and decisions regarding the use of 055 in the organisation. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: "Open-Source" sagteware (OSS) verwys na sagteware wat gesamentlik ontwikkel word deur programmeerders regoor die wêreld en die filosofie van "deel met mekaar" omvat. Die wesenlike idee agter "open-source" is dat wanneer programmeerders in staat is om die die bronkode van 'n program te kan lees, versprei en wysig, die sagteware verder en beter kan ontwikkel. Die Internet speel 'n belangrike rol in die verspreiding van die sagteware, en baie OSS- produkte is vandag gratis beskikbaar vir aflaai van die Internet af. Ongeag die inherente uitdagings, voorspel die navorsingsorganisasie Gartner, dat die meerderheid hoofstroom IT -organisasies formele "open-source" bestuurstrategieë suksesvol as kern IT-dissiplines sal aanneem. Wat meer is : IT-organisasies en verskaffers van tegnologie (harde en sagteware) wat die potensiële bedreigings en geleenthede van OSS ignoreer, sal hulself toenemend in 'n nadelig-kompeterende situasie bevind. Organisasies is dikwels nuuskierig, maar ook skepties ten opsigte van die mites rondom kostes, ondersteuningstelsels en risiko's verbonde aan OSS. Sommige organisasies het nie altyd helderheid rondom die toepaslike strategie, rigting en aanslag wat gevolg moet word, wanneer 'n besluit rondom die rol van OSS binne hul organisasies geneem moet word nie. Verder is soveel verkeerde persepsies en onsekerheid rondom die gebruik van, en risiko's verbonde aan "open-source", dat dit vir sommige organisasies moeilik raak om te onderskei tussen die feite en fiksie. Ook in Suid-Afrika vra organisasies en die Suid-Afrikaanse Regering hulself die vraag af hoe relevant die voordele en risiko's van die sagteware werklik is, en hoe dit hul raak. Die doel van hierdie studie is om die bestaande kennis rondom OSS in Suid-Afrika te verbreed, deur ondersoek in te stel na 'n Suid-Afrikaanse organisasie se benadering en besluite rondom die gebruik van OSS in hul organisasie.

A critical analysis of the recubed change management initiative at Pragma

Volschenk, Louis 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2006. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Today's market environment stands in stark contrast to the business world of just a few decades ago when there was less global competition, the pace of business was much slower, and work was predominantly non-tacit in nature. This new environment calls for transformational change, which is the topic of this project. It is also about a small company called Pragma that had to find its way in a twnultuous business environment. Not only has Pragma had to contend with the prevailing macroeconomic forces, but the company also found itself in one of the most turbulent market environments, namely software development. In response to mounting external pressures, Pragma launched a change initiative dubbed "Recubed". This thesis evaluates this initiative by first considering a wide spectrum of change management literature and cases before applying it to Pragma. Pragma provides solutions that improve the perfonnance of physical assets at optimal lifecyc1e cost. Since the company's foundation in 1990, it has helped hundreds of organisations ranging in size from small enterprises to large multinationals to achieve improved operational efficiency. Clients have billions of rand invested in plants and equipment. In order to be globally competitive it is crucial that they should derive optimal value from these assets during their lifecycles, and Pragma helps them achieve this through a range of offerings that include software, outsourced services, consulting, and training. In late 2003, faced with poor company perfOiTIlanCe, Pragma had to ask itself in depth questions about the industry it was competing in, the business models and corporate structures it was employing, the vision it was pursuing and the culture it was living. The first change management model to be considered is the Four Box model as it provides a very basic, yet universal approach to thinking about change. The more complicated BurkeLitwin model is discussed next, as it has in recent years become a favoured framework for thinking about organisational change and perfonnance. The DICE model is a recent innovation purported to provide some hard handles on a very soft subject. The Positive Deviance approach seeks to identify individuals or organisational divisions that defy the status quo. Organisations can then learn from their practices and apply it throughout. Collins' Good to Great model is included since it provides a non-traditional view on what is really important in bringing about lasting change. To balance this, the author also include Kotter's model as the traditional change management benchmark. The MegaChange model is based on the assumption of human capability rather than limitations. The thesis considers the situations at some large international companies that successfully transfonned themselves. These companies are P&G, Telef6nica de Espaiia, D&B, Poste Italiane, Banca Intesa, EMC and Barclays Bank. The one overriding conclusion is that deep change is possible, whatever the challenges faced or the industry under consideration might be. Yet change does not bappen by itself, and in each of the cases there was a strong leader and a competent and motivated team that supported him. Each case places emphasis on a different element of the change process, but underlying patterns emerged. These include the importance of speaking to both the hearts and minds of people, ceaseless communication, facing up to the current reality, managing simultaneously for the short and long-tenn, the alignment of systems with the vision, and progress measurement. Leadership is essential to organisational change. Change, by definition, requires an alternative vision of the future. Leaders are required to craft this vision and to get people to believe in it. Employees and managers today need to know much more about leadership than their predecessors. In the modem organisation, every employee should be a leader, as he will be required to lead at least himself. Great leaders are instigators. Their challenge is to do everything in their power to get other people to join together to make the envisioned future come true. To do this they require a capacity to stir an excitement and belief within people, and the way they do this is through words, actions, images, pictures, and scores. If they can tap into the common thread that runs through humanity's hopes and dreams, they will be successful. There are many leadership styles, each with its own pros and cons. This thesis will consider charismatic leadership, leadership when you are not the boss, servant leadership, and spiritual leadership. The leadership chapter concludes with a case study on leadership - the leadership style of Colin Powell. The main positive elements of the Recubed initiative included strong individual leadership, a willingness to face the reality of the crisis, a culture of discipline, a commitment to a Hedgehog Concept, and copious communication of the vision. The element that most set the initiative apart from other literature and cases is the use of sensual stimuli to tap into the emotional side of the audience, as well as the use of creative elements such as stories, riddles and puzzles. The primary shortcomings of the initiative relate to its implementation. There were not enough senior managers who were prepared to devote the required amount of time to cascading change down into the organisation. Progress measurement tools were also not implemented. The lack of a fonnal HR function exacerbated the implementation problems. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Vandag se mark omgewing sien daar baie anders daar uit as die besigheidswêreld van’n paar dekades gelede toe daar minder globale kompetisie was, die pas waarteen besigheid bedryf was aansienlik stadiger was, en werk tipies nie-taktiel van aard was. Hierdie nuwe omgewing verg transformele verandering, wat die onderwerp van hierdie studie is. Dit handel ook oor ‘n klein maatskappy genaarnd Pragma wat sy weg moes baan te midde van 'n ongeordende besigheidsomgewing. Pragma moes nie net rekening hou met die heersende makroekonomiese kragte nie, maar die maatskappy het homself ook bevind in een van die mees turbulente mark segmente, naamlik sagteware ontwikkeling. In reaksie op toenemende druk het Pragma 'n veranderingsinisiatief geloods wat "Recubed" genoem is. Die tesis evalueer hierdie inisiatief deur eerstens 'n wye spektrum literatuur en gevallestudies oor verandering bestuur te oorweeg voordat dit op Pragma van toepassing gemaak word. Pragma voorsien oplossings wat die prestasie van fisiese bates verbeter en die lewensiklus koste optimeer. Sedert die maatskappy se ontstaan in 1990 het dit honderde organisasies wat wissel vanaf klein ondernemings tot groot multinasionale maatskappye gehelp om hul operasionele effektiwiteit te verbeter. Kliënte besit aanlegte en toerusting ter waarde van biljoene rande. Om globaal te kan kompeteer is dit noodsaaklik dat hulle optimale waarde uit hul bates put, en Pragma help hulle hiermee deur middel van 'n reeks aanbiedinge wat sagteware, uitkontraktering, konsultasie en opleiding insluit. In laat 2003 het Pragma swak presteer, en die maatskappy was verplig om diepgaande ondersoek in te stel na die industrie waarbinne dit kompeteer, die besigheidsmodelle en strukture wat dit aanwend, die visie wat dit nastreef, en die kultuur wat dit leef. Die eerste bestuursmodel wat oorweeg word, is die Four Box-model aangesien dit 'n baie eenvoudige, maar tog universele benadering tot verandering versinnebeeld. Die meer ingewikkelde Burke-Litwin-model word ook bespreek aangesien dit die afgelope jare 'n voorkeur raamwerk vir denke oor organisasie verandering en prestasie geword het. Die DICE model is 'n onlangse innovasie wat streef daarna om vaste greep te kry op 'n klaarblyklik moeilike onderwerp. Die Positiewe Afwyking-benadering streef daarna om individue te identifiseer wat beter as die status quo presteer. Organisasies kan van hul praktyke leer en dit regdeur die organisasie aanwend. Collins se Good to Great-model word ingesluit as 'n nie-tradisionele uitkyk op wat werklik belangrik is om volhoubare verandering teweeg te bring. Ter wille van balans word Kotter se model ook beskou as 'n tradisionele riglyn vir bestuursverandering. Die MegaChange model is gegrond op die veronderstelling van menslike bekwaamheid eerder as beperkinge. Die tesis bestudeer ook 'n aantal groot internasionale maatskappye wat daarin geslaag het om suksesvol te transformeer. Hierdie maatskappye is P&G, Telefonica de Espana, D&B, Poste ltaliane, Banca Intesa, EMC en Barclays Bank. Die sentrale gevolgtrekking wat uit hierdie gevallestudies gemaak kan word, is dat verandering moontlik is, ongeag die uitdagings of industrie ter sprake. Tog gebeur verandering nie vanself nie, en in elk van die bespreekte gevalle was daar 'n sterk Ieier wat ondersteun is deur 'n bevoegde en gemotiveerde span. Elke geval benadruk 'n spesifieke element van die veranderingsproses, maar onderliggende patrone tree na vore. Dit sluit in die belangrikheid daarvan om tot mense deur te dring deur sowel hul hart as hulle verstand aan te spreek, onophoudelike kommunikasie, die trotsering van die huidige realiteit, om gelyktydig vir beide die kort- en langtermyn te bestuur, om stelsels in lyn te bring met die visie, en die meting van vordering. Leierskap staan sentraal tot verandering wat per definisie 'n alternatiewe visie van die toekoms vereis. Leiers word benodig om hierdie visie te vorm en om mense te oorreed om daarin te glo. Werknemers en bestuurders moet vandag meer weet van leierskap as hul voorgangers. Binne die moderne organisasie moet alle werknemers leiers wees, aangesien hulle ten minste hulleself sal moet lei. Goeie leiers is aanstigters. Hul uitdaging is om alles binne hul vermoë te doen om ander te kry om hulle visie 'n realiteit te maak. Dit verg die vermoë om mense te inspireer en aan te moedig deur middel van woorde, dade, beelde, prente en tellings. Hulle is suksesvol wanneer hulle mense se universele hoop en drome aanspreek. Daar is verskeie leierskap style, elk met sy eie voor- en nadele. Die tesis sal 'n aantal andersoek - charismatiese Ieierskap, leierskap wanneer jy nie die baas is nie, dienende leierskap, and geestelike leierskap. Die Ieierskap hoofstuk sluit af met 'n gevallestudie - die leierskap styl van Colin Powell. Die belangrikste positiewe elemente van die Recubed-inisiatief sluit in individuele leierskap, 'n bereidheid om die realiteit van die krisis te trotseer, 'n kultuur van dissipline, 'n verbintenis tot 'n Hedgehog Concept, en oorvloedige kommunikasie van die visie. Die element wat dit die meeste onderskei van ander modelle en gevallestudies is die gebruik van sensuele stimulus om die emosies van die luisteraars aan te spreek, asook die gebruik van kreatiewe elemente soos stories en raaisels. Die primêre tekortkomings het betrekking op die implementering van die inisiatief. Nie genoeg senior bestuurders was bereid om die tyd te bestee wat dit sou verg om die verandering deur die maatskappy te laat filter nie. Die nodige instrumente om vordering te meet, het ook ontbreek. Die gebrek aan 'n formele personeelbestuursfunksie het die probleem vererger.

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