Spelling suggestions: "subject:"lunar"" "subject:"aunar""
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Arquitectura planetaria: análisis de posibles hábitats naturales y artificiales en los entornos lunar y marciano, y su convenienciaEid-Macheh Sánchez, Yasmina 10 January 2025 (has links)
[ES] Se pretende configurar un tipo de arquitectura planetaria cuya concepción se establezca en torno a la búsqueda de las necesidades del astronauta como ser humano. A la hora de planificar un recinto planetario, debe tenerse en cuenta cómo combinar la generación de estímulos positivos para acompañar a un astronauta durante una estancia prolongada en el espacio, siendo el propósito del recinto actuar como refugio, junto a otros factores relacionados con el desarrollo de la vida humana dentro de la estructura. Estas consideraciones nos llevan entonces a la humanización de la arquitectura espacial como uno de los objetivos propuestos en esta investigación. La idea es promover el desarrollo de la actividad humana en todas sus formas posibles, dentro de las expectativas que la comunidad científica tiene sobre el posible establecimiento de una colonia humana extraterrestre y tratar de demostrar la capacidad de la arquitectura planetaria una vez que ha sido pensada al servicio de la condición humana. El objetivo es establecer criterios y pautas para la proyección y materialización de hábitats planetarios destinados, entre otras, a contribuir en mantener a los astronautas en el mejor estado físico y emocional posible durante su estancia durante largos periodos de tiempo al interior de dichos hábitats, en función de condiciones de confort ambiental como la iluminación, térmicas, acústicas, materiales, forma y composición, y relación con otros espacios necesarios para un desarrollo favorable, así como protección frente a agentes nocivos externos. De esta manera, se busca el confort y la respuesta positiva de la salud del astronauta, utilizando la arquitectura planetaria para ser considerada de acuerdo con aquellos aspectos relacionados con la funcionalidad, la construcción fuera del entorno terrestre e incluso la forma. Una vez registradas las necesidades arquitectónicas para su conformación, se consideran los aspectos formales relacionados con el hábitat, particularmente el estudio de los materiales autóctonos y el emplazamiento, destacando la importancia de la geología en la arquitectura planetaria, dadas las implicaciones del regolito lunar y marciano en los hábitats naturales a colonizar. / [CA] Es pretén configurar un tipus d'arquitectura planetària la concepció de la qual s'establisca entorn de la cerca de les necessitats de l'astronauta com a ésser humà. A l'hora de planificar un recinte planetari, ha de tindre's en compte com combinar la generació d'estímuls positius per a acompanyar a un astronauta durant una estada prolongada en l'espai, sent el propòsit del recinte actuar com a refugi, al costat d'altres factors relacionats amb el desenvolupament de la vida humana dins de l'estructura. Estes consideracions ens porten llavors a la humanització de l'arquitectura espacial com un dels objectius proposats en esta investigació. La idea és promoure el desenvolupament de l'activitat humana en totes les seues formes possibles, dins de les expectatives que la comunitat científica té sobre el possible establiment d'una colònia humana extraterrestre i tractar de demostrar la capacitat de l'arquitectura planetària una vegada que ha sigut pensada al servici de la condició humana. L'objectiu és establir criteris i pautes per a la projecció i materialització d'hàbitats planetaris destinats, entre altres, a contribuir a mantindre als astronautes en el millor estat físic i emocional possible durant la seua estada durant llargs períodes de temps a l'interior d'estos hàbitats, en funció de condicions de confort ambiental com la il·luminació, tèrmiques, acústiques, materials, forma i composició, i relació amb altres espais necessaris per a un desenvolupament favorable, així com protecció enfront d'agents nocius externs. D'esta manera, es busca el confort i la resposta positiva de la salut de l'astronauta, utilitzant l'arquitectura planetària per a ser considerada d'acord amb aquells aspectes relacionats amb la funcionalitat, la construcció fora de l'entorn terrestre i fins i tot la forma. Una vegada registrades les necessitats arquitectòniques per a la seua conformació, es consideren els aspectes formals relacionats amb l'hàbitat, particularment l'estudi dels materials autòctons i l'emplaçament, destacant la importància de la geologia en l'arquitectura planetària, donades les implicacions del *regolito lunar i marcià en els hàbitats naturals a colonitzar. / [EN] It is intended to configure a type of planetary architecture whose conception is established around the pursuit of the astronaut's needs as a human being. When planning a planetary enclosure, we must then take into consideration how to combine the generation of positive stimuli to accompany an astronaut during an extended stay, the purpose of the enclosure above all as a shelter, and other factors related to the ideal development of human life inside the structure. These considerations then lead us to the humanization of space architecture as one of the goals proposed in this research. The idea is to promote the development of human activity in all of its possible forms, within the expectations that the scientific community has about the possible establishment of an extra-terrestrial human colony and try to demonstrate the capacity of planetary architecture once it has been thought out in service of the human condition. The aim is to establish criteria and guidelines for the projection and materialization of planetary habitats specifically intended for the purpose, among others, of contributing to keeping the astronauts in the best possible physical and emotional state during their stay for long periods of time inside those habitats, based on environmental comfort conditions such as lighting, thermal, acoustic, material, form and composition, and relationship with other spaces necessary for favourable development, as well as protection against external harmful agents. In this way, we seek the comfort and positive response of the astronaut's health, using planetary architecture to be considered in accordance with those aspects related to functionality, construction outside the terrestrial environment and even form. Once the architectural needs for the conformation of the habitat have been recorded, we consider the formal aspects related to the habitat, particularly the study of indigenous material and the location itself, highlighting the importance of geology in planetary architecture, given the implications of the lunar and Martian regolith in the natural habitats to be colonized. / Eid-Macheh Sánchez, Y. (2024). Arquitectura planetaria: análisis de posibles hábitats naturales y artificiales en los entornos lunar y marciano, y su conveniencia [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/213734
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Conception et évaluation d’une intervention didactique à propos des phases de la Lune dans un planétarium numériqueChastenay, Pierre 05 1900 (has links)
Depuis l’entrée en vigueur du Programme de formation de l’école québécoise en 2001, l’astronomie est à nouveau enseignée dans les classes du Québec. Malheureusement, l’école est mal outillée pour enseigner des concepts astronomiques complexes se déroulant pour la plupart en dehors des heures de classe et sur de longues périodes de temps. Sans compter que bien des phénomènes astronomiques mettent en jeu des astres se déplaçant dans un espace tridimensionnel auquel nous n’avons pas accès depuis notre point de vue géocentrique. Les phases de la Lune, concept prescrit au premier cycle du secondaire, sont de ceux-là. Heureusement, l’école peut compter sur l’appui du planétarium, musée de sciences dédié à la présentation, en accéléré et à toute heure du jour, de simulations ultra réalistes de divers phénomènes astronomiques.
Mais quel type de planétarium secondera l’école ? Récemment, les planétariums ont eux aussi subi leur propre révolution : ces institutions sont passées de l’analogique au numérique, remplaçant les projecteurs optomécaniques géocentriques par des projecteurs vidéo qui offrent la possibilité de se déplacer virtuellement dans une simulation de l’Univers tridimensionnel complètement immersive. Bien que la recherche en éducation dans les planétariums se soit peu penchée sur ce nouveau paradigme, certaines de ses conclusions basées sur l’étude des planétariums analogiques peuvent nous aider à concevoir une intervention didactique fructueuse dans ces nouveaux simulateurs numériques. Mais d’autres sources d’inspiration seront invoquées, au premier chef la didactique des sciences, qui conçoit l’apprentissage non plus comme la transmission de connaissances, mais plutôt comme la construction de savoirs par les apprenants eux-mêmes, avec et contre leurs conceptions premières. La conception d’environnements d’apprentissages constructivistes, dont le planétarium numérique est un digne représentant, et l’utilisation des simulations en astronomie, complèteront notre cadre théorique et mèneront à la conception d’une intervention didactique à propos des phases de la Lune dans un planétarium numérique s’adressant à des élèves âgés de 12 à 14 ans.
Cette intervention didactique a été mise à l’essai une première fois dans le cadre d’une recherche de développement (ingénierie didactique) visant à l’améliorer, à la fois sur son versant théorique et sur son versant pratique, par le biais de multiples itérations dans le milieu « naturel » où elle se déploie, ici un planétarium numérique gonflable de six mètres de diamètre. Nous présentons les résultats de notre première itération, réalisée en compagnie de six jeunes de 12 à 14 ans (quatre garçons et deux filles) dont nous avons recueilli les conceptions à propos des phases de la Lune avant, pendant et après l’intervention par le biais d’entrevues de groupe, questionnaires, mises en situation et enregistrement des interventions tout au long de l’activité. L'évaluation a été essentiellement qualitative, basée sur les traces obtenues tout au long de la séance, en particulier sous la voûte du planétarium. Ce matériel a ensuite été analysé pour valider les concepts théoriques qui ont mené à la conception de l'intervention didactique, d'une part, mais aussi pour faire émerger des améliorations possibles visant à bonifier l'intervention. Nous avons ainsi constaté que l'intervention provoque effectivement l'évolution des conceptions de la majorité des participants à propos des phases de la Lune, mais nous avons également identifié des façons de rendre l’intervention encore plus efficace à l’avenir. / Since the Quebec Education Program came into effect in 2001, Quebec classrooms have again been teaching astronomy. Unfortunately, schools are ill-equipped to teach complex astronomical concepts, most of which occur outside school hours and over long periods of time. Furthermore, many astronomical phenomena involve celestial objects travelling through three-dimensional space, which we cannot access from our geocentric point of view. The lunar phases, a concept prescribed in secondary cycle one, fall into that category. Fortunately, schools can count on support from the planetarium, a science museum dedicated to presenting ultra-realistic simulations of astronomical phenomena in fast time and at any hour of the day.
But what type of planetarium will support schools? Recently, planetariums also underwent their own revolution: they switched from analogue to digital, replacing geocentric opto-mechanical projectors with video projectors that offer the possibility of travelling virtually through a completely immersive simulation of the three-dimensional Universe. Although research into planetarium education has focused little on this new paradigm, certain of its conclusions, based on the study of analogue planetariums, can help us develop a rewarding teaching intervention in these new digital simulators. But other sources of inspiration will be cited, primarily the teaching of science, which views learning no longer as the transfer of knowledge, but rather as the construction of knowledge by the learners themselves, with and against their initial conceptions. The conception and use of constructivist learning environments, of which the digital planetarium is a fine example, and the use of simulations in astronomy will complete our theoretical framework and lead to the conception of a teaching intervention focusing on the lunar phases in a digital planetarium and targeting students aged 12 to 14.
This teaching intervention was initially tested as part of development research (didactic engineering) aimed at improving it, both theoretically and practically, through multiple iterations in its “natural” environment, in this case an inflatable digital planetarium six metres in diameter. We are presenting the results of our first iteration, completed with help from six children aged 12 to 14 (four boys and two girls) whose conceptions about the lunar phases were noted before, during and after the intervention through group interviews, questionnaires, group exercises and recordings of the interventions throughout the activity. The evaluation was essentially qualitative, based on the traces obtained throughout the session, in particular within the planetarium itself. This material was then analyzed to validate the theoretical concepts that led to the conception of the teaching intervention and also to reveal possible ways to improve the intervention. We noted that the intervention indeed changed most participants’ conceptions about the lunar phases, but also identified ways to boost its effectiveness in the future.
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James Watt: a trajetória que levou ao desenvolvimento da máquina a vapor vista por seus biógrafos e homens de ciênciasTavares, Luiz Alberto 15 October 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T14:16:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2008-10-15 / Secretaria da Educação do Estado de São Paulo / The aim of this paper is to discuss the Scotch James Watt s work in the improvement of the steam engine. This research considered studies of historians from the Nineteenth-Century contemporary with him and historians from the Twentieth-Century who saw him in a more critical way.
We also consider the relationship between Watt and his partners at the University of Glasgow and at the Lunar Society, as well as his partnership with Thomas Boulton for the commercialization of the steam engine. Another point of this work is the building of his image as the main inventor of the steam engine / Esta dissertação tem por objetivo a abordagem do trabalho do escocês James Watt no aperfeiçoamento da máquina a vapor. Este levantamento foi feito a partir de estudos de historiadores do século XIX contemporâneos a Watt e historiadores do século XX que vêem Watt de forma mais crítica.
Abordamos também o relacionamento de Watt com seus parceiros, tanto na Universidade de Glasgow, como na Lunar Society, além de sua parceria com Thomas Boulton estabelecida para a comercialização da máquina. Abordamos também a projeção da sua imagem como principal inventor da máquina a vapor
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Physics at the High-Energy Frontier : Phenomenological Studies of Charged Higgs Bosons and Cosmic Neutrino DetectionStål, Oscar January 2009 (has links)
The Standard Model of particle physics successfully describes present collider data. Nevertheless, theoretical and cosmological results call for its extension. A softly broken supersymmetric completion around the TeV scale solves several of the outstanding issues. Supersymmetry requires two Higgs doublets, leading to five physical Higgs states. These include a pair of charged Higgs bosons H±, which are a generic feature of theories with multiple Higgs doublets. Using results from high-energy colliders and flavour physics, constraints are derived on the charged Higgs boson mass and couplings; both for constrained scenarios in the minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM) with grand unification, and for general two-Higgs-doublet models. The MSSM results are compared to the projected reach for charged Higgs searches at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). At the LHC, a light charged Higgs is accessible through top quark decay. Beyond a discovery, it is demonstrated how angular distributions sensitive to top quark spin correlations can be used to determine the structure of the H±tb coupling. The public code 2HDMC, which performs calculations in a general, CP-conserving, two-Higgs-doublet model, is introduced. In parallel to the developments at colliders, the most energetic particles ever recorded are the ultra-high-energy (UHE) cosmic rays. To gain more insight into their origin, new experiments are searching for UHE neutrinos. These searches require detectors of vast volume, which can be achieved by searching for coherent radio pulses arising from the Askaryan effect. The prospects of using a satellite orbiting the Moon to search for neutrino interactions are investigated, and a similar study for an Earth-based radio telescope is presented. In both cases, the method is found competitive for detection of the very highest energy neutrinos considered.
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A study of International Space Station ground/crew communication methods with applications to human Moon and Mars missionsEsper, Jennifer Eileen. January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--Mississippi State University. Department of Aerospace Engineering. / Title from title screen. Includes bibliographical references.
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Patterns in the larval vertical distribution of marine benthic invertebrates in a shallow coastal embaymentLloyd, Michelle 20 September 2011 (has links)
Processes during the meroplanktonic phase regulate population dynamics for many marine benthic invertebrates. I examined changes in vertical distribution of different meroplanktonic larvae in a coastal embayment during a stable period, at high temporal frequencies and spatial resolutions. Plankton samples were collected at 6 depths (3, 6, 9, 12, 18, 24 m) using a pump, every 2-h over a 36- and a 25-h period, during a spring and neap tide, respectively, concurrently with measures of temperature, salinity, fluorescence and current velocity. For 10 gastropod taxa, larval vertical distribution was mostly related to the thermal structure of the water column. Each of 7 taxonomic groups was found either exclusively near the surface, associated with the fluorescence maximum, or showed diel changes in distribution. These larvae that occupy different depths in the water column exhibit different dispersal potentials. / Biogeographical data contained in this thesis will be submitted to
the Oceanographic Biogeographic Information System (OBIS) and may be
accessed on-line at http://www.iobis.org
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Conception et évaluation d’une intervention didactique à propos des phases de la Lune dans un planétarium numériqueChastenay, Pierre 05 1900 (has links)
Depuis l’entrée en vigueur du Programme de formation de l’école québécoise en 2001, l’astronomie est à nouveau enseignée dans les classes du Québec. Malheureusement, l’école est mal outillée pour enseigner des concepts astronomiques complexes se déroulant pour la plupart en dehors des heures de classe et sur de longues périodes de temps. Sans compter que bien des phénomènes astronomiques mettent en jeu des astres se déplaçant dans un espace tridimensionnel auquel nous n’avons pas accès depuis notre point de vue géocentrique. Les phases de la Lune, concept prescrit au premier cycle du secondaire, sont de ceux-là. Heureusement, l’école peut compter sur l’appui du planétarium, musée de sciences dédié à la présentation, en accéléré et à toute heure du jour, de simulations ultra réalistes de divers phénomènes astronomiques.
Mais quel type de planétarium secondera l’école ? Récemment, les planétariums ont eux aussi subi leur propre révolution : ces institutions sont passées de l’analogique au numérique, remplaçant les projecteurs optomécaniques géocentriques par des projecteurs vidéo qui offrent la possibilité de se déplacer virtuellement dans une simulation de l’Univers tridimensionnel complètement immersive. Bien que la recherche en éducation dans les planétariums se soit peu penchée sur ce nouveau paradigme, certaines de ses conclusions basées sur l’étude des planétariums analogiques peuvent nous aider à concevoir une intervention didactique fructueuse dans ces nouveaux simulateurs numériques. Mais d’autres sources d’inspiration seront invoquées, au premier chef la didactique des sciences, qui conçoit l’apprentissage non plus comme la transmission de connaissances, mais plutôt comme la construction de savoirs par les apprenants eux-mêmes, avec et contre leurs conceptions premières. La conception d’environnements d’apprentissages constructivistes, dont le planétarium numérique est un digne représentant, et l’utilisation des simulations en astronomie, complèteront notre cadre théorique et mèneront à la conception d’une intervention didactique à propos des phases de la Lune dans un planétarium numérique s’adressant à des élèves âgés de 12 à 14 ans.
Cette intervention didactique a été mise à l’essai une première fois dans le cadre d’une recherche de développement (ingénierie didactique) visant à l’améliorer, à la fois sur son versant théorique et sur son versant pratique, par le biais de multiples itérations dans le milieu « naturel » où elle se déploie, ici un planétarium numérique gonflable de six mètres de diamètre. Nous présentons les résultats de notre première itération, réalisée en compagnie de six jeunes de 12 à 14 ans (quatre garçons et deux filles) dont nous avons recueilli les conceptions à propos des phases de la Lune avant, pendant et après l’intervention par le biais d’entrevues de groupe, questionnaires, mises en situation et enregistrement des interventions tout au long de l’activité. L'évaluation a été essentiellement qualitative, basée sur les traces obtenues tout au long de la séance, en particulier sous la voûte du planétarium. Ce matériel a ensuite été analysé pour valider les concepts théoriques qui ont mené à la conception de l'intervention didactique, d'une part, mais aussi pour faire émerger des améliorations possibles visant à bonifier l'intervention. Nous avons ainsi constaté que l'intervention provoque effectivement l'évolution des conceptions de la majorité des participants à propos des phases de la Lune, mais nous avons également identifié des façons de rendre l’intervention encore plus efficace à l’avenir. / Since the Quebec Education Program came into effect in 2001, Quebec classrooms have again been teaching astronomy. Unfortunately, schools are ill-equipped to teach complex astronomical concepts, most of which occur outside school hours and over long periods of time. Furthermore, many astronomical phenomena involve celestial objects travelling through three-dimensional space, which we cannot access from our geocentric point of view. The lunar phases, a concept prescribed in secondary cycle one, fall into that category. Fortunately, schools can count on support from the planetarium, a science museum dedicated to presenting ultra-realistic simulations of astronomical phenomena in fast time and at any hour of the day.
But what type of planetarium will support schools? Recently, planetariums also underwent their own revolution: they switched from analogue to digital, replacing geocentric opto-mechanical projectors with video projectors that offer the possibility of travelling virtually through a completely immersive simulation of the three-dimensional Universe. Although research into planetarium education has focused little on this new paradigm, certain of its conclusions, based on the study of analogue planetariums, can help us develop a rewarding teaching intervention in these new digital simulators. But other sources of inspiration will be cited, primarily the teaching of science, which views learning no longer as the transfer of knowledge, but rather as the construction of knowledge by the learners themselves, with and against their initial conceptions. The conception and use of constructivist learning environments, of which the digital planetarium is a fine example, and the use of simulations in astronomy will complete our theoretical framework and lead to the conception of a teaching intervention focusing on the lunar phases in a digital planetarium and targeting students aged 12 to 14.
This teaching intervention was initially tested as part of development research (didactic engineering) aimed at improving it, both theoretically and practically, through multiple iterations in its “natural” environment, in this case an inflatable digital planetarium six metres in diameter. We are presenting the results of our first iteration, completed with help from six children aged 12 to 14 (four boys and two girls) whose conceptions about the lunar phases were noted before, during and after the intervention through group interviews, questionnaires, group exercises and recordings of the interventions throughout the activity. The evaluation was essentially qualitative, based on the traces obtained throughout the session, in particular within the planetarium itself. This material was then analyzed to validate the theoretical concepts that led to the conception of the teaching intervention and also to reveal possible ways to improve the intervention. We noted that the intervention indeed changed most participants’ conceptions about the lunar phases, but also identified ways to boost its effectiveness in the future.
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馬來西亞華人的年節習俗與神話傳說—— 以檳榔嶼華裔族群為主 / Research on the traditional Malaysian Chinese New Year customary legends: Based on the Local born Chinese of Penang Island陳晶芬, Chen, Chin Fen Unknown Date (has links)
檳榔嶼鍾靈毓秀,位於馬來西亞北部,享有印度洋上的「綠寶石」和「東方明珠」稱譽,自1786年開埠迄今,具有逾2百多年悠久歷史,是馬來西亞第二大城市,更是擁有華裔族群最多的一個州屬 。以檳榔嶼華人年節習俗與神話傳說作為一個研究個案,是基於檳榔嶼原初為南渡馬來半島的華人移民定根的橋頭堡,並且佔全國華人人口比例最多的一個州屬,而且州的主政權一直以來是由華人所主導。
最後一部分將探討檳榔嶼華人對天公信仰的崇拜,天公信仰是檳榔嶼各籍華裔社群,尤其是閩南籍福建人士認為天大過年的一個節日,這也是一種原始情懷的延伸,從原初華人聚集的姓氏橋周姓橋民及天公壇古廟每年盛大的祭拜天公儀式當中,可以窺視究竟。本論文亦試圖結合臺灣與檳榔嶼華人春節慶典與民間習俗傳說的世俗經典文化,作互文性的比較,從中區別兩地華人傳統春節慶典儀式和春節習俗傳說在生活層次條件下的發展。 / The study of this topic is with great value. It is important to compare with the differences of the Chinese new year festival and customary legends between Taiwan and Penang , then it should promote the understanding between each other. The traditional Chinese new year festival in Penang intergrated the multi-enthic cultures and customs, either to inheritate the traditional, or to create the new local culture from the cultural identity.
Penang Island is established in 1786, which is the second largest city with most enthic group of Chinese lived. It is located at the northern part of Malaysia Penisula and known as “Emerald” or “Pearl of Orient” on the Indian Ocean.
This thesis is study mainly on the traditional Chinese New Year Customary Legends of Penang Island. The Chinese New Year Culture is moved with the Chinese anscestors accordingly and spread widely on the island. The Traditional Chinese New Year customary legends are dessimanated with new local culture elements which added into it, and becomes the unique custom in the region that affected the local born Chinese of Penang Island thoroughly.
The main topic of the thesis is divided into three parts, firstly, to study the traditional and regeneration of the Chinese New Year. It is related to various traditional customs, cultures and beliefs in religious worship which integrated with the local etiquette. Secondly, to study the God of wealth in folk custom, especially the custom legend regarding about the Penang Fu De Zheng Sheng(God of wealth) in lightening the ritual fire ceremony. Lastly but no least, to study the Supreme God festival in Chew Jetty.
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Protocolo lunar: processos criativos para a cena do teatro de animação na perspectiva de quem constrói e animaLyra, Yarasarrath Alvim Pires do Carmo 28 March 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Glauber Assunção Moreira (glauber.a.moreira@gmail.com) on 2018-08-31T18:32:10Z
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Texto completo_28_2_14_Ed_28_03_2014.pdf: 6894931 bytes, checksum: 5cc533a586af75f8297528e031545cfa (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marly Santos (marly@ufba.br) on 2018-09-03T17:17:17Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
Texto completo_28_2_14_Ed_28_03_2014.pdf: 6894931 bytes, checksum: 5cc533a586af75f8297528e031545cfa (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-09-03T17:17:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Texto completo_28_2_14_Ed_28_03_2014.pdf: 6894931 bytes, checksum: 5cc533a586af75f8297528e031545cfa (MD5) / Esta pesquisa se refere a um estudo prático-teórico, na linha de Poéticas e Processos de Encenação em Artes Cênicas e foi conduzida pelo desejo da pesquisadora de ampliar os conhecimentos de sua formação como artista e professora de teatro. Trata-se da produção de um contexto poético-reflexivo, no qual se cruzam três grandes campos: Processos Criativos, Imaginário e Teatro de Animação. Teve como objeto disparador a prática da atriz que construiu e animou seu próprio personagem-boneco no espetáculo Protocolo Lunar. Neste considerou-se as interfaces do Teatro de Animação como encenação contemporânea com estratégias metodológicas colaborativas. No referido contexto, foram compreendidos, interpretados e tornados visíveis Princípios e Procedimentos criativos de concepção, construção e atuação do personagem-boneco para cena a partir do ponto de vista de quem constrói e anima. Trata-se de metodologia adequada a processos de criação artística, que opera com a Abordagem Compreensiva apresentada por Sonia Rangel, a qual, entre outros autores, se apoia na Teoria da Formatividade de Luigi Pareyson. Igualmente, foram considerados os pensamentos de outros autores para fundamentar a pesquisa, tais como Ana Maria Amaral, Valmor Beltrame, Henryk Jurkowski, Gaston Bachelard, Cecília Almeida Salles, Ítalo Calvino, Klauss Vianna, Marco Souza. A pesquisa de campo foi desenvolvida a partir de Laboratórios Criativos com o Grupo Os Imaginários, além de incluir o diálogo com três outros artistas, Gil Teixeira, de Salvador, Bahia; Anibal Pacha, de Belém do Pará e Marcelo Lafontana, de Vila do Conde, Portugal, por meio de entrevistas. Eles foram selecionados pelo critério de também partilharem prática cênica semelhante. A perspectiva, além de registrar a memória de processos criativos em Teatro de Animação, é poder articular com outras pesquisas realizadas, colaborar com a discussão, o aprofundamento, os desdobramentos e a ampliação das reflexões que já existem neste campo. / This research refers to a practical-theoretical study, in the Poetics and Processes Staging Performing Arts in line and was driven by the desire of the researcher to broaden the knowledge of his training as an artist and teacher of theater. It is the production of a poetic-reflexive context in which intersect three major fields: Creative Processes, Imaginary and Animation Theater. Object was to trigger the practice of the actress who has built his own character and animated puppet-show in Lunar Protocol. This was considered the interfaces of the Animation Theater as contemporary staging with collaborative methodological strategies. In that context, were understood, interpreted and made visible Principles and Procedures of creative design, construction and performance character-puppet to the scene from the point of view of who builds and animates. It is suitable for artistic creation processes, which operates the Comprehensive Approach by Sonia Rangel, which, among others, rests on the theory formativeness Luigi Pareyson methodology. Also, we considered the thoughts of other authors to support research, such as Ana Maria Amaral, Valmor Beltrame, Henryk Jurkowski, Gaston Bachelard, Cecilia Almeida Salles, Italo Calvino, Klauss Vianna, Marco Souza. The field research was developed from Creative Labs with Imaginary Group and includes dialogue with three other artists, Gil Teixeira, Salvador, Bahia; Anibal Pacha, of Belém do Pará and Marcelo Lafontana, Vila do Conde, Portugal, through interviews. They were selected by the criterion also share similar stagecraft. The prospect, and to record the memory of creative processes in Animation Theater is able to articulate with other surveys conducted, supporting the discussion, deepening, the unfolding and expansion of reflections that already exist in this field.
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Environmental Factors Affecting Loggerhead Sea Turtle (Caretta caretta) Nesting, Hatching, and Incubation Patterns in Broward County, FloridaBest, Zoey Ellen 28 April 2017 (has links)
Reproductive success in loggerhead (Caretta caretta) sea turtles is strongly dependent on the effective placement and internal conditions of their nests. Embryos rely on optimal incubation conditions for proper development and growth, which determines how many hatchlings will emerge from the nest. The internal microclimate of each nest is delicately balanced and can be easily influenced by external environmental conditions. This study was designed to examine several environmental variables and determine their effects on sea turtle nesting numbers, hatching success, and incubation conditions in Broward County Florida. Over a span of 25 years (1991-2015), the Broward County Sea Turtle Conservation Program has collected data on each sea turtle nest laid in Broward County. This data was analyzed and plotted to visualize nesting and hatching trends, and regressions were fitted to make comparisons to historic air temperature, sea surface temperature, precipitation, and lunar illumination data. These regressions were tested for significance, and each environmental variable was found to have varying levels of impact on sea turtle nesting and hatching behavior. Of the environmental variables considered in this study, analyses suggest that sea turtles are most responsive to temperature, with sea surface temperature serving as the best proxy for predicting nesting behaviors. Air temperature over the incubation period was found to be the best indicator for hatch success percentage. Air temperature, sea surface temperature, and precipitation averages all significantly affected the length of the incubation period. The regression models created in this study could be used to examine the interactions between climatic variables, and to indicate what impacts can be expected by these various environmental factors. This information could be used to estimate the future effects of climate change on sea turtle reproduction, and to predict general reproductive success and future population trends.
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