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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Studie för energieffektivisering av belysningsarmaturer : En energieffektivitetsanalys mellan två armaturtyper

Blomqvist, Henrik, Björnalm, Linus January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka de ekonomiska vinster som kan erhållas vid byte av belysningsarmaturer i en byggnad. Studien omfattar de energi- och ekonomiska besparingar som möjliggörs via ett byte från gamla T8-armaturer till LED-armaturer. Dessutom skulle kunskap kring armaturernas påverkan på elnätet i form av övertoner tas fram. Målet var därmed att ta fram en tydlig redogörande jämförelse mellan de två armaturtyperna. Studien ”Energieffektivisering av belysningsarmaturer” utfördes på uppdrag av Caverion Sverige AB men i B&B-Tools vägnar och dess lokal belägen i Ulricehamn. För att uppfylla syftet krävdes information om armaturtyperna och hur de fungerar och därmed också god kunskap kring det berörda ämnet. Armaturerna som jämförs i denna studie är en lysrörsarmatur med T8-lysrör som installerades för ca 25 år sedan samt en modern LED-armatur från leverantören Waldmann med produktnamnet Taureo. Med hjälp av ett elkvaltitetsinstrument från företaget Metrum, som är anpassat för att utföra tillförlitliga kontroller av olika elkvalitetsparametrar, bestämdes armaturernas effekt. Dessutom uppmättes armaturernas övertonshalter som visade betydligt högre övertonshalter hos lysrörsarmaturen än för LED-armaturen. Eftersom övertoner kan medföra negativa konsekvenser på såväl enskilda komponenter som på självaste elnätet, eftersträvas så låga övertonshalter som möjligt. Genom de mätningar av effekt som gjordes under studien påvisas att ett armaturbyte skulle innebära en kraftig effektminskning motsvarande en tredjedel av det nuvarande effektuttaget. Därigenom kan större energimängd sparas, cirka 52 000 kWh/år, vilket innebär en årlig kostnadsbesparing på cirka 43 000 kr. Enligt de gjorda beräkningarna erhålls en återbetalningstid på cirka 8,5 år vilket kan bedömas som god lönsamhet i och med LED-armaturernas långa livslängd.

Utveckling av mallar för användning vid modernisering av klassrum med fokus på belysning, ekonomi & energi / Development of templates for use in modernization of classroom with focus on lighting, economy & energy

Kajaji, Marina January 2016 (has links)
Projektet handlar om att utveckla mallar för olika lösningar av ljusberäkningar med valda armaturer för ett klassrum i Fässbergsskolan i Mölndal. Projektet utgår från olika befintliga armaturer som består av infällda samt pendlade armaturer. Detta har genomförts med hjälp av lämpliga arbetsverktyg och beräkningar och är utfört på ett modernt och branschkunnigt sätt. Dataprogrammet DIALux har använts för att placera ut belysningsarmaturer och göra samtliga ljusberäkningar för klassrummet. För att utföra en kontroll av ljusberäkningar enligt Svensk standard har man fått justera beräkningsresultaten från DIALux för att minska på produktåtgången och samtidigt uppnå de ställda kraven. Projektet har även utgått från ljus & rum riktlinjer och referenser som är ett dokument med ställda krav och allmänna riktlinjer för hur en belysningsprojektering skall utföras. Mallarna har till grunden bestått av ljusberäkningsmallar över klassrummet framtaget ur dataprogrammet DIALux. Varje utvecklad mall består av en specifik ljusberäkningsmall och CAD-ritning med motsvarande armaturspecifikation, materialkostnader och lönsamhetskalkyl. Resultatet av projektet över de olika lösningarna har innefattat olika armaturer som bland annat bestått av infällda och pendlade armaturer. Resultatet av arbetet visade att infälld i LED-belysning var det bästa alternativet vad gäller energiförbrukning, kostnad och lönsamhet. Totala kostnaden för denna lösning uppkom till 35 000 kr med en återbetalningstid på 3.4 år.

Tillförlitlighetsförbättring av klipprocessen i en hydraulisk klippmaskin : En studie på hastighetens inverkan på klipp i flera sammansatta material

Eis, Emil, Arvidsson, Jessica, Selander, Alexander January 2015 (has links)
En stor del av den teknik som idag konsumeras innehåller någon form av skärm. En allt snabbare konsumtionstakt av just tekniska produkter ökar pressen på återvinningsindustrin. En vanlig typ av skärm är LCD-skärmen som lyses upp med hjälp av lysrör innehållande kvicksilver. Kvicksilver är mycket farligt för både människor, miljö och djur. Därför måste det hanteras med stor försiktighet. Att klippa upp skärmar för att avlägsna kvicksilvret och komma åt andra värdefulla material har visat sig vara en bra metod. Men metoden har utvecklingspotential eftersom kompletta skärmar, med plasthölje och kretskort, sällan klipps på ett smidigt sätt. I denna studie tas en hypotes fram om att klipphastigheten förbättrar klippkvaliteten, grundat på teori bakom plåtklippning och vad experter inom området berättar. Vidare utvecklas en metod för att verifiera eller falsifiera hypotesen. Metoden innefattar utveckling av en testrigg, byggnation av densamma, fullskaliga tester samt insamlande av testdata. All insamlad data analyseras noggrant, diskuteras och sammanställs till slutsatser. Undersökningen visar att en ökning av klipphastigheten påverkar klippkvaliteten på ett positivt sätt samt att klippspalten, inom rimliga gränser, kan ökas utan att påverka klippkvaliteten.

”ÄNTLIGEN!”- En lysrörsarmatur för det egna hemmet / ”FINALLY!”-A fluorescent fixture for the private home.”FINALLY!”-A fluorescent fixture for the private home.

Lindahl, Anton, Sandelin, Samuel January 2010 (has links)
The aim of our study is to ascertain whether a hanging suspension fluorescentlamp for a private home environment is going to be attractive for a largeaudience. We want to open up for new uses of fluorescent lamps as lightsources.The main approach in this work is how to design a fixture with fluorescentlamps as a light source that will meet the requirements and requests of thehome environment could look like. At the same time we want to make a newimpression of how a fluorescent light source.Primarily we used a quantitative method, but this was rejected after a pilotstudy. Instead we used a qualitatively based method in the sense that weconducted a group interview as well as individual interviews.Based on data from the interviews and our preliminary work a prototype wasbuilt. This prototype is a fluorescent fixture equipped with 2x14W T5fluorescent lamps, dimmed separately. The shape can be described as a soft,organic elongated oval. The luminary screen is made of rice paper, which givesa soft and pleasant light transmission. Access to the interior and electronics isprovided via the open ends of the screen, which is concealed by two endcapsules in plastic. The luminary is a hanging suspension via two wires fromthe ceiling, down to a metal bracket with the same curvature as the luminaryscreen. This metal bracket is then attached to the fixture with wires attached tothe interior, which in turn holds the screen.Our main conclusion is that you can create a very attractive light fitting for theprivate home market. In addition, we concluded that in order to achievesufficient data in a quantitative based study you need more time than what ispermitted within the timeframe of our work. We believe more in the idea offirst develop a good and functional prototype and then ask a panel ofprospective customers what they think about it. Their response will thereafterbe worked in to the final product.KeywordsFluorescent Luminary, fluorescent lamps, fluorescent lamps and luminaries,market, rice paper, dimmableAbstractThe aim of our study is to ascertain whether a hanging suspension fluorescentlamp for a private home environment is going to be attractive for a largeaudience. We want to open up for new uses of fluorescent lamps as lightsources.The main approach in this work is how to design a fixture with fluorescentlamps as a light source that will meet the requirements and requests of thehome environment could look like. At the same time we want to make a newimpression of how a fluorescent light source.Primarily we used a quantitative method, but this was rejected after a pilotstudy. Instead we used a qualitatively based method in the sense that weconducted a group interview as well as individual interviews.Based on data from the interviews and our preliminary work a prototype wasbuilt. This prototype is a fluorescent fixture equipped with 2x14W T5fluorescent lamps, dimmed separately. The shape can be described as a soft,organic elongated oval. The luminary screen is made of rice paper, which givesa soft and pleasant light transmission. Access to the interior and electronics isprovided via the open ends of the screen, which is concealed by two endcapsules in plastic. The luminary is a hanging suspension via two wires fromthe ceiling, down to a metal bracket with the same curvature as the luminaryscreen. This metal bracket is then attached to the fixture with wires attached tothe interior, which in turn holds the screen.Our main conclusion is that you can create a very attractive light fitting for theprivate home market. In addition, we concluded that in order to achievesufficient data in a quantitative based study you need more time than what ispermitted within the timeframe of our work. We believe more in the idea offirst develop a good and functional prototype and then ask a panel ofprospective customers what they think about it. Their response will thereafterbe worked in to the final product. Keywords Fluorescent Luminary, fluorescent lamps, fluorescent lamps and luminaries,market, rice paper, dimmable

”ÄNTLIGEN!”- En lysrörsarmatur för det egna hemmet / ”FINALLY!”-A fluorescent fixture for the private home.”FINALLY!”-A fluorescent fixture for the private home.

Lindahl, Anton, Sandelin, Samuel January 2010 (has links)
<p>The aim of our study is to ascertain whether a hanging suspension fluorescentlamp for a private home environment is going to be attractive for a largeaudience. We want to open up for new uses of fluorescent lamps as lightsources.The main approach in this work is how to design a fixture with fluorescentlamps as a light source that will meet the requirements and requests of thehome environment could look like. At the same time we want to make a newimpression of how a fluorescent light source.Primarily we used a quantitative method, but this was rejected after a pilotstudy. Instead we used a qualitatively based method in the sense that weconducted a group interview as well as individual interviews.Based on data from the interviews and our preliminary work a prototype wasbuilt. This prototype is a fluorescent fixture equipped with 2x14W T5fluorescent lamps, dimmed separately. The shape can be described as a soft,organic elongated oval. The luminary screen is made of rice paper, which givesa soft and pleasant light transmission. Access to the interior and electronics isprovided via the open ends of the screen, which is concealed by two endcapsules in plastic. The luminary is a hanging suspension via two wires fromthe ceiling, down to a metal bracket with the same curvature as the luminaryscreen. This metal bracket is then attached to the fixture with wires attached tothe interior, which in turn holds the screen.Our main conclusion is that you can create a very attractive light fitting for theprivate home market. In addition, we concluded that in order to achievesufficient data in a quantitative based study you need more time than what ispermitted within the timeframe of our work. We believe more in the idea offirst develop a good and functional prototype and then ask a panel ofprospective customers what they think about it. Their response will thereafterbe worked in to the final product.KeywordsFluorescent Luminary, fluorescent lamps, fluorescent lamps and luminaries,market, rice paper, dimmableAbstractThe aim of our study is to ascertain whether a hanging suspension fluorescentlamp for a private home environment is going to be attractive for a largeaudience. We want to open up for new uses of fluorescent lamps as lightsources.The main approach in this work is how to design a fixture with fluorescentlamps as a light source that will meet the requirements and requests of thehome environment could look like. At the same time we want to make a newimpression of how a fluorescent light source.Primarily we used a quantitative method, but this was rejected after a pilotstudy. Instead we used a qualitatively based method in the sense that weconducted a group interview as well as individual interviews.Based on data from the interviews and our preliminary work a prototype wasbuilt. This prototype is a fluorescent fixture equipped with 2x14W T5fluorescent lamps, dimmed separately. The shape can be described as a soft,organic elongated oval. The luminary screen is made of rice paper, which givesa soft and pleasant light transmission. Access to the interior and electronics isprovided via the open ends of the screen, which is concealed by two endcapsules in plastic. The luminary is a hanging suspension via two wires fromthe ceiling, down to a metal bracket with the same curvature as the luminaryscreen. This metal bracket is then attached to the fixture with wires attached tothe interior, which in turn holds the screen.Our main conclusion is that you can create a very attractive light fitting for theprivate home market. In addition, we concluded that in order to achievesufficient data in a quantitative based study you need more time than what ispermitted within the timeframe of our work. We believe more in the idea offirst develop a good and functional prototype and then ask a panel ofprospective customers what they think about it. Their response will thereafterbe worked in to the final product.</p><p>Keywords</p><p>Fluorescent Luminary, fluorescent lamps, fluorescent lamps and luminaries,market, rice paper, dimmable</p>

Energieffektivisering av industribelysning : Planering av belysningsanläggning i mekanisk verkstad / Planning of energy efficient lighting system in engineering workshop

Ågren, Sebastian January 2012 (has links)
In Uppsala, Sweden, Vattenfall has a combined heat and power plant. On the premises there is an engineering workshop with old fluorescent and mercury lamps that need to be replaced. This provides a great opportunity to save energy and money by installing more efficient lighting. The main purpose of this study was to present two functional and energy efficient lighting systems including control system. The lighting systems were designed by investigating the working environment, measuring illuminance and by simulations in the software DIALux. Additionally Life Cycle Cost (LCC) was used as an instrument of comparison. One alternative was designed using mainly modern T5 fluorescent lighting. For the other alternative powerful LED-lamps were chosen as the primary light source. The simulations showed the two alternatives to be equally good in regard to performance and energy saving potential. With sustained illuminance level the installed power of both systems was around 34 kW ascompared to 54 kW, the estimated value of the existing lighting system. The LCC, however, differed significantly with the fluorescent alternative having a total cost of 1.1 million SEK over a 20 year period while the same number for the LED alternative being 2.2 million SEK. The difference in LCC makes fluorescent lighting the preferable alternative. The present consumption is estimated to 142 MWh. The fluorescent lighting alternative would have an approximated energy consumption of 78.6 MWh including a control system, giving an energy saving potential of 45 %.

Lysande rör, rörligt ideal : belysningsbranschens introducerande av lysröret i Sverige / Fluorescent lighting, lighting ideals : the Swedish lighting companies introduction of fluorescent lighting in Sweden

Eriksson, Jonas January 2012 (has links)
During the 1930´s the hot potato for the Swedish lighting associations were how to create the most suitable light for every situation, either for industries, offices or homes. The light bulb were the most frequently used source of light but due to limitied luminous intensity, big halls sometimes required up to hundreds of light bulbs to produce the right amount of light. Two kinds of different lights, by different reasons, can be titled the predecessors of the fluorescent lighting during the 1930´s: The volfram-filament tube light due to its estetic similarities and the electric discharge (mercury- and sodium-) lamps due to its technical resemblance. Even though they came in quite wide use (the volfram tube in public halls (e. g. cinemas and public baths) and the discharge lamp in the industry) none of them could provide a light that combined efficiency in both light and cost. This essay deals with the predecessors as well as the introduction of fluorescent lighting in Sweden 1940-1945 primarily as a consequence of todays non existing historic knowledge about this modernist invention. By analyzing articles and advertising issued by the Swedish journals Elektricitetens rationella användning and Tidskrift för Ljuskultur 1930-1945 this thesis answers questions about how, why, when and where the lamp industry came to bring the new kind of light on the market. The research concludes that fluorescent lighting was introduced in almost every environment except for the homes, even though the Swedish lighting associations believed it to be the future also for the homes. The prospects for the new light source were without exeption positive and promising and in both articles and advertising it was talked about as the ”artificial daylight”. The light fittings were made different depending on the purpose of the room. Esthetic as well as functional reasons together with the extracted shape of the lamp made the designers make fittings that differentiated heavily from the fluorescent light fittings we are used to see today.

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