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Studium struktury a biologické funkce myších NKR-P1 receptorů / Studies on structure and biological functions of NKR-P1 receptorsRozbeský, Daniel January 2013 (has links)
Natural killer (NK) cells play a significant role in the detection and destruction of virally infected and tumor cells. The NKR-P1 receptors regulate NK cell function by an alternative missing-self recognition system. Although the NKR-P1 receptors were among the first surface NK receptors identified on rodent NK cells more than 20 years ago, there is still very little known about their biological function and their physiological ligands. Furthermore, no three-dimensional structure of any of the NKR-P1 family receptors has been published so far. To understand the functional architecture of mouse NKR-P1 receptors, we developed a simple and efficient protocol providing large amounts of pure soluble NKR-P1 proteins. The crystal structure of mouse NKR-P1A, determined at 1.7 A resolution, is the first structure of a representative of the NKR-P1 family. Crystal structure is formed by a compact C-type lectin-like domain and an extended loop that participates in domain swapping. A potential role of the swapped loop has been suggested in natural ligand binding by in silico studies. However, chemical cross-linking and H/D exchange in combination with high resolution mass spectrometry revealed this loop in close proximity to the compact core in solution. The discrepancy between the crystal and solution structure...
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Identification de nouveaux membres de la famille 6 des glycosyltransférases (GT6) et rôle d'un membre de cette famille dans la synthèse du ligand des lymphocytes NKTiTurcot-Dubois, Anne-Laure Le Pendu, Jacques. January 2006 (has links)
Thèse de doctorat : Médecine. Glycobiologie et immunologie : Université de Nantes : 2006. / Bibliogr.
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Natural killer cell function in chronic HCV infectionCollister, Mark 21 August 2013 (has links)
NK cells control viral replication through cytotoxicity and IFNγ production. These functions were assessed in chronic HCV infected patients undergoing treatment. Aboriginals have genetic polymorphisms that may enhance NK cell function suggesting more effective clearance of chronic HCV than Caucasians.
NK cell function was similar at baseline between ethnicities. At 3 months of treatment, Caucasian had higher NK killing potential compared to Aboriginal patients. This had no effect on treatment outcomes. NK cell cytotoxicity negatively correlated with viral loads while NK IFNγ production, particularly within the CD56bright subset, positively correlated with viral load suggesting that viral loads control NK cells function through an unknown mechanism. NK cell killing reflect fibrosis, but not liver damage measured by liver enzymes. IFNγ production,by NK cells does not reflect fibrosis nor liver enzymes levels. Lastly, NK cell function does not associate with therapeutic outcomes of chronic HCV infection suggesting that they do not directly play a role in therapeutic clearance of HCV.
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Natural killer cell function in chronic HCV infectionCollister, Mark 21 August 2013 (has links)
NK cells control viral replication through cytotoxicity and IFNγ production. These functions were assessed in chronic HCV infected patients undergoing treatment. Aboriginals have genetic polymorphisms that may enhance NK cell function suggesting more effective clearance of chronic HCV than Caucasians.
NK cell function was similar at baseline between ethnicities. At 3 months of treatment, Caucasian had higher NK killing potential compared to Aboriginal patients. This had no effect on treatment outcomes. NK cell cytotoxicity negatively correlated with viral loads while NK IFNγ production, particularly within the CD56bright subset, positively correlated with viral load suggesting that viral loads control NK cells function through an unknown mechanism. NK cell killing reflect fibrosis, but not liver damage measured by liver enzymes. IFNγ production,by NK cells does not reflect fibrosis nor liver enzymes levels. Lastly, NK cell function does not associate with therapeutic outcomes of chronic HCV infection suggesting that they do not directly play a role in therapeutic clearance of HCV.
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Příprava rekombinatních extracelulárních domén leukocytárních receptorů AICL a NKR-P1CBALB / Expression of the recombinant extracellular parts of leukocyte receptors AICL a NKR-P1CBALBČonka, Martin January 2012 (has links)
v anglickém jazyce NK cells represent a population of lymphocytes which are able to kill certain tumor cells or virally infected cells. The subject of the diploma thesis is a mouse NK cell receptor mNKR- P1CBALB and a human leukocyte receptor hAICL. The mNKR-P1CBALB belongs to the activating receptors and is able to activate the cytotoxic functions of NK cells. The hAICL receptor is a ligand to the NKp80 which is an activating receptor of NK cells. Interaction between these two proteins leads to the activation of effector functions of NK cells as well. The aim of this work was the preparation of the recombinant extracellular parts of receptors mNKR-P1CBALB and hAICL, the optimalization of their in vitro refolding and the characterization of proteins using mass spectrometry. The proteins samples will be used for further structural study of the extracellular parts of these leukocytes receptors.
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Strukturní biologie receptoru NKp44 a jeho ligandu PCNA / Structural biology of receptor NKp44 and its ligand PCNAHerynek, Štěpán January 2019 (has links)
Natural killer cells (NK cells) are part of the immune system in human and other mammals. The task of these cells, which belong to the non-specific immunity, is to induce apoptosis in other cells of the body that may represent a threat for the body (i.e., tumour or virally infected cells). NK cells have a variety of surface receptors to recognize their target cells. A number of receptors are well-known today and they may be divided into groups based, e.g., on their structural similarities or on the type of signal which these receptors present to NK cells. Accordingly, we distinguish activation and inhibitory receptors. Inhibitory receptors inhibit NK cell response, while activation receptors elicit this response. During NK cell contact with another cell, the resulting NK cell behaviour is always the result of a certain balance of activation and inhibitory receptor responses. The NKp44 receptor is an immunoglobulin-like receptor. This receptor is very unique among other receptors in many respects, for example because it is associated with both activation and inhibitory motif. The ligand of this receptor is a proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA). PCNA is a clamp protein important, inter alia, during DNA replication, in which it anchors other replisome proteins. This work is focused on...
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Phenotypic and Functional Characteristics of Natural Killer (NK) Cells from Metastic Melanoma Patients / Caractérisation phénotypique et fonctionnelle des cellules Natural Killer (NK) dans le mélanome métastatique humainMessaoudene, Meriem 27 May 2015 (has links)
Les cellules Natural Killer (NK) sont de grands lymphocytes granuleux capables de rapidement éliminer des cellules tumorales et des cellules infectées par des virus sans immunisation au préalable. Au cours de ma thèse, j’ai analysé plusieurs paramètres impliqués dans la reconnaissance et la lyse des cellules de mélanome par les NK. J’ai montré à partir d’analyses ex vivo que les NK sanguines de patients atteints de mélanome métastatique (stade III-IV) présentent un faible potentiel lytique. Cependant, de telles NK provenant de patients mélanomes de tout stade clinique activées in vitro par de l’IL-2 lysent efficacement des lignées de mélanome métastatique. L’analyse du phénotype de NK circulantes de patients stade IV a montré une diminution de l’expression du récepteur activateur NKp46/NCR1 comparé aux NK de donneurs sains. J’ai également montré une corrélation positive entre l’expression du NKp46 à la surface des NK et la durée du stade IV. Pour caractériser les NK infiltrant le mélanome, J’ai analysé ex vivo les NK infiltrant des ganglions métastatiques (GG) provenant de 25 patients en stade III. Les GG de patients mélanomes contiennent une population unique de NK CD56brightCD16+ représentant 50% des NK dans ces GG qui expriment fortement les récepteurs NK NCR, NKG2D, KIRs et produisent une plus forte proportion de perforin comparée aux NK CD56brightCD16- ganglionnaires. Les NK immunsélectionnées à partir de GG et activées avec de l’IL-2 ou de l’IL-15 lysent rapidement et efficacement des lignées cellulaires de mélanome. Elles sont caractérisées par des capacités lytiques supérieures aux NK sanguines. De plus, afin d’évaluer l’impact des NK au cours du mélanome, j’ai analysé in situ les NK infiltrant des ganglions sentinelles positive et négatif ainsi que des tumeurs cutanées primaires. Les NK sont faibles dans les GS ; cependant nous avons montré que le nombre de NK infiltrant ces ganglions sentinelles est associé à une plus forte rechute à cinq ans des patients. Les cellules NK infiltrant les tumeurs cutanées sont présentes préférentiellement dans la zone peritumorale et sont très rares dans la tumeur.Chez les patients atteints de mélanome, les NK sanguines et infiltrant les tumeurs ont des caractéristiques phénotypiques et fonctionnelles différentes. Une meilleure compréhension de telles différences doit être prise en compte, ainsi la biologie des NK et de leur modulation au cours du cancer est nécessaire pour développer une stratégie thérapeutique à base de cellules NK efficace. / Cytotoxic immune effectors can control the development and growth of certain solid tumours. Among these cytotoxic effectors, NK cells are capable of rapidly eliminating tumour cells and virus-infected cells without prior immunization.The objectives of my thesis were to evaluate the potential role of NK cells in the immune response against melanoma. First, I have characterized the functional status of blood NK cells from melanoma patients at different stages of the disease. I showed that ex vivo NK cells from most advanced stage III-IV patients display low lytic potential. However, IL-2-activated NK cells from patients efficiently lyse melanoma cells and that independently to the clinical stage. Moreover, the expression of the activating receptor NKp46/NCR1 by blood NK cells was decreased in stage IV patients compared to healthy donors, and a positive correlation between NKp46 expression by NK cells and the duration of stage IV was found. I have also characterized ex vivo NK cells infiltrating metastatic lymph nodes (M-LN) from stage III melanoma patients. I have identified in M-LN a unique subpopulation of mature CD56brightCD16+ NK cells that expressed higher NCR, NKG2D, KIRs, and perforin levels than CD56brightCD16- NK cells counterpart. NK cells from M-LN activated with IL-2 or IL-15, rapidly lysed metastatic melanoma cell lines with higher efficiency than autologous blood NK cells. Finally, to determine if NK cells display a prognostic value, I analysed by immunohistochemistry NK cells and other immune cells infiltrating positive and negative sentinel lymph nodes (SLN). SLN are characterized by high densities of macrophages and endothelial cells, even higher in SLN+. Few NK cells and Granzyme B+ cells infiltrate SLNs while CD8+ T cells are numerous. Moreover, numbers of NK cells in SLN correlated with higher rate of 5 year-relapse of patients. Compared to SLN, primary cutaneous melanomas contain high numbers of NK cells that are preferentially localized in the periphery of the tumour and are not related to the Breslow. My findings showed that in melanoma patients, circulating and tumour infiltrating NK cells display unique phenotypic and functional characteristics, indicating that tumour may alter their function. However, they respond to cytokine activation and acquire antitumor lytic potential. In the new landscape of melanoma treatment, NK cells are worthy to be considered for combined treatment with BRAF inhibitors.
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Immunothérapie et métabolisme tumorale / Clinical amplification of NK cells : effect of metabolismBelkahla Benamor, Sana 11 October 2017 (has links)
La formation et le développement d’une tumeur sont provoqués par une série de défauts qui se produisent à l'intérieur de la cellule cancéreuse et dans son microenvironnement. Ces anomalies permettent à la cellule de développer ses propres stratégies de croissance, de prolifération, de différenciation et de métabolisme.La modification du métabolisme respiratoire, est l'une des stratégies utilisée par les cellules cancéreuses favorisant la fermentation lactique au lieu de la phosphorylation oxydative OXPHOS (respiration). Cette adaptation métabolique porte le nom d’effet Warburg.Nous avons proposé un concept thérapeutique novateur basé sur l'induction de changements métaboliques par l'utilisation de dichloroacétate (DCA) associée avec l'immunothérapie en utilisant les cellules NK activées. Le DCA, molécule inhibitrice de la PDK, induit l'activation de la PDH, responsable de la catalyse de pyruvate en Acétylcoenzyme A (Ac-CoA), favorise alors l’oxydation du glucose dans la mitochondrie. Le DCA a déjà été utilisé depuis longtemps comme traitement hypocholestérolémiant et bloquant l’acidose lactique. Mon équipe a montré auparavant que le changement métabolique permet aux cellules tumorales d'échapper à la réponse immune.Nous avons observé que le traitement par DCA induisait, dépendante du phénotype p53, une forte up-régulation de l'expression du mRNA et des protéines de stress MICA, MICB et ULBP1, ligands spécifiques des récepteurs activateurs NKG2D des cellules NK, et induise alors une réponse cytotoxique contre les cellules tumorale.D'autre part nous avons évalué l'effet de DCA sur l'expression des transporteurs ABC qui interviennent dans l'efflux des agents anticancéreux utilisé dans la chimiothérapie. L'expression des transporteurs ABC était fortement liée aux phénotypes de chimiorésistance. Nous avons bien confirmé que le DCA provoque une diminution de l'expression de ABCB1, ABCC1, ABCC5 et ABCG2 dans les cellules wtp53 alors qu'il induit une augmentation dans les cellules mutantp53 ou nullp53.Les promoteurs des transporteurs et les protéines de stress étudiés comportent également plusieurs sites de liaison spécifique au facteur de transcription MEF2, qui est la cible d’ERK5. Nous avons bien constaté que en plus de ca capacité de changer le métabolisme tumorale, le DCA modifie l'expression ABCB1, ABCC1, ABCC5 et ABCG2 par l'activation de la voie ERK5/MEF2 .Ces résultats sont confirmé dans diverses lignées cellulaires, ainsi que dans des cellules issues de patients et dans un modèle in vivo / Tumorigenesis is caused by a series of defects that occur within the cancer cell and its microenvironment. These abnormalities allow the tumor cell to develop its own strategies for growth, proliferation, differentiation and metabolism. In the last, cancer cells favor lactic fermentation instead of oxidative phosphorylation OXPHOS (respiration). This metabolic adaptation is called the Warburg effect.We proposed an innovative therapeutic concept based on the induction of metabolic changes by the use of dichloroacetate (DCA) and this is associated with immunotherapy using activated NK cells. DCA, a pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase (PDK) inhibitor, induces the activation of pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH), responsible for the catalysis of pyruvate to acetylcoenzyme A (Ac-CoA), promoting the oxidation of glucose/pyruvate in the mitochondria. DCA has been used for a long time as a cholesterol-lowering and anti-lactic acidosis therapy. My team has previously shown that the metabolic change allows tumor cells to escape the immune response. I have observed that DCA treatment induced a high upregulation of mRNA and protein expression of the stress ligands MICA, MICB and ULBP1. These are recognized by the NK cell activating receptor NKG2D, inducing a NK cell-mediated cytotoxic response against tumor cells. DCA-induced expression of these stress ligands depends on wtp53 expression on the tumor cell.On the other hand, we evaluated the effect of DCA on the expression of ABC carriers, which intervene in the efflux of anticancer agents used in chemotherapy. The expression of ABC carriers is strongly related to drug resistance phenotypes. We observed that DCA causes a decrease in the expression of ABCB1, ABCC1, ABCC5 and ABCG2 in wtp53 cells while it induces an increase in mutantp53 or nullp53 cells. Conversely, DCA-induced accumulation of antitumor drugs, i.e. daunorubicin, and favors chemotherapy-induced tumor death only in wtp53-expressing cancer cells. The promoters of these ABC transporters and the stress proteins presented above contain several binding sites specific to the transcription factor MEF2, which is the target of ERK5. We have found that in addition to the ability to change tumor metabolism, DCA modifies the expression ABCB1, ABCC1, ABCC5 and ABCG2 by activation of the ERK5 / MEF2 pathway. These results are confirmed in various cell lines, in cells derived from patients and in an in vivo model
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Influenza Virus Evades NK Cell Responses by Enhancing Ly49:MHC-I InteractionsMahmoud, Ahmad Bakur January 2016 (has links)
Natural killer (NK) cells are a type of innate immune cell that can identify and eliminate viral infected cells and cancer cells. NK cells express an array of inhibitory and activating receptors such as natural cytotoxicity receptors, the mouse Ly49 or human KIR family, and NKR-P1 family. The integration of signals that NK cells receive through these receptors controls their activation and ability to kill target cells. Both Ly49 and KIR recognize MHC-I molecules on healthy cells Ly49:MHC-I engagement is essential for functional NK cell development. In the absence of these interactions NK cell is consider as ‘uneducated’ or ‘unlicensed’. Ly49 receptor interactions with MHC-I are critical in an effective NK cell response against cancer. However, the role of unlicensed NK cells in NK-mediated control of viruses is poorly understood.
Using NKCKD mice, we sought to determine how the loss of Ly49:MHC-I education, and the concomitant loss of inhibition via MHC-I, affected survival against influenza infection. In this study, we show that Ly49-deficient mice exhibit lower viral load and greater protection than WT mice when infected with influenza. However, this protection was lost when Ly49I was transgenically restored to these mice. Similarly, MHC-I-deficient mice, that also lack educated NK cells, were resistant to influenza infection, and lost this protection when NK cells were depleted before challenge. Based on the markedly reduced inflammation in the Ly49-deficient mice compared to the WT, we conclude that the Ly49-deficient NK cells are swifter and more effective in clearing influenza, resulting in less viral burden and consequentially less need for a dangerously aggressive inflammatory response. Furthermore, influenza infection enhanced MHC-I expression on lung epithelial cells, which could be responsible for inhibition of NK cells. Consequently, blockade of inhibitory Ly49C/I receptors protected WT mice from lethal influenza infection. Additionally, Perforin-deficient NKCKD succumbed to the infection demonstrating that NK cell directly eliminate influenza-infected cells. Collectively, these results confirm that influenza is capable of inhibiting NK cells through MHC-I engagement of KIR/Ly49, and suggests that blocking this interaction may provide a viable therapeutic avenue for severe influenza cases.
these results challenge our understanding of basic NK cell function and suggest that, rather than subdividing NK cells into ‘licensed’ and ‘unlicensed’ based on their expression of self-specific Ly49 receptors, a more accurate depiction of these NK subsets would be ‘cancer-specialized’ and ‘pathogen-specialized’. While further work is required to fully test this paradigm of cancer- and pathogen-specialized NK cells, I hope that my findings will stimulate a new appreciation for the role of NK cells in virus control, and lead to a better understanding of this critical immune cell.
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Studium struktury a interakcí lidských lymfocytárních receptorů / Study of structure and interaction of human lymphocyte receptorsBláha, Jan January 2017 (has links)
Natural killer (NK) cells are an essential part of immune system, providing self-surveillance of virally infected, stress transformed or cancerous cells. NKR-P1 receptors and their ligands from clec2 gene family represent an alternate missing-self recognition system of NK cells based on interaction of highly related C-type lectin-like receptors. Human NKR-P1 has been described more than twenty years ago but still remains the sole human orthologue of this receptor family, particularly numerous in rodents. On binding to its cognate ligand LLT1, NKR-P1 can relay inhibitory or co-stimulatory signals. Although being interesting targets for their potential role in tumor immune evasion and autoimmunity, nature of their interaction is still unclear. To elucidate the architecture of their interaction, we developed a generally applicable method for recombinant expression of human NKR-P1 and LLT1 and their homologues based on transfection of HEK293S GnTI- cells. Further, we described a stabilizing mutation His176Cys, that enables for expression of highly stable and soluble LLT1. Finally, we have crystallized LLT1 and human NKR-P1 in different glycosylation states both as individuals and in complex. While both structures of LLT1 and NKR-P1 follow the classical C-type lectin-like superfamily fold, contrary to...
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