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Plasma Flow Velocity Measurements Using A Gundestrup Probe In The STOR-M TokamakSt. Germaine, Geoffrey Martin Reginald 22 August 2006
The profile of the poloidal velocity in the edge region of tokamak plasmas has been identified as playing a major role in the confinement of particles and energy. It has been suggested that a strongly sheared poloidal flow can reduce particle and energy losses by the stabilization of unstable modes and decorrelation of turbulence the edge region of the plasma. A Gundestrup probe, a Mach probe array, is used to measure both the parallel and perpendicular flow velocities in the Saskatchewan Torus-Modified (STOR-M) tokamak during several discharge conditions. It is observed that during Ohmic discharges there is no velocity shear and the direction of the parallel flow is independent of the direction of the toroidal magnetic field. During H-mode induced by a turbulent heating current pulse, a region of strong velocity shear develops in the plasma edge and an edge transport barrier develops. This results in a short period of improved particle and energy confinement with reduced fluctuation amplitudes. During electrode biasing experiments, a stainless steel biasing electrode is inserted into the plasma up to r = 82 mm and biased to +500 V relative to the vacuum chamber. It is observed that the particle confinement improves during the biasing phase while the energy confinement is degraded. A region of weak shear in the poloidal flow is observed in the plasma scrapeoff layer (SOL). The results from STOR-M are compared with results from data taken in the Czech Academy of Sciences Torus (CASTOR) tokamak during both Ohmic discharges and discharges with electrode biasing.
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Mach, Musil, Wittgenstein et le MoiSirois, Léane January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Le présent travail vise à présenter la conception de l'intériorité que partagent Robert Musil et Ludwig Wittgenstein. Pour être en mesure d'apprécier à sa juste valeur l'originalité de leur pensée, il importe de comprendre que le sort du Moi, à Vienne, au début du vingtième siècle, était pour le moins incertain. À l'époque, on hésitait en effet entre deux tendances: soit rejeter complètement l'existence du Moi, soit le réifier et le recouvrir de concepts obscurs. La façon dont Musil et Wittgenstein conçoivent le rapport entre l'intérieur et l'extérieur se situe en marge de ces grands courants philosophiques, puisqu'elle n'endosse ni la thèse introspectionniste, ni la thèse comportementaliste. Pour bien faire comprendre le cadre conceptuel dans lequel s'inscrit leur pensée, nous avons mis en évidence la pensée de Ernst Mach qui a lui aussi cherché à circonscrire la vraie nature du Moi. Ne trouvant nul part une telle chose, il prononça son célèbre verdict: « Le Moi ne peut, en aucun cas, être sauvé». Musil et Wittgenstein ne vont pas aussi loin dans leur redéfinition du Moi, même s'ils présentent tous les deux une version minimale de l'intériorité. Le Moi, selon eux, doit être compris davantage comme un processus que comme une chose. Ce qui disparaît complètement chez Mach réapparaît ainsi sous une forme procédurale. Ainsi le Moi n'est pas un phénomène psychique, ni un sentiment interne, mais une capacité à transformer en pensée notre expérience du monde. Musil et Wittgenstein sont de ceux qui partagent la conviction qu'il existe bien quelque chose qui, dans l'expérience que nous avons du monde, dépasse le simple comportement, mais qu'il est difficile d'en parler directement sans s'empêtrer dans des confusions langagières. Le Moi dont parlent Musil et Wittgenstein est un Moi entièrement tourné vers l'extérieur, et pour le comprendre, il est vain de tenter de l'observer de l'intérieur. C'est plutôt par ses manifestations externes qu'il est possible de voir se profiler cette chose qui réagit d'une manière toute personnelle à ce qu'il trouve autour de lui. Nous ne prétendons pas, par ce travail, résoudre tous les problèmes philosophiques liés à la question de l'intériorité, mais plutôt exposer une conception qui tienne compte de la nature créatrice du Moi. Ce travail cherche aussi à montrer que la définition de l'intériorité que proposent Musil et Wittgenstein comporte une dimension éthique importante. En effet, cesser de concevoir l'intériorité comme quelque chose d'immuable, et la concevoir plutôt comme un processus, peut possiblement nous permettre, c'est du moins ce que croient Musil et Wittgenstein, de mieux vivre. Le pari qu'ils font est qu'une conception de l'intériorité qui nie l'existence matérielle du Moi, mais qui lui confère tout de même la fonction de donner un sens à l'expérience, oblige à se concevoir soi-même comme un processus qui évolue au fil de l'expérience. Aussi ne doit-on pas juger son Moi propre, de même que le Moi d'autrui, avec la sévérité des choses immuables, puisqu'il est toujours possible que le Moi et le monde prennent des formes différentes. Contre le pessimisme ambiant du début du vingtième siècle, et contre la nostalgie du monde d'hier, Musil et Wittgenstein proposent de retourner à la table de travail, et de faire de l'ordre dans nos conceptions du monde. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Intériorité, Moi, Éthique, Invention, Mach, Musil, Wittgenstein.
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The Hybrid Integration of Arsenic Trisulfide and Lithium Niobate Optical Waveguides by Magnetron Sputtering.Tan, Wee Chong 2011 May 1900 (has links)
It is well known that thermally evaporated a-As2S3 thin films are prone to oxidation when exposed to an ambient environment. These As2O3 crystals are a major source of scattering loss in sub-micron optical integrated circuits. Magnetron sputtering a-As2S3 not only produces films that have optical properties closer to their equilibrium state, the as-deposited films also show no signs of photo-decomposed As2O3. The TM propagation loss of the as-deposited As2S3-on-Ti:LiNbO3 waveguide is 0.20 plus/minus 0.05 dB/cm, and it is the first low loss hybrid waveguide demonstration.
Using the recipe developed for sputtering As2S3, a hybrid Mach-Zehnder interferometer has been fabricated. This allows us to measure the group index of the integrated As2S3 waveguide and use it in the study of the group velocity dispersion in the sputtered film, as both material dispersion and waveguide dispersion may be present in the system. The average group index of the integrated As2S3 waveguide is 2.36 plus/minus 0.01.
On-chip optical amplification was achieved through thermal diffusion of erbium into X-cut LiNbO3. The net gain measured for a transverse magnetic propagation mode in an 11 μm wide Er:Ti:LiNbO3 waveguide amplifier is 2.3 dB plus/minus 0.1 dB, and its on-chip gain is 1.2 plus/minus 0.1 dB/cm. The internal gain measured for a transverse electric propagation in an 7 μm wide Er:Ti:LiNbO3 waveguide amplifier is 1.8 dB plus/minus 0.1 dB and is among the highest reported in the literature. These gains were obtained with two 1488 nm lasers at a combined pump power of 182mW.
In order to increase further the on-chip gain, we have to improve the mode overlap between the pump and the signal. This can be done by doping erbium into As2S3 film using multi-layer magnetron sputtering. The Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy shows that the doping of Er:As2S3 film with 16 layers of erbium is homogeneous, and Raman spectroscopy confirms no significant amount of Er-S clusters in the sputtered film. The deposition method was used to fabricate an Er:As2S3 waveguide, and the presence of active erbium ions in the waveguide is evident from the green luminescence it emitted when it was pumped by 1488 nm diode laser.
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Electro-optical effects of nonlinear optical chromophore in an amorphous polymerLin, Mao-quan 14 July 2004 (has links)
Organic polymer materials have been broadly applied in optical storage, optical communication and optical signal process. It has been revealed that these organic materials have some superior characteristics such as larger electro-optical (EO) coefficients, broader bandwidth and shorter response time, which make it good for EO modulator application. In our study, the goal is to study the EO coefficient of novel polymer material to be used in low driving voltage EO modulator.
During the experiment, the dependence of the second harmonic generation (SHG) intensity on doping concentration of DR1/PMMA was observed and a reasonable explanation of the nonlinear dependency was given. We measured the EO coefficient of a new material, ASF/PMMA, using a Mach-Zehnder interferometer. We also observed the relaxation process of SHG intensity of this new material, which was compared with that of DR1/PMMA.
Under the same measurement condition, we found that the EO coefficient of ASF/PMMA (13.1 pm/V) is significantly larger than that of DR1/PMMA (3 pm/V). It is also found that relaxation time of ASF/PMMA and DR1/PMMA are 22 and 8.5 seconds, respectively. Because of the superior characteristics of this material, it is suitable to be used in EO modulator.
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The Modification Scheme for a Hybrid Mach-Zehnder & Sagnac Interferomtric Fiber Optical Leak Detection SystemHsieh, Yen-Li 27 June 2001 (has links)
The reason of the essay research find position of leakage point, and design a fiber optical leakage detection system. The research of fiber optical detection system in past year, because property of structure produce SNR smaller, quality of detection system is too bed. The essay brings to a hybrid Mach-Zehnder & Sagnac interferomtric can improve the SNR to 10dB. Therefore, it provides the better SNR. The experiment is added to signal process, such as PTL, PGC structure. To provide the systematic characteristic, such as dynamic range(60dB), percentage error(0.025%).
The focal of the essay provide leak detection systematic characteristics how we make use of signal process.
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The Measurement of the Fluid Pipes of the Distributed Fiber Optic Leak Detection SystemTseng, Kuan-Hua 09 July 2002 (has links)
The main frame of the distributed fiber optic leak detection system adopted the hybrid Mach-Zehnder & Sagnac interferomtric. We use the sensing fiber of In-Line frame to detect leak physical field. We can measure the position of the leak physical field through our sensing system and signal process system. In the cause of improving detective ability of leak detection system, we modify three elements of the system, including (1) the choice of the acoustic response of sensing fiber, (2) modification of the PZT phase modulator, and (3) modification of the PGC demodulator. The frame of our experiment is composed of the distributed fiber optic leak detection system and leak system of the fluid pipes. In which leak system of fluid pipes is designed the leaky frame of high-pressure fluid pipes. The main of experiment introduce the leak detection system to measure the leak acoustics of the fluid pipes. Then we can discuss the experimental result.
The measurable minimum range of our distributed fiber optic leak detection system is3.3x10^-4(rad/¡ÔHz), and the dynamic range is above 75 dB. The dynamic range of this system can improve the original system to above 15 dB.
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The Study of All-optical Nonlinear Waveguide DevicesTasy, Rong-Zhan 01 August 2003 (has links)
In the paper, the beam propagation method is used to analyze the characteristics and the applications of nonlinear optical waveguide structures. The nonlinear optical waveguide is a medium whose refractive index changes with the electric field intensity. Based on the mode theory, the propagating envelop of optical light waves in the three-layers nonlinear waveguide with the nonlinear cladding, the nonlinear substrate and the linear guiding film can be solved. Not only the dispersion relation curve is described, but also the affection of input power to the electric field distribution is observed.
In the application of nonlinear optical waveguide structure, the three-layers nonlinear waveguide structure and the local nonlinear Mach-Zehnder waveguide interferometer structure will be discussed: In the three-layers nonlinear waveguide structure, by launching the symmetric and antisymmetric modes, various characteristics of spatial optical solitons will be observed. Based on the interaction property between spatial optical solitons, a new all-optical 1¡ÑN switching device will be proposed; In the local nonlinear Mach-Zehnder waveguide interferometer structure, by fixing the input signal power and changing the control power, output signal beam will show the switching property. Besides, by changing the local nonlinear distributions, the nonlinear Mach-Zehnder interferometer will show various logic functions. The numerical results show that the proposed structures could function as all-optical switch devices and all-optical logic gates.
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Numerical Study Of Low Mach Number Conjugate Natural Convection And Radiation In A Vertical AnnulusReddy, P Venkata 06 1900 (has links)
The problem of low Mach number (non-Boussin´esq) conjugate laminar natural convection combined with surface radiation in a vertical annulus with a centrally located vertical heat generating rod is studied numerically, taking into account the variable transport properties of the fluid. Such problems arise often in practical applications like spent nuclear fuel casks, cooling of electrical and electronic equipment, convection in ovens, cooling of enclosed vertical bus bars and underground transmission cables.
The physical model consists of a vertical heat generating rod, a concentric outer isothermal boundary and adiabatic top and bottom surfaces. The heat generation in the rod drives the natural convection in the annulus. Surface radiation is coupled to natural convection through the solid-fluid interface condition and the adiabatic condition of the top and bottom surfaces. A mathematical formulation is written using the governing equations expressing the conservation of mass, momentum and energy for the fluid as well as the energy balance for the solid heat generating rod. The governing equations are discretized on a staggered mesh and are solved using a pressure-correction algorithm. Steady-state solutions are obtained by time-marching of the time dependent equations. The discretized equations for the dependent variables are solved using the Modified Strongly Implicit Procedure. A global iteration is introduced on the variables at each time step for better coupling. The parameters of the problem are the heat generation and gap width based Grashof number, aspect ratio, radius ratio and the solid-to-fluid thermal conductivity ratio. The coupling of radiation introduces the wall emissivity and the radiation number as the additional parameters and also necessitates the calculation of radiation configuration factors between the elemental surfaces formed by the computational mesh. The radiant heat exchange is calculated using the radiosity matrix method.
A parametric study is performed by varying Grashof number from 106 to 1010 , aspect ratio from 1 to 15, radius ratio from 2 to 8, the solid-to-fluid thermal conductivity ratio from 1 to 100, with the Prandtl number 0.7 corresponding to air as the working medium. The characteristic dimension and the outer boundary temperature are fixed. For Radiative calculations, and the emissivity is varied between 0.25 and 0.75. Converged solutions with laminar model could be obtained for high Grashof numbers also as the heat generation based Grashof number is generally two orders of magnitude higher than the temperature difference based Grashof number. Results are presented for the flow and temperature distributions in the form of streamline and isotherm maps. Results are also presented for the variation of various quantities of interest such as the local Nusselt numbers on the inner and outer boundaries, the axial variation of the centerline and interface temperatures, maximum solid, average solid and average interface temperature variations with Grashof number and the average Nusselt number variation for the inner and outer boundaries with Grashof number. The results show that simplification of conjugate problems involving heat generation by the prescription of an isoflux boundary condition on the rod surface is inadequate because a truly isoflux condition cannot be realised on the one hand and because the solid temperature distribution remains unknown with such an approach. The average Nusselt numbers on the inner and outer boundaries show an increasing trend with the Grashof number. For pure natural convection, the Boussin´esq model predicts higher temperatures in the solid and lower average Nusselt numbers on the inner and outer boundaries, compared to the non-Boussin´esq model and the Boussin´esq approximation appears to be adequate roughly upto a Grashof number of 109, beyond which the non-Boussin´esq model is to be invoked. The average pressure in the annulus is found to increase with an increase in the Grashof number. Radiation is found to cause convective drop and homogenize the temperature distribution in the fluid.
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Étude mathématique d'écoulements de fluides viscoélastiques dans des domaines singuliersSalloum, Zaynab Guillopé, Colette. Talhouk, Raafat. January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Thèse de doctorat : Mathématiques : Paris Est : 2008. / Titre provenant de l'écran-titre.
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Thèse de doctorat : PHYSIQUE : Nice : 1998. / 1998NICE5198. 95 REF.
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