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Metabolômica como ferramenta em taxonomia: O modelo em Arnica. Metabolomics in plant taxonomy: The Arnica model / Metabolomics in plant taxonomy: The Arnica modelErnst, Madeleine 23 August 2013 (has links)
Taxonomia vegetal é a ciência que trata da descrição, identificação, nomenclatura e classificação de plantas. O desenvolvimento de novas técnicas que podem ser aplicadas nesta área de conhecimento é essencial para dar suporte às decisões relacionadas a conservação de hotspots de biodiversidade. Nesta dissertação de mestrado foi desenvolvido um protocolo de metabolic fingerprinting utilizando MALDI-MS (matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation mass spectrometry) e subsequente análise multivariada utilizando scripts desenvolvidos para o pacote estatístico R. Foram classificadas, com base nos seus metabólitos detectados, 24 plantas de diferentes famílias vegetais, sendo todas elas coletadas em áreas da Savana Brasileira (Cerrado), que foi considerada um hotspot de biodiversidade. Metabolic fingerprinting compreende uma parte da Metabolômica, i.e., a ciência que objetiva analisar todos os metabólitos de um dado sistema (celula, tecído ou organismo) em uma dada condição. Comparada com outros métodos de estudo do metaboloma MALDI-MS apresenta a vantagem do rápido tempo de análise. A complexidade e importância da correta classificação taxonômica é ilustrada no exemplo do gênero Lychnophora, o qual teve diversas espécies incluídas neste estudo. No Brasil espécies deste gênero são popularmente conhecidas como \"arnica da serra\" ou \"falsa arnica\". Os resultados obtidos apontam similaridades entre a classificação proposta e a classificação taxonômica atual. No entanto ainda existe um longo caminho para que a técnica de metabolic fingerprinting possa ser utilizada como um procedimento padrão em taxonomia. Foram estudados e discutidos diversos fatores que afetaram os resultados como o preparo da amostra, as condições de análise por MALDI-MS e a análise de dados, os quais podem guiar futuros estudos nesta área de pesquisa. / Plant taxonomy is the science of description, identification, nomenclature and classification of plants. The development of new techniques that can be applied in this field of research are essential in order to assist informed and efficient decision-making about conservation of biodiversity hotspots. In this master\'s thesis a protocol for metabolic fingerprinting by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation mass spectrometry (MALDI-MS) with subsequent multivariate data analysis by in-house algorithms in the R environment for the classification of 24 plant species from closely as well as from distantly related families and tribes was developed. Metabolic fingerprinting forms part of metabolomics, a research field, which aims to analyse all metabolites, i.e., the metabolome in a given system (cell, tissue, or organism) under a given set of conditions. Compared to other metabolomics techniques MALDI-MS shows potential advantages, mainly due to its rapid data acquisition. All analysed species were collected in areas of the Brazilian Savanna (Cerrado), which was classified as \"hotspot for conservation priority\". The complexity and importance of correct taxonomic classification is illustrated on the example of the genus Lychnophora, of which several species also have been included into analysis. In Brazil species of this genus are popularly known as \"arnica da serra\" or \"falsa arnica\". Similarities to taxonomic classification could be obtained by the proposed protocol and data analysis. However there is still a long way to go in making metabolic fingerprinting by MALDI-MS a standard procedure in taxonomic research. Several difficulties that are inherent to sample preparation, analysis of plant\'s metabolomes by MALDI-MS as well as data analysis are highlighted in this study and might serve as a basis for further research.
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Metabolômica como ferramenta em taxonomia: O modelo em Arnica. Metabolomics in plant taxonomy: The Arnica model / Metabolomics in plant taxonomy: The Arnica modelMadeleine Ernst 23 August 2013 (has links)
Taxonomia vegetal é a ciência que trata da descrição, identificação, nomenclatura e classificação de plantas. O desenvolvimento de novas técnicas que podem ser aplicadas nesta área de conhecimento é essencial para dar suporte às decisões relacionadas a conservação de hotspots de biodiversidade. Nesta dissertação de mestrado foi desenvolvido um protocolo de metabolic fingerprinting utilizando MALDI-MS (matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation mass spectrometry) e subsequente análise multivariada utilizando scripts desenvolvidos para o pacote estatístico R. Foram classificadas, com base nos seus metabólitos detectados, 24 plantas de diferentes famílias vegetais, sendo todas elas coletadas em áreas da Savana Brasileira (Cerrado), que foi considerada um hotspot de biodiversidade. Metabolic fingerprinting compreende uma parte da Metabolômica, i.e., a ciência que objetiva analisar todos os metabólitos de um dado sistema (celula, tecído ou organismo) em uma dada condição. Comparada com outros métodos de estudo do metaboloma MALDI-MS apresenta a vantagem do rápido tempo de análise. A complexidade e importância da correta classificação taxonômica é ilustrada no exemplo do gênero Lychnophora, o qual teve diversas espécies incluídas neste estudo. No Brasil espécies deste gênero são popularmente conhecidas como \"arnica da serra\" ou \"falsa arnica\". Os resultados obtidos apontam similaridades entre a classificação proposta e a classificação taxonômica atual. No entanto ainda existe um longo caminho para que a técnica de metabolic fingerprinting possa ser utilizada como um procedimento padrão em taxonomia. Foram estudados e discutidos diversos fatores que afetaram os resultados como o preparo da amostra, as condições de análise por MALDI-MS e a análise de dados, os quais podem guiar futuros estudos nesta área de pesquisa. / Plant taxonomy is the science of description, identification, nomenclature and classification of plants. The development of new techniques that can be applied in this field of research are essential in order to assist informed and efficient decision-making about conservation of biodiversity hotspots. In this master\'s thesis a protocol for metabolic fingerprinting by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation mass spectrometry (MALDI-MS) with subsequent multivariate data analysis by in-house algorithms in the R environment for the classification of 24 plant species from closely as well as from distantly related families and tribes was developed. Metabolic fingerprinting forms part of metabolomics, a research field, which aims to analyse all metabolites, i.e., the metabolome in a given system (cell, tissue, or organism) under a given set of conditions. Compared to other metabolomics techniques MALDI-MS shows potential advantages, mainly due to its rapid data acquisition. All analysed species were collected in areas of the Brazilian Savanna (Cerrado), which was classified as \"hotspot for conservation priority\". The complexity and importance of correct taxonomic classification is illustrated on the example of the genus Lychnophora, of which several species also have been included into analysis. In Brazil species of this genus are popularly known as \"arnica da serra\" or \"falsa arnica\". Similarities to taxonomic classification could be obtained by the proposed protocol and data analysis. However there is still a long way to go in making metabolic fingerprinting by MALDI-MS a standard procedure in taxonomic research. Several difficulties that are inherent to sample preparation, analysis of plant\'s metabolomes by MALDI-MS as well as data analysis are highlighted in this study and might serve as a basis for further research.
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Performance of SpheriCal® standards as calibrants for IgG glycopeptide analysis using MALDI-MS / Användning av SpheriCal®-standarder som kalibranter för analys av IgG glykopeptider med MALDI-MSBubic, Sandra, Kjellberg, Martin, Samuelsson, Ludvig January 2022 (has links)
I dagens samhälle finns alla möjliga sorters sjukdomar - alltifrån den vanliga säsongsinfluensan till mer allvarliga infektioner och kroniska sjukdomar som cancer och Alzheimers. Därför finns även ett stort intresse för att kunna ställa rätt diagnos samt söka möjliga behandlingar och att bota dessa sjukdomar. Ett sätt att göra detta på är genom att använda biomarkörer, IgG (Immunoglobulin G) är en biomarkör som visat sig vara passande i detta syfte. Vid användning av MALDI-TOF-MS (Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization - Time of Flight - Mass Spectrometry) krävs dock anrikning av glykopeptiderna för att exakta resultat ska erhållas. Genom att utnyttja de starka hydrofila interaktionerna mellan glykanerna, som inte finns hos icke-glykopeptider, kan de glykosylerade peptiderna bli anrikade för att högre intensitet ska erhållas i spektrat. Därav, är syftet med detta kandidatexamensarbete att undersöka huruvida SpheriCals® kalibreringsstandarder är passande i syftet att möjliggöra- samt förbättra användandet av biomarkörer i diagnostik och andra medicinska appliceringar där prov analyseras med MALDI-TOF-MS. Hittills har andra peptidbaserade kalibranter använts och det är därför önskvärt att jämföra dessa med SpheriCal® för att se om den sistnämnda genererar mer exakta mätningar. Det första steget var glykosylering för att få glykopeptider från IgG. Därefter genomfördes experiment med både interna och externa kalibreringsmetoder för naturliga, renade samt till viss del nedbrutna peptider och mänskliga prover från friska individer samt från patienter med COVID-19. Dessa experiment genomfördes i olika matriser, mer exakt i DHB (2,4-dihydroxibensoesyra) och HCCA (α-cyano-4-hydroxikanelsyra) En sammanfattning av resultaten visar att SpheriCal®-kalibranter möjliggör mätningar med hög noggrannhet och små fel för uppmätt m/z (massa mot laddning) för både intern och extern kalibrering vid analys av IgG glykopeptider. Vid extern kalibrering gav SpheriCal®-APH mätningar med väsentligt högre exakthet än för kalibrering med mer traditionellt använt PCS i både HCCA och DHB. / Our world is full of all different kinds of diseases - everything from the regular flu to more severe infections and chronic illnesses such as cancer and Alzheimer's disease. It is therefore of interest to be able to establish a diagnosis, and thus search possible treatments and cures. One way to do this is by using biomarkers and IgG (Immunoglobulin G) has shown to be suited as one. When using MALDI-TOF-MS (Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization -Time of Flight - Mass Spectrometry), enrichment of the glycopeptides is required to provide an accurate analysis. Hence, by utilizing the strong hydrophilic interactions of glycans, which do not exist in non-glycopeptides, the glycosylated peptides can be enriched to achieve higher intensity in the spectra. That is why the aim of this bachelor’s degree project is to investigate if SpheriCal® calibrant standards are appropriate for the purpose of enabling and bettering the use of biomarkers in diagnostics and other medical areas when analyzing samples with MALDI-TOF-MS. Until now, other peptide-based calibrants have been used. Therefore, it has been desirable to compare the two to showcase whether SpheriCal® generates more accurate measurements. An initial step was glycosylation in order to obtain glycopeptides of IgG. Following that, tests were carried out with both internal- as well as external calibration methods with natural, purified and partly digested peptides and human samples of healthy- and COVID-19 infected patients. Furthermore, different matrices were tested, more specifically, DHB (2,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid) and HCCA (α-Cyano-4-hydroxycinnamic acid). To conclude the results, they showed that SpheriCal® calibrants generate high accuracy with small m/z (mass to charge) errors, for both internal- as well as external calibration methods, when analyzing IgG glycopeptides. For external calibration, SpheriCal®-APH showed significantly higher mass accuracy than conventionally used PCS in both HCCA and DHB.
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Le marquage des peptides avec des métaux et détection par MS et l'optimisation des procédures de l'extraction de métalloprotéin dans les échantillons biologiques à des fins de protéomique / Peptide labeling with metals using MS detection and optimization of metalloprotein extraction procedures in biological samples with proteomic purposesLyrio Tenorio Correia, Carolina 10 March 2014 (has links)
Ce travail a développé une nouvelle méthode pour l'identification et la quantification des peptides, par l'optimisation de certaines stratégies disponibles appropriées pour le marquage des peptides avec des métaux lanthanide, une séparation par nano-HPLC et détection UV, et suivi par MALDI MS. Tout d'abord, les peptides ont été marqués avec les trois métaux lanthanides différents et un réactif fonctionnel - DOTA. Les résultats montrent que la réaction de transformation en dérivé à l'aide du réactif chélateur DOTA-NHS-ester a été efficace pour des peptides individuels et des mélanges de peptides, vérifiées à partir de la relation m/z obtenue par MALDI MS. L'application optimisée d’un complexe (Cytochrome C digest) a montré des résultats comparables à ceux obtenus avec des peptides modèles. En parallèle, nous avons effectué l’optimisation pour la purification de métalloprotéine dans la bile de poisson, qui est signalée entant que biomarqueurs de contamination métallique de l'environnement. Des procédures différentes (différents moments de centrifugation et différentes températures de traitement thermique) et les agents (DTT, β-mercaptoéthanol et TCEP) réduisant ont été apliqués pour purifier les MT isolées de la bile et du foie des poissons (Oreochromis niloticus). Des analyses spectrophotométriques ont été utilisées pour quantifier les échantillons de MT, et le gel SDS-PAGE a été utilisé pour évaluer qualitativement les différents résultats de la procédure. Chaque procédure a en suíte été évaluée statistiquement, une méhtode des surfaces de réponse a été appliquée. Les MT de la bile semblent être plus adéquate pour la surveillance de l'environnement en ce qui concerne l'exposition récente à des xénobiotiques qui peuvent influer sur l'expression protéomique et metalloproteomique de cette matrice biologique. Une procédure d’exposition à des métaux dans le laboratoire a montré que les métaux étaient significativement importante pour l’évaluation de la contamination à partir de la quantification de MT, selon le traitement de données par une techinique de réseau neural. / This work developed a new method for the identification and quantification of peptides, by optimizing some of the available strategies suitable for labeling peptides with lanthanide metals with subsequent separation by nano-HPLC with UV detection, matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-mass spectrometry (MALDI MS). First, peptides were labeled with the three different lanthanide metals using a functional DOTA-based reagent. The results demonstrate that the derivatization reaction using the chelating reagent DOTA-NHS-ester was effective for single peptides and peptide mixtures, verified from the m/z relation obtained by MALDI MS. The application of the optimized method in a more complex matrix (Cytochrome C digest) showed results comparable to those obtained with model peptides. In parallel, environmental analyses were conducted, by performing the standardization of metalloprotein purification in fish bile, since this matrix has been reported as a biomarker for environmental metal contamination. Different procedures (varying centrifugation times and heat-treatment temperatures) and reducing agents (DTT, β-mercaptoethanol and TCEP) were applied to purify MT isolated from fish (Oreochromis niloticus) bile and liver. Spectrophotometrical analyses were used to quantify the resulting MT samples, and SDS-PAGE gels were used to qualitatively assess the different procedure results. Each procedure was then statistically evaluated. A response surface methodology was applied for bile samples, in order to further evaluate the responses for this matrix. In an environmental context, biliary MT was lower than liver MT, and, bile MT seems to be more adequate in environmental monitoring scopes regarding recent exposure to xenobiotics that may affect the proteomic and metalloproteomic expression of this biological matrix. A procedure for exposure to metals in the laboratory showed that some metals are significantly important for the assessment of contamination from the quantification of MT, according to the data processing by atifical neural network (ANN).
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Développement du couplage électrophorèse capillaire-spectrométrie de masse à source MALDI : applications à la caractérisation de protéines / Development of coupling capillary electrophoresis - mass spectrometry MALDI source : applications to the characterization of proteinsBiacchi, Michael 23 September 2014 (has links)
Au cours de ce travail, nous avons mis au point une nouvelle interface CE/MALDI-MS automatisée, équipée d’une cellule UV/visible déportée, et d’une distribution automatique de matrice intégrée. Ce nouveau système a été évalué sur des mélanges différents de protéines entières, de digestats de protéines et d’anticorps monoclonaux (mAbs). Les résultats obtenus lors de cette évaluation ont montré la complémentarité de la nouvelle interface avec les systèmes analytiques classiques. De plus, nous avons montré la première séparation et analyse de mAbs entier par CE/MALDI-MS. Dans un second travail, la nouvelle interface a été utilisée pour effectuer la première analyse Top Down de proteine entière et de mAbs par collecte et enrichissement de fraction. Cette stratégie a montré la répétabilité du système permettant de séparer des analytes d’intérêt et d’enrichir les dépôts MALDI jusqu'à de très hautes quantités d’analytes permettant l’obtention de spectre Top Down. Au cours du troisième travail, le nouveau système CE/MALDI-MS a été utilisé dans une stratégie originale à 2 dimensions de séparation et de collecte d’isoformes de mAbs entiers ou partiellement digérés suivi d’infusions et analyses à l’aide du nanosprayer CESI. Pour cela, nous avons mis au point des conditions électrophorétiques dit « asymétriques » séparant les mAbs dans des conditions très salées mais collectés dans un milieu compatible avec l’ESI-MS. Cette stratégie inédite a permis d’effectuer la première séparation et caractérisation de mAbs par CE-MS. Parallèlement, nous avons mis au point le premier dosage plasmatique d’ITPP par MALDI-TOF MS et surtout la création de CEToolbox, une application Androïd gratuite pour smartphone et tablette permettant le calcul des principales grandeurs mathématiques pour la caractérisation et l’optimisation des séparations par électrophorèse capillaire. / In this work, we developed a new interface CE/MALDI-MS automated, equipped with a UV/visible cell remote, and integrated automatic distribution of matrix. This new system has been evaluated on different mixtures of intact protein, digested protein and monoclonal antibodies (mAbs). The results obtained during this evaluation showed the complementarity of the new interface with conventional analytical systems. Furthermore, we have shown the first separation and analysis of mAbs by CE/MALDI-MS. In a second work, the new interface was used to perform the first Top Down analysis for intact protein and mAbs by fraction collection and enrichment. This strategy has shown the repeatability of the system for separating analytes and the enrichissment the MALDI deposits up to very high amounts compatible for Top Down approach. In the third work, the new system CE/MALDI-MS has been used in an original 2-dimensional strategy of separating and collecting intact mAbs isoforms or partially digested followed by infusions and analyzes with CESI nanosprayer. For this, we have developed electrophoretic condition so-called "asymmetric" allowing the separation of mAbs under very salty conditions but collected in a totally compatible solution with ESI-MS. This novel strategy allowed for the first separation and characterization of mAbs by CE-MS. Meanwhile, we have developed the first plasma level of ITPP by MALDI-TOF-MS and particularly the creation of CEToolbox as a Free Android application for smartphone and tablet enabling the calculation of the main mathematical quantities for characterization and optimization of CE separations.
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Nouvelles approches par spectrométrie de masse pour la caractérisation de systèmes archéologiques et biologiques : application à l'étude de cheveux de momies préhispaniques de la côte andine / New approaches by mass spectrometry for the characterization of archaeological and biological systems : application to the study of hair of prehispanic mummies from the Andean coastFresnais, Margaux 21 September 2016 (has links)
Les cheveux constituent un matériau de choix en archéométrie pour l’étude des civilisations anciennes. L’étude moléculaire de cheveux de momies et de leur protéome peut apporter de précieuses informations sur la composition, la préservation et l’environnement de la fibre. Une approche protéomique bottom-up dédiée à l’analyse en MS des protéines de cheveux de momies a été donc implémentée. Celle-ci a permis l’identification des protéines capillaires de cheveux anciens à partir de quantités minimales, ainsi que la caractérisation de leur état de conservation. Cette approche a été associée à une stratégie interdisciplinaire, intégrant également des analyses structurelles par FTIR, et élémentaires par SEM-EDS, XRF et PIXE. Enfin, le couplage direct TLC-MALDI-MS a été mis en place pour la caractérisation de systèmes biologiques et archéologiques, complexes et précieux. / Hair is an ideal material for the archaeometric study of past civilizations. Although it is rarely described, molecular study of hair and its proteome can provide precious clues on the ancient hair composition, its preservation state, as well as its environment. Here, we describe the implementation of a bottom-up proteomic approach for the mass spectrometry analysis of proteins from mummy hair. Through this approach, it was possible to identify the ancient hair proteins from a minimal initial amount of sample, and to characterize their molecular conservation state. This study was associated to an interdisciplinary project that also integrates structural analyses by FTIR and elemental analyses by SEM-EDS, XRF and PIXE. Finally, TLC-MALDI-MS hyphenation was implemented for the characterization of biological and archaeological systems, which are also complex and precious.
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LC-ESI und MALDI-Massenspektrometrische Analyse nativer und derivatisierter Zucker und Glykane / LC-ESI and MALDI mass spectrometric analysis of native and derivatised carbohydrates and glycansBank, Stephanie January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Glykane sind weitverbreitete Biomoleküle, die meist in Form von Glykokonjugaten, wie beispielsweise als Glykoproteine oder Glykolipide, vorliegen. Durch die Interaktion von Glykanen mit Glykan-bindenden Proteinen wird eine Vielzahl an biochemischen Prozessen ausgelöst, sowohl physiologischer, als auch pathologischer Art. Die Aufklärung der beteiligten Glykanstrukturen ist daher nicht nur wichtig für das Verständnis dieser Prozesse, sondern kann auch Hinweise auf verschiedene Erkrankungen geben.
Die Identifizierung von Glykanstrukturen kann über verschiedene Wege erfolgen. In der instrumentellen Analytik spielt dabei vor allem die ESI- und MALDI Massenspektrometrie eine wichtige Rolle, da diese sowohl für Detektion, als auch Fragmentierung großer Biomoleküle geeignet sind. Um die Analyse von Zuckern mittels chromatographischer und massenspektrometrischer Methoden zu erleichtern, werden häufig Derivatisierungsreagenzien eingesetzt. Diese verringern die Polarität der Zucker und erleichtern die Detektion durch das Einbringen von Chromo- oder Fluorophoren. Zur Derivatisierung am reduzierenden Terminus von Glykanen und Zuckern eignen sich vor allem Aminierungsreagenzien oder Hydrazide. Hydrazide haben gegenüber anderen Derivatisierungsreagenzien den Vorteil einer einfachen, salzfreien Umsetzung, aus der ein stabiles Derivat mit geschlossenem terminalen Zuckerring hervorgeht.
Für die vorliegende Arbeit wurde die Derivatisierung mit den neuen Hydrazid Reagenzien INH und BINH, sowie dem bereits von Dr. P. Kapková bearbeiteten BACH untersucht. Als Vergleich dienten die underivatisierten Kohlenhydrate, wie auch das standardmäßig eingesetzte Aminierungsreagenz 2-AB. Dabei sollte das Ver-halten verschiedener Zucker und Glykane in Bezug auf chromatographische Trennung, Signalintensität und Fragmentierung analysiert werden.
Zunächst wurde die Umsetzung von Mono-, Di- und Trisacchariden mit den neuen Derivatisierungsreagenzien INH und BINH optimiert. Dadurch konnte bei beiden Substanzen die komplette Umsetzung der Zucker in ihre Derivate gewährleistet werden. Auch die Derivatisierung mit Hilfe der Mikrowelle konnte bei INH erfolgreich durchgeführt werden. Auf diese Weise ließ sich die Reaktionszeit, im Vergleich zu den im Thermo-mixer® benötigten 90 Minuten, auf 20 Minuten verkürzen. Aufgrund der großen Men-gen an Zucker und Derivatisierungsreagenz, die für die Umsetzung in der Mikrowelle nötig sind, war der Versuch jedoch nur für INH geeignet.
Im nächsten Schritt wurde das Trennverhalten der verschiedenen Mono-, Di- und Tri-saccharid-Derivate auf RP-C18- und HILIC-Phasen untersucht. Bei den Monosaccha-riden konnte durch keines der Derivate eine vollständige Trennung auf einer der Pha-sen erreicht werden. Das beste Ergebnis wurde durch INH auf der HILIC-Säule erzielt, doch auch dort konnten die Epimere Glucose, Mannose und Galactose nicht vollstän-dig separiert werden. Die Trennung der Disaccharide Maltose, Cellobiose und Lactose konnte auf der HILIC-Phase mit allen Derivaten außer BACH erfolgreich durchgeführt werden, auf der RP-C18 erwies sich dagegen nur 2-AB als geeignet. Bei den Trisac-chariden 3'SLN und 6'SLN konnten sowohl underivatisierte Zucker, als auch sämtliche Derivate mittels HILIC getrennt werden. Auch auf der C18-Phase war eine Trennung der BINH, BACH und 2-AB-Derivate möglich. Des Weiteren konnte durch die Derivati-sierungen die Signalintensität gegenüber den underivatisierten Zuckern deutlich gesteigert werden.
Nach ihrer Trennung lassen sich massegleiche Di- und Trisaccharide anhand des Fragmentierungsmusters unterscheiden. Während bei den underivatisierten Disaccha-riden Maltose, Cellobiose und Lactose die charakteristischen Fragmente nur schwach sichtbar waren, konnte mit Hilfe der Hydrazide INH, BINH und BACH die Differenzie-rung deutlich erleichtert werden. Die 2-AB-Derivatisierung zeigte dagegen keine Ver-besserung der Fragmentierungseigenschaften. Bei der Unterscheidung der Trisaccharide 3’SLN und 6’SLN waren ebenfalls sowohl underivatisierte, als auch Hydrazid-derivatisierte Zucker im Vorteil gegenüber den 2-AB-Derivaten.
Die Derivatisierung der N-Glykane von Ribonuclease B und Ovalbumin führte bei der Analyse mittels MALDI-TOF zu einer deutlichen Steigerung der Sensitivität. Beispiels-weise ließen sich bei den Glykanen des Ovalbumins durch die Derivatisierungen drei zusätzliche Strukturen im Vergleich zu den nativen Glykanen detektieren. Auch das Fragmentierungsverhalten der Glykane am MALDI-TOF/TOF konnte mit Hilfe der Derivatisierungen erheblich verbessert werden. Besonders die Umsetzung mit BINH führte zu einer Vielzahl charakteristischer Ringfragmente, wodurch die Aufklärung der verschiedenen Glykanstrukturen deutlich vereinfacht wurde. Auch im Vergleich zu 2 AB zeigten die Hydrazid-Derivate sowohl bessere Fragmentierungseigenschaften, als auch eine einfachere Handhabung für die Messung mittels MALDI-MS.
Eine weitere Möglichkeit zur Identifikation von Glykanstrukturen liegt in der spezifischen Bindung durch Lektine. Diese Untersuchung gibt des Weiteren auch einen Hinweis auf funktionelle Eigenschaften der Glykane. Dafür wird die hohe Affinität von Biotin-haltigen Derivatisierungsreagenzien zu Avidin und Streptavidin genutzt. Nach der auf diese Weise erfolgten Immobilisierung der Glykane können diese mittels spezifischer Lektine nachgewiesen werden. Die Eignung des neuen Derivatisierungsreagen-zes BINH für diese Zwecke wurde anhand eines Glykan-Arrays getestet. Dadurch ließ sich bestätigen, dass BINH-derivatisierte Glykane und Zucker sowohl in der Lage sind an Streptavidin zu binden, als auch durch Lektine nachgewiesen werden können. Daher kann davon ausgegangen werden, dass BINH grundsätzlich für den Einsatz in bio-chemischen Methoden geeignet ist.
Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass die Derivatisierung von Kohlenhydraten mit INH, BINH und BACH zu einer deutlichen Verbesserung der Trenn- und Fragmentierungseigenschaften führten. Dadurch konnten Identifizierung und Strukturanalyse sowohl von kleinen Zuckern, als auch von Glykanen erleichtert werden. Im Vergleich zu dem Standard-Derivatisierungsreagenz 2-AB zeigten die Hydrazide nicht nur im Bereich der Fragmentierungen, sondern auch durch die einfachere Derivatisierungsreaktion wesentliche Vorteile. / Glycans are widely spreaded biomolecules, which are commonly presented as gly-coconjugates, e.g. glycoproteins or glycolipids. The interaction of glycans with glycan-binding proteins triggers numerous physiological and pathological processes in bio-chemistry. Therefore the determination of the participating glycanstructures is of immens interest for the understanding of such processes. The structures of the involved glycans may even provide evidence on several diseases.
Identification of glycan structures can be performed by means of various techniques. Favorable techniques in analytical chemistry are ESI- and MALDI- mass spectrometry, since they can be used for the detection, as well as for the fragmentation of large bio-molecules. To simplify the analysis of carbohydrates by means of chromatographic and mass spectrometric methods, different derivatization reagents are available. The chemical modification of the sugars leads to a decrease in polarity and to an enhanced detection by coupling to chromo- or fluorophores. Derivatization at the reducing end of saccharides and glycans can be performed through reductive amination, or coupling to hydrazide reagents. The advantage of hydrazides in comparison to other derivatization reagents lies in a simple, salt-free reaction and results in a stable derivative with closed terminal sugar ring, as the reduction step is not necessary.
The present work concentrates on the derivatization of sugars and glycans using the newly developed hydrazides INH and BINH, in addition to BACH, which was already used by Dr. P. Kapková [99]. The derivatives of those reagents were compared to the underivatized carbohydrates, as well as to the commonly used derivatization reagent 2 AB, in order to observe the characteristics related to liquid chromatography, signal intensity and fragmentation behavior.
In the first step, the derivatization reaction of mono, di- and trisaccharides with INH and BINH was optimized, in order to ensure a complete transformation of the carbohy-drates into their derivatized equivalents. The derivatization with INH was also per-formed via microwave. In this way, the reaction time was reduced from 90 minutes us-ing the thermomixer®, to 20 minutes. Since this method required a high amount of sample, it was only performed with INH.
Next, the chromatographic behaviour of the different saccharide derivatives was ana-lyzed by reversed phase and HILIC high performance liquid chromatography. In case of the monosaccharides, none of the mixtures of derivatives could be separated com-pletely on either of these columns. For HILIC the best effect was achieved with INH, even though glucose and its epimers, mannose and galactose could not be separated completely. On reversed phase, derivatization with BACH and 2-AB showed the best results for the separation of the monomers, but here as well the epimers were not dis-solved. The separation of the INH, BINH and 2-AB derivatives of the disaccharides maltose, cellobiose and lactose was performed successfully on HILIC, with RP-C18 only 2-AB was proved to be suitable. For the trisaccharides 3’SLN and 6’SLN the na-tive forms, as well as all of the derivatives were separated using HILIC. Even by using reversed-phase, the separation of the BINH, BACH and 2-AB derivatives was possible. Furthermore the signal intensity of the derivatized carbohydrates was considerably en-hanced compared to the native saccharides. The chromatography of sugars on HILIC phase showed presence of isomers (very probably the anomers) of the analyzed sug-ars. If the appearance of these isomers is not desirable, separation on reversed-phase can be applied.
After separation, di- and trisaccharides of the same mass can be distinguished, based on their fragmentation pattern. Whereas the native disaccharides maltose, cellobiose and lactose showed only slight differences in fragmentation, the derivatization with INH, BINH and BACH increased the number of characteristic fragments. In contrast, with 2-AB no improvement was achieved. The discrimination between 3’SLN and 6’SLN was also simplified by derivatization with the different hydrazides. In contrast to the 2-AB derivatives, the native trisaccharides showed a high content of characteristic fragments as well.
For the glycans of ribonuclease B and ovalbumin, the sensitivity was clearly improved through derivatization. In the case of ovalbumin, three additional structures were detected, compared to the native glycans. Regarding the fragmentation by means of MALDI TOF/TOF, the fragmentation behaviour of the glycans was considerably better after derivatization. Especially the BINH derivatives generated a high amount of characteristic cross-ring fragmentations. This way, the elucidation of different isomeric glycan structures was enhanced. Again, 2-AB had worse characteristics in terms of fragmentation behaviour and application properties, compared to the hydrazide derivatives.
Another option for the investigation of glycan structures is the specific recognition by lectins. This kind of study also provides information on the functional properties of gly-cans. Biotinylated derivatives possess a high affinity to avidin and streptavidin. This feature is used to immobilise glycans on (strept-)avidin coated surfaces, so they can be further analyzed by specific lectins. Due to this, the suitability of BINH for functional studies was tested. In initial studies BINH derivatized glycans and sugars were con-firmed to bind to streptavidin and were recognized by lectins as well. Hence, it can be assumed that BINH derivatives are suitable for this kind of biochemical analysis.
In summary, the derivatization of carbohydrates using INH, BINH and BACH improved the behaviour of the analytes during liquid chromatography and mass spectrometric fragmentation. Hence, identification and structural analysis of small saccharides, as well as glycans were considerably simplified. Compared to common derivatization reagents like 2-AB, the hydrazides showed significant advantages, not only in terms of mass spectrometric fragmentation, but also because of their simple derivatization reaction.
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Massenspektrometrische Differenzierung bakterieller Infektionserreger mit dem Vitek MS-Routinetest-System (IVD) / Mass spectrimetric identification of bacteria by Vitek MS Routine lab System (IVD)Menzer, Alexander January 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Untersucht wurde die Performance des Vitek MS-Systems anhand eines Keimspektrums von 1357 Isolaten im Zeitraum von Oktober 2011 bis April 2014. Das untersuchte Kollektiv bestand aus Isolaten der mikrobiologischen Routinediagnostik (n=1173), aus Stammsammlungen des Nationalen Referenzzentrum für Meningokokken und Haemophilus influenzae (n=128), sowie offizieller Stammsammlungen wie ATCC, DSMZ, LSM und anderen (n=56).
Die Ergebnisse wurden entweder mit einer bereits vorhandenen Stammbezeichnung oder durch eine bzw. Kombinationen mehrerer molekularbiologischer (PCR der Teilabschnitte von Haushaltsgenen: 16S-rRNA-Untereinheit, sodA, recA) oder biochemischen Differenzierungsmethoden (Vitek 2, API-Systeme) verglichen.
Mangels Referenzergebnisses wurden 25 Isolate (etwa 1,8%) aus der weiteren Betrachtung ausgeschlossen. Die verbliebenen 1332 Isolate wurden in 28 Bakterienordnungen, 109 Genera und 269 Spezies unterteilt.
Auf Speziesebene konnten 1180 (etwa 88,6%) zum Vergleich herangezogen werden, da durch die Referenzmethoden nicht immer eine zuverlässige Speziesdifferenzierung gelang.
Diese Referenzergebnisse wurden mit den Ergebnissen des Vitek MS-Systems verglichen. Eine Übereinstimmung zeigte sich auf Genusebene bei 86% (1157 von 1332 Isolaten) und auf Speziesebene bei 80% (944 von 1180 speziesdifferenzierten Keimen) der ausgewählten Stämme.
Im Vergleich der Korrelationen der Vitek MS-Identifikationen und den Referenzergebnissen zeigte sich eine durchgehend gute Korrelation innerhalb der unterteilten Bakterienordnungen. Davon abweichend war die Speziesdifferenzierung von Keimen der Ordnung Enterobacteriales. Die beste Korrelation erreichte die Ordnung Clostridiales.
Stämme ohne entsprechendes, dokumentiertes Korrelat in der Vitek MS-Datenbank (n=62) wurden ebenfalls in die Betrachtung mit eingeschlossen. Bei 31 Isolaten konnte kein Ergebnis ermittelt werden, 21 wurden massenspektrometrisch dem gleichen Genus zugeordnet, 10 Genusdifferenzierungen wichen ab.
315 Stämme wurden sowohl im Standardverfahren durch Konjugation von 1µl Ready-to-use Matrix als auch mit einem zweistufigen Säureextraktions- und Matrixkonjugationsverfahren gemessen und mit der solitären Konjugation der doppelten Matrixmenge verglichen. Die Abweichungen auf Genus- wie Speziesebene zwischen dem angewandten Standardprotokoll und den beiden anderen Verfahren waren deutlich signifikant. Im Vergleich der zweifachen Matrixmenge und dem zweistufigen Verfahren zeigte sich kein signifikanter Unterschied.
Aufgrund der Ergebnisse scheint jedoch die Säureextraktion Gram-positiver Kokken in der Genusdifferenzierung von Vorteil zu sein, sie erreichte jedoch kein ausreichendes Signifikanzniveau. Die Daten sprechen eher dafür, eine Optimierung des Probe-Matrix-Verhältnisses anzustreben, zum Beispiel im Rahmen eines ausgedehnten Anwendertrainings. / Mass spectrimetric identification of bacteria by Vitek MS Routine lab System (IVD)
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Chemical oxidation of tryptic digests to improve sequence coverage in peptide mass fingerprint protein identificationLucas, Jessica Elaine 30 September 2004 (has links)
Peptide mass fingerprinting (PMF) of protein digests is a widely-accepted method for protein identification in MS-based proteomic studies. Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (MALDI) is the technique of choice in PMF experiments. The success of protein identification in a PMF experiment is directly related to the amount of amino acid sequence coverage. In an effort to increase the amount of sequence information obtained in a MALDI PMF experiment, performic acid oxidation is performed on tryptic digests of known proteins. Performic acid was chosen as the chemical oxidant due to the ease of use and to the selective oxidation of cysteine, methionine, and tryptophan residues. In experiments performed in our laboratory, performic acid oxidation either increased or did not affect protein sequence coverage in PMF experiments when oxidized tryptic digests were analyzed by MALDI. Negative mode MALDI data were acquired, as well as positive mode MALDI data, due to the enhanced ionization of cysteic acid-containing peptides in negative mode. Furthermore, the confidence in a protein match is increased by observation of mass shifts indicative of cysteine, methionine, and/or tryptophan in oxidized peptide ion signals when comparing MALDI spectra prior to performic acid oxidation and after oxidation due to the low abundance of these residues in the majority of all known and hypothetical proteins.
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Supported Lipid Bilayer Electrophoresis: A New Paradigm in Membrane Biophysics and SeparationsPace, Hudson 1982- 14 March 2013 (has links)
The motivation of this work was to produce novel analytical techniques capable of probing the physical properties of the cell surface. Many researchers have used supported lipid bilayers (SLBs) as models to study the structure and function of the cell membrane. The complexity of these models is consistently increasing in order to better understand the myriad of physiologically relevant processes regulated by this surface. In order to aid researchers in studying such phenomenon, the following contributions were made.
To manipulate components within the cell membrane, an electrophoretic flow cell was designed which can be used as a probe to study the effect of electrical fields on charged membrane components and for the separation of these components. This devise allows for the strict control of pH and ionic strength as species are observed in real-time using fluorescence microscopy. Additionally, advancements have been made to the production of patterned heterogeneous SLBs for use in separations and to probe the interactions of membrane components. The methodology to couple SLB separations and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry (MALDI-MS) imaging was devised. This technology allows for the label-free mapping of the SLB surface post electrophoresis in order to observe naturally occurring species unperturbed by the addition of extrinsic tags. The final contribution, and perhaps the greatest, is the development of a procedure to create highly mobile SLBs from native membranes. These surfaces have vast potential in that they are no longer simple models of the cell surface, they are in fact the actual cell surface made planar. This advancement will be of great use to biophysicists and biochemists interested in using surface specific analytical methods to better understand physiological processes. These highly mobile native membrane surfaces have been coupled with the SLB electrophoresis technology to separate discrete bands of lipids and proteins, a proof of principle that will hopefully be further developed into a standard method for membrane proteomic studies.
Collectively the tools and methodologies described herein show great potential in allowing researchers to further add to mankind’s understanding of the cellular membrane.
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