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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analise do desempenho instrumental da estação de mares terrestres da UFPR

Modro, Nelcimar Ribeiro January 1997 (has links)
Orientador : Oziel Henrinque da Silva Leite, Silvio Rogerio Correia de Freitas / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná / Resumo: Atualmente o estudo das marés terrestres tem assumido grande importância no campo da Geodésia e Geofísica, uma vez que implicam em fenômenos Geodinâmicos. Este fenômeno é de natureza periódica, com variações desde poucos minutos a vários anos. As deformações induzidas na Terra, em resposta ao efeito citado, dependem das características regionais da crosta. É cada vez maior a necessidade de sua mensuração para a descrição das deformações regionais, pois as precisões atingidas pelos métodos geodésicos (e.g. VLBI, GPS, SLR e LLR) atingiram o limiar das variações da resposta da Terra às marés. Desde 1983, o Curso de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Geodésicas da Universidade Federal do Paraná, vem realizando pesquisas nesta área. A presente dissertação visa efetuar a análise comparativa dos dados da Estação de Marés Terrestres da UFPR colhidos por dois sistemas de aquisição (analógico e digital automatizado), visando quantificar o ganho de qualidade com o processo automatizado. Como elementos básicos de análise foram utilizadas as respostas teóricas para a Estação de Curitiba, determinações de longas séries temporais nesta mesma estação e como elemento decisivo para a determinação do nível de precisão, foi suprimido os efeitos indiretos dos oceanos para as principais ondas de maré gravimétrica, calculado para esta estação. Neste trabalho, verificou-se que não houve ganho com o processo automatizado estudado, face a inúmeras situações adversas que ocorreram com os dados disponíveis. Entretanto, este processo não pode ser caraterizado como inadequado. / Abstract: Studies on Earth tides has assumed great importance in Geodesy and Geophysics, because which varies it allows the investigation of Geodynamics phenomena. Earth tides have a periodic nature ranging fromfew minutes to some years. The induced crustal deformations of the Earth, as an answer to the tidal effect, depends on the regional characteristics of the crust. The monitoring of Earth tides grows up importance due to the increasing precision of the geodetic methods (e.g. VLBI, GPS, SLR and LLR), at the thereshold of the Earth response to the tides. Since 1983, the Graduation Programme in Geodetic Sciences of the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR) has being researching this area. This Dissertation describes an analysis of both, the anologue and digital data, collected at Curitiba Earth tides station, in order to verify the gain when using an automatic process. The basic elements used in this analysis were the predicted theoretical response of the Earth, data obtained after long time serie acquisition, and it as decisive element in the analysis, the indirect effect of the oceans on the measurements was subtracted for the main waves of gravity tides, all refering to the Curitiba Earth tides station. We concluded that there was no gain using the automatic process due to several reasons. Nevertheless, it cannot be regarded as inadequate.

Programų kūrimo proceso gerinimas labai mažose įmonėse / Software process improvement in micro companies

Puipa, Oskaras 09 July 2011 (has links)
Šio darbo tikslas yra pateikti rekomendacijas labai mažų įmonių programų kūrimo proceso vertinimui ir gerinimui. Darbe apžvelgti mažoms įmonėms skirti proceso vertinimo metodai ir nagrinėjama, kaip jie galėtų būti adaptuoti labai mažos įmonės proceso vertinimui. Pasirinktas metodas ir siūlomi jo pakeitimai pritaikyti atliekant labai mažos informacinių technologijų įmonės programų kūrimo proceso vertinimą. Remiantis vertinimo metu sukaupta patirtimi apibendrintos rekomendacijos labai mažos įmonės programų kūrimo proceso vertinimui. Jos gali būti panaudotos kuriant naujus ar tobulinant esamus vertinimo metodus. Išanalizavus vertinimo metodus, nuspręsta modifikuoti MARES metodą labai mažos įmonės vertinimui. Šis metodas yra grindžiamas ISO 15504 standartu ir skirtas mažoms įmonėms. Pasiūlyta kelis MARES procesus atlikti kitaip, papildyti tikslų-procesų modelį. Naujasis tikslų-procesų modelis gali būti naudojamas greitam vertinimo apimties nustatymui, tačiau jį dar reikėtų vystyti, kad būtų tinkamas platesniam labai mažų įmonių ratui. Po vertinimo nustatytos silpnosios procesų vietos ir sudarytas gerinimo planas remiantis judriosiomis metodikomis. Įvykdytas pirmasis gerinimo žingsnis, siekiant parodyti, kad judriųjų praktikų naudojimas galimas su formaliu įmonės procesų vertinimu. / The goal of this work is to provide recommendations for software process assessment and improvement in micro companies. Assessment methods aimed for small companies are reviewed and their applicability for micro companies is analyzed. One chosen method is modified and process assessment is performed in a micro software company. Based on the assessment experience, the recommendations for process assessment in micro companies are summarized. These recommendations might be used when creating new software process assessment methods or improving existing ones. After method analysis it is decided to modify MARES method by adapting it for software process assessment of micro company. MARES method is based on ISO 15504 standard and is intended for small company assessment. Changes in MARES method are introduced, some processes are changed, goal-process model is complemented. New goal-process model might be used for quick definition of the assessment scope. In the result of assessment, software process weaknesses are identified and a few processes chosen for improvement. Decision to use agile testing practices for improvement was made. First step of micro company software process improvement is completed demonstrating that usage of agile methods along with formal software process assessment is possible.

Development of endometrial fibrosis in the mare : factors involved in tissue remodelling and collagen deposition

Oddsdóttir, Charlotta January 2008 (has links)
Age-related degeneration of the equine endometrium is an established and important cause of fertility problems in thoroughbred mares, causing great loss to the industry. As a part of the age-related endometrial degeneration complex, an excessive deposition of collagen leading to endometrial fibrosis is particularly important due to the limitations it causes to uterine function. The consequences include reduced efficacy of uterine defence mechanisms and a decrease in the uterine capacity for foetal nutrition. Extensive research into the process of fibrosis in other organs has shown that this condition results from the malfunction of physiological tissue repair mechanisms. These mechanisms revolve around tissue fibroblasts that due to continuous stimulation secrete excessive amounts of collagen and inhibit the activation of factors essential to the normal collagen degradation occurring in scar resolution. Among these factors are the MMPs, an enzyme family with the ability to degrade extracellular matrix components such as collagen during the normal repair mechanisms following tissue injury. The malfunction in the regulation of these enzymes is important in the development of fibrosis in the liver and other organs. In this study it was demonstrated that MMPs are involved in the acute uterine inflammatory response and that they were secreted by infiltrating inflammatory cells. The cellular mechanisms observed during endometritis in normal mares were comparable to the normal repair mechanisms known to be altered in the fibrosis of other organs. These enzymes were present in equine foetal fluids, and their regulation may be important in the process of abortion and stillbirth. It was demonstrated that inbreeding may be correlated with increased deposition of endometrial collagen in a study population of the Icelandic horse breed even though this breed appears to exhibit less severe endometrial degeneration than what is known in lighter breeds. It is likely that genetic predisposition leads to the disruption of normally self-limiting inflammatory and repair mechanisms in the endometrium, resulting in constant activation of collagen synthesis by local and infiltrating cells. This thesis has shown that tissue repair mechanisms involving MMPs are likely to be involved in endometrial fibrosis in the mare. An inherent alteration in these mechanisms may play a role in the pathogenesis of this condition, and might arise due to genetic predisposition. Further understanding of the pathways leading to excess collagen amounts in the endometrium may produce preventative measures, and even therapeutic targets.

Um protótipo de sistema especialista para o suporte a operação e manutenção do monitor de lastro Oili 1000 de navios petroleiros

Ricardo de Oliveira Alves 01 May 1996 (has links)
Este trabalho de pesquisa tem por objetivo modelar e desenvolver um protótipo de Sistema Especialista para a operação e manutenção do Monitor Lastro Oili S 1000 utilizado pelos navios petroleiros da Fronape para os processos de lavagem e deslastro dos tanques de carga, visando minimizar a poluição do mar causada durante esses processos. protótipo de Sistema Especialista em questão, denominado Monilastro, foi desenvolvido usando a ferrameta "VP-Expert" da "Paperback Software International" versão 2.1, em regras de produção, e contou com etapas de desenvolvimento nas áreas de identificação e validação de problemas, aquisição e representação do conhecimento para construção do protótipo e, verificação, validação e testes após a expansão do mesmo. A consulta ao Monilastro inicia-se com o sistema apresentando diversas questões ao usuário, e este fornecendo ao sistema as informações necessárias para processar a base de conhecimento correspondente. A partir daí, as informações necessárias para processar a base do conhecimento correspondente. A partir daí, as informações geram resultados que auxiliam o usuário na tomada de decisões para a operação e/ou manutenção do Monitor Lastro. O desempenho do Monilastro foi aquilatado através de diversos testes em situações reais pelo engenheiro do conhecimento, pelo especialista, e pelo pessoal de bordo da Fronape, melhorando-se nestas ocasiões a interface com o usuário.

Desenvolvimento de protocolo de sincronização da onda folicular e determinação do momento ideal para indução da ovulação na espécie equina / Development of a follicular wave synchronization protocol and establishment of the ideal time to ovulation induction in mares

Reway, Ana Paula 25 January 2017 (has links)
Foram realizados cinco experimentos com o objetivo de sincronização do estro e indução da ovulação em tempo fixo em éguas. Experimento I: avaliou a eficácia de um novo protocolo hormonal para a sincronização do estro, sendo realizado durante o período transicional em éguas cujo status reprodutivo era desconhecido. Experimento II: foi delineado para determinar o momento ideal para retirada dispositivo intravaginal de progesterona (DIP), sendo o dispositivo retirado no dia 7, 8 ou 9 do protocolo de tratamento hormonal. Experimento III: testou se a eficiência do protocolo é dependente da fase do ciclo estral da égua e definiu o melhor momento para indução da ovulação. Experimentos IV e V: as éguas foram submetidas ao protocolo completo de sincronização da onda folicular e indução da ovulação em diferentes fases do ciclo estral ou com status reprodutivo conhecido. A hipótese testada foi de que a sincronização do estro e indução da ovulação, com o uso do DIP de 1,44g provoca a supressão do crescimento folicular e através da indução da ovulação, com hCG e GnRH, promove a ovulação dentro de 42 ± 6 horas de no mínimo 75% dos animais. Para isso, os efeitos das prostaglandinas e progestágenos foram avaliados quanto à capacidade de sincronizar a onda de crescimento folicular. Um novo tratamento para induzir a ovulação em tempo fixo foi testado com uma combinação de GnRH e hCG em dois momentos estratégicos (D10 e D12) visando maximizar o número de éguas ovuladas. O protocolo com administração de prostaglandina no D0, D6 e D8 juntamente com a colocação do DIP mantido durante 8 dias (D0 ao D7) demonstrou ser eficaz para suprimir a taxa de crescimento folicular em éguas cíclicas. Nas éguas submetidas a este protocolo as ovulações que ocorreram naturalmente se concentraram entre os dias 10 e 13 do tratamento. Foi testada a eficiência da indução da ovulação no D10 e D12. Na maioria dos animais tratados, o folículo pré-ovulatório foi responsivo à combinação de GnRH e hCG promovendo o sucesso da indução da ovulação. A eficiência do protocolo hormonal testado para sincronização do estro e da ovulação foi de 76,73%, sustentando a hipótese deste estudo. Novos estudos devem ser realizados em um maior número de animais para possíveis adequações na terapia hormonal e verificação do resultado em um grande número experimental de animais. / Five experiments were conducted with the objective of estrus synchronization and fixed time ovulation induction in mares. Experiment I: evaluated the efficacy of a new hormonal protocol for estrus synchronization in mares whose reproductive status was unknown during the transitional period. Experiment II: was designed to determine the best time to remove the P4 intravaginal device (PID). The device was removed on day 7, 8 or 9 of the hormonal treatment protocol. Experiment III: tested if protocol efficiency depends on the stage of mares estrus cycle and indicated the best time for hormonal induction of ovulation. Experiments IV and V: mares were submitted to the full protocol of follicular wave synchronization and ovulation induction at different stages of estrus cycle or at known reproductive status. The tested hypothesis was that the estrus synchronization and induction of ovulation, using an PID of 1.44g, causes suppression of follicular growth, and ovulation induction using hCG and GnRH promote ovulation within 42 ± 6 hours of at least 75% of treated animals. The effect of prostaglandin and progestagens at specific times were evaluated for the ability to synchronize follicular wave. A new treatment to induce fixed time ovulation was tested with GnRH and hCG combination in two strategic moments (D10 and D12) to maximize the number of ovulated mares. Administration of prostaglandin at D0, D6 and D8 together with PID maintained for 8 days (D0 to D7) proved to be effective to suppress follicular growth during reproductive period. In mares submitted to this protocol, ovulation occurred naturally and concentrated between D10 and D13. The ovulation induction efficiency was tested at D10 and D12. Most of the animals had preovulatory follicle responsiveness to GnRH and hCG, promoting the success of ovulation induction. The efficiency of the tested synchronization of estrus and ovulation induction protocol was 76.73% and supported the hypothesis of this study. Further studies should be performed on a larger number of animals for possible adjustments in hormonal therapy and verification of the result in a large number of animals.

Progestin profiles near parturition in light horse, pony and miniature horse mares

Baumholtz, Heather Mackie 06 August 1998 (has links)
Graduation date: 1999

Development of an enzyme immunoassay using whole plasma to determine progesterone concentrations during early pregnancy in the mare

Widmann, Andrea A. 11 November 1991 (has links)
Graduation date: 1992

Morfologiniai kumelių gimdos gleivinės pokyčiai endometrito ir endometriozės atvejais / Morphological changes in equine endometrium in cases of endometritis and endometrosis

Sabeckienė, Jūratė 05 December 2006 (has links)
The display of Lithuanian mare’s endometritis and endometrosis was investigated. The prevalence of myofibroblasts and tenascin was determined during endometritis and endometrosis. An acute phase protein serum amyloid A studies in mares’ endometrium were carried out. The changes of the vessels walls thickness and the amount of elastic fibers, due to mares’ age and endometrial pathology, were evaluated using morfometric analysis.

Skirtingų veislių kumelių embrioninio laikotarpio trukmės ir abortavimo priežasčių tyrimas / Various breeds mares embryonic period and abortion reasons research

Glodenytė, Martyna 05 March 2014 (has links)
Magistriniame darbe nagrinėjama tema “skirtingų veislių kumelių embrioninio laikotarpio trukmės ir abortavimo priežasčių tyrimas ” Baigiamojo darbo apimtis 36 puslapių darbe naudotos 6 lentelės, sudaryti 6 grafikai, išnagrinėti 32 literatūros šaltiniai. Darbo tikslas:Ištirti veislės įtaką kumelių reprodukcinėms savybėms. Darbo uždaviniai: Ištirti skirtingų veislių kumelių reprodukcijos rodiklius Vilniaus žirgyne ir ištirti veislės įtaką kumelių embrioninio laikotarpio trukmei. Darbas atliktas naudojant Vilniaus žirgyno duomenis, apie jų veisiamas kumeles. Tyrimas atliktas stebint 6 skirtingas veisles. Naudoti 5 skirtingu metu duomenys (2005; 2007; 2009; 2010; 2011) atliekant kumelių reprodukcinius vertinimus. O embriologinio laiko tyrimui buvo naudoti duomenys iš 2013 metu. Duomenys apdoroti skaičiuokle EXCEL ir SPSS paketu. Ištyrus skirtingų veislių kumelių reprodukcinius rodiklius nustatyti skirtumai tarp veislių. Trakėnų kumelių skaičius žirgyne didėjo tai yra 14,3proc. daugiau kumelių nei tyrimo pradžioje, tačiau kumeliukų skaičius mažėjo ir 2011 metais jų buvo 1,4 karto mažiau nei 2005m. Kergimų buvo atliekama daugiau tačiau abortavusių kumelių skaičius tyrimo laikotarpiu irgi augo. Anglų grynakraujų kemelių skaičius nuolat mažėjo atitinkamai mažėjo ir visi kiti rodikliai. Arabų grynakraujų arklių augo visi rodikliai, kumelių auginama dvigubai daugiau nei 2005m. Gaunama vis daugiau kumeliukų (1,5 karto daugiau), o abortų skaičius tiriamaisiais metais sumažėjo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Various breeds mares embryonic period and abortion reasons research Working in Lithuania stud Vilnius section. The coverage of the work 36 pages, 6 pictures, 6 tables, examined 32 references. Aim: To investigate the influence of a variety of mare reproductive performance. Tasks: to investigate the different breeds of equine reproduction rates Vilnius equestrian center and explore a variety of mares influence embryonic period of time. The study was performed using data of Vilnius stud, bred their mares. The study was conducted by monitoring 6 different varieties. Use 5 different time data (2005, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011) the mare reproductive evaluations. The time embryological study was to use data of 2013 year . Data processing of an Excel spreadsheet and SPSS . Examination of the different varieties of mare reproductive traits to identify the differences between varieties. Trakehner mares stud farm , it is increased by 14.3 percent . more mares than the beginning of the study , but the number of foals decreased in 2011 were 1.4 times less than in 2005 . Coverings have been done but more mares abort the study period also increased. Thoroughbreds kemel declined steadily decreased , respectively , and all other indicators . Arab thoroughbred horse grew all indicators mares grown twice as much as 2005 . There is growing foals (1.5 times ), while subjects in the number of abortions declined last year of the study did not abort mares . Old-style Žemaitukai equine abortions occur... [to full text]

Effects of Maternal Nutrition Manipulation on Mares and Their Foals

Winsco, Kelly N 03 October 2013 (has links)
Previous research documented the fetus is sensitive to nutrition of the dam, but this has not been thoroughly investigated in horses. Objectives of the current studies were to determine effect of manipulation of maternal nutrition during the last third of pregnancy on mare performance, intake, hormones, foaling parameters, colostrum, and foal passive transfer of immunity and growth, and effects of supplemental arginine. Plane of nutrition influenced mare performance, and DMI was influenced by time with the first trial finding all mares consumed less in the 10th month of pregnancy compared to the 11th month, and the second trial finding all mares consumed less during the 11th month. Additionally, the second study determined arginine supplementation has no detrimental effects on DMI. Both studies indicated the dual marker system was sufficient at estimating DMI. Neither trial found an influence of treatment on foaling parameters or physical measurements obtained following parturition, and the second study determined arginine supplementation also did not affect foaling or measurements. The first study determined maternal nutrition did not affect foal growth or ADG. When colostrum quality was evaluated, the first study determined mares consuming only hay had increased specific gravity and Brix% indicating higher quality. This was confirmed by IgG analysis finding a tendency for increased IgG concentration. However, colostrum volume was not affected by nutrition, nor was total g IgG. The second study found contrasting results with greater specific gravity in mares on a high plane of nutrition, and a tendency for moderate plane of nutrition mares to have greater volume. Additionally, the second study determined that arginine supplementation does not influence colostrum volume or quality (measured by specific gravity or Brix %). In the first trial, maternal diets affected glucose and insulin AUC in mares, which altered insulin dynamics in the resulting foals. Foal insulin AUC and peak insulin concentration were greater in foals from mares supplemented with concentrate compared to foals from mares fed hay alone. These studies have provided a wealth of information to help elucidate the impact of maternal nutrition in late gestation on mares and their foals.

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