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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Výpočtové modelování dynamiky záběru čelního ozubeného soukolí v prostředí MBS / Computational Modeling of Gear Mesh Engagement Dynamics by MBS Approach

Pykal, Vojtěch January 2021 (has links)
This master’s thesis is focused on the compilation of a computational modelling of gear mesh engagement dynamics of a spur gear by MBS approach. The user input is the specific geometry of gears, the operating speed, and the load torque. The output are the forces in the gear engagement and the reaction of the forces in the wheel bearings depending on the change in the stiffness of the gear due to the changing number of teeth in the engagement and the change in the axial distance. This model is characterized by a fast and relatively accurate calculation in the time domain. This means that it can react to changes in parameters during simulation such as axial distance, speed, and torque.

Dynamic Analysis of an Automotive Power Transfer unit : Towards prediction of TE and housing vibrations / Dynamisk analys av en vinkelväxel

Kosaraju, Nikhil Maharshi January 2019 (has links)
This work describes the use of Multi-Body Simulation (MBS) to create a virtual prototype of a geared drive called Power transfer unit (PTU). PTU is a subsystem of the all-wheel drive driveline responsible for transfer of power between front and rear axles in an Automobile. The objective of the developing the prototype is to simulate the dynamic behavior of the PTU. Focus is on predicting the gear transmission error(TE) and gearbox housing vibration level. A Hypoid gear set, bearings, tubular shaft and housing are the major components in the PTU. This work is carried out at GKN Automotive which specializes in development of Automotive All wheel drive systems. When developing such geared systems one important characteristic analyzed is the noise and vibration it generates. And for companies like GKN it is desirable to predict these characteristics as early as possible for two reasons, to avoid late design changes and to speed up the product development cycle. To achieve this, a validated virtual model which is computationally efficient is desired. The methodology followed contains of two facets, development of the MBS model and validation of the developed model with physical testing. An integrated MBS-FEM approach is used, an FE modal reduction technique is used to create flexible components with which a virtual prototype is built and simulated in an MBS tool MSC ADAMS c . Gear contact and bearings are defined using an analytical approach which considers the nonlinear stiffness and damping. A dynamic analysis and system level modal analysis is performed to predict the TE, housing vibrations and PTU modal parameters. Experimental modal analysis and physical testing on test rig are performed to measure the actual values of the above predicted outputs. Parameters like damping, contact stiffness of the model are then tuned to achieve correlation. When comparing test and prediction, close correlation is seen in the TE and for housing vibration a similar trend is observed with some deviations. Predicted TE is heavily dependent on gear contact parameters. On the modal parameter comparison, a correlation of five modes and mode shapes below 2500Hz is seen which shows the validity of the MBS model. Parameter studies are performed to study the effect of bearing damping and preload on housing vibrations and TE. It is observed that an optimum value of preload and damping is essential to avoid unnecessary vibrations. In conclusion, the model with some fine tuning of damping parameters can be used for virtual noise and vibration analysis of the PTU. / Detta arbete beskriver anv¨andningen av beräkningsmetoden Multi-Body Simulation (MBS) för att skapa en virtuell prototyp av en vinkelväxel (Power Transfer Unit, PTU ). PTU är ett delsystem för fyrhjulsdrift som har funktionen att överföra kraft mellan fram- och bakaxlar i en bil. Målet med att utveckla modellen är att simulera PTUns dynamiska beteende. Fokus ligger på att beräkna vinkelväxelns transmissionsfel och vibrationsnivåer på växellådans hus. De vikitgaste komponenterna i PTUn är hypoidväxeln med kronhjul och pinjong, röraxel, lager och hus. Detta arbete har utförts på GKN Automotive som är specialiserade på utveckling av drivsystem för fyhjulsdrivna bilar. Ljud och vibrationer är viktiga egenskaper att ta hänsyn till under utvecklingen. För företag som GKN är det önskvärt att kunna beräkna dessa egenskaper så tidigt i projektet av två skäl: dels för att undvika sena konstruktionsförändringar och dels att påskynda produktutvecklingscykeln. För att uppnå detta behövs en validerad virtuell modell som är beräkningseffektiv. Den metod som använts innehåller två delar: utveckling av MBS-modellen och validering av den utvecklade modellen med fysisk testning. En integrerad MBS-FEM -mettod har använts. Det innebär att en FE-modal reduktionsteknik andvänds för att skapa flexibla komponenter med vilka en virtuell prototyp byggs och simuleras i ett MBS-verktyg (MSC ADAMS (c) ). Lager och kuggkontakt i växeln definieras med hjälp av en analytisk metod som beaktar den olinjära styvheten och dämpningen. En dynamisk analys och modalanalys på systemnivå har utförts för att beräkna TE, husvibrationer och PTUns modala parametrar. Experimentell modalanalys och testning i rigg gjorts för att mäta motsvarande värden som har beräknats. Parametrar som dämpning och kontaktstyvhet har sedan justerats för att uppnå korrelation. Vid jämförelse av test och förutsägelse ses en god korrelation i TE och för husvibrationer observeras en liknande trend, med vissa avvikelser. Beräknat TE är starkt beroende på parametrar för kuggkontakten i växeln. Vid jämförelse av modala parametrar ses en god korrelation under 2500 Hz mellan fem moder i mätning och beräkning vad gäller frekvens och modform, vilket visar MBS-modellens giltighet. Parameterstudier har utförts för att studera effekten av lagerdämpning och förbelastning på TE och husvibrationer. Ett optimalt värde på förbelastning och dämpning är viktigt för att undvika onödiga vibrationer. Sammanfattningsvis kan modellen med viss finjustering av dämpningsparametrar användas i virtuell ljud- och vibrationsanalys av PTU.

Dynamic behavior characterization of a Power Transfer Unit using Multi Body Simulation / Simulering av en vinkelväxels dynamiska beteende

Lingaiah, Puneeth January 2018 (has links)
Vinkelväxlar och slutväxlar spelar en viktig roll för kraftöverföringen mellan motor och hjuli fyrhjulsdrivna bilar. Med en ökande konkurrens finns en efterfrågan för att ständigt förbättraeffektivitet, ljudgenereringegenskaper och hållfasthet. För att uppnå detta krävs en bättreförståelse av systemets dynamiska egenskaper. En detaljerad numerisk dynamisk modell ärdock ofta beräkningsmässigt tung och tidskrävande. Verktygen för den dynamiska modelleringenbehöver bli mer effektiva och i vissa fall kan en kombinationen av två verktyg vara ett bättrealternativ. Denna integrerade plattform kan användas för att effektivt modellera dynamiken ochfå en bättre inblick i systemts beteende.Vinkelväxlen är en enhet vars funktion är att fördela kraften mellan fram- och bakaxel. De viktigastekomponenterna i vinkelväxeln är en hypoid-drevsats och en klokoppling, som aktiveras närkraft ska överföras till bakaxeln via kardanaxeln. Detta arbete modellerar dynamiskt beteendei vinkelväxeln och har sytftet att beräkna transmissionsfelet i systemet och dess effekt somexciteringskälla av ljud och vibrationer i systemet. MSC ADAMS har använts för Multi-Bodyberäkningsverktyg för modelleringen.Det beräknade transmissionsfelet har jämfört med testresultat. Dessutom har en co-simuleringmed både ADAMS och SIMULINK genomförts för att skapa en bas för tillämpa optimeringsalgoritmer.Bultarna i bultförbandet samt deras styvhet och förspänning har inkluderats i modellenoch studerats med avseende på effekten på vibrationer i kopplingspunkter, samt algoritmerför optimering har föreslagits. Korrelationen mellan test och beräkning var mycket god, ochdessutom har förslag på hur denna typ av beräkning kan förbättras ytterligare givits. / Automotive drive units play an important role in transmitting power from an engine to the wheels.In today’s competitive world, there is an increasing demand for these devices to be more efficient,quiet, and reliable at the same time. In order to achieve this, a better understanding of system’sdynamic behavior is necessary. A detailed dynamic model of a system is often computationallyintense to solve and time consuming. This demands more efficient tools to be developed and insome cases integrating two or more tools would be a better option. The integrated platform can beused to effectively model the dynamic behavior of a system and get better insights on the systembehavior.Power Transfer Unit (PTU) is a device whose function is to distribute power between a front axleand rear axle. This unit basically includes hypoid gear set and a dog clutch that is engaged whenthere is a requirement to transfer power to the Rear Drive Unit (RDU) through prop shaft. Thismaster thesis describes modeling the dynamic behavior of a PTU with a goal of predicting thetransmission error in the system and its effect as a source of excitation on the entire unit followedby studying system response to this type of excitation. MSC ADAMS was used as a Multi-BodySimulation tool to model the dynamic behavior of the PTU.The transmission error predicted by the simulation was compared with the test results, a cosimulationbetween SIMULINK and ADAMS was established in order to create a platform toapply optimization algorithms. The bolt and bearing stiffness were incorporated in the model andtheir effect on the mounting point accelerations and bearing point accelerations were studied. Itwas found that the bolt stiffness affects the acceleration levels at the coupling points and suitablealgorithms could be applied in order to find an optimum value. As a result of the good correlationbetween test and simulation data, some other useful conclusions have been derived in order todevelop this approach of modeling.

Modelling of Automotive Suspension Damper / Modellering av spjäll för fordon

Vyas, Saurabh, Jonnalagadda, Venkata Dinesh Raju January 2020 (has links)
A hydraulic damper plays an important role in tuning the handling and comfort characteristicsof a vehicle. Tuning and selecting a damper based on subjective evaluation, by considering theopinions of various users, would be an inefficient method since the comfort requirements of usersvary a lot. Instead, mathematical models of damper and simulation of these models in variousoperating conditions are preferred to standardize the tuning procedure, quantify the comfortlevels and reduce cost of testing. This would require a model, which is good enough to capture thebehaviour of damper in various operating and extreme conditions.The Force-Velocity (FV) curve is one of the most widely used model of a damper. This curve isimplemented either as an equation or as a look-up table. It is a plot between the maximum forceat each peak velocity point. There are certain dynamic phenomena like hysteresis and dependencyon the displacement of damper, which cannot be captured with a FV curve model, but are requiredfor better understanding of the vehicle behaviour.This thesis was conducted in cooperation with Volvo Cars with an aim to improve the existingdamper model which is a Force-Velocity curve. This work focuses on developing a damper model,which is complex enough to capture the phenomena discussed above and simple enough to beimplemented in real time simulations. Also, the thesis aims to establish a standard method toparameterise the damper model and generate the Force-Velocity curve from the tests performedon the damper test rig. A test matrix which includes the standard tests for parameterising andthe extreme test cases for the validation of the developed model will be developed. The final focusis to implement the damper model in a multi body simulation (MBS) software.The master thesis starts with an introduction, where the background for the project is described and then the thesis goals are set. It is followed by a literature review in which fewadvanced damper models are discussed in brief. Then, a step-by-step process of developing thedamper model is discussed along with few more possible options. Later, the construction of a testmatrix is discussed in detail followed by the parameter identification process. Next, the validationof the developed damper model is discussed using the test data from Volvo Hällered ProvingGround (HPG). After validation, implementation of the model in VI CarRealTime and Adams Caralong with the results are presented. Finally the thesis is concluded and the recommendations forfuture work are made on further improving the model. / En hydraulisk stötdämpare spelar en viktig roll för att fordonets hantering och komfort. Attjustera och välja en stötdämpare baserat på subjektiv utvärdering, genom att beakta olika användares åsikter, skulle vara en ineffektiv metod eftersom användarnas komfortkrav varierarmycket. Istället föredras matematiska modeller av stötdämpare och simulering av dessa modellerunder olika driftsförhållanden för att standardisera inställningsförfarandet, kvantifiera komfortnivåerna och minska testkostnaden. Detta skulle kräva en modell som är tillräckligt bra för attfånga upp stötdämparens beteende under olika drifts- och extrema förhållanden.Force-Velocity (FV) -kurvan är en av de mest använda stötdämparmodellerna. Denna kurvaimplementeras antingen som en ekvation eller som en uppslagstabell. Det är ett diagram somredovisar den maximala kraften vid varje maxhastighetspunkt. Det finns vissa dynamiskafenomen som hysteres och beroende av stötdämparens förskjutning, som inte kan fångas med enFV-kurvmodell, men som krävs för att bättre förstå fordonets beteende.Denna avhandling genomfördes i samarbete med Volvo Cars i syfte att förbättra den befintligastötdämparmodellen som är en Force-Velocity-kurva. Detta arbete fokuserar på att utveckla enstötdämparmodell, som är tillräckligt komplex för att fånga upp de fenomen som diskuteratsovan och tillräckligt enkel för att implementeras i realtidssimuleringar. Avhandlingen syftarockså till att upprätta en standardmetod för att parametrisera spjällmodellen och generera ForceVelocity-kurvan från de test som utförts på stötdämpartestriggen. En testmatris som innehållerstandardtest för parametrisering och extrema testfall för validering av den utvecklade modellenkommer att utvecklas. Det sista fokuset är att implementera stötdämparmodellen i en multi-bodysimulation (MBS) programvara.Examensarbetet inleds med en introduktion, där bakgrunden för projektet beskrivs ochdärefter definieras målen med arbetet. Det följs av en litteraturöversikt där några avanceradestötdämparmodeller diskuteras i korthet. Därefter diskuteras en steg-för-steg-process för attutveckla stötdämparmodeller tillsammans med några fler möjliga alternativ. Senare diskuteraskonstruktionen av en testmatris i detalj följt av parameteridentifieringsprocessen. Därefterdiskuteras valideringen av den utvecklade stötdämparmodellen med hjälp av testdata från VolvoHällered Proving Ground (HPG). Efter validering presenteras implementeringen av modellen iVI CarRealTime och Adams Car tillsammans med resultaten. Slutligen avslutas rapporten medslutsatser från arbetet och rekommendationer för framtida arbete görs för att ytterligare förbättramodellen.

Simulation of Wheel and Rail Profile Evolution : Wear Modelling and Validation

Enblom, Roger January 2004 (has links)
<p>Numerical procedures for reliable wheel and rail wearprediction are rare. Recent development of simulationtechniques and computer power together with tribologicalknowledge do however suggest computer aided wear prediction.The objective of the related research field at the RoyalInstitute of Technology (KTH) is to arrive at a numericalprocedure able to simulate profile evolution due to uniformwear to a degree of accuracy sufficient for application tovehicle dynamics simulation. Such a tool would be useful formaintenance planning as well as optimisation of the transportsystem and its components.</p><p>The research contribution accounted for in this thesisincludes, in addition to a literature review, refinement ofmethods applied to uniform wheel wear simulation by inclusionof braking and improvement of the contact model. Further atentative application to uniform rail wheel simulation has beenproposed and tested.</p><p>The first part addresses issues related to braking andwheel-rail contact conditions in the context of wheel wearsimulation. The KTH approach includes Archard’s wear modelwith associated wear maps, vehicle dynamics simulation andrailway network definition. In previous work at KTH certainvariations in operating conditions have been accounted forthrough empirically estimated average scaling factors. Theobjective of the current research is to be able to include suchvariations in the set of simulations. In particular theinfluence of disc braking and varying friction and lubricationconditions are investigated. Both environmental factors likemoist and contamination and deliberate lubrication need to beconsidered. As part of the associated contact analysis theinfluence of tangential elastic deformation of the contactingsurfaces on the sliding velocity has been separatelyinvestigated and found to be essential in case of partial slipcontact conditions.</p><p>In the second part validation of the improvements related towheel wear simulation is addressed. Disc braking has beenincluded in the simulation set and a wear map for moist contactconditions based on recent tribometer tests has been draftedand tested. It has been shown that the previously used brakingfactor accounts for the combination of the contributions fromsurface elasticity and braking. Good agreement withmeasurements from the Stockholm commuter service is achieved.It is concluded that the model improvements accounted for aresufficient for adequate simulation of tread wear but thatfurther development of the flange / gauge corner contactmodelling may be needed.</p><p>In the final part a procedure for simulation of rail wearand corresponding profile evolution has been formulated. Asimulation set is selected defining the vehicles running on thetrack to be investigated, their operating conditions, andcontact parameters. Several variations of input data may beincluded together with the corresponding occurrenceprobability. Trial calculations of four non-lubricated curveswith radii from 303 m to 802 m show qualitatively reasonableresults in terms of profile shape development and difference inwear mechanisms between gauge corner and rail head. The wearrates related to traffic tonnage are however overestimated. Itis believed that model refinements in terms of environmentalinfluence and contact stress calculation are useful to improvethe quantitative results.</p> / QC 20100531

Aplicação de sistemas multicorpos na dinâmica de veículos guiados. / Multibody system dynamics applied to guided vehicles.

Barbosa, Roberto Spinola 03 May 1999 (has links)
A proposição desta tese consiste na aplicação da técnica de Sistemas Multicorpos, na dinâmica de veículos guiados em trajetória variável. Foi apresentada uma visão geral do formalismo matemático, baseado nos métodos de Lagrange e Kane, utilizados nos programas de multicorpos, para geração automática das equações de movimento. A teoria de mecânica de contato, fundamental para o cálculo das forças de contato, entre o veículo e a guia, foi exposta detalhadamente. Sua validação, foi realizada, através de ensaios de laboratório, realizados no INRETS (França). A técnica de modelagem de Sistemas Multicorpos, foi aplicada, na previsão do comportamento dinâmico de veículos guiados. Neste sentido, a elaboração do modelo, através da descrição topológica, obtenção das equações de movimentos, análise e simulação do comportamento, foram realizadas. Foram selecionados na literatura internacional, os estudos de caso propostos pela International Association of Vehicle System Dynamics (IAVSD), para avaliação de veículos guiados. Foram modelados, o rodeiro ferroviário, submetido a força lateral, truque trafegando por um desvio e um veículo completo inscrevendo uma curva. O veículo modelado com 35 graus de liberdade, produziu mais de 1100 equações algébrico/diferenciais (DAE). As simulações do comportamento dinâmico dos sistemas, foram realizadas e os resultados apresentados em gráficos temporais. Os modos de movimento foram quantificados, através da analise modal, realizada no sistema linearização em torno de um ponto de operação. Os valores obtidos, foram comparados com números publicados e algumas discrepâncias, foram encontradas e justificadas. Pode-se observar nitidamente, o movimento de lacet, a partir dos auto-vetores complexos da matriz dinâmica do sistema. De forma geral, os resultados obtidos tanto na análise temporal, como no domínio da freqüência, apresentaram boa concordância, com os resultados publicados por outros autores. Estes resultados encorajadores, promovem a confiança na aplicação da técnica de Multicorpos em veículos guiados, sendo estímulo, para aplicação no desenvolvimento de novos projetos. / The subject of this thesis is the application of multibody system modelling techniques for dynamic behaviour investigation on guided vehicle on variable track trajectories. Analysis of existing techniques for generating vehicle motion equations, using multibody systems (MBS), is also carried out. Rolling contact theory, fundamental for vehicle/track forces calculations, are extensively reviewed. Validation have been carried out with laboratorial experiments. Multibody system modelling techniques have been used to predict, guided vehicle behaviour. Topological model description, have been used to generate equation of motion for simulation purposes. It has been chosen the railway vehicle, proposed by the International Association of Vehicle System Dynamics (IAVSD), as evaluation benchmark. The solution of wheelset benchmark proposition is presented. A two wheelset bogie model in a deviation, is also solved. A complete railway vehicle, with 35 degrees of freedom model, producing more than 1100 differential/algebraic equations (DAE), is performed and analysed. Time result simulation have been presented. Modal analysis have been performed around an operation point. Results have been compare with numbers published and discrepancy founded have been justified. Hunting movement have been obtained with the complex eigen-vector from system dynamic matrix. In general, results obtained from time and frequency domain, agreed with available results published from other authors. This encouraging results, promote credibility to Multibody System technique application to guided vehicle, stimulating new developing applications.

Aplicação de sistemas multicorpos na dinâmica de veículos guiados. / Multibody system dynamics applied to guided vehicles.

Roberto Spinola Barbosa 03 May 1999 (has links)
A proposição desta tese consiste na aplicação da técnica de Sistemas Multicorpos, na dinâmica de veículos guiados em trajetória variável. Foi apresentada uma visão geral do formalismo matemático, baseado nos métodos de Lagrange e Kane, utilizados nos programas de multicorpos, para geração automática das equações de movimento. A teoria de mecânica de contato, fundamental para o cálculo das forças de contato, entre o veículo e a guia, foi exposta detalhadamente. Sua validação, foi realizada, através de ensaios de laboratório, realizados no INRETS (França). A técnica de modelagem de Sistemas Multicorpos, foi aplicada, na previsão do comportamento dinâmico de veículos guiados. Neste sentido, a elaboração do modelo, através da descrição topológica, obtenção das equações de movimentos, análise e simulação do comportamento, foram realizadas. Foram selecionados na literatura internacional, os estudos de caso propostos pela International Association of Vehicle System Dynamics (IAVSD), para avaliação de veículos guiados. Foram modelados, o rodeiro ferroviário, submetido a força lateral, truque trafegando por um desvio e um veículo completo inscrevendo uma curva. O veículo modelado com 35 graus de liberdade, produziu mais de 1100 equações algébrico/diferenciais (DAE). As simulações do comportamento dinâmico dos sistemas, foram realizadas e os resultados apresentados em gráficos temporais. Os modos de movimento foram quantificados, através da analise modal, realizada no sistema linearização em torno de um ponto de operação. Os valores obtidos, foram comparados com números publicados e algumas discrepâncias, foram encontradas e justificadas. Pode-se observar nitidamente, o movimento de lacet, a partir dos auto-vetores complexos da matriz dinâmica do sistema. De forma geral, os resultados obtidos tanto na análise temporal, como no domínio da freqüência, apresentaram boa concordância, com os resultados publicados por outros autores. Estes resultados encorajadores, promovem a confiança na aplicação da técnica de Multicorpos em veículos guiados, sendo estímulo, para aplicação no desenvolvimento de novos projetos. / The subject of this thesis is the application of multibody system modelling techniques for dynamic behaviour investigation on guided vehicle on variable track trajectories. Analysis of existing techniques for generating vehicle motion equations, using multibody systems (MBS), is also carried out. Rolling contact theory, fundamental for vehicle/track forces calculations, are extensively reviewed. Validation have been carried out with laboratorial experiments. Multibody system modelling techniques have been used to predict, guided vehicle behaviour. Topological model description, have been used to generate equation of motion for simulation purposes. It has been chosen the railway vehicle, proposed by the International Association of Vehicle System Dynamics (IAVSD), as evaluation benchmark. The solution of wheelset benchmark proposition is presented. A two wheelset bogie model in a deviation, is also solved. A complete railway vehicle, with 35 degrees of freedom model, producing more than 1100 differential/algebraic equations (DAE), is performed and analysed. Time result simulation have been presented. Modal analysis have been performed around an operation point. Results have been compare with numbers published and discrepancy founded have been justified. Hunting movement have been obtained with the complex eigen-vector from system dynamic matrix. In general, results obtained from time and frequency domain, agreed with available results published from other authors. This encouraging results, promote credibility to Multibody System technique application to guided vehicle, stimulating new developing applications.

Etude des circuits de commande assurant la compatibilité électromagnétique des variateurs de lumière utilisant des interrupteurs à grille isolée : application aux MBS

Ferragut, R. 03 July 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Les composants à grille isolée sont de plus en plus souvent utilisés dans les variateurs de lumière connectés au secteur. L'utilisation de ces composants permet d'assurer la compatibilité électromagnétique du système en contrôlant les formes d'onde de commutation. Dans ce contexte, l'objet de ce travail porte sur l'étude des méthodes de commande des composants à grille isolée permettant de réduire les perturbations émises tout en conservant des pertes de commutation acceptables. Nous présentons dans une première partie un modèle comportemental du MBS lors de sa fermeture sur charges résistives. Ce modèle permet d'analyser l'influence des différents paramètres électriques du MBS sur les formes d’onde de commutation. Il permet également de déterminer en simulation les perturbations électromagnétiques générées. Dans une seconde partie nous nous intéressons aux circuits de commande permettant aux variateurs de lumière utilisant des MBS de respecter les normes de compatibilité électromagnétique. Une méthode de dimensionnement des commandes R-C est présentée. Les performances de ce type de commande en terme de perturbations électromagnétiques générées et de pertes de commutation sont déterminées en simulation puis en mesure. La principale limite de ces commandes provient de leur sensibilité aux variations des paramètres électriques du composant commandé. Ceci nous a poussé à développer un nouveau type de commande permettant d'assurer des commutations peu perturbatrices de manière simple et fiable. Le principe de la commande développée, basée sur un contrôle en courant du composant, est présenté et ses performances sont analysées tant en simulation qu'en réalité. La sensibilité aux dispersions de paramètre obtenue est faible par rapport à celle des commandes classiques. D'autre part, le circuit de commande proposé présente l'avantage d'être réalisable sous forme d'un circuit intégré monolithique. L'utilisation de cette nouvelle commande a permis la réalisation d'un variateur de lumière à MBS d'une puissance maximale de 500W respectant les normes CEM sans filtre secteur et ne dissipant qu'une puissance de 3,5W soit un rendement de conversion de 99,3%.

An Enhanced Multi-Beacon Superframe Structure for IEEE 802.15.4 Wireless Personal Area Networks

Ho, Ping-Hsien 13 June 2012 (has links)
In an IEEE802.15.4 beacon-enabled wireless personal area network (WPAN), the PAN coordinator can allocate slots using contention free-GTSs (guaranteed the time slots) for admitted devices. However, due to fixed slot size, the bandwidth waste problem may arise. Hence, reference [6] proposed the multi-beacon superframe structure (MBS) to overcome this problem. However, in [6], the structure of sub-beacon intervals in a superframe is non-adaptive. Therefore, this thesis proposes an enhanced multi-beacon superframe structure (EMBS). In EMBS, a PAN coordinator employs the greedy SBI-allocation algorithm to adjust a superframe structure according to the traffic demand of admitted devices such that a superframe can consist of a number of different types of sub-beacon intervals (SBIs). Simulation results reveal that a WPAN using EMBS can attain higher bandwidth utilization than a WPAN using 802.15.4 or MBS.

Σχεδιασμός αλγορίθμων και υλοποίηση εφαρμογών για νέες υπηρεσίες

Καπούλας, Ευάγγελος 12 February 2008 (has links)
Στη διατριβή εξετάζουμε προβλήματα που σχετίζονται με τη μετάδοση δεδομένων με υψηλές απαιτήσεις σε εύρος ζώνης και προτείνουμε λύσεις, αλγόριθμους, τεχνικές βελτίωσης της απόδοσης, και εφαρμογές που τις υλοποιούν. Για την περίπτωση του προβλήματος της μετάδοσης βίντεο κατ' απαίτηση (Video on Demand - VoD), εξετάζουμε το πρόβλημα της αποδοχής ή της απόρριψης αιτήσεων για μετάδοση ταινιών χωρίς να υπάρχει γνώση των μελλοντικών αιτήσεων. Παρουσιάζουμε έναν, άμεσης απόκρισης (online), πιθανοτικό αλγόριθμο χρονοπρογραμματισμού ταινιών που εκμεταλλεύεται την γνώση για την κατανομή των προτιμήσεων των αιτήσεων για ταινίες, και αποδεικνύουμε πως έχει ανταγωνιστικό λόγο (competitive ratio) που φράσσεται άνω από σταθερά. Επίσης, δείχνουμε πως η μέθοδος μας μπορεί να επεκταθεί σε ένα προσαρμοζόμενο αλγόριθμο που δεν γνωρίζει την κατανομή των προτιμήσεων. Επίσης, προτείνουμε έναν τρόπο να εφαρμόσουμε μια υπηρεσία βίντεο κατ' απαίτηση για ένα, βασισμένο στο πρωτόκολλο IP, δίκτυο, με περιορισμένο εύρος ζώνης. Στη συνέχεια, εξετάζουμε ένα σχήμα ελέγχου και διαχείρισης του εύρους ζώνης και παρουσιάζουμε ορισμένες μεθόδους προκειμένου να αυξήσουμε την αποδοτικότητα του συστήματος και την εκμετάλλευση του διαθέσιμου εύρους ζώνης (bandwidth). Εξετάζουμε διάφορες τεχνικές και παρουσιάζουμε πειραματικά αποτελέσματα για την βελτίωση της απόδοσης. Επίσης, σχεδιάζουμε και υλοποιούμε μια υπηρεσία διαχείρισης εύρους ζώνης (Managed Bandwidth Service -- MBS). Τέλος παρουσιάζουμε μια ενοποιημένη προσέγγιση για την μετάδοση υπερμεσικών/πολυμεσικών αντικειμένων, τα οποία παρουσιάζονται με βάση προκαθορισμένα σενάρια παρουσίασης (με χωροχρονικές αλληλοεξαρτήσεις μεταξύ των διάφορων μέσων). Τα υπερμεσικά αντικείμενα δομούνται σύμφωνα με μία γλώσσα σηματοδότησης, μέσω της οποίας διατηρούνται πληροφορίες για τις χωρικές και χρονικές συσχετίσεις. Επίσης, υλοποιούμε ένα τέτοιο σύστημα μετάδοσης, που εφαρμόζουμε για εκπαίδευση από απόσταση. / In this thesis we investigate problems related to the transmission of data with high demands in terms of bandwidth, and we propose solutions, algorithms, techniques to increase performance, and applications that use them. For the case of the online video on demand problem, we investigate the problem of having to accept or reject a request for a movie without knowing the future requests. We present an online movie-scheduling scheme that exploits the knowledge of the distribution of the preference of requests for movies, and is shown to have a competitive ratio bounded above by a constant. We extend our approach by presenting an adaptive randomized scheduler which is not aware of the movie popularities. In the sequel we propose a way to implement a video on demand service over a limited bandwidth/best effort Internet based network. Ιn the sequel, we consider a bandwidth control scheme, and we present some methods to increase the efficiency of the system and the utilisation of the available bandwidth. We consider different techniques and we present experimental results for the increased performance. We, also, design and implement a Managed Bandwidth Service (MBS) . Finally, we present a unified approach for delivering hypermedia/multimedia objects, that are to be presented according to predefined scenarios (with spatial and temporal relationships between the various media). The hypermedia documents are structured using a hypermedia markup language that keeps information of the spatiotemporal relationships among document's media components. We, also, implement such a multimedia transmission system, and apply it to distance learning.

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