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Barn och preoperativa förberedelser : Hur upplever barn olika förberedelser inför en elektiv operation?NIlsson, Linnéa, Sandell, Lina January 2006 (has links)
<p>Abstract</p><p>Background: An elective surgery can be something new that is frightening and unpleasant. The children and their individual needs are not always considered when surgery is prepared. Children’s needs differ and depend on their sense of coherence. Aim: The purpose of this study was to illuminate how children experience preparations before elective surgery. Method: The result is based on nine studies. Their quality has been examined and content analysed. Meaning units were identified and divided into sub and main categories. The result was gone through further more and new main categories that were better fit for the aim were found. This procedure was repeated. Results: Studies showed that the methods that were used when preparing children for elective surgery differed. The effects of the preparations varied. The experiences from one preparation could be both positive and negative depending on the child. It was found that more than one factor had an influence on the children’s experience. Discussion: Children’s experience of preparation depends on the child’s age, maturity, social environment, their confidence in the nursing staff and the time they have to process the information. </p>
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Kroppsuppfattning hos kvinnor med bröstcancerMogianos, Maria, Jönsson, Hanna January 2005 (has links)
<p>Body image in women with breastcancer</p><p>Breast cancer is the second most common form of cancer in Sweden today. To get a breast cancer diagnose can be a traumatic experience for many women. It´s difficult to forsee how these women are going to control their situation. When a breast has to be removed because of cancer, the women has to adjust to changes in both physical and phychological aspects. The aim of this study was to elucidate body image in women with breast cancer after a mastectomy. Six scientific articles, which quality was critically checked, composed the basis of this study. The findings of the study were classified into three categories: The feeling of loss, ability to adjust to a changed body and the feeling of womanhood. In the findings the women describe a changed body image that affects their ordinary lives. They also brought up the feeling of not beeing able to feel like a woman and feelings of unattractiveness, a changed relationship to both partners and relatives and difficulties in accepting themselves. It is important to help these women to face their changed body image, related to their illness.</p>
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Parental experiences when children are undergoing emergency surgery/Föräldrars upplevelser i samband med att deras barn genomgår en akut operationMagnusson, Anne January 2006 (has links)
<p>When a child is hospitalized, it is usually more than one person who needs attention – i.e. the child as well as its parents. The emergency ward environment and surgery rooms are unfamiliar and the parents feel anxious, insecure and uncertain about how to act. They are expected to participate in the child’s care, cope with their own anxiety and simultaneously convey a sense of security and stability to the child. The purpose of this study was to investigate parents' experiences related to this situation. Data was collected by interviewing thirteen consecutively sampled parents. Qualitative content analysis showed that parents' previous experiences created expectations, which in turn influenced their perceptions of the present episode. Participation was perceived as an offer and/or a requirement from parents as well as from the staff. For parents, it sometimes meant an additional effort since it demanded their involvement in caring for the child/in the child’s care. They experienced that their presence could be a threat as well as an asset for the hospital staff. The parents described that the level of accessibility, participation, relief, shared responsibility and adequate information determined the level of perceived security and safety toward medicine and hospital staff. Since every caring experience creates expectations, it means that every caring contact could be seen as an investment in future security.</p>
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Vårdtagarens perspektiv på sjuksköterskans bemötandeBorgeland, Peter, Brorsson, Stina, Franzén, Angelica January 2006 (has links)
<p>Every day in medical care the nurse and the patient meet, they are not just </p><p>represented as the care giver and the care taker, but also as two unique </p><p>individuals. The meeting is a very important part in caring and few studies have </p><p>been made on this topic from the patient.s perspective. The purpose of this study </p><p>was to describe the patient.s perspective on the meeting with the nurse. The study </p><p>is a literature review, where articles have been reviewed, encoded, and then </p><p>categorized. The result builds on our four main categories, confirmed as a unique </p><p>indidual, the meaning of the information according to the patient, the humanistic </p><p>side of the nurse, and the importance of humor in the meeting. The patients. </p><p>experiences of the meeting with the nurse are presented under these categories. To </p><p>be treated as a unique individual was the main conclusion of this study. </p><p>Furthermore, the information, and how the nurse gave the information, was of </p><p>great importance in order for the patient to feel security. </p>
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Vård i livets slut : Faktorer som stödjer sjuksköterskor i omvårdnadsarbetet.Aronsson, Karina, Hörberg, Ulrika, Liljegren, Gunilla January 2006 (has links)
<p>BAKGRUND: En av de mest krävande uppgifter sjuksköterskor har, är omvårdnad av personer som befinner sig i livets slut. Förr var döden en del av livet och fanns dagligen i människors närhet. Idag betonas ungdom, hälsa och en kultur som är dödsförnekande. Detta är ett problem som även speglar vården och en kärnkompetens i omvårdnad i livets slutskede bör efterfrågas hos alla sjuksköterskor. SYFTE: Syftet var att belysa vilka faktorer som kan vara stöd för sjuksköterskor i omvårdnadsarbetet vid livets slutskede. METOD: En allmän litteraturstudie är gjord. Analys har genomförts av 17 artiklar med hjälp av innehållsanalys. RESULTAT: Att vara mogen som människa kan innebära att ha erfarenhet, ha mod och ha förmåga till empati. Att få kraft i mötet kan vara att få lära känna, få ta sig tid, få uppskattning och få förtroende. Förutsättningar för att ge en god omvårdnad kan innebära lindring genom beröring, miljö, kommunikation och kunskap.</p><p>SLUTSATS: Ömsesidig relation ger sjuksköterskor stöd i arbetet och patienterna stöd i sjukdomen. Är patienterna nöjda känner sig även sjuksköterskorna tillfreds. Utbildning inom palliativ vård är viktigt och flera studier visar att extra utbildning är nödvändigt för att ge en god omvårdnad vid livets slut.</p>
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Relations in palliative careTäckström, Linda, Johansson, Annette, Björkegren Lundholm, Anne January 2006 (has links)
<p>Abstract</p><p>Background: Relation means the relationship between two parts. By creating a good relation between nurse and patient you can conduce a better caring. Aim: The aim of the study was to illustrate the relation within palliative care from nurse- patient perspective. Method: The study is a literature review where ten articles were analysed with qualitative content analysis. Results: The findings showed that knowledge, communication, continuity, silence and availability were the most important thing for the nurse in the relationship. Energy, regular contacts, having time and the nurse being able to listen was most important for the patient. In the encounter between the nurse and patient, communication is fundamental for understanding in the conversation where the patient tried to find information about treatment, medicament and the illness. The most valuable was being able to talk about feelings. You must get to know the patient as the person he is to be able to know his interests and what he considers important. Continuity is a prerequisite to make the patient feel safe and secure. Conclusion: Being able to pay attention to unspoken needs and understanding why the patient reacts the way he does is a proof that knowledge has appeared.</p><p>Keywords: Relationship, relation nurse – patient, communication, palliative care. </p>
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Suicidal patients’ feelings and experiences of the meeting with nursing staff in residential psychiatric careHolmberg, Kajsa, Persson, Malin January 2006 (has links)
<p>Background: Suicidal patients feelings and experiences of the psychiatric service can be a decisive moment of the following treatment. Although suicide is a common problem all over the world we know very little about the feelings that the patients are feeling in residential psychiatric care. Purpose: The aim of this litterature studie was to describe suicidal patients feelings and experiences of the psychiatric service. Method: Literature study was conducted through a search of articles in different databases. The data has been done as an overview and the data has been analysed with content analysis. Result: Head categories were formed throughout the data. The four main headings were; feelings of being observed, feelings of shame towards the nursing staff, the importance that someone is listening and patients feelings of compassion and commitment from the nursing staffs. Conclusions: Suicidal patients are in a very fragile state of mind during their time in psyhiatric service but are still aware of what is going on around them. The way the nursing staff treat the patients and how developed their skills in communications are, can be of decisive meaning. Nursing staff insufficient knowledge leads to negative feelings and experiences by the suicidal patients and because of that slower recovery</p>
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Nursing staffs´ experience of their situation in the work with oral health in persons with psychical disabilitiesHirvonen, Anna, Ryderling, Sara January 2006 (has links)
<p>Background: The oral health is a problem for many people with psychical disabilities. The reason for that is among other things that the psychical disabilities could do it hard to handle fundamental routines in the everyday life. Aim: The aim of the literature review was to describe how the nursing staff experienced their situation about their work with oral health in persons with psychical disabilities. Method: The study has been done as an overview and the data has been analysed with content analysis. Result: Two head categories were identified; barrier that influence the ability to perform the work with oral health and barrier that influence the performance of the work with oral health. The first head category was connected with the categories; insufficient education, education of significance, failed support from dental staff and failed routines. The second head category was connected with the categories; influence of personal feelings, ethical dilemma and low priority. Conclusions: Insufficient education lead to that oral care was not prioritised and was influenced by personal feelings when the nursing staff lacked knowledge about the meaning of oral health. In other words it is important with more education in oral health and how this can be promoted, which could be made through a development work between nursing staff and dental staff.</p>
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Föräldrars upplevelser av att ha ett barn som insjuknat i diabetesKroon, Marie, Larsson, Åsa, Regnander, Charlotte January 2006 (has links)
<p>When a child is diagnosed with diabetes the whole family is affected. The effect of the illness often means drastically changes to their daily life. The aim of this study has been to describe the experiences of the parents´ having a child fallen ill with diabetes. The study has been done as a general literature study. The procedure has been to systematically search, critically investigate and summarise results from different studies made on the chosen area of subject. In the combination of the results one could identify different categories based on the experiences of the parents. These categories describe the parents´ experiences of having the feeling of: worry and fear, constant stress, need of support and information, how to handle the situation and also the experience of a changed way of living when a child in the family falls ill with diabetes. The frame work of the results, which also is discussed in this study, is that a good communication between the nurse and the parents contributes to the parents´ experience of the medical attendance being more positive and less troublesome. The nurse can by giving good and correct information create the feeling of safety within the family. This can contribute to the family feeling capable of handling its situation and to give hope for the future.</p>
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Att slåss mot en osynlig fiende - Kvinnors upplevelser av postpartumpsykosSvensson, Marlen, Olsson, Martina January 2006 (has links)
<p>Abstract</p><p>Background:There are three diffrent postpartum problems a woman can suffer after a childbirth, postpartum blues that is the mildest one that almost everyone are suffering. Postpartum depression that is substantial and above 10-15 % are suffering, the most servere is postpartumpsychosis that 1-2 women per 1000 deliveries are suffering from. Aim: Illustrate womens experience during and after a postpartumpsychosis. Methods: This is a literary review of scientific articel and biographies, they are analysed with latent content analysis. Results: Six themes were found after the literature review; experience of; “unnatural frame of mind”, loss of controll, loneliness, feeling guilt, living with a label and fear that there will be a recurrence. Conclusions: To live trough a postpartumpsychosis is a very strong experience for women. </p>
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