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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Identifiering av infektion i sår, en litteraturstudie

Persson, Linda, Pettersson, Sofia January 2006 (has links)
<p>Regardless of what discipline nurses work in, wound care is one of the tasks. Caring for wounds involves early detection of signs of infection, in order to avoid complication. Wound infection extends suffering for the patient and causes unnecessary costs for society. The aim was to describe how nurses can identify infection in wounds. Method: The design of the study was a literature review, where13 scientific articles were examined and analyzed. The content was structured into sub- and main categories. Findings: Several different symptoms, like exudate, erythema, oedema, pain, increased local temperature, foul odour, delayed healing and inflammation, can indicate infection in wounds. Assessment tools and recommendations are available to facilitate clinical observations of wounds. Discussion: None of the above mentioned symptoms can alone determine infection, even though some, like pus and unexpected pain, occur more frequently than others. The use of assessment tools also involves documentation. This simplifies follow up of wound status and ensures the quality of care for the patient. </p>

The importance of relationship for self-care capacity among young people with diabetes mellitus type 1 : Based on external factors in Orems model of self-care.

Niemelä, Anette, Fridlund, Peter January 2006 (has links)
<p>In Sweden approximately a half per cent of the population have diabetes mellitus type 1. Self-care responsibility is a part of the treatment. Orem’s self-care theory has been used as theoretical framework. The purpose was to describe what it means to be young and have diabetes mellitus type 1. The used method was a litterateur review based on 12 scientific articles. The results showed that conditioning factors in Orem’s self-care theory affects how good the self-care agency are for young people with diabetes mellitus type 1. The relationship to themselves, support and hindrance in friendship relation, parent relation and care relation appeared to have significance. It emerged how imported it was to know and have knowledge about how their self-care agency could be supported because it is essential for how their disorder would proceed in the future.</p>

Familjens livssituation när ett barn i familjen har cancer - en litteraturstudie

Eriksson, Therese, Nilsson, Annika, Ovander, Mia January 2006 (has links)
<p>Background: When a child gets cancer it involves the whole family. The view of family focused care has change over the years. It has been shown that the family needs support to manage their life situation, when their child is ill. Aim: The aim of this study was to illustrate the family’s life situation, when a child gets cancer. Method: 12 scientific, both qualitative and quantitative articles, were used to reach the result. The articles were critically examined concerning their method and result Results: The result showed that many families lacked psychosocial support. There were both similarities and differences between mothers’, fathers’ and siblings’ experiences, but they also had specific experiences. The result is reflected by Travelbees nursing theory. Discussion: When a child is diagnosed with cancer it affects the whole family. Nurses need to take care of the whole family and not just focus on the child that’s ill. During the entire time we need to have family focused care in mind. </p><p>Keywords: Child, cancer, life situation, families, caring. </p>

Upplevelse av arbetsglädje och känsla av sammanhang - en enkätstudie bland anställda på en högskola

Wiberg, Sandra January 2006 (has links)
<p>Man spends most part of the day at work and is therefore influenced by it’s ambience. That’s why it’s important that the environment at work is health promoting and can function as a supportive environment. The purpose of this study was to describe job satisfaction among employees and to analyse a possible connection between job satisfaction and employees experiences of SOC. The approach in this study was quantitative and the method used was a questionnaire. The sample consisted of employees at a university in the south of Sweden. The response rate of the questionnaire was 65,5 % meaning that 133 individuals answered. The result revealed a significant difference between employees with low SOC and employees with high SOC according to experience of job satisfaction. Employees with a high SOC did in fact enjoy going to work daily in a higher rate then employees with low SOC. This study shows that there is a relation between job satisfaction and high SOC. A high SOC is an important factor because employees with high SOC experience more meaningfulness, development, excitement and they also experience more involvement in the job. </p><p> </p>

Bevarandet av patientens autonomi vid palliativ vård utifrån ett etiskt perspektiv

Ströberg, Åsa, Tenghagen, Lisa January 2006 (has links)
<p>Background: More focus has been placed towards autonomy when it comes to care and in special towards palliative care. The purpose with palliative care is to relieve and support at the end of the life. When the patient has difficulties to communicate to those around him due to his illness it is hard to preserve the patients right of self-determination. It is very important to consider the patient as autonomous during the course of the illness. Different alternatives have been developed to preserve the patient’s autonomy such as dedicate a deputy or plan the care of the patient in advance.</p><p>Aim: The aim of this study was to describe, from an ethical point of view, how the patient’s autonomy could preserved at palliative care.</p><p>Method: A general literature study where 11 scientific articles have been analysed from a qualitative checklist whereof the result has been discussed based on the principles of ethics. A literature study was conducted through a search of articles in electronic data bases.</p><p>Result: Through participation of the patient during the decision-making, which is based on qualitative information and communication with those among him, his or her autonomy could be preserved. The patient should be considered to be in the centre and participate during the decision-making as far as possible even though the illness will limit the actions of the patient more and more.</p><p>Conclusions: It is important that the patient will not be harmed since the patient is vulnerable during the palliative phase. The purpose of the care is to strengthen the patient’s autonomy. This will be achieved by the treatments and investigations that are provided will improve the being of the patient and not cause any harm. The autonomy of a patient in palliative care will be strengthened and preserved by holistic thinking, meeting the patient in his situation and identifying his or her needs.</p>

The perception of information among women with breast cancer

Ribic, Aida, Skenderi, Albana January 2006 (has links)
<p>Background: Breast cancer is one of the most common cancer diseases among women worldwide. Breast cancer brings fear into many womens’ life. It is a threat against life, but also to the psychological health, self-esteem and the female identity. Aim: The aim of this literature review was to describe newly breast cancer patient’s perception of information provided by healthcare personnel. Method: The material for the literature study was searched through databases and manually. The result is based on 12 scientific articles that were critically examined and analysed by qualitative contentanalysis. This resulted into three categories: womens’ information satisfaction, age related information and culture differences. Result: The women expressed dissatisfaction with information they were perceived. They wanted detailed information about the disease, prognos, treatment and side effects from the treatments. Discussion/conclusion: Nurses attention to womens’ needs, experiences and backgrounds could be of vital importance to improve the situation and the percieved information for the women. </p>

Aspects of caring for suddenly bereaved relatives

Bergström, Maria, Olin, Veronica, Widén, Sara January 2006 (has links)
<p>Background: When a person suddenly pass away, the relatives often arrive to the Emergency Department under chaotic circumstances. In this critical situation the nurse has an important role for the care. Many nurses lack of knowledge about how to take care of the bereaved relatives. Aim: The aim of the literature study was to describe aspects of caring for suddenly bereaved relatives. Method: The data for the study were scientific articles found in the databases PubMed and Cinahl and from a manual search. The study included ten articles which were analysed using a content analysis. The content was organized in meaning units, subcategories and main categories. Result: The study resulted in three main categories: Factors that affect nurses care, Relatives needs and Conditions in the working area. Nurses with high competence and a high level of self knowledge seemed to have the best opportunities to take care of bereaved relatives. The relatives valued emotional support, confirmation, justification of their grief reactions and honest information. Lack of facilities such as private rooms, stressful situations and unclearly defined responsibility areas were factors that affected nurses care about bereaved relatives .Conclusion: Insufficient knowledge concerning the care of bereaved relatives is a fact among nurses today. Further science focused on relatives experiences are necessary to give nurses and other health care personnel increased knowledge. It is our hope that this study may inspire such science.</p>

Kvinnlig könsstympning Ett smärtsamt liv

Cederhag, Linda, Svensson, Carolina January 2006 (has links)
<p>Bakgrund: Antalet könsstympade kvinnor i världen antas vara mellan 100-140 miljoner och en del av dessa finns i Sverige. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturstudien var att belysa kvinnors erfarenheter av att vara könsstympade. Metod: Studien genomfördes som en allmän litteraturstudie. Artiklar söktes i olika databaser, informationen analyserades och huvudkategorier och subkategorier togs fram. Resultat: Resultatet presenterades med huvudkategorierna: Erfarenheter i dagligt liv och Erfarenheter i samband med vård. Subkategorier blev Smärtsamma minnen, Smärtsamma komplikationer, Smärta i mötet med omvårdnadspersonal och Smärta vid förlossning. Resultatet visade att omvårdnadspersonals kunskap om kvinnlig könsstympning är bristande samt att deras bemötande påverkar könsstympade kvinnors erfarenheter i olika situationer. Vidare forskning behövs inom området.</p>

Långtidsfrisk eller arbetsglädje - vad speglar arbetsrelaterad hälsa?

Larsson, Emma January 2006 (has links)
<p>The work related illness has increased and instead of focusing on what’s causing it more and more efforts are put on trying to find the health factors within and outside the work environment. During the past years the term ‘long-term health’ has arisen; instead of focusing on the number of employees on the sick-list, the focus should be put on the number of employees that has a record of long-term health within an organization, i.e. health-presence. In order to see whether health promotion interventions at work give the wanted result there need to be a measurement that can measure the work-related health. The aim of this study was to investigate and compare long-term health and job satisfaction as measures for work-related health. The material and method used was a quantitative cross-sectional study with a structured questionnaire. The data collection was done within a municipal administration with 1096 employees (at the time of the study). The response rate was 68,4%. When analyzing the data SPSS was used to be able to investigate multivariate relations. The result showed that there were more health factors in the work environment that could be explained by experiencing high job satisfaction than being long-term healthy. The conclusion was that high job satisfaction was a better measure for work related health than using number of long-term healthy employees. Long-term health can better be used as an objective measure for work presence while job satisfaction is a subjective measure indicating what makes employees satisfied and healthy at work.</p>

Närståendes upplevelser i samband med palliativ hemvård - att vara vårdgivare till en svårt sjuk familjemedlem

Heimby, Camilla, Hensegård, Anna January 2006 (has links)
<p>På 1960-talet uppkom hospice, där sjukvården tog över rollen som vårdare. Men nu är vi åter tillbaka att vårda i hemmet, där de närstående får ta sig an den ibland mycket krävande rollen som vårdare. Syftet med litteraturstudien var att undersöka närståendes upplevelser i sambans med palliativ hemvård. Metod som användes var en allmän litteraturstudie baserad på systematiska sökningar i olika databaser för att finna vetenskapliga artiklar. Resultatet delas upp i två delar. Första delen belyser upplevelsen av att vårda närstående i hemmet. Det handlar om upplevelser kring rollen som vårdgivare, dess påfrestningar och förändrade familjerelationer. Andra delen belyser upplevelser av att sjukvårdspersonal kommer och vårdar i hemmet. Slutsatser som kan dras är att närstående krävergod information, kunskap och stöd för att vårdandet av en svårt sjuk ska bli en positiv upplevelse. Diskussionen tar upp förebyggande åtgärder mot de påfrestningar som de närstående utsäts för och hur dessa kan förebyggas. Kunskap, delaktighet och information är tre viktiga behov som de närstående saknar och är i stort behov. Det är upp till sjukvårdspersonalen att tillfredsställa dessa behov i största möjliga mån. Diskussionen tar även upp om hemsjukvården kommer att finnas kvar pågrund av rådande samhällsförändringar.</p>

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