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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Reabilitação protética na região auricular: análise por elementos finitos de implantes maxilofaciais extraorais conexão hexágono externo e cone Morse, investigação da fotoestabilidade e caracterização espectroscópica de um elastômero maxilofacial tipo-A / Prosthetic rehabilitation in the auricular region: finite elements analysis of extraoral maxillofacial implants, photostability investigation and spectroscopy characterisation of modified maxillofacial elastomers type-A

Marina Leite Pimentel 12 April 2017 (has links)
O grande desafio da Implantodontia é alcançar resultados a longo prazo com maior preservação dos tecidos ósseos, resposta adequada dos tecidos conjuntivos e manutenção da estabilidade secundária adequada para a retenção de próteses. Estes fatores evitam a perda indesejável tanto do tratamento reabilitador quanto dos tecidos ósseos de suporte. A região extraoral apresenta menores espessuras ósseas em comparação às regiões de maxila e mandíbula, especialmente no osso temporal. Portanto, os seguintes aspectos foram investigados: (i) Análise pelo Método dos Elementos Finitos (FEA) de 16 modelos virtuais, com aplicação de forças estáticas de tensão e compressão nos pontos médios entre os implantes. Três implantes maxilofaciais extraorais foram posicionados no osso temporal, onde um deles foi posicionado sobre o processo mastóide. Este estudo foi totalmente realizado em ambiente computacional. Foram empregados dois tipos de conexões protéticas e intermediários retos de conicidades 20º e 45º, posicionados virtualmente no modelo de osso temporal, com paralelismo entre eles. Foi desenhada uma barra virtual para retenção protética do tipo barra-clipe da prótese auricular. Foram consideradas as melhores configurações aquelas apresentando distribuição uniforme e branda das tensões de von Mises sobre o tecido ósseo adjacente aos implantes. (ii) Confecção de corpos de prova com graus variáveis de pigmentação para (a) melhorar a reprodutibilidade da coloração (b) entender e reduzir o processo de descoloração para melhorar a longevidade das próteses. Um elastômero maxilofacial tipo A foi pigmentado intrinsecamente de acordo com os seis tons da Escala de Fitzpatrick. Uma técnica de pigmentação foi desenvolvida a partir dos resultados obtidos a partir de uma Escala de Fitzpatrick impressa em papel e dos pigmentos intrínsecos de cores primárias. Este dimetil-metilvinil-siloxano reforçado por platina A 223-30 (Factor II, Inc., Lakeside, AZ, USA) apresenta dureza \"Shore-A\" 30. As amostras foram expostas a fotoenvelhecimento acelerado, e sua degradação mapeada com Espectroscopia UV/Vis/NIR. Concluiu-se que: (i) Os implantes com conexão cone Morse plataforma 3.7 tem melhor comportamento biomecânico com intermediários de 45o e altura de 2mm. Sugere-se planejamento cirúrgico visando a instalação a 3 horas para o temporal esquerdo e 9 horas para o temporal direito, mais 6 horas (mastóide). Implantes com conexão cone Morse plataforma 4.0 apresentaram comportamento biomecânico desejável com intermediários de 20o e alturas de 2mm or 4mm. Para implantes com conexão cone Morse plataforma 4.0, sugere-se a instalação a 6-9-12 horas para o temporal direito, e 12-6-3 para o esquerdo, visando comportamento biomecânico adequado. Sugere-se que os implantes extraorais Brånemark hexágono externo com plataforma 4.1 regular ou expandida sejam preferencialmente empregados com intermediários de 20o. (ii) O SiO2 5% pode ser adicionado à preparação do silicone para retardar o desbotamento da prótese maxilofacial. O TiO2 traz mudanças visuais significativas e pode ser considerado como opacificador. / Major challenges in Implantology include: achieving longevity of implants, bone tissue preservation, connective tissue suitable answer and maintenance of secondary stability in order to retain prosthesis. These factors avoid the undesirable loss of both rehabilitation treatment and supporting bone tissues. The extraoral region has less bone depth compared to the maxilla and mandible regions, especially for the temporal bone. Therefore, the following aspects were investigated: (i) Finite Elements Analysis (FEA) of 16 virtual models, with static application of tension and compression forces in medium points between implants. Three extraoral maxillofacial implants were placed on the temporal bone, which one of them was placed on the mastoid process. This study was made entirely in a computational environment. Two prosthetic connection types and straight Intermediários were employed, with conicities of 20º and 45º, placed virtually on the temporal bone model, mutually parallel. A virtual bar for bar-clip prosthetic retention of auricular prosthesis was designed. The best configurations were considered to be the ones presenting uniform and mild von Mises tension distribution over the bone tissue around the implants. (ii) Generation of samples with varying degree of pigmentation to (a) improve the reproducibility of the colouration (b) understand and minimise the discolouration process to improve prosthetics longevity. A maxillofacial elastomer type A was intrinsically pigmented according to the six tones of the Fitzpatrick Scale. A pigmentation technique was developed from spectroscopy outcomes of paper printed Fitzpatrick Scale and the primary colors pigments. This platinum reinforced dimethyl methylvinyl siloxane A 223-30 (Factor II, Inc., Lakeside, AZ, USA) presents \"Shore-A\" hardness 30. The samples were exposed to accelerated photo aging, and their degradation mapped with UV/Vis/NIR Spectroscopy. The effects of exclusion of oxygen and inclusion of nanoparticle fillers during prosthetic formulation were investigated. It was concluded that: (i) Morse taper prosthetic connection 3.7 platform implants, should be employed with 45o abutments with 2mm height. The surgical planning shall be for placement 3 hours for the left temporal bone and 9 hours for the right, and in 6 hours (mastoid). Morse taper prosthetic connection 4.0 platform implants behaved biomechanically desirably with 20o abutments in 2mm or 4mm heights. For the Morse taper connection 4.0 platform implants, their placement shall be in 6-9-12 hours, for the right temporal, and 12-3-6, for the left temporal, in order to achieve proper biomechanical behaviour. The Brånemark extraoral external hexagon implant, with 4.1 platform (normal or expanded) should preferrably be used with 20o abutments. (ii) The SiO2 5% may be added to the silicone preparation in order to slow maxillofacial prosthesis colour fading. The TiO2 brings visually significant changes and may be considered as an opacifier.

Operators for Multi-Resolution Morse and Cell Complexes / Оператори за мулти-резолуционе комплексе Морза и ћелијске комплексе / Operatori za multi-rezolucione komplekse Morza i ćelijske komplekse

Čomić Lidija 03 March 2014 (has links)
<p>The topic of the thesis is analysis of the topological structure of scalar fields and<br />shapes represented through Morse and cell complexes, respectively. This is<br />achieved by defining simplification and refinement operators on these<br />complexes. It is shown that the defined operators form a basis for the set of<br />operators that modify Morse and cell complexes. Based on the defined<br />operators, a multi-resolution model for Morse and cell complexes is constructed,<br />which contains a large number of representations at uniform and variable<br />resolution.</p> / <p>Тема дисертације је анализа тополошке структуре скаларних поља и<br />облика представљених у облику комплекса Морза и ћелијских комплекса,<br />редом. То се постиже дефинисањем оператора за симплификацију и<br />рафинацију тих комплекса. Показано је да дефинисани оператори чине<br />базу за скуп оператора на комплексима Морза и ћелијским комплексима.<br />На основу дефинисаних оператора конструисан је мулти-резолуциони<br />модел за комплексе Морза и ћелијске комплексе, који садржи велики број<br />репрезентација униформне и варијабилне резолуције.</p> / <p>Tema disertacije je analiza topološke strukture skalarnih polja i<br />oblika predstavljenih u obliku kompleksa Morza i ćelijskih kompleksa,<br />redom. To se postiže definisanjem operatora za simplifikaciju i<br />rafinaciju tih kompleksa. Pokazano je da definisani operatori čine<br />bazu za skup operatora na kompleksima Morza i ćelijskim kompleksima.<br />Na osnovu definisanih operatora konstruisan je multi-rezolucioni<br />model za komplekse Morza i ćelijske komplekse, koji sadrži veliki broj<br />reprezentacija uniformne i varijabilne rezolucije.</p>

CE-QUAL-W2 Water Quality and Fish-bioenergetics Model of Chester Morse Lake and the Cedar River

Wells, Vanessa I. 01 January 2011 (has links)
Many communities are currently seeking to balance urban water needs with preservation of sensitive fish habitat. As part of that effort, CE-QUAL-W2, a hydrodynamic and temperature model, was developed for Chester Morse Lake and the lower Cedar River, WA. Chester Morse Lake is approximately 10 km long with a maximum depth at full pool of 40 m. The Cedar River model started immediately downstream of the Chester Morse dam and ended 21 km downstream at Landsburg, where drinking water is diverted for the City of Seattle. This water quality model was coupled with a fish habitat and bioenergetics model for bull trout and was calibrated to temperature data between 2005 and 2008. Bull trout fish bioenergetics parameters were provided by the USGS. The CE-QUAL-W2 model was found to be highly accurate in modeling temperature variation in the lake - at most locations having an average absolute mean error of between 0.5 and 0.8 oC. The Cedar River model had an average absolute mean error of 0.7oC. This tool is designed to allow managers and operators to estimate the impact to fish habitat and growth potential from various management decisions including extent of drawdown, timing/volume of flows, and various pumping operations. Future studies could include incorporating further water quality parameters such as nutrients, algae, and zooplankton as they relate to fish productivity.

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