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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Concevoir des applications internet des objets sémantiques / Designing cross-domain semantic Web of things applications

Gyrard, Amélie 24 April 2015 (has links)
Selon les prévisions de Cisco , il y aura plus de 50 milliards d'appareils connectés à Internet d'ici 2020. Les appareils et les données produites sont principalement exploitées pour construire des applications « Internet des Objets (IdO) ». D'un point de vue des données, ces applications ne sont pas interopérables les unes avec les autres. Pour aider les utilisateurs ou même les machines à construire des applications 'Internet des Objets' inter-domaines innovantes, les principaux défis sont l'exploitation, la réutilisation, l'interprétation et la combinaison de ces données produites par les capteurs. Pour surmonter les problèmes d'interopérabilité, nous avons conçu le système Machine-to-Machine Measurement (M3) consistant à: (1) enrichir les données de capteurs avec les technologies du web sémantique pour décrire explicitement leur sens selon le contexte, (2) interpréter les données des capteurs pour en déduire des connaissances supplémentaires en réutilisant autant que possible la connaissance du domaine définie par des experts, et (3) une base de connaissances de sécurité pour assurer la sécurité dès la conception lors de la construction des applications IdO. Concernant la partie raisonnement, inspiré par le « Web de données », nous proposons une idée novatrice appelée le « Web des règles » afin de partager et réutiliser facilement les règles pour interpréter et raisonner sur les données de capteurs. Le système M3 a été suggéré à des normalisations et groupes de travail tels que l'ETSI M2M, oneM2M, W3C SSN et W3C Web of Things. Une preuve de concept de M3 a été implémentée et est disponible sur le web (http://www.sensormeasurement.appspot.com/) mais aussi embarqué / According to Cisco's predictions, there will be more than 50 billions of devices connected to the Internet by 2020.The devices and produced data are mainly exploited to build domain-specific Internet of Things (IoT) applications. From a data-centric perspective, these applications are not interoperable with each other.To assist users or even machines in building promising inter-domain IoT applications, main challenges are to exploit, reuse, interpret and combine sensor data.To overcome interoperability issues, we designed the Machine-to-Machine Measurement (M3) framework consisting in:(1) generating templates to easily build Semantic Web of Things applications, (2) semantically annotating IoT data to infer high-level knowledge by reusing as much as possible the domain knowledge expertise, and (3) a semantic-based security application to assist users in designing secure IoT applications.Regarding the reasoning part, stemming from the 'Linked Open Data', we propose an innovative idea called the 'Linked Open Rules' to easily share and reuse rules to infer high-level abstractions from sensor data.The M3 framework has been suggested to standardizations and working groups such as ETSI M2M, oneM2M, W3C SSN ontology and W3C Web of Things. Proof-of-concepts of the flexible M3 framework have been developed on the cloud (http://www.sensormeasurement.appspot.com/) and embedded on Android-based constrained devices.

Lightweight M2M Solution on Android Platform

Gustafsson, Magnus January 2011 (has links)
Machine-to-machine communication (M2M) is a generic term for technologies dealing with autonomous communication between machines. For the last 10 years a wide range of business areas utilize a variety of different M2M solutions for remote management of equipment. Common for almost all of those solutions is that they are expensive and require the infrastructure to be adapted to them. They are also usually built out of several different systems working together and thus there are several systems that require maintenance. This thesis investigates the possibility to develop a lightweight alternative to existing M2M solutions using only common devices and protocols. Lightweight here means that the system should be flexible, have a low cost for set-up and operation and that both ends should be mobile. By developing a lightweight M2M architecture the technology may become available in new business areas and new types of services may arise.  In the thesis a prototype is implemented. The purpose of the prototype is to practically verify whether a lightweight M2M solution is possible to develop in this manner. The solution uses the Android platform for back-end and user interface and a Cinterion TC65T as slave device to which the sensors can be connected. The implemented system is limited in terms of security and performance but still acts as a proof of concept for this kind of M2M solution.

Machine-to-machine communication for automatic retrieval of scientific data

Gangaraju, SricharanLochan 03 1900 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / With the increasing need for accurate weather predictions, we need large samples of data from different data sources for an accurate estimate. There are a number of data sources that keep publishing data periodically. These data sources have their own server protocols that a user needs to follow while writing client for retrieving data. This project aims at creating a generic semi-automatic client mechanism for retrieving scientific data from such sources. Also, with the increasing number of data sources there is also a need for a data model to accommodate data that is published in different formats. We have come up with a data model that can be used across various applications in the domain of scientific data retrieval.

Analyse environnementale et éco-conception de services informationnels / Environmental analysis and ecodesign of information services

Bonvoisin, Jeremy 05 November 2012 (has links)
L'essor des services et des technologies de l'information et de la communication (TIC) est généralement considéré comme le marqueur d'une dématérialisation de l'économie – phénomène grandement attendu dans le cadre des discussions sur le développement durable. Nous nous plaçons dans le débat autour de cette hypothèse en questionnant la matérialité des TIC et des services à travers le cas des services informationnels – activités de génération d'information répondant à un besoin décisionnel. Nous examinons plus en détail les services d'optimisation basés sur les réseaux de capteurs – services offerts à l'aide d'informations collectées par des capteurs intégrés dans un réseau sans fil, permettant de surveiller un processus dans le but de l'optimiser, et par là-même de diminuer ses impacts. Nous proposons ainsi une méthode intégrée d'analyse environnementale et d'éco-conception des services d'optimisation basés sur les réseaux de capteurs. Celle-ci permet de déterminer la pertinence environnementale d'un service, c'est-à-dire sa capacité à générer moins d'impacts qu'il n'en évite, mais également de le concevoir avec cette pertinence en vue. Notre apport scientifique réside dans la proposition d'un modèle d'impact pour les services informationnels et d'un modèle de cycle de vie des réseaux de capteurs, ainsi que dans le développement d'un outil d'analyse basé sur la simulation réseau. L'application de la méthode proposée au cas d'un service d'optimisation de la collecte de déchets nous permet de conclure que, si des marges de manœuvres importantes sont identifiables, la pertinence environnementale de ces services ne doit pas être considérée comme acquise, tout comme le potentiel de dématérialisation des TIC et des services. / The increasing share of economic value created by information and communication technology (ICT) and by services is generally seen as a sign of dematerialization of the economy – a step towards sustainability. This thesis is a contribution to the ongoing debate about this hypothesis. It examines the impacts of ICT and services, particularly those of information services – activities which consist of generating information required in decision-making processes. It focuses specifically on optimization services that use wireless sensor networks (WSN): services aiming at optimizing a process (thus diminishing its environmental impact) and based on information generated by a WSN. We present an integrated method that helps to analyze the impacts and ecodesigning optimization services that use WSN. This method allows for determining the environmental relevance of a service, i.e. whether it generates a smaller impact than it is helps to avoid, and for designing the service with this relevance in mind. Our scientific contribution is to formalize an environmental impact model for information services and a life cycle model for WSN, so as to develop an assessment tool based on network simulation. An integral part of this method is the development of an environmental impact model for information services as well as a life cycle model for WSN, which constitute our main scientific contribution. We implemented these by means of an assessment tool based on network simulation. The application of the proposed method to a case of an optimization service for waste collection allowed us to conclude that there is significant room for ecodesign. However, the environmental relevance of those services should not been taken for granted, nor should the dematerialization potential of ICT and services.

Utveckling av mobilapplikation för övervakning och larmhantering / Development of mobile application for monitoring and alarm handling

Muric, Dino January 2012 (has links)
Netadmin Systems är ett Linköpingsbaserat IT-företag där huvudprodukten NETadmin är ett Operation support system/Business support system (OSS/BSS) som i huvudsak används i öppna nät för bl.a. kund- och lagerhantering, provisionering, övervakning och ärendehantering. Ett växande behov finns att göra det möjligt att använda övervakningssystemet via mobila enheter för att kunna felsöka och hantera driftstörningar effektivt. Syftet med rapporten är att undersöka hur övervakningssystemet kan göras tillgängligt på Android samt att ta fram en prototypapplikation för hantering av grundläggande övervakning. Genom fallstudien som har genomförts har slutsatsen dragits att Netadmin API är lämpligt för kommunikation via mobila enheter men att API behöver vidareutvecklas med ytterligarefunktioner. De viktigaste av dessa har implementerats och arbetet har även mynnat ut i en applikationsprototyp för Android. Genom utvecklingen av denna applikation ges Netadmins kunder möjlighet att hantera övervakningssystemet via mobila enheter. / Netadmin System is a Linköping based IT company that develops the NETadmin software – an Operation support system/Business support system (OSS/BSS) that is primarily used in open access networks for customer and inventory management, monitoring and ticket handling. There is a growing demand for making its monitoring system available on mobile devices in order to efficiently deal with network disruptions. The purpose of the report is to investigate how the monitoring system can be accessed from the Android platform and develop a prototype application for basic monitoring. The performed case study concludes that Netadmin API is a suitable way for communicating with the Netadmin system but that the API must be extended with a number of functions. The most important of these have been implemented and the work has also resulted in an application prototype for Android. The development of the prototype application have given Netadmins customers the possibility of accessing and handling the monitoring system through mobile devices.

Information Centric Data Collection and Dissemination Fabric for Smart Infrastructures

Nigam, Aakash 09 December 2013 (has links)
Evolving smart infrastructures requires both content distribution as well as event notification and processing support. Content Centric Networking (CCN), built around named data, is a clean slate network architecture for supporting future applications. Due to its focus on content distribution, CCN does not inherently support Publish-Subscribe event notification, a fundamental building block in computer mediated systems and a critical requirement for smart infrastructure applications. While semantics of content distribution and event notification require different support systems from the underlying network infrastructure, content distribution and event notification can still be united by leveraging similarities in the routing infrastructure. Our Extended-CCN architecture(X-CCN) realizes this to provide lightweight content based pub-sub service at the network layer, which is used to provide advanced publish/subscribe services at higher layers. Light weight content based pub-sub and CCN communication at network layer along with advanced publish/subscribe together are presented as data fabric for the smart infrastructures applications.

Information Centric Data Collection and Dissemination Fabric for Smart Infrastructures

Nigam, Aakash 09 December 2013 (has links)
Evolving smart infrastructures requires both content distribution as well as event notification and processing support. Content Centric Networking (CCN), built around named data, is a clean slate network architecture for supporting future applications. Due to its focus on content distribution, CCN does not inherently support Publish-Subscribe event notification, a fundamental building block in computer mediated systems and a critical requirement for smart infrastructure applications. While semantics of content distribution and event notification require different support systems from the underlying network infrastructure, content distribution and event notification can still be united by leveraging similarities in the routing infrastructure. Our Extended-CCN architecture(X-CCN) realizes this to provide lightweight content based pub-sub service at the network layer, which is used to provide advanced publish/subscribe services at higher layers. Light weight content based pub-sub and CCN communication at network layer along with advanced publish/subscribe together are presented as data fabric for the smart infrastructures applications.

Gestion autonomique d'objets communicants dans le cadre des réseaux machine à machine sous des contraintes temporelles / Autonomic management of communicating objects in machine-to-machine systems operating under temporal constraints

Gharbi, Ghada 08 November 2016 (has links)
La baisse des coûts de communication, l'amélioration de la performance des réseaux et l'évolution des plateformes de services dédiées permettant de gérer une multitude d'objets, a conduit à l'apparition de nouveaux usages et de nouvelles applications rassemblées sous l'appellation "Machine-à-Machine'' abrégée en M2M. Ce travail de thèse propose de répondre aux défis d'autogestion caractérisés par les récentes études de l'informatique autonomique. Il traite de la modélisation et de la validation des systèmes M2M opérant dans un contexte dynamique et sous un ensemble de propriétés structurelles et temporisées. Pour ce faire, nous proposons de nous appuyer sur les grammaires de graphes et des techniques de model checking. Dans un premier temps, nous nous sommes intéressés à la vérification au moment de la conception des communications M2M opérant sous des contraintes temporisées. Pour ce faire, nous avons proposé une approche de vérification formelle basée sur les techniques de model checking. Pour caractériser les entités M2M ainsi que leurs propriétés temporisées, un modèle formel basé sur les automates temporisés a été introduit. Étant donné que les systèmes M2M impliquent un grand nombre d'éléments, une approche de vérification partielle du système a été adoptée. La vérification au moment de la conception est une étape très importante, cependant elle n'est pas suffisante. En effet, les systèmes M2M sont hautement dynamiques et leur adaptation au moment de l'exécution est cruciale pour garantir leur bon fonctionnement. Dans un premier temps, nous nous sommes intéressés à la gestion des propriétés structurelles des systèmes M2M. Pour ce faire, nous nous sommes référés au standard européen smartM2M pour définir un style architectural décrivant les organisations acceptables du système. Afin de conduire des actions de reconfiguration dynamiques, nous nous sommes basés sur les grammaires de graphes et des règles de transformation de graphes. L'approche de reconfiguration proposée a été ensuite étendue pour prendre en compte les contraintes temporisées lors de la reconfiguration des systèmes M2M. Pour ce faire, nous avons caractérisé les systèmes M2M en trois couches : une couche application qui exprime les propriétés temporisées entre les applications M2M, une couche service pour décrire les composants nécessaires à l'exécution des applications et une couche infrastructure décrivant le déploiement de ces derniers sur une infrastructure physique. Des mécanismes de reconfiguration dynamique guidés par les contraintes temporisées ont été proposés et implémentés dans un gestionnaire autonomique qui interagit avec ces différentes couches. Son rôle est de superviser, de contrôler, et de garantir le comportement temporisé du système. / The decrease in communication costs, the improvement of networks performance and the evolution of the dedicated services platforms managing multiple objects, led to the appearance of new practices and applications gathered under the designation of Machine-to-Machine communications (M2M). M2M systems have to integrate in a coordinated way various devices and software modules such as sensors, actuators, displays, middleware, etc. M2M expansion gives rise to extensive data exploitation, effective routing and reasoning mechanisms for an appropriate decision making and a coordinated control in a predictive and reactive way. This work aims to meet self-management challenges characterized by recent studies of autonomic computing. It deals with the modeling and the validation of M2M systems operating in a dynamic context and under a set of functional and non-functional properties, specifically temporal ones. To do so, we propose to rely on graph grammars and model checking related techniques. This allows to configure and to reconfigure a set of communicating objects by considering a set of constraints. First, we were interested in the validation at design time of M2M communications operating under temporal constraints. A verification and validation approach based on timed automata was proposed. A smart grid scenario was developed to validate the proposed model. This step is necessary, however it is not sufficient. Indeed, M2M systems are dynamic and verification at run time is important. To validate the execution of an M2M system, we focused on in its functional and temporal aspects. We referred to the European standard smartM2M to define an architectural style for M2M systems. This standard was selected for the following reasons: (1) its independence of the application domain and the objects' communication technology, (2) its broad scope and (3) its deployment on industrial systems. To validate the M2M system' functionalities, a multi-model approach was proposed: a first model, named functional, representing a real-time view of M2M system and a second model, named formal, based on a graph grammar incorporating the concepts of the functional layer. To conduct dynamic reconfiguration actions, graph transformation rules have been defined. Bi-directional communication mechanisms have been set up to maintain coherence between the real system and its models. A smart metering use case was developed to validate the proposed approach. With the aim of validating temporal properties of an M2M system during its execution, this approach has been extended with new concepts. We have defined a three-layers based approach to describe the features and temporal properties of an M2M system: an application layer which incorporates the concepts defined in the formal layer of the previous approach with extensions to express temporal properties between applications M2M, a service layer to describe the necessary components to meet the specification of the upper layer and infrastructure layer describing their deployment. An autonomic manager interacts with these layers to supervise and control the temporal behavior of the system. These layers are part of the autonomic manager knowledge base. The autonomic manager architecture and dynamic reconfiguration mechanisms were detailed. An eHealth scenario has been designed to illustrate the proposed approach.

Remote control of frequency inverter

Joel, Jaldemark January 2020 (has links)
Emotron has a frequency inverter on the market that different industries uses in their factories. In case of errors they need to send out service to the factories in order to examine the inverter and find the error. They now want a solution that makes it possible for them to give support without leaving the office by connecting their devices to the cloud which eliminates the need to send out staff to industries. Emotron gave this task to HMS and has been possible with their product Anybus wiress bolt. By connecting the Anybus wireless bolt to the inverter it was possible to communicate with the cloud, MicrosoftAzure, where a static webb application is hosted. The application is made to look like the terminal on the inverter and has similiar structures and functionality. Through the application users can communicate withthe inverter by means of controlling the connected motor, reading registers and also write to certain registers. These registers contain different measurement and option parameters. The purpose of this thesis was to create a Proof-of-Concept solution using the Anybus wireless bolt. The thesis has shown of industries can use Anybus wireless bolt and the tag engine to make it possible to create a link between machines and the ever- growing cloud and is also the first part of a bigger project.

Resource allocation in cellular Machine-to-Machine networks

Alhussien, Nedaa 06 December 2021 (has links)
With the emergence of the Internet-of-Things (IoT), communication networks have evolved toward autonomous networks of intelligent devices capable of communicating without direct human intervention. This is known as Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communications. Cellular networks are considered one of the main technologies to support the deployment of M2M communications as they provide extended wireless connectivity and reliable communication links. However, the characteristics and Quality-of-Service (QoS) requirements of M2M communications are distinct from those of conventional cellular communications, also known as Human-to-Human (H2H) communications, that cellular networks were originally designed for. Thus, enabling M2M communications poses many challenges in terms of interference, congestion, spectrum scarcity and energy efficiency. The primary focus is on the problem of resource allocation that has been the interest of extensive research effort due to the fact that both M2M and H2H communications coexist in the cellular network. This requires that radio resources be allocated such that the QoS requirements of both groups are satisfied. In this work, we propose three models to address this problem. In the first model, a two-phase resource allocation algorithm for H2H/M2M coexistence in cellular networks is proposed. The goal is to meet the QoS requirements of H2H traffic and delay-sensitive M2M traffic while ensuring fairness for the delay-tolerant M2M traffic. Simulation results are presented which show that the proposed algorithm is able to balance the demands of M2M and H2H traffic, meet their diverse QoS requirements, and ensure fairness for delay-tolerant M2M traffic. With the growing number of Machine-Type Communication Devices (MTCDs) the problem of spectrum scarcity arises. Hence, Cognitive Radio (CR) is the focus of the second model where clustered Cognitive M2M (CM2M) communications underlaying cellular networks is proposed. In this model, MTCDs are grouped in clusters based on their spatial location and communicate with the Base Station (BS) via Machine-Type Communication Gateways (MTCGs). An underlay CR scheme is implemented where the MTCDs within a cluster share the spectrum of the neighbouring Cellular User Equipment (CUE). A joint resource-power allocation problem is formulated to maximize the sum-rate of the CUE and clustered MTCDs while adhering to MTCD minimum data rate requirements, MTCD transmit power limits, and CUE interference constraints. Simulation results are presented which show that the proposed scheme significantly improves the sum-rate of the network compared to other schemes while satisfying the constraints. Due to the limited battery capacity of MTCDs and diverse QoS requirements of both MTCDs and CUE, Energy Efficiency (EE) is critical to prolonging network lifetime to ensure uninterrupted and reliable data transmission. The third model investigates the power allocation problem for energy-efficient CM2M communications underlaying cellular networks. Underlay CR is employed to manage the coexistence of MTCDs and CUE and exploit spatial spectrum opportunities. Two power allocation problems are proposed where the first targets MTCD power consumption minimization while the second considers MTCD EE maximization subject to MTCD transmit power constraints, MTCD minimum data rate requirements, and CUE interference limits. Simulation results are presented which indicate that the proposed algorithms provide MTCD power allocation with lower power consumption and higher EE than the (Equal Power Allocation) EPA scheme while satisfying the constraints. / Graduate

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