Spelling suggestions: "subject:"macromolecular substances"" "subject:"macromolecular ubstances""
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An oral ghost delivery device for macromoleculesHibbins, Angus Rolland 27 March 2015 (has links)
Recently, there has been an explosion of interest in developing biopharmaceutical
therapeutics for the treatment of life altering conditions. The main issue with the utilization of
biopharmaceutical therapeutics is the mode of administration. The Oral Ghost Drug Delivery
(OGDD) device could potentially enable the administration of these peptide therapeutics via
the oral route and significantly extend the application of these advanced therapeutic
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The Human Rad52 Protein: a Correlation of Protein Function with Oligomeric state: a DissertationLloyd, Janice A. 06 September 2002 (has links)
The regulation of protein function through oligomerization is a common theme in biological systems. In this work, I have focused on the effects of the oligomeric states of the human Rad52 protein on activities related to DNA binding. HsRad52, a member of the RAD52 epistasis group, is thought to play an important and as yet undefined role in homologous recombination. HsRad52 preferentially binds to ssDNA over dsDNA and stimulates HsRad51-mediated strand exchange (Benson et al., 1998). In either the presence or absence of DNA, HsRad52 has been observed to form both 10 nm ring-like structures as well as higher order oligomers consisting of multiple 10 nm rings (Van Dyck et al., 1998; Van Dyck et al., 1999). Earlier protein-protein interaction studies mapped the domain responsible for HsRad52 self-association in the N-terminus (residues 85-159) (Shen et al., 1996). Data presented here identifies a novel self-association domain in the C-terminus of HsRad52 that is responsible for the formation of higher order oligomers.
VanDyck et al. observed DNA ending binding complexes consisting of multiple rings (Van Dyck et al., 1999). They proposed that these higher order oligomers may be functionally relevant. In this work, we demonstrate that DNA binding depends on neither ring shaped oligomers nor higher order oligomers but that activities of HsRad52 that require simultaneous interaction with more than one DNA molecule depend on the formation of higher order oligomers consisting of multiple HsRad52 rings.
Early studies of HsRad52 proposed that the DNA binding domain resides in the highly conserved N-terminus of the protein (Park et al., 1996). A series of studies using truncation mutants of HsRad52 have provided evidence that supports this hypothesis. For example, we demonstrated that a truncation mutant containing only the first 85 residues of the protein is still able to bind DNA (Lloyd, submitted 2002). In this study, we demonstrate that aromatic (Y65, F79 and Y81) and hydrophobic (L43, I52 and I66) residues within the N-terminus contribute to DNA binding by either directly contacting the DNA or by stabilizing the structure of the protein.
In summary, through the work presented in this dissertation, we have determined that the formation of 10 nm rings is mediated by a self-association domain in the N-terminus and that the formation of higher order oligomers consisting of multiple HsRad52 rings is mediated by an additional self-association domain in the C-terminus. We have correlated the oligomeric properties of HsRad52 with its biochemical functions related to DNA binding. Additionally, we have demonstrated that aromatic and hydrophobic residues contribute to DNA binding. Further studies will differentiate between the contribution of these residues to the DNA binding by stabilizing the overall structure of the protein versus making specific DNA contacts. Additional studies will also address how the oligomeric state of HsRad52 contributes to its role in HsRad51-mediated strand exchange.
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Mechanics of Fibroblast Migration: a DissertationMunevar, Steven 09 May 2003 (has links)
Cell migration involves complex mechanical interactions between cells or between cells and the underlying substrate. Using a newly developed technique, "traction force microscopy", I have been able to visualize the dynamic characteristics of mechanical forces exerted by migrating fibroblasts such as magnitude, direction, and shear. For NIH 3T3 fibroblasts, I found that the lamellipodium provides nearly all of the force necessary for cell migration. A high shear zone separates the lamellipodium from the remainder of the cell body, suggesting that they are mechanically distinct entities. The timing of the tractions at the leading edge, as well as the spatial distribution, bears no apparent relationship to concurrent local protrusive activities, yet changes in traction force patterns often precede changes in migration direction. In H-ras transformed cells I found isolated regions of weak, transient traction forces in pseudopods all along the cell that appeared to act against one another. The resulting shear pattern suggested that there were multiple disorganized mechanical domains. These results support a frontal towing model for cell migration where the dynamic traction forces at the leading edge served to actively pull the cell body forward. In H-ras transformed cells, the weak poorly coordinated traction forces coupled with weak cell substrate-adhesions were likely responsible for the abnormal motile behavior of these cells. To probe the mechanical interactions beneath various regions of migrating fibroblasts, a cell substrate inhibitor (GRGDTP peptide) was locally applied while imaging stress distribution on the substrate utilizing traction force microscopy. I found that both spontaneous and GRGDTP induced detachment of the trailing edge resulted in extensive cell shortening with no change in overall traction force magnitude or cell migration. Conversely, leading edge disruption resulted in a dramatic global loss of traction forces pnor to any significant cell shortening. These results suggested that fibroblasts transmit their contractile forces to the substrate through two distinct types of adhesions. Leading edge adhesions were unique in their ability to transmit active propulsive forces whereas trailing end adhesions created passive resistance during cell migration and readily redistributed their loads upon detachment. I have also investigated how fibroblasts regulate traction forces based on mechanical input. My results showed that stretching forces applied through the flexible substrate induced increases in both intracellular calcium concentration and traction forces in fibroblasts. Treatment with gadolinium, a well known stretch-activated ion channel inhibitor, was found to inhibit both traction forces and cell migration without inhibiting cellular spread morphology or protrusive activities. Gadolinium treatment also caused a pronounced decrease in vinculin and phosphotyrosine concentrations from focal adhesions. Local application of gadolinium to the trailing region had no detectable effect on overall traction forces or cell migration, whereas local application to the leading edge caused a global inhibition of traction forces and an inhibition of migration. These observations suggest that stretch activated entry of calcium ions in the frontal region serves to regulate the organization of focal adhesions and the output of mechanical forces. Together my experiments elucidate how fibroblasts exert mechanical forces to propel their movements, and how fibroblasts utilize mechanical input to regulate their movements.
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Motor Property of Mammalian Myosin 10: A DissertationHomma, Kazuaki 31 July 2007 (has links)
Myosin 10 is a vertebrate specific actin-based motor protein that is expressed in a variety of cell types. Cell biological evidences suggest that myosin 10 plays a role in cargo transport and filopodia extension. In order to fully appreciate these physiological processes, it is crucial to understand the motor property of myosin 10. However, little is known about its mechanoenzymatic characteristics. In vitro biochemical characterization of myosin 10 has been hindered by the low expression level of the protein in most tissues. In this study, we succeeded in obtaining sufficient amount of recombinant mammalian myosin 10 using the baculovirus expression system. The movement directionality of the heterologously expressed myosin 10 was determined to be plus end-directed by the in vitro motility assay with polarity-marked actin filament we developed. The result is consistent with the proposed physiological function of myosin 10 as a plus end-directed transporter inside filopodia. The duty ratio of myosin 10 was determined to be 0.6~0.7 by the enzyme kinetic analysis, suggesting that myosin 10 is a processive motor. Unexpectedly, we were unable to confirm the processive movement of dimeric myosin 10 along actin filaments in a single molecule study. The result does not support the proposed function of myosin 10 as a transporter. One possible explanation for this discrepancy is that the apparent nonprocessive nature of myosin 10 is important for generating sufficient force required for the intrafilopodial transport by working in concert with numbers of other myosin 10 molecules while not interfering with each other.
Altogether, the present study provided qualitative and quantitative biochemical evidences for the better understanding of the motor property of myosin 10 and of the biological processes in which it is involved.
Finally, a general molecular mechanism of myosin motors behind the movement directionality and the processivity is discussed based on our results together with the currently available experimental evidences. The validity of the widely accepted ‘leverarm hypothesis’ is reexamined.
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Cannabinoid Receptor 2 and C-X-C Chemokine Receptor 4 Interact to Abrogate CXCL12-Mediated Cellular ResponseCoke, Christopher James 22 May 2017 (has links)
The expression of C-X-C Chemokine Receptor 4 (CXCR4) has been correlated with increased metastatic potential of cancer cells. CXCR4 increases tumor malignancy by encouraging tumors cells to migrate to distal organs expressing its cognate ligand, CXCL12, facilitating metastasis. Thus, targeting the CXCR4/CXCL12 signaling axis provides a good strategy to inhibit the metastatic spread of tumor cells and slow cancer progression. Various studies suggest that cannabis may have anti-proliferative as well as anti-metastatic properties, though a biochemical mechanism describing how this occurs has yet to be discovered. Our lab has confirmed that agonist-bound CXCR4 and agonist-bound Cannabinoid Receptor 2 (CB2) can form heterodimers that play a role in decreasing cancer cell migration. Simultaneous treatment of the breast cancer cell line, MDA-MB-231 and the prostate cancer cell line PC-3, with CXCL12 and AM1241, a synthetic ligand for CB2, desensitizes the intrinsic cellular response to migrate toward areas of high CXCL12 concentration. Furthermore, through co-immunoprecipitation and
proximity ligation assays (PLA), we have determined that there is increased interaction between the two receptors with co-stimulation of respective agonists, providing evidence for the therapeutic notion that treating tumors that endogenously secrete CXCL12 with exogenous ligands for the cannabinoid can induce dimerization. Moreover, when CXCR4 and CB2 were activated simultaneously with various agonists, decreases in migration were observed, confirming that the regulatory activity was receptor-based, not agonist-based. Finally, to determine whether simultaneously–treated, dimerized receptors inhibited activity of respective receptors, calcium mobilization assays to determine G-protein coupled receptor activation were employed. Results showed that transiently activated calcium levels were significantly lower in response to simultaneous treated cells when compared to cells treated with their individual ligands. Phosphorylation of ERK and AKT were abrogated in response to simultaneous stimulation indicating loss in downstream signaling. Therefore, we believe that the interaction of CB2 with CXCR4 may play a role in inhibiting the cells response to CXCL12, leading to a loss in metastatic potential of cells expressing these receptors.
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Uticaj anjonskog i nejonskog tenzida na fizičko-hemijske osobine vodenih rastvora makromolekula / The influence of anionic and nonionic surfactant on the physico-chemical properties of aqueous polymer solutionsMilanović Maja 29 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Razvoj savremenih sistema za ciljanu aplikaciju farmakološki aktivne supstance zasniva se na postojanju interakcija između funkcionalnih grupa makromolekula i površinski aktivne materije što omogućava kontrolisano oslobađanje, smanjenu toksičnost i bolji režim doziranja leka. Prisustvo tenzida, kako se jos površinski aktivne materije nazivaju, u niskim koncentracijima može značajno da izmeni konformaciju makromolekula i viskozitet sistema, i samim tim proširi mogućnosti primene modifikovanjem svojstava. Stoga je poznavanje fizičko-hemijskih osobina vodenih rastvora makromolekul-površinski aktivna materija neophodno radi dobijanja adekvatnog finalnog proizvoda unapređenih osobina uz primenu optimalnih koncentracija pomoćnih supstanci. U radu su prikazani rezultati ispitivanja uticaja natrijum lauril sulfata, predstavnika anjonskih tenzida, odnosno polioksietilen (20) sorbitan monooleata, kao široko korišćenog nejonskog tenzida na fizičko-hemijske osobine vodenih rastvora makromolekula karbomera 940 i ksantan gume. U cilju potpunog razumevanja ovih sistema, čiste komponente su prvo analizirane infracrvenom spektroskopijom primenom Fourierove tranformacije. Ponašanje karbomera 940 odnosno ksantan gume u prisustvu tenzida, ispitano je kombinacijom različitih tehnika (viskozimetrije, konduktometrije, tenziometrije, spektroskopije, spektrofluorimetrije, skenirajuće elektronske mikroskopije) koje pružaju uporedive rezultate. Određene vrednosti interakcionih parametara, potvrdjuju hipotezu o postojanju međudejstva između karbomera 940/ksantan gume i ispitivanih tenzida i ukazuju da povećanje koncentracije makromolekula u rastvoru uslovljava širenje opsega interakcije. Tenzidom indukovane promene konformacije ksantan gume odnosno karbomera 940 potvrđene su i na mikroskopskom nivou. Takođe, rezultati uticaja ispitivanih tenzida na osobine vodenih rastvora smeša karbomera 940 i ksantan gume dobijeni su istim tehnikama. Međudejstvom dva različita polimera bez dodatne sinteze na jeftin i brz način mogu se postići željene karakteristike sistema. Na osnovu eksperimentalnih rezultata definisani su matematički modeli primenom metodologije odzivnih površina i višestruke linearne regresije, čija je validnost statistički potvrđena te se mogu primeniti u optimizaciji i predviđanju fizičko-hemijskih osobina vodenih rastvora analiziranih binarnih sistema.</p> / <p>The possible interactions between polymers and surfactants are of great interest in the development of drug delivery systems, where they improve therapeutic efficiency by the controlled release and reduced toxicity. The addition of even a small amount of surfactant could change the physico-chemical properties of polymer dispersions in terms of viscosity and stability of the system and, consequently, enlarge possibilities for their application. Therefore, understanding the physico-chemical properties of polymer-surfactant aqueous solutions are necessary in order to optimize the formulation of these compounds and consequently to get product with acceptable properties and desired effect. In this thesis the physico-chemical changes of carbomer 940 and xanthan gum influenced by different surfactants were investigated. Widely used anionic surfactant sodium dodecyl sulfate, and nonionic polyoxyethylene (20) sorbitan monooleate were used. In order to completely understand the mechanism of interaction the pure polymers and surfactants were tested by Fourier transform infrared spectrometer. The behaviour of carbomer 940 as well as xanthan gum in the presence of examined surfactants were analysed by the combination of different techniques such as viscometry, conductometry, tensiometry, spectrophotometry, fluorimetry and scanning electron microscopy. The obtained results confirmed the existence of interactions between carbomer 940 / xanthan gum and tested surfactants. Furthermore, the interaction parameters were determined and the polymer saturation points for both surfactants increased with the increase in carbomer 940 and xanthan gum content, respectively. Additionally, the surfactant induced microstructural changes of carbomer 940 as well as xanthan gum were confirmed. Moreover, the physico-chemical properties of the mixture of carbomer 940 and xanthan gum influenced by the addition of anionic and nonionic surfactant were examined by the same techniques. Without additional synthesis the desired characteristics of the system could be achieved by optimizing the interaction between two different polymers. The obtained results were analysed by response surface methodology and multiple linear regression analysis. The defined mathematical models could be used to optimize and predict physico-chemical properties of aqueous solutions of the tested binary systems.</p>
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Association of Pericentrin with the γ Tubulin Ring Complex: a DissertationZimmerman, Wendy Cherie 03 June 2004 (has links)
Pericentrin is a molecular scaffold protein. It anchors protein kinases, (PKB, (Purohit, personal communication), PKC, (Chen et al., 2004), PKA Diviani et al., 2000), the γ tubulin ring complex, (γ TuRC) (Zimmerman et al., 2004), and possibly dynein (Purohit et al., 1999) to the spindle pole. The γ TuRC is a ~ 2 MDa complex which binds the minus ends of microtubules and nucleates microtubules in vitro, (Zheng et al., 1995). Prior to this work, nothing was known about the association of the γTuRC with pericentrin. Herein I report the biochemical identification of a large protein complex in Xenopus extracts containing pericentrin, the γ TuRC, and other as yet unidentified proteins. Immunodepletion of γ tubulin results in co-depletion of pericentrin, indicating that virtually all the pericentrin in a Xenopus extract is associated with γ tubulin. However, pericentrin is not a member of the, γ TuRC, since isolated γ TuRCs do not contain pericentrin. The association of pericentrin with the γ TuRC is readily disrupted, resulting in two separable complexes, a small pericentrin containing complex of approximately 740 KDa and the the γ TuRC, 1.9 MDa in Xenopus. Co overexpression/ coimmunoprecipitation and yeast two hybrid studies demonstrate that pericentrin binds the γTuRC through interactions with both GCP2 and GCP3. When added to Xenopus mitotic extracts, the GCP2/3 binding domain uncoupled γ TuRCs from centrosomes, inhibited microtubule aster assembly and induced rapid disassembly of pre-assembled asters. All phenotypes were significantly reduced in a pericentrin mutant with diminished GCP2/3 binding, and were specific for mitotic centro somal asters as I observed little effect on interphase asters or on asters assembled by the Ran-mediated centrosome-independent pathway. Overexpression of the GCP2/3 binding domain of pericentrin in somatic cells perturbed mitotic astral microtubules and spindle bipolarity. Likewise pericentrin silencing by small interfering RNAs in somatic cells disrupted γ tubulin localization and spindle organization in mitosis but had no effect on γ tubulin localization or microtubule organization in interphase cells. Pericentrin silencing or overexpression induced G2/antephase arrest followed by apoptosis in many but not all cell types. I conclude that pericentrin anchoring of γ tubulin complexes at centrosomes in mitotic cells is required for proper spindle organization and that loss of this anchoring mechanism elicits a checkpoint response that prevents mitotic entry and triggers apoptotic cell death. Additionally, I provide functional and in vitro evidence to suggest that the larger pericentrin isoform (pericentrin B/ Kendrin) is not functionally homologous to pericentrin/pericentrin A in regard to it's interaction with the γ TuRC.
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Actin Pedestal Formation on Mammalian Cells by Enteropathogenic <em>Escherichia coli</em>: A DissertationCampellone, Kenneth Geno 22 May 2003 (has links)
Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) and enterohemorrhagic E. coli O157:H7 (EHEC) form characteristic lesions on infected mammalian cells called actin pedestals. Each of these two pathogens injects its own translocated intimin receptor (Tir) molecule into the plasma membranes of host cells. Interaction of translocated Tir with the bacterial outer membrane protein intimin is required to trigger the assembly of actin into focused pedestals beneath bound bacteria. Despite similarities between the Tir molecules and the host components that associate with pedestals, recent work indicates that EPEC and EHEC Tir are not functionally interchangeable. For EPEC, Tir-mediated binding of Nck, a host adaptor protein implicated in actin signaling, is both necessary and sufficient to initiate actin assembly. In contrast, for EHEC, pedestals are formed independently of Nck, and require translocation of bacterial factors in addition to Tir to trigger actin signaling.
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Development and Application of Ultrastructural in Situ Hybridization to Visualize the Spatial Organization of mRNA: a DissertationBassell, Gary J. 01 September 1992 (has links)
It has been well documented that mRNA is associated with the cytoskeleton, and that this relationship is involved in translation and mRNA sorting. The molecular components involved in the attachment of mRNA to the cytoskeleton are only poorly understood. The objective of this thesis was to directly visualize the interaction of mRNA with the cytoskeleton, with sufficient resolution to identify the filament systems and structures involved. This work required the development of novel in situ hybridization methods for use with electron microscopy. This allowed resolution to visualize single mRNA molecules and individual filaments.
The development of a silver enhancement methodology for both the light and electron microscopic detection of biotinated oligo-dT probes permitted a synoptic view of the intracellular distribution of poly(A) mRNA. At the light microscope, the distribution of poly(A) mRNA did not resemble the individual distribution patterns of microfilaments, intermediate filaments or microtubules. Ultrastructural examination revealed that poly(A) mRNA was not uniformly distributed along cytoskeletal filaments, but clustered at their intersections. The composition of these mRNA containing structures was investigated by both morphologic and in situ hybridization analysis using antibodies to cytoskeletal proteins. In thin sections, polysomes were observed attached to both microfilaments and intermediate filaments. To permit the simultaneous detection of oligo-dT hybridization and specific cytoskeletal proteins, a double labelling method using colloidal gold conjugated antibodies was developed. The majority of poly(A) mRNA was associated with the actin cytoskeleton, with 72% of the hybridization localized within 5nm of a labelled microfilament. Within the actin cytoskeleton, poly(A) mRNA was localized to intersections of orthogonal networks. Greater than 50% of poly(A) colocalized with the actin crosslinking proteins, filamin and α-actinin, but not vinculin.
A significant amount of poly(A) mRNA was found to be associated with intermediate filaments. The double label gold analysis demonstrated that 33% of the hybridization signal localized within 5nm of labelled vimentin filaments. Prior disorganization of the actin cytoskeleton using cytochalasin did not disrupt the association of mRNA with vimentin. These observations are consistent with our morphologic results of polysome-intermediate filament associations, and indicate that microfilaments are not the only filament system to which mRNA is bound. Furthermore, a small amount of hybridization signal (12%) consistently was observed along microtubules, providing an additional cytoskeletal network to distribute mRNA.
To further characterize the spatial organization of mRNA within the cytoskeleton, ultrastructural methods were developed to directly visualize individual mRNA molecules. First, oligonucleotide probes chemically modified with a single hapten and directly conjugated primary reagents were used to permit detection of an individual hybridized probe molecule by a single gold particle. Second, biotin and digoxigenin labelled oligonucleotide probes were used to simultaneously visualize the intermolecular and intramolecular relationships of two nucleic acid sequences. Third, reverse transcriptase was used to extend hybridized primers in situ which permitted visualization of the poly(A) sequence concomittant with the conformation of an mRNA molecule. These methods have permitted analysis of how single mRNA molecules may be positioned with respect to each other within the cytoskeleton.
The ultrastructural visualization of mRNA within its structural environment has demonstrated heterogeneous interactions with the cytoskeleton. Future work will be needed to further characterize the mechanism of mRNA attachment. The proteins which bridge nucleic acid sequences to specific intersections can be identified. It will be interesting to learn how the identified mRNA-cytoskeletal interactions might be involved in the regulation of both mRNA translation and intracellular location. Lastly, and perhaps the most challenging goal, is to investigate whether the identified mRNA-cytoskeletal interactions are used by the cell to influence its own shape, polarity and architecture.
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Rethinking Mechanisms of Actin Pedestal Formation by Enteropathogenic Escherichia Coli in the Context of Multiple Signaling Cascades: a DissertationSavage, Pamela Joyce 20 February 2007 (has links)
Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) is one of many bacterial and viral pathogens that can exploit the eukaryotic actin cytoskeleton for its own purposes. EPEC injects its own receptor, Tir, into the host cell plasma membrane where, upon binding the bacterial adhesin, intimin, can trigger actin assembly beneath bound bacteria resulting in characteristic actin "pedestals". The formation of these lesions is thought to be critical for bacterial colonization; and can also provide insight into actin dynamics of mammalian cells. EPEC Tir stimulates multiple signaling pathways converging on a central actin nucleation promoting factor, N-WASP. The best-characterized pathway of actin pedestal formation also involves the eukaroytic adaptor protein, Nck, but at least two Nck-independent signaling cascades have also been identified. Multiple aspects of Tir-mediated signaling cascades remain unclear. For example, although Nck can directly bind and activate N-WASP, current models of Tir-mediated, Nck-dependent actin signaling postulate an indirect interaction between Nck and N-WASP mediated by one or more unidentified host factors. Additionally, the relationship of this pathway to the Nck-independent pathways is unknown. To better understand Tir-mediated actin assembly, a detailed and quantitative analysis of the domain requirements of Nck and N-WASP for pedestal formation was conducted. The results indicate that, contrary to previously favored models, Nck is unlikely to require additional host factors to bind N-WASP during pedestal formation, but apparently directly stimulates this nucleation promoting factor. In addition, the results show that the Nck-dependent and -independent pathways target distinct regulatory domains of N-WASP.
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