Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cagnetic field"" "subject:"cmagnetic field""
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Development of magnetic field-based multisensor system for multi-DOF actuatorsFoong, Shaohui 27 August 2010 (has links)
Growing needs for precise manipulation in medical surgery, manufacturing automation and structural health monitoring have motivated development of high accuracy, bandwidth and cost-effective sensing systems. Among these is a class of multi-axis electromagnetic devices where embedded magnetic fields can be capitalized for compact position estimation eliminating unwanted friction, stiction and inertia arising from dedicated and separate sensing mechanisms. Using fields for position measurements, however, is a challenging 'inverse problem' since they are often modeled in the 'forward' sense and their inverse solutions are often highly non-linear and non-unique. A general method to design a multisensor system that capitalizes on the existing magnetic field in permanent magnet (PM) actuators is presented. This method takes advantage of the structural field symmetry and meticulous placement of sensors to discretize the motion range of a PM-based device into smaller magnetic field segments, thereby reducing the required characterization domain. Within these localized segments, unique field-position correspondence is induced using field measurements from a network of multiple-axis sensors. A direct mapping approach utilizing trained artificial neural networks to attain multi-DOF positional information from distributed field measurements is employed as an alternative to existing computationally intensive model based methods which are unsuitable for real-time control implementation. Validation and evaluation of this technique are performed through field simulations and experimental investigation on an electromagnetic spherical actuator. An inclinometer was used as a performance comparison and experimental results have corroborated the superior tracking ability of the field-based sensing system. While the immediate application is field-based orientation determination of an electromagnetic actuator, it is expected that the design method can be extended to develop other sensing systems that harnesses other scalar, vector and tensor fields.
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Investigation on the Mechanism of Electrocodeposition and the Structure-Properties Correlation of Nickel Nanocomposites / Untersuchungen zur elektrochemischen Herstellung und zu den Struktur-Eigenschafts-Beziehungen von Nickel DispersionsschichtenThiemig, Denny 09 February 2009 (has links) (PDF)
There is an increasing interest in nanostructured and nanocomposite surface finishings for automotive and aerospace applications. The widespread applicability of these novel materials is based on their unique mechanical, physical, and chemical properties. An advantageous production method is the electrocodeposition (ECD) process from metal plating baths containing dispersed nanoparticles. By using this technique, a broad range of substrate sizes and shapes can be coated cost-effectively. However, the prediction of the amount as well the distribution of nanoparticles within the metal film fails frequently. There is no complete understanding of the particle incorporation mechanism. The goal of this research was to improve the fundamental understanding of the ECD mechanism. In order to identify the forces affecting the codeposition behavior of nanoparticles in a metal matrix, the effects of a variety of interrelated process parameters on the composite film formation have been investigated systematically. Nanocomposites containing metal and metal oxide nanoparticles in a nickel matrix have been prepared by means of ECD from two different types of nickel plating baths, an acidic sulfamate (pH 4.3) and an alkaline pyrophosphate bath (pH 9.5). The effect of deposition conditions on the ECD process was investigated utilizing two electrode configurations, viz. a parallel plate electrode (PPE) and impinging jet electrode (IJE) and different deposition techniques, viz. direct current (DC) deposition, both pulse plating (PP) and pulse-reverse plating (PRP). The surface charge and sedimentation behavior of the nanoparticles in these electrolytes were characterized by zeta potential and stability measurements. The surface charge, hydrodynamic diameter and colloidal stability of the nanoparticles in the nickel electrolytes were mainly affected by the composition and pH of the bath. The particles tend to form agglomerates in both nickel baths. Smaller agglomerates and an improved colloidal stability occurred in the case of the alkaline bath. Composites with a maximum particle content of either ~3.6 vol-% of 13 nm Al2O3 or ~10.4 vol-% of 21 nm TiO2 were obtained using a parallel plate electrode and DC deposition conditions. Both jet plating as well as pulse plating resulted in a distinct increase of the particle codeposition. A maximum incorporation of ~12 vol-% of 50 nm Al2O3 particles in a nickel matrix was achieved using an unsubmerged IJE system, while PP and PRP resulted in composites with particle contents up to 11 vol-% of 13 nm Al2O3. The particle incorporation increased with the particle content of the electrolyte for all deposition conditions studied. A beneficial effect on the amount of codeposited particles was found with decreasing average current density. The Al2O3 and TiO2 particles were found to be negatively charged in the alkaline pyrophosphate bath, and positively charged in the acidic sulfamate bath. It could be shown that negatively charged particles codeposited preferentially within the nickel matrix. The effect of PP and PRP conditions, e.g. pulse frequency, duty cycle and value of the peak current density, on the ECD of Ni-Al2O3 composites was studied using rectangular current pulses in the order of milliseconds. In general, low duty cycles and high pulse frequencies resulted in an enhanced particle codeposition. Using the unsubmerged IJE system, the effects of jet flow rate, particle loading and current density on the particle incorporation were studied. Referring to the experimental results from the ECD of 50 nm alumina with nickel using an IJE system, a kinetic model was developed. Therefore, the particle flux to the electrode was derived from an analysis of the total force acting on the particle in front of the electrode. The model took into account the convective diffusion of particles to the electrode surface, and the effect of gravitational and buoyancy forces on the particle flux. The gravitational force was found to be important for the ECD of 300 nm particles, but not for 50 nm particles. The effect of an external magnetic field on the ECD of Co or Fe3O4 nanoparticles in a nickel matrix has been studied for different current densities, particle contents of the electrolyte and magnetic flux density. The particle incorporation showed a distinct dependency on the orientation of an externally applied magnetic field. While the particle incorporation increased in a perpendicular field (perpendicular with regard to the electrode surface), it decreased in a parallel orientation. The influence of the magnetic field on the ECD of magnetic nanoparticles with nickel was explained by the interplay of Lorentz force and magnetophoretic force. The structure and the properties of the nickel matrix were significantly altered due to the codeposition of nanoparticles. The pure nickel deposits from the sulfamate bath exhibited a strong <100> texture, and those from the pyrophosphate bath a strong <110> preferred orientation. With increasing plating current density and particle incorporation, a variation in the crystallite size and a loss of texture was observed. High resolution TEM imaging proved a complete embedding of nanoparticles by the nickel matrix without any voids. In the case of both nickel baths, the Vickers microhardness showed a tendency to increase with the amount of particle incorporation. The enhanced hardness of the composite films was associated with modifications in the microstructure of the nickel matrix as well as with the nanoparticle incorporation. The wear resistance as examined by linear abrasion test increased with decreasing current density and due to the particle incorporation. Furthermore, the incorporation of magnetic nanoparticles resulted in a distinct increase of the magnetic hardness of the nickel matrix.
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Understanding the Interaction Between Blood Flow and an Applied Magnetic FieldSinatra, Francy L. 27 October 2010 (has links)
Hemodynamic monitoring is extremely important in the accurate measurement of vital parameters. Current methods are highly invasive or noncontinuous, and require direct access to the patient’s skin. This study intends to explore the modulated magnetic signature of blood method (MMSB) to attain blood flow information. This method uses an applied magnetic field to magnetize the iron in the red blood cells and measures the disturbance to the field with a magnetic sensor [1]. Exploration will be done by experimentally studying in-vitro, as well as simulating in COMSOL the alteration of magnetic fields induced by the flow of a magnetic solution. It was found that the variation in magnetic field is due to a high magnetization of blood during slow flow and low magnetization during rapid flow. The understanding of this phenomenon can be used in order to create a portable, non-invasive, continuous, and accurate sensor to monitor the cardiovascular system.
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Thermal phenomena and power balance in a helicon plasmaBerisford, Daniel Floyd 06 August 2012 (has links)
This work is motivated by the Variable Specific Impulse Magnetoplasma Rocket (VASIMR) experiment. This device uses a helicon antenna to generate a plasma inside a dielectric tube, which is radially confined and directed towards the rocket nozzle by an axial magnetic field. An ion cyclotron heating antenna further heats the ions, and a magnetic nozzle accelerates the plasma along the confining magnetic field as it leaves the rocket, ultimately allowing it to detach from the magnetic field and produce thrust. The experimental research presented here provides insight into the physical mechanisms of power flow in a helicon system by providing an overall system power balance in the form of heat flux measurements, and exploring changes in the heat fluxes in different parts of the system in response to varying operational parameters. An infrared (IR) camera measures the total heat flux into the dielectric tube surface, and axially scanned bolometer and UV photodiode probes measure the radial power loss from particles and radiation. Results from IR camera measurements on three different helicon systems are presented: the VASIMR VX-50 experiment, the VASIMR VX-CR experiment, and the University of Texas at Austin (UT) helicon experiment. These results demonstrate the development of the IR camera diagnostic for use on helicon systems of varying scale and geometry, and show reasonable agreement as to the fraction of input power lost to the dielectric tube walls. On the UT experiment, the results presented account for essentially all of the input power, providing a full system power balance. The data from all three experiments indicate that radial transport of ions to the interior wall is the dominant mechanism of power loss, with UV radiation contributing a small percentage. Additional experiments on the UT helicon explore energy and particle transport to the wall due to capacitive coupling of ions near the antenna. These experiments show clear damage to the dielectric tube surface directly under the antenna, due to physical plasma etching of the surface by bombarding ions that are accelerated into the wall by local electric fields from the antenna. / text
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Wireless power transfer in the classroomO'Dell, David Harrison 10 December 2013 (has links)
Traditional methods of teaching magnetic induction with lab investigations using a battery, wire and compass are best reserved for demonstration purposes to introduce this particular topic. The modern student who sits in a physics course also lives in a world filled with an increasing number of small portable devices that will eventually be charged wirelessly using some form of magnetic induction. The topic of magnetic induction needs to be placed in the modern context it deserves since the future of transmitting power will eventually be through wireless means. The wireless power transfer kit described in this report is designed to improve student understanding and the application of magnetic induction in an engaging, relevant manner. / text
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Measuring vortical flows in the solar interiorLangfellner, Jan 27 July 2015 (has links)
Diese Dissertation befasst sich mit Beobachtungen von konvektiven Strömungen in der Sonne, und insbesondere mit den Auswirkungen der Rotation auf diese Strömungen auf der Längenskala von Supergranulation und größeren Skalen (>30 Mm). Die Rotation der Sonne verursacht durch die Corioliskraft Wirbelströmungen und bewirkt anisotrope Korrelationen der Geschwindigkeitskomponenten. Man nimmt an, dass diese Korrelationen die Dynamik der Sonne auf großen Längenskalen beeinflussen.
Um horizontale Strömungen zu messen, untersuchen wir photosphärische Aufnahmen der Doppler-Geschwindigkeit und der Kontinuumsintensität des ``Helioseismic and Magnetic Imagers'' (HMI) an Bord der Raumsonde ``Solar Dynamics Observatory'' (SDO) mit Hilfe der Methoden Time-Distance-Helioseismologie (TD) und Local Correlation Tracking (LCT) von Granulen. Im Rahmen der Time-Distance-Helioseismologie kann die lokale vertikale Vortizität gemessen werden, indem die Differenz von Wellenlaufzeiten entlang eines geschlossenen Weges ermittelt wird (Laufzeiten gegen den Uhrzeigersinn minus Laufzeiten im Uhrzeigersinn). Die Ergebnisse von TD und LCT stimmen bis zu den höchsten studierten Breitengraden (+/-60°) hervorragend überein, nachdem eine Korrektur für so genannte Center-to-Limb-Effekte angewandt wurde.
Nach dem Mitteln in Ost-West-Richtung messen wir abseits des Äquators eine schwache, aber signifikante Korrelation zwischen der horizontalen Komponente der Divergenz und der vertikalen Komponente der Vortizität von supergranularen Strömungen. Ein Vergleich der Messungen mit einem Modell für das Rauschen offenbart, dass die TD-Methode verwendet werden kann, um die vertikale Vortizität von Strömungen auf Längenskalen größer als 15 Mm zu messen. Damit können mit dieser Methode nicht nur Strömungen in Supergranulen, sondern auch in Riesenzellen gemessen werden. Wir stellen außerdem fest, dass das Signal in Messungen der vertikalen Vortizität mit Hilfe von Aufnahmen von SDO/HMI sehr viel leichter detektiert werden kann als mit Hilfe von früheren Aufnahmen.
Um den Einfluss der Sonnenrotation auf die Supergranulation im Detail zu studieren, kartieren wir die vertikale Vortizität der Strömungen in der durchschnittlichen Supergranule. Die durchschnittliche Supergranule wird konstruiert, indem Tausende von einzelnen Supergranulen in einem bestimmten Breitengradbereich durch räumliche Verschiebungen zur Deckung gebracht werden. Damit lösen wir zum ersten Mal die vertikale Vortizität in Aus- und Einströmungen räumlich auf. In nördlichen Breiten sind Ausströmungen im Mittel mit einer Zirkulation im Uhrzeigersinn verbunden. Das Signal verschwindet am Äquator und hat in südlichen Breiten das umgekehrte Vorzeichen. Aus- und Einströmungen besitzen eine vertikale Vortizität mit entgegengesetzten Vorzeichen, wie es von Vorhersagen erwartet wird, die sich auf die Corioliskraft stützen. Es wird offenbar, dass der Vortizitätspeak in der durchschnittlichen supergranularen Ausströmung vergleichsweise ausgedehnt und schwach ist (Halbwertsbreite von 13 Mm und Spitzenwert von 4 x 10^{-6}/s im Uhrzeigersinn bei 40° nördlicher Breite), verglichen mit der durchschnittlichen Einströmung (Halbwertsbreite von 8 Mm und Spitzenwert von 8 x 10^{-6}/s gegen den Uhrzeigersinn).
Darüberhinaus untersuchen wir mit SDO/HMI-Daten das Magnetfeld in den Einströmungen um die durchschnittliche Supergranule am Äquator herum. Die mittlere Stärke des Magnetfelds stellt sich als richtungsabhängig heraus: In westlicher Richtung (prograd) ist das Netzwerkfeld ungefähr 10% stärker als in östlicher Richtung. Dieses überraschende Ergebnis fügt dem Rätsel um die Supergranulation einen weiteren Aspekt hinzu. Ob ein Zusammenhang mit anderen bekannten Eigenschaften der Supergranulation besteht (beispielsweise zur Superrotation des supergranularen Strömungsmusters oder zu wellenartigen Eigenschaften), ist nicht geklärt.
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Μελέτη κίνησης βιομαγνητικών ρευστών υπό την επίδραση μαγνητικού πεδίουΤζιρτζιλάκης, Ευστράτιος 24 June 2007 (has links)
Στην παρούσα διατριβή μελετάται η ροή βιομαγνητικών ρευστών υπό την επίδραση μαγνητικού πεδίου. Ως βιομαγνητικό ορίζεται ένα ρευστό το οποίο υπάρχει σε έναν έμβιο οργανισμό και η ροή του επηρεάζεται πάντοτε από την παρουσία μαγνητικού πεδίου. Χαρακτηριστικό βιομαγνητικό ρευστό θεωρείται το αίμα και αυτό χρησιμοποιείται για να δωθούν τιμές στις παραμέτρους που εμφανίζονται στα προβλήματα που μελετώνται.... / - / The flow of biomagnetic fluids in the presence of an applied magnetic field is studied in the present thesis. As biomagnetic is defined a fluid that exists in a living creature (biofluid) and its flow is affected by the presence of a magnetic field. The most characteristic biofluid is the blood. The Newtonian viscous laminar incompressible blood flow is considered in the present thesis for the estimation of the parameters appearing in the problems under consideration. An introduction is made at the first chapter of the thesis concerning fundamental concepts of the magnetic fluids such as the magnetization and equilibrium flow. Experimental applications in the biomedicine are also given as well as the mathematical model describing the flow of biological fluids under the influence of an applied magnetic field.
In order to investigate the effect of the magnetic field in the next three chapters basic flow problems of biomagnetic fluid (blood) are studied. In the second chapter the flow over a stretching sheet under the influence of an applied magnetic field is studied. The physical problem is described by a coupled system of non linear partial differential equations (pdes) with their appropriate boundary conditions. For the variation of the magnetization with the temperature and/or the magnetic field intensity two cases are considered (I and II). The arising system describing the physical problem is transformed into corresponding coupled systems of non linear ordinary differential equations (ods) after the introduction of proper non dimensional variables. For the numerical solution, finite differences are used for the case I, whereas a spectral method with Chebyshev polynomials is also used for the case II. It is apparent that the application of the magnetic field increases the skin friction and the pressure on the surface, whereas the heat transfer is reducing. A comparison is also made between the two numerical methods used in the case II. The efficiency and the accuracy of the spectral method over against the finite differences method are demonstrated. The superiority of the spectral method is apparent especially when high accuracy solution is desired.
In the third chapter the fundamental problem of the biomagnetic fluid flow taking place in a rectangular duct under the influence of an applied magnetic field is studied. For the numerical solution of the problem, which is described by a coupled and non linear system of PDEs, with their appropriate boundary conditions, the stream function-vorticity formulation is adopted and the solution is obtained developing an efficient numerical technique based on the upwind finite differences joint with a line by line implicit method. Results concerning the velocity and temperature field, skin friction and rate of heat transfer indicate that the presence of magnetic field appreciable influence the flow field.
The three dimensional, fully developed flow of a biomagnetic fluid in an impermeable rectangular duct under the influence of an applied magnetic field is numerically studied in the fourth chapter. The system of the partial differential equations, resulting after the introduction of appropriate non-dimensional variables, is solved applying an efficient numerical technique based on a pressure-linked pseudotransient method on a collocated grid. Results concerning the existence and the uniqueness of the solution are also given. The obtained results, for different values for the parameters entering into the problem under consideration, show that the flow is appreciably influenced by the presence of the magnetic field in the sense of reduction of the axial velocity and the formation of two vortices at the transverse plane.
These first results indicate that the magnetic field significantly influences the blood flow and encourage further study in more complex geometries, oscillatory flow or including the non-Newtonian behaviour of blood in order to demonstrate applications in biomechanics and biomedicine.
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A feasibility study about the use of vector tomography for the reconstruction of the coronal magnetic field / A feasibility study about the use of vector tomography for the reconstruction of the coronal magnetic fieldKramar, Maxim 19 September 2005 (has links)
No description available.
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Plonųjų manganitų sluoksnių tyrimas stipriuose impulsiniuose elektriniuose ir magnetiniuose laukuose / Investigation of thin manganite films at strong pulsed electric and magnetic fieldsCimmperman, Piotras 03 October 2006 (has links)
The main aim of this work was to investigate electrical conductivity of La-Ca(Sr)-MnO thin films at high pulsed electric and magnetic fields and to clear up the possibilities to use these materials for high pulsed magnetic field sensor and fault current limiter applications.
The dissertation consists of the preface, six chapters, summary and main conclusions, references, list of publications and abstract (in Lithuanian).
The main objectives of the work, scientific novelty, goals, validation of results, and statements for defense are presented in the preface.
Chapter 1 presents an introduction and review of previous works on electroresistance (ER) and magnetoresistance (MR) phenomena in manganites.
Chapter 2 presents a description of two deposition techniques which were used for preparation of thin manganite films: metal organic chemical vapour deposition (MOCVD) and pulsed laser deposition (PLD).
Measurement equipment and methods are described in Chapter 3. The resistance dependence on voltage was investigated using electric pulses with duration of 5–30 ns and amplitude up to 1000 V in the temperature range of 4.2–300 K. For magnetoresistance measurements a pulsed magnetic field generator, which generates magnetic field pulses of 0.6–2 ms duration with amplitude up to 50 T was used.
Chapter 4 presents an investigation of surface morphology of prepared films and a characterization of their properties at low electric and magnetic fields. The electric and magnetic properties... [to full text]
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Plonųjų manganitų sluoksnių tyrimas stipriuose impulsiniuose elektriniuose ir magnetiniuose laukuose / Investigation of thin manganite films at strong pulsed electric and magnetic fieldsCimmperman, Piotras 04 October 2006 (has links)
The main aim of this work was to investigate electrical conductivity of La-Ca(Sr)-MnO thin films at high pulsed electric and magnetic fields and to clear up the possibilities to use these materials for high pulsed magnetic field sensor and fault current limiter applications.
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